George Floyd Murder is Fairytale Hoax

Turn off your television. Turn off the news media. Do not visit their websites. Do not listen to their broadcasts. The reality they present is not real. Turn it off. It is poison for your mind. Turn it off, now.

For more on this subject, check out my latest piece George Floyd, The Stiff Who Came in From the Cold

91 thoughts on “George Floyd Murder is Fairytale Hoax

  1. How can people not see this? I don’t understand how so many people prefer the ‘’reality’’ of their screens rather than opening their eyes and living in the actual world around them.

    If my Facebook feed is an accurate gauge of public opinion (God help us) then my white friends are completely obsessed with this current racial psy-op program they are running.

    It’s like they are paralyzed to open their eyes and see the oppression and injustice of the medical tyranny that is actually taking place around them to people of all races, nations and backgrounds right now and are totally focused on how to rectify their ‘’white privilege.’’

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    1. The programming is so deep that it’s basically hopeless for most people to ever feasibly break through. This is part of the goal…to make the programming so deeply ingrained. To completely control the information that the population accepts as reality. It is just lies on top of lies on top of lies. The real problem is that even if you break through one layer, you are likely to be captured by the multitude of other layers of mind control.

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      1. If you search the whitepages, George floyd had not address in Minnesota. His last known address was in Houston. Odd if he had been in Minneapolis for 5 years. His last known address is currently for sale and has been owned by a plastic surgeon for at least 7 years. Does it mean anything?? I’m surprised no one does basic research. I haven’t heard these things questioned or looked into at all. Not hard to find this info on the internet.


        1. Why is this not being investigated by FBI etc… and where is the objective reporting from the media. Look at his original autopsy with Fentanyl and Methamphedimine.


    2. Then even as a person begins to awaken, they are then exposed to all kinds of falsities along the way…think Mandela Effect, etc. So the path to breaking free of this programming is long, and rife with traps. Hardly anyone truly breaks away from this. Most do not, and they are wholly taken in by it. Facebook is basically a gathering of the sleeping minds. I often wonder if we are in control of whether we break free or whether fate decides.

      God help us is right.

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      1. “No one in this world, so far as I know – and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me – has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.” (H.L. Mencken)


      2. Yes. Moving from the CNN/MSM-watching side of the equation to the “Alt” side is full of snares and traps and is not really a “breaking free” at all. I realize now that the disinfo system is larger and more clever than I thought and that it has caught me with the other hand.

        The original post advises “turning away” as the real method of escape, and that’s probably our only way out.

        The disinfo program with which we do battle is comprehensive. The information control structure doesn’t just feed the CNN/MSM half of the equation; it also goes to great expense and trouble to feed the “Alt” half, too. It disseminates tainted information with both hands in two directions. The holism of the disinfo program finds its analog in the two-party system in the political sphere. The two-party system’s true overarching goal is to manufacture consent for the system itself, nothing more.

        The crucial insight for creating a divide-and-conquer control structure is basing it on people’s natural personality differences. We’ve all read excellent explications of the Dem/GOP system as a projection of the Permissive Parent/Stern Parent dynamic within a family, that gets applied to politics later in life. Well, so too are there broad, natural personality types where information and understanding are the activity. (Similarly, it turns on how one interacts with authority: trust versus distrust. This is probably grounded in a Competent Parent/Incompetent Parent dynamic also internalized from childhood, IDK) In order to let itself “believe or know” something, one group of people wants to be told by an authority; the other is only comfortable to discover for itself.

        The first group is explicitly spoon fed tainted info by important looking agents of authority on the tube; the second spurns the spoon because it distrusts the proffering hand holding it. So, the control structure feeds that group tainted information differently; it feeds them breadcrumbs. The second, of which I am a sometime member, loves to explore, to roam, to uncover, to prove itself in pursuit of knowledge. So for me and others like me, the control structure creates rabbit holes and leaves clues, so I can be comfortable and satisfied with what “I know” because I dug it up myself or as part of a larger group of like-minded diggers.

        But that sweat-equity invested in the facts I dug up and the narrative I cobbled together is how the control structure hooks me. I’ve invested time and trouble, so naturally I’m sure I’m nearer the truth “than those other sheep that believe Anderson Cooper.”

        But what does that get me? Not much. I still gave the control structure my time and toil. Why did I do that? Because it hooked me by my own personality type.

        That’s why I think the original post offers the closest thing to a way out we’re ever going to find. “Turn away” from the disinformation program, in toto. Whatever your natural personality type, whatever your natural personal preferences for one flavor or the other, simply assume the system’s over-arching goal is your participation, with which it will take for itself whatever you give it. By nonengagement do you prevent it achieving its goal, while keeping for yourself your most valuable assets: time and attention, energy and power.

