Arcturus bullturus

From Roman Balmakov, Epoch Times:

The CDC just announced a new COVID variant, Arcturus, which is spreading throughout the United States and carries with it some unusual symptoms—symptoms not seen with other variants. And strangely enough, the rise of this new variant coincides perfectly with the World Health Organization’s new plan to adopt the European Union’s digital vaccine passport setup. They’re using the EU’s vaccine passports as the framework for their own new global, digital health certificates.

Is it just my eyes, or is this new variant spreading right at the best time to assist WHO with their digital health certificates? What a coincidence!

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Former Senator Barbara boxer lectures a priest and a philosopher on science

In this five minute video former California Senator Barbara Boxer attempts to take down Alex Epstein, author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, and Father Robert Sirico, president of the Acton Institute, a conservative organization that brings religion and free enterprise together. I have never been an admirer of Boxer, and have never thought much of her intellect or judgment. Due to the tempo of these times, in my defense, I say that not because she is a woman. That is not my thrust. I say it because she comes off like a ditzy broad.

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Wikipedia and the art of lying

As a child growing up, I often did stupid things and looked for ways out of my messes. I contrived exotic lies, even thought about injuring myself to gain sympathy. I never did the self-abuse angle, but more importantly, I was never a good liar. As an adult, I learned that truth is always the best thing, as lying leads to more lying and even bigger messes.

Wikipedia lies about just about everything, but is considered a trusted source. I often consult it, as there are many matters where there is no point in lying, as with Taylor Swift’s birthday (12/13/89) or the dates of Woodstock (August 15-18, 1969). But note that there is far more to Taylor Swift, whom I suspect was trained her whole life to be famous and does not (or know how to) write her own music, or with Woodstock, an event organized to inculcate a whole generation in the culture of rock music and drugs, painting opposition to the Vietnam War as drug-addled hippies. Wikipedia can only tell us so much, and then either goes silent, or lies.

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Hide the decline

I thought this short (20 minute) video, given me by Paul Homewood of Not a Lot of People Know That, was worthy of featuring here on the blog even as it is a few years old. One, it clearly shows the chicanery Michael Mann used in constructing his famous Hockey Stick, and two, it ties in well with a private (and now one-way) conversation I was having via email.

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Debunking debunking

I was thinking this morning, rather angrily I might add, that this is my blog, and I can make rules and insist that commenters follow them. And the rule that right away came to mind was “no more links to debunking sites.”I will refine that a little bit here in a minute.

First, what is “debunking”? A few examples, the first rather hilarious. I still lived in Bozeman, and we were now and then discussing 9/11 on the blog, with miles to go before we slept. But I had mentioned Newton’s Second Law of motion, generally stated to be that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That in mind, when an aluminum jet aircraft slams into a steel and concrete building at (we are told) 500mph, it is no different than if the building is traveling that fast and slams into the jet aircraft. The aircraft are crushed. There are no Roadrunner holes in the building, and debris falls to the earth, tons of it.

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Resolution for 2023: Decolonize, de-imperialize, and restore sovereignty

As a child of the 1950s and ‘60s I cannot help but see flashes of Vietnam in Empire’s latest – hopefully its final – military expedition(s).  Social media platforms and television propaganda maintain a persistent numbness.  Institutional and individual indifference breeds a hunger for bread and circuses, football, Disneyland, talk shows and star-spangled “influencers,” who excrete toxic slime from every crack and crevice.  The system now occupies every square inch of terrain.  Bureaucrats, bored out of their minds, nevertheless read the latest memo from Washington directing street operations programmed to steer the “hive mind” hither and yon, round and round, to a place called nowhere. 

It’s hard aimless work averting eyeballs — already robbed of their gaze — day in, day out, away from the wretched, inhumane global slave quarters and killing zones where pillage of the last untrammeled forests, grasslands, and scenic vistas produce commodities and emerging, synthetic  “Green” markets needed to keep the insatiable machines, financial schemes and meaningless political simulations from totally melting down.  Down this road is one logical end: suicide. 

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Dr. Fell, I mean Fauci, responds to RFK Jr.

I do not like thee, Dr Fell,
The reason why I cannot tell;
But this I know, and know full well,
I do not like thee, Dr Fell.

I am just about through Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. It is inflammatory but heavily sourced. Fauci is, in my view, a monster, a criminal of historic proportions, while eugenicist Bill Gates could be a poster child for Asperger’s Syndrome. I like to connect dots, probably not warranted of course, but I wonder if Bill’s wife Melinda read the book. It came out in 2021 and she left him that year. One thing is certain – neither Fauci or Gates has glanced inside the cover. Also, they are shielded by a fawning press that attacks the attacker on their behalf.

Continue reading “Dr. Fell, I mean Fauci, responds to RFK Jr.”

Scientific Consensus: 97% of landfills are full of garbage

“We’ve had a complete unchallenged view of the climate change deniers. I think we need to have rather more balance in the debate, particularly when we saw a recent analysis of 12,000 scientific papers…and of the scientists who expressed a view – these were climate change papers – of the scientists who expressed a view 97 per cent said that climate change was happening and that it was human-made activity”. ( UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Davey, 2013)

“97 percent of climate scientists have confirmed that climate change is happening, and that human activity is responsible.” (Former Secretary of State John Kerry, 2014)

“Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous”. (Barack Obama tweet, 2011)

Let me be clear at the outset here that two days ago I posted for the third day in a row, and that after that WordPress emailed me to say that I was on fire, and keep it up! So yesterday I posted for the fourth day in a row, and WordPress got even more excited in another email. So today I am posting a fifth article, and perhaps then WordPress will have an orgasm.

This post is not new information, but I like getting those emails.

Continue reading “Scientific Consensus: 97% of landfills are full of garbage”

A research project

Here’s a research project for anyone who wants to take it on:

As early as 1833 [sic*], Konstantin Tsiolkovsky had calculated that a rocket would work in the vacuum of space. The man was a visionary, detailing many of the requirements of the space-age which would only begin to take shape decades later. In 1895 he published an article postulating space travel as a possibility and in 1898 published findings that were to be of the greatest importance: namely that liquid propellants would be more efficient than solid propellants and that of these, a mixture of either oxygen and hydrogen or of oxygen and kerosene, would be most suitable for rocket engines. (Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistle-Blowers, Mary Bennett and David S. Percy, page 134)

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Audubon Schmodubon

I used to be a member of Audubon Society, in fact, up until 2021. We are a funky lot of people who devote time and energy into identifying, feeding, studying and talking about birds. Our back deck is usually a minor mess, as birds are not careful when feed is available. It is a tiered ecosystem where birds at the highest perch use their beaks to scatter seed below, looking for the most desirable morsel. Down below birds that are ground feeders hunt and peck. Seed that ends up below the deck accumulates until a doe or buck passes by.

Why, I was asked, do we care about these species? “Unconditional love” was the only answer I could muster. They show no gratitude, in fact do not even know we are caring for them. A bird pecking away at a seed bell strung from a wire has no clue he is not on a tree, one with abundant mealy worms.

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