Informed consent

This is a comment I left over at Travis Mateer’s site, Zoom Chron Blog. After leaving it, I decided it belongs here too, and that I can take the rest of the day off now.

“The vaccines, having un-revealed ingredients and unstated purposes, are a guidepost to how far we have descended back into fascism in the post-war era. It appears to be a natural regression, as humans do not seem to want to be free, in fact, behave like frightened sheep when confronted with any hobgoblin, this time around a virus never isolated or proven to even exist. What is being done to us falls under the Nuremberg Accords regarding medical experimentation on humans. I quote: 

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

I look around me and wonder how many of these masked lost souls actually have the capacity to give informed consent. Do most humans even have the capacity to stand tall and live free? You’re doing so, Travis, and so am I. But there aren’t many others. (The Nuremberg Accords are not the law of the land, not that it matters as the Constitution has been shredded anyway, but were signed onto by the US.)”

28 thoughts on “Informed consent

  1. How it sucks to be right, let me count the ways! I wonder how to move forward in close relationships and friendships with those who, now that I’ve witnessed their ‘dark side’ up close and personal, and have the sinking sense the coercion and propaganda are ok with them and they refuse to grasp the ‘for the greater good’ is a big fat ruse and would probably shrug and not shed a tear if the government decided to put those like me in a camp for ‘selfish’ citizens. How do I learn to respect their choices I abhor and feel puts them in danger? How can I continue to see their good side, the good things they contribute to the community, when all I want to do is scream some sense into them? It’s a real challenge.


      1. I’m sure that every actual cognizant human has these stories… gone… beyond recovery: friends of FIFTY+ years. That fear, that actual stupidity, well hidden (maybe sometimes tolerated) all this time. Family: morons… real ignoramuses. I miss the shared activities horribly, but I will not lower myself any further than I already had – just to barely communicate. Ugh; where the fuck are the smart ones, or at least the intelligent ones? Hiding? I know that this is just a repeat comment from all over the place – but it seems to be somewhat therapeutic to share this absolute misery. What a bunch of dummfukks.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for that, Mark. I want to add a shred of hope inasmuch as even here, in the most strikingly ‘liberal’, fascist parts of California there are many – and growing – groups of us working together to bring freedom back into the awareness and the lives of everyone.
    When I go shopping I am usually the only one not wearing a mask, and I often get challenged by store ‘assistants’ and customers alike. But I stand my ground and there are few occasions where I give up and leave without shopping (though a handful of stores I will not grace with my dollars due to their policies and actions).

    There is also a rapidly growing group of ‘nationals’ who are claiming their right to assemble peacefully. Might be good to take a look. We are in the process of restoring the government that is owed to us – of, for and by the people- and which has been inactive for 160 years, and instead been taken over taken over by the corporate impostors:


    1. Landholders under their own private law support the very government and military force that protects their status under the constitutional provisions of the enabling acts and constitutions of the several States. The term “the People” is defined in law, and it does not mean what most people think it means. “Citizen” is another word that must be understood fully. Our legal status, and lack of personal sovereignty, is as you say controlled by “corporate impostors.” There is no simple remedy, no “reform,” that will change the built-in injustice imposed by the current system. None I am aware of at least.


      1. “Our legal status, and lack of personal sovereignty, is as you say controlled by “corporate impostors.”

        That’s exactly why we do a process to declare and publish our change of status from ‘dead corporate fiction without any rights whose assets have been stolen’ to free man / woman living on the land and soil.
        Many people say there is no remedy. I think that phrase /mind set is there to stop us from undertaking the task of taking back the country and the world at large.

        Well.. we’re doing it anyway. It’s time.


    2. But do you notice something? Do you see what’s missing?

      You are.

      You are supposed to be self-governing. You are supposed to be running Your Government.

      Not your Hirelings.

      So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago. And we dusted off our laurels and we got to work.

      And we talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went.… and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government.

      There’s just one problem. We are supporting it. We are putting our time and money into it. We are building it up and restoring it. We are doing our “job”.

      But where are you?

      If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn’t steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you — then, it’s high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time.

      We are taking up collections for projects to advance the restoration of Your Government, to fund our Peacekeeping Officials and Officers, to run our State Assemblies, to make Your Government work the way Your Government is supposed to work — a government to protect you and your family.

      When you come home to the land and soil that bore you, and start breathing as a free woman or man again, you will remember the American Dream and you will no longer bear the burdens of Federal (US) citizenship.

      You won’t be subject to foreign statutory laws.

      You won’t worry about “Federal Agents” breaking down your doors.

      You won’t pay “Federal Income Taxes” anymore.

      You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts.

      You will possess your homes and your land and soil as Freeholders — not Tenants.

      You won’t pay any mortgages or utilities or property taxes.

      You will be in control your own lives again.

