Wag the Dog

This video comes to us courtesy of BarbM. As I mentioned to her, there will be skepticism about it, as he is but one man with a cell phone.

Since I am highly skeptical that there is a war going on, and since I know the news media can make a Wag the Dog war on command, I accept this video at face.

PS: I have downloaded this video for safekeeping. It surely violates YouTube’s “community standards.”

114 thoughts on “Wag the Dog

  1. I saw this on threadreader the other day; club bouncer from England jets over to Poland and trains his way in to Kiev. He makes some compelling points, as we all know how easy it is to fake footage of any crisis. As Kath says, it seems more real than the Molotov bomb-tossing babushkas lurking round every corner and under every tree that the herd managers present 24/7.

    The empty streets do echo lockdown and create unease, since it’s martial law (or Seinfeld law? I get them confused). I liked how he points out that much of Ukraine already looks like a war zone, and imagines the CGI that will be put in. The solo tank tootling around town was a hoot. (cue thousands of local texts quickly sent: “Man, it’s real AF! Look, I just saw this tank drive by!” It’s the 2022 equivalent of the ambulance sirens we have gotten used to)

    It’s apparently cutting-edge tactics, throwing out the tried-and-true Blitzkrieg manual from WW2; extreme dispersal of armor, fight on your own, show off your individuality. Hot off the war college campuses…it’s part of the same new next-gen infantry tactics shown in that photo of the brave soldiers prone on that vehicular overpass, weapons at ready. Rather than using the ample cover that an urban area provides, this new school of military thought emphasizes the use of one’s body laid on the roadway to stop armored vehicles in the event your assault rifle proves ineffective. Sometimes the tracked vehicles will get immobilized when helmets, bones and backpacks get wedged in the bogies. It can be a real mess to clean off too. Lots of car washes charge extra for that service.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Years ago I read somewhere about IT labor in Ireland following the big banking boom/corporate tax haven migration being offered transfers to Poland and 50% salary reduction. I’m now wondering if the emigration of frightened Ukies isn’t somehow linked to a need for cheap (digital-slave) labor to ramp up production and tech-sector expansion. Just a thought. https://tsh.io/blog/poland-it-industry-2021/


  3. We know it’s a hoax yet oddly the effects have been real. What bothers me are all the billboards and newspaper ads in my town that say Support Ukraine. Just where are all these IstandwithUkraine donations going? Zelensky signed Bitcoin into law as legal currency a few days ago, kinda hard to do if he was in hiding in Poland. Can’t use Cryptos in a war torn region with no internet, phone service, or electricity.

    They used this as a way to clear people brains of the Covid hoax and gave cover for the anticipation of this weeks Federal Reserve meeting, which was kind of hawkish with stating seven rate hikes this year.

    What is next, a China/Taiwan clash, North Korea missle launch, go back to mall and school shootings? They can’t keep this Ukraine fakeness going til midterms. Maybe they will bring the Pope out on the stage during Easter for the big peace talk wind down. They are releasing statements in the media that Covid cases are climbing again and may need to implement restrictions. I really don’t think that will work this time, unless harsh forceable measures are used.


    1. Where do you think all those “donations” are going to ? They’re going to the usual players of the game…The Greedy Cheap Motherfuckers with “Short Arms and Deep Pockets”.


  4. There does not seem to be anything fake about the video itself. Just the conclusions drawn from it are completely wrong.

    At the end of the video, there is the blonde cutie all in tears about how her home in the residential block got destroyed. Well, homes in blocks have been destroyed. It’s just highly unlikely that these homes happened to be the ones of sexy Ukrainian propaganda assets, whose role is obviously to spread lies on Western media to shape public opinion against Russia. And to help raise money and to motivate right-wing “white supremacists” or what have you to join the Ukrainian side in defense of true Aryan blood against the onslaught of “the Russian hordes”.

    Incidentally, those noble mercenaries have been discouraged by the strike on the Yavorov military training camp in the early morning hours of March 13, which is said to have killed ~180 people. Videos of surviors have been widely shared on social media, convincing any pretendent fighters that is not going to be a round of Call of Duty, but that agony and death are real.

    Yes, it has been claimed in the first days that the fighting would approach the Kiev city center. But that didn’t happen because the Ukrainian defense is strong and the Russians got decimated and beaten back. They totally miscalculated, and messed up this “special military operation”.

    There is evidence in the video that Kiev is deserted. Many people have left the city. Kiev has not yet been encircled.

    There is this particular delusion that there is no war. This borders on crazy. A particular mental bubble of believing everything is fake and conspiracy. These people are further removed from reality than the average MSM consumer. Covid was fake, but the war is real.

    Here’s something I wrote to someone in a chat group, a disciple of Simon Shack and his Clues Forum, who kept claiming over and over again that the war is fake although he had been told very clearly that the war is real and its consequences are very bad and already felt for a member of that group, so it was disrespectful & childish of him to keep making those claims:

    Xyz, you think you’re super smart and super skeptical and super resilient to propaganda because you know some techniques of how things can be faked and know some examples of things that actually are fakes … and as a result you believe to know that everything is fake because that’s the particular brainwashing that YOU have received and are completely unaware of, the Simon Shack style brainwashing, a guy who even sells a geocentric cosmological model, which made sense at the times of Tycho Brahe but not any more one generation later with Johannes Kepler.

    And that should be a big giant enormous CLUE to YOU, but you are completely CLUELESS and lost in your FAKE WORLD bubble created on the clues forum by the liar & manipulator Simon Shack, because you haven’t learnt anything about history and don’t even know who Brahe and Kepler are and what is their significance in the progress of science.

    As a result, you act like a COMPLETE MORON and put your brainwashing on display here, which is not only embarrassing, but also profoundly disrespectful. You are laughing at the reality of people’s misery & horror, and that is precisely the objective of the Simon Shack brainwashing you have received and are completely mind-controlled by.

    I understand that with 9/11, moon landings, nukes and an assortment of various other fake events, radical doubt has its place. In fact, I share that stance. DE OMNIBUS DUBITANDUM. But thinking & saying that there is no war is like going full overdrive into Flat Earth.

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    1. Lumi,

      “But that didn’t happen because the Ukrainian defense is strong and the Russians got decimated and beaten back. They totally miscalculated, and messed up this “special military operation”.

      Where did you source your assertions noted above? Can you provide a link to serve as supportive evidence?

      In terms of events being deemed “fake” or “real,” how do you determine when “radical doubt has its place”? Are “wars” always off-the-table in this regard?

      Perhaps JLB’s “War Hoax Spectrum” is relevant: https://www.johnlebon.com/member-videos/the-war-hoax-spectrum/. I am a JLB member, so I am not sure what you are able to view here if not a member.

      What I am implying, though, is that members of the POM community may be in different places along this spectrum of war skepticism. For example – in the context of JLB’s model – one may not believe the MSM “war footage,” but may believe the “war footage” being presented by “independent journalists.”

      So, the question is how far does the simulacra go for you?

      In my case, the bombing footage I have seen over the course of the last few weeks seems “real” (as in old, dilapidated buildings being demolished as per controlled demolition). So too does the displacement/movement of Ukrainians. While I cannot confirm the reported number of 3 million Ukrainian refugees, I have seen what looks to be like many Ukrainians leaving their presumed hometowns; and several Ukrainian cities (ie – Kiev/Kyiv) do seem to look nearly empty (but not completely empty).

      That said, all close-up footage I have seen (coming from both the “Ukrainian side” and the “Russian side”) only presents the “aftermath” of purported bombings. Additionally, the “injured/killed” individuals I have observed in footage look to not only be fake (with moulage and all), they seem to be “coded” with colors (ie – purple) and even patterned clothing/accessories/props (ie – polka dots in plenty of photos/videos – which, in my opinion, subliminally evoke the polka-dotted dress and Sirhan Sirhan/mind control/hypnotic programming https://spitfirelist.com/news/sirhan-sirhan-and-the-girl-in-the-polka-dot-dress/).


      1. With respect to certain aspects of this highly orchestrated/choreographed event in Ukraine that are most likely “real” . . . As Lez Luthor stated today on Twitter: “No bombs but the sleep deprivation, trauma and PTSD will be a real experience.” https://twitter.com/LezLuthor/status/1505266440101838852?s=20

        I had previously implied the same in an email to MT when analogizing this event to staged shootings in the U.S. Accordingly, the actual shooting event may be fake (meaning, no injured/dead people), but the trauma/PTSD will remain for those who perceived they were experiencing a real traumatic event.


      2. Stephers,

        “But that didn’t happen because the Ukrainian defense is strong and the Russians got decimated and beaten back. They totally miscalculated, and messed up this “special military operation”.

        Where did you source your assertions noted above? Can you provide a link to serve as supportive evidence?

        No, cannot provide a link as I didn’t keep track of every info/disinfo item. I first read that from NATO infowar agents on a pro-Russian blog. I concluded it is true (but maybe exaggerated) from the overall military and communicative demeanor of the Russian Armed Forces. That was in the first days of the operation. They’ve adapted their behaviour.

        Everyone can see the Ukrainian defense is strong as it has been prepared for years. The Russians didn’t expect it to be so strong. They hoped or expected it to collapse quickly. That didn’t happen. The consequences will be very negative for the Ukraine.

