Woketa-woketa-queep-woketa-queep **

Target is now taking it in the shorts, so to speak, after going full woke with a line of clothing aimed at gays, transgenders, and most notably, children including infants. This from Epoch Times* Roman Balmakov:

This was Target’s 2023 “Pride Collection,” which included items such as onesies for infants with a bunch of different pro-gay and pro-trans slogans, books for children like “Bye Bye, Binary” and “What Are Your Words?”—which helped to instruct children on using transgender pronouns—chest binders being sold for girls, and female swimsuits that had a “tuck-friendly” label—meaning that the swimsuit has enough additional fabric to cover male genitals, worn by young boys who want to pretend that they don’t have boy parts.

The latest entrant into the trannie/gay field is North Face, which has used a drag queen in its advertising.

Some objected, suggesting that North Face should “go woke, go broke.” (I chuckled at one comment which I have since lost that said that North Face should appeal to lesbians for camping gear, as lesbians love to camp. Instead they are using gay men, and the patriarchy wins again. Indeed, in my experience, gay men like to preen and can routinely be found in front of mirrors in gyms working on physique, but not actually roughing it.)

So what’s up? One source suggested to readers that companies are experiencing pressure from above, and are given no choice in these matters. The pressure would be from ESG sources placed high in the patriarchy, as ultimately the agenda is anti-people, anti-reproduction. The face above screams at me “I ain’t NEVER gonna have a baby.”

Transgenders are perhaps two percent of population and I have my doubts about that too. I see within the movement a lot of compensatory behaviors, that is, after lives of self-loathing to finally be able to come out creates an  in-your-face attitude. 

Anyway, I have long maintained that in my country, the US, public opinion means nothing. It is managed, but never taken note of other than to devise ways to manipulate it into useful devices. Wokism is one such device. Elections are another. In the end, the only movement that matters an iota could be called “herdism.”

*I am flooded every day with Epoch Times materials, which I think I will ditch on return home from this trip. The news source is OK on many subjects, but overly Trumpish and Muskish, and does not know to question the Covid agenda other than to be slightly anti-vax. 

** I was hoping someone would catch my (apparently not very) homage to James Thurber and his 1939 short story, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Mitty’s car was a junker and the sound Thurber gave it was “pocketa pocketa queep pocketa queep“. It was read to our class when I was in grade school, and has always stuck with me. It was made into a movie twice, 1947 (Danny Kaye) and 2013 (Ben Stiller). 

31 thoughts on “Woketa-woketa-queep-woketa-queep **

    1. I second that opinion. If that doesn’t emotionally scar/scare children, I don’t know what will!


  1. There is most likely a gay club near everyone’s local area. They usually have drag queen shows,and there are always a Cher, Dianna Ross, Liza Minelli look alikes. I do not bat for the other team however the few shows I have watched were quite entertaining depening on the club. Makes for an interesting night out, and I even was hit on and got a few free drinks thru out the evening. I got the impression that some of the dressed up guys aren’t gay either, just a way to make extra income. Which i’m sure is what all this wokey agendas are about, extra Soros type funds being distributed, along with scripts and instructions to follow. None of these companies are going to go broke.


    1. I hear this again and again, that every misstep it really planned and that companies are propped up by Intel $$$. No, I imagine more that they are multitasking, doing many thing at once to make money any way possible, and every now and then screw up. No way did Bud Light and Target want to lose billions in market value and set their investors back. Remember, their “investors” are banks, Vanguard, Blackrock, people with real power. That’s why they scramble to make right after they screw up. (Target’s CEO blamed customers and threats as he walked it backward, very bad form.)


      1. They aren’t missteps. Any money the “investors” lose are just refunded, in one way or another, from the treasuries.

        Your taxes.

        And once again I will ask you a question that, to my knowledge, you’ve never answered: Why do you think that “gay” is an actual thing, and that a certain percentage of people are so-called “born gay”?

        You present both as a given—obvious, even—and they frame many of your arguments. Frame them fallaciously, that is, because “gay” and “born gay” are fabricated constructs. Even you have been tricked.


        1. In my real life I have known gay people. Back in the 60s and only in retrospect, they had miserable existences. They had to ” hide their love away.” Repressed gay people even presented a danger to society. I could say more but will not. Homosexuality is a real thing. I am happy now for gay men and women that they can openly be who they are. My attitudes have changed and that’s a good thing. I was not put here to judge them.