      You will sleep sound in your beds again.

      Now think about that, and know that Your Government is what guarantees these results. What’s more important than what we have just described for you? What greater profit can you realize by …

      From your good looking website.


      I govern me
      And me governs nobody
      But myself

      But together we matter (I have the full poem on our Discord).

      What you are actively constructing** around you, I am doing here in the other C. also successfully.

      2022 is a glorious year

      The year of the Conscious Resistance !

      If you like to read more, see here :

      Anita, join our Discord and let’s bounce bright brains.
      We shepherds (need to) learn from each other!


  3. Anita,

    I think we agree on the current situation, and I think we agree that there is a remedy.
    What I said is: “There is no simple remedy, no “reform,” that will change the built-in injustice imposed by the current system.” In other words I am for revolutionary change, but “reform” of any or all of the existing system, not so much.

    Where we may disagree is in what is meant by “taking back the country and the world at large.” I surely would not care to join in an effort to restore the “United States of (or for) America. I do not want any part of a “republican” (representative) form of government as a personal choice. I do, however, support living in peace, loving thy neighbor, and treating others as I would wish others to treat me. If that can be agreed to there is no need for a hierarchical central government of any size, however small and/or local.

    Anyway, best luck to you and your endeavors.


    1. “… living in peace, loving thy neighbor, and treating others as I would wish others to treat me. If that can be agreed to there is no need for a hierarchical central government of any size, however small and/or local.”

      Agreed, Steve! That’s exactly what we are aiming for. And your concerns encapsulate one of the key issues we are struggling with: the corporate hierarchical structure is embedded in us so deeply that we have to keep a watchful eye on not falling back into that rut. It is not easy and admittedly, we do stumble every so often.


      1. And your concerns encapsulate one of the key issues we are struggling with: the corporate hierarchical structure is embedded in us so deeply that we have to keep a watchful eye on not falling back into that rut. It is not easy and admittedly, we do stumble every so often.

        Words drawn from my heart and experience exactly.

        People (both humans and mutants, truthseekers and enormies both) are so mushed to apathy and lethargy. It is scary with what warpspeed the world (in the sense of common global ‘culture’) has deteriorated and degenerated so much.

        I ascribe most of that dumbfoundedness and unhealthy life structure to the Transhumanist Age 3.0 (the TV was 1.0, internet 2.0 and we can nicely make the Coronacaust (Windows) 3.11…) , the smarkphone, or crackphone as now popped up…

        Before, and still, as long as the whip of Ze Boss is around, people work(ed) together fine, complementing their expertises, skills, talents, tools, resources and network, like tribal shamanism is supposed to work organically and voluntarily, but now and away from the office and a “manager” to tell them what to fecking do, you are being sent to the new impersonal “oracle” Google (I use DuckDuckGo) and “figure life out for yourself”.

        The ” individual path” madness we have seen with someone who writes (=socializes, ought to learn from others, aside teaching) here even, the graphene-obsessed Stephers.

        I see you’re different, great.

        let’s bounce brains.

        we are unique
        but we are not the only ones


    1. That’s one more appearance in a spook production by Lanka and Kaufman. If it’s still not clear to you by now that this is controlled opposition…


      1. Jij ook, XS. Ik zie dat jij er ook alles aan doet om carnies uit je leven te weren; aSIDE. (No MÁS! ; Media Alcohol Sugars), laten we praten, talenten en vaardigheden delen, om zo een alternatief voor deze gekke wereld organisch te creeëren. Ik doe dit actief in mijn leven hier en deel die lessen via Eye am Eye Radio. We hebben meer Nederlandssprekenden.

        For the non-Dutch speakers, you can always go the Transhumanist way using Google Translate to understand the above, or go old-fashioned and use a physical dictionary and figure it out while doing (that’s how I learned Spanish).

        We have Dutch speakers in our Discord to help you out.

        Hope to see other fighters come into the Core of the Resistance.


        1. I am more someone who quietly retreats than someone who actively resists. I believe that successful active resistance will be feigned in order to introduce a new world religion with by extension a new world order. I have a strong impression that Lanka and Kaufman et. al. are on this train.

          I am curious, though, about how your resistance is taking shape in practice. Googling eye am eye didn’t get me anything. Do you have a link?


          1. I assume this new world religion you foresee will have to be Science/ Scientism in large part, no? Or will that all be completely overthrown? Just straight up Babylonianism, Gnosticism, merger of the Big 3, etc? That would be quite a shift if they were to jettison materialism/ science after this much investment. Probably very long term too, unless the West and Westernized world is (relatively) quickly wiped out and demographically replaced.


            1. I do not foresee this religion, it is already here, just like its Messiah. This religion began with the Theosophical society and has been intensively promoted since the late 1960s. It is called New Age. The savior of the new world religion is supposed to be here already. He is called Maitreya and he is channeled by Benjamin Creme.