        We’re in a place now where we must assume the “outrage du jour” is a fraudulent scam and simply turn it off, turn away. Believe only what you see with your own two eyes; and if you don’t live where “the action” is taking place, conclude you’ll never really know what’s happening there — if anything at all. Be at peace with that.

        Funnily enough, once you start believing your eyes along, you’ll come to exactly the conclusion I have come to after life-years of digging:

        Re CV19, umm, no, I don’t know anyone sick with that, and the only thing all my research tells me is that the TV is lying;
        Re JFK, umm, I wasn’t in Dallas that day, so I don’t really know what happened, but, yeah, I’m 100% sure the TV was lying;
        Re 9-11, I wasn’t there, either, but once again it turns out the TV was lying.

        TL;DR: We are in an infowar; neither half has the goods; use the TV as a compass that never points to True North, ever, which is actually quite useful as a contra-indicator; be where you are.

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      3. You are so right, Facebook is hopeless and I am even more hopeless because although I often want to delete my account I always come back to post things and try and wake them up but it is always the same, the ones that are asleep stay asleep no matter how much evidence I post. Then I do it again. I’m mad!


  2. The taking a knee thing parodied. The photo of the deceased they show has a brick wall in the background, the Masons are so deep!


      1. SMJ: it could also be a twist on the NFL players taking a knee which was a project to divide Americans. This time, instead of Colin Kaepernick taking a knee to protest police brutality, it’s reversed with a white policeman taking a knee into the neck of a black man.

        Yes, the whole incident is scripted as hell, with two armed police officers coming in an ambulance to pick up Floyd – no EMT or paramedic in sight.
        Only a few can see such anomalies.

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  3. Most people prefer not to realize the mess we’re in if it would be true that corona doesn’t exists and all those murders, terrorist attacks and school shootings were staged. If you don’t want to see the mess around you you’ll never be able to clean things up.

    I’m very pessimistic about the possible outcome, most people really prefer to keep their eyes shut. “Because,” they say, “how can I possibly continue to do what I must do, my work, take care of my family, etc. if I was to admit that what you say is the reality?”

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  4. Often, I question whether we ought to concern ourselves with recruitment. Every person’s journey towards awakening is completely different and extremely personal. If you try to recruit them, you will fail. Much like the logical fallacy Mark alluded to recently. They are programmed to see us as crazy for not believing these things are real, so you simply cannot recruit them. Their personal journey will either cause them to awaken or it won’t. We can’t control it, and often we actually harden their stance against us by trying to recruit them.

    The reason I am speaking this way about the George Floyd situation is because there is really no smoking gun that it’s fake. There are some peripheral oddities, but nothing conclusive pointing to fakery. Recruitment based on events like these is impossible. I couldn’t make a strong logical argument on the facts, but the fakery is woven into the event like a distinct silk in a tapestry. It could not be a more cookie-cutter fake event. You have to already be awakened to see the seams, or else you won’t see them. Then if you do see them, you automatically dismiss them.

    The best thing we can do is tune out, and live as good of a life as we can live without being influenced by this stuff. This is why I highly recommended to everyone to tune out. What they want is for you to feel strongly about it. This is going to keep ramping up and getting a lot bigger. Now is the time to tune it out. Pay it no mind. This is the only victory we can get.

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    1. Fauxlex, I’ve given up on recruitment… but continue to explore ways of engaging with people in a meaningful way that simply, nonjudgementally and nonargumentatively bypasses or brushes aside whatever propaganda they believe. As Anna and others have noted, the life of the spirit is so far beyond the cheap and flimsy false reality created for us by worldly leaders. I know people who wear masks and believe most or all of what the media tells them is going on in the world, but have knowledge and wisdom in other (far more important) areas of life. Writing off the “sheeple” with contempt is spiritual suicide. We cannot live in isolation from the majority of humanity and to think that we do is a fatal delusion. Ironically, it is the exact same delusion that race baiting and class baiting and party politics and all the other tricks of the propagansists’ trade reinforces. At some point, I’ve come to realize that holding people who aren’t awake in contempt is exactly the same thing “they” do; it is how they justify their crimes. I refuse to share that mentality with them.

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      1. I don’t think “writing off” and “writing off with contempt” are the same thing. Lately, I have really felt that recruitment is actually damaging for most sleeping people. Unless you have a person who is willing to keep an open mind and willing to engage with you voluntarily, it is not something to try. The deepest sleepers are truly lost causes, or at least lost causes as far as we are concerned. Something could someday awaken anyone, but the ones who are so deeply asleep are not ones we can help. We can only get to the ones who would already be coming to us with interest, so that is not exactly recruitment. I guess I am more saying that proselytizing is pointless.

