Montana Judge Kathy Seeley issues brain-damaged fact-free ruling

Big Swede commented the other day that, amazingly, a nonsense lawsuit filed by some kids in Montana had received a favorable ruling from a judge. Here is the link he supplied. The ruling is simply outrageous, but also chilling. Was there a fix at work? Was it understood in advance that the judge, Kathy Seeley, would allow the bullshit claims to proceed?

Emily Flower, spokeswoman for Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, correctly slammed the ruling as absurd in an emailed statement and vowed to appeal.

This ruling is absurd, but not surprising from a judge who let the plaintiffs’ attorneys put on a weeklong taxpayer-funded publicity stunt.

The CO2 Coalition has more to say on this matter, saying that the Judge accepted as fact the following:

• More heat waves and extreme summer heat
• Days above 90 degrees increased by 20 days between 1970 and 2015
• Increased drought and lower precipitation

Here is a graph of Montana’s days above 90 degrees, 1890 to present:

The verdict for the entire graph is “no discernible trend”. Note, however, that the judge referred only to the period 1970-2015. Within that period there was an upward trend. What the judge has done here is known as “cherry picking.”

Here is Montana’s precipitation record for the same period, 1890 to present:

The moving average of this graph appears to me to be a straight line hovering between 18-20 inches a year, and again, no discernible trend.  There are, of course, droughts during that time period, but nationwide the trend in droughts is downward.

The judge claimed that Montana is a “major emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.” The state emits .6% of greenhouse gases in the continental US. According toe Gregory Whitestone of CO2 Coalition, if temperature and CO2 are related (I say they are not), Montana shutting down all its emissions by 2050 would amount to a temperature reduction of .0002 degree centigrade. That is not even large enough to be minuscule.

The whole thing, the lawsuit, and the kids were a sideshow. The ruling is perhaps the worst in 125,000 years.

This photo kind of bugs me:

I want to say that the kids are stupid, but they are not, no more than any other participant in our brainwashing system. They are, however, just kids. Which reminds me of this, something I’ve not listened to in years:

7 thoughts on “Montana Judge Kathy Seeley issues brain-damaged fact-free ruling

  1. Mark, I’m frankly gobsmacked that you don’t comment on the very obvious paste-up of at least the central figure in that photo. Are you losing your touch, or is that why it bugs you?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. An indipendent italian journalist who has a famous Twitter account and a blog said the other day that this Montana ruling means nothing, zero, niente.
    Thing is the climate change narrative is being very aggressive, at least in Italy, I’m not sure about other european countries. Here, as it was with Scam19 vaccines, everything is over the top, so much drama and fear mongering 24/7, it’s unbelievable…we’ve had a bunch of cases lately where kids sprayed monuments and art pieces in museums with paint, claiming they’re doing that for the environment and against climate change.
    If they had just a couple of functioning neurons they’d realize how ridiculous is to make such claims on a smartphone through social media, but there you go.

    Klaus Schwab has already announced upcoming climate lockdowns, for those stupid enough to buy into it and oblige of course, and you’ve probably heard of the “15 minute cities” projects currently happening in major european cities, Rome included, these being cities where everything has to be at max 15 minute distance in order to not use cars and public transports but only bike and feet.
    As much as handy and positive it may seem, it’s all done to lock people up within a confined space and control them better. Cells disguised as small cities.
    Needless to say, residents in Rome are enthusiastic, it’s a very chaotic city full of traffic and problems.
    This reminds me of that famous apartment complex in Alaska, can’t remember the town it’s in, where all residents never go out; they even have schools, hospital and shop malls in the basements, with walking tunnels linking all areas.
    In a while we’ll all be prisoners in the name of climate.
    This planet is a lunatic asylum.