        I took a look at the JLB website several months ago. It is of no interest to me. I forgot why exactly. Guess it was the dogmatic approach and the tone of authority looking to recruit disciples. Not my glass of beer.

        As I’ve written before, I disapprove of your aesthetic approach on war and misery. It is immoral. When you claim or suggest that the entire thing is fake, based on some videos that actually are fake, I doubt you are bona fide about it. If, on the other hand, you are bona fide, then you are deluded.

        If you wanted to find gruesome photos of the war you would certainly be able to find them. There are some here, although it is possible to find much worse if such is your taste (but I doubt it is):


        What is the appeal of the Fake World Bubble? I don’t get it.


        1. lumi911
          as you seem more intelligent than the average person here, i am going to break my silence and say a few things:
          the attraction to the fake world bubble..more percisely you might say “the everything in media is fake bubble” is simple: it is the boy who cried wolf syndrome, and so you have to admit that once you have been lied to a dozen times and then it was admitted that you have been lied to, how can you trust that person again; imagine that you wife was fucking another man and after you catch her, she cries and says she will never do it again; by the 3rd or 4th time, could you EVER believe her again?
          case closed. very simple. and if you think you can weed out the fake from the non fake and the truth from the lies, in images or moving pictures or written text than you are deceiving yourself
          unable to weed out the fake from the nn fake , we have a few choices: keep trying to weed it out, believe everything or believe nothing; i have chosen the latter, and it works for me since these things are so really so important in my everyday life anyway: what will happen will happen…

          incidentally, JLB…yeah he is a true infantile moron; the word to describe him would be condescending…


          1. That’s a poor analysis for “LUMI”… Even for the sake of argument, Say he caught his wife fucking another guy and he overlooked it, and all was forgiven. That doesn’t mean that he’s clueless to “Whats going on”. it has nothing to do with “TRUST”. That’s just a love sick puppy who keeps running back for more…”A glutton for punishment”. But if he’s smart enough to “figure out what’s going on”, Then he hasn’t been deceived, Has he?


            1. sorry for delay in response…have been away from computer for three days…

              i am not sure i really understand your argument trigger man; could you rephrase it…

              what i do understand is that you believe it is not a matter of trust, and i would say that it very well could be about trust if he wants to believe that she will not do it again. WANT is the key word;
              one makes a decision whether or not to give the other person the benefit of the doubt but of course this decision will be based (subconsciously or not) on how much he needs his wife, and also on many other variables. The love sick puppy glutton for punishment and mans general inclination to decieve himself is all there, but there are many other possibilities.
              How can we relate this to whether or not we want to believe what the media says even though we have been told: “we lied to you about that and we are sorry….”

              Seems it is the same; we make a choice whether to trust of not, but if the subconscious dependency is too much for us to make a total break, than we continue to trust. Certainly it is a difficult if not impossible position for the common man to make a total break with all outside sources of information; the common man would just be too adrift since he cannot really make decisions for himself.


              1. GODFLY, Yes,”Want” is the key word, I absolutely agree. But “Trust” is the most important thing and without it, there is nothing to believe in. Some people are willing to throw caution to the wind to get what they “Want” because they feel a “Need” for it. That’s just “Blind Faith” Whether they “Trust” in it or Not. I suppose it all comes down to how much abuse you’re willing to take to get what you want, even if it means putting your “Faith and Trust” into “Something” (or someone) you “Want or”Need” after you’ve been lied to…They say you “Can’t”always get what you “Want”. But don’t ever believe that. There’s no such thing as “can’t”…. “CAN’T” got it’s “ASS” kicked till it “COULD”.


        2. Lumi,

          With respect to your offering of gruesome photos, they remind me very much of the gruesome photos from the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/boston-marathon-bombing-photos_n_3087332. There are a few that stand out from 2013 as being particularly “graphic.” Does that make the Boston Marathon bombing real? Are you able to verify the authenticity of an alleged traumatic event via photos? If you truly think that the Boston Marathon bombing was a real event (sans moulage) with real casualties/victims, then I have nothing further to say. However, if you are willing to at least consider that other events such as the 2013 Boston bombing may have been staged – fake blood and all – then maybe we can begin to find common ground. Interestingly, the same blue/yellow color scheme (symbolic of Ukraine) was depicted in the Boston Marathon bombing (which you can see if you scroll through the images). Just a curious coincidence. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/boston-marathon-school-logos-cal-logo–128071183129672629/

          Given that you linked to photos specifically from the reported rocket attack in Mykolaiv on March 18, I am compelled to ask you some questions regarding that incident. This is a very short video describing/demonstrating the supposed rescue of a young girl on that day in Mykolaiv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m594x8J0Bb4. This was purportedly an attack on a naval brigade facility (including military barracks). What would a little girl be doing at a military facility? Do you really think a very young girl would be found in that rubble if it was a genuine event? Do you see anything peculiar about the little girl? Does she seem like a real person to you? Does she seem to be alive, or dead? What are they doing to her body if you consider this to be real? When I watched this video (multiple times, and in very slow motion), I was reminded of this very short clip: https://www.reddit.com/r/realisticdummies/comments/tjfcmg/sigourney_weavers_boneless_double_for_the_alien/.

          What do you think you are seeing here (see two links below)? Do you watch these short clips and see real people authentically suffering?

          Lastly, on your sourcing from SouthFront . . . It has been years since I have visited that site – once I determined it was a spook front. How do you say spook in Russian? I will go with shpion. https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the/russian-word-for-3e6a717447654c7d91d56e5c836522fff758fc0e.html How do you say psyop or information warfare in Russian? I will go with Maskirovka. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1022096.pdf and https://medium.com/in-present-tense/maskirovka-false-narratives-and-information-operations-3193680ee8cb. SouthFront may be an alleged “Russian” spook outfit (https://euvsdisinfo.eu/south-front-russia-hiding-being-russian/) – and not an American spook site – but a spook is a spook is a spook.


          1. I am a gardener. I know dirt/earth.

            The alleged girl being “unearthed” or “buried” in fine “rubble” has not a speck of earth, dirt or rubble upon her — perfectly swaddled, as if taken from her crib, hospital bed, or possibly a stroller. Baby, hands, everything so “clean” for the filming. Smile everybody.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. That was the first thing that jumped out at me. Perfectly attired and spotless in her swaddling white (and light blue), in spite of being pulled out of a powder-keg grave. Nothing like high quality stain repellent.

              I’m one of the few people on this planet who doesn’t have a smart phone in my hand or at my side at all times (still have a landline and an old flip cellphone). Haven’t I seen countless vids taken with these phones of good visual quality? How, if you don’t want your vid to be seen clearly, do you produce this level of bad quality? Is there a camera setting for picture degradation degree; one, two, or three?

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Steve,

              Purported rescues from rubble (of children) were presented a bit more “accurately” during the Syria psyop (Aleppo) in 2016: https://globalnews.ca/news/3070250/dramatic-video-shows-young-syrian-girl-pulled-from-rubble-after-airstrikes-in-aleppo/. I suppose the life-saving White Helmets had access to more dusty rubble for the photo op. In this instance (in 2016), a real girl (not a silicone-based trauma-training manikin) was utilized for the entrapment/extraction crisis exercise.


              1. And since a real, live child was used, camera image quality (or post-processing quality) could be left at a more normal, viewable level.


          2. The Boston Marathon Bombing “Was Not Staged” I live here and I seen the destruction from it. Like Mark said, They pick places in far off lands for their propaganda, “Not” where you can stick your head out own your back door, And see they’re full of shit. I’m not saying staged events don’t go on in our backyards like Sandy hook N.H. But the bombing here was for real.


            1. TM,

              To clarify my position (which I thought was fairly clear from my previous context) . . . Just as in Syria and now Ukraine (and even with 9/11), in no way did I imply that the actual physical destruction was fake. I contend that with these types of events, there is controlled demolition/destruction of carefully selected spaces – but that in these types of incidents (which, essentially provide crisis scenario training/casualty training in real-time https://emsa.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/71/2017/07/TCCC_Quick_Reference_Guide_2017.pdf), there are no real human casualties.

              Contrary to your position, I have actually seen one casualty training event being passed off as real in my hometown. Unfortunately, though, the space was closed off to spectators prior to the staged incident, and then subsequent to the incident. So, I was not able to get close enough to take my own photos. That said, on that day, my husband saw the real SWAT team as he was at the barber looking out the window, and the bullet holes in the windows nearby were real. Nonetheless, it was a drill. The reported deaths were fake.


              1. Steph, I can’t argue the point with you. I’m not going to make shit up just to prove I’m right and you’re wrong. I won’t go there. All I’m saying is that I witnessed the damage in the Aftermath, After the smoke was clear so to speak. Like you said in what you witnessed..No one was allowed near the scene. Afterwards I observed the Blown-out Boarded-up windows and some damage to the brick structure. There was two small areas damaged, They were about a hundred yards or so apart from each other. So all I’m saying is that the bombing did take place. Was it staged? Who knows ! But the explosion did happen. I didn’t witness any actual carnage, So I suppose that door is wide open for anyone to guess…Just like Sandy Hook Newtown, Conn.


                1. And by the way… You were fairly clear from your last context. I read “Everything you write”. The Tactical combat casualty was rather interesting.


