Isaac Newton on head butting

A long long time ago I knew a guy in Bozeman who worked in the campus bookstore, let’s call him Roger. It was at least five years after 911, as I had a blog at the time and did not start this blog until 2006. I mentioned to him that what we saw on 911 violated Newton’s laws of motion, and therefore could not have happened as we saw on TV.

He got very pensive on me, and said that experts, real experts, within that university were pondering Newton’s third law of motion in light of the events of that day. Do you get that? “Experts” in the engineering department of Montana State University were afraid to speak up about what happened that day. They would probably  lose their jobs. That’s how I interpreted Roger’s thoughtful comment.

  1. An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
  2. The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.
  3. Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first.

These are called “laws” and not hypotheses, not theories, meaning that in our world they always work. The have not been disproven.

Continue reading “Isaac Newton on head butting”

Science Friday

The Inconvenient Skeptic – why global warming is a scientific impossibility

I am citing John Kehr again because I have finally made my way through his book, taking down 21 pages of notes and 12,680 words. That’s a lot to process, but then, as I see it, reading a book without paying such close attention means that the experience will not stick. I should, however, stick to fiction to avoid the intense work involved in dictating content from highlighted passages.

Continue reading “Science Friday”

The Wolf of Wall Street

Statistics is a much maligned field. Its practitioners are seen as dull, gray cardboard cutouts. Its methods are tedious and complex. Its results can be stunning. 

I studied the topic in college, but unfortunately was enrapt of a young female during that time, and so had little ability to focus. Much of it went by me, and I felt fortunate to pull a C out of the courses. The young female? If my fellow classmates that I saw at my fiftieth class reunion in 2018 are any hint, she is probably married and as big around as a water tank. Something to do with aging and estrogen, I am told. 

In real life I saw the field applied almost magically with election results and a process called “exit polling.” Many people might note that the entire population of our country can be polled by using a sampling of 3,000 people, maybe even fewer. The quality of results depends on the selection of people to be polled. But when dealing with people who have just now voted, many variables are eliminated. People can lie in polling, over-enthused about their own importance. They might not even vote. Exit polling reduces the field of data to people who have actually voted, and by rigorous questioning, places them in various categories that resemble to electorate as a whole.  

The idea is to construct a microcosm of the larger population in the smaller one, a tiny mirror image. If done correctly, and if bias is eliminated in questioning, the sample can be deadly accurate. In fact, it was often said during the days of exit polls that the results were more accurate than the elections themselves, which can have many mechanical shortcomings. 

But statistics never yield concrete answers. They only state probability – that is, if a poll finds that Elmer Fudd is ahead of Bugs Bunny, it will give a range of probability, as in “Fudd leads Bunny by seven percentage points with a margin of error of one percentage point either way,” or that the lead is 6-8 points. The likelihood that the result will fall within that range is called a “confidence interval,”  and the level of confidence is stated as a standard deviation (don’t go there), usually with a professional poll in the area of 97% or so. So there is a 97% chance that on election day Fudd will beat Bunny by 6-8 points. But suppose Elmer leads by only 1/2 point with a 1 point margin or error. Then the result might fall between Bugs winning by a point or Elmer winning by 1.5%. The results are said to “cross zero”, so no winner is named in the poll. 

Notice that nothing is ever definite with statistics. But it was a rare thing prior to the 2000 election for exit polls to be wrong. What happened in 2000? Bush v Gore, and HAVA, or the Help America Vote Act, which introduced electronic voting throughout the country. Exit polls went south on us, and ceased to be reliable. In fact, in the subsequent years when exit polls were still done, they were massaged afterwards to adjust them to the “actual” vote count. Then they stopped doing them entirely because they were not “reliable.” 

These days I do not trust any election outcome. As our friend Miles Mathis noted recently, popularity polls concerning Joe Biden are fake, and his real level of popularity is probably less than 10%. But no matter, as votes are not counted, and elections are anybody’s guess (Last sentence there is me, not MM.) 