  3. It took a very long while but I’m finally getting the climate change hoax. Initially, I thought they were simply exploiting a real problem (the kind of situation most people unfortunately go for – they think a real situation is being exploited when, in fact, it’s all completely fabricated – it’s not just Reaction > Solution but Problem > Reaction > Solution) because I really thought I’d done due diligence looking at both sides but I’m starting to see that just like with germ theory, AGW is also fraudulent which isn’t to say that we are not affecting climate at all because we are doing many things that one might think would affect climate not just pumping out CO2, however, the alleged climate emergency has all obviously been planned.

    Next thing you know I’ll be recognising the moon landings were a hoax.

    Despite the fact that it really seems less important in the scheme of things now, 9/11 I think will always be my pet subject … and the 22nd anniversary approaches. I cannot believe that I’ve just started looking seriously at the firefighter oral histories that Graeme MacQueen focused on – or rather the testimony to explosives within them he focused on which I think he was targeted to do as a red herring away from the fundamental truth of 9/11 – that it was really a big drill.

    While there may be testimony to explosives and no reference to the alleged 343 firefighters who died (at least, I’m sure I reviewed them for any reference to these deaths awhile ago and found none) what stands out now that I’m looking at them again is that they seem to contain complete gobbledygook which I think means they must be completely fabricated. I’m sure I’ve seen people on this site have been firefighters so I’d appreciate some commentary.

    Click to access 9110414.PDF

    Derek Brogan
    “My name is Derek Brogan, assigned to Engine 5. We went out of the box about 8:30, at Irving and 19th Street. Food on the stove. As we were taken up from the box, we were backing out of 19th Street, and we heard a plane go over our heads.”

    I looked up “box” and firefighting jargon and found various meanings:
    — The area that firefighters work within to contain and extinguish a fire so presumably with this meaning “out of the box” means the fire has extended beyond that area
    — Other meanings –

    Whatever the meaning, “out of the box” makes no sense to me in the context used and nor does “as we were taken up from the box”.

    My research says that there has never been a fire station at Irving Place and 19th St in Manhattan, however, “backing out of 19th St” suggests to me they were leaving the station.

    “Food on the stove” apparently means that there is a real incident, it’s not a drill but it seems a strange thing to say just like that.

    Heard a plane overhead? Oh, really? Allegedly, the first plane hit at 8:46 and the second at 9:03 so what plane was this?

    That’s just the first three sentences.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Out of the box, out of the station. Is there a station close to 19th Street area? When the truck drives a ways even a few blocks down, sometimes it has to back up. Instead of wasting time on the hoax, why not confront people that were apart of it. Find out where they live and ask them questions, really get to the bottom of it. Bring your video camara!


      1. I live in Sydney, however, psyops are all done hidden in plain sight, that’s the rule, so you don’t need to interview anyone, you can work out the basics from what’s provided.

        I’ve confronted two people:
        — one who led the Sydney Stand in the Park (anti-covid measures group), Brady Gunn, who said strange things in a video about being a traveller in Afghanistan and standing on a pavement wearing “steel-capped thongs” (thongs are flip-flops here). He wasn’t happy and although I just asked about what he meant by “steel-capped thongs” his response was, “Do you think I work for ASIO?” after which he walked off to make a phone call.

        — the other one was alleged representative of Veterans Against the War, Vince Emanuele; you can see our exchanges by Messenger here:

        I didn’t learn anything more from confronting these two people. They INDICATED CLEARLY who they were in what they said publicly prior to confrontation (and gave me nothing more after confrontation except confirmation of who they were) – otherwise I never would have suspected them.

        So I don’t really need any firefighters to explain the jargon, there are so many other clues to work out that these testimonies are complete works of fiction. The reason I approached Vince Emanuele in the first place before I suspected him of being an agent was to get confirmation that the film Collateral Murder was faked – but, ultimately, I didn’t need any military people to confirm it because the evidence was clear even to the lay person just as the firefighter testimonies are. It’s just a nice-to-have from experts, that’s all.

        But perhaps I could contact NYFD and say, “Hey guys, it was just a drill and all these testimonies are a load of cobblers, right?” I’m sure they’ll say, “Yeah, you got it.”


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