Surrender! White flags on the D.C. Mall.

A friend in Washington, D.C. recently sent me an article about an art project on The Mall adjacent to the Washington Monument.  The installation displayed 600,000 white flags representing the human mortality due to the so-called Covid 19 Pandemic.  My friend and I do not see eye-to-eye on most big propaganda events.  We do agree that evil powers control the minds of most with emotion and fear, but when it gets down to the particulars we seldom find agreement.  No matter, our friendship is solid, we are patient, thoughtful, and listen to what each other is trying to express. 

Well, this art installation got under my skin more than the garden variety hoaxes we have all become so familiar with.  I suppose it’s because I spend a lot of my time making art.  Abstraction.  Personal creation/expression from my imagination.

Nobody does it (propaganda) better than the Washington Post – with help from the CIA, ’Five-Eyes,’ and other intelligence agencies working cooperatively to jerk the heart right out of your chest.  In your weakened, emotional state, is when they come down hard with the jackboot.  Psychotic thugs have a keen sense for when you have let your guard down.  It’s (vulnerability) something they can induce, like a hypnotist putting another person in a trance.  They practice, practice, practice, until they are expert at it.

On to the artist.  Maryland artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg is a miracle if there ever was one.

Paragraph #1, from her bio: “Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg was born in western South Dakota. Via a circuitous route that included Kentucky and Puerto Rico, she earned an MBA, worked in the pharmaceutical industry, and finally arrived in Washington, DC, to a job in the United States Senate. For balance, she volunteered with the terminally ill.”

Now, I’ve been around art my whole life, making it, selling it (commercial gallery for 10 years), observing it and so on.  That’s why miracle is not too strong a word to describe Firstenberg’s amazing good fortune and notoriety.  I suspect that her rise to stardom parallels that of the many musicians we’ve critiqued here a POM over the years.  I’m curious about her trajectory and wonder what others may have to say.  I haven’t found the financial ties, or the family connections, and frankly don’t care that much about “proving” anything.  I’m leaning toward “juiced,” while my friend living only a couple of blocks from the Capital disagrees.  We agree to disagree. Perhaps I’m overacting.   

78 thoughts on “Surrender! White flags on the D.C. Mall.

  1. ‘Worked in the pharmaceutical industry‘ and Jewish surname, no alarms and no surprises, bring down the government, they don’t speak for us.

    There was a band called Swell Maps in the 70s who had a song called ‘HS Art’ whose chorus went ‘Do you believe in art? x3’. A music journalist asked them what the song meant, they responded ‘It’s TRASH spelt backwards.’ There’s nothing new under the sun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Suzanne seems like what Miles would call an “anti” (that is, controlled opposition). Having glossed her home bio, she seems to give me the impression that she’s emulating Mathis in many ways, whether knowingly or not. Like Miles Mathis, she’s a trendsetter who is also a gifted talent of the artistic world and has “liberal” leanings (to quote an excerpt from her site: “At the Smithsonian Museum (2015) she gave a talk about using art to defend the dignity of Native Americans.”) Both appear to be Jewish, Mathis less so than Firstenberg (her middle-name is Brennan). Both appear to have “solid” backgrounds: he coming from an upper-middle class Texan family and being the paternal grandson of a local banker (his own admission, see his 2018 paper My Genealogy) – and possibly of aristocratic roots going way back (which he even pondered in his papers on Thomas Jefferson from last year) – who in later years developed a keen interest in the humanities (art, science, & history) and became a staunch defender of the classics and a sharp critic of modern culture; she starting her career in a well-established and powerful industry (Big Pharma) before transforming herself into an aspiring artist with great potential. The only difference is that she isn’t a “conspiracy theorist” who appears to show any interest or expertise in ‘alternative’ research on a wide variety of topics, whereas Mathis is a “conspiracy theorist” who does show interest and expertise in the field, along with his expertise in science and art.


    2. If Suzanne is indeed a phony (which appears to be the case), could she also be one of the ruling families? Her surname Firstenberg looks to be a variant of Fürstenberg, as in the aristocratic House of Fürstenberg from Southwest Germany. One famous member of this dynasty is Diane von Fürstenberg (nee Halfin), Belgian fashion designer who is Jewish-born. Another family member with Jewish names is Karl Joachim Aloys Franz de Paula, who according to Wiki:

      “… became the fourth Fürst zu Fürstenberg, He married in 1796 the Landgravina Karoline Sophie zu Fürstenberg (20 August 1777, – 25 February 1846). Their shared ancestor was Prosper Ferdinand, Count Fürstenberg, who had been killed at Landau in 1704.”

