AIDS/Covid … father and son of depopulation

I read a brief essay by Miles Mathis this morning, and while short on specifics or links, he asserts that the Covid vaccines were intended to kill people, and in his mind, targeted to kill specific people. I never took the vaccine (I [seldom] masked and never locked down, and never once placed my feet on a floor sticker that said “Stand here”), but somehow I do not feel exempt. But I am feeling very healthy these days, my energy levels back to where they were before ankle surgery in October of 2022. Maybe I dodged a bullet. We will see.)

It was painfully obvious to me that the lockdowns, quarantines, and insults like masking and distancing were tactics to intimidate the herd. Shutting down public gatherings, preventing religious worship, having sporting events played before empty stadiums, were merely demonstrations of the raw power accumulated by the shadow governments behind the showplace ones. We have one-world government. It was de facto in place. It had all been done out of sight. We were not entering a new era. We were there already.

I lament the passing of Kerry Mullis in 2019, the man who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his invention of the PCR process. It’s an amazing piece of work that can indeed match DNA sequences, very useful in research and law enforcement, but useless (in his own words) in diagnosis of disease. Mullis believed in viruses, which I do not, but said that PCR was “qualitative, not quantitative”, that is, detection of a single virus, as if, meant nothing. He was outspoken in his assertion that the detection of the AIDS virus, which he thought was real, meant nothing. I think it was for this reason that prior to Covid, he was somehow murdered. He was a loose canon. He would surely have spoken out against use of PCR in the “test test test” regime that was used to insinuate that there was a virus and that it was spreading.

I said in the early days that “PCR is the virus.” Not too many people grasped that concept. There was no virus, but PCR technology was used in a calculated way such that by turning up or down the amplifications for use in comparison to a fictitious DNA strain supposed taken from an isolated virus, a certain percentage of tests could be deemed positive, leading to quarantines. It was an outright assault on civil liberties, as were lockdowns and prevention of public gatherings, boldfaced fascism on display.

These are our leaders. They do not care about us, in fact, hate us. They want us to go away.

In the Mathis essay, he asserts that by 2030 the vaccines will have had full impact, with premature death of millions. He also asserts that certain populations were targeted with far more destructive batches, while many others received only, perhaps, saline (a word he does not use). I never participated. I do not know if I am exempt.

I also do not know the future. I knew that masks, for instance, were merely a means of enforcing the idea that we faced some kind of danger, but had no meaning outside of that psychological boundary. I knew that distancing was also a psychological ploy, nothing more. Preventing people from social gatherings such as church and sporting events was also a tactic to induce a state of fear, the ultimate object of which was to create a stampede for the vaccines, long developed and ready for opportunity. It was all painfully obvious.

The question then was … what was in the vaccines. I don’t know. I read speculative reports, such as those by Mr. Mathis. He’s got better insight than I do, but I remain on the shelf. I know that people in power do not vaccinate in any form, not for measles or flu or HPV or any such nonsense. That whole regime appears to be a profit center, nothing more, with side effects like SIDS and autism perhaps unintended, but certainly not regretted.

I contacted Noam Chomsky a while back. He accepts, reads and answers email, and congratulated him on his long life (he is now 94), and suggested at least part of the reason was that he had never, in his elevated position of upper class, endured vaccinations. I received an immediate response listing all of the vaccines he had taken since childhood, including Covid and the boosters. I do not believe a word of it. Vaccines are meant to shorten our lives, and Covid is but the latest, but the most menacing, according to Mathis.

I tend to go along with that analysis. I cannot see any other reason for the extreme measures brought down on us by Covid than to inflict on us the vaccine regimen.

Other than repeated use of the word “Phoenicians” rather than “Freemasons” I think that Mr. Mathis has given us valuable insight, and I urge that all of my declining readership here read his essay. As my Car Talk buddies Click and Clack suggested with their fictitious chicken soup provider, it Kent Hoight. (They also brought us the staff dermatologist for teenagers (Don Pickett), and former chief brake tester Carson DeLake. Their staff tailor was Hugh Jass. I cannot help myself. I loved that show, still playing even as Tommy died in 2012.)

