Some things I might (but probably don’t) understand, Part 3

I have on hand a treasure trove of photos and face comparisons, as I’ve been doing this for years. Most of the face chops turn up negative, showing two people to be different individuals, and that does not draw a lot of interest. But it is the primary use of face chops, to show differences.


I think the photo to the left started the OWT that anorexia nervosa causes distortion of the skull shape. That is Karen Carpenter with her head stretched in a darkroom, done to make her look grotesque and seal her fake death as a real thing.

In fact, the only distorted skull shape I have ever seen is to the right here, Stephen Hawking suffering from ALS. Look at the bulbous protrusion of the back of his head. I agree with Mr. Mathis that Hawking indeed died in 1985 in Switzerland, and was replaced with an actor. They apparently had things left to accomplish with the Hawking character, including A Brief History of  Time.  That is, I think, a distortion of astrophysics, done with purpose. I should understand better why they did it.

[After posting this, I realized that the real Hawking who died 1985 and was replaced by an actor who then fake died in 2018 … it was 33 years later. Maybe, just maybe, it was not Mr. M who brought him down. Can it be?]


Someone started a rumor (Dallas Goldbug?) that Jim Morrison had faked his death and become Rush Limbaugh. Not so – Rush was Rush throughout his storied career.  I did at one time look through the many photos of him online, and found one ringer. I took it to be a body double, as famous people often have stand-ins to arrive in limousines while the real person enters via a secret door somewhere. It is a necessary security precaution.

I enjoy that video for the music playing in the background. Jim Morrison was also rumored to have become Jim Loyer, residing somewhere  south of Portland, Oregon. The photo work above, which merely overlays one face over another without telling us of adjustments made to do so, can be convincing. Problem: Jim Loyer is not Jim Morrison. Below is a face chop of the two images used in the video above.

As I mentioned above, face chops more often than not can tell us when two people are not the same. Morrison and Loyer are not even close. In the chop above, I aligned the noses to see where everything else would fall. Jim is still missing, though not in Paris.


One of the most distrusted comparisons I have ever made concerned Dr. Phil and Freddie Mercury. I get that. It doesn’t make sense. Mercury was a cool rock star and amazing singer. Dr. Phil is a bald and boring television “doctor.” I’ll leave the photo work at that, so take it or leave it.

Other things I know or intuit about Freddie: He was not gay. Being the lead singer for a group called “Queen,” we might be led to assume that he was, along with the others, of that persuasion. Here is an ambiguous quote about Freddie’s lifetime friend and lover, Mary Austin.

“All my lovers asked me why they couldn’t replace Mary, but it’s simply impossible. The only friend I’ve got is Mary, and I don’t want anybody else. To me, she was my common-law wife. To me, it was a marriage. We believe in each other, that’s enough for me.”

I think the group, like the Beatles, was assembled with a mission, in Queen’s case to advance gay rights. One thing that Queen and the Beatles have in common … amazing song writers backing them up. Mercury is said to have written many of Queen’s hits, including Bohemian Rhapsody. I will leave it at that, a group on an unstated mission crafting amazing music seemingly at will, like the Beatles. Hmmm.

Freddie did not die of HIV/AIDS, but that was quite a show he put on leading up to his fake death. That’s why I suspected he was still with us in some form. Was he still a public figure, one that perhaps did not age well?

Dr. Phil is a man without a youth, appearing as a fully-formed adult, only a few photos of him in his late teens or early twenties. Two photos of him in his younger years, seen to the right and left here are of two different guys, and one of them might be Dr. Phil. See below.

The one on the left is for sure intriguing, but the face is too long.The one on the right is a definite no.

My take is that the photos are part of an archive of faces available to the people behind the hoaxes, and that a computer search produced something close to the original. No one would ever look closely. It was a different time. These days a computer could produce a clone of Phil at any age.

Still, the one on the left is intriguing . The idea that Freddie became Phil, a strong suspicion for me, will have to remain officially inconclusive.

By the way, Dr. Phil’s son is Jordan McGraw, a professional singer/musician. He’s a good singer with a good range, including in the audio Bread and Butter, where he opens with a rich falsetto. Just sayin’.

So, weighing all the evidence I could, I decided some time back to go forward with Freddie/Dr. Phil. I wish I could say I am 100% certain, but I am not. I have the same doubts as everyone else, except that I find the evidence to a large degree credible.


Anderson Cooper, Intrepid reporter, is the son of Wyatt Cooper and Gloria Vanderbilt. Anderson had a brother, Carter, who is said to have committed suicide in 1988 by jumping off the balcony of their luxury apartment in New York City. What I discovered is more likely true than that cockamamie story. Carter faked his death, and lives to this day as Anderson Cooper, just like his twin brother.