      According to the 4crests website on the illustrious name, the names Fürstenberg and Firstenberg are synonymous with each other and are of Jewish origins. So that’s a confirmation of my hypothesis on Suzanne’s possible elite roots.

      “This German and Ashkenazic Jewish habitation name FURSTENBERG was derived from a place in Swabia, so called from the general case of the Old German word FURISTO (prince) and BERG (hill). …. The name is also spelt FIRSTENBERG and FURST. When traditional Jews were forced to take family names by the local bureaucracy, it was an obligation imposed from outside traditional society, and people often took the names playfully and let their imaginations run wild by choosing names which corresponded to nothing real in their world.”

      Here are the Fürstenberg family crests. Notice the red phoenix on the shield in the first picture. The second picture showcases red-&-white diamonds (33) on its shield. It’s obvious what we’re looking at here: another “Phoenician” (Jewish-Ca’ananite) bloodline.


      1. The ‘occult’ elite often use colors as a form of subliminal dialogue or code. The colors red and yellow are significant esoteric symbols. One represents fiery passion, avarice, determination, and blood – which symbolizes life, for it gives life to natural beings like humans. The other represents intellect, ingenuity, skill, cunning, creativity, and disingenuousness (lies, deceit, disloyalty, misdirection, etc.). They are ruled by the “planets” Mars and Mercury in occult literature.


  2. I think this is meta, though I know nothing about art. The flags represent the trees and plastic polymers that have lost their lives being made into tissues and toilet paper to stanch the incessant flow of snot from the ‘rona deceased. Who ever pauses to thank the trees and oil that have been sacrificed in the War Without End? I mean, who besides this courageous visionary artist.


  3. I have no idea what 600,000 looks like as it is such a big number. Also, such photos are easy to manipulate, as replication of horizons is an easy Photoshop task. The Washington Monument looks small, don’t you think? It too could easily have been inserted with Photoshop. It just seems squat. It is surrounded by lawns, so this could be a real thing. It is leaning right, though it could be camera angle. But I know it is very difficult to get large objects in the background and small objects in the foreground to work in the same photo, usually requiring sophisticated equipment. Could be real, but perspective seems so distorted, getting so much, flags, monument, spectators near and distant into the same photo.

    The Invisible Rainbow was a book I liked, by Arthur Firstenberg. My heart sank as I saw this gal’s name. But I am not going to pull a Mathis and assume two letters difference means they are related.

    They did a similar project with shoes a while back in DC a whole lawn covered with shoes to commemorate … I forget what. I saw it on Facebook and suggested to the moron who put it up that it was fake, as shadows were going every direction. He unfriended me. Did I mention that I got off Facebook?

    Number of actual Covie-19 deaths, my opinion remains firm to this day, -0-.


    1. For the first sentence, my answer would be that the reason it looks “odd” is because the photograph is blurry, as is clearly demonstrated upon looking at it attentively. If you click on it, the link shows you a small photograph, and if you compare the photo to the one demonstrated on this WP post, it’s obvious that its size has been superimposed by enlargement, making the pixels look out of place.


  4. I’d roll my eyes at this even if I were fooled by the covid propaganda. If you can know exactly what a display is about–what it’s saying, what it’s message is–without even looking at it, it’s not art, it’s a sermon illustration.

    Now, if someone were to run thousands of feet of ventilator tubes through those white flags… well, it still wouldn’t be art, but it would be a more interesting sermon.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Surely more poignant with that addition, Scott. About the tubes, I still have burned into my memory banks an interview with the CEO of some ventilator company from the early days of March, 2020; he was creaming in his chinos with psychopathic glee that they were working 24/7 to meet the insatiable global need for the sacred devices. That beaming face of horror still haunts me.


    1. O-M-G! Thanks for the “detail” lol

      What an f-up world!

      BTW my Aunt died on one if those gd machines (of death)!

      PS, this “Art Show” is just another spectacle…that’s all it is.

      Stay healthy all, do what you can.


      1. BTW, speaking of “False Flags’, every flag presented is ” False”!

        All of them! 600k False Flags.

        Now what about the 6 Million???


      2. Can’t even take a dump out in the wilderness, yet “someone” can plant 600,000 false flags on public land…

        Sure, …just sure.