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        1. Yeah, I agree with all of that. “Waking up” was a destabilizing experience for me, even though it happened kind of gradually and organically. If it were possible to force someone awake, it would probably be a cruel and even devastating thing to do.

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      2. Hi Scott,

        I forgot to thank you for mentioning me and treasuring my words, very nice of you.

        We’re not alone here 😊

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        1. Just now seeing this, Anna. I enjoy your comments and envy your relationship with the Shaman you mention in another comment. A lot of what you and Boethius talk about is beyond me, but when lucid and intelligent people talk about other-worldly/other-dimensional/freaky stuff, I pay attention… and have learned a lot.

          (By the way, if you have any tips on lucid dreaming, or can point me to a source for some good information, I’d appreciate it. I’ve tried various things off and on for a couple of years now, and the only time I started to become lucid, I freaked out and woke up. Hasn’t happened since.)


    2. The reason I feel I need to know what is going on is that I may be swept up in it if I don’t know what is coming down the pike, e.g., mandatory vaccines without which I will be told I cannot travel, or even go to the grocery store. I may be quarantined in my house indefinitely. How can I avoid these atrocities if I don’t even know what is being planned by the authorities? Do you have any articles about where one can bug out to avoid all of this insanity?

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    3. FAUXLEX –

      First, let me thank all of you for having this thread. You are not easy to find and sometimes it is easier to stop searching. Search engines are much more controlled to lead everyone to the chosen ‘hits’ of the programmers’ choosing than to true, unbiased information.

      Am I a ‘sleeper’? Most definitely, I am. And after I slept in your comments and paso’s (he nailed it with the rabbit hole analogy, imo. and Anne’s, Anna’s ,etc etc. I noticed I had dreamed on many of your thought-provoking questions.

      I had tried to reply to Anne about ‘bugging out’ because it is a legitimate question, in my eyes. I must have used bad verbage or clicked something wrong and it never showed but thebpoint being, we’re ‘sheep’ or ‘tuna fish’ as the net is slowly encircling us. Even though I have bugged out to the best of my ability, I still keep this smartphone on me for employment. The article says it best… ‘let it go’.

      But what I am sending you now is being processed by computers and being run theough algorithms that give more data to a ‘model’ of our society. If you were to ‘recruit’, whatbwould the end purpose be? To form a grassroots movement to change the system? How would this group communicate successfully without being monitored and flagged as a threat long before any world changes come to fruition?

      As an example, let’s say I keep my phone in a mylar bag, insulated, and kept in a faraday cage or whatever encapsulation that is needed for google or apple to not know my phone’s location ( no airplane mode and location onlyborevents YOU from knowing where you are. I’m sure most if not all of you know this. there is an easy test to prove it but i digress). so, the ‘tracker’ sees some phone out there that appears and disappears from its trackability. It isn’t the battery being pulled ( i used to do this) because the ability to reach the battery is being weeded out. So, one phone does this, it can be written off as an outlier. A large MASS of phones do this? Interconnected? It WILL be brought to the forefront because data is being withheld from the rightful owners or our data ( in their eyes). Now we are ‘above radar’.

      Just saying…. the rabbit hole goes VERY deep and there is another layer after the last, as Paso has so shrewdly conveyed and many of you are, i am certain, already aware.

      But y’all woke me up for a bit. Thank you. It is refreshing to be free of a little OMG and ROFL every once in a while.


    4. I’ve never seen a cop place a ‘dead body’ in an ambulance….with handcuffs on behind their back; nor have i ever seen someone pronounced ‘dead’ without the presence of a EMS Technician….don’t know if it’s concrete proof, but it’s certainly an oddity…..But perhaps Gematria can give one a little more concrete perspective … check out Gematria New Effect on you tube and look at Zachary Hubbards breakdown…Numbers Don’t Lie. Take care friend.


  5. “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day. I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens, who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in the world.

    I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”

    -Thomas Jefferson. (Letter to John Norvell, June 14, 1807)

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  6. Most people suffer from what is called cognitive dissonance. They’re unable to process the truth as it is too hard for them to accept, for the reasons Jan Spreen described.

    Also, they’re afraid to face the fact that their lives made of going to work, earn money, get married and have children, consume and die is not exactly the life human beings are destined to. There’s a spiritual life as well that nobody ever takes into account, whereas to me it’s the most important thing.
    And I’m not talking about going to church or believe in a God once a week just to be part of a community, but something deeper that gives a whole new meaning to life and changes our perspective, giving us the courage to search and live for the truth even when the truth is painful and makes rethink our lives.
    Truth means a whole new paradigm based on different values than buying a big car, earning millions of dollars and worrying about what society thinks about us.

