Pockets of intolerance

I had a brief conversation with a fellow yesterday at our local gym, no names. Let’s call him Roger. He is an avid biker, and recalled that once on a long and tiring ride, he found himself in Boulder Colorado, known locally as “The People’s Republic.” He was parched and needed both some hydration and to refill his water bottle to complete the remaining fifty miles of his ride.

We once lived in Boulder, very close to the King’s Sooper where on March 22, 2021 they held a fake mass shooting. 21-year-old Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa allegedly fired 33 bullets in the confines of that store before being shot in the leg and frog-marched out of the store at 3:30 PM. Since none other than jazz musician BB King reminded us that “all police and judges are Freemasons”, it is safe to assert that the event was staged, and that the use of the number “33” was used to signal to all insiders that it was indeed fake.

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TimR suggested I put up the comment below as a fresh post. Background: TimR posted a link as follows:


He asked us to look it over and comment on it, which I and others did. Recently he was somewhat flustered that he thought arkmedic was making a simple point and that none of us were reviewing it or really commenting on it. 

Continue reading “Rebooting”

CTII and CISA and censorship

Jeffrey A. Tucker wrote an interesting op-ed in Epoch Times (6-12 Dec 2023): The Censorship Began Earlier and Went Further Than We Thought. He talks about one governmental agency, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and a private organization, the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CITL). Working hand in hand, these are the people who harassed and shut everyone down during Covid, including banning people at Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and any other forum that had before seemed to allow free input. The whole thing was in planning stages in 2018 and ready to be released on 3/11/2020.

Tucker writes about it in ‘now it can be told’ fashion. I have the impression that he does not realize 1) that in 2018 it was known in  inner circles that Covid was on the way, and that 2) the censorship here, there and everywhere is nothing new.

Continue reading “CTII and CISA and censorship”

The care and management of lies

“Recent research has found that the COVID-19 virus can directly infect cardiac arteries, increasing the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack) and stroke, and even leading to persistent long COVID symptoms. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in individuals who already have cardiovascular diseases, as the virus tends to accumulate within atherosclerotic plaques.”

Continue reading “The care and management of lies”

AIDS/Covid … father and son of depopulation

I read a brief essay by Miles Mathis this morning, and while short on specifics or links, he asserts that the Covid vaccines were intended to kill people, and in his mind, targeted to kill specific people. I never took the vaccine (I [seldom] masked and never locked down, and never once placed my feet on a floor sticker that said “Stand here”), but somehow I do not feel exempt. But I am feeling very healthy these days, my energy levels back to where they were before ankle surgery in October of 2022. Maybe I dodged a bullet. We will see.)

It was painfully obvious to me that the lockdowns, quarantines, and insults like masking and distancing were tactics to intimidate the herd. Shutting down public gatherings, preventing religious worship, having sporting events played before empty stadiums, were merely demonstrations of the raw power accumulated by the shadow governments behind the showplace ones. We have one-world government. It was de facto in place. It had all been done out of sight. We were not entering a new era. We were there already.

I lament the passing of Kerry Mullis in 2019, the man who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his invention of the PCR process. It’s an amazing piece of work that can indeed match DNA sequences, very useful in research and law enforcement, but useless (in his own words) in diagnosis of disease. Mullis believed in viruses, which I do not, but said that PCR was “qualitative, not quantitative”, that is, detection of a single virus, as if, meant nothing. He was outspoken in his assertion that the detection of the AIDS virus, which he thought was real, meant nothing. I think it was for this reason that prior to Covid, he was somehow murdered. He was a loose canon. He would surely have spoken out against use of PCR in the “test test test” regime that was used to insinuate that there was a virus and that it was spreading.

Continue reading “AIDS/Covid … father and son of depopulation”

100 deaths! Or, maybe, 35,048, but who’s counting anyway?

There is this:

“Government data from major countries details 100 deaths from COVID-19 vaccines. (Epoch Times, April 5-11, 2023)

Or this:

2,453,916 reports of vaccine adverse events in VAERS, 35,048 vaccine reported deaths, 44,952 total reported deaths, 196,067 total COVID vaccine reported hospitalizations, 1,541,274 COVID vaccine adverse events reports (Open VAERS through March 31, 2023

One method I rely on in searching for truth is to examine contradictions. Ayn Rand said repeatedly in her book Atlas Shrugged that there are no contradictions in this world.

“Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.”

Continue reading “100 deaths! Or, maybe, 35,048, but who’s counting anyway?”

Ruthless people

Covid, like Climate Change, is run by people who are required, at high levels, to lie and then lie, and then lie some more. At lower levels, it is only necessary to avoid thinking, and to believe.

But the lies have to stick, that is, people cannot be allowed to disbelieve the propaganda. Punishments have to be in place to discipline anyone who observes, thinks, and speaks out. Such people are, in the eyes of the people behind the hoax, dangerous.


Continue reading “Ruthless people”


I do not know what ivermectin is or what it does. I could go read up on it, but think I can glean enough without knowing details. It was effective against many things from worms to other parasites to Lyme’s disease to influenza and the common cold. It is the latter two that suggests to me that Anthony Fauci, WHO, FDA, CDC, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation worked behind the scenes to prevent its use and limit its supplies.

There was a reason. I suggest that there is no such thing as “Covid 19,” and the existence of viruses, for anyone who knows how to read and to think properly, can easily be dismissed. The reason why ivermectin was practically outlawed was that it is effective against influenza and colds. I do not know why, but suspect zinc is involved. It is useful, but not important to know these things.

Continue reading “Ivermectin”

Gaslit nation

I have long been familiar with the term “gaslighting,” but mostly in the sense of distorting reality, as in the 1944 film (Gaslight) starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman. I think it remarkable that the power of art has introduced a concept (gaslighting) that effectively removes the definition from reality and places it in the realm of psychology and human manipulation.

I’ve been subscribed to The Epoch Times, a newspaper sent to me for free (an actual paper newspaper). I liked it, that is, why I don’t imagine the writers are right about everything they tackle, I find within it stories not printed elsewhere. One such article, an opinion piece (‘Gaslighting’ is the Word of the Year for Good Reason’), caught my eye, and gave me a better working definition of gaslighting than I had before.

The term means to be subjected to extended psychological trickery to cause the victim to question his or her own reality. In the film, Boyer plays a handsome stranger who meets the beautiful heiress Bergman on a foreign journey and they fall in love. He convinces her to marry and move back together to London to her family home, whereby he embarks upon a subtle campaign to convince her she is bonkers while he secretly searches the home for legacy jewels he intends to steal.

When he leaves, he makes sure that the gas lights (it is set in 1875) are dim, and when she complains, he tells her that her perceptions are wrong, and that the lighting has not been affected. She slowly begins to question her own reality.

I have seen this concept at work … though I cannot write about it. Just let it be known that getting us to question our own mental health is often the objective of sociopaths, allowing a normal and healthy person to act as a front for a deranged and manipulative person. How to break that spell? How to get a grip? I have little use for the pill-dispensing profession of psychiatry, but there are thousands of therapists out there who by means of talk therapy help people to have better lives. A series of solid sessions can lead to either reconciliation or divorce, and happiness in an un-gaslit environment.

The author of this piece, Jeffrey A. Tucker, claims (rightly) that we were all gaslit by the leaders of the pandemic, the major news media, the government and the health care industry. Knowing as I did on March 11, 2020 (there’s that number, 33) that the pandemic was fake, that there was no virus and that the PCR test was bogus, I would like to presume that I was unaffected by everything. But how could I be? At certain times I was forced to wear a mask (Costco was a major culprit in this regard, clerks even telling me to cover my nose after entry), and at other times I merely did so because my wife and I do not like being the object of scorn in public. We capitulated now and then.

However, through it all, I never doubted my own sanity, never for a second imagined that I was threatened in any way by an imaginary virus, and never had so much as a sniffle in that two-plus year ordeal***. The vaccine was a major gaslighting weapon, and I watched as friends flocked to it, so tired were they of being under constant tension and in a state of fear. I take some (schadenfreude) comfort in knowing that even after these folks were vaxxed, they continued to test “positive” for Covid, the PCR and rapid antibody tests being false indicators of presence of the illusory virus.

