OK, message received

I asked, and was answered. The Klausler’s set me on a different path. I am beating the climate topic to death, and on the other end people are thinking “We get it, we get it!” I got some nice comments, and Dave’s refreshing bluntness. OK, I got it. I got it!

What to write about? That’s part of the problem. Over the years, I’ve covered just about everything imaginable on this blog. For a while I was just revisiting, as I’ve got nothing new. But then I was not looking for anything new. BB King lit me up, and many readers too. I was not looking. He just stumbled it upon me.

Yesterday I had a long drive into Denver to meet with Travis Mateer, aka poet William Skink, a man who writes a blog about his home town of Missoula, Montana that is unlike anything else I have encountered. He has transitioned into a journalist, and is beyond blogging now. He does what most journalists do not do: He thinks, interviews, and investigates. Most of that profession do the middle thing, not much of the third, and nothing of the first because editors restrain them, and anyway, they ain’t that curious to begin with. That’s why they chose journalism. The brighter students choose something more challenging.

I had an experience in 1987 where a man broke into our home and raped my then eight-year-old daughter, a horrible crime, one of the worst on record in the state of Montana. To this date three sets of journalists have passed through, interviewing all of us, the latest in podcast version by Jule Banville, a professor at the University of Montana. Like everyone before, Jule missed everything important. I think it was the movie The Verdict, with Paul Newman where the repeated line about journalism was “It’s accurate, but not true.” My last message to Jule, snarky ass than I am, was “Did your Pulitzer arrive yet?”

That was the identical message I sent to a journalist with the Billings Gazette after I was blindsided by a three-part interview with my daughter where the reporter in question did not bother to contact or interview me. I got stuff I know that others do not, stuff in fact that only some people know. That was a crap story, and I know why it was done and who was behind it. Jule made it clear that while it was wrong not to interview me, certain things were off limits, one of them the actual truth of the event, my words, not hers. That’s journalism 101.

I should have backed out right then. Ego pushed me forward. I think I made it through (listening to) three of the eight parts of that effort before turning it off. I felt like Charlie Brown as Lucy held the football one more time, promising this time that he could kick it.

Enough. Never again, never will I be troubled by a journalist seeking a story, but not the truth. Someday, God willing, I will be able to divulge the whole of that story. I was able to share it with Travis, a true journalist whose situation is enough like mine that he has to STFU about certain aspects of his life.

I have a notion that I have been beating the same path too long now, and need to look at things that have been overlooked for many years. Watching Only Murders In the Building the other night, New York City had a blackout, which reminded me of 1962, and a blackout in the northeastern portion of the United States, including New York, Connecticut and part of Canada. That event crossed my mind as I suffered Denver 100 degree heat and traffic. Of course you cannot think about 1962. You were not alive then. I was. I was 12 years old. The event was a big deal, but I’ve never much thought about it since, and especially not then since I was so young. Is there anything about it suspicious?

There was a similar blackout in 1977, July 13 to be specific. I looked at that first, as numerology often tips us off that something is fake or contrived or deliberate with truth behind it hidden. The “13” made me curious, and in 1977 July 13 was the 194th day of the year, the ’94’ again representing 13. Often times fake or  contrived events are double-dipped, for instance, JFK being fake-killed on 11/22 (33), which happened to be the 326th day of the year (11) and Dealey Plaza sitting on the 33rd parallel, first shot fired at 12:30 (33). No one reading this save a few understand what I am saying, so I will put a journalist on it to ‘splain.

Here’s the journalistic answer: “Huh?”

Even so, while I get that 8, 11, and 33 are significant masonic symbols, I’ve never paid much attention to 13, thinking it just popular superstition. So I set the 1977 blackout aside, and went back to the one I remembered as a child, 1962. I looked for the date of the event … November 9th, 11/9. That is where I begin to do some work, as that date, also said to be the date that Paul McCartney faked his death in 1965, is in American custom (month first year second) 9/11.

Stay tuned. I am having fun again. No more climate change. If you see another post here about that subject, I beg you come to my house, knock on the door, and when I answer, render a dope slap.

7 thoughts on “OK, message received

  1. Oh Mark, there’s so much that can be talked about; the only question is whether you have the heart and time to research them.

    I’ve been working on a document of my own (not ready for public consumption yet), here’s some of the topics I’ve worked on:
    Alternative biological theories: Gilbert Ling’s association-induction hypothesis, Harold Hillman’s observations, Ken Beigeleisen’s DNA structure, (anti)Darwinism
    Placebo, Hypnosis, Mass hallucination, Philosophy/Consciousness
    Health topics (other than viruses): heart disease, diabetes/metabolic syndrome, hypertension, cancer, ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation, nutrition
    Mental health topics, psychiatry
    Alternative physics theories: ether and gravitational theories, astronomy models, non-globular earth models, expanding earth hypothesis, paleontology/archeology
    Implausible technologies: quantum computing, nanobots, nuclear fusion reactors, genetic engineering(!) etc.
    Economic theories, or anti-economic theories
    Deep states geopolitics, secret societies, Judaism, Satanism, media control
    Media fakery: space, terrorism, wars and so much more
    Chronology criticism/revisionism
    Spirituality and religion

    There’s literally endless topics to choose from, so much humankind can learn.


  2. Hi Mark. It’s your blog, and at the end of the day, you get to write about whatever you like.

    Climate is a fascinating study for some people, although I concede it is as boring as hell for most. Once you effectively self-censor on one subject by declaring “No more posts on that,” you invite the disgruntled to start badgering you on other topics they don’t want aired—from fake moon landings to fake viruses and fake vaccines to fake politicians.

    Which brings me to one issue that I carry around constantly in the back of my mind—What happened to the real Joe Biden? Is he dead? Or hidden away in an institution somewhere like happened to Rosemary Kennedy?

    Have you done any facial comparisons between photos of Joe Biden from the 1990s, the 2000s, the 2010s, and the 2020s? All I can do is eyeball two photos and judge, this is the same guy or this is two different guys. But my strong impression is it was the same guy up to around 2016 and it’s been a different guy since 2020 (with perhaps one or two stand ins during the 2020 election campaign).

    Please don’t be overawed by the opposition you get. I am a fairly unbiased observer, and I think you hit the nail on the head most of the time. I also think your roll as a blogger is to inform rather than to entertain, but the via the workings of the principle of obliquity, you usually manage to entertain as well.


    1. I can look at Biden, but you won’t see anything until midweek. Our Internet is down and all I have is my iPhone. I cannot write on this thing. I am one-fingering.

      He looks on glance as the same guy. He was not elected. I knew from Super Tuesday 2020 that he was juiced. They do not count votes as you probably know. No way was there a sudden switch over to him at that time. He could not out-charm Sanders, mr. boring himself. Just an aging actor.


      1. Mark, please take your time with this. Joe Biden will probably be with us for quite a while yet.

        But I would very much enjoy reading your diagnosis. In this instance, we have thousands of photos available of Vice-President Biden and pre-Vice-President Biden, and thousands of President Biden, so you will be spoil for choice there.


    1. Good points! There is a lot of minutiae in the study of climate and a lot of oversimplification going on in the effort to sell the world a climate crisis. I could say much the same thing about viral pandemics. But the point is, as Dylan sang, you don’t need to be a weather man to know which way the wind blows. Please enjoy your retirement from that subject.


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