    Something which is very hard to do, especially in a western world where capitalism is seen as the best thing ever created.

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    1. WOW, I agree with you. My guide is “We all have been lied to.” From that I seek ways to find the real truth. And it does take time. Then, I feel alone because those around me don’t know or even care.


  7. My state is no longer under a stay at home order, and now in the 3rd reopening phases, of five.

    Governor congratulating himself and others for a job well done, yet saying there’s still a danger the virus is still out there so wear your mask and social distance.

    Contract tracing inquiries beginning next month. Many will be called or mailed and required to get tested.

    George Floyd event has too many clues that have been listed elsewhere to let one know it’s a hoax.
    At least they can’t do a school shooting hoax.


  8. My family member is an anesthesiologist and therefore an expert on airways. He says there is NO WAY that scenario in the video of pressure at the spine would result in asphyxiation. Maybe a broken neck but you need to cut off the airway at the throat, not from behind at the spine. Also it doesn’t take advanced medical training to tell you that when a person can say loud and clear, “I can’t breathe,” um yeah they can breathe just fine. He would be choking, gasping, eyes bulging, and most importantly struggling. Looks like a big strong guy and he just sort of passes out? That’s not asphyxiation. And what about the bystanders we can’t see? “Check his pulse bro”?? Sounds like a line they were fed, and certainly doesn’t have the hysteria in the voice that would accompany someone seeing someone be killed right in front of them.

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    1. Sorry Sadie, but that’s simply not true. I think it’s good to question official narratives but to pass out false information does not help the cause.


    2. Honestly, I’m not trying to bring you down or embarrass you. But there’s no way your family member can be an anesthesiologist. Everything you just said about strangulation is basically wrong. I understand that maybe you don’t know any better but your family member, who claims to be an expert on airways, should.


      1. When you are “choking” someone, it has nothing to do with the throat. It has to do with putting pressure on the side of the neck. And when this happens, there is no gasping, eye bulging, or struggle. You just become light headed and pass out. If pressure is kept on the side of the neck for too long, it would likely result in death. And until you lose consciousness, you are able to speak just fine.

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    3. No offense, and not saying the ‘murder’ was real but asphyxiation is merely defined as deprived of oxygen. I suspect the event could be fakery. had i not suspected, i would never have found this thread. but in hand to hand training, there is an air choke and a blood choke.

      The air choke prevents oxygen outside from entering the lungs. The blood choke prevents oxygen in the bloodstream from entering the brain.

      If you ever have one applied to you, your body will go instinctively primal knowing death is very close. On this, i agree. you WILL panic-fight and not for long. You can see how fast a fighter will ‘tap out’, if it digs in deep. Unconsciousness comes quickly. you can take a DEEP breath of air prior to the application. It will avail you nothing.

      I have never seen a “one sided” (one artery) blood choke before. Thus, my questioning attitude. But two other people were holding his body still and imobile. It is with like a guitine (which covers both sides) or a behind choke and pushing back of head forward with your forhead, locking your strangling arm so the grip can’t easily be broken, and flexing in, closing right and left arteries (which covers both sides.

      As i said, no offense meant. “But the attack style looks feasible to me, if aided by others immobilizing the body. But i refused to play the video, so, y’all would know better. I just ‘walked away’ and understood depravity is being injected into the public whether a real murder or orchestrated. Take care.


      1. Fair ideas, thank you for sharing. I never considered the one-sided nature of the compression, so very interesting idea there. Personally, I am very curious whether the casket will be open or closed. I cannot fathom how they would fake the corpse…then again they have faked much trickier things than that.


  9. False flag as usual. The goal? More military presence. Paint the whites as the enemy. We are the most heavily armed. And awoke. And always the target in the propaganda machine. They are dragging down the West & USA. Why? That should be obvious by now to some of you.


    1. People are always talking about the smaller goal related to each false event, but really we should be looking at the larger goals, which always remain the same.


      1. You always know too much, Faux. Their goal is not money or power since they (obviously) already have all of it and always have and always will. What don’t they have? The answer to what comes next not for a country or a civilization but the entire human race. The may know the possibilities but they don’t know which will come to pass. Everything is a ritual for them to try to figure it out.


        1. Boethius,

          You know what’s going on and why, right?
          And maybe you know what’s going on on the Moon….
          I was told military are able to go to the moon and are currently working on something, controlled by someone…

          And I feel you know why Elon Musk is so obsessed by Mars.