  6. MT, whOle heartedly agree. Every few months have updated friends with that great news and lost a few who couldn’t let themselves consider it. Btw, does anyone else here find the onslaught of flowers, etc. sent to false flags, bizarre and spookish?


    1. I said I don’t know what 600,000 looks like because the mind cannot comprehend large numbers, at least visually. She could put any number of flags out there, and no one can visually see if she is correct. [Jonestown was said to have 918 victims. I printed out a photo of the scene and counted, drawling a line with a black marker through each as I went to avoid double counting. I came up with about 200. I may be the only one around who did that exercise, but it goes to show that visually even 918 overwhelms us.]

      That number, 666,624 is actually 66666, as 2+4=6. These people are superstitious.


  7. Few people know this:
    “In March 2020, the Belgian Royal Palace in Brussels raised a white flag to support and express gratitude for caring staff amid coronavirus outbreak. Many Belgians also displayed a white flag in front of their house for the same reason.”
    But every single human on the planet knows this:
    The white flag symbolize SURRENDER !!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. “The Washington Monument” is the Worlds Largest (of course) Symbol for Osiris Penis, which can be seen in many places in the World, and in Washington it penetrates Vesica Pisces.


    1. As someone once said (George Burns?), sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Is every tunnel a symbolic vagina? Most monuments are upright and above ground, and not holes in the ground. You could be right, but it even so kind of fails to resonate with me.


      1. The Washington monument is an obelisk. Obelisks represent the prosthetic penis of Osiris made by his wife/sister Isis. It started out as a wooden pole. The world is littered with these obelisks. The large ones are usually accompanied by two smaller ones, both of which stand at exactly the same distance from the large one. This is to identify a circle around the obelisk that represents a vagina. Which makes it a lingam yoni symbol just like a circle with a dot in the middle. Osiris is connected with life-giving power.

        The name “obelisk” is Greek for “spit”, as in a long pointed piece of wood generally used for cooking, because the Greek historian Herodotus was the first to write about them and so named them.

        By Tim Gihring, editor at the Minneapolis Institute of Art:
        “Even by the standards of myth, Osiris’ penis went through some epic travails. One day it was there, along with the rest of Osiris’ godly self, as he ruled over Egypt. The next it was gone, as Osiris was murdered by his brother and literally dismembered — chopped into 14 pieces and scattered across the country. His wife, Isis, who was also his sister, retrieved all of the pieces except one: his penis. It had been eaten by fish in the Nile. [ ] In the absence of the original, Isis made a phallus herself, on the resurrected body of Osiris — well enough to conceive Horus, the falcon-headed heir to the kingdom.”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The obelisk penetrating the vesica pisces can be seen at the washington monument, in Vatican square (the overlapping circles are visually implied), and in the logo for Canadian telecom company telus (tellus = earth goddess). The severed member can also be seen in amazon’s logo (amazons, hint). If the intense repetition of the same loaded symbols doesn’t yet resonate then it just means our eyes are not yet open. The program is worldwide, spanning every country and every culture. Why should the USA’s space program make such heavy-handed homages to the Greek/Roman/Egyptian/etc. gods? Why should China’s space administration have apollo’s wreath on its emblem? Even though our modern human world is supposed to be secular and materialistic, the program is intensifying over time rather than diminishing. The eye & pyramid has suddenly become commonplace. Look around and you’ll see it on clothing, on toys, on signage, on skin. The Greek/Roman/Egyptian/etc. gods are absolutely everywhere in modern life: not an hour goes by when you won’t encounter their symbols or their one-of-many names or their images or their statues or their stories. The earth goddess by many names, the sun god by many names… in state-run schools the myriad references to all of the above will comprise a large portion of the curriculum. They kicked God out of the classroom but in His place they invited in the full pantheon of small-g gods and goddesses. Why would they do that? Humble yourselves, allow your eyes to be opened, and be separated from it.


  9. For what it’s worth, her Great-grandfather was Colonel Neil Patrick Brennan, Sr. (I will try to include a photo of him in his full regalia)

    OBITUARY: Neil Brennan, one of a small colony to first settle in Holt County (NE), coming here in 1874, passed away at his home in O’Neill. Col. Brennan, for many years, was one of the foremost businessmen of that city and active in all movements for its up-building. He enjoyed a wide acquaintance and was held in high esteem.

