Science Friday

The Inconvenient Skeptic – why global warming is a scientific impossibility

I am citing John Kehr again because I have finally made my way through his book, taking down 21 pages of notes and 12,680 words. That’s a lot to process, but then, as I see it, reading a book without paying such close attention means that the experience will not stick. I should, however, stick to fiction to avoid the intense work involved in dictating content from highlighted passages.

Since 1979, science has had the capability to measure the amount of energy that is leaving the Earth. It is called the Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR). This infra-red energy is how the Earth loses energy to space. It is possible to see how OLR has responded to the temperature change that has taken place over the past 30 years. It should be no surprise that the amount of energy escaping the earth is increased with the temperature. That is the most basic rule of radiative energy.

A 0.2°C change in temperature resulted in a two W/m2* increase in the amount of energy that the Earth is losing. That energy is simply gone forever. Any additional increase in temperature will result in even more energy being lost to space. There is no way that can be avoided.

If I compare the increasing OLR for the IPCC projection that the Earth will warm up 3°C for a doubling of CO2 it is possible to plot out the projected increase in OLR that will result as the level of CO2 in the atmosphere increases. Remember that the “forcing” for a doubling of CO2 is 3.7 W/m2. I am even going to base that 3.7 W/m2 is being achieved at 600 ppm which is a doubling from 300 ppm, but base the increase of OLR as from the modern-day. That gives the theory of global warming a 100-year head start. My projection for future CO2 level at 600 ppm in 2100 is pretty much in line with predictions.

The result is that the “forcing” of CO2 is 3.7 W/m2. The Earth would be warmer by 3°C according to the Theory of Global Warming, but the problem is the Earth would then be losing 7.5 W/m2 more energy than it does today. The earth would be losing more than twice the energy to space than the “forcing” effect of CO2. That ratio increases the more the Earth warms up. Warming up the Earth will always ensure that it will cool down in the future. (Page 250)

*W/m2 = watts per square meter, a measure, in this case, of the amount of sunlight reaching the earth.


I ran across the paper Chemtrails are Not Contrails: Radiometric Evidence by J. Marvin Herndon, Mark Whiteside and Raymond D. Hoisington after traipsing through link after link ‘splaining to us that “Chemtrails” do not exist, per se, and belief that they are anything more than condensation is a conspiracy theory. As we know here at POM, use of the term “conspiracy theory” is a thought-stopping device, a form of suggestion that keeps people from looking into issues that need looking into.

(The CVs of these three men can be viewed by clicking on their names on the linked paper.)

Long ago I had a blog post here that measured the time it takes for a real contrail to evaporate. It depended on the size of ice crystals, ambient air temperature, and intensity of rays of the sun, as I recall. The overarching point, as I recall, was that if it took longer than 30 seconds, we were looking at a chemtrail, not a contrail. That blog post disappeared. I did not delete it. But because of it, I knew there was more, far more, to the chemtrail matter than people were letting on. I will cite a few paragraphs from the paper below. Their methodology involved measuring a con/chemtrail from down below, using a spectral radiometer and positioning it so that the con/chemtrail was positioned between the device and the sun. They are measuring the particulate matter that is in a chemtrail if indeed it is that. (Note that the authors of this paper are believers in climate change/global warming. We have to accept that and move on. Reasonable people differ on the matter.)

Particulate matter in the troposphere becomes heated by solar radiation and radiation from Earth, transfers that heat to the atmosphere by molecular collisions, which reduces atmospheric  convection, and concomitantly reduces heat loss from the surface, causing local and/or  global warming [19-21] and combine with other techniques melts polar ice [22,23]. Aerial particulate spraying can be used covertly to deliberately cause weather chaos, including floods, droughts, and crop failures [24,25].  Aerial particulate spraying is deliberate air pollution. Aerial pollution particulates, the leading environmental cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide [26,27], have been found in the brains of persons with dementia [28] and in the hearts of persons from highly polluted areas [29]. Air pollution is a major contributor to stroke, heart, and neurodegenerative disease [28-31], lung cancer [32], COPD [33], respiratory infections [34], and asthma [35]. Particulate air pollution is a risk factor for cognitive decline [36-39], and for Alzheimer’s Dementia later in life [36]. Particulate air pollution is a risk factor for children having cognitive defects [38,39] and for Autism Spectrum Disorder in children [40,41]. …
The public and the scientific community have been systematically deceived into falsely believing that the pervasive, jet-sprayed ‘chemtrails’ are harmless ice-crystal contrails. We have presented radiometric measurements which unambiguously prove the falsity of that characterization for one specific, but typical instance. We show in a more general framework that the physical manifestations of the aerial trails are inconsistent with ice-crystal contrails, but entirely consistent with aerosol particulate trails. We describe  potential reasons for the deception, and cite the extremely adverse consequences of the aerial spraying on human and environmental health. For the sake of life on Earth, the modification of the natural environment by aerial particulate spraying and other  methodologies must immediately and permanently end.