          Transsexuality I am struggling with, not that I don’t want them to be happy in their skin, but rather that they want to be in our faces. It is an affront for them to attempt to influence children even as kids cannot possibly know with certainty who they are (or know that change would affect them for their entire lives even if a mistake) until later in life. To advocate for permanent life-altering surgery for kids is abusive.


          1. “Homosexuality is a real thing.”

            No, being so psychologically disordered that you decide to engage in intimacy with members of your own sex is a real thing. But that’s just a behavior. A manifestation.

            Homosexuality is not a real thing. It’s a fabricated construct.

            You have not known gay people. There is no “gay”. (Or “born gay”, LOL!)

            Your unquestioning accepting of this incredibly destructive mental disorder frames much of what you write, and that’s extremely troublesome.


        2. AD, why not just put out your alternate theory of gay instead of asking others to defend theirs? What’s your take?

          Is it your own original concept, or is there some writer or camp out there that you could cite who also subscribe to it?


          1. There’s an impressive quantity of high-quality Real Research on this topic, pre-80’s, but the principal investigators are all gone now. While they were alive, their careers were derailed, and their publications were purged. The APA and AMA made sure of all of that.

            I’ve seen with my own eyes several of the submitted and accepted manuscripts, preserved in others’ personal archives. Mind-blowing stuff.

            Beyond valid scientific evidence, the ridiculous notion of so-called “gay” doesn’t even pass the simplest notion of Face Validity. Activist-manufactured fabricated data aside, where in nature are there so-called “gay” living beings?! And why?!

            The idea seems utterly laughable.

            In both controlled research and anecdotal inquiry, in….every…single…case…EVER….of a person claiming to be so-called “gay”, analysis demonstrates one form or another of significant, palpable psychological trauma in adolescence that can be path-modeled into an extremely reasonable causal explanation.

            For some reason you’ll never hear any of this even remotely considered on this website (and in the writings of MM), where “gay” is a taken as a given—promoted, even—and the notion of so-called “gay” is used ever so conveniently to frame numerous arguments and deflect constructive criticism. (And this eruditic and crucial comment of mine likely will be, like almost always, completely ignored.)

            WW2 / *itler / *olocaust
            JFK Assassination
            Hippies / Woodstock
            Moon Landings
            “Gay Pride”
            etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc….

            They’re ALL totally and completely fake. Fabricated.

            They’re ALL psy-ops.


          2. TIMR: Did you get my response post? It explains it all. Brilliantly.

            Highly ironically, almost everyone has their heads totally up their asses on this particular cesspool-culture topic.


      2. John Dvoryak of No Agenda claimed that there’s a standard technique on Wall St of putting in saboteur CEOs.. he had a term for it I forget.. to tank a stock and reap profit by, I guess, short selling or something like that. IIRC they thought the one at Target looked like one of these. I remember the clip they played of the person at Bud who promoted Mulvaney, sounded like a fake wokist – so over the top I mean. Maybe these are ops, that both push the cultural schism, and reap profits through market games? I’m sure many many people at the companies don’t like it, but as long as key top players are on board..?


          1. I guess if you were the one who put in the burner CEO, you’d have the inside dope…

            It certainly seems like these big corps are part of the “meta scripting,” so you might as well turn a profit while pushing these agendas..


            1. Not I. Do I need to go searching for trashed comments? Sometimes WordPress will trash or spam or moderate comments based on some algorithm written in 1960s BASIC programming code. Let me know what needs be done.


              1. Thank you, Mark.

                I just replied to you, and to GREG again. We’ll see if they post (they haven’t yet), or if I’ve now been flagged as a Bad Boy who utters things that are not WP-approved for being uttered, and now everything that I write except “Thank you” gets beelined to moderation or spam or trash…


              2. What is your response to my enlightening you (plural) about the monstrous, insidious, ubiquitous, catastrophic All-Things-Gay psy-op…?


                  1. Mark: Then you too are part of the problem, obviously.

                    So, what is it, then?: Are you very high-level controlled opps, assigned by The G** Mafia to reveal much, but only while pushing forward and running interference for the total bullsh** that is all things so-called…”gay”??!!


                    1. A.D.: you said: “There’s an impressive quantity of high-quality Real Research on this topic, pre-80’s, but the principal investigators are all gone now. While they were alive, their careers were derailed, and their publications were purged.”

                      I would sure like to review this data.

                      Also: “In both controlled research and anecdotal inquiry, in….every…single…case…EVER….of a person claiming to be so-called “gay”, analysis demonstrates one form or another of significant, palpable psychological trauma in adolescence that can be path-modeled into an extremely reasonable causal explanation.”