Beneath the fold is an excerpt from a book I read many years ago, The Metaphysical Club: The Story of Ideas in America, by Louis Menand (2001). I was still quite naive when I read it, and was totally taken by it, and still admire the work and its author. It is mostly about four men, Charles Sanders Pierce (pronounced “perz“), Oliver Wendell Holmes, William James and John Dewey. Yesterday I took time to dictate a section of the book about The Witch of Wall Street, Hetty Robinson. It’s a 3,000-word excerpt, I warn you, but for those who dive into it, I assure you it will hold your interest.  Keep in mind that Benjamin and Charles Pierce plied their work before statistics was a formal science taught in colleges, so that their techniques are nothing short of pure and original genius. (If you come upon typos, please let me know in the comments. I used Nuance Dragon to dictate, and then spent as much time fixing typos, but I am sure I missed some.)

[PS: Methodology can be confusing. What the Pierce’s have done is to quantify how unlikely it is that each signature in the (forged) will is exactly like the signature on the original. The extremely high number, one in five to the 30th power, is the result of multiplication of unlikelihoods. For instance, the odds of rolling a one with a die are one in six. The odds of rolling snake-eyes is 1/6 x 1/6, or 1/36. The odds of rolling snake-eyes twice in a row are 1 in 1,296. Etc.]


Continue reading “The Wolf of Wall Street”

Charles Darwin could not have known …

The above video, Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, is 57 minutes, and I therefore do not ask you to watch it, since most of you otherwise have better things to do. I have featured this video before, but as I recall, only in comments. I wanted to give it broader exposure. I found it worth my time, yesterday and the day before, for a second look.

In it, Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institute does an excellent and inquisitive interview of three scholars, David Berlinski, author of The Deniable Darwin, David Galernter, Yale professor and author of The Tides of Mind: Uncovering the Spectrum of Consciousness and many other works, and Stephen Meyer, author of Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design. I have read none of these works, did not even know of them, but am chomping at the bit.

Continue reading “Charles Darwin could not have known …”

Milankovitch cycles, just for the fun of it

Below the fold is a twelve-minute video that explains (and demonstrates) two aspects of Milankovitch cycles, those two being tilt (aka obliquity) and precession. There is also orbital eccentricity, maybe covered in another video. Between the three, Milankovitch worked out mathematically the Earth’s rotating progression between ice ages and interglacial periods like our current one.

Continue reading “Milankovitch cycles, just for the fun of it”

Unsettled, the book, and one more interview

Unsettled” is a book by Steven E. Koonin, former science advisor in the Obama administration. That last part, following “former”, means nothing to me other than such a title offers credibility to normies who might then read the book.

Koonin writes, in the first nine chapters, a devastating critique of so-called “Climate Science”, which he capitalizes to distinguish it from real science. In short order he destroys current propaganda concerning emissions, the role of carbon dioxide (called “carbon” by alarmists), global warming, storms and forest fires, floods, sea levels, and the pending apocalypse.

Then he pulls his punches. He uses the word “hoax” but once, and places it in quotation marks, as if such a thing were not happening as we speak. He speaks of the science surrounding climate as if it is peopled by honest blokes who are mistaken in their alarmist views. True enough, however, he does concede that those scientists who do not go along with the consensus are severely punished.

Here are three quotes he highlights at the outset. offering more promise to the substance of the book than he musters in the end:

“[Inaction will cause] … by the turn of the century [2000], an ecological catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible as any nuclear holocaust.” (Mostafa Tolba, former executive directions of the United Nation Environmental Program, 1982)

[Within a few years] winter snowfall [in the UK] will become a very rare and exciting event. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”(David Viner, Senior Research Scientist, 2000)

“European cities will be plunged beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a Siberian climate by 2020.” (Mark Townsend and Paul Harris, quoting a Pentagon report in The Guardian, 2004)

Continue reading “Unsettled, the book, and one more interview”

Cybernetic Conception: ROEing on the Blockchain, WADEing in Tokenized Water

“Tokens are for cybernetic reinforcement learning programs.” 

~ Alison McDowell,

[Writer’s Note: This is not an opinion piece on the pros and cons of abortion (it would be an understatement to assert that it is a complicated issue, see here and here), nor speculative with respect to who may be responsible for SCOTUS opinion leaks. While it is healthy and necessary to self-reflect on matters of immense significance — such as the conception and development of human life — entering into related debate keeps us in polarized states of mind and behavior. Watch here and here for a savvy perspective offered by my dear friend, Alison McDowell, on the real agenda and the intricacies behind potentially forced and contrived polarization, involving the strategic application of signals intelligence (review accompanying slideshows respectively, here and here). My aim is to explore deeper inquiries into the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision (striking down state laws restricting abortion), and potential upcoming counter-decisions (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization), such as: How do events surrounding Roe v. Wade fit into the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), the Spatial Web, and the World Brain agenda? Why now?]

Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies and the Cryptosphere (cryptocurrency, blockchain, tokens, DAOs, and NFTs) are relevant to assistive reproductive technology (i.e., in-vitro fertilization/IVF), and may also have relevance to the natural progression of pregnancy (regardless of being deemed wanted/planned or unwanted/unplanned). While I have not yet identified source material that directly evidences that naturally-derived embryos have already been placed on the blockchain, I suggest that the application of datafied and gamified blockchained strategies to all reproduction (across all species, not just human) may be forthcoming in the foreseeable future. Within this emerging paradigm, the bio-cyberneticists may care very little about the definition of life, and how and when it begins or ends; but, rather, they may be most concerned about barcoding, bankrolling, and tokenizing the result, such that commodified, interoperable, and blockchained data (on which to hedge bets) begins to take on life via cybernetic conception, development, and reproduction (see Figure 4 here) — usurping natural life in the process.

Data, itself, represents life in the Machine (regardless of whether or not that life ever truly existed tangibly in the flesh), and it is precisely this quantified data that will exhibit meaning — immutably and eternally — with no regard for the intrinsic immortality of the human spirit (nor the spirit of any living organism). It is for this reason that my essay focuses on the human capital element of the 4IR. It seems apparent, as the 4IR emerges in full (nonconsensual) force, that humans (and all living beings) will be perceived as digitally entangled data to train the emergent AI, and to be exploited as commodities — no different than any object produced and distributed on a supply chain.  

In July 2020, I examined the transhumanist (AKA Humanity+) agenda, and specifically, the Global Brain, providing a link to a related discussion with Ben Goertzel (CEO and founder of SingularityNET). Nearly two years later, the Global Brain has become my research focus, as it seems all crypto roads and bio-nanotechnology avenues lead to this synthetic symbiosis agenda.

The SCOTUS initial draft majority opinion to presumably strike down Roe v. Wade was “leaked” on May 2, 2022 (see here and here). Incidentally, this was less than a week prior to Mother’s Day. Curious timing. I could not help but consider how this (controlled?) leak may be involved with signals intelligence (SIGINT) and information warfare (see Endnote 1).

The following day, May 3, 2022 (when many Twitter accounts were buzzing about this revelation), a succinct tweet was posted to the account of Monty C. M. Metzger, CEO and Founder of LCX — a digital currency trading venue:

The Future Will Be Tokenized.”

Continue reading “Cybernetic Conception: ROEing on the Blockchain, WADEing in Tokenized Water”

One-World Scientism and its “Trust the Science” Refrain

“It’s no surprise that modern civilization, intellectually based on a fool’s version of ‘science,’ has built science as a new religion, with all the restrictions that organized religions have enforced . . . Talking news heads are feeding the population fast-food COVID science—a manufactured product consisting of synthetic bullshit about cases, deaths, the virus, the vaccine. It’s cardboard. And no dissenters allowed.”

Jon Rappoport, September 28, 2021

Dangerous speech verses free speech mobs of ignoramuses

Collectively (POM writers and commenters), we have analyzed and decoded this long-running, persistent, and egregious event called “COVID.” While a daunting task, there is some unique allure that draws us in, and very strangely, excites us. Before I get judged or berated, please allow me to define “excite” in the way I perceive it. 

Let’s look at the Merriam-Webster definition of excite:

Definition of excite:

1 ato call to activity 

b : to rouse to an emotional response

cto arouse (something, such as a strong emotional response) by appropriate stimuli


3 : to increase the activity of (something, such as a living organism) : STIMULATE

Would you agree that this definition of excite describes what you have exhibited since March 2020? In other words, have you been provoked or have you intensified your emotional response consistently over the past 18 months? I have. I readily admit to this. I also think we can agree that we have not been excited in a positive way.

Most human beings are naturally sensation-seeking, or excitement-seeking. Essentially, it may be an innate trait to desire novel experiences. Perhaps it is our brains that motivate us to want to cultivate new and unfamiliar circumstances, despite the fear and anxiety that typically accompanies them. My sense is this drive for excitement resides much deeper than our brains; it’s wired into the very consciousness that informs us — in order to provide opportunities for growth and evolution.

