
Hannah Einbender

“One of my favorite episodes of this podcast is the one that you did with Judd Apatow. It felt like something that I as a young comic needed to hear.  I know for a fact that it helped me. I am like … we … climate change it’s here, the world is ending, like what is the fucking why? Why hide? Why not just tell the truth? We are propelling so rapidly towards the Big D, and that is death. So why not just share your experience and your truth?” (Hannah Einbender, speaking on Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend podcast August 22, 2021)

Ms. Einbender is one of the stars of a show called Hacks, seen on HBOMAX. I’ve not yet seen an episode but may do so now. Those who know me understand that I regard Climate Change as a gigantic hoax that runs alongside Covid as part of the efforts of certain ruling elements to limit human freedom and imprison us, both in mind and body in an unrelenting state of fear. Her comment to Conan O’Brien on this podcast made me stop it in its tracks, and get her statement down in writing.

I am not writing this to belittle Einbender, or to set her straight. She is only 26 years old, and will have, God willing, decades of life ahead of her so that she might look back and see her current dystopian attitude as part of a lifelong learning process.

Below are words from 2003, Michael Crichton speaking before the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco:

  I studied anthropology in college, and one of the things I learned was that certain human social structures always reappear. They can’t be eliminated from society. One of those structures is religion. Today it is said we live in a secular society in which many people—the best people, the most enlightened people—do not believe in any religion. But I think that you cannot eliminate religion from the psyche of mankind. If you suppress it in one form, it merely re-emerges in another form. You can not believe in God, but you still have to believe in something that gives meaning to your life, and shapes your sense of the world. Such a belief is religious.

Today, one of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban atheists. Why do I say it’s a religion? Well, just look at the beliefs. If you look carefully, you see that environmentalism is in fact a perfect 21st century remapping of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and myths.

There’s an initial Eden, a paradise, a state of grace and unity with nature, there’s a fall from grace into a state of pollution as a result of eating from the tree of knowledge, and as a result of our actions there is a judgment day coming for us all. We are all energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment. Just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs, imbibe.

Eden, the fall of man, the loss of grace, the coming doomsday—these are deeply held mythic structures.

I am trying to remember now, was there ever a time in my life when I sensed doom, that all of life is futile because of a gigantic calamity that is about to befall us?* No, I cannot recall such a time. What it must be like to be so young – Einbender is immersed in the propaganda of Climate Change, and does not know there are far more than just two sides to the matter, or that government, even the UN Panel on Climate Change, might lie to us. How can she know? All of the information, hard data and dissenting voices are censored out of the debate. Her reaction, to fall into a fugue and give up on having a future, is probably what is intended for her.

Ah, Doomsday, with us throughout history. I was taught in grade school that the world would someday end, that idea packaged in the notion that I would be judged at that time and either win or lose, losing involving burning for eternity. That’s a hell of a thing to do to a kid. But shedding those beliefs turned out to be quite easy. Climate Change, reinforced in every direction Einbender might turn, is not so easy. She’s a victim of cruel and unrelenting propaganda. All I had to do to escape Doomsday was to stop going to church. Einbender’s church, environmentalism, will follow her no matter where she goes.

I wish her the best, a long happy life, and remind myself that at age 26, I was far less accomplished than she at that age. To say the least.

* Wait a minute! See Baja Az’s comment below. I forgot all about the bomb, being in school, having to run civil defense drills (Duck and Cover was before my time). Of course! We were doomed!

