The population bomb

This video, which I cannot embed due to lack of expertise, comes from Fakeologist, and Ab Irato, the host. Ab posts a great deal of important stuff, and mostly without comment. He interviews a large number of people, doing four or five shows a week, usually of extended length. He has interviewed me on occasion, and I am always surprised at how much fun it is to talk to him. He knows stuff, but usually reduces that knowledge into a brief phrase or even one word, such as “Covaids”. That speaks volumes.

His blog is multi-faceted, and I usually go to this page, daily now as I have abandoned some of my usual stops. But if you go to the introductory page, you will have access to the full treatment of his wanderings.

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Agent before, honest man now

It was 2008 or so, not sure when. I could look it up, as I signed a contract, a “NDA”, or nondisclosure agreement. A large Lincoln Continental pulled in our driveway in Bozeman, and I sat inside with a man named Dell. I had been blogging for a few years, nothing really interesting, party politics and the like, and a very small following.

Dell said that blogging was seen as a tool for his people, a way to influence people. He thought my writing was crisp, but could serve a better purpose. Partisan politics was good, he thought, a nice way to keep people divided without affecting any outcomes, but blogging could serve a larger purpose.

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Micrometeorite dangers in space

I draw your attention to the article linked here, How Do You Shield Astronauts and Satellites from Deadly Micrometeorites?

A caveat or two: Regarding the matter of the possibility of space travel, I am currently on the fence. But the International Space Station, if real, would be in Lower Earth Orbit (LEO), and so would have atmosphere to bounce off. Are there astronauts aboard? I have my doubts, but cannot prove or disprove any of it. The whole thing could be part of the ongoing hoax started in 1957 when the USSR launched Sputnik.

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Apollo 11: Something went somewhere

Note to readers: This post originally appeared in 2019, and has in it evidence that Apollo 11 was severely under-powered, and had no astronauts or space capsule aboard. It was merely ditched in the Atlantic, its sole purpose to fulfill JFK’s 1961 pledge to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. It does not address the Apollo 12-17, which never left lower earth orbit, but were on some other mission, the supposed moon landings part of what Neil Armstrong called “Truth’s Protective Layers.”

Apollo 11 launch
Launch of Apollo 11, July 16, 1969

Few of us remember the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs that led to Apollo 11, the one that landed men on the moon. So mention of Apollo 6 is not going to ring any bells. This mission, unmanned, was a test of the Saturn 5 rocket engines, and was fraught with difficulties. The destination was low earth orbit (LEO), and the entire craft suffered from “pogo oscillations,” or a vibration that would eventually cause mission failure if not remedied. Think of driving down the highway with a bad tire.Eventually the vibrations will cause other failures.

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Debunking debunking

I was thinking this morning, rather angrily I might add, that this is my blog, and I can make rules and insist that commenters follow them. And the rule that right away came to mind was “no more links to debunking sites.”I will refine that a little bit here in a minute.

First, what is “debunking”? A few examples, the first rather hilarious. I still lived in Bozeman, and we were now and then discussing 9/11 on the blog, with miles to go before we slept. But I had mentioned Newton’s Second Law of motion, generally stated to be that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That in mind, when an aluminum jet aircraft slams into a steel and concrete building at (we are told) 500mph, it is no different than if the building is traveling that fast and slams into the jet aircraft. The aircraft are crushed. There are no Roadrunner holes in the building, and debris falls to the earth, tons of it.

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The power of a fake virus

I invested in a new computer, a laptop, very small and yet powerful. I now have the ability as I awake merely to sit in my chair and peck away. More’s the pity, you might suggest. I’ve gotten so lazy that I do not want to go to my desk and sit there and work on a desktop. But strange things were going on there. I could not scan to my Brother printer. I could not use the Protonmail Bridge to view mail from that site using Outlook. I had to shut down and restart the computer each morning to get my email from Ipage. I felt the beast was on its way out.

I have long wanted a laptop – I once had one, but in Albuquerque some years back, I sandwiched it between two suitcases as we checked into a motel, and then went inside for some reason. On return, the laptop was gone. Someone was watching people, and stealing stuff. I mentioned this to the desk clerk and got a blank stare in return. So fucking what? seemed to be his response. I wondered if Albuquerque was a dangerous place.

I digress. I  came across the following quote used by William Skink back during the fake pandemic, sourced as Alan Dershowitz.

“[L]et me put it very clearly, you have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease even if you disagree, you have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business. And if you refuse to be vaccinated the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm. If there’s a disease that will kill you, you have the right to refuse that, but you have no right to refuse to be vaccinated against a contagious disease for public health. The police have the power of the Constitution that gives the state the power to compel that”.

Continue reading “The power of a fake virus”

Them runbacks

Did anyone notice suspiciously weak tackling and pursuit efforts in the two runbacks for touchdowns for the Buffalo Bills yesterday? Or is it just me?

By the way, on October 20, 2019, Micah Hyde returned a Miami Dolphins onside kick 45 yards for a touchdown. That is what the ‘3 years ‘3 months’ refers to.

See below fold for more photos, courtesy of Ab via Twitter. They went all out with the ’33’s.

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A flight of fancy

MBE stands for Order of the British Empire. It is an honor handed out to civilians on a semi-annual basis, by Queen Elizabeth, and now by King Charles. I do not follow it. 

The Beatles were given MBEs in 1965.  I was listening to Conan O’Brien discussing this, and he noted that John Lennon had given his back in 1969 while Ringo still wore his (on his forehead) even as it was covered with gravy stains. That’s Conan.

Lennon did some highfalutin excuses for his act of returning the medal. He said it was due to British activity in Biafra and for British support of the US in Vietnam, and, sardonically, because his song Cold Turkey was falling in the charts. I’d never thought about it before, always taking things at face.

We know from following the work of Sage of Quay, Mike Williams, that (as I had long suspected) the Beatles did not perform their studio music live, did not play their instruments on albums, and did not write most of the songs, maybe none of them. (Sage has a Billy Shears fetish, but I forgive him that.) George Harrison referred to his early work as “shit,” so I give him that. He actually did write that stuff. But Lennon and McCartney, no.

An idealist is a person who strives to be consistent, to be the same person on the outside as on the inside. For instance, Ted Danson, who played Sam Malone on Cheers, at an event honoring the entire cast, made it a point of removing his hairpiece so we could all see he was balding. “I’ll be darned,” I thought. “The man is an idealist, and could not stand the idea that he was not true to his real self in his outer appearances.”

Continue reading “A flight of fancy”