                  1. TM,

                    With respect to the Boston Marathon bombing event and tactical combat casualty training . . . There is more evidence to suggest that the event was a simulated mass casualty incident triage exercise (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6521923/).

                    See this paper, in particular: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5531449/.

                    It is a prime example of an Integrated Capstone Event (ICE) https://www.domesticpreparedness.com/preparedness/integrated-capstone-event-expands-training-for-responders/ – gone “live” (meaning it is still an exercise, but being passed off as real). It is the final stage in the hierarchy of deployment of simulated disaster preparedness – referred to as hyper-realistic full-environment immersive simulation (https://tsaco.bmj.com/content/5/1/e000393).

                    And sometimes (as in the case of Syria, and now Ukraine), these ICEs are deployed as globally integrated exercises: https://capstone.ndu.edu/Portals/83/Days%201-2_slides_supplementals_1.pdf.


                    1. An addendum to my comment above . . . This individual was referenced in the Acknowledgments section of the Boston Marathon response paper that I linked above (see second link). His name is Prof. Kobi Peleg: https://wadem.org/team/kobi-peleg/.

                      From Prof. Peleg’s bio (posted by WADEM – World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine) it reads the following:

                      Prof. Kobi Peleg is the Head of the National Center for Trauma and Emergency Medicine Research in the Gertner Institute, a full Professor, the Head (and founder) of the Disaster Medicine Management Department, and the Head of the Executive Master’s Program for Emergency Disaster Management in the School of Public Health, Tel Aviv University. In this capacity, Prof. Peleg leads research and education activities in various fields of trauma, with special interest in mass casualty events, disasters and terror-related injury, and emergency medical services (EMS).

                      Prof. Peleg was the Head of the IDF military Medical Academy (col.). Prof. Peleg served as the Head of the Civil Defense – Medical Branch, in the 1st “Gulf War.” He served in command positions in Israeli Field Hospital to the Armenian earthquake in 1988, the Rwandan civil war in 1995, the Haiti earthquake in 2010, and in the Philippines Typhoon in 2013. Prof. Peleg is one of the UNDAC experts and in this position served in the West Sumatra earthquake in 2009 and in Nepal earthquake in 2015 (in the WHO-EMT team). Prof. Peleg has served as a WHO consultant for national emergency systems, and lead mass casualty management courses for several organizations and governments such as the WHO, RAND Corporation, Italy, Vietnam, USA, and many more. Prof. Peleg has served as consultant for emergency and disasters preparedness for private companies, organizations, and ministries.

                      Prof. Peleg teaches disaster and MCI management, disaster medicine and EMS optimization along with additional related subjects at Tel Aviv University and at several other higher education institutions in Israel and abroad, including the European Master’s in Disaster Medicine (EMDM). Prof. Peleg is a faculty member and visiting professor at several universities. He has published more than 160 articles and chapters in leading journals and books, and he is a well-known speaker in the area of MCI management in prominent conferences worldwide. He is a member of editorial boards of several journals, serves in the National MCI Committee, and is a mentor in the EMT-WHO. Prof. Peleg served as a Senior Assistant to the Israeli Minister of Health and as a Member of the Executive Board of Magen-David-Adom (Israeli EMS).


                    2. One more addendum . . . Ultimately (and what gets continually glossed over by researchers who instinctively detect these are simulated events), the top-tier agenda reflected by the creation of these synthetic events goes far beyond war profiteering (padding the pockets of defense contractors). It is to train the AI in preparation for mixed reality: https://www.cae.com/defence-security/what-we-do/training-systems/synthetic-environments. If people do not begin to grasp the simulacra being presented to us at this time, there will be no capability to discern fake from real once the Spatial Web is fully in place.


                    3. So sorry . . . One more addendum . . .

                      On the topic of augmented reality/Spatial Web . . . Guess where a few of the top 12 (globally) augmented reality companies hail from? Yes, Ukraine for the win (and Belarus, I might add!). https://thinkmobiles.com/services/augmented-reality/. So, my position is that Ukraine was chosen for this hyper-realistic full environment immersion experience (being displayed as real to the world) not only because it provides a prime landscape to bomb the s-it out of, it is also a central hub for practicing/implementing augmented reality. I think that is why it is so incredibly challenging for us to discern all the elements being utilized in these “war” exercises (ie – drones, satellite images, alleged tanks firing at civilians on the streets, etc etc etc) – because we are not versed in these illusory and advanced technologies.


                    4. Thank you Stephers. That’s a fascinating and revealing list of links in your comments above.

                      Finally found the “E” in CAE, from wiki: “CAE Inc. (formerly Canadian Aviation Electronics) is a Canadian manufacturer of simulation technologies, modelling technologies and training services to airlines, aircraft manufacturers, healthcare specialists, and defence customers. CAE was founded in 1947” 1947? MM would have something to say about that.

                      Also from wiki: “Products: Full flight simulators, Visual Solutions, Commercial Aviation Training, Military Training, Healthcare Simulation Solutions, Public Safety and Security Solutions”

                      Healthcare SIMulations. What could those be?

                      Liked by 1 person

                    5. Thanks, OM, for taking the time to review the links. It means a lot to me. The only other person I know who has spent as much time as I have learning about ICEs (FEMA/Homeland Security-sponsored immersive simulated events being passed as real) is Sofia Smallstorm. We have exchanged thoughts in this regard. I happen to think Sofia’s analysis on Sandy Hook is second-to-none: https://archive.org/details/scm-375344-awpt-unravellingsandyhook-par (part 1 of 2) and https://archive.org/details/scm-375789-awpt-unravelingsandyhook-part (part 2 of 2). She has also referred to the COVID operation as a global ICE: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/sgt-reports-the/its-a-global-integrated-iUH4N7td_BZ/.


                    6. That was quite the “Ear-Full”, Stepher. After going over everything you wrote, “Above and Below.” Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m still trying to take it all in. Thank You.


        3. Even if the war is real, it probably isn’t nearly as bloody and destructive as they claim it to be, and the actual deaths are probably miniscule in number. The video included in the above main post clearly demonstrates that very little real action is actually taking place besides controlled demolition and the relocation of people from place to place. Until there’s independent third-party evidence streamlined from real people on the ground proving otherwise, I rest my case.


        4. What fake world bubble? No one here is claiming that everything is fake.

          This is not the first time I have the impression that you have a hard time getting a grip on other people’s opinions.

          I think you would do well to distinguish a bit more consciously between what is actually written in the comments and what you fill in yourself.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Something stinks Here. Russia being such a Super power, Running out of Gas, food and Ammo… looking for a “back-fill” from China ? The Show must go on.


    2. I’d say some of the regulars here are rather adverse to the idea that the deep state is nonchalant towards human life, and so they tend to believe that every injured/dead person on the news or alternative media is a crisis actor or is staged. Not to sound psychoanalytic, but I reckon that represents a kind of mental insecurity towards death.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Caution. Caution. Caution.

      The “reporter” (shown in the second video c/o Margie) is Graham Phillips (AKA “Grisha”): https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Graham_Phillips.

      He falls into the same camp (Cointelpro) as other “counter-propagandists” (AKA “pro-Russian govt”/”anti-Ukraine govt”/”anti-Neo-Nazi”) – like Patrick Lancaster (https://www.youtube.com/c/PatrickLancasterNewsToday/videos), Lara Logan (https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=SW46GU83GRGX and https://twitter.com/laralogan; married to “super-spook” Joseph Burkett https://crooksandliars.com/diane-sweet/lara-logans-spouse-paid-propagandist and https://miscellany101.com/2013/11/24/was-lara-logans-husband-behind-the-infamously-incorrect-60-minutes-piece-on-benghazi/), Gonzalo Lira (https://www.businessinsider.com/author/gonzalo-lira and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPxpPT4b4vnDlX0sBGz3r4Q/videos), Paul Craig Roberts (https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Paul_Craig_Roberts), and even Oliver Stone (https://thefreedomcycle.com/news-blog/). There are plenty of others, like Aaron Maté, Max Blumenthal, and Ben Norton, and the list goes on . . .

      Their main collective role (spooky, I remind you) is to prove to the viewers that the Ukrainian government is a Neo-Nazi, killing machine regime; and that Putin is coming in as the White Knight to save the day. (I have been hearing this chat for the past 8 years – even prior to this orchestrated event.) It cements that there may be no Russian invaders killing Ukrainian citizens (as they serve to “debunk” the very obvious psyops and “mistakes on purpose”); yet, conversely, demonstrates to the viewers that the “Zelensky regime” is bombing/killing its own citizens.

      For those who may easily perceive the in-your-face psyops being presented to the gullible masses, the System (with its Cointel spooks) must offer the next level of atrocity propaganda – but a bit more difficult to discern.

      For example, it seems many did not fall for this obvious psyop, https://www.greanvillepost.com/2022/03/14/russian-attack-on-maternity-hospital-debunked/, but they did fall for this one, https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=D4D7YWOWS3WU. In particular, notice here – the crying older gentleman is in position and preparing for his cue (see the 10 second mark): https://twitter.com/SDyorin/status/1503841456984887303?s=20. You should be able to see two clips of him at this Twitter account, “White Swan” (@SDyorin). I was not able to link the clips separately, so you need to scroll above to see his performance in more detail (note the 1:17 to 1:24 timestamps).

