2018 Dead Forest Manual for de-hu-mans

Saturn Devouring His Son, Francisco Goya, 1819-1823

U.S. Presidents issue Executive Orders.  The following 2018 EO is a doozy, which, if carried out by affected agencies, will bring more bulldozers and more clearcuts (“active management”) into untrammeled national forests than former Pres. Ronald Reagan could ever have dreamed of.  Just another chapter in man’s never- ending quest to turn forests into deserts. The narrative, of course, sounds nothing like the actions planned.  However evil, we must “work together.”

An excerpt: “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States to protect people, communities, and watersheds, and to promote healthy and resilient forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands by actively managing them through partnerships with States, tribes, communities, non-profit organizations, and the private sector.     

For decades, dense trees and undergrowth have amassed in these lands, fueling catastrophic wildfires. These conditions, along with insect infestation, invasive species, disease, and drought, have weakened our forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands, and have placed communities and homes at risk of damage from catastrophic wildfires.

Active management of vegetation is needed to treat these dangerous conditions on Federal lands but is often delayed due to challenges associated with regulatory analysis and current consultation requirements. In addition, land designations and policies can reduce emergency responder access to Federal land and restrict management practices that can promote wildfire-resistant landscapes. With the same vigor and commitment that characterizes our efforts to fight wildfires, we must actively manage our forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands to improve conditions and reduce wildfire risk.”  – DONALD J. TRUMP, THE WHITE HOUSE, December 21, 2018

The full EO text can be found here:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/eo-promoting-active-management-americas-forests-rangelands-federal-lands-improve-conditions-reduce-wildfire-risk/

I will not go into the details of this planned escalation in the federal government’s war against forests, and national forests in particular.  Suffice it to say, privatization and deregulation – fundamental elements of neo-liberal economic fantasies – are alive and kicking in the Trump Whitehouse.  You can think of it as “austerity” for forests.

Only a psychopathic, fictional mind could be behind the design of such folly.  Now, I’m not singling out Pres. Trump, actor-in-chief.  This science-fiction portrayal of Nature is but one example of how our vast, man-made, legal matrix of artificial reality is designed for maximum extraction and extortion of wealth from the dumbed-down, physically-weakened masses.  Trump is just the successor to a long line of forest rapers and scrapers extending back to the Cedars of Lebanon, which built King Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem.  Solomon reigned from 970 to 931 BCE, according to some historians.  So, let’s just round it off to around 3,000 years ago – a long time to be whacking down forests by one exalted leader or another.

Like all “fearless leaders,” empathy and good sense is not a prerequisite. What’s needed is a perfect actor to carry out orders from upper-level management – orders ALWAYS handed down by the ruling elite.  Exploit and enslave. Repeat. You’d think this would at some point get terminally old for the enslaved masses.

Obviously, we are not acting as Nature intended, in perfect harmony with our God-created surroundings.  Instead, we are determined to be Nature’s #1 enemy.  What is our destiny if it is to not to protect and revere all of existence, which we are a part of?  Man’s world today is a hollow shell, a corporate structure represented as an ever-increasing “Ponzi-scheme” of bets against our health and well being as part of Nature.  Our house of cards is an illusion that can only fail.  Fear not, for the very old (probably tracing back to King Solomon) bloodlines always have their hand on the “reset button.”  The destruction of this version of the dystopian nightmare is certain.  Planned obsolescence IS THE PLAN.

Forests are just a part of the grand, master (mining) plan.  But when forests are gone, so goes the water that sustains life.  No water, no life.  So, as I see it, the “Twin Towers” spectacle was a warning shot across the bow.  It’s ALL coming down, liquidated for one last gasp to save this latest variant of Empire, based on the “green-back” with the words “IN GOD WE TRUST” centered perfectly on each piece of paper we’ve been conditioned to love and worship, instead of the land and water stolen from us by these immoral, corporate imbeciles.  We must make way for the new empire, or not.

One last quote from Clint’s book, Strawman, before we flip the page from 2018 to 2019.

“For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they        that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For TO BE CARNALLY          MINDED IS DEATH; BUT TO BE SPIRITUALLY MINDED IS LIFE AND PEACE. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: FOR IT IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAW OF GOD, NEITHER INDEED CAN. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.”  – Romans 8: 5-8, KJB,  http://www.strawmanstory.info/, p. 1097

 Happy New Year, all you POM readers and commenters.  The Chinese fire drill is over, won’t somebody turn off that hand-held gadget, gather your wits, take the wheel and drive?

Peace and Quiet.

6 thoughts on “2018 Dead Forest Manual for de-hu-mans

  1. It sure appears that the PTB are poised to burn the mansion down (earth) after they are done robbing it & killing all life forms. John Trudell said in his spoken word poem “Crazy Horse’ “Children of God, feed on Children of earth”


  2. Steve, it is well understood by readers on this blog that there are no substantial differences between the two parties other than the outer appearances designed to appeal to differing personality types, Republicans more type A while Democrats appear more nurturing. Behind closed doors the leaders are all alike. But it has been my take over the years that Democrats are far more dangerous to our lives and resources than Republicans since their followers are asleep at the wheel when they are in office, and only a little more alert when out. So it was an interesting strategy when they replaced Conrad Burns with Jon Tester and then renewed the assault on Montana’s roadless lands via his FJRA. But it did not fly, which surprised me, indicating possilbly that real power, the faces we never see, has within it some conservation-minded people who did not allow the timber lobby to have its way. I also suspect that this is why we have wilderness, not due to grassroots movements, but power from above.

    If that sounds like optimism, it is, sorta. Happy New Year to you and C.


  3. If multi-billionaires want a place to vacation/recreate, where there’s a little peace and quiet, there’s not much left in the Lower 48 that’s not polluted, clearcut, roaded and crawling with drones and other noisy (ATV) motorized vehicles. National Parks are packed with commoners. It’s kind of up to them now, isn’t it?


    1. My point in the comment (withheld for what ever reason) above. These billion dollar folk are done using this land. Hence the polluting, mining, deforest, ect are ramping up at a fevered pitch. Long haul? They’d never put this reactors in place at all, if they truly intended on staying on.


      1. Motorhead,

        “Withheld” is usually a mysterious and arbitrary — probably some computer algorithm at WordPress, Inc. — that sends comments into “moderation” for approval/disapproval by site manager(s). Not my specialty, and Mark’s been away for the holidays. As Mark has explained many times, be patient, try to remain calm, you’re not being censored, and nobody is paid here to monitor WordPress’s systemic quirks. Happy New Year.


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