21 thoughts on “AIDS/Covid … father and son of depopulation

  1. Thanks for a great article. When 2 years ago I mentioned Mullis being murdered, there was a “hash hash, we can’t say this here” response. Good to see that this changed and we can now openly speculate what actually happened to him.


  2. My one-man play “Dr. Antonioni’s Imaginary Disease” is about a well-connected MD, PhD at the NCI who create a fake academic to be followed by a three-shot series of mandated injections, In the process of writing and performing I read the history of medicine and public health, and I met and/or interviewed scientists and activists, including Kary Mullis (briefly) and Peter Duesberg. Mike Chappelle 


    1. I’m misspoke there. I masked up in any situation where a store was enforcing it. My favorite mask had the word SHEEP on it. I cut a slash in it through that word so I could breathe freely. The gym was catching hell from the health department, so I usually wore my SHEEP mask there.

      I think perhaps people took offense at that word and maybe looked away in either disgust or shame, but no one ever called me on the gaping hole in the mask.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Mark,
    I’m really happy you didn’t get vaccinated in the end and I’d like to apologise for my last comment here a year and a half ago or so.
    I don’t mean to justify myself but those were really hard times for me and for all the people who’d decided to not get vaccinated.
    You probably know that in Italy non vaxxed people were suspended from work without pay for months and months, especially teachers, nurses, doctors and police, we couldn’t do anything but go to the supermarket and pharmacy and mind you, mask use is still required in hospital, it was only removed a couple of months ago from medical centers and such.
    Now people seem to have all forgotten, but it’s not true. The fire is still burning under the ashes.
    People are dying of sudden deaths, a friend of mine lost an eye to a small aneurism and she has proof it was the vax, doctors said that.
    We all know what’s going on but nobody has the strength or the courage to do anything about it, Giorgia Meloni for first. She only obeys her masters.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The difference between a qualitative and a quantitative is at the root of all of this.
    That PCR match to its exponential replicating primers signifies a nanoscopic quantity is not a quality – but it is a meaningless quantity in terms of function.
    BTW lead in ionic suspension at nanoscale shows none of the elemental properties of its elemental state.
    Mullis was a creative maverick acid-head – (no perjoritive intended, but a contextual reference for the recontextualising of multiple parameters to a new application of the idea. The nano-scale realm is more akin to bio-field through which life is maintained far from entropy as an organised energetic-informational consciousness or symbiosis of all its parts relative to the whole as a ‘balance point’ within a flux of disequilibrium or ‘motion’ – that can be recognised as the `Field’ of a still point in every turning ‘world’. But integral sovereignty can be masked, phished or usurped by self-imaged identity by which to recontextualise multiple parameters to a novel application of the idea of predictive control.
    All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can never put a fragmented, conflicted mind together again, but then there’s the hiding place to persist in the exercise of autonomous ‘control’ by which we eventually recognise an automaton has replaced a living will, and so step out of the game of control over fear-fed control.
    Hating something (in your experience) and ‘wanting it to go away’ ie: deny, exorcise, excommunicate, ie: kill it – is the means to keep it out of a split off, compartmentalised fragmented & conflicted awareness under the spell of judgement by which we think to give hate and receive vindication as self-validation, and power to set peace as an ‘immunity’ to life as yet unrecognised and unresolved.
    No matter what ‘scripted agenda’ runs within the split mind, it is not the alignment of reintegration to a healed or whole mind – which Calls on a different Guide & Protector than fear-framed symbols of a focus in masking to survive a loss of love/loveless world/state of dissociated self in survival by recontextualising of multiple parameters to a persisting application of the idea of an object-consciousness – through which the Spirit moves as through the body – not locked down, masked and distances IN it.

    Cybernetics runs as the systems-theory of quantity to which qualities (of life) are sacrificed, ignore or discarded for substitutions of ‘derivative meanings’ such as delivery of care. Its closed -system thinking is the logic for a death cult – for it frames life as war – to which all else is subordinated. Look at the use of fear-threat set in false or bought ‘science’ to ‘justify’ destruction without scruple – as the means to its ‘final solution’.