                      I have read enough, and have first hand experience (as do a great many) with the power of such [varied] trauma… I would go even earlier on that “adolescence” claim – well before – say childhood.

                      Dig; surely someone with bona fide credentials must be interested in this subject (off the radar). You sound resolute and driven… find it, and present it.


    2. GREG: Have you come to realize that you were engaging in and encouraging depravity and immoral debauchery, and that that makes you part of the problem?


      1. I have no way to know if someone replies to my post unless I visit the article again or the recent post section. To reply to your comment, I did say I do not bat for the other team and I do not encourage that. Going to a gay club or pride parade in your town and seeing it for ones self would show someone how the media has been making the gay transvestite scene exaggerated and hyped up. Another Chapter in the Elite’s playbook which includes Pedo Panic, split the sexes, destroy the family unit agendas. None of these companies are going broke, and Kohls, Target, Bud stock seems to be recovering. I’ve been to many rocknroll clubs and concerts which would be considered debauchery by people too, even visit fast food places, etc…I got the impression that some people at the gay clubs were not homosexuals or lesbians, yet there were the obvious ones with the butch haircuts and flamboyant types. I found that many single hetro girls hangout at these type of clubs, since they can dance and not be bothered by men all night. Everyone was dressed and acted very professionally, not decked out in leather and chains doing headstands or slam dancing. People have the priviledge of being sociable in a setting they feel comfortable in. Who am I or you to judge….Just because someone is gay doesn’t mean they are worthless humans. As MM always points out, many of our current and past celebrities, government leaders are gay. I do not encourage depravity and immoral debauchery, yet many activities could fall into those descriptions that probably even you A.D. would be part of a problem and have some explainin to do.


        1. GREG: I see. Well, I receive a notification email whenever someone replies to me or to someone else in a thread in which I’ve participated.


  2. Pretty sure that Hollywood celebs with non-binary children aren’t exactly regular Target shoppers. And how many of the LGBT set drink Bud Light or attend Dodger games? No, this demographic is distinctively middle/working class. And who actually is suffering the most financial harm when conservatives boycott these products? I seriously doubt any C level execs are taking too much of a hit to their portfolios. I’d be mighty curious to see how many either shorted or sold off company stock prior to engaging in these woke marketing campaigns. Meanwhile, the 401Ks of tens of thousands of unfortunate underlings at those companies are getting the Enron treatment. Goading blue collar folks into unwittingly harming other blue collar folks – evil genius? In any case this smells like agitprop.


  3. Back to the Woke thing for a moment. Woke, as I understand it, is a real thing that challenged the dominant paradigm based on legitimate information.

    What we are seeing today isNeo-Woke. A neighbor and friend here in Trumpland won’t talk with me any more because I in a friendly way challenged him to defend his Wokism. It is based solely on revisionist history. But it is having a devastating effect on conservation in this country. It is all about money, as many said in this discussion. No group wants to say the wrong thing about Native Americans for fear of losing donation or, shutter, funds from a foundation.

    The important thing here, like with Electeds, is to know what they have done and are doing; what they say is usually different. Interior Sec Haaland is creating precedent that will hurt conservation badly down the line. She is business as usual: more oil drilling, roads across national parks and wildernesses for business (native owned, mind you) and the such.

    The talk that NA’s should manage our treasured national parks is like putting bank robbers in charge of the banks. I grew up with Indians, worked with Indians, had Indian roommates for several years. I lived and worked on a reservation for a year. In that time I saw one (1) deer. I worked in the field surveying all over the rez. For a month I roomed with one of my crew (one of the few whites working for the company) across the river from the boundary and we saw deer every morning and every evening on the drive to his farm on that side of the river. If it has 4 legs and fur, it is shot. Crew members sometimes would bring me a bag full of deer meat. One of my rodmen, a Sioux from a major clan, and I tried to stop one of our surveys as it would disturb an eagle’s nest. We met with a friend of his on the tribal council who was ‘friendly’ to the idea. He told us that while he agreed with us, no way would the tribal council do anything to interfere with development.

    As they say, Houston, we have a problem. Neo-Wokism. White liberal guilt.


  4. You guys…can’t you all see the bigger picture? Division. Any way They can. Black vs. White. Male vs Female. Man vs Woman. Democrat vs Republican. Guns vs No guns. As Shakespeare said (allegedly) All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts…

    They throw this crap up the flagpole to see who salutes. And you all are saluting.


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