              The New Age religion is an amalgamation of all the religions, philosophies and mystical currents of this world and is indeed busy combining esotericism and science, like with quantum physics. A well-known example of this is The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav.

              Mainstream conspiracy theory is intertwined with New Age. It was intended from the beginning to wake people up to bits and pieces of top-down deception. Both are about good versus bad, the light forces against the dark forces.

              Being gnostics at hart the new world religious leader of the elite will likely negotiate a truce between the two thus creating an equilibrium and supposed peace and prosperity for all. It is the “enlightened” who will rule the New World Order, more like high priests than politicians.

              According to the Gnostic belief, this world has been nothing but a prison for our souls from the beginning. In their own perception, the elite have strived to create a prison for our mind within a prison for our soul. I suspect that eventually this is going to be presented to us as a noble pursuit or necessary evil that has been a catalyst for us to free ourselves from the original prison, to take an even redder pill.

              (Red is the color of initiation. According to kabbalistic teachings red represents evil and blue represents good)

              Under the article “Paid to be blind” you will find a whole discussion about Babylonianism, Gnosticism and the New and Old World religion(s).


            2. I do not foresee this religion, it is already there, just like its Messiah. This religion began with the Theosophical society and has been intensively promoted since the late 1960s. It is called New Age. The savior of the new world religion is supposed to be here already. He is called Maitreya and he is channeled by Benjamin Creme.

              The New Age religion is an amalgamation of all the religions, philosophies and mystical currents of this world and is indeed busy combining esotericism and science, like with quantum physics. A well-known example of this is The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav.

              Mainstream conspiracy theory is intertwined with New Age. Both are about good versus bad, the light forces against the dark forces. It was intended from the beginning to wake people up to bits and pieces of top-down deception.
              Being gnostics at hart the new world religious leader of the elite will likely negotiate a truce between the two thus creating an equilibrium and supposed peace and prosperity for all. It is the “enlightened” who will rule the New World Order, more like high priests than politicians.

              According to the Gnostic belief, this world has been nothing but a prison for our souls from the beginning. In their own perception, the elite have strived to create a prison for our mind within a prison for our soul. I suspect that eventually this is going to be presented to us as a noble pursuit or necessary evil that has been a catalyst for us to free ourselves from the original prison, to take an even redder pill.

              (Red is the color of initiation. According to kabbalistic teachings red represents evil and blue represents good)

              Under the article “Paid to be blind “you will find a whole discussion about Babylonianism, Gnosticism and the New and Old World religion(s).


              1. I’ve been following the discussion on the other thread, did not mean to make you duplicate your points from there! I was just curious on where “Science” would fit in your view of things. And I sort of see now, when you point towards quantum physics with its connection to Eastern mysticism.

                Still, they’ve been at the “New Age” thing for quite a while. It seems much more effective as a way of fragmenting, weakening and dissolving the traditional religions, than as a replacement per se. Something flirted with by some disaffected young people, but never quite a majority movement. At least in the West, the drift seems more and more toward “secular materialism,” and the “religion” of State/Media/Science – or “GloboCap,” the dominant ideology by whatever name.

                I do very much agree about the dialectic involving conspiracy theory – that they’ve been pushing that for a long time and ramping it up continually. And it’s very plausible that they may have some plan for when that reaches a critical mass, such as what you suggest. I’m still unsure how that would induce large numbers of people into a New Age style religion.

                Although in support of your theory – many of my acquaintances who have little interest in conspiracy theory (other than as a sort of amusing novelty), fall completely for the “mystical” theories of quantum science, and that sort of thing. They are drawn to the “poetry” of the theories, and its patina of being “science” gives them license to instantly take it all on board as a very strong possibility. So perhaps by some maneuver like that all these “secularists” could be ushered into a New Age one world religion, lol.


                1. TimR-

                  “I’m still unsure how that would induce large numbers of people into a New Age style religion.”…. I don’t understand XS to mean (though perhaps he does) some formalized religion.

                  I think “new age” is an apt description of the new “religion” currently being prescribed worldwide, as I commented on that “paid to be blind” thread, and I thank XS for bestowing the label, even if his description of it differs from mine.

                  Take a New Age image, for example, of a group of folks sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding hands, perhaps singing or chanting, enjoying that sense of solidarity and group catharsis. Perhaps they have a leader they look to for guidance, someone who can help them express the love and acceptance for others that is so lacking in this mean old world. And, like the gang of new agers I used to hang out with in NJ, all are primed to embrace the feel-good measures for fixing the planet and its people, as “Love is the answer”. Most of them now are surely bearing the flags of Black Lives Matter, Climate Change (with all of its environmental fixes), aid for the Refugees (wherever and whoever they are), Gender identity and equality, and now the “loving” application of Covid common sense, as in “Be safe, protect others”, and “We’re all in this together”.

