CTII and CISA and censorship

Jeffrey A. Tucker wrote an interesting op-ed in Epoch Times (6-12 Dec 2023): The Censorship Began Earlier and Went Further Than We Thought. He talks about one governmental agency, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and a private organization, the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CITL). Working hand in hand, these are the people who harassed and shut everyone down during Covid, including banning people at Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and any other forum that had before seemed to allow free input. The whole thing was in planning stages in 2018 and ready to be released on 3/11/2020.

Tucker writes about it in ‘now it can be told’ fashion. I have the impression that he does not realize 1) that in 2018 it was known in  inner circles that Covid was on the way, and that 2) the censorship here, there and everywhere is nothing new.

Censorship has always been with us, and here I am talking back to the beginning of our country as a band of brothers (British agents) who would later be known as our Founding Fathers were charged with managing the inevitable revolution that resulted from King George being too far away to effectively discipline the colonists. It’s an old and well-used game plan – let them have their revolution – just be sure that when it is done, our people are still in charge.

The game is complete containment of our minds so that we are unable to express in words what it would be like to be truly free human beings. There is no escape. Tucker’s idea that it started just a few years ago is bullocks.

From the beginning to to this day, people are kept in the dark about who was and is really in charge. The massive planning that went into Covid – world wide – included elimination of imagined civil liberties like freedom of movement, association, speech, travel, worship, and even breathing fresh air. It took not just a few people in place, as Tucker writes about, but thousands of insiders, probably all … not Phoenicians… but rather Freemasons. The whole world over, they were set and ready to go with a plan.

Such Manhattan-like secrecy behind it could only happen in a world where civil liberties never existed, but were only allowed by people who could remove them at will. We are dogs on a leash, a choker that can be pulled in at any time.

I feel fortunate that I recognized right on the day the pandemic was declared (3/11=33) that it was fake, that there was no virus, and that the crackdown on human freedom was meant to be severe and long-lasting. It lasted almost two years, until the other shoe fell – the vaccines. I knew at that time that the vaccines had nothing to do with any virus, so that it was only left to come to grips with their real purpose. We are still working on that. I never vaxxed and never will, but I am waiting to see the real intentions of our captors.

Vox Populi (Adverse Effects in Switzerland) (h/t Ab) offers a stunning (and brief) recap of mortality increases in Switzerland that can be traced directly to the date that vaccines became available. In parentheses here are 2017 and 2022 data for heart attacks  (33,339, 170,000) strokes (27,584, 124,515) and cancers (116,603, 460,771). Switzerland, as I recall, was harsh with the vaccines, locking down anyone who did not comply. I would bet that the only place there where vaxxing was voluntary or even nonexistent in that country was within the confines of the World Health Organization.

Of course, take it all with a grain of salt, as propaganda is usually a two-edged sword with the same suspects in charge holding that sword. We are at their mercy for information. All news outlets answer to the same source.

PS: Merry Christmas. everyone!

7 thoughts on “CTII and CISA and censorship

  1. Well, I wrote a long comment to thank you for this excellent post and to add my two cents to the discussion. As has happened most times, even though I have POM “fireproofed” on Duck Duck Go, my comment didn’t post and I lost it. It’s super frustrating and it’s about WordPress, not Piece of Mindful.
    That being the case, I’ll just leave it at repeating how much I really, really, liked this post and how much I agree with what you’ve said. I remain one of those hardheaded people who think, even as a vehement anti vaccine person, that about 95% of the reported “Covid” vaccine deaths story is a psyop. I’ve tried to get past that idea, but I just can’t seem to do it.
    I’ll stop here and I’ll also thank you again, very much, for the truly great post! Crossing my fingers that it posts this time! Ciao! 🙂


  2. Happy holidays, everyone. Just popping in to recommend a book I’m reading–Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. It has given me a different perspective on the issues we discuss here.

    In the first section of the book, Harari walks us through what we know about the earliest days of humanity and (among other things) makes the argument that the days when we lived in hunter-gatherer tribes were pretty damn good. There’s lots of evidence we were at least as intelligent then as we are now. Living in small tribes of no more than 150, without attachment to homes, spouses, or even our own children (who were raised by the tribe) seems to have been the best way of life for our particular species. Agriculture, Harari argues, was a trap we unwittingly created ourselves and then fell into. Our once varied diet became limited to food we could control and produce in large quantities. We became slaves to our farmhouses, crops, cattle, and tools. If some other group came along and stole our stuff from us, we didn’t just say “oh well,” move on to some other location, and make the most of whatever resources the new land provided like we once did. Nope–suddenly, if someone stole all our stuff, we were fucked.