          1. Hey Anna, consider the lockdown/quarantine ritual. The whole world stays indoors and nobody goes to work unless they provide a necessary service like food, energy, communication. This lasts for several months or more. And you always wear a mask when you go outside. It’s exactly the same ritual as the fake ISS except recreated here on earth. At best it’s a ritual, at worst it’s practice, training or testing to see how well we’ll do.

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            1. Hi Boethius,

              Glad to have you back here.
              …How well we’ll do here on Earth after a possible catastrophe, on the Moon or on Mars? Or else, inside capsules kept underground?

              I know “they” actually want to go to the Moon or somewhere in outer space and save their asses should a natural catastrophe take place here, their “gods” promised them they’d be the “chosen ones”.
              They’re so rich and so stupid.


              1. Anna, nice to back. Never thought I’d meet someone who sees what the Elite are working towards: the mass exodus from earth and not in rocket ships, which don’t work in the vacuum except in movies. Leaving is only one possible future. Another would be people coming here, not aliens, I don’t think, but humans, maybe the same ones who left a long time ago, returning. That’s Thomas Pynchon’s take on 9/11 as stated in “Against the Day” and “Bleeding Edge” Covid-19 and 9/11 are connected, part of the same scheme, ritual, dream.

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                1. I’m fascinated by your line “the ones who left a long time ago”. Please tell me more.


                  1. I have the nagging feeling that the whole ancient aliens/UFO business hides the reality that over time many civilizations have risen and most of them left earth at some point as opposed to having collapsed.


                    1. I was told that the creators of the Moon -not the one we see which is an hologram, the real one behind, smaller and currently invaded my human military and someone else (“their” gods) that controls us here and them- are coming back, on the Moon I mean, not here (I think, but you never know) cos the elites’ times nearly over.

                      The moon is 12.000 years old, was put there by a very advanced race who looks like us and works as a beacon in the sky that goes off as an alarm should an unwanted invasion from outer space take place. They used to live on Mars but there was a collision with Saturn, Venus and the moon being the result of that collision. They managed to survive, left Mars which was destroyed and managed to move the Moon closer to Earth through a very sophisticated technology.

                      They are making sure nobody can interfere with our (poor) evolution and free (ah!) will, planet Earth will do the rest when the time is right.
                      Still have to read Pynchon’s books. I think he has the same sources of info I have,which is very interesting.

                      Boethius it’d be wonderful to have you on board here, what you say is fascinating and always confirms my thoughts and info I get.


                    2. Oh, I forgot something.

                      The “gods” that live on the Moon need our energy to survive and the military to do the work, as their body is not dense like ours. They’re the ones that made ancient civilizations believe they are Gods who need blood rituals and sacrifices to keep benevolent towards mankind. Think Yahweh for instance. Surely one of them.
                      They created all religions to keep mankind in slavery.

                      There’s a reason why Gurdjieff said a long time ago ” we are food for the Moon”. He knew what’s going on up there.

                      Time to evict them and get our lives back.


              2. Anna, everything you say is insane, paranoid, schizophrenic ramblings except that it’s probably true. I know because I was on the ground at 9/11 on 9/11 and I saw the troops invading. I literally saw them on the ground marching. That’s what made me leave my office, not the planes, the troops. When I got downstairs my panic was gone and I didn’t see anything that made me worried. I don’t know if I was hallucinating, being shown the past, present or future another dimension and alternative reality (what Pynchon calls “Deep Archer” in his typical stupid name syntax). I was hoping that some other 9/11 witness might have had the same experience but never found anyone who saw anything at all, not even the people I used to work with. Looks like we’re the ones making sculptures of Devil’s Tower out of mashed potatoes on our plates. But we’re not the only ones.


                1. Boethius,

                  Had anything unusual happened to you prior to that day? I mean do you have “paranormal” abilities of some sorts?
                  Can you recall the uniforms the troops you saw were wearing? Did they look like they were from another age or modern ones?
                  Did they look human, and american?

                  Maybe I’m asking you too much and I apologise for being so insistent, but I’d really love to read a piece written by yourself about that day, as much detailed as possible.

                  We’re not mad, we’ve been lied to about the universe and our life here for too long. Time to find out the truth.


