We’re having a heat wave

Temperatures surged in New England these past days, and demand for electricity did too. Note above that nuclear, natural gas, hydro and petroleum filled the bill, with wind and solar barely visible on this graph.

This, after billions have been invested in solar and offshore wind.

6 thoughts on “We’re having a heat wave

    1. Managed relocation, also known as “assisted migration,” has emerged as a possible means of preserving species endangered by rapid climate change and other environmental threats.

      I wonder how long it will take for humans to be included in this?


  1. Yet another example of the scam that is performative “environmentalism”, which, of course, has nothing to do with saving mother nature.

    All the spending on “renewable” energy resources like solar, electric, and wind power are merely nothing more than money-laundering and racketeering. The financial aspect of it is nothing more than white-collar crime at work.


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