Election question

I am going to keep this short. I have no photos, no revelations. I am merely hoping to stimulate a conversation about the election.

My question: What’s up their sleeves?

It is pointless to guess about the future with the kings of gamesmanship. I only know what I have seen is absurd. We were given two of the worst candidates in history, a statement in itself. But something even weirder is going on.

Antonin Scalia faked his death. If absence of a body does not clue you in on that, I cannot help you. More curious still is the refusal to fill the ninth seat on the court. They say it is partisan haggling, but that is easily seen as nonsense, since we only have one party.

The Supreme Court operates as the final word of the ruling class, when all of the other fake legal processes fail. It is our equivalent of the British House of Lords. If they cannot pass a bad law, they decree it. (It took all of four[teen] years for the original intent of the Constitution’s authors to be perverted by Marbury v Madison.)

So now we have a rigged election on Tuesday, easily thrown either way by the black boxes. We have two bad candidates, one threatening to publicly expose the fake nature of the process. We have a gelded Congress of no use. And we have a potential deadlock if the election is thrown to the Supreme Court.

What’s up their sleeves?

51 thoughts on “Election question

  1. Or, how do we erase the memory of Hillary’s emails? Post-Republic America is coming out of the closet. The NYT just whispered that in Syria we are fighting side-by-side with al-Qaeda. http://www.moonofalabama.org/

    Like post-Weimar Germany, our machinations of exceptionalism/superiority will suck us down to the next sub-basement floor — Land of Oz, or an underground bunker somewhere in Kansas. Don’t throw that zombie consume away quite yet, you might need it soon.


    1. Sorry Steve, but all of survivalist nonsense is ridiculous. They don’t want us dead. A dead slave is useless. But, the gun sales are sure skyrocketing.


      1. Phillip,
        May I suggest a more metaphorical interpretation? Slaves have, however, always (on ships, from trees, in jails, etc.) been killed indiscriminately. Insubordinate state enemies of Empire will suffer most from mass techno-assinations in the short term. Insubordination can get you killed no matter who you think you are. The rest of us zombies must prepare for the great annual consumer event. Ho, ho, ho.


  2. Mark, I think a reasonable explanation is that they want to see just how many people are stupid enough to go into a booth and actually vote for one of these two actors. Typically, they would throw one or the other “candidate” under the bus at the last minute. In this case they’re throwing both under the bus (or that’s their job) to see how far they can take it. It’s professional wrestling and it would be far more entertaining if they greased them up and let them wrestle for it!


  3. I wish I had a clue. Until recently I was looking forward to election day so we could finally put all this BS behind us. But I have had a creeping realization that it is not going to just blow over on election day. I have not idea what’s going to happen. I would bet good money that the election will be given to Hillary. I don’t think we’ll end up with another Bush v. Gore scenario in terms of “dead-locked” vote counts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they find a different way to drag out the elections. Perhaps Trump will launch a series of challenges. And there will likely be all kinds of revelations of voting irregularities, fraud, etc. Maybe the Supreme Court will end up stepping in to settle it in some way.

    I think they are setting up Trump and all he represents for a fall, and I have said that before. But his supporters will not go gentle into that good night, that’s for sure. And they will be led by the noses to even more evidence of Hillary’s wrongdoing. Maybe they’ll “leak” another 47,000 e-mails to go along with the 33,000 they have.

    I have been staying out of the loop, but after watching this ad, I get why people are supporting Trump, I really do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vST61W4bGm8 I don’t see how anybody can believe he’s an outsider to the existing powerstructure. If he was, he never would have gotten the media exposure that he has. He wouldn’t be a household name.

    I don’t know what the end game is. I really don’t. I don’t buy into fear mongering conspiracies about FEMA camps or martial law. I think that is all part of making us afraid. They want us afraid if we believe the mainstream lies or the non-mainstream lies. But we’ll see…


    1. I also see the appeal. I just can’t get over the naivety you would have to have to think that a guy who’s been ultra-wealthy his entire life would be the guy who stands for the American people and will fight the system, just because he’s not a politician.

