The Indoctrinated Brain, by Michael Nehls, MD, PhD

I wrote about this book previously, and was unduly harsh on the author, Dr. Nehls. My consolation is that this is but a small blog, so that my harsh tone and words most likely never reached him. I have now finished the book, and yesterday spent most of my day transcribing passages I had highlighted while reading. In the end, I transcribed 10,700 words over 19 pages. I used Nuance Dragon to do so, and as much as I like the program, I know in writing this I will come upon many typos, some humorous.

That is a lot of material to cover, and far too much to undertake for a mere blog post. What I have decided to do, as best I am able, is to boil the book down to essential elements put forth by Nehls. I’ll do a citation here and there, and then elaborate. The truth is this: A densely written book like this will not attract many readers. I’ll try to be fair to the author, and keep my own opinions apart from his.


However, so-called fact checkers like to dismiss the Great Reset is a conspiracy theory. Even the renowned German Hanelszeitung headlined on November 20, 2020, “The Great Reset: How the WEF got into the Center of All Conspiracy Theories.” Apart from the fact that the term conspiracy theory is presumably used here for the purpose of evaluating respective discussions as childish nonsense, it should be pointed out that by definition a conspiracy exists only if some people secretly agree to increase their profit, their power, or both against the interest and welfare of third parties by unfair means. Although such agreements are not only made in theory but also in reality, the Great Reset cannot be called a conspiracy in the classical sense because some of the main protagonists largely disclose their visions and the means of their choice, such as the infiltration of democratic houses of representatives all over the world. Curiously, this is also partly mentioned in the same Hanelszeitung article. (Page xix)

The Great Reset is nasty business, and Nehls writes about it at great length throughout the book. It’s really, in my view, fascism, and is being foisted on us by two principle public hoaxes, Climate Change and Covid-19. Nehls believes in viruses, and thinks that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was relatively benign and could easily have been kept under control with treatment with large doses of Vitamin D. Nehls also thinks that the SARS-CoV-2 virus escaped a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

The nastier parts of The Great Reset, in my view, are forced vaccinations and social scoring systems. Note the following:

“After more than half of year for people to comply with public health advisories and guidelines,” the question of whether the measures for which social scoring points would be awarded are not useful at all as neither being asked nor discussed anymore. But now (spring 2023) that the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to be seen as a failure in this sense, the permanent threat of climate change could make the last meters of the way. The German Prognos AG, which calls itself the European Center for Economic Research and Strategy Consulting, seems to be convinced of this as well. Apparently, it is already predicted that Covid-19 will not be a sufficient incentive for public acceptance of the social scoring system in the long run. In a study entitled “The Future of People’s Values in Our Country,” published in August 2020 and commissioned by the Federal Minister of Education and Research (BMBF) in Germany, throughout future scenarios for the introduction of social point systems based on the Chinese model. It is seen as an instrument for mobilizing society as a whole against climate change, and as a narrative it serves to catalyze the acceptance of this new system, which allows a far-reaching technocratic surveillance of the entire society – the ultimate control as part of and even beyond indoctrination. (Page 168 et seq)

Note that, as Nehls does, the social point systems envisioned are not voluntary, so that even if you do not like the idea, you cannot escape it. Based on our score, we could lose access to cash, freedom to travel, perhaps even be locked down. None of the essentials of the “scoring system” are up for debate. Just as with Covid and Climate, you either buy in, or you lose. You become a “denier”, and the punishment for denial in this Brave New World is not just ostracism, but insidious mind control. There are, in my view, monsters behind it all.

Nehls also believes in vaccines. I am not here to superimpose my views on him, and leave all that debate outside this blog post. But read on:

It [Covid-19 measures are] … certainly not about saving lives, nor only about money. The suspicion arises that power over people, achieved and consolidated by reducing their mental capacity, is the real goal. The strategy under the guise of targeting Covid-19 has been very successful in this regard on a global scale and possibly very long term, as the prior discussion of “normal” hippocampal shrinkage illustrates. It is conceivable that the technocratic would-be world rulers of 2019 have determined (perhaps based on record-high depression rates) that hippocampal performance, and thus protection from indoctrination, was at an all-time low, and they are therefore ready to openly push for a new world order under their leadership. At the very least, we were confident that they would not encounter too much resistance. (Page 68)