Why am I leading with this? Well, because the spell-binding and mind-blinding phenomenon we have observed since this operation began may be summed up in one word, excitement. Can you see what I am getting at? I am attempting to describe how the masses are actually excited by this induced trauma. I would go even further, and propose that the hypnotized populace is possibly being pulsed with external electromagnetic fields (through computer monitors, smart devices, and televisions) aimed to stimulate and accentuate excitation and sensory resonance.

Continue reading “One-World Scientism and its “Trust the Science” Refrain”

Part 10: mRNA Mavericks and Everyware ~ Re-assembling Life via Ribocomputing

An Inconvenient Truth About COVID Injections

Part 10 of the Series, “Of Monkeys, Mice and Men: From Natural Bodies to Digitized Bots”

“Of all the new frontiers opening up for computation, perhaps the most startling is that of the human body. As both a rich source of information in itself and the vehicle by which we experience the world, it was probably inevitable that sooner or later somebody would think to reconsider it as just another kind of networked resource . . . The motivations for wanting to do so are many; to leverage the body as a platform for mobile services; to register its position in space and time; to garner information that can be used to tailor the provision of other local services, like environmental controls; and to gain accurate and timely knowledge of the living body, in all the occult complexity of its inner workings . . . In every moment of our lives, the rhythm of the heartbeat, the chemistry of the blood, even the electrical conductivity of the skin are changing in response to [the] evolving physical, situational, and emotional environment. If you were somehow able to capture and interpret these signals, though, all manner of good could come from it . . . Doctors could easily verify their patients’ compliance with a prescribed regimen of pharmaceutical treatment or prophylaxis; a wide variety of otherwise dangerous conditions, caught early enough, might yield to timely intervention . . . The information is there; all that remains is to collect it. Ideally, this means getting a data-gathering device that does not call undue attention to itself into intimate proximity with the body, over reasonably long stretches of time.” (p. 48-49)

~ Adam Greenfield, author of Everyware: The dawning age of ubiquitous computing 

This is the final installment of a series I launched in December 2020 (see Endnote 1). Although I had intended to wrap up this series with a concentrated focus on transhumanism, given this topic saturation on the airwaves (see links in Endnote 2), I would like to circle back to what I touched upon (Singapore as a bioengineering propagator worldwide) in the Prologue and Part 1, and to which I promised I would return.

A Brief mRNA Refresher

In 2018, Moderna President, Stephen Hoge, stated, “Why are we so passionate about messenger RNA? . . . It starts with the question of life . . . And in fact, all life that we know flows through messenger RNA . . . In our language, mRNA is the software of life.” He elaborated that cells use messenger RNA (mRNA) to translate the genes of DNA into “dynamic” proteins, involved in every bodily function. 

Theoretically, mRNA prompts proteins to be made in our bodies — thereby placing drug factories inside us. In a 2018 interview with C&EN, Moderna’s Hoge asserted, “You could ultimately use mRNA to express any protein and perhaps treat almost any disease . . . It is almost limitless what it can do.”

According to pharmaceutical giant GSK — which, like Moderna, also manufactures vaccines based on mRNA technology — messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is a biological molecule that is naturally produced in human cells and carries genetic code for the cells to produce proteins. The company purports that synthetic mRNA vaccine technology is a new platform for vaccines — which will disrupt the field of vaccinology. 

mRNA Mavericks in Singapore

For the record, I was not avoiding the most commonly discussed topic when it comes to the COVID injections — that of mRNA. Rather, I intended to complete this exploratory journey with discourse of mRNA, in my unique way, and I appreciate the patience exhibited by POM readers. 

As I implied in my Prologue, the task of penning this series was to examine what I referred to as the “alchemical marriage of synthetic biology and COVID,” and to provide evidence that biotech tinkerers were re-imagining humanity in a quest for re-genesis. I suspected early on that the impending injections would not only be mandated, but would represent a covert method of re-assembling nature, thereby possibly re-defining what it means to be “human.” COVID was simply a commercialized catalyst — akin to a pitch deck — in marketing advanced technologies that were waiting in the wings, with mRNA playing a pivotal role. My guess is . . . we have not seen anything yet — at least in terms of where they intend to take a human being. 

