Protecting lies from the light of day

Our friend Annette linked me to a pdf called Gould Velikovsky, a collection of essays on the continuing Velikovsky affair. I have read now just about everything I can get my hands on regarding this man and his treatment by the scientific community, and have come to regard him as a personal hero. He suffered scorn and ridicule, most notably at the hands of Carl Sagan.

Charles Ginenthal exposes Sagan in his book Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky, and I have come to regard Sagan as a charlatan. I have also come to suspect that men like Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking are/were used to be the public face of science to protect dark and dirty secrets. Each would know, for example, that the moon landings were a hoax, and yet each, reputed to be among the smartest men around, affirm that they really happened. It is a confidence game. The public does not read or think well, and runs to authority figures, “experts” provided at every turn. In the Velikovsky affair, Sagan was uncritically accepted as an authoritative source, and thereby got away with dirty tricks and character assassination.

Gould Velikovsky is also a cyber book over 1,400 pages in length. That is more a vocation than a casual read, but I will be dabbling in it over the coming months. I do that because I am a senior citizen and get up in the morning at ridiculous hours, and have nothing better to do.

Today I want to highlight one passage that hit a nerve, from The Original Velikovsky Affair, An Idea That Just Would Not Go Away, by Irving Wolfe:

“In 1950, at its annual meeting, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, (hereinafter the AAAS), organized a panel discussion on publishing responsibility, chaired by speech specialist Warren Guthrie and including geologist Kirtly Mather of Harvard and several publishers’ representatives. They sought a method to regulate the publication of books so as to make them “acceptable to the scientific fraternity.” Among the proposals were a review board, a set of very firm editorial principals and/or a jury of the author’s peers, to prevent what Velikovsky did, who “bypassed astronomers and geologists and went straight to the general public.” Velikovsky was held up as someone who had become successful with the gullible masses because he had evaded the judgment of his peers, and this must not be allowed to happen any further. (It was a session about censorship). The panel understood, however, that book publishers have to sell books, and “even the most arrant nonsense might occasionally justify publication—even as does a Forever Amber or Anthony Adverse,” (both published by Macmillan). But serious works would have to be written either by accepted science writers or scientists, or by approved ghost writers who would adhere to the Club rules and beliefs, but never by a maverick like Velikovsky, who does not follow the rules. Velikovsky, himself, of course, who was the cause and topic of the meeting, was not invited to hear or respond. It was a trial without the defendant allowed to be present, and the prosecutor was also the judge.” [My emphasis]

As a practicing CPA, I was subject to peer review by my colleagues, something I dreaded and managed to avoid throughout my career. I suppose you could say that in my line of work, peer review is set up to protect the public from unprofessional work. I get that. But I always resented the idea that strangers would come into my office, rifle my files, critique my work and render me powerless if I had not done things their way. I was self-employed for a reason – freedom from bosses. (Why do most people think it perfectly normal that we are all given bosses?)

The passage above is not about protecting the public. It is about protecting scientists; it is about censorship. It is infuriating. Had such a system been in place, the public would never had been exposed to Velikovsky and is ideas – not because he was wrong or unprofessional or a pseudo-scientist, but because he was not a member of the club. They were protecting each other, just as the Catholic Church protected itself by punishing Galileo Galilei, or so the history reads. (Historians were also diminished by Velikovsky’s work.)

Here’s a another passage from Wolfe:

A symposium entitled “Some Unorthodoxies in American Science” was organized by the American Philosophical Society in April of 1952, two years after the publication of WIC and significantly just before Velikovsky’s second book, Ages in Chaos, was to appear. There was to be a paper on Velikovsky by Payne-Gaposchkin, and Velikovsky attended the meeting with his wife and O’Neill. The first speaker was I. Bernard Cohen, (historian of science, Harvard), who referred to “an inertia of the mind, or a resistance to change, or a kind of scientific orthodoxy,” conditions which “prevent scientists from accepting the “logical” consequences of their own discoveries.” He then spoke of Velikovsky in this light, and said (as O’Neill reported) that “The degree of violence with which a new idea is rejected by scientific orthodoxy may prove to be an index of its importance.” [My emphasis.]

That, to me, explains Sagan – his career was on the line, his considerable ego, his reputation, all of which he deemed more important than pursuit of truth. As Ginenthal says in his preface,

“I must admit that doing the research for this book over about an eight-year period has brought to my attention much more than I had imagined regarding Sagan’s critique. It has been a deeply saddening experience to discover again and again the crassness of Sagan’s work on Velikovsky. It has also been a deeply shocking experience to learn the political nature of the way science operates. Even if Velikovsky’s theories are completely wrong, no one deserves to be maligned as he has been. The deceit exposed in the following pages is an outrage to decency.”

