Donald Trump is STILL in the news? Every day?

A while back Ab of Fakeologist and I had an online chat, and he brought up the point that Donald Trump is still center stage in the news almost three years after he left office. The only president I could think of offhand was Jimmy Carter, but as Ab pointed out, he’s just a peanut farmer and is not capturing any attention. (He is currently 99 years of age, and his wife Roselyn of 77 years recently died.)

I suspect all of this stuff about challenging the 2020 election and being criminally liable for doing that is manufactured news. It makes no sense. I challenge every election we have, including those before I was born. It’s not illegal. It is free speech, a concept we preach about but do not follow in practice. Poor Donald has Attorneys General several states after him, issuing gag orders and accusing him of high crimes and misdemeanors, especially concerning the January 6 fake event, where they are claiming he committed sedition. 

All of this has kept DT in the news, allowing him to suck up all of the oxygen of any challengers. Will he be the party’s nominee? Will he win the presidency again? I surely don’t know, but I do imagine that a decision has been made already, and is known to both DT and Joe Biden, should the latter have a functioning brain and if he lives that long. 

I think Trump is classic controlled opposition. It is so common in politics – as with the Democrats running Jessie Jackson, then Dennis Kucinich and now Bernie Sanders to keep liberals from bolting the party. In 1912 Theodore Roosevelt ran as a Bull Moose, pulling enough votes from William Howard Taft to elect Woodrow Wilson, who promptly went to war. In 1992 and 1996 Ross Perot ran as an American Independent, siphoning off votes from George H.W. Bush (92) and Bob Dole (96) to assure the eight-year reign of Bill Clinton, who never got 50% of the vote.  

All of that tells me that votes were being counted in those years, hence the shenanigans. Ballot boxes can be stuffed, ballots can disappear – there are many ways to steal an election, but the third-party drain, prior to electronic voting, seemed the easiest and best ploy. These days they just insert false decks in voting machines, or program the machines to miscount votes.

It was Vladimir Lenin who said “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” It appears to me that Robert Kennedy Jr. is all about controlled opposition for the Democrats, sucking up opposition to Anthony Fauci and Covid tyranny during the fake pandemic. He’s also joined those who think the Warren Commission was wrong, sucking up that air. 

Oh well. We all understand the point I am making here, and I am going on too long. Below is a brief video (50 seconds) that expertly demonstrates how controlled opposition is done.

14 thoughts on “Donald Trump is STILL in the news? Every day?

  1. It’s hard to have a spectacle without loyal spectators. And what’s left of American imperium if not spectacle, spectators and speculation? Manifest Destiny, baby!

    “Donald Trump’s newest book has bombed out, his debts are worth more than his assets and his bank bailout is starting to leak like a rowboat with termites. But, by God, the man provides a great show.” Allan Sloan, Washington Post, November 13, 1990

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ross also used to work for the firm Rothschild, Inc., which appears to be connected to the infamous Rothschild banking dynasty. Make what you will with that.

        “In 1976, Ross began his 24-year employment with the **New York City office of Rothschild & Co**, where he ran the bankruptcy restructuring advisory practice.[2][12] …. In the 1980s, Donald Trump’s three casinos in Atlantic City were under threat of foreclosure from lenders. **Ross, who was then the senior managing director of Rothschild & Co, represented investors in the casino.** Along with Carl Icahn, Ross convinced bondholders to strike a deal that allowed Trump to keep control of the casinos.[12][14]”


      2. In that same Washington Post article, they claim that Ross ironically was Trump’s “chief public tormentor” despite allegedly representing him in his bankruptcy proceedings, or so I understand. Rather odd that years later Trump would have this same man in his cabinet despite all the trouble Ross had caused him. Nothing seems to add up, per usual.


  2. RFK is quite the controlled op character.. I’ve been reading ‘Sage Hana’ on substack, and she/he highlights a lot of his more revealing tweets or interview moments.. eg during covid lockdowns, he noted its benefit to carbon emissions, and worried about the return to status quo. So (like naked capitalism/Yves Smith, also directed at somewhat disillusioned liberals) he is vax skeptical, but all in on the tyranny of the bio surveillance state.