                  That’s the “New age religion” I see coming into view. The PTB are successfully co-opting the “new age”, blending it (via brilliant, incessant propaganda) with the compatible elements contained in most other religions of the world, and leading us all down the only path that can save the planet, unite us, and keep us safe.


                  1. Okay, that’s what I was pointing toward in my comment about a dominant “GloboCap” ideology (label from CJ Hopkins.) Maybe I misunderstood XS. Though he does mention specifically cult style leaders such as Benjamin Creme (deceased according to Wiki), that’s partly how I had the impression he meant a more straightforward religion.


                    1. New Age is more like a religious department store where you can cobble together your own religion from teachings and disciplines of all known religions and philosophies. That’s why it’s going to work for everyone.

                      In the Netherlands, we have literally known such a department store by the name of Oibibio. It was founded by Ronald Jan Heijn, the son of Albert Heijn. His father started as a grocer in Zaanstad and grew into one of the most prominent supermarket chains in the Netherlands and Belgium.

                      Maytrea, the leader of this movement, has been presented to the world as the returned Christ, Buddha, Mohammed and many more ascended masters.


                    2. This is a Wikipedia article about the New Age Movement:


                      Although this article emphasizes the difficulty of defining what New Age is, I think the opposite is true. You are free to define it yourself based on your own beliefs and background.

                      This is an excerpt from this wiki article:

                      “There is also a strong focus on healing, particularly using forms of alternative medicine, and an emphasis on the notion that spirituality and science can be unified.”

                      It is striking how many alternative medicines and nutritional supplements are promoted by the same people who promote the terrain theory. Don’t get me wrong, I believe the terrain theory to be very valid and I’m all for a natural way of healing or a more natural lifestyle to exclude the need for healing but I don’t think these products really fall into that category.

                      Another excerpt states:

                      The concept of a coming “new age” [ ] appeared in the work of the British-born American Theosophist Alice Bailey (1880-1949), featuring prominently in such titles as Discipleship in the New Age (1944) and Education in the New Age (1954).

                      This Alice Bailey is often considered the mother of the New Age and Helena Blavatsky the grandmother.

                      From the wiki article:

                      “Blavatsky claimed that her [Theosophical] Society was conveying the essence of all world religions”

                      “New Age religiosity is typified by its eclecticism. Generally believing that there is no one true way to pursue spirituality”

                      Maitreya has already been introduced to this world as the new religious/spiritual leader of the New Age but is not going to come on the world stage until the world is ripe for the apparent miracles this man is going to perform. This is going to catapult many secular materialists into a religious/spiritual existence.

                      This is a Wikipedia article about Maitreya:


                      This is an excerpt from that wiki article:

                      “In Theosophy, Maitreya or Lord Maitreya is an advanced spiritual entity and high-ranking member of a reputed hidden spiritual hierarchy, the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. According to Theosophical doctrine, one of the hierarchy’s functions is to oversee the evolution of humankind; in concert with this function Maitreya is said to hold the “Office of the World Teacher”.”

                      When you read phrases like “hidden spiritual hierarchy” and “oversee the evolution of humankind” you should know this is a spook production if the word Theosophical didn’t already give that away.

                      Another excerpt confirming this:

                      “Many New Agers advocate globalisation [ ] Some New Age spokespeople have called for greater decentralisation and global unity, but are vague about how this might be achieved; others call for a global, centralised government.”

                      Maitreya has many books to his credit, although they were probably written by a committee. One of these works is an explanation of the book “A Course in Miracles,” a book considered in some circles to be the New Age Bible.

                      Another “teacher” often mentioned in the same breath as the New Age movement is Eckhart Tolle.


                2. “So perhaps by some maneuver like that all these “secularists” could be ushered into a New Age one world religion, lol.”

                  That is exactly what I am expecting now. Sooner or later, the Messiah of the New Age religion will appear on the world stage and settle the battle against evil. That settlement will, in large part, consist of a new approach to the concepts of good and evil.

                  I think that the resistance from the conspiracy world and the revelations of Kaufman et. al. will play a role in this.

                  “It seems much more effective as a way of fragmenting, weakening and dissolving the traditional religions, than as a replacement per se.”

                  Isn’t fragmenting, weakening and dissolving the traditional religions not the first step to take if you want to replace them?


                  1. Question: Is fragmentation a symptom or a cause? Is fragmentation a deliberate strategy and tactic, or is it an unintended consequence born of ignorance? Or could it be all of the above, or none of the above? Fragmentation is accelerating. It is gathering in role and scope, and very important to understand from many different perspectives, IMO. Thanks for bringing it into view.


              1. I should say, it’s from the old “underground” comic The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, by Shelton and Mavrides, about a trio of hippies. Though here one of them has set up his own one world religion.


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