More than just Sagan, this is a condemnation of science in general. These days most scientists are on bended knee before the government and NGO’s, seeking funding. With that we can easily see that they lose objectivity, and that money determines outcomes. I have seen bad science in my time in the fields of climatology, virology and nutrition. Neither anthropogenic climate change nor current standards for diet and good health have good science behind them. Two viruses, HIV and Zika, are hoaxes. So-called “science” in these fields it is follow-the-money. Failure to adhere to groupthink leads to ostracism, loss of career and promotion of bunk. Anthropogenic climate change is, in my view, a hoax with hundreds, if not thousands of scientists, knowingly or not, participating.

There is too much money in science, too many scientists, and the result is bad science. In the meantime, the public spokespersons for science, these days in astronomy Neil deGrasse Tyson, are uncritically accepted by the public as go-to sources. The underlying dishonesty is both enlightening and discouraging. It can only be done, in my view, to protect lies of our times from the light of day.

15 thoughts on “Protecting lies from the light of day

  1. Neil deGrasse Tyson is quite annoying and perfect for our cartoon world of science and other false gods. Hard to understand why so many volunteer to be ruled by faith and unwavering belief in fiction.


  2. Even if Velikovsky’s theories are completely wrong, no one deserves to be maligned as he has been.

    I think all of us here at POM can understand being maligned…and marginalized and treated as though mentally ill because our views differ from the other 95-99% of the propagandized population.

    I find myself grieving because certain family members have disconnected from me and pushed me aside because I think differently than they do. I allow them their willful ignorance, but they can’t condone my views and I am relegated to tin-foil hat status.


  3. This is a bit off topic, but I discovered this video and how Mike Wallace and the 60 Minutes magazine TV show tried to destroy an honest journalist and his reporting of the Vince Foster murder (can’t call it suicide)…from youtube channel Jeremiah Films…


    1. Speaking of off-topic, I was reading Wiki on the KKK and ran across the name Stetson Kennedy:

      After World War II, the folklorist and author Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan; he provided internal data to media and law enforcement agencies. He also provided secret code words to the writers of the Superman radio program, resulting in episodes in which Superman took on the KKK. Kennedy stripped away the Klan’s mystique and trivialized its rituals and code words, which may have contributed to the decline in Klan recruiting and membership.[153] In the 1950s, Kennedy wrote a bestselling book about his experiences, which further damaged the Klan.

      I thought with a name like Stetson Kennedy I might hit pay dirt, so I checked him out on Nothing turned beyond mother and father, but get this: His father’s name was George Wallace Kennedy. Wiki claims he is descended from southern royalty going back to the Revolutionary War.

      But that name … George Wallace Kennedy. also turns up dry on Governor George C. Wallace, but Wiki says Governor Wallace was of five generations of Wallaces bearing that name. That they intermarried with the Kennedy clan (?) – is anything a surprise? is turning up dead-ends when Wikipedia knows better.


  4. Understandable perhaps that the public turns to experts, but I do wonder about the low level working scientists. I don’t think they are let in on anything directly. They must be true believers, but how is it managed… Maybe they’re tasked with compartmentalized detail work, while big picture thinking is left to insider scientists? And anyone who gets out of line ideologically would be ostracized and lose their job. Still it seems difficult to manage all those (relative to john q public) brainiacs. If it IS all bogus science, then those low level svi guys must be swayed by groupthink more than they’d care to admit.


  5. Have you read Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions? Fairly concise book, considered a mainstream classic. It shows the mainstream recognizing problems with scientists being invested in their own worldviews. Very interesting, though perhaps just gives them cover of some sort. One of those books that gets grudging respect from the mainstream, if you bring it up, but its critique is always forgotten the next moment and everything goes on as if it never existed.


  6. As it is the time for being thankful, I just wanted to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all the contributors on this site from whom I have learned so much. And since today’s discussion involves Velikovsky, I also want to thank you for turning me on to him. I’m now borderline obsessed with his writings. Enjoyed today’s post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There is no shortage of material for you, so have fun! If you can make it through Ages in Chaos, please report back. I found it difficult to track, so I have to give it another try with pen, paper and timelines at my side.

      And thank you for your kind words. There appear (at least) three types of people … those who read our site once and never return, those who come only to riducule, and those who are turned on and set off on their own journey. You are of the latter. Keep us posted on your findings.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Why do we keep seeing the same things over and over again in art and media?

    Watch and consider this:

    “Everything is a Remix” by Kirby Ferguson:

    The writers and producers for the PTB are lazy.


    1. This link is to a brief video about how Google (and every other device manufacturer) tracks our activity even as the phone is not connected to a cellular or wifi system, even when in airplane mode. How can they do this? We let them. We signed the word barf contracts.


  8. “The press of Italy is free, freer than the press of any other country, so long as it supports the regime.” Benito Mussolini
    When I saw this quote it stood-out on the page and I thought ‘this is exactly what’s happening today’.

    Liked by 1 person

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