  5. Thanks for the reminder of Miles Mathis, whom I refer to as “the entity known as Miles Mathis.” The best explanation I’ve run across is that “he” is a product of British Intelligence (why would someone in New Mexico use the word “shite” as he does?). As for Phoenicians and Freemasons, I gravitate toward the Khazarians, name-stealer fake Jews, being the ones in the shadows.


  6. Thanks for the reminder of Miles, who I think of as “the entity known as Miles W. Mathis,” seeing as the amount and breadth of his output suggests a group, probably intelligence, probably British (use of the word “shite”).

    Regarding the “vaccines,” the fact that there is any variation at all between batches is the smoking gun. But instead it’s just part of the ‘new normal.”

    As for the demonic entities behind all this, I prefer Clif High’s use of Khazarians, the name-stealers who became fake Jews to avoid problems with the Ottoman Empire on one side and the Christians on the other. They were dispersed by Russians 700 years ago, and haven’t stopped hating Russians since.


  7. I have to disagree, Mark, with the statement that Mr. Mathis has offered valuable insight. I do so with all due respect, of course. After finishing Mathis’ paper on Goethe, a man whose works I’ve read and studied for many years (I actually taught myself German to read the original tongue), I am now convinced that Miles is either an intellectual charlatan, or just a lying fraud. And I will stand by my assessment on purely personal grounds. I mean no ill-will to your blog, or any of the kind folks who participate here. Through all my research, I have found this blog the most civil, the most informative, and the most open to all contributions be they false or true, misguided or confrontational. You, sir, possess the proper kind of objectivity for these subjects and provide the requisite forum for these discussions. Do not accept this as flattery, but rather gratitude.

    Mathis’ paper on Goethe does contain very precise biographical information on him. However, Mathis still refuses, either purposely through deception, or unwittingly through stupidity, to admit that Goethe was one of the most powerful 33rd degree Freemason ever to grace the surface of the earth. When we talk of the great geniuses of the 19th century (my favorite in world history, and one rich in ingenuity and brilliance), we must recognize that all those brilliant minds of that century were very high degree Freemasons. Goethe, Mozart, Sir Walter Scott, Thackeray, Dickens, et. al., just to name a few. Napoleon as well. So Mathis, with no other supporting research other than his own fantasized reality, claims Goethe is not only from the Twelve Tribes, but is also Phoenician. Goethe’s hidden hand gesture is just merely a symbolic recognition of his Phoenician lineage. Search for Napoleon hidden hand gesture and compare it with Goethe’s, and any number of 33rd degree Freemasons. Ha! Utter poppycock (that’s a purposeful Anglicism for a twelvemonth).

    Mathis pretends a vast store of erudition, but somehow in that vast storehouse no knowledge of the Freemasons exists. In light of this ignorance, Mathis can no longer fool me. Even though it is safe to say that the 18th and 19th Centuries were the Golden Arch of Freemasonry, I believe their true glorious time was in the classical ages. I make no bones about it, I am a classicist. Mathis has a wonderful way of convincing his readers (who, judging by their comments over at CTTF, suffer from Paranoid Schizophrenia) that he is all-knowing, all-knowledgeable. possessing a vast panoramic understanding of the entire universe and all its laws. Yet he knows nothing of Freemasonry. He doesn’t know that the hidden-hand gesture is a symbol of the highest degree in Freemasonry. And perhaps even a symbol of some of the oldest and most powerful lodges in history. Mathis ignorantly dismisses it as a Phoenician sign. And that’s where I will take him to task as being disingenuous at best, unwittingly stupid at least, or purposely deceptive and intellectually fraudulent at worst. But he failed to prepare for a mind like mine, one deeply read with a tremendous knowledge of language, history, religion, and ancient history as well. Luckily I was born a skeptic, and throughout my education applied that skepticism to everything I learned. Now fluent in all Romance languages and master of Ancient Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Not only in classical knowledge, but also deeply well-read in esoteric knowledge as well. Knowledge will always be knowledge, no matter how hard Mathis tries to deny it. Knowledge is merely the history of the human record, first in stone and then on papyrus. Regardless of Mathis-Guetzkow psycho-dribble, history still looms, words have been printed, and truth is our guide. Mathis cannot rewrite what has been written. Mathis simply cannot undermine, with his arrogance and narcissistic self-gratulatory rhetoric, the entire recorded monument of history, both modern and ancient. When I look up into the sky and see an airliner flying through the clouds, is that a psyop? Is that a creation from a CIA matrix construct put into place by mythic descendants from the Levant? Why the Phoenicians and not the Egyptians? What monuments can we find in modern day Phoenicia?