      So, when it seems that these individuals are telling you what it is really like in Ukraine (meaning, they want you to believe citizens are safe in one area of the country, yet really dying in another – but at the hands of the other “monsters”), I suggest even greater discernment.

      With all that said . . . Thus far, I do trust the footage (AKA “Illusion Warfare Report”) coming directly from @LezLuthor (Be extra discerning/cautious, however, with videos produced by “Unacceptable Fringe Minority” c/o BarbM, as this is not Lez Luthor’s channel; this You Tube channel also embeds psyop material from Patrick Lancaster – see “Part 3: “Boots on the Ground” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U7d16qHeQc).

      I discovered Lez Luthor’s work on February 28, 2022, and then saw his thread on March 8, 2022 (dated March 5, 2022: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1500175827161554946.html). He has an eye for what distinguishes these street theater/movie set-esque psyops – such as the use of color coding (mainly purple https://twitter.com/lezluthor/status/1497207173805318150?s=10), props https://twitter.com/lezluthor/status/1501144699196817408?s=10), moulage (https://twitter.com/lezluthor/status/1497199974031007754?s=10), archetypes (https://twitter.com/lezluthor/status/1497253915695456265?s=10), and crisis actor templates (https://twitter.com/lezluthor/status/1497207173805318150?s=10).

      I have observed this formulaic design with each and every staged event I have analyzed over the past eight years. I do not recall Lez Luthor referencing the symbolic shoe signaling in psyop footage. But that is nearly always utilized in the formula as well. There are other signals symbolically used as well: bicycles, victims/witnesses walking with canes/crutches, or sitting in wheelchairs, super tall individuals standing around as “extras” (like very giant, as in nearly 7 ft tall), etc. And, of course, I can’t forget the head wrapped in gauze. Here is one I have been meaning to write about: https://e3.365dm.com/17/09/1096×616/0a1d61fb1bd312a3bf9a22beb1d1194877e8241c60a451ff845b0cd9495a5e94_4101182.jpg?20170915152234. Remember that one?


      1. Steph, nice list! I watched some of them pre-Rona, but something about them rang false. I checked in on a few of them in the early days to see what was up. I was not aware at the time of how spooky things have become. The group above work to force the “alts” into the confining box of “Russians have legitimate concerns and are always prudent and victims and Ukrainians lie about everything” as a counterpoint to the main message of “Putler has his eyes on Paris and kills babies for fun.” People want to root for a side, right?

        A simpler message might be this. The masses are hated and slated for an even-grimmer future.


  5. Funny you make that comment, as I have a close pal who worked for several with a Ukrainian imaging software firm until late last year. This crisis could very well be used to export this IT sector, which usually is “globalist” anyway, to undercut wages in other Euro countries.

    My friend still keeps in touch with many of them and tells me the CIO is making molotovs. She’s 40ish, feisty and tiny, no doubt loves her country, but somehow thinks she will be an active part of armed resistance to the Russian army under the leadership of a comedian with zero military (or political) experience. Who’s apparently in Poland too. Safer, I guess.

    In rely to Lumi, your point is excellent; not everything is fake. I think they way to describe this war is like pretty much all the ones I have studied (essentially the 20th-century ones) which is to say “Managed.”

    I recall in the early days of Iraq 2003 some military commentators saying it could develop into a Stalingrad for the US forces. And now, a war near the actual Stalingrad. Certainly people are dying on “both” sides, but at an apparently lower rate than “Stalingrad.”


    1. Of course some of it is “real”…Somebody always has to pay the price, it’s called “sacrifice.” What better way to “lower the population,” Than to get rid of half the undesirables…”The oxygen thieves and Mouths to Feed”? in the end it’s a high “BODY-COUNT, At a low Cost”…it’s a Win-Win situation, And everybody gets what they want…except “You”.


  6. There was a TON of “33” s in that opening of the video. Flight, the time of departure, the date, just a coincidence I’m sure! What it means I gave no idea.


    1. I just realized as I awoke this morning … the initials MM are spook markers, 13th letter of the alphabet, 1313 = 1133. But LL, as in Lez Luther, is 1212, or another expression of 33.


    2. ZT,

      Lez Luther has been tweeting about the ’33’ consistently for many months – prior to the Ukraine event (heavily coded with the ’33’ https://twitter.com/LezLuthor/status/1496606368735899652?s=20). He refers to “Illusion Numerology” and “Numerology War Crimes” and “Numerology Bombardment” when speaking to the subliminal use of the ’33.’

      As he explained in his thread, it seemed the ’33’ was following him everywhere (on the clock, etc https://twitter.com/LezLuthor/status/1500543627180847104?s=20), and joked that he nearly ended up in room #33 (https://twitter.com/LezLuthor/status/1501271885266309124?s=20). His point being that it seemed the universe was almost playing with him, so he continued to point it out throughout (https://twitter.com/LezLuthor/status/1500181285305790470?s=20).

      He knows full well about continual Masonic coding in news reporting (https://twitter.com/LezLuthor/status/1493580157759729670?s=20), as you can see on his Twitter account. Since I am attuned to numerology as well, I tend to see numbers like the 11, 22, and 33 (AKA “master numbers”) pop up often as well.


      1. By reviewing the very short, discerning list of Twitter accounts that Lez Luthor “follows” (including JLB), one can see he is highly sensitive to the subliminal cueing (with numbers, colors, etc.) utilized in scripted news/events: https://mobile.twitter.com/LezLuthor/following. When I had an active Twitter account (before being booted), I, too, followed those same accounts (give or take a few).


  7. Do think covid is really over?
    I don’t, I think they’ve just temporarily backed off a bit so there’s nothing to distract our full attention from being focused on Ukraine.
    There is no credible reason for including all those 33’s in the video. I read a comment here a couple of days ago, I can’t remember by who, speculating about whether the numbers are included because they are laughing at us. That’s how it feels to me when I watch this.


  8. welcome to the metaverse

    the fake war i named atlantis vs tartaria , a long time ago..

    The hermetic syringe that is the (ONE) oz trade tower in the place of the millenium fall-con is stuff dreams are made of

    OZ is the fear personified – oz- climate change -oz 02-jfk-oz-wald-apollo13-oz c-o2 crisis( you remember the space masons squared the circle with their Co-z scrubber ,oz-one layer ,ozama becomes osama, got to ask yourself will they use oz again to scare people ,ruby slippers for jack,gullible as fuck! ruby
    ask the question why OZ narrative isused it also explains why a hermetic syringe in place of the millenium fall-con and why anything bad that happens to america on t.v. oops television is either done by Oz or one of the characters from there !!

    oz is always the crisis the made up enemy or the trickster ,or the accident we didnt foresee

    so al qa eda means data base, and i posit that refers to the conjuring of the enemy from a pre set cript an agreed fiction , al qa eda which is apt ,ape a planet ,,,,, ape ap la net ten ,al qa eda backwards like φίλος means love of ,so its inversion is as predictable as No-lens movies , i did predict what tenet would be about knowing No-lens is fully aware of how solo-mans seal is used ,ie oz archetypes and imagery

    Sars cov Oz, the scarecrow
    Blistered feet,the ruby slippers
    Yellow brick road, yellow card reporting system
    If I only had a brain the clartts
    If I only had a heart , myleyo-cyrus miocarditis

    The monoliths appears four times in 2001: A Space Odyssey: on the African savanna, on the Moon, in space orbiting Jupiter, and near Bowman’s bed before his transformation.

    instead of trying to lead you to some sort of uplifting event whereby man in all his psilly and impossible forms gets an intergalctic pat on the back and encouragement from the monoliths ,which is what a lot of “film critics” posit i,m gonna suggest that the monoliths are little more than milestones . or agreed symbols of a hustle from along time ago…

    1st monolith appears to represent the evolution origin story , on the dusty African savanna , thats the start of your alchemical journey ,well apparently ,say bone voyage … i prefer it to show the bonesmen,s first conquest

    2nd monolith located on the moon in the emerald crater known as tycho (an impossibilty) without the use of the silver screen magicians and showmen ,The crescent moon was a common alchemy symbol for the metal silver as is the three pronged spear.

    3rd monolith located in space orbiting Jupiter,Tin for Jupiter, the king of the gods,the tin giant with a red heart . oh and i should add kubrick puts bow-man in a red space suit ,theres blue and yellow ofcourse,yellow brick road

    4th monolith located near Bowman’s bed before his transformation into a starchild . somewher over the rainbow-mans bed is conveniently covered in yellow bricks ,he followed the yellow brick road or kubricks version of clicking his heels (bow mans stargate) journey takes him to oz theres no place like home.,or hotel he stayed .