                  1. I was the only person who saw the second plane wasn’t real that day (the first plane was probably a propeller plane, possibly from the WWI or WWII era) so I was the last one left in the building. Everyone else was rushing down the main stairs into the Winter Garden lobby. For me the plane stopped moving, then got smaller, then farther away. So I looked down whereas for the entire time our eyes had been directed upwards, at the towers, to see the fake effect of the fake first airliner crash, which itself was probably a projected image. It wasn’t very convincing. The guy standing next to me commented on how it didn’t look real. Big hole in a building, no people, papers, desks, office furniture, fuselage, wreckage, etc… Anyway, when I looked down I saw the troops marching and immediately decided that I had time to run home and protect my wife. So I took off down the emergency exit which only one other person was using. When I got to the street I had no more feelings of danger or panic. Everything was calm. No hole in the Tower, no planes in the sky, no troops marching. For a long time I thought the images of the troops were to get me to leave, to not see what was really going on at the base of the tower. If I had stayed in my office until the end I probably would have been killed because the tower detonation shot concrete and asbestos directly into my windows smashing everything to bits. So maybe the image of the troops saved my life that day. Maybe it also kept me from seeing what I wasn’t allowed to see. Maybe I saw it anyway because later I had a vision of the instructions to leave earth being given and even today I believe that is one of the things that happened at the base of the towers on 9/11 which is why I don’t think it was about money or power. It was about what’s happening next, whenever next is, tomorrow or 1,000 years from now. When I found out my family has been part of the top since 1111 (for those into numbers, that’s our year), for those who don’t think names can be patented, that’s when we received our letters patent) I knew that 1,000 years is nothing and those at the top can easily hold their position that long no matter what upheaval, war, dictator, plague, famine, etc… civilization endures, it’s all just something for them to do while waiting. Recently I’ve started to consider that the troops coming and our (some or all of us) leaving are two alternative futures and if there is a war, it’s between those two possibilities. Since reading Pynchon I’ve started to consider that those coming are human time travelers especially since the first plane was an old one from the days of vacuum tubes and propellers, not some fancy alien warp-engine anti-gravity wormhole device.


                    1. The quiet of 9/11 is what got me thinking about a message being sent/received. Nobody said a word that day. No sirens, to fire alarms, not evacuation messages, no screaming people (not until the towers fell), no police barking orders. I walked right up to the base and a (fake) cop saw me, looked right at me but didn’t say anything. It was the quietest day in the history of NYC. Even Bush kept his mouth shut when he got the news. Everybody at home watching on TV kept their mouths shut. Pynchon talks about this exact thing in Against the Day. A fake terrorist attack designed to shut the whole world up. And then we got quiet again for the corona-hoax. Maybe another message sent/received.


                    2. Hi Boethius,

                      First of all I want to thank you for telling us what you witnessed that day.
                      See, since I’ve been practicing with my Shaman friend I’ve experienced so many “weird” things for an average human being that nothing shocks me anymore.
                      You experienced something extraordinary in the pure sense of the word: Something out of the ordinary. You had to be there in that very moment and see what you saw and no one else. Why? I dunno. Might be something related to your family heritage, or some spiritual destiny, but whatever that is, it’s really impressive.

                      The vision you had about an order to leave Earth, for what I know could be related to what the élites want to do as soon as a glaciation takes place. They know it’s going to happen within a few years as we are currently in the middle of two ice events: One that takes place every 100.000 years and a smaller one that happens every 11.500 years or so. Volcanic activity has increased by 700% and the climate change thing promoted by Greta Thunberg is pure bullshit. The planet is cooling down, not heating up.

                      In the next few years there are probably going to be great catastrophes around the world and they want to make sure they save their asses; they’re sure their gods, the same ones they’ve been sacrificing innocents to for thousands of years, will land with their space ships to collect them as so they’ve been told. It’s a lie of course, but the false pandemic in which they actually believe I was told, it’s being used against mankind to finish off the job of reducing us all to vaccinated and chipped slaves to make sure we do not wake up and kill them when they leave the planet, so hindering their plans.

                      About the troops you saw, you could have had a vision of the past in a different place but it helped you to leave the building immediately. Had you seen something normal you probably would have died. It wasn’t your destiny to die that day. In the Shamanic world things like that are known as the information field ( or energy wave) that sends you visions or strange events to turn your life upside down and change it for good.

                      I’ve always known the two planes were holograms. I can’t remember though, whether there is a video of the first fake plane hitting one the towers, must watch it again.


                    3. I see your new comment now sorry.
                      So basically the story about hundreds of firemen dead at Ground zero is another bullshit, right?
                      In 2009 I went to New York on holiday, was living in Dublin at the time.
                      Went to visit ground zero and what struck me was the surreal atmosphere surrounding the place. So silent but in the middle of a traffic zone. As you know, in proximity of ground zero there is the steel cross said to be a remain of the explosion, and it appeared to me as a beacon, a sign of something that had to remind someone of a future event. This is what crossed my mind at the time, in from of that cross with some pieces of melted steel that look like rags, wrapped around it.
                      It sent shivers down my spine in its sinister look, and…meaning?