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    1. An excerpt from the 4crests website, where they admit that the names Fürstenberg and Firstenberg are basically one and the same, just spelled differently:

      “This German and Ashkenazic Jewish habitation name FURSTENBERG was derived from a place in Swabia, so called from the general case of the Old German word FURISTO (prince) and BERG (hill). …. The name is also spelt FIRSTENBERG and FURST. When traditional Jews were forced to take family names by the local bureaucracy, it was an obligation imposed from outside traditional society, and people often took the names playfully and let their imaginations run wild by choosing names which corresponded to nothing real in their world.”


      1. The last part is especially telling: “people often took the names playfully and let their imaginations run wild by choosing names which corresponded to nothing real in their world.” That basically describes the MO of these scumbags: rule by deception, by obfuscating the truth to mislead and control humankind.


          1. Yes, I knew the Elizabeth Smart story was another hoax ever since I read Mathis’ essay on that story in February last year. It has been used to promote projects like the AMBER alert. Her family is also close to the Bushes. Thanks for the links. I’ll check them later.


  10. Here’s something artistically interesting. Her maternal grandfather was Emmet A. Sullivan. In his obituary it states that, “In 1934 he began the sculpture of the Skyline Drive dinosaurs in Rapid City (IA) and in years following completed a number of other sculpture projects, including a 65-foot Christ of the Ozarks near Eureka Springs (AR). He is survived by one daughter, Germaine Sullivan Brennan (Suzannne’s mother) and one son, Emmet.

    Interestingly, there is a Washington DC obituary for a Retiried Metropolitan Police Lieutenant named Emmet A. Sullivan whose son is U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.


    1. She could be related to the prestigious Sullivans from Ireland and many famous people of that name, such as famed TV star Ed Sullivan and Hollywood actress Maureen O’Sullivan. “Special needs” celebrity Helen Keller‘s caretaker was Anne Sullivan, who allegedly taught the “blind, deaf, and mute girl to read, write, and eventually speak.”

      Helen w/h Anne Sullivan, ca. 1888:

      Ireland also has a Jewish community whose roots reportedly hail back to the late 11th century. So it’s possible that the [important] Sullivans were (and probably still are) Jewish, but more research is needed to confirm that hypothesis.


      1. My first wife bore that name, a very common one. She is a very common person, not related to anyone important, and not possessed of skills, education, not worthy of note. She doesn’t read (this blog, to finish that sentence). Not everyone bearing the same name is related.


        1. “Not everyone bearing the same name is related.”

          Yes, I am aware that not everyone with a similar or same surname is related. At least not closely. Which is why I made a reference specifically to the aristocratic Sullivans, not just any ordinary family or bloodline with that name.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Yes, if you’re some ordinary schmuck named John Sullivan, there is no point in doing a “John Durbeyfield” and sending your beautiful daughter Tess to stake your royal claim. BUT, individuals who are “influencers” of any sort in the mainstream and almost ALWAYS connected. And yes, I used a blanket statement willingly based on extensive research.


          1. What I find interesting is their habit of inserting family names as middle names, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, George Herbert Walker Bush, John Bowden Connally, Jr., Richard Milhouse Nixon, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, James Carothers Garrison, John Davison Rockefeller, and on and on.


  11. I don’t get it. So much hype bout HER. SHE and HER name is simply distraction. Why does it matter who SHE is ? As far as I’m concerned SHE might as well be some imaginary person. SHE is irrelevant. SHE is not behind this. THEY are.


    1. I think I just confirmed that she descends from “they”…military, law enforcement, judiciary, and an “artist” who makes significant monuments about (fake) dinosaurs and religious figures. I’m open to suggestions. What do you think we should do?


      1. Don’t get me wrong. You did a marvelous job in investigating. And you spent some effort and the most valuable currency in our lives – your time, looking up who SHE is. But why ? Why is that important ? I know it’s THEM, you know it’s THEM.


  12. Any thoughts on the fake number of Covid 19 deaths? Mark says zero. I have no idea since there is no trust for CDC, WHO , NIH and all the rest. Obviously, the narrative being crammed (injected) into the (hive) minds of the fearful is 600,000, or 666,000. The idea of “excess” deaths has gone relatively unchallenged, IMO, despite the admission of huge percentages of “co-morbidity” labeled as Covid 19. The fractal dust-ups gets the attention, which distracts from the “big lie.” What to do? Non-participation in the (medical dictatorship) system is a good starting point requiring only a personal commitment to best effort.


    1. Mark is right, there are no covid deaths, though doubtless they will be 6 million fake covid deaths statistically at the end of the shamdemic. Lies, damned lies and statistics.