      I watched as Trump went from a joke, to a couple people supporting him to troll others, to a larger and larger base. I also saw his opposition go from ignoring him to taking him seriously as a candidate.

      That is the power of repetition. They battered Trump into the American public’s brains until he became a serious candidate. Those who refused to take him seriously were beaten over the head and ignored until they submitted. Donald Trump is the most demoralizing psyop I have ever seen. Both sides beaten into submission until they accepted him.


      1. Yes, demoralization is at the heart of this whole charade, isn’t it? Bernie’s people demoralized. Most decent folks on either side demoralized by the candidate choices. Half the rest demoralized after the election. Then in four years, a Trump encore, as he returns to avenge his defeat? Going back to a regular Republican will create a two year bore-fest…


        1. It was the same with Ron Paul in ’08. All the libertarian leaning people rallied to his cause, but instead of forcing him on everyone as a candidate, like Trump, he was basically ignored, which was the point all along. Ron Paul, like his son, is just another actor playing the good guy. It’s endlessly fascinating to me the tenacity with which people will cling to their beliefs despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. Ron Paul was in congress for 30 years and accomplished exactly…..dick. He was just a pressure relief valve, nothing more.


  4. It’s a good question, and who knows for sure. At the most mundane level, assuming that Trump does lose as I think is the plan, it will allow the Republicans to keep running out McCains and Romneys for several more cycles because a “radical” is a sure bet to lose.

    But I think it’s more than that. Probably a miniature replay of the Hitler project – a way to blackwash any last attempts at maintaining any sort of ethnic or cultural solidarity and sanity, no matter how tame or sensible. Further atomization and isolation, while demoralizing the Trump faithful who will largely turn on and tune out in some less threatening form.

    It’s clear they are ready to abandon even a pretext of self government or that elections matter, although the majority won’t give up that illusion easily and for a long time. Trump will certainly help grow the ranks of the disaffected, perhaps just to make them visibly noticeable to enough people to create a “Fahrenheit 451” type outcry to shut them up.

    If we look at the larger trends, such as the loss of interest in clubs and organizations that are self governing and allow more people some level of participation in that, as well as the dying of mainstream churches being replaced by “non-denominational” mega churches that are run by a small cadre who don’t pretend to any form of participatory government, combined with huge numbers of immigrants from countries with no inkling of the concept, it may be time to jettison it all. I mean the illusion of such.

    While I was wrong on my prediction that Bill Clinton would be the first ex-President to star in a porn film (guess I fell for the ruse back then) I’m holding out the thought that Michelle Obama will “come out” after O is out of office, normalizing the tranny thing – after all, we didn’t have an issue for 8 years…

    (Interesting tidbit I heard years ago about Bill that backs up MM theory of him being gay. He was apparently the biggest kid in his high school, yet didn’t play football – a near mortal sin in that part of the world – instead taking the role of drum major in the band.)

    (A second Clinton anecdote. I was working at a trade show in DC during his tenure, and we had a guy stop by the booth who looked more like Clinton that Bill himself. I think if you put them side by side, a majority would pick him over Clinton as the real one. It took all my energy to keep from bringing it up to the guy, out of pity, as I know he got asked about it all the time. Just something that the POM twin work brought to mind…)


  5. Long before anyone had heard of Sara Palin or Michelle Bachmann, I told my colleagues that the first female presidential hopeful would be a bad joke, as in: capable women need not apply- Jumping forward, I see now that Palin et al, were run out there to make Hillary, by comparison, look competent as the first viable female candidate- But, since she’s a post-menopausal freezer unit, unlike Palin, and to a lesser extent, Bachmann, she does not bring any sex appeal to the process- That may sound superficial, but it’s not- Powerful female characters , even if played by bad actors, derive a lot of their power from sex appeal, and that appeal is for both genders- Hillary is a beta test to see if the female base will vote strictly along gender lines if the alternative is a rapist male with more sense of entitlement than the Queen- Adding in sex appeal would be too potent for the first female prez- Hillary is in the back pockets of the psycholigarchs and they are running her because her real power has been neutered by father time- Next time we’ll get an outright lesbian, after which, Taylor Swift will be old enough to run and we’ll have clones the rest of the way until the western empire office is finally closed by order of Constantinople-