Why? We can only guess. In Intel twins are often useful tools for their ability to be two places at once. In show business, which is all that the news is, same deal with one or the other enjoying downtime. For instance, when Anderson appeared on Jeopardy! for a week, Carter enjoyed down time. Their role, as I see it, is to validate fake events, like Sandy Hook. Cooper was there that very day interviewing the actors playing parents. That’s their job.

I suppose I should offer some evidence of two separate people who are twins. Here you go:

Generally speaking, Carter has a smaller face than Anderson, and is often seen wearing horn-rimmed glasses. Maybe a little presumptuous on my part too, Anderson seems very bright, Carter not quite as smart as his brother. Both are, in my view, distinguished looking men, the white hair a nice touch.

19 thoughts on “Some things I might (but probably don’t) understand, Part 3

  1. Here’s a quote from Gloria Vanderbilt: “To be pregnant has been for me each time the supreme joy … I was doing the greatest thing in the world without having to do anything — all I had to do was be.” One could take this as an admission that she may have donated eggs but didn’t carry her children. Smoking and sticking fingers down your throat and staying impossibly thin just doesn’t read to me as a royal bastard wanting anything to do with birthing babies.
    The Vanderbilts were fertile prior to the The Commodore, the famous American patriarch, but subsequent generations of peerage derived intermarriage began to sap this line and gay Anderson is the end. It adds to my suspicions that Gloria needed help in keeping the line going, but with Carter/Anderson being gay, the curtain has dropped for this dynasty. That’s what dynasties are: An inbred line that eventually ends with infertility. That’s what all those Egyptian dynasties were: Inbreeding leading to a lane change.


    1. Ty, if I did not credit you with research at the time that we brought out Anderson and Carter, my apologies. I recall you were there and hands on, maybe the originator. Time clouds but it is never my intent to take credit for the work of others.

      I knew Anderson was gay, and now a single gay father. No longer frowned on, and I let it be. He was interviewed by Conan and spoke of retrofitting his upper story apartment to accommodate a small child, as I recall.


  2. I dunno if Freddie Mercury really became Dr. Phil, but I find Mark’s work convincing, because Dr. Phil doesn’t look 100% Caucasian to me.
    He actually looks Indian from India, or Pakistani, or anglo-pakistani, and Mercury was from where? He was born in Zanzibar. Bingo.
    Also, the teeth. I always wondered back in the day why didn’t Mercury take care of his front teeth. I was a teenager in the 80’s and to me those teeth were a pain in the back to watch. Maybe because being a girl, and like almost every girl a bit insecure about the way I looked, but if I’d had teeth like that I’d have stopped going out entirely, with the dentist being my only trip outside.
    And if we observe Dr. Phil’s teeth, they look like a full denture or implants in the front. The way he pronounces some words is a dead giveaway. I think they even bother him a bit.
    The photos allegedly showing a young Phil are fake ’cause the skin nuance is different and we’re looking at a caucasian (read white) young man, whereas Phil has olive skin and looks asian to me.

    Re. Anderson Cooper, yeah they’re two different guys, it’s absolutely patent.


  3. Loved your earlier work on the Beatles Mark. It was always a mystery to me why Paul was called Paul when he was christened James. An explanation from the man himself was on the Internet as follows: “Paul” is the name his parents called him. As reported on Paul, even McCartney himself is unsure of why his parents named him one thing and called him another. Early on, the explanation was that his father’s name was James, and they didn’t want mail addressed to “James McCartney” to be confusing. Fair enough but then why is his brother also always called by his second name ? Mike, when he was christened Peter Michael? You’d think that Paul would say in response to the question: ‘ It was a family thing . Both me and my brother go by our second names.’ Funny to say the least. The other slight anomaly is that their mother’s maiden name is listed as MAHON for Paul and MOHIN for Peter in the official records. Since these records were manually copytyped it could admittedly be just a spelling error. These little niggles abound with these people.


  4. I don’t see Freddy as Dr. Phil. Although I doubt he died. I can see there being two Jims, the famous one and then the fat Jim. Over the years, alcohol bloat can do wonders on someone’s appearance, but The Doors were only in the limelight for around 5 years. Interesting history for a manufactured band.


    1. The Doors are indeed interesting …If you read McGowan’s Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, you’ll learn that Jim arrived on the scene unable to read music, play any instrument, with 12 fully formed songs ready to go for their rollout album. There are professional songwriters on the scene to back all the famous (but lower quality) bands with both the songs and the instrumentation. The Beatles were such a band, and I suspect Queen as well.

      Jim’s name was not Morrison, the Admiral was not his father. John Denver was not a Deutschendorf, the Lt. Col was not his father. Janis Joplin was pasted into her family photo. McGowan talks about almost all of the rock of the late 60s to 70s has coming from military backgrounds. It now makes more sense to me that these are people with musical talent who cannot be allowed to thrive without supervision, and so are assigned to military families to keep them in line.

