Former Senator Barbara boxer lectures a priest and a philosopher on science

In this five minute video former California Senator Barbara Boxer attempts to take down Alex Epstein, author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, and Father Robert Sirico, president of the Acton Institute, a conservative organization that brings religion and free enterprise together. I have never been an admirer of Boxer, and have never thought much of her intellect or judgment. Due to the tempo of these times, in my defense, I say that not because she is a woman. That is not my thrust. I say it because she comes off like a ditzy broad.

Philosophy has a place at any table in any discipline, as the ability to think clearly and properly is something we can all use some coaching about. Boxer’s rantings are buffoonish. She should know these things.

On the climate change side of the table, there is strong need for philosophy of science, as it is science itself that is insulted by the rantings of warmists. The keys to defining their weaknesses are the supposed 97% consensus, attacks on any and all who are skeptical of or dispute their work, and inability to make reliable predictions that ever come to pass. They have tossed aside the concept of falsifiability, an essential element of any scientific undertaking. They claim the science is “settled.” a most unscientific stance.

For this reason, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck … climate “science” is really propaganda and the climate change movement a disingenuous and unscientific attempt to attain an unstated and probably nefarious agenda.

But it was fun to see Boxer put her shortcomings on display for all to see.

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