    1. They do plan these things out years in advance. I remember Bill Clinton’s drunken speech prior to Dukakis’ nomination speech, which was so bad they had someone walk up and give him the “throat slash” sign to shut up. I figured he was supposed to make the dull and dry Dukakis sound palatable by comparison, and that it would be the end of his political career, but was obviously wrong. That they could shove Obama down everyone’s throats makes me believe they can do anything they want.

      (Even though I had no idea of all the shenanigans back then, I remember having the thought that the TV puppet Alf was created to warm up people for Dukakis.)


    2. We are supposed to believe she is stupid, but Palin to me had a lot of politically appealing qualities, not the least sex appeal. She could light up a room like no other – she had star quality. I imagine JFK or even RFK sent out that kind of electricity, but I cannot think of any others. Reagan was an illusion. Since the offices in question have no more power than the people behind them allow, the very least they could do would be to give us someone interesting.


  6. Anyone ever seen the movie Spin? It came out in ’92 I believe. If you haven’t, here’s a brief synopsis: Back in the age of the enormous satellite dishes in your front yard, you had the network channel for, say, NBC, and the local affiliate. When they cut to commercial, the local channel was just as you’d expect with ads, but the network channel either went black or they kept broadcasting as if they were off the air. Spin shows what these actors were up to in these brief moments of candor and you can easily see that Bill Clinton was just a stooge being managed completely and Bush ’41 as well. Check it out if you can find it.


  7. I am 70% “sure” that Trump will be the next president. This can be a trap for nationalists, conservatives or whites in general. The trap can be similar to the ones in 19th century France that were covered by daddieuhoh. I recommend reading Brandon Smith at http://www.alt-market.com/ and Ken from http://redefininggod.com/. Brandon predicted the Brexit and wrote articles about the possibility that the conservative movement will be blamed for the future economic troubles. Brandon and Ken are also aware of the multilateral transition, SDR, the rise of BRICS nations and the west vs east fake conflict. Unfortunately they are not aware or don’t want to cover the more extreme hoaxes like nukes, fake identities etc. I wrote a few e-mails to Ken and in my last e-mail a included a link to Miles Mathis but he still believes in the Kennedy assassination.
    I also consider the possibility that Trump will win and the economy will start working better. A fake Trump assassination can be used to finally end the 2 party system.


    1. I think you might be right. They appear to be throwing some globalists under the bus and promoting others. Brandon and Ken are well ahead of the herd but have their shortcomings.


      1. Ken kind of reminds me of Stan Lee of Marvel Comics fame. He knew how to keep us kids coming back for more. I watch a lot of videos looking for tells and symbolic junk and the other day was watching an almost live YouTube of Trump’s Reno, NV speech. After they whisked him off stage, he came back on and said – “… can you believe this, we’re just THREE days away from the change you’ve been waiting for your entire life”. As he said those words, he spread his arms and hands out to his sides in a jesus-like manner. I was waiting for them to project a halo from the rafters. The patterned wall-hanging behind him was just packed with 3’s and 9’s as well. It seemed like a ritual kind of play. As if it were a symbolic resurrection. Maybe also a form of predictive programming for some more realistic future event perhaps.


    2. I see what you’re saying. A Trump victory could be of a piece with the Brexit vote: before a further push to centralizing global power, they need to show us that the alternative they’re offering will lead to ruin. (As if there is only one alternative.) Then we will turn to embrace a more centralized global governance, free trade, etc. etc. In that case, they are setting Trump up for a fall, just not on election day. Playing the long game. We will see.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Well credit where credit is due, and Ken seemed to be one of the few predicting a Trump victory, and Ken’s ‘landslide scenario’ appeared to pan out. What is more interesting is how Ken has linked Trump to Putin via Jewish connections. I imagine those connections are going to play out in a big way on the world stage soon. I also wasn’t aware that Trump campaign’s finance chair, Steven Mnuchin, is an official Skull & Bones and candidate for Treasury Secretary.