Nehls goes on at great length about the vaccines and their true intent and purpose, and for which (in my view) the whole Covid-19 hoax was conceived and carried out, to scare us, and create a stampede to the vaccines. He writes in great detail about the function of the human hippocampus, and how the effect of “vaccines” containing spike proteins is to shrink the hippocampus. I won’t go into great detail here, as it is all above my pay grade, but Nehls suggests that 4% of any jab we endure will be of materials that transit the blood-brain barrier.  So understand that the paragraph above encompasses every atrocity unleashed on us, from lockdowns, trampling on illusory rights, electronic education, social distancing, masking, and ultimately the jab, are designed to act in total to reduce us to compliant citizens unable to think for ourselves.

“What the herd hates most is one who thinks differently; it is not so much the opinion itself, but the audacity of wanting to think for themselves, something that they do not know how to do. (Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788 – 1860)” (Page 36)

I don’t look upon what is going on now with the same trepidation as Nehls, but reading his book created great respect for his sense and intelligence.  I lived through the bulk of the Cold War, a time when children and adults alike were deeply brainwashed and controlled by fear. This latest thrust, Covid and Climate, is attempting to do the same, and most will, as during the Cold War, succumb. There will be only a few of us who resist. Nehls cites studies done on the ability to students to resist peer pressure on a simple matter like the perceived length of a line to suggest that the percentage of us who stand a good chance of emerging from this with our personhood intact is 23%.

Let us look again at the often-use literary blueprint of the dystopian society that Huxley warned us about, to understand what we are dealing with in a slightly modified form. In Brave New World, fetal development is influenced by chemical means (oxygen deprivation or ethanol administration) to produce uniform human beings with a predetermined mental and memory capacity. Depending on the timing and intensity of the chemical intervention, different degrees of physical and especially mental impairment develop. Interestingly, the hippocampus is the brain structure most sensitive to oxygen deprivation and alcohol toxicity. By inhibiting the growth of the hippocampus or by destroying the hippocampus before birth (decantation), clearly defined caste beings are created, from so-called Alphas to Epsilons, with descending mental or hippocampal efficiency. However, this requires extra uterine production and the ability to create thousands of genetically identical copies by manipulating the early embryo.

If we assume that similar intentions to manipulate beings exist today, but without the possibility of a similarly direct influence on fetuses in their development, a conceivable means to achieve the same effects exists: to cause a targeted deficiency of certain micronutrients essential for hippocampal growth. These include the aforementioned iodine, vitamin D3, or aquatic omega-3 fatty acids. In the industrialized countries of the Global North, every effort is made to prevent an adequate supply of vitamin D3 or aquatic omega-3 fatty acids, through, for example, large-scale studies in high-impact journals that are either misinterpreted or poorly designed from the outset to give a distorted impression of the supply situation or the need, as I will explain in more detail later. Thus, serious deficiencies of vitamin D or aquatic omega-3 fatty acids occur in large parts of the population and are not recognized and corrected dude to too low threshold values. It is very disturbing that such circumstances go unnoticed to many, even though the impact on humanity is major and measurable, on a scale similar to the less subtle procedures of Huxley’s dystopia. (Page 72)

Nehls writes at great length about Huxley’s Brave New World, and how it is a better reference to our current dystopia than Orwell’s 1984. As it appears to me, the contrast between the two makes BNW a far better roadmap to totalitarianism than 1984. Winston Smith in 1984 was beaten and tortured into submission. Greta Thunberg, for example, is a product of a dysfunctional mind with severe perception shortages. She suffers from Goethe’s aggressive stupidity. No one has ever laid a hand on her in anger. No one ever suggested to her that she “get her mind right” as worked so well on Lucas Jackson in Cool Hand Luke. She simply moved from an ordinary child with a clean slate into a warped totalitarian brain encompassed in a solid layer of irrational fear. That’s how it works.