    Miles Mathis cannot defeat my argument that it is Freemasonry that emerges from the darkest dusty cobwebs of history, that Freemasons are the great architects of our reality, since time immemorial. And so my personal understanding, mine only, what I have discovered through my own research over 30 years, is that the world we live, its entire structure and infrastructure, was built by Freemasons, and has been built by Freemasons since they first created the calendar, their calendar, not ours. The Roman calendar is for non-initiates, but the Freemason calendar is somewhere between the 200th to 150th centuries of their incorporation. Feel free to challenge that statement. In fact, I will encourage those who read this to challenge that statement. Imagine that! There is an extremely private and extremely exclusive secret society that traces their origins back almost 20,000 years. You can never join them unless your lineage can be traced all the way back to that point! What say you to that, Mr. Miles Mathis?

    I will leave you all with one simple question. Why is it that our dollar bill is full of Freemasonic symbolism, yet our schools teach us nothing about Freemasonry? And why is it, then, that Mr. Miles Mathis has written a thousand papers and never once exposed the Freemasons? Why is it that you must be offered acceptance into the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and you cannot simply just apply? Why would a corporation like Subaru, a Japanese company no less, use the six stars of Pleiades for the symbol of their corporation? And why six stars, when Pleiades hides it seventh in Taurus? And what relation is there between the seven stars of Pleiades and the seven rungs of the Masonic latter? I know now Miles Mathis has no answer.


    1. Don’t your question kind of answer themselves? See my comment (here somewhere) about “the entity known as Miles Mathis” being a creation of British intelligence.


    2. To be one, ask one. No application or lineage needed. There is a spaghetti dinner and pancake breakfast out there waiting for ya.


    3. “Mathis pretends a vast store of erudition, but somehow in that vast storehouse no knowledge of the Freemasons exists.”

      Oh but he knows, don’t worry.
      His/their job though is to distract/divert his/their readers from the esoteric side of all historical events and from the existence and power of Freemasons.
      Every time in the past I read one of his papers I couldn’t help snort laughing, especially when he came up with the “perfect” reasoning that the élites do what they do to steal our money through tax.
      We’re talking about the same people who create money out of nowhere with a click on a keyboard, and even if it’s true they wanna make us poorer and more miserable every day, that’s not their ultimate goal I’m afraid.
      So how does the Miles entity explains the governments’ “will to kill” through vaccines anti Bullshit19?
      To save money on pensions and wages? 😂😂


      1. “So how does the Miles entity explains the governments’ “will to kill” through vaccines anti Bullshit19?”

        A better explanation could be to make more space for automated drones to take over blue-collar jobs that were formally filled by human workers, which potentially results in smoother service and less obstacles (e.g., meeting employee demands for decent pay and more workplace perks) jeopardizing efficiency and profitability. With the advent of such technology permeating almost every aspect of modern life, that future scenario isn’t off the table.

        However, it still might bring unintended costs along the way if these robots aren’t robustly curated to be immune to glitches or malfunctioning, such as frequent high upkeep and replacement costs for the robotic drones caused by lackluster maintenance or inherent quality issues with the automatons. Nonetheless, if done properly, they’ll be cheaper in the long-run to operate and maintain than it would be if human workers are kept instead.


      1. Thanks Mark, right afterwards I searched “confessions” and it returned her as author, yet, it was confusing as someone posted to you kinda like it was yours:

        p.s. I’ll let Karen know as she credited you in the title..

        “Mark, fame at last?

        Karen Kingston has just praised and linked to this article on her Substack.



  8. I don’t think the vaccine killed anyone. It’s a standard double bluff. RNA(VIRUS) = mRNA(VACCINE). It’s all an illusion.


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