    No-lens uses the same methods and characters as kubrick and lucas did,all wizards get their wand praised

    heres a couple of my ideas dont call in it,s just for fun!!
    No-lens movie the prestige ,so just to recap In the film the prestige Nikola Tesla is sought out to build a machine which duplicates objects to the smallest detail ,now since you are familiar with our wizard No-lens it’s obvious that this is another tell from the director whos films show all the 911 tricks it is all about duplication of j Tobin plaza (twin tower complex)down to the smallest detail, and if you pay special attention you will see that Tesla’s laboratory has a look of New York’s sky line

    (interstellar) is a work of genius and the gullible ape piloting a ranger spaceship (ruby shaped and theres two) into a psi fi wet dream black hole is good ( same visuals as were expected to belive a virus phage takes lol( fancy a time travel film with the power of love as a narrative ( not a theme = huey lewis should sue), in nolens case the entire covid script is in batman 123 but interstellars social distancing mask wearing and the dying planet earth narrative ,and last but not least michael caines deathbed confession is so close to pasteurs its not even funny,

    inception ending is obviously end of wizard of oz, but this story ends with cobb heading through customs and being given a choice of fizher,j,johnson, or a cainanite hug from the man who would be king
    and tenet shows flying monkeys from oz red and blue masons destroying and rebuilding solomons temple (trump metaphor temporal pincer ?we,ll see ,aswell as gun grabbing and well renowned magicians tricks being performed in their natural or original habitats , indian rope trick is in india, bullet catch is performed on a stage, even a adhoc yellow brick road as the gold bullion is ejected from the plane in ozlo

    ,theres many yellow brick roads from No-lens he didnt make seven wizard of oz films by accident
    and finally ozma was to blame for 911, or the millenium fall-con


  9. “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country… We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

    — Edward Bernays, Propaganda

    Just a reminder, “… almost every act…”

    Be the remnant.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Replace “democratic” with “fascist” and you get a more accurate picture of what’s going on here. There’s nothing “democratic” about giving a few hidden psychopaths immense power over how the masses think, feel, and behave – rather than leaving ordinary people to think, feel, and do things for themselves. This only exists in a theocracy or an open-air prison state. But, of course, who do you think said that? The master of propaganda himself.


    1. ZT,

      That is precisely what I explained with regard to the “Part 3” video. (It is not footage from Lez Luthor. It is footage from spookster Patrick Lancaster.)

      From my comment above: With all that said . . . Thus far, I do trust the footage (AKA “Illusion Warfare Report”) coming directly from @LezLuthor (Be extra discerning/cautious, however, with videos produced by “Unacceptable Fringe Minority” c/o BarbM, as this is not Lez Luthor’s channel; this You Tube channel also embeds psyop material from Patrick Lancaster – see “Part 3: “Boots on the Ground” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U7d16qHeQc).

      The “Unacceptable Fringe Minority” (UFM) channel cannot be trusted. It should not be utilized as a direct reflection of determining the veracity of reporting that emanates from Lez Luthor. UFM mixes truth with misinformation/disinformation (hence, Patrick Lancaster).

      I specifically pointed out Patrick Lancaster’s psyopery to MT in an email a few weeks ago. He was being promoted by Alex Jones. Lancaster has been implanted in Ukraine since 2014 – for this purpose. I was not able to access Part 3, as I am unable to “sign in” to You Tube for some reason. But, from the title and the comments below it, I determined it was the footage from Patrick Lancaster. Thus, I provided a link to the same footage in my comment above (https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=D4D7YWOWS3WU), with my analysis of some of the fakery you are implying (mainly, the antics of the older gentleman with the cap, and his hands in his pockets).


      1. This is what Lez Luthor tweeted today, in response to a question posed to him: https://twitter.com/LezLuthor/status/1505440295131009025?s=20.

        I feel Ukraine is chosen as it has so many old derelict soviet buildings, empty towns, abandoned infrastructure all ready to be blown up. It’s the perfect pre-made movie set ideal for illusion warfare.

        While it may be an oversimplification (as there is more to why Ukraine was chosen for this current/ongoing event), this echoes my analysis (and I have been watching the Ukraine shelling since 2014).

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, great points, I did see your comment. Also not sure if you saw on the news but supposedly putin called out the pregnant woman supposedly injured in rocket blast as a crisis actor. What a great way to discredit truthers, just have the “villain” putin call out events as fake, the zombies then have proof WE are nuts and WE are the bad guys because we agree with putin! Clown world!


        1. ZT,

          I don’t know about Putin specifically making any such assertions; but, yes, I was following the reporting that came out of the Russian embassy in the UK. Here, the Daily Beast did (essentially) what you implied – referring to those who may consider a pregnant woman a crisis actor “the darkest fringes of the internet’s conspiracy web” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-says-injured-pregnant-woman-is-a-crisis-actor-she-s-actually-a-pregnant-blogger/ar-AAUTHIh (March 10, 2022. In the video I linked above presented by Matt (QofC), he discussed this fake event – echoing your take. It is well worth a listen.


  10. Now that we are all wagging the dog, the virologists can go about their business relatively undisturbed. Lots of de-platforming going on out there in the make believe world of digit-land. I’m no scientist, but the following is whole new level of
    unfounded double-talk about nothing. Of course, they “isolated.”

    Seinfeld had the right idea: “…a show about nothing.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPPlSkQ1WEQ


    1. Yep.

      The continuing stories from virology-land equate to another Harry Potter book.

      Computer created virus genomes and variants, with appropriate algorithms applied on top of that, give the script writers fantastic material for new chapters and books that perpetuate the virology-land fantasy.

      The cliff-hanger aspect right now (that we’re all waiting for breathlessly) could be, will ‘rona star again, in act 2, or will it be something new and more sinister, jumping out from the forests of New Guinea to decimate native villagers, before somehow getting into Anthony Fauci’s nose and spreading, well, “virally”.

      Or, will we be surprised by an even more clever twist that we, in our naivety, could not have possibly imagined.


    2. Michael Richards, the actor who played Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld is said to be a 33rd-degree Freemason. Confidential sourced, no doubt.


      1. And here’s the picture to prove that point:

        Note that behind his frizzy hair, the subtitle says: “A Freemasonic Production”. And, of course, this comes from the Scottish Rite magazine, so we all know who we’re dealing with.


      1. To quote the “Funding” section of that article:

        “This work was supported by the French Government under the “Investments for the Future” program managed by the National Agency for Research (ANR), Méditerranée-Infection 10-IAHU-03; ….”

        Various other organizations have bankrolled this study, as well, but I decided to leave them out to highlight my point. I’m sure any French viewers here would approve.


        1. The “National Agency for Research” is basically France’s version of America’s infamous National Institute of Health program, also credited for providing federal tax dollars in the research and development of the COVID-19 variant, according to the “bioweapon” proponenants. It’s been said that other viral strains – such as H1N1 and AID/HIV – were sponsored by federal agencies like the NIH. I’m sure the NAR/ANR has a similar background, as well.


  11. As of today,
    our marquee is billing the eastern europe situation,
    “The Daze of Warn and Poses”

    And now, controllers say millions driven out of Uke…for what?
    Here’s a 2018 angle on it. Who knows?


    An aside:

    PS. am thankful for POM as a great place to share and have some fun, while prospecting leads and digging deep. On the other hand, we know there is no authority out there for defining our reality. Like many who venture here, I enjoy the give and take of ideas. At the same time, will also pass on making this a place for doctoral theses type defenses. Links are not necessarily my assertions, agreement, nor choosing to defend–simply enjoying a myriad of views on many things to distill and disseminate freely; with smart people. TY


    1. B1,

      RE: The Khazaria 2.0 article from 2018 (that you linked in your comment above)

      I think you may be onto something here . . . and it is why I linked to the same article 12 days ago in response to commenter Inguz on a previous comments thread. This was my reply:

      Expanding outward from the 2014 Times of Israel article (authored by Jim Wald) you linked (presented as “satire”), we can get even further by reading this material: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/khazaria-2-0-the-planned-jewish-migration-out-of-israel-to-ukraine/ (2018). (Note: The original article you linked is embedded in the one I have linked.)


  12. B1,

    Maybe the Yinon Plan (1982) for a “Greater Israel” didn’t pan out, and Ukraine is Plan B. A new way of seeing “right of return?”


    “Yinon’s claim that an application of the spirit of his strategy has been limited only to the conflict in Syria is patently wrong. The neoconservative-inspired wars waged by the United States on behalf of the state of Israel in Iraq, Libya, as well as the ongoing plans to destroy the Shia Crescent by attacking Iran provide contrary evidence.

    The ‘Yinon Plan’ after all merely encapsulates Israeli policy of the past, the present and the future.”

    Maybe Ukraine is an add–on once Labanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran have been brought to heel. I do not know, but fascinating to watch the neocons and Zionists in Europe facing uncertain times ahead. The best laid plans…..


    1. Indeed, nice framing.
      Consider the power of mass media on mass beliefs in the last two years.
      Then, consider for the past century, belief in one book, the Scofield Bible, which appears to be the scaffolding for “legitimate expansion,” according to christian zionist followers. Hence, a unilateral “higher power,” could co-opt rational discourse removing the customary framework necessary for any good faith negotiation. A cadre of belief functioning as an open liability shield? A method used throughout history. Interesting dynamics at play…


  13. Looking at the news will do, considering the fake, there’s much to find. These days I’ve seen a picture of a burned out tank on a street, the tank put on rubble, so the asphalt would not be damaged.
    In the early days, there was the rocket hits a WTC like building, and the tank hits car stunt.


  14. Fun fact:

    Dmitri Rogozin, director general of the Russian space agency Roskosmos and an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, posted a video two days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in which he threatened not to bring back American astronaut Mark Vande Hei.

    I guess the war is as real as the ISS.


    1. Nothing like a dead dummy actor(actress?) in photos to start my morning off right. And in fact, a dead dummy (with no legs, but wearing pants and boots) that was riding a bike, imagine that!, who managed to fall neatly onto the sidewalk for a photo-op. Complete with charcoaled face and the requisite cell phone neatly placed at his/her side….further complete with unscathed doggy, who apparently doesn’t like being told to stay on this set.