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  8. Mark, excellent presentation of the question of the hour. You hit the key points: with Scalia fake-dead, we have been set up for a constitutional crisis. Bush v. Gore was decided 5-4. If we have challenges to the vote count this time, an 8-member Court might not be able reach a majority decision. Then what? If half the populace seems not to accept the Electoral College vote, I could envision Barack “Executive-Order” Obama making some creative decisions about how this plays out. With Scalia disappeared, the Deep State has an opportunity tighten its grip on us, seemingly for the best of reasons: to avert civil unrest.


    1. Appears to be the endgame this time. Election is a distraction, but setting the stage for www3 and the birth of the nwo. Are you ready?


      1. I don’t imagine in my worst nightmares that we are an endgame scenario. That’s a bit apocalyptic for my taste. But it does seem that the presidential election circus has gotten boring, run its course, and so might be set aside for some other means of appointing fake leaders, less expensive, less time consuming. As we do it now, it is eating up two of every four years and taking countless hours of planning, fake news, fake polling, tedious fake debates, all for the simple purpose of helping us pretend that we the voters are in charge. I wonder if we are simply upgrading to a more efficient system.

        But there will be no www3 and the “nwo,” like Zika, is fake fake fake. Whatever it is that we think we might have had, we’ve long had something different. As we were looking for it in the future, it arrived through the back door and is with us already, as we speak.


        1. I think of all the “martial law” talk during the financial crisis some years back. Same fear-mongering BS.


  9. A big game changer is in the cards for sure.
    Matthew Nicholson’s youtube videos show some unexplainable pattern of numbers between dates of events & dates between events. He is predicting a major event to occur 11/26/16. His video is definitely worth a watch, in this video below he shows an interesting link between Hillary Clinton and the JFK assassination (there was a Clinton Hill involved).

    He has loads of other videos that are worth a view as well.

    This magazine got in my mailbox by mistake this weekend and when I look at the headline I don’t think they are referring to the election when they say the end is near…



    1. Sorry MarsInVirgo, but this video looks like utter hogwash to me (and that’s putting it kindly). To take one example, he seems to take the assassination of JFK as a fact, rather than a hoax. But also the numerology stuff is a huge stretch. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason or real method. It’s as if he is just casting about for different numbers and torturing them until he gets a desired number. I wonder how many connections and combinations he (or the committee writing his material) had to try before they found these. It feels like he/they worked backwards. Like, why use the time difference between the writing of Mein Kampf and the attack on Pearl Harbor? Answer: you can torture the number to yield the desired oucome.

      For example, at 0:18 he writes: 5555+555*5=6180 + 0816=6996. What in his ‘system’ leads him to add his number to the multiples of the digit and then add the outcome of that to itself reversed? Again, there is not rhyme or reason here — just casting about until he finds some way to get the desired outcome. The next example at 0:54 is even worse, and then they just get more outlandish from there. Every example tortures the numbers a different way — again, no rhyme or reason. But I guess we’ll see the usefulness of this “method” on 11/26. I might eat crow, but somehow I doubt it.

      All of these fear-mongering conspiracy theorists are just trying to manipulate us via fear. Whenever somebody starts trying to make me afraid, I change the channel. Fear is the mind killer. (Yes, that is a reference to Dune, and it is also an example of us being told the truth in the form of metaphor — check out Frank Herbert’s wiki bio for spook markers.)

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      1. I have watched a few of his videos and all I can think is, he will have some explaining to do come 11/27 if nothing happens. Or, the channel will disappear. But, sometimes you just never know and I will be watchful on that day.