14 thoughts on “Hacks

  1. That Crichton comment is spot-on, great job! This young lady has sadly been brought up in the modern equivalent to the 50s “duck and cover.”
    Indeed, the other church (of the mask) is back here in the southern borderlands, despite it not being mandatory anymore for about two months now. The slow drip of rona-prop has got the folks round here from less than 10% suffocated when the mandate was rescinded to back up to around 35%…seems the oldest cohort and the youngest are the most-masked. Saw some dim dad taking off his toddler’s soaked facial diaper as they got in their Subaru; you know they count every mile driven as a step closer to the abyss.
    But, religion is stupid and irrational they say, sans irony.
    Some of the largest school districts down here, no doubt following the psicience, brought back mandatory masks the eve of school starting, relying on the summer recess of the legislature to disregard the voluntary aspect of the new law. Most teachers support the rags, in flagrant violation of all that is logical. How much of what they propagate in their specialties is worth knowing if this is their starting point?
    Am told some “good” kids are yelling at the “evil” non-maskers to “just put it on”, which is a great way to build community. So yeah, a kind of American holy war is brewing.
    The lawmakers are due back late Sept, so we’ll see what happens.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I watched an old episode of ‘Morse’ recently and in one scene a scientist working on a cure for dementia stated that dementia was caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain.
      Masks restrict oxygen intake, future generations are being damaged right now; children of the damned shamdemic.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Amen, Jackie, it is really a case of “what about the children?” as the delusional/misguided suffocate the young, physically, mentally and spiritually. I am still working on an approach to reach these parents, but the words are not there yet. Today a sideways glance, that of a confused dog, was the best I could do.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. please bear with me; i am going to be abit slow getting to my point today:

      Crichton says;
      ” But I think that you cannot eliminate religion from the psyche of mankind. If you suppress it in one form, it merely re-emerges in another form. You can not believe in God, but you still have to believe in something that gives meaning to your life, and shapes your sense of the world. Such a belief is religious.”
      In this statement, he has used the word “religious” and “religion” as if it had the same meaning; this is an important error since the first word is an adjective and is used as one can “religiously” collet stamps while the other is a noun and means a belief or a concept of some sort of God or gods, an originator.

      For this reason notice that when he compares environmentalism with religion, he starts in Eden and there is no God in his account:

      “There’s an initial Eden, a paradise, a state of grace and unity with nature, there’s a fall from grace into a state of pollution as a result of eating from the tree of knowledge, and as a result of our actions there is a judgment day coming for us all. We are all energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment. Just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs, imbibe”.

      It could be argued that he is using the word “nature” instead of God but i do not think so. Even nature religions have a concept of God or gods.

      What is the God of the environmentalists? who by the way, only probably make up 10% of the modern wests population. if even that. Sure a very large percentage give lip service but as he himself says, it is the religion of the “urban atheists”, and i suggest that very few really live out their environmentalism as religiously as he assumes; they live it out and talk about it no more faithfully than the Sunday only churchgoer

      And so what or who is the real God of these environmentalists?: obviously it is
      the State.

      more on this later tonight.

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      1. Environmentalism and its negative ending of doomsday is also a belief that is held by the very same people who believe that science will come in and save the day with a happy ending..

        But be that as it may, one can easily say that all this is “common knowledge” “Now tell us something we do not know” But one of the real problems here is that everything is now “just common knowledge” and once everything is “just common knowledge”, then that knowledge no longer has any bite to it; common knowledge” goes in one ear and out the other and people feel they do not even need to think deeply about it any more. It becomes blase. “Oh the Jews control all media? ho hum, we know that. Oh belief in the state is the new religion. ho hum we have heard that a million times.” But try to draw out the implications of such a thing. Others have shown better than i can how the whole set up parallels religion; the constitution as holy scripture, the holi-days, the experts as priests, the fundamentals of obedience and so on; but just a peak at history, any historical narrative and you will find it astonishing how overarching is the power of the modern state, and then realize we are living in a way that would have been utterly unbearable to people not even 150 years ago; “just common knowledge” i know i know but think of how there are separate government agencies to control absolutely every aspect of your life; how and when you can drive, how and when and to whom you can hire; how much has to be paid; how many hours you are allowed to work; what clothes you must wear at what jobs; when and how to get permission (license) to earn your living, which countries you can and cannot go to; how much you can drink, what drugs you can take, how much sex is legal and with whom and how; where and when and how you can build a house; who is permitted to install your electricity and plumbing, and so on ad nauseum. Sure this is all “common knowledge” but how often do we think about it and realize its monstrosity?
        I dont know about others reading this but i feel deeply restricted everyday of my life by all these laws, laws which if i disobey i will be physically taken away at the point of a gun and put in a cage until i agree to obey; is that not monstrous. Well anyway, this will explain to those who know my attitude about what often goes on here at POM why I always advocate turning away from all non essential things and why i live off grid etc etc: because i feel helpless to change things, and i believe that once a person sees the enormity of the powers over us, your only sane choice is to withdraw and enjoy each day…really as if it was almost your last… when they come to your door resist, and be ready to lay down your life on a dime and the life of your loved ones if need be.