However, over time, I learned to STFU, never make waves, and sit silently as utterly vapid comments issued forth from otherwise intelligent people. If they came down with the sniffles, they voluntarily underwent PCR testing (!). I regarding this as insanity and a tribute to the power of effective gaslighting.

The notion that it was the “worst pandemic in a hundred years” is certainly disputable. We still don’t have real clarity on precisely how many people died from COVID, and this confusion is due to vast false positives of PCR testing backed by subsidized and rampant death misclassification. To this day, we don’t know precisely how many people died from COVID or merely with COVID, or even if they truly had symptomatic COVID at all. None of this do we know for sure.

I’ve done my own research (The Illusory Pandemic) regarding how many people died in the “pandemic,” and found by consulting different (non-CDC) sources, that excess deaths in the United States were nonexistent. CDC, howver listed 779,540 excess deaths while Macrotrends, an independent research group working under auspices of the UN, recorded none.  Of course, the powers in charge of these matters took the trouble prior to 3/11/20 to change the definition of pandemic, eliminating “excess deaths” as a factor. That was prescient.

Then we can talk about the vaccine, which was never sterilizing the virus simply because it isn’t possible to create such a thing around a fast-mutating coronavirus, a fact that we knew long before the pandemic began. So they called it a vaccine and lied that it would prevent infection and stop transmission even though that was never possible. Once this became obvious, and the whole point of mandatesdisappeared, they demanded we get it anyway at the pain of losing our jobs.

Tucker is a good writer, but the notion of the reality of the virus blew right by him. Nonetheless, I find The Epoch Times good reading for folks who can keep their bearings intact, and a decent source of news not reported elsewhere. Wikipedia rips the newspaper for various sins:

The Epoch Times opposes the Chinese Communist Party,[32][33][22] promotes far-right politicians in Europe,[8][10][22] and has championed former President Donald Trump in the U.S.;[34][35] a 2019 report by NBC News showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign.[30][36][22] The Epoch Times frequently promotes other Falun Gong-affiliated groups, such as the performing arts company Shen Yun.[34][24][37] The Epoch Media Group’s news sites and YouTube channels have spread misinformation and conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation,[34][40] and false claims of fraud in the 2020 United States presidential election.[43]

I can live with all of that. I have no illusions about Donald Trump, regard “conspiracy theories” as mere disallowed skepticism, and know there was massive fraud in both the 2020 and 2022 elections. I’ve never trucked with QAnon, my own good sense steering me clear. I see the Chinese Communist Party as a source of corruption in that country, but do not excuse the United States from accusations of similar corruption, finding it to be equally repugnant and censorious. Pointing the finger at China still leaves three fingers on that hand pointing right back at us.

So Wiki, you’re not scaring me away from what appears to be, on the whole, a legitimate news source. Nice try, however.


*** We have visited Florida twice during the pandemic, and each time came down with sniffles. As I sit here I have a box of tissues handy. My wife suffers as well. On another trip to Fort Myers some years back, pre-pandemic, I developed a runny nose and cough that scared my aunt, who refused to come near me.  Symptoms went away immediately on return to Colorado. I do not know what causes this, and can only speculate that it has to do with toxins, particularly in wandering about in the massive Miami International Airport complex, where sulfur and nitrogen dioxide and hydrocarbons abound. A quick Duck-Duck search tells me that sunlight has significant effects in turning these compounds into particles, which can lead to illness. This would be a post on its own, but would tend to implicate Denver and Miami International Airports, our usual haunts when we travel lately. 

On our recent trip over Thanksgiving, we were a gathering of ten people, and only my wife and I developed symptoms, although another person in the gathering developed gastrointestinal issues on departure. This tends to discredit any notions of viral or bacterial infection. If it was that, it would be contagious, but only three of ten were affected. I find the coincidence of presence in Miami and five incidents of sniffles or other issues telling. There is something in the air.

Judge reinstates fired unvaccinated NYC workers

With back pay!

Truthfully, a whole lot more city workers caved and did the vaccine. But those that stood their ground are seeing justice. Moral courage usually does not work like that. Usually it has to be its own reward, as once screwed, we generally stay screwed.

Read about it here.

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