      All of the surroundings also curiously unscathed by this killing blast, for which the only noticeable effect is that charcoal on the biker’s face.

      And the hat exhibits great loyalty.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. if the dummy got blasted off that bike, I highly doubt he/she would have landed “Boots-up between the bicycle”.


      2. OM,

        Oh no . . . Is that Airway Larry? Could it be? Sans the hat, gloves, clothing, arms, and legs . . . may be a dead ringer (?): https://www.gtsimulators.com/products/039-airway-larry-039-airway-management-trainer-torso-lf03669u

        It also seems there may be the requisite, tell-tale signal (indicative of staging) of the single-use water bottle on the ground beside him . . .

        In image 3, I may have identified the victim . . . Could it be this guy: https://www.ebay.com/itm/133616273916 – with his disassembled head and rotatable arms? Not quite a dead ringer though . . . The bust and girth size do seem off . . .

        All unseemly kidding aside . . . I do find it absolutely disgusting to exploit these dogs in this manner.


      3. in scene one there is a long wire attached to the dummies head; in scene two the dummy is in a body bag; the wire is still there; only now it’s several feet away from the bike where it all happened. perhaps it was a “Fuse” to blow it up for the next scene..ha ha. The dummy is missing a hand, notice the “Spike” sticking out of the arm sleeve ? they forgot to put the hand back on the mannequin. And the feet and legs were just haphazardly stuffed up into the pants to make it look like his legs were blown off. Hmmm, it’s a good thing that dummy wore a good pair of pants or they never would’ve found his legs.


      4. Notice how in Frame one, The dog has “one ear up” and “one ear down”? In Frame Two the dog has his ears straight back and his tail nearly tucked between his legs. in “Both Frames”the dog isn’t looking at the dummy-or the dummies putting the dummy in a body bag…The dog is looking behind himself in both frames. I’ve always owned dogs and I know how they act when they’re afraid or if something sparks their interest. and it’s obvious that “This dog” is more concerned with what’s going on behind him than what’s going on in front of him. There are people behind him and he’s confused as to what the fuck is going on behind the scenes.


  15. More dummies on the ground? (RE: train station massacre via missile attack in Kramatorsk, Ukraine, April 8, 2022) . . . https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=O7DAXX5491UD

    Anyone buying this story? https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=DD427S56RYWM

    (See the original MSM footage here – sans dummies . . . I mean, bodies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV3M3EQaOmU.)

    Thank goodness for Russ Brown. Otherwise, it seems I may be the only one analyzing this fakery. Russ did a good job – saving me time and effort.


    1. On fakery and subliminal conjuring in Kramatorsk (as I referenced above) . . .

      The word Kramatorsk is derived from the French crématoire, meaning ‘big oven’.

      This is precisely how our Media & Military Theatrical Complex conspires to conjure subconscious visions of bodies burning in the Holocaust without having to utter the phrase.

      (Source: https://twitter.com/humanvibration/status/1512784097885757449?s=10 and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramatorsk)


  16. (This comment is in’s response to Stephers comment featuring dogs prominently displayed in these fake war photos. Sorry in advance for the length 😛 )

    I tend to view all this dog stuff as a sort of symbolic initiation.
    Sirius, aka the Dog Star (funny, ‘the Dog Star’ automatically capitalizes itself on my iPad) is the brightest star in our sky and has much ‘historical’ or mythological/symbolic relevance: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius

    In tarot, The Star is the 17th card and represents : ‘New hopes and splendid revelations of the future, insight, inspiration, courage and enlightenment of the spiritual self. Body and mind and converging towards the light at the end of a dark time(s)’

    In ‘The Truman Show’, it was the light labeled ‘Sirius’ that fell into Truman’s set that first initiatied him into the concept that his world, his reality, was not what he thought it was.

    JLB wrote a great article on his site about the Truman Show/Sirius/dog connection. It was the first time I ever saw anyone interpret Truman’s ‘waking up to his reality’ as a deliberate design and not an accident or mistake.

    I tend to believe that all of these fake events are purposely designed to be as transparent, silly, and obvious as possible – an alarm clock of sorts – so that those with eyes to see can finally wake up to the nature of their reality. The empty puppets perpetuating these lies may have more sinister, mundane, material, and nefarious motives for seeding these stories and images – and that definitely seems to be the case – but I feel the universe/god/whatever you want to call it uses them for a different spiritual and esoteric purpose altogether. They seem to me to be signals, clues, to nudge us – more like shake us – into waking from our amnesiac state.

    9/11, 3/11, and the multitude of other ridiculously fake events seem to be shouting, bluntly and in our faces, to ‘wake the f*** up!’. They seem designed to be seen through and to help those with eyes to see to begin their process of waking up to where we are, who we are, and why we are here. How would we ever remember if no one ever tried to show us? I actually feel that the true believers of these stories are simply a byproduct (very desirable for the empty puppets running the game), but not the ultimate goal spiritually and esoterically speaking.
    Most people see the images presented to them as a true representation of reality, and so are filled with anger, rage, depression, hatred, anxiety, and misery and so feed the energy-sucking parasites with these tasty emotions. Others know the images to be fake, but are also filled with anger, rage, depression, hatred, anxiety, and misery over the vile lies and deceit being perpetuated on the masses – and so they too feed the energy-sucking parasites with these emotions. One group is in despair because they think these images and stories are real, the other is in despair because they know them to be fake. Either way, the beast gets fed.

    But there’s another way to look at it: ‘New hopes and splendid revelations of the future, insight, inspiration, courage and enlightenment of the spiritual self.’

    Without the help of these extremely silly and obvious fake events happening around me, how would I ever have awakened from my slumber? Spiritually speaking, I feel they are designed exactly for this purpose. (The empty puppets – whatever the hell they are- have different motivations, but they do not concern me and my journey. I feel they themselves are being used by a higher hand to help people like me, whether they know it or not – and I highly doubt they do. It’s actually kinda funny to think about.)
    I feel as though I inserted myself into this realm to learn a very specific set of lessons that can only be learned here. But it had to be a challenge – like a sort of mystery escape room puzzle. That’s part of the fun, you see. But once inserted into the game, I forgot why I came. I started to believe this realm represented all of reality. I forgot I was even in a realm. I started to believe I was my avatar. I handed over my mind and spirit to outside authorities to play me like a pawn, sucking my energy like a battery. The spiritual and amazing journey that I embarked on here was stalled – I was distracted by the RPG and all its trappings. But then these pesky alarm clocks kept blaring at me everywhere I looked nudging me, saying ‘remember where you are, remember what you are.’

    Ever see the movie ‘The Nines’?

    There is something very empowering for the spirit in learning to reject ego, social status, social acceptance, material gain, status quo. But I had to have a choice.
    And so with recognizing the artificial nature of this reality, I can take sovereignty back and live and manifest as I so choose. I cut the strings from my avatar and can now roam freely through this amazing place as if in a lucid dream, fearless and full of curiosity and wonder.
    But if it weren’t for the universe shoving ever more illogical and ridiculous clues in my face, would I ever have woken up? Like Truman, I feel these events are the light falling into my set – a deliberate slap in the face to say ‘can’t you see?? It’s time to wake up now and let go of the matrix and the ego and begin your real journey. It’s time to take back control of your dream/game/whatever this is.’ It’s extremely empowering and awe inspiring – the implications are boundless. Lonely, perhaps, but that’s just one of the many boss battles scattered about this place that I chose to grapple with to strengthen my spirit. Yes there are some extremely dark sides to this place, but was there ever a good story without a challenge or adversity to overcome? Revision through fire. It is like a CrossFit gym for the soul.

    So I am not at all surprised to see dogs prominently displayed in these fake war photos when symbolically the Dog Star represents transcendence and an activation of the conscious and subconscious. They are wagging their tail at us saying ‘wake up wake up wake up’. The dog days are over. Of course, most people will simply see these images and say ‘awww poor doggies, abandoned and all alone amidst the devastation of war. Poor things. Poor everyone. Poor world’ and so they continue feeding the beast with their miserable energy and emotions. I understand these awful stories affect the average person very negatively, and I lament that fact. But for others, these images can be a wonderful initiation to nudge them awake so they can begin taking control of their game, of their life, of their avatar and enjoy the blessings and lessons only this realm can offer. But first they have to wake up, and I think the universe leaves these ridiculous breadcrumbs to be be examined and seen for what they are exactly for that purpose.

    Sorry for the extremely long comment – your doggy post was extra syncy for me as I had just spoken to two separate people today about the ‘Dog Star initiation’ and then popped on here to see your latest dog themed comment. Another wink from the universe 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  17. (This comment is in response to Stephers comment featuring dogs prominently displayed in these fake war photos. I had originally included links to the Wikipedia pages for the Sirius Dog Star, the movie ‘The Nines’, and an image, but my comment kept getting lost in moderation so I removed them. Sorry in advance for the length 😛 )

    I tend to view all this dog stuff as a sort of symbolic initiation.
    Sirius, aka the Dog Star (funny, ‘the Dog Star’ automatically capitalizes itself on my iPad) is the brightest star in our sky and has much ‘historical’ or mythological/symbolic relevance.