      1. Where did you get the “6 Million” from?

        Am I sensing something here? Perhaps wokeness??


        BTW, Black Lives Matter!… And Pakistanis, and those from Ghana..and Haitians…and all Sub-Saharan Africans…it’s endless!!/


        1. I’m wondering still of Covid will bring about shrunken heads and perhaps human lampshades…of the Covid-type of course 🙂

          With all the dead in the refrigerator tractor trailers…may as well make sweet scented soap out of them!!


    2. My stand is – No one died of covid 19. As I strongly believe that covid 19 virus doesn’t exist at all. In the beginning vast number of hospitalized people died of wrong and often deadly treatment.. The rest died of all kind of things that people die for centuries.
      Concerning what to do … well I don’t know, but this is what comes to my mind:
      THEY divided all humanity. On believers and non-believers, on obedient and anti-vaxxers…and so on. And as it wasn’t enough, we divided ourselves on believers but anti-vaxxers, on believers but anti-maskers, anti-lockdowners, and we are wasting our time debating on consequences. We are all aware of consequences. Instead, we should concentrate on the causation. Simple – Show me the virus !

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I believe I have posted some things on Gabby Petito here. It appears they have disappeared. I wonder why? Maybe it’s because WordPress is censoring some of my comments? Or something else is happening….


    1. Here is the comment:

      Speaking of fake kidnappings, here’s what Mathis has to say about Gabby Petito. It’s chock-full of spookery…./

      That is all I am allowed to copy and paste. It is in my master list of comments, but does not appear here. I don’t know why. I’ll have to investigate later today on my desktop. Usually just a glitch.


      1. boys boys, mr tokarsi has forbidden us to speak about the J word but it is refreshing that in this post that rule is being breached; it really should be breached much more often here…since are we not after the “truth”…and as long as we remember that the more convinced you are that the Jews are fucking everything up now, the more convinced you should be that they (and their non Ashke-nazi cohorts) have also created most of the beautiful and useful things in the world.
        I know it is a hard pill to swallow for all non jews, but once you embrace the idea, it will become almost irrelevant. On the other hand, the more you try to deny it (as a steve kelly does) the more ridiculous you will appear.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The rule is often breached. I like to avoid hateful discussion of the matter, as so many Jews I have known are lovely accomplished people. And the name Tokarski, out of the Tokar region of Ukraine, is in the Jewish registry of names, but that means nothing. I was raised in a devout Catholic home and we had no interesting family legacy, certainly no money. Names can be interesting but are only slight evidence of connections, usually not.


          1. i agree that the surname thing can only take you so far.
            After all every family has at least dozens and dozens of cousins nephews aunts and uncles and even those families in control have relatives that are completely out of the loop and are working class shumucks while the other members in the same family are pulling down countries with a phonecall or email; I grew up in such a family and am on the working class schmuck side…though i personally have never worked for anyone ever in my life..
            As for speaking hatefully about the people controlling us and making life miserable, why should we not sometimes talk abit hatefully about them?
            to not do so is rather dishonest.


            1. Whether it be the Jews, Jesuits, Illuminati, Freemasons, etc., is inconsequential to me. As I see it, these controlling entities are necessary, and if one group didn’t perform the task, another would fill the role. If you find yourself getting angry over their perceived “success” and “wealth” and control, then that means that you are probably too attached to the material realm. For me, they are teachers and a necessary evil that forces me to learn and endure and grow…SPIRITUALLY. The Jews are the faculty in this soul school who have been put in place by a faceless administration (God, Satan, some alien race?) for our growth and advancement out of this crapfest they have created. Finally, when I put myself in the place of the “controllers,” I doubt that I would have much sympathy for such a passive and gullible population who won’t even take the personal responsibility to reject my poison-for-profit schemes.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. crankyyanky
                i have expressed this very important idea at POM just recently, that while we might hope for a better quality leader, we might also hope for a better quality follower; so i completely agree that when we put ourselves in the place of the controllers, we cannot but feel no great sympathy, and would probably feel contempt for the gullibility for the masses.