The extraordinary climate events of 2022-24

Ask a Climate Scientist what “Hunga Tonga” is, and you’ll likely get a blank stare of perhaps spiral eyes. The essential feature of modern climate science is confirmation bias. They avoid any research into any area where they are not assured that their pet theories about climate are reinforced.

2023 was the warmest year on record for the planet, which the author of the above piece, Javier Vinós gives a detailed treatment. Hunga Tonga was a volcano that erupted in January of 2022. It is located off the east coast of Queensland, Australia. The remarkable feature of this particular volcano is that it did not load the troposphere with particulate matter, as did Tambora in 1815. Particulate matter has a cooling effect on the planet, and 1815 was followed by 1816, known as “the year without a summer”. New England and much of Europe experienced frosts in summer, leading to crop failures. Were it not for southern farms and plantations, the effects of Tambora would have been far worse.

Hunga Tonga, seen to the left here from in a satellite photo, was quite a different event, one that Vinós suggests might have been a once-in-250-year event, perhaps even a millennial event. The blast launched water vapor into the stratosphere, and not particulate matter. Many elements have to be in place for that to happen, which is why it is such a rarity.

It will take a few years for the water in the stratosphere to make its way down to Earth again. In the meantime, water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas in our atmosphere, far more abundant than CO2, a gas that hardly matters. So no need to look further for the cause of the 2023 heating up of the planet. However, because Climate Science is hell-bent on attacking fossil fuels using CO2 as its primary weapon, there’s no Hunga-Tonga talk going on in those circles. It is not mentioned!

The article above is rather long, I know, and is at this point followed by 168 comments. One thing about Judith Curry’s site – Climate Etc. – is a great group of commenters. But that only adds to the reading. Just warning you should you make your way to the Vinós article. He also writes about the polar winds that have recently broken down, a routine occurrence that results in very cold weather than sometimes even makes its way as far south as Texas. The breakdown this year, the Polar Vortex as we call it, is not so routine.

That, and a bunch of other stuff.

6 thoughts on “Science Friday

  1. I like Tim Ozmans framing of chemtrails – he views their promotion as the flip side of climate change. So both sides of the “political horseshoe” (his term, I guess he means to imply how they form a range of views on a curve) share the same basic “death from the skies” narrative.

    Remember, “conspiracy theory” may be a thought stopping cliche, but many popular or promoted ones are themselves thought stopping, or certainly adopted by many of their adherents with little thought. And those who do try to verify them, have to guard against their own bias to prefer counter narratives.

    I’ve read here and there various factual/ scientific debates about them. As with many such topics, forgotten most of it (though some may come back to me when I go back into the topic.) So I rely more on my intuitive sense of media frames (mainstream and alternative etc), ie heuristics and a subjective sense of what might be going on. This leaves me on shaky ground to make any definitive pronouncements lol, but it’s really all I can practically do, until I manage to master every scientific discipline under the sun.. 🙂


    1. That leads one to never believe anything, not even if our own brains say it is so. At some point have trust ourselves and assert what be think to be true. We have to believe … in us.


      1. Mark, maybe we’re just quibbling over semantics.. I’m pretty sure you’ve said in the past that you value the humility to change one’s mind when there’s new information, a logical fallacy pointed out, etc, and that while it can be a blow to the ego, it’s compensated by learning something new and having a more accurate worldview. So in practice your “definite belief” is not much different from my “tentative model.” It’s just a matter of the slant one puts on it, whether one says “I can whip 30 tigers today!” or “Perhaps I can whip 30 tigers today.. I don’t know, we’ll see.. what have you got, tigers?” : )

        If I wasn’t clear, I do “choose” eg I’m chemtrail skeptical at the moment. But I don’t see that I need to strongly commit to that view. Didn’t Ellul warn us about this in his book Propagandas.. the need to have a settled view on every topic under the sun, making the modern man (especially the “educated”) easy prey for the experts and propagandists, to reassure him and restore his equilibrium. So he feels informed and up to speed on everything (not saying that quite applies to you, since you’re not just adopting standard official narratives, you’re going beyond them, in an information environment different from when Ellul wrote. But it’s the same difficulty, the enormous complexity and vastness of the world to be modelled.. or beliefs to be held.)


  2. The Chemtrailing is so obvious now they could write “fuck you” in the sky and 95% of the people would think it’s a normal cloud formation. Even the Tennessee state senate recently passed a bill to ban it, along with Rhode Island I believe.

    I have considered its purpose could be mainly gaslighting: there’s nothing that pisses me off more than seeing a bunch of lousy criss-cross trails in the sky, taking a dump on my otherwise what would be beautiful 20 mile view of central Mass on more morning walk. I shouldn’t give the bastards too many ideas though. It’s probably a low level poison. But all those geniuses at Harvard and MIT have their heads too far up their ass to look up and see that the TPTB are taking a piss on them.


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