                      Maybe we had that future event with Corona virus.


      2. The pattern seems to favor a system of planned obsolescence, whether it’s consumer products or empires. It’s engineered into the next generation of whatever is planned for the next grand unveiling, because the Crown (overlords), always operating in secret, always seem to know what’s best for us (goyim) and the planet.


  10. Taking a knee – just now they screwed a cross on the rebuilt castle in Berlin, with the Bible verse about bending the knee on it’s bottom.
    Philippians 2:10 (KJV) That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

    Just now, this project is going on for decades.
    The press is depicting the verse as “colonial”, they got a woman with Nigerian roots commenting. Connecting this to the riots is not a stretch.


  11. I would like to point out that the anagrams are numerous and excellent for these two men’s names.

    George Floyd = Goy Ogre Fled
    Derek Chauvin = Archived Nuke (or Archduke Vein)


  12. Seems like one big plan huh, phony virus, wreck economy, lockdowns to get everyone bored and wired with energy, open the prisons and let inmates roam free, manufacture a race war. When your eyes are open it all looks sloppy on their part, but when you dont know any better everything looks and feels as real as can be, I spose.


  13. The title was….

    Why everyone got this wrong the police killing of George Floyd exposed by: Mag ugly truth


  14. You couldn’t make it up.

    Non-existant hypocrite Trump threatens non-existant honest U.S rioters, but backs non-existant Hong Kong honest rioters threatened by non-existant hypocrite mainland China.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the link. I willfully ignored this story until I kept hearing about “new” footage of the same event. Did a quick casual search for the “old” footage to compare it with the “new” and couldn’t find it, so the juxtapositions presented here were helpful. Funny how this complete lack of regard for continuity from one angle to another would be glaringly obvious and annoying in a movie or a TV drama, but on the news, people just go with it. I see these glaring “mistakes” as deliberate tests to see how many people they can fool with the least amount of effort under given circumstances. Does the trauma of COVID agitprop make people more suggestible, less observant, and easier to provoke? Probably. The weavers of our Sentient World Simulation, as the great Stephers calls it, are constantly learning.


  15. Anna- can you tell us your source for the moon theory, that may be the same as Pynchon’s?

    My issue with the moon, lol, is that when visible in daylight hours, the light of the sun on it (in standard model), doesn’t seem to be aligned with light falling here on earth. I understand light and shadow as a student of drawing, and it doesn’t seem to fit the rule that a distant light source would cast basically parallel rays at both the earth and moon, given proximity of moon and earth.


    1. Hi TIMR,

      I’ve been practising with a Shaman for a few years now. He does astral travels and I do lucid dreaming.
      That means that during our “trips” (we don’t use drugs, only drumbeat to get in the right mental state) we encounter entities, either from spiritual realm so without a body, or from other planets, and some have a physical body.
      Some entities are always the same, giving us answers to our questions. They never interfere with our free will so they answer by giving us part of the story and hints we then have to think about and come up with other questions in order to have more complete answers.

      The problem you’re experiencing with the moon reflection is due to the position of the hologram relative to the sun and the Earth, it is not parallel because it comes from a source of light which is itself a reflection of a light coming from a very advanced machinery hidden underground. That’s the way I understood it, but keep in mind that I don’t have a scientific degree, so I might have gotten that wrong.

      The famous “dark side of the moon” has never existed, and this explains the strange orbit the moon had related to Earth and the sun which always seems to hide that side.
      The hologram is a concave light that covers up the real moon.

      You are free to not believe me or think I’m total nutcase, but if you know shamanic practices a bit you know I’m telling the truth.

      Anyway, I think Pynchon is able to do astral travels or he comes from wealth and has the possibility to talk to military involved in secret space projects, or has another way to contact entities that give him all the info he then puts into his books.

      At the end of the day Tesla had his own sources too and he was a genius…


      1. Thanks Anna for your reply. I’m open to other models since it doesn’t “look right” to me under the standard model. Might need a diagram to totally follow how you envision it though.


        1. Dunno if you’re interested, but tonight between 7:44 pm and 11:07 pm european time there’s gonna be an unusual penumbral eclipse of the moon. Something that doesn’t really happens quite so often.
          That might confirm what I was told about the moon we see being the hologram of the real smaller one.

          They said it could be hard to spot it due the penumbral position of the Earth in relation to the moon, will try anyway.


