Epoch Times is a mixed bag

I posted the following comment below this article, Highest ever childhood vaccine exemption rate in history, doctors explain. Although buried halfway down in 373 comments, it has received 10 “likes” and no thumbs down. Most of the comments are ragged attack on the vaccine regime. The article itself complains that the vaccine rate in this country has fallen from 95 to 93 percent. I too find that distressing, but for different reasons.

I am 73 and grew up in a time when vaccinations were minimal, polio and TB the two I remember. Neither I nor my parents understood that there was a rush to get the polio vaccine on the market before the disease disappeared on its own. Medical people wanted to save the day for a day that was already saving itself.

The real cause of polio, in the early years, was a pesticide known as lead arsenate, which was sprayed on fruit trees and other crops late in the summer when kids were out of school. No precautions were taken to shield anyone. The substance was essentially harmless to adults, who processed it through the normal route through and out the lower intestine. Kids, however, were different. At a young age, lead arsenate would accumulate in the lower intestine, and then migrate to the spine, which are very close to one another in children. The result was often paralysis.

The real purpose of the polio vaccine, as with so many others these days, is to protect doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and industry from lawsuits. It was classic misdirection. The same tact was used in Argentina and Brazil with the alleged Zika virus, said to cause microcephaly (under-developed brains and skulls) in children. Argentine doctors maintain that the disease is caused by widespread use of certain pesticides sold by a Japanese subsidiary of Monsanto. Again, the vaccine and alleged virus protect industry from lawsuits, misdirection writ large.

Comments are limited to 1500 characters. I must have used 1490. In a reply to a nice comment I received, I noted that polio is still with us, now known as AFP, or acute flaccid paralysis. In India, where use of DDT is widespread, AFP, while not common, exists in significant numbers. That comment has disappeared.

Epoch Times as I have noted before is a mixed bag, carrying water for Trump but at the same time running long (three newsprint pages) dissenting articles on the climate change regime, and in the most recent issue a long article decrying the use of statins to treat heart disease.

The statins article points out something I have long known but did not know had a name: the relative risk reduction model. From the article

Suppose that there are two groups of 100 people, with the first group taking an experimental pill theorized to prevent heart attacks and the second group taking a placebo. During a trial time of two years, the first group experienced only one heart attack, while the second group recorded two.

Statistically, the experimental pill appears to be insignificant in its cardiovascular protection. But when the relative risk reduction is applied, the pill shows a 50 percent efficacy in decreasing heart disease as compared with the placebo, given that there was one fewer heart attack in the treated group.

That’s how they sell statins, Further, due to the law of low numbers, two deaths is no more significant than one, and there is no way of knowing if statins had any effect at all. And, importantly, we have no way of knowing which two people were at risk for heart problems. Ergo, they give them to everyone.

Its just a demonstration of the old notion of lies, damned lies, and statistics. 40 million Americans have been prescribed statins despite clear-cut evidence they do no good and are a waste of medical dollars. But nothing changes. Corruption runs deep in our medical industry.

9 thoughts on “Epoch Times is a mixed bag

  1. “The article itself complains that the vaccine rate in this country has fallen from 95 to 93 percent.”

    I’m not the smartest guy in the room… but, shouldn’t a huge percentage of unvaccinated people (covid vax) have died off by now?
    We had 2 “winters of death” and a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, right?
    So, using basic logic, the percentage of vaccinated people should have continued to increase over time, as the unvaccinated people died off. (fewer people in the total population, but more of them vaccinated)
    So how is it possible that vax rates actually dropped over time, as the pandemic ran it’s course?

    Also, all the vaccinated people who lived, while witnessing all the unvaccinated people dying, would certainly continue to get subsequent boosters as they would fear to become an unvaccinated dead person.

    So we are to believe that millions of unvaccinated people have died over the past few years, but now we have fewer vaccinated people than ever…and fewer people wanting the boosters?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Here in England, I watched a video yesterday in which a speaker said that 17 million of us did not get even one Covid 19 “vaccine”. That would be about 1/4 of the population.

      I don’t know if that is true but it is reassuring and surprsing as I felt pretty alone when I didn’t succomb to the pressure from the NHS. I was hounded with messages and even personal phone calls as they could see I hadn’t been jabbed.

      His name was Ben Rubin and he has done another interview which is linked below. Not listenend to that one yet but bet it’s interesting!


  2. Medical studies are rife with issues and conflict of interest. A couple more I’ve heard about from Jennifer Daniels –

    study participants may have side effects (or wariness of the experimental drug I guess) and simply stop taking it. But, they conceal this, to get the paycheck.
    study participants may take it and literally drop dead at some point. But, when researchers are unable to reach them, instead of investigating, they report them as having dropped out of the study..!

    The whole thing is much more “human, all too human” than the mythology of science would lead the public to believe. And these are just examples of what the relatively honest researchers pretend not to notice..


  3. Here’s a recent cartoon I did on climate change that I thought you and/or readers here might enjoy.. but I never know really, I’m completely out of touch with audiences, most of the time..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Quite a while back I got hold of an Extinction Rebellion photo from Britain and manipulated their very large banner held by a large number of them to read “WE ARE MORONS.” I must have done a good job as readers save the very best (like you) thought it was a real photo that simply did not register (cognitive dissonance) and moved on.


      1. It’s a very good photo editing job.. if the oil holdings ever tank (heaven forbid), you can always get work faking photos for wikipedia.. those boys must be exhausted over there!

        Btw, side note.. Mathis has a good new big picture paper up. I mention it because I know some people are interested in that, but don’t want to see any more genealogy. This Duchamp paper just has a dash of that and then very big picture.


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