But only with rational compassion can we prevent ourselves from losing sight of the bigger picture, and even being enlisted in wars of suffering because of our ability to empathize. If we had the foresight to find solutions that are good for everyone, and not just for ourselves and for those in our immediate surroundings, we can also overcome her false image of humanity. This is what gives the powerful the legitimacy to control and tyrannize us. Almost all of us are basically good, even if we sometimes fail to channel our good intentions in an optimal way. We do not, however, need a social scoring system that ultimately treats us as if we had no ethical compass of our own. (Page 196)

I liked and enjoyed Nehls more and more as I read on, and below offer one final quote that sealed it for me. He’s a doctor, he believes in viruses and vaccination (as opposed to the current “vax” that is really gene therapy).  He cites a Bayer AG executive who said, “At the end of the day, mRNA vaccines are an example of how to sell gene therapy. If we had done the public survey two years ago asking if people would be willing to have gene therapy or cell therapy injected into their bodies, we would have gotten a 95% rejection rate.” (Page 91 et seq.) As it stands, the rejection rate for mRNA vaccines is, I am guessing, in the range of 23%, and with each suggested booster, rising. Here’s the quote with which I will close out:

I wonder if perhaps the often-fatal consequences of our good will help shape the image of man as a fundamentally evil being, when essentially good people do terrible things. I had a frightening glimpse of this mystery of good human nature in the summer of 2021, when a doctor urged me a routine checkup to finally get vaccinated against Covid-19. He justified this with the role model function as a doctor, but above all with the argument of “protection of others.” At that time, however, it had long been known in professional circles that spiking did not offer any external protection and was unhealthy and that there was a healthy alternative, which I pointed out to him. Among other things, mentioned that up to 4% of the plasma level of the injected viral genetic material could reach the brain and make our unique nerve cells the target of immunological killer cells. In addition, I informed them that the flawed argument of protection of others is also used to justify completely useless lockdowns, which caused massive damage, not only to our society. After all, in the context of their financing, there has been an almost complete shutdown of world hunger aid, which according to UNICEF has caused a great many people, especially children, to starve and die of hunger in the countries of the global South. He left my question unanswered as to whether he understood this to be protection of others. Neither my arguments about a healthy alternative nor the global impact seemed to impress him. He was just glad, he said, that we live in a country where food and good medical care are not a problem. And in those poor countries, he said, infant deaths are normal. As he left the office, he excitedly shouted after me that if 4% of the vaccinated get brain cancer in a few years, it would be better still than dying horribly from Covid-19 today. (Page 192)

Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, is anti-jab, a [Covid] vaccine denier! Good on him. I urge all if you are of patient mind and able to process long tracts of sometimes dense but intelligent prose, to read this book. I started out highly skeptical, but changed my mind as I read. It was well worth my time. Also, I have covered very little of it above, just hitting the high points as best I could.

3 thoughts on “The Indoctrinated Brain, by Michael Nehls, MD, PhD

  1. So does he recommend supplements for those key micronutrients? Or sunlight and natural food sources? Vit D and omega 3 actually get a fair bit of attention in mainstream sources, and a lot in more specialized health focused media.

    I wonder how he arrived at those as the key deficiencies.. there are so many competing theories of “you must do this” for health. Many schools, many gurus.


    1. He merely states, as I read him, that “cold and flu season”, which was replaced by a virus infection in the Covid-19 hoax, is a result of low insolation, creating a Vit D deficiency, and does recommend supplements. I did not reprint that section, as it was tedious and I was already in danger of losing what readers I had.


  2. I still think Orwells 1984 vision is with us as clearly as Brave New World. Mark mentioned recently that Montana’s University system was considering revising Newton’s 3rd law based on what happened on 9/11. Frankly, that is most Orwellian thing I have ever heard.

    There’s many other things Orwell got right, and yes I do think in some ways he was a prophet, and not simply an agent. For example, in 1984, the proles (proletariat, common folk) are obsessed with the lottery. I sit at local water holes (bars) a few nights a week by myself working and studying, and I love to listen in on what people are talking about. To my point: the lottery, and Keno, and gambling, are such incredible obsessions with the common man. It’s astounding to me Orwell could know the mind of the modern man nearly 100 years ago, still obsessed with superstitions, and subconsciously, yet stupidly (no one really wins the lottery) believing he can reach the Garden of Eden by picking the right 6 numbers, or the right teams on Sunday…


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