    What may be most relevant to POM readers, though, is Harari’s argument that what allows us to live in large societies, rather than small groups or tribes, is our ability to gossip and make up stories. Studies have shown that our closest relatives, chimpanzees, cannot function in groups of 100 or more without descending into violence and chaos. Neither, it seems, could hunter-gatherer tribes. But once we switched to agriculture and became more dependent on the illusion of stability, cities and nations of hundreds, thousands and millions sprang up. The only way it’s possible is if all those people believe in fictions that they believe tie them together–including the fictions of money, government, corporations and religion.

    So, if you buy what Harari is saying, it makes sense that governments and corporations constantly bullshit us. They themselves are complete fictions that we have collectively agreed to believe in. They were created through the process of imaginative storytelling and can only continue to exist through continued imaginative storytelling. Their bullshit is the glue that binds us.

    Anyway, that’s my take. Thought I’d pass it on. If you haven’t read it already, buy it as a late Christmas present to yourself. It’s the most compelling non-fiction book I’ve read in… well, maybe ever.


    1. It’s sort of an apology for the necessity of myth making and the world stage..? Okay, I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing evolved spontaneously out of the dynamic between large “tribes” and those trying to learn how best to manage them.. what can you do, right.. And those in the management class naturally look to their own interest, or what they perceive as such, first..

      But if it’s all about storytelling, how do we know Harari is on the up and up about “real” history, anthropology, etc? The “real” story, if he even has any privileged information, may not be the proper, motivating narrative for this time and place.. “truth” doesn’t matter, except to a small minority of philosophers, or disgruntled narrative skeptics, so tell the public whatever works, whatever they “need” to hear to properly motivate them.

      I’ve read these kinds of books anyway, more or less, these jokers all gotta retell the story of civilization, and put their spin on it, and toss in some studies you might have missed.. okay lol, that’s a bit cynical and dismissive, just venting my personal spleen, no offense meant.


  3. Write long comments in word or pages and then cut and paste. I only needed to lose one comment to figure that out.

    So, censorship of ideas would be my guess as to the real purpose of the convid op. “Real” viruses lead to mind viruses, as one globe questioner states on his otherwise excellent podcasts. We are being prepped by stories like so and so was radicalized by a podcaster and went and shot up a school. Asshats like whatever her name is who is running for president wants podcasts registered. That’s not necessary as the big platforms routinely knock down content with no explanation.
    Ideally, these Freenicians want us to self police our public and private utterances just like the ignorant cowards policed themselves with masking etc.
    Once again, the battle is waged on the minefield, not in meat space where this pseudo-reality can’t take root.


  4. I haven’t followed closely the alleged ongoing excess deaths. I get headlines here and there, Frank and Ab talk about it, but I haven’t worked to find thorough written reporting. Anyway I stumbled on this, and it does make one wonder –


    Kory is a little bit “tier two” as Sage Hana puts it, part of the “good guy” squad of squishy or compromised or controlled “hero” fighters.. nevertheless an interesting read. Maybe most interesting is the point that this is by any standard what should be wall to wall news, relative to what does get covered.. should be something everyone is aware of and “concerned” about.. instead, it gets a few spotty articles in the mainstream, with deflection toward longstanding health concerns, and no real plausible explanation.

    Another point that stands out is the life insurance data referring to working age “insured” people experiencing this huge mortality increase. What is the data on the uninsured? Presumably worse, but that has to be untangled from correlation, ie being uninsured means more likely to be homeless, jobless, etc etc. Controlling for all that, is being insured, ie more likely to be on prescription drugs, and vaxxed of course, the factor that has gotten much more deadly in the past couple of years.


  5. I made this video in Feb of the beginning of the “pandemic”. I had seen call of an uprising youtube channel post a video showing tons people in china “dropping dead” from covid, it was so embarrassing, so I decided to mock it right away!!! Good times! Unfortunately youtube had ling before shadow banned my channel but hopefully a few here can watch!! Earth is flat! (Sorry mark, had to throw that in here!)


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