                But now let me try to explain something which is difficult to explain, something which is elusive when i try to picture it. I have once or twice also written about a “what if”.. but i want to try and take this “what if..” a bit further this time.
                .what if all the controllers of the world were black people; all media outlets, all Hollywood film studios, all heavy and precious metal industry, all transportation industries, all universities, in a word, all everything was obviously being run by the black man. Doesn’t that immediately feel alittle different to you? To say, “The black man controls the world.” feels different than to say “the Jews control the world”
                two things here stand out:
                1. The black man cannot fit into the world because of the color of their skin, while the Jews fit in and you never know exactly for sure who or what a Jew is
                2 Because the Jews can physically blend in to most countries in the world (China japan Vietnam etc are the few exceptions)and we are even unsure what the word jew even means now, it is uncomfortable to speak of them as a distinct group.
                To say, Jesuits, illuminati, freemasons is to name groups that are together on a voluntary idealogical basis; to say jew? No one feels quite sure what it even is. But now to say “black man” waaa!! that makes it quite clear does it not?
                So i ask you to try and imagine it. How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow and realized that there was only one black state in the world; the blacks were the Zionists and they had incredible power and they were brutalizing their neighbors ,and so on…of course it goes without saying that not all black men could be included just as it goes without saying that not all jews are included, but can you deny that if the “enemy” was perfectly clear, things would be very different….you see, one of the greatest powers of the jews is that they are invisible to us . They have not ever really wanted a homeland because by being dispersed over the earth they can better control things; what they cry as their greatest tragedy has been one of their greatest tactics…the actual state of Israel is there to keep your eyes off of their real power base


              2. thought i would reread the above by cranky yanky. and i seemed to have missed his main point which is: evil is necessary.
                yes, all you are saying above is that evil is necessary; of course you cannot know evil if you do not know good; you cannot understand up if you do not understand down; not understand cold if no hot; but also remember that you can not understand life if you do not understand death and perhaps you have to experience death to understand it; that is why it is said that you must “die before you die” So consider that that is the crux of all SPIRITUALITY.

                lastly getting angry at the PTB does not necessarily mean you are too stuck in the material realm. But i will not explain that now.


                1. Godfly, thank you for the thoughtful replies. I am glad you didn’t take the “materialistic” comment personally because it was certainly not directed at you. I don’t refute your points and have no energy to expound further. I have been “born again,” but not in the way that most Christians would interpret that phrase.


            2. Gotcha – I meant in general speaking hatefully of Jews. I often speak hatefully of the clowns behind Covid, Climate Change, and all the other scams of my life, using individual names, but not whole groups. For instance, I think Al Gore is a rotten motherfucker and a dumbass.


      2. Thank you for commenting, and thanks for setting some things straight about this issue. I faced similar experiences before with WordPress when I was commenting on other blogs. Hence why I mentioned the possibility of interference by the virtual platform. It’s increasingly obvious to be that WP is not too different from YouTube when it comes to censorship.


  14. On the DC COVID memorial and spookery . ..

    We may not need to look to Firstenberg (nor Jewry); for even simpler and more direct is reference in the Washington Post article to Doriane White Palmer (whose father Arthur Leon White allegedly died of COVID).

    As can be confirmed in two places . . .

    Doriane White (57)
    Washington, DC 20011
    Past Locations:
    Washington, DC
    Leesburg, VA
    John Curtis Coney
    Maisha Scott Glover
    Delna Aleece Gray

    and here:

    . . . Doriane Palmer is closely related to Maisha Scott Glover of Booz Allen Hamilton. Check out Maisha Glover’s profile here: I will copy and paste it here (for “safekeeping”):

    Maisha Scott Glover is a senior vice president in our National Security business. She develops strategies that help clients drive transformation through the integration of advanced technology, mission resiliency support, and consultative expertise.

    Maisha is an expert advisor on topics such as digital and analytics strategy, automation and the future of work, and diversity and workforce readiness. She has more than 25 years of experience providing the intelligence community, Department of Defense (DoD), and private sector clients with integrated, leading-edge solutions that drive transformation. A self-described lifelong learner, she applies the best technologies and talent innovation strategies from the private sector to rapidly evolving national security challenges and is passionate about mentoring future generations of diverse and inclusive national security leaders.

    A proven public sector executive and advisor, Maisha previously held leadership roles at McKinsey & Company, SAIC, and Leidos. She also served in multiple roles as a policy and counterterrorism analyst for the U.S. government.

    Maisha serves on the board of advisors for the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, a nonpartisan organization that brings together public, private, and academic sectors of the intelligence and national security communities to develop practical and creative solutions to national security problems.

    She holds bachelor’s degrees in public administration and liberal arts from Kentucky State University and a J.D. from American University’s Washington College of Law.

    How is that for spookery? What do you think this article is really trying to tell us (via occulted encryption?), or rather, attempting to reveal (revelation of the method?)?


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