    In tarot, The Star is the 17th card and represents : ‘New hopes and splendid revelations of the future, insight, inspiration, courage and enlightenment of the spiritual self. Body and mind and converging towards the light at the end of a dark time(s)’

    In ‘The Truman Show’, it was the light labeled ‘Sirius’ that fell into Truman’s set that first initiatied him into the concept that his world, his reality, was not what he thought it was.

    JLB wrote a great article on his site about the Truman Show/Sirius/dog connection. It was the first time I ever saw anyone interpret Truman’s ‘waking up to his reality’ as a deliberate design and not an accident or mistake.

    I tend to believe that all of these fake events are purposely designed to be as transparent, silly, and obvious as possible – an alarm clock of sorts – so that those with eyes to see can finally wake up to the nature of their reality. The empty puppets perpetuating these lies may have more sinister, mundane, material, and nefarious motives for seeding these stories and images – and that definitely seems to be the case – but I feel the universe/god/whatever you want to call it uses them for a different spiritual and esoteric purpose altogether. They seem to me to be signals, clues, to nudge us – more like shake us – into waking from our amnesiac state.

    9/11, 3/11, and the multitude of other ridiculously fake events seem to be shouting, bluntly and in our faces, to ‘wake the f*** up!’. They seem designed to be seen through and to help those with eyes to see to begin their process of waking up to where we are, who we are, and why we are here. How would we ever remember if no one ever tried to show us? I actually feel that the true believers of these stories are simply a byproduct (very desirable for the empty puppets running the game), but not the ultimate goal spiritually and esoterically speaking.
    Most people see the images presented to them as a true representation of reality, and so are filled with anger, rage, depression, hatred, anxiety, and misery and so feed the energy-sucking parasites with these tasty emotions. Others know the images to be fake, but are also filled with anger, rage, depression, hatred, anxiety, and misery over the vile lies and deceit being perpetuated on the masses – and so they too feed the energy-sucking parasites with these emotions. One group is in despair because they think these images and stories are real, the other is in despair because they know them to be fake. Either way, the beast gets fed.

    But there’s another way to look at it: ‘New hopes and splendid revelations of the future, insight, inspiration, courage and enlightenment of the spiritual self.’

    Without the help of these extremely silly and obvious fake events happening around me, how would I ever have awakened from my slumber? Spiritually speaking, I feel they are designed exactly for this purpose. (The empty puppets – whatever the hell they are- have different motivations, but they do not concern me and my journey. I feel they themselves are being used by a higher hand to help people like me, whether they know it or not – and I highly doubt they do. It’s actually kinda funny to think about.)
    I feel as though I inserted myself into this realm to learn a very specific set of lessons that can only be learned here. But it had to be a challenge – like a sort of mystery escape room puzzle. That’s part of the fun, you see. But once inserted into the game, I forgot why I came. I started to believe this realm represented all of reality. I forgot I was even in a realm. I started to believe I was my avatar. I handed over my mind and spirit to outside authorities to play me like a pawn, sucking my energy like a battery. The spiritual and amazing journey that I embarked on here was stalled – I was distracted by the RPG and all its trappings. But then these pesky alarm clocks kept blaring at me everywhere I looked nudging me, saying ‘remember where you are, remember what you are.’

    Ever see the movie ‘The Nines’?

    There is something very empowering for the spirit in learning to reject ego, social status, social acceptance, material gain, status quo. But I had to have a choice.
    And so with recognizing the artificial nature of this reality, I can take sovereignty back and live and manifest as I so choose. I cut the strings from my avatar and can now roam freely through this amazing place as if in a lucid dream, fearless and full of curiosity and wonder.
    But if it weren’t for the universe shoving ever more illogical and ridiculous clues in my face, would I ever have woken up? Like Truman, I feel these events are the light falling into my set – a deliberate slap in the face to say ‘can’t you see?? It’s time to wake up now and let go of the matrix and the ego and begin your real journey. It’s time to take back control of your dream/game/whatever this is.’ It’s extremely empowering and awe inspiring – the implications are boundless. Lonely, perhaps, but that’s just one of the many boss battles scattered about this place that I chose to grapple with to strengthen my spirit. Yes there are some extremely dark sides to this place, but was there ever a good story without a challenge or adversity to overcome? Revision through fire. It is like a CrossFit gym for the soul.

    So I am not at all surprised to see dogs prominently displayed in these fake war photos when symbolically the Dog Star represents transcendence and an activation of the conscious and subconscious. They are wagging their tail at us saying ‘wake up wake up wake up’. The dog days are over. Of course, most people will simply see these images and say ‘awww poor doggies, abandoned and all alone amidst the devastation of war. Poor things. Poor everyone. Poor world’ and so they continue feeding the beast with their miserable energy and emotions. I understand these awful stories affect the average person very negatively, and I lament that fact. But for others, these images can be a wonderful initiation to nudge them awake so they can begin taking control of their game, of their life, of their avatar and enjoy the blessings and lessons only this realm can offer. But first they have to wake up, and I think the universe leaves these ridiculous breadcrumbs to be be examined and seen for what they are exactly for that purpose.

    Sorry for the extremely long comment – your doggy post was extra syncy for me as I had just spoken to two separate people today about the ‘Dog Star initiation’ and then popped on here to see your latest dog themed comment. Another wink from the universe 😉

    Liked by 3 people

    1. To add on real quick (sorry for responding to my own comment! Lol) – I regularly lucid dream, at least once a month. I do not induce them, they just happen naturally for me. The thing is, there is always a tell that sets me off. Whether it’s me being able to breathe under water, a wad of neverending gum that I can’t get out of my mouth, or just an extremely bizarre visual – there is always something in the dream that stops my dream self in its tracts and makes her go, ‘Now wait a minute…this isn’t possible. This isn’t how reality works. This is fake! I’m in a dream!’ Et voila, I’m lucid and can now enjoy the dream any way I wish. The dreamscape no longer represents a solid reality that I am helpless in, the storyline is no longer set on autopilot with me being an unwitting character in the plot- I am now in control of my own dream. Nightmares and ghouls vanish and hold no more power over me. I see them for the silly illusion that they are.
      I feel these fake events are like the neverending wad of gum – they are purposely inserted tells (inserted by something much higher than the creatures on our TV) designed to prompt us to go lucid so we can detach from the illusion and stop taking it so damn seriously. Now most people dreaming wouldn’t think anything odd about the neverending gum, they wouldn’t think twice about it. But for me, for some of us, we get the hint – we see the clue, we hear the alarm, and we wake up. If there were no obvious tells like the comical crisis actors, the cartoon planes, the tin foil lunar module … how would we ever do it? Something out there is trying very hard to wake some of us up for our benefit and enlightenment.
      Bringing it back to the dogs – It wasn’t until after getting bit in the face by a Rottweiler ten years ago that I started my journey of lucidity, no kidding. The Sirius initiation had begun 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sarah,

        I have so much to say in response to the “Sirius Initiation” and all that is syncy for me as well. I will do my best to encapsulate my swirling thoughts around this, and get back to you later today. For now, please know I appreciate your contemplation around this topic, and for being persistent in getting your responses through the WordPress Bermuda Triangle. It is strange how comments get lost, and then sometimes re-appear (or not).


        1. Sarah,

          In the interim – since you referenced it – I will drop JLB’s esoteric analysis of The Truman Show (RE: Sirius) in the thread (October 2017). It is an excellent read. https://www.johnlebon.com/articles/esoteric-analysis-of-the-truman-show-1998-part-1/ I think (I hope) non-members should be able to access it.

          JLB’s Truman Show/Sirius analysis was preceded a few days earlier by this offering: https://www.johnlebon.com/podcasts/the-route-91-occult-ritual-and-true-man/. Subsequently, he followed up with a relevant analysis in June 2018: https://www.johnlebon.com/articles/truman-23/. (Again, I hope these links are accessible to non-members).

          Additionally, this documentary (I do not know the date of its release) echoes JLB’s work with respect to The Truman Show and Sirius: http://realdocumentaries.com/the-truman-show-9-11-coded-with-sirius-923-nuclear-jesus-symbolism/.


    2. Sarah, you have brilliantly articulated an attitude that I’ve often felt, but have not articulated or maintained consistently, because I tend to fall in with the group energizing the Beast with despair because I’m aware of the fakery. I envy your ability to lucid dream effortlessly. Though I’ve read about it and periodically put a LOT of effort into it, I’ve never heard the alarm while in the dream while sleeping. It’s only happened when I’m awake.

      I hope to hear more from you, Sarah. Your commenus came at exactly the right time for me, and are more rejuvenating than you can know. I would love to see your comments elevated to a guest blog post, if Mark was willing and you were amenable. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sarah,

        Ditto to what ScottRC replied with respect to your brilliant articulation and enlightened perspective. I do hope you will entertain the thought of a guest blog post on this topic – or any other subject matter that compels you to write and share.

        I am still reflecting on my personal synchro-mystical experiences with Sirius, so that I can present them coherently in writing. That said – and in this vein – I wanted to add links to a couple elegant takes on the esoterica and synchro-mysticism of Sirius (as related to The Truman Show, as well):

        https://truthscrambler.com/2021/05/16/orion-and-his-dog/ (Part 1)
        https://truthscrambler.com/2021/05/21/the-sirius-code-orion-and-his-dog-pt-2/ (Part 2)

        (I suggest reviewing the comments under the linked blog posts, as I found them to be highly elevated, and resonant. I sense you may concur; in fact, you may have already read these posts/comments.)