  16. I’m just preaching to the choir here, but if anyone is interested in the specifics of the “how” in these events…First watch this video – from beginning to end (4 min 13 sec), and then watch this George Floyd video. This version is helpful because it shows 2 of the clips in succession. Watch in slow-motion (I use the .25 playback speed in the settings) from 2:10-2:45 mark (knee on neck, to body being moved to stretcher). Notice the face movements and mouth movements. Notice the absence of variation (there are only a few motions and they repeat perfectly), and notice the lack of micro movements in the facial expressions. If anyone just happens to see this comment and wants more detail, I am happy to elaborate…Not sure anyone will even see this?


    1. Also, I forgot to mention to notice how the head drops when moving the body, and the cop knows to grab the head once he sees the issue (although he could have been more Johnny-on-the-spot with that – perhaps intentional, or perhaps he zoned out when they initially simulated this). One could naively say that’s because it’s a broken neck, which is why the broken neck narrative aligns so well with how the “body” presents when being moved. I postulate here that the body that was on the ground – with the knee pressing into the neck – never had life in it from the get-go – it was a simbody (a top-of-the-line simbody, that may have had animatronics embedded for even more “life”). If you notice, these types of simbodies are “bouncy” (unlike a real person) in their movements – most likely due to the silicone composition.


    2. Stephers, have you found the entire, uncut original video supposedly taken by the teenage girl? I can’t find it anywhere. The video Jelvis69 linked to points out continuity problems between different versions, but without seeing the entire version of either one, it’s possible that the skips in time explain these apparent inconsistencies.

      I watched the version you posted at .25 playback (is it just me, or does that speed make the newscaster sound like she’s doing a Bill Cosby parody?). Also watched the full video on the sim bodies. I see what you mean about the floppy movements. Before he supposedly dies, there are movements in his eye and forehead area that look convincing. They also appear robotically repetitive, but I can’t rule out confirmation bias on my part.


      1. SCOTTRC – The uncut original (attributed to Darnella Frazier) video is at Live Leak. Take a look and then post your thoughts…


          1. Stephers, I finally watched all of the released videos in their entirety (or what we’ve been given of their entirety).

            In the Frazier video, the Greek chorus bystanders are almost comically unconvincing. They are going through the motions of modeling the outrage we’re supposed to feel while narrating the scene (and foretelling Floyd’s death) in a bluntly ham-fisted way that would make even the most hack screenwriter blush.

            I really thought your simbody theory made sense, and the fact that we never see–from any angle–the cops put the live actor on the ground supports it. It really looks like he’s talking when he says “I need some water,” though, and some of his other movements convinced me I was looking at a human being. I briefly considered the possibility that Chauvin had a remote control for the Floyd dummy in his pocket, and that’s why he kept his hand in it for so long (I was working hard for you, Steph)… but his hand was out of his pocket for some of Floyd’s most convincing movements, so I’m not convinced.

            Have you seen the claims that this same script has been played out with different actors in other countries, including France and Spain, days after the American “Floyd/Chauvin” version? This appears to be a Q-Anon revelation, so I’m suspicious of it.


          2. Also, the moment Chauvin pulls out the pepper spray is REALLY weird. It’s completely unmotivated and unnatural-looking. Nobody is rushing toward him or posing any threat to him… and he doesn’t say or shout anything, or make any sort of verbal outburst, the way a normal human being would do if they felt threatened enough to yank out pepper spray. The bystanders back away a little bit and then… nothing happens… and nobody says anything about it. Toward the end of the scene, a member of the Greek chorus brings up the pepper spray, but it comes across (to me, anyway) like an actor cleverly ad-libbing a line to cover up and smooth over a mistake. I get the feeling the pepper spray was meant to be part of the script, but someone screwed up and it didn’t go as planned.


  17. This is Darnella Frazier on the night of the George Floyd murder event. She explains that she filmed it, and will post the video in the morning. In my opinion (and after watching the “uncut” version) , this is code for “it’s being doctored, as we speak, and I can show you the modified version tomorrow.”


    1. And, of course, as many have already seen – notice the George Floyd pic with the Corona Light ad beside him. That pic (attributed to the Floyd family themselves) has been shown all over the MSM as well.


    1. SPONDIVE – Thanks for sharing this! Hopefully people will watch this to see one of the main techniques of how the system provokes and incites with their psyops and accompanying agitprop. Social engineering 101, right?


  18. great thread/discussion/comments here. Enjoyed seeing people aware of the deceptive world we live in!!!! have any of u researched the “assassin” cop? I find some concerning images about an actor by the name of Benjamin Ray Bailey (Ben Bailey) from Cash Cab tv show, extremely similar to the “killer cop”. How about the “deceased” Floyd? wasnt he an actor aswell, a porn one?? wouldnt be the first time these policemen arent policemen … Sandy Hook? remember? the guy who played a grieving father of the “shooting” victim playing an FBI agent sametime? David Wheeler??


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