Hottest day ever? Not so fast! And John Kerry – a grifter?

Watts Up With That is claiming that the above video was suppressed by YouTube, which is like them. I searched for it there, and it turned up, now labeled “New.” That means it just came back to life today. YouTube must have relented.

It’s a nice little piece of work by Linnea Lueken, Research Fellow at Heartland Institute. But, it leaves me unclear on which temperature record news and warmers refer to when saying “highest on record.” Is it the one that goes back to 1979? 1940? 1905?

One thing for sure, it cannot be any proxies, as proxies have temperatures both hot and cold going back thousands of years. Michael Mann, when assembling his hockey stick, used tree rings as proxies, except – when those no longer fed him data he liked, he switched by grafting a thermometer record onto his proxies. We only know about this due to Climategate emails. Known as “Mike’s Nature Trick,” it was never disclosed through normal channels.


Below is a nifty little video in which Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) tries to deal with an evasive John Kerry, “Climate Czar.” In the end, Perry accuses Kerry of being a “grifter.”

Grifter: noun – a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud. Synonyms: chiseler , chiseller , defrauder , gouger , scammer , swindler.

Pretty strong word to use, and Kerry was miffed. I thought the word appropriate.

Kerry at a couple of points tries to interject the notion that the mild warming we are experiencing, and have been since 1860 or so, is dangerous because it is allegedly caused by humans. Even if it were happening, that makes no sense. Is warming caused by El Nino a different kind of warming than that which he claims is caused by humans? And, if it is happening only very modestly (.8 degree Centigrade since 1880) , its “cause” is not worth debating. (This video is about seven minutes long. The grifter accusation is close to the end.)

I would not want John Kerry’s job. He is called on to be a professional liar. Honestly, he’s  not very good at it. He lies right and left, naturally, but comes off as expecting to be taken seriously due to pedigree. He married into the Heinz ketchup fortune, and seems quite pleased (who can know in the oligarchy) with a frumpy little Heinz girl. He has lived a privileged and unchallenged life, causing me to suspect his military exploits are, like JFK’s PT 109, fiction. He’s a fraud.

PS: Is that a Hapsburg chin I am seeing on Kerry above?


9 thoughts on “Hottest day ever? Not so fast! And John Kerry – a grifter?

  1. Interesting interview I came across recently:

    A doctor and a disillusioned 30-year lab worker discuss the practice of science today, vs the ideal.. I love getting a little granular insight from people actually in the field, hearing how the sausage gets made.

    The doctor sort of dominates the talk and has a grumpy attitude that is hard to take after a while, but worth it imo for the insights. My main takeaways were, that whole fields eg genetics can get going on a very flimsy evidence base. Then “storytelling” takes over, as later researchers speculate and invent to explain their indirect observations. Decades of this result in a huge accretion of impenetrable “narrative” that may or may not have much connection to any underlying reality. They identify correlations, and spin fantastic stories from them. Much more of course, that’s the best I can do at a broad brush summation.


  2. Today is the day that nobody landed on the moon in 1969 but the show must go on as they say.
    Let’s celebrate the bullshit, one of the many our dear system’s been entertaining us with for centuries!


  3. but….. what if….i doubt it but what if…. the powers that be, hoax events that really are true; for the “stupid” they believe it is real, and for the “clever” they believe it is fake; in this way both are pacified and rendered harmless since the stupid will never do anythng anyway and the clever, who could be a threat, have come to believe that the rulers are just impotent liars, and do not have any moonlanding or nuclear power technologies etc….; as for the many other fakes, often to keep the stupid people in fear and the clever people in anger….might have motives that we do not quite consider yet….certainly such a psych out is not beyond them, and after all, as i have said more than once, knowing the truth …even we millions who deeply suspect the “truth”…what have we done with it and really what can we do with it. Lets remember that 7 million people is but 00000.1 of the human population and do you thinik there are even 7 million people who consider that things such as nuclear power and random shootings are complete absolute stage plays?…just a thought. One thing seems clear to me: they have the manpower and the cash to always stay one step ahead of us…which is putting it generously…since what i truly believe, is that we have all been checkmated….long ago


    1. Thank you – good comment. I have long held this attitude, that we have “…long been checkmated … long ago” , but the words you use are better than anything I have. I do what I do because I do what I do and have nothing better to do. When I am not writing I am just living my life, working our property, hanging out, never speaking aloud among family members my true thoughts. My wife and I some years back visited her roots, and I took a photo of her in front of her grade school. Recently, using Affinity Photo, for fun while she watched, I was able to erase her, and her image disappeared and was replaced by the bricks, and after I did that Pink Floyd was singing to me in my brain …


  4. Notice the raccoon eyes on Kerry when he’s testifying to Congress? Someone fall asleep in the sun over July 4th weekend at the Vineyard didn’t he?


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