        If you do not mind, I am going to share your comments with my friend, Matt, of Quantum of Conscience. He aligns with your perspective – to the extent that the Universe is supporting this awakening process, and that the primary goal in this reality is to become lucid. To this end, Matt’s stance is that there is much more going on than nefarious fakery and planted symbolism by the central planners (ie – masons, adepts, etc) – and that this may signify good news for us (in a metaphysical sense – similar to what you so aptly described). It seems more textural and layered than the basic takeaway of simply noticing the masonic symbolism (and fakery) placed in our midst. (His loose term for it is “reality breakdown”.) I tend to agree, and it is why I spend much time reviewing sites like Super Torch Ritual (STR), even though the members there seem to think all events are VERY real. It rarely (if ever) occurs to STR members that there is fakery involved.

        In any case, from my perspective, I see both implanted symbolism (by occult architects) AND synchro-mystic signaling emanating from the Universe in each and every event promoted by the “screen.” In this way, I surmise that both the human staged event designers AND the supernatural elements of the Universe are winking at us. It is precisely these winks that I desire to identify and de-occult (attempting to do so without sensationalism and emotional attachment, so as not to feed the loosh-sucking beast).


        1. Sarah,

          As I made reference above to Matt of QofC and his position that the ultimate aim is to become lucid, following is the post in which I had hyperlinked to his presentation in this regard: https://pieceofmindful.com/2021/12/14/the-stench-of-digital-dung-virtual-variants-trigger-events-and-blockchain-cults/.

          Here is a direct link to his presentation, “Life’s Mission In Two Words – Becoming Lucid (Not in a dream… HERE!)” (December 2021): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1j2hNUbrj1E. His one-sentence description below the title reads: “The quest to lucid dream must extend into this place.”

          On the topic of Revelation of the Method – and why the fakery (and accompanying symbolism) seems so blatant and preposterous (in plain sight on purpose, which Matt calls “MOPs” = mistakes on purpose) – I had previously hyperlinked to this helpful analysis: https://coronacircus.com/2020/11/21/revelation-of-the-method/ (November 2020). It resonates with what you described (again, echoing QofC Matt).

          From my perspective (as I have implied in several recent posts at POM), humanity is being processed (externally via occult influence, and also internally through our core energetic connection to Spirit). As you said, we are being nudged. I would add that there is a quickening occurring when it comes to this nudging phenomenon.


          1. On nudging and quickening . . . How many times do you hear Zelensky say the word, “digital?”

            On 16 June, Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, joined by hologram an event held by Founders Forum as part of London Tech Week to address the tech community and outline the importance of tech for change.

            For those sitting in the cheap seats in the back, I would say it is time to get real about what is really real about this Ukraine situation, and what it is really all about it . . . really.

            I plan to write a post detailing this event, but I am not sure when I will get around to publishing it. For now, I am curious what readers think they are seeing here in the projection box. Is this really a real hologram of Zelensky? Are the other celebrities “in the box” holograms, or just him?


            1. I noticed also BJ saying
              ‘achieving victory through superior meme-ing’..
              Putting that controlling concept in plain sight, hidden near the end of the theatrical presentation.
              It’s nearly beyond credibity that anyone can take Zelensky seriously, dressed in a T shirt & jeans.. in the middle of a ‘war’ showing no emotion?? Behaving like a salesman..
              They continue to take people for fools..
              Hard not to feel powerless though, at times, within the so varied mesh of the elites’ sick gaming..
              Thanks for posting the video


    3. Sarah,

      Returning to your reference of the film, “The Nines” . . .

      I watched it last night for the first time. I get the sense that I was not moved by it in the way that you were. If anything, I would say I was left feeling disturbed (for lack of a better word).

      Can you expound on your takeaways from the film? Perhaps, then, I may resolve my incomplete “knowing” (a film reference).

      There were layers upon layers embedded in the architecture of the movie – so many veils to pierce. I suppose one of the top layers, though, is the prevailing notion of seeing the nines, and its metaphysical implications. Did you read my recent post, “February 2022: The Passage of Pluto and the Palindromes” https://pieceofmindful.com/2022/03/04/february-2022-the-passage-of-pluto-and-the-palindromes/? In that post, I had a hyperlink to the numerous metaphysical meanings reflected by the number 9: https://mysticalnumbers.com/number-9/.

      Beneath that layer were multiple themes that could be revealed/analyzed:

      1) Solving the problem of evil – à la Voltaire’s Candide vs. Leibniz’s Theodicy (“best of all possible worlds” – as quoted in the film) – In this context, is Reynolds playing an archetype of “Professor Pangloss?” https://jeffdegraff.com/blog/2013/10/the-pangloss-paradox-or-on-excessive-optimism/ Is the selectively mute child, Noelle, reflective of the antithesis to this Panglossian archetype?
      2) Kabbalah (and Hebrew) undertones/signaling (“Knowing”- https://www.amazon.com/Let-There-Be-KNOWING-Prophetic/dp/B094TGS42P, the string bracelet – despite being green and not red, McCarthy as the “nun” – which can denote “deceit” in Hebrew https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/137086/jewish/Nun.htm, characters Ben, Sarah, Gabriel, the three overlapping storylines potentially denoting the trinity/three states of consciousness https://stottilien.com/2013/06/06/6760/)
      3) String theory/multiverse/plasma science http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2008/arch08/080312galacticmask.htm (green string bracelet, movie opening with strings, strings of beads/pearls symbolically placed as a necklace and decoration)
      4) World building and/or reality as simulation (akin to a video game, with us as avatars)

      Going beyond the Kabbalistic-like themes and Jungian-esque archetypes . . . I suppose there was one very hidden aspect that I found the most unsettling . . . There was a license plate that read 54P-X63. As you can see (overtly), the sum of the digits add to nine on both sides (hence a palindromic nine). But what is less obvious is the P-X . . . If we were to insert a “B” for the “-” – it could read as “PBX.” I may be reaching a bit here . . . Bare with me . . . The writer/director of “The Nines” is John August (https://johnaugust.com/about and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_August). His father (https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/dailycamera/name/nancy-meise-obituary?id=7684339), Henry August Meise, Jr. worked for Bell Labs in the 1970s, and ostensibly invented the “call waiting”/flash capability for analog telephones (https://patents.google.com/patent/CH607488A5/200-ogives-NOSLER-PARTITION-115-grains-Calibre-257-item-5168385.html). This involved PBX circuitry, as well as the concepts of a “Reset” and gates/gating circuits. Throughout the film, telephones are featured very heavily (in nearly every scene), as are gates (being locked behind gates), and of course the notion of a “reset.” The word “flash” is spoken several times. It had me wondering if this fantastical allegory (seemingly metaphysical on its surface) was somehow also related (more covertly) to signals intelligence and cryptography/code breaking (hence, the reference in the film to the pattern of the nines and the “Beautiful Mind” insertion https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0268978/plotsummary). Incidentally, Bell Labs was the home of SIGSALY (https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/SIGSALY).

      Mathematical patterns, strings, ciphers, cryptography, signals intelligence, and the like all circle back to concepts in the Kabbalah – briefly referenced here about a Neal Stephenson novel that echoes “The Nines” film in many ways: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptonomicon#cite_note-Hayles2005-3. At the Wiki link, the following is stated: Harvest, an early supercomputer built by IBM (known as “ETC” or “Electrical Till Corp.” in the novel) for the National Security Agency for cryptanalysis. In “The Nines,” as you may recall, there is an IBM floppy disk that is prominently displayed a couple times with the song/film title, “Knowing.” Could this be a wink to IBM and its “knowing” via supercomputers and signals intelligence?

      As I suggested, there is a lot to unpack in the film. I could be way off-track in some of the directions I took. Hopefully, you can fine-tune my exploration with your take. Thanks!


  18. Wow, thanks so much for the kind and extremely thoughtful responses! There is so much to unpack in what you wrote, Stephers – really brilliant. I will have to come back later when I have more time to write a proper reply but just wanted you and Scott know that I’ve seen your responses and very much appreciate them!


  19. Why does this photo (https://twitter.com/JalisaDanielle_/status/1552064304937148418/photo/1) of Zelensky and his wife (see vertical image on the left) remind me somewhat of this image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/b9/0e/15b90efe97a0b9ad82153d2b1a6d471d.jpg? Looks a bit like a template to me. Could it be a hint to a “Wag the Dog” production serving to gaslight humanity (with overpriced gas to boot?)?

    Similarly, does this image (see Zelensky’s wife amidst the military https://twitter.com/JalisaDanielle_/status/1552064304937148418/photo/3) conjure this image of Ingrid Bergman: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VKrg0KiZioI/T7bJL9CM5qI/AAAAAAAABEI/lETcid46cd0/s1600/Annex+-+Bergman,+Ingrid+(Notorious)_01.jpg. Note the peaking around the curtain. Another hint?

    Interesting . . . https://twitter.com/generatedsimage/status/1552391909007663109?s=20 (Keep in mind the First Lady of Ukraine is a screenwriter.)


  20. Check out the new” war exhibit” in Ukraine:


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