        1. It seems date setting is fraught with issues, but I think his overall WWIII narrative is likely to play out one way or another. Look at all the war rhetoric with Russia being amped up, the alleged cyberwar and ‘don’t interfere with our election’ warning LMAO. You can just feel the setup…


  10. Interesting that they had Janet Reno die the day before the election. Some sort of pity/nostalgia programming the day before they announce Hillary as the winner?


    1. The Collier brothers first noticed election fraud in Dade County, Florida in the early 70s, and had an attorney engaged to fight for them. He came face to face with Reno, a state official at that time as I recall, was intimidated and backed away, never discussing the matter again. She was wired in that far back in time.


        1. Nooooooooooooo! Unbelievable. This is a much stronger resemblance to Janis than Amy, though Amy’s facial alignment indicates “same batch.” This resemblance is so close it suggests twin or even zombie. There is only supposed to be a 5 year difference between them, close enough to fudge…


        2. That is Joplin Twin Two, the singer, and the one seldom seen but who on occasion plays the part of Goodman. Long before we uncovered the Goodman connection, we tried Joplin/Reno, and it did not pan out. If the pupils are set the same on each, it is not a match. As I recall. It has been a while.


    2. My take on that… they are throwing us munchkins a bone. We may be stuck with the wicked witch of the west, but at least the wicked witch of the east is gone now, right?


  11. I suspect, once he loses to Hilary, they’ll use Trump to quash any grumbling’s of a rigged election -he’s already been laying down the tracks for that train.
    It’s textbook Controlled Opposition 101.
    And once the gullible public sees that Trump has looked into it and found everything to be on the up and up, (with the exception of a few minor infractions for appearance sake) all will be well again in the world.

    That, or they’ll go the other direction with it to disenfranchise anyone who might have been entertaining such beliefs; presenting Trump as an overly paranoid whack job and a sore loser.

    Either way, they’ll achieve their goal.


    1. Could this running of the 2 most hated candidates in US history be engineered for them both to self destruct and throw the election to Gary Johnson? I mean, I think we all realize he’s just as fake and controlled as the rest. People have wanted a 3rd party forever and the Libertarians chose to run an insider who does a good job as posing as an outsider.


  12. Every once in a while I’ll click over here from Reptile Dysfunction. I’ve enjoyed the comments in this post, lots to think about, and interesting perspectives. Thanks!


  13. I think it’s obvious that Donald Trump’s Uncle, John, discovered alien plans for a time machine after investigating Nikola Tesla’s work after his death, and that Back to the Future II was trying to tell us that Trump/Biff has been manipulating the time/space continuum to avert nuclear armageddon.


    1. I was going to give him a straight answer, ignoring the obvious ridicule: Our work here and that of others has uncovered genealogical connections among just about everyone “famous” today, and that these connections go back in history. Anderson Cooper, for example, is not (on the surface) a Vanderbilt, but his bloodlines can be traced back to Edward I, aka Longshanks. Pick anyone currently famous in politics or music or acting, and you find similar bloodlines.

      Then I was going to ridicule him for failing to see through the occult as an Intelligence front. Is it too late?


  14. I was in the car shop today waiting and they had the TV on “The Real” and the local news and the theme they are pushing very hard is “it doesn’t matter who you vote for, just vote!”. I go on Wiki just now and I’m greeted with a popup talking about how important voting is.

    So my immediate question was, so what BS are they up to? They want to demoralize us for 1-2 years, get us hating the process and calling it a “nightmare” and then in the final act of the battered wife, go out to the voting booths and vote for one of the two candidates you hate. They want to break the will of the American public.


    1. In the comments of the John Denver post, I linked to a video of him performing with Cass Elliot from 1971. There was a bit of propaganda in the lead up to their song, and they were pushing the same line: “Doesn’t matter who you vote for, just vote!”


      1. I think by voting, a person gives subconscious approval to the process. If people go and vote, they feel like they are responsible on some level for everything that happens afterwards. However if people stop voting they become detached from the process and may begin to reject the authority.

        Voting is important to the “prison without bars” illusion.