        this little rant is actually always at the tip of my tongue because i have now reduced my life down to nothing in order to not have contact with the Godstate, and it has been good up to now, the best 7 years of my life… but this week it lays heavy on me because i will have to renew my five year visa to stay in japan or apply for permanent residency this coming spring and i have learned that in order to do that i will have to jump through covid hoops which i will not do; beginning to feel like a rat trapped in the corner.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. She’s “accomplished,” you say? Sorry, but I don’t see it. She was born a Hollywood insider (her mother is Laraine Newman of SNL), and she works as a professional liar on a show about show business. Call me cynical (or cranky), but somehow I doubt that her views on global warm…oops…climate change are based on fear or naivete. She has her marching orders just like the rest of them. But it might just be my “conspirapsychosis” talking since I hear there are lots of good and honest people in media just trying to help.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Fair enough. I did not feel like attacking her, her being so young I thought it would be bad form. This is why we like to have you around, CY! I had no idea of who she was, background or anything like that. Lorraine Newman, kind of like a lower rung in SNL annals, not a major star, though being selected for SNL does suggest inside connections, of course.


    2. And not to mention she is a member of the Tribe of Tricksters.
      Not really surprising in Hollyjew, but their view of us; as nothing more than monkeys or rats (which other “religion” has a separate word for those not born in families claiming a “Holy Land Just For Us” ?), is a pervasive poison in this world.


      1. I might suggest that at age 26 she does not know much. She could well be bought into the narratove, though I must say now that I think about it, her interjection of Climate Change was inappropriate and out of place, and the anger more like an actress. Now that I think about it, fooled again.

        What is Tribe of Tricksters?


        1. I started a little before 22:00 and the cringe is through the roof. This “poor girl” had to go to public school and they didn’t do poetry ?! but taught the students to actually build something? I cannot listen more to this elitist chat, didn’t hear outbursts.

          I might suggest that at age 26 she does not know much.

          Isn’t the poster girl for the Global Warmongering Movement a Swedish 15/16 year old? Since when do 26 year olds (or even 15 year olds) “not know much”?

          By Tribe of Tricksters I mean zem jews. I have nothing against jewish people a priori (strange I have to mention such a thing, but not only are they following a highly racist ideology, they have their backs covered with the same; a racist answer; “antisemitism”, even more exceptionalism), but jews + power = problems.

          Jews who denounce jewism (the mental disorder that they are somehow superior to non-jews) I have no problem with. But elitist jews like this will not do that, they love their “exceptional” position looking down on non-members of their Tribe as livestock (goyim).

          Is it a coincidence that the racist Nazis and the not less racist KKK were founded, funded and formed by that Tribe? I’ll report a coincidence when I see one.

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          1. On the other hand, you are right of course. Looking back at when I was 26, I believed in nukes, space travel and the 9/11 tewwowists. At that age I had my first intercontinental flight, funnily enough to Denver. With my friend (27) we went into the Rockies and stopped at a village called Nederland, so we had to stop there. I was driving, so my friend ordered a beer and the bar girl asked him (already balding and far from a baby face) for his ID, when the legal drinking age in the original Nederland was 16. I really liked Colorado, nice people, quiet atmosphere.

            Two years later I visited Texas which was a whole different experience (the worst cities Houston and Dallas).

            Still, the world has changed quite a bit since 2005…


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