    In one interview he let drop that fauci has been faking pandemics his whole career, or maybe he said all pandemics have been faked, I should check (although older posts get paywalled quickly, and her blog is all rambling brain droppings anyway, good luck finding anything.) His pals gave him displeased looks, Sage thinks he must not be very high on the org chart lol. He doesn’t bring that up anymore, I guess.

    FYI Mathis’ latest is a takedown of terrain theory. I think it’s pretty spot on overall. I never went all in on terrain myself, although I got a little sucked in just as an alternate “paradigm” or model to consider. What I wish Mathis would write about more extensively, is where the mainstream science (of biology, virology, medicine, etc) has some legitimacy, and where it goes off the rails into fraud (and/or systemic error.) I could move that slider pretty far in either direction, without being certain either way.. Not that he would or ought to know exactly, I think his science interest has been more in theoretical physics and those areas.


      1. It is, and also hard to untangle what ideas might be there from the manic writing style. But I like the humor and how she’s developed all these in jokes and her own vocabulary/ framework for viewing media and ops..


    1. I wanted to add, there are some points in the piece where I differ with Mathis, or not as certain. Mainly, I think that germ theory is probably most correct in terms of bacteria and is transmitted by “fomites,” ie surfaces, say in a slum where many share an outhouse with no plumbing. I am more skeptical of aerosol transmission of germs/ viruses in any serious way. My guess is that that is where they built a huge fraudulent edifice of black box, unverifiable “science,” for multiple motives.. bioweapon “vaccines,” dysgenics, profit, fear, disinformation, and long term goals of public health emergencies as a pretext for overturning basic rights and civil liberties. It would be the classic technique of building your big lie on a kernel of truth..


      1. Bacteria are real, viruses are imaginary. We do not catch diseases but can be pushed into a detox (disease) state by others around us and the conditions. As usual most of terrain theory and the people pushing it are full of shit.

        Parasites can also cause issues but most disease simply comes from poisoning often through completely natural foods. Eat a ship load of apricots you will get sick real quickly. Eat a polar bear liver you will die etc etc. Then there is air pollution water pollution, radiation (including natural).


    2. Mathis latest is a takedown on the characters used to blackwash terrain theory (who we all knew were frauds nearly half a decade ago now. As did MM as I told him so, he just wasn’t allowed to cover it until now). He does not touch viruses at all (because he is not allowed to at this stage). He (as usual) just states the obvious and pretends it means something else completely opposite and that he is a genius.

      These flat earth characters are put there intentionally to prevent intelligent people looking into the lack of existence of imaginary viruses. The show is very well managed and I appreciate the genius behind it.


  3. You must be able to read my mind as I stated the title of this article out loud a few days ago. Angry that I have to see this bozo everytime I get online. Taylor Swift seems to be there as well. They want everyone thinking about Trump non stop. But are they grooming someone else behind the curtains ready to appear this year?

    Not much on Ukraine hoax anymore.The Hamas hoax is kinda fading already. Covid has obviously faded in the mainstream, but still gets the occasional article in my local news. Drugstores still promoting those vaccines, CVS and Walgreens.

    I say Trump or Biden gets fake deathed soon and it will be a sigh of relief and celebrated.


    1. I thought maybe they want Trump for the next term, they had to bench him (sort of) because of term limits, they want him in for whatever is planned next. Why waste him on an interval where they needed to relax the propaganda, relatively speaking? His reelection will melt many brains, and he may be ideal for whatever they want to sucker punch us with next.


    2. Good chance they die for real. They aren’t in great shape and are very old (I hope they have backups, especially for Trump)


    3. There was a really funny song on the fakenukes channel of bitchute, which I don’t frequent much anymore, it’s turned really into a sheet-hole with lots of links to videos not working.

      Anyhow the song is “nothing is happening, everything is fake and gay”. It’s very amusing, not that agree with all his lyrics, like flat earth.

      Anyhow I feel like the controllers are in a holding pattern now, like a jet circling an airport, not able to land. All their stupid ideas like war and disease are exhausted, I have this feeling that the majority subconsciously know this is bullshit, including many Chinese individuals I know about the Covid fiasco – it appeared then disappeared, and they still have a totalitarian government, and many beautiful people, thank God.

      Wasn’t there a movie or book called “what if there was a war and no one showed up?” I saw the Iran bombing of Isreal last night at the bar, I didn’t see a single person acknowledge or care.


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