      Regarding Freddie/Phil, I get that you do not see it. Hardly anyone does, but I do. Face Chops do not produce such lookalikes without there being some connection. The faces align completely. Freddie had bad teeth, at least in part because that deformity created a chamber in his mouth that enhanced his singing voice. As Dr. Phil he balded, fattened, had his teeth fixed, and took on a normal hetero life, complete with a child in a rock band who sang (sings) falsetto. It is not just the face chops, though they tell me plenty. There is circumstance too. Not everyone in their flower ages well. Freddie did not. A commenter recently added that Phil is olive-complected, that is, of Middle Eastern ancestry.


    2. PS: We have a grandson whose dad as a wide face, while the boy is narrow that way. He’s been away, and each time I see him on my phone, his face has come to resemble his Dad’s. There’s no alcohol bloat going on there, as the boy does not drink. This we know about him.

      I am of the suspicion that rock stars during their training and early years of performance are carefully supervised and that their habits are moderate, not by choice, but to keep their jobs. I doubt that Jim was a substance abuser, but appeared so in public with the understanding that he would shortly fake his death, so those rumors were useful. People would say “Yeah, saw that coming.” Same with Joplin, probably clean as a whistle but acting the addict in public, knowing she (they) too would fake their deaths and the substance abuse would serve as predictive programming. Freddie supposedly being gay, and then dying of AIDS was programmed, and no one questioned his death from that fake cause. It was understood he would be retired.


  5. Did you catch this odd story from your neck of the woods.. women attacked by otters:

    This ties to a paper Miles ran recently, about national park animal encounters used to remind people to keep their distance.

    I saw the story on faceborg, in a firsthand account from one of the women. Last name Royce if anyone wants to search for it – far far more compelling than the news article. Reads like an adventure tale from an old pulp magazine.

    I lean heavily towards fake, as her account touches on several obvious PR agendas (in addition to the one above), and is suspicious in other ways. The many photos of her scars do look realistic, but imo could be done by a pro makeup artist.


    1. Otters are cute and we tend to apply human characteristics to them. Once on our way to Red Rocks, a wildlife refuge in southwest Montana, we came upon a bridge and watched as a family of otters merrily slid down the mud on one side, came up the other and crossed the road and did it again. While camping on an island in the Boundary Waters we shared time with otters, delightful, but not close. We just observed them as we had our meals and coffee. But we see from this attack that they are wild animals.

      Sea otters are also fun to watch, floating on their backs with babies onboard. They might be dangerous too.


      1. Hm. It sort of sounds like, in so many words, you’re calling me an otter attack denier… Well I don’t deny all otter attacks prima facie, but if you read the full first hand account of this one, it sounds pretty suspect. The attack is over the top, she pushes rabies and tetanus vaccines, sings the praises of first responders and medical workers, with all the perfect touches of a PR writer. Her brother in law the firefighter gets called or something at 3:30, etc etc. Of course it’s possible, just a bit fishy imo.


        1. I don’t know why you took it that way. We saw footage of one of the women attacked, grotesque. Quite real. My point was anthropomorphism, that we interpret otter behavior from a human standpoint, and overlook the fact that they are wild animals and that they can be dangerous. In a similar manner, a person was recently gored by a bison in Yellowstone. They look peaceful and harmless from a distance, but if you get to close, they can kill you.


          1. I’m not offended, I was trying to be humorous but didn’t manage to get that across in the writing.

            I saw the gruesome photos. Maybe real but not impossible to fake if you had a budget for a makeup artist.


      1. did you ever post them ? could i / we see them? i am interested in the theory that Mark Staycer is John Lennon – is that something you think is a possibility (apart from the face chops? ie the circumstantial evidence of it? Thanks


        1. I will do so in the next day or two. The confusing thing is that the movie was a psyop, and John was sometimes John and sometimes Mark Staycer. Two of him played the part, and one was an obvious fake. But real JL was there.


        2. The top is John Lennon aside John Lennon playing Mark Staycer.

          The lower photo is the real Mark Staycer aside John Lennon, not close at all, not a match.

          See what they did? They created the Staycer character playing Lennon as a way to allow the real Lennon to slip in and out.

          Not my best work, but it was extremely difficult to pull stills out of the movie.


  6. Re Dr. Phil. A few thoughts. D.Phil. PhD. McGraw. Quick Draw McGraw, a sheriff, turns into a guitar player named El Kabong. Finally, Bull. The series starring Michael Weatherly was based on Dr. Phil’s first career as a jury consultant. He’s not a bull in the China Shop, he’s a Bulsara.


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