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        1. yeah in my mind, voting is giving consent to war/genocide where some of us face a real danger of becoming collateral damage or cannon fodder…talk about karma. They still need the ‘consent of the governed’. It’s like some cosmic code or something. It’s like when the vampire shows up and asks you to invite him in…well the choice is yours. I don’t vote, and canceled voter registration a long time ago. ‘The only winning move is not to play’.


  15. I confess I can’t get wood over politics- They are all from the same gene pool and work in concert to affect our lives with lies based on myths- Nukes, East/West, Putin is real, Billary is real, Trump matters… I will keep tabs today as I did for game seven last week- That utterly absurd spectacle was as blatant an ‘in your face’ as I have yet seen on an athletic field so I hope they will try and top that with something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eP6bkialg8


  16. To this point I have understood the importance of elections to be a means of convincing us that we have a say in our government. That is why they invest so much time and effort in giving us candidates, focusing our attention on it, and pretending to count the votes. If we did not have that, if we viewed reality correctly, that our leaders are appointed, politicians and news readers just actors, and that we have no say in anything, it might be considered seeds of rebellion.

    I am curious now if a change is in the works, where the hidden but real system of appointing and controlling leaders by oligarchs might come out in the open. For this to come about they woudl have to consider us sufficiently pacified so that rebellion is out of the question. Are we at that point?

    For all of my life the only real potential for rebellion was in the black community and perhaps a one-time youth rebellion in the 60s, all managed. I like to think the blacks can still kick up a fuss, but why are they any less likely than the rest of us to be in a stupor?

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    1. I don’t know why they would want to change the playbook now when hiding in the shadows has been so successful. IMO, since we’ve been a captured operation for a very long time, the lock is complete. People are not going to get off the couch without some kind of pain being applied (physical/emotional/financial/etc…). There seems to be a science of managing those pain thresholds (ie: boiling frog). I’m not a defeatist either by any means, but you can’t stop the sheep stampeding to the slaughterhouse…sometimes you gotta step outta the way and let ’em go. Anything can happen. Even these scripts can go in unforeseen directions and present opportunities. If they are going to come into the open, as the Albert Pike narrative suggests, that would mean the NWO has arrived in all of it’s…ahem…’glory’.

      I keep thinking about that quote attributed to Frank Zappa:
      “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

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    2. Ever since I looked into the Cooke/Farrakhan connection I’ve been sensitive to black celebrities with Caribbean roots, with the suspicion that they are subjects of the British Crown through Prince Hall Freemasonic lodges, at least-
      It comes as no surprise that Malcolm X has roots, this time in Grenada through his mother-Though it’s said he was born in Omaha, Nebraska (Buffettville amongst other unsavory spook related goings on) his international, pan-religious reach seems like classic British rabble rousing- I think of Giuseppe Mazzini in this case- A slippery eel who moved around at the behest of Lord Palmerston in the 19th century, inspiring controlled revolutionary efforts through a network styled Young (fill in the blank)- Young Turks, Young Poland, Young Serbia (the guys used for the Archduke Ferdinand hoax) etc.
      My sense is that the black power movement was cooked up by Tavistock to out the malcolmtents and send them over the cliff, create a conservative black and white backlash, and send the drug dealers and cheap but powerful alcohol into the deliberately economically depressed neighborhoods while peddling propaganda about the inherent violence in the black male character (Ms. Magazine and its spook figure head Steinem lead that charge) Oh, and don’t ignore the numerous abortion clinics in the ghettos started by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger which has been the largest destroyer of the black population-
      The easing of the institutional racism during the civil rights movement of the fifties allowed a weak but determined African-American community to attempt integration- I think this was in some ways a Trojan horse sent to white America- This is in no way a condemnation of black people or a lament at the loss of segregation- What I mean is that the black community was used to get inside the white dominated culture and then to destroy that new black experience, taking the white liberals
      who responded favorably, at least in some urban areas, down with them- The destruction of the black family structure metastasized and the white family structure went down, too- These British controlled black figureheads, I suspect, had a big hand in this as directed from Whitehall and Langley-


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