Sunday notes

Demystifying Science: I stumbled upon what I consider a treasure trove of videos at the site linked to the left and also in the blogroll. The very first one that caught my eye was this one,  A Billion Years is Missing, featured above. I once read the works of Immanuel Velikovsky, who claimed that Earth had once had a near encounter with part of Jupiter that had broken away and eventually became the planet Venus. Poor Immanuel was loudly and publicly criticized and humiliated. He never backed down, although his daughter reported that he was almost suicidal for a time.

Velikovsky brought evidence to the game. He speculated based on that evidence that the events of the Old Testament such as the Great Flood and the plagues of Egypt were actually a response to a near miss by a passing comet. Further, he found similar accounts all over the world, but since it happened so long ago, the accounts are usually in the form of mythical stories, such as Noah and the Ark.

I read everything I could get my hands on, including Earth in Upheaval, which was his attempt to get away from ancient storytelling as evidence and to instead bring forth hard science. Still, the noise was too great to overcome, and these days, including the video above, the name Velikovsky is never mentioned. That is a shame. The world needs nonconformists far more than go along getalongers, who engage in groupthink and ridicule those who fail to ride with them.

My suspicion: Some things are known and kept private, and Immanuel was too honest and forthright to abide by this. He wrote about forbidden knowledge, and so was punished. He  persisted, possessing as he did that rare quality called moral courage.

The whole episode turned me off on the field of geology, which insists that gradualism explains all phenomena. In my mind, geology belongs with virology, astrophysics, trips to the moon, and history itself as science gone awry … bunk.


Dave Klausler occasionally contacts me with reading projects, the last of which, Hiking the Big Hill, I posted on the blog. Prior to that he emailed me his piece called Goonie Goo Goo, Big Data. I print these things out, as I cannot read for long periods on a computer screen. Goonie when I printed it turned out to be 68 pages long. Good grief, I thought. Does he expect me to drop everything?

The opening scene in Goonie is a terrifying incident that took place in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming a while back. Dave had a personal encounter with a man assigned to investigate the incident.  In Goonie, the opening story is recounted accurately. The couple underwent a horrifying night and were headed back to their vehicle, perhaps never to backpack again. Who knows? Although we can never know these things with certainty, Dave suspected the young couple had an encounter with Sasquatch.

As I read on over the next several days, I came to the conclusion that groupthink is the dominant feature of human beings, perhaps even more prominent than lying. The 68 pages given me are mostly intelligent questions asked by Dave of ChatGPT, perhaps an AI source, or a writer so boring that he can put anyone off thinking hard about anything. Dave asks intelligent questions about real human beings who have had encounters or investigated the Sasquatch phenomenon. ChatGPT, who Dave labels BigData, is highly repetitive and vague, and continually refers to peer review and a highly credentialed and reliable scientific community. Losing his remarkable patience towards the end, Dave adds a preamble to a question:

“Once again, set aside the subjective opinion of mainstream academia and the alleged peer-reviewed scientific community…”

I was grateful for that. I had enough of BigData, and were he walking down a sidewalk I would consider driving my vehicle up over the curb to run him down.

Years ago, when we still lived in Bozeman, my wife and I took some outdoor classes that included a leader named Jim Halfpenny. (Not the musician.) Jim is a PhD, and professional animal tracker. I was very much impressed with him and his work, sometimes called upon to testify in court regarding incidents involving wild animals. At the end of the day, we were invited to his home in Gardiner to chat and look over some things he had for sale. Among the items he had on display was a book about Sasquatch. Like a bull in the proverbial china shop, I mocked the book, thinking Sasquatch to be the stuff of mythology. It does not exist, I was sure.

“Don’t be so sure,” said Jim.


Finally, a while back I decided not to write about Climate Change anymore, as I had long since learned anything new and was becoming repetitive. Since then, I’ve had a dry spell, as other topics to write about do not usually blow my dress up.  I received an email from Jon LeBon on other matters, but in it he politely questioned my decision, as CC is one of the major psyops and propaganda campaigns of our time.

Thinking  on it some more, I will again embrace the topic, but will keep the posts short and infrequent, hopefully embracing new information. After all, I enjoy it, and don’t at all mind being counter-cultural and controversial. Did I just now not write about Sasquatch? Travis Mateer once suggested to me as he interviewed me that I do not care what people think. That is not quite true. I do care what people think. I just refuse to let that be my governing force.

7 thoughts on “Sunday notes

  1. Read a book on the forensic investigation of sasquatch footprints several years ago. This convinced me they are real creatures. Plaster casts of prints from one individual were taken years apart in different postures, with a new scar… Smart enough to avoid us. I don’t currently have that book handy.


    1. I will add it here because this article is whats making me reply again:) I have gone through much of the earth catastrophe research but also believe still that God did ask Noah to build the ark.

      Now bare in mind I do not subscribe to organized religion, nor have I even been to a church service.

      A little saying I came up with over the last 3 years is far too many people trusted in man and science both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system. Now this same man is also heavily involved in putting the biblical words to paper.

      Now I won’t throw the baby out with the bath water but for me it appears as though religion was created and or used by evil people to try and control and eventually enslave humanity. Way back in time before any civilization knew another existed they all had the same belief though they differed a little in what it was but they all believed in a higher power. Then evil people or should I say perhaps satan got involved and corrupted the people if you will by turning them against each other, through many different ways but religion was a biggie and more recently racism and politics.

      Clearly you see I believe in a Creator of the universe, who, what or form this takes I have no idea but its clear there is a plan and many things on a cosmic scale have already been ‘planned out’ for lack of a better explanation.

      Now some will say if everything is pre ordained what’s the point, well I don’t believe it works that way, cosmically which in turn means the earth as well is more or less preordained what’s going to happen. But any planet with intelligent life and hence a soul has their own journey to take that is NOT preordained. I could expand on that much further but really there is no need, and it would go on and on lol.

      I don’t ‘worry’ if people think I am a bible thumper but I will take the time to show people that I am not just as I don’t care what people think of me as all I can control is who and what I am and what I put out into the universe and towards my fellow people I come in contact with. I can control that so therefore the days of me worrying about what others think of me was gone a decade or so ago.

      I am on your email list but have yet to go through your articles and will endeavor to this weekend.


  2. Thank you Mark,

    As I wrote Goonie, I was most amused by my own inclusion of the hilarious performance of Eddie Murphy and Jack Link’s. When Wifey told me that she did not know of the jerky product line, I was quite surprised… and later considered that readers of PoM might also NOT know it. I do not watch “professional” sports and I suspect many of the readers here do that in great limitation – if at all. So, do yourself a favor and watch a few of the “Messin’ With Sasquatch” TV commercials. Of course, Eddie’s first professional recorded standup is absolutely hilarious.

    I myself like the feel and the delivery of the rather long essay. Splitting FACTS with humor and the blather from BigData. You, the readers here, might like it too. Be careful though, I have other written stuff there in which the real Me comes out. I am always interested in critique – pan or praise.




  3. I’ll soon be doing some hiking in an area where there was a newspaper report of a similar encounter many years ago.
    Just one small report and nothing more.
    A couple were pinned inside their tent by a giant amorphous something.
    Will be asking around about it.


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