In reference to the slogan of the Great Reset — build back better — I posed the question, “Could building back — using a plethora of genetic modification projects — be a means to a dead end of humanity, and worse, to biological life itself?” I return to this question in this final installment, and to individuals who may have played (or continue to play) a central role in human genetic modification; and thus, may be considered progenitors of synthetic (or re-assembled) humanity, or perhaps may be more aptly termed “re-genitors.” 

Continue reading “Part 10: mRNA Mavericks and Everyware ~ Re-assembling Life via Ribocomputing”

A spoonful of reality may NOT help the (nano)medicine go down

“The strength of The Invisible Heart lies within its cast of characters . . . the faces of real people are what makes the Heart so potent.” 

~ Trent Wilkie, The Trent Wilkie

Author dedication (added August 7, 2021): In a tragic twist of fate, I found out this evening from POM commenter, OregonMatt, that his dear wife of ten years passed away today. I hope that the POM community can think of her, and of Matt, in this very trying time for him. I can go into more detail (as per Matt’s permission) in comments for those who feel compelled to know more. For now, please know the harsh reality is that transmission from those injected to non-injected is more than conjecture. Matt, we are thinking of you, and you are not alone. May your wife be at peace.

{Author admission (please read before proceeding): It has been brought to my attention by an astute commenter that some of the footage I have highlighted herein may be comprised of street theater. I urge readers to make the determination on their own, and to consider any implications if this is the case. I encourage readers to leave their opinions (if compelled) in the comments section. The last thing I would want to do is relay what I feel to be crucial information (on the topics of nanotechnology, the bio-digital panopticon, and social impact finance), and have it be confounded by speculation (on my part) that may have been based on false reporting (whether intentional or not) by videographers whom I do not know personally. No one is immune to being fooled (including this author), and this is a critical lesson in discernment. The irony is not lost on me, considering this essay is titled “A spoonful of reality . . .”; it is entirely possible that the embedded videos may be depicting a scripted reality. That said, it is clear that Philadelphia is a city saturated with poverty, and whatever may be going on in Kensington (perhaps some type of twisted experiment or even a LARP?) should not necessarily be extrapolated to the overall situation. Additionally, it seems that is back in operation; thus, negating my note directly below.}

[Important note before reading: The video I had intended to link ( is no longer active, as unfortunately, it seems the server at 153news is down at the time of this writing. Instead, I have temporarily linked fairly recent footage of Kensington Avenue (see linked video below, as WordPress will not allow me to embed it). In my opinion, this footage does not depict as poignantly the situation there, but if you begin watching at the 9-minute timestamp, it may give you a glimpse into the dismay I am attempting to convey herein.] 

Addendum (added August 5, 2021, shortly after posting): I was able to locate the original video I had intended to link. Thus, when reading my essay, please adjust accordingly, and take a glance at some of the comments below the video. Following is one comment that stood out, in particular, given the topic of this essay: “These people are defying gravity, physics and biology.” Others observed and noted the same. It seems this You Tuber, “kimgary,” has been posting footage of Kensington repeatedly for the past eight months.

Not much these days leaves me stunned and speechless. However, watching this video (see note above) of Kensington (in Philadelphia) felt so dark and raw to me. It certainly does not portray the sweet side of life, and while it may not be daunting to some, this footage is very personal to me. 

My all-time favorite pizza joint is in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. Unfortunately, though, my memory of Kensington is of my dear grandfather (“Poppy”), who was brutally beaten many years ago with a baseball bat by two troubled individuals who were attempting to steal his car. He was left on the ground with both knees bashed and unable to walk.

Viewing this intimate peak (albeit a bit long, redundant, and probably distressing for many), into Kensington’s current reality has not improved my outlook. It seems it’s not always sunny in Philadelphia. So, yes, it’s personal. It’s also personal because I have family members who are addicted to legalized opioids (not street drugs), which has only led them deeper into pain.

When I watch this footage, what is glaring to me — aside from the dullness, litter, and waste, and the tragedy of strident dehumanization and devolution of society — is how flat and non-upright these barely living bodies are. Most are hunched over and leaning on nearby objects (more apparent in the original video I had intended to feature). It seems their bodies are physically and energetically incapable of supporting them. This looks a lot to me, not only like brain damage (likely from consistent abuse of street drugs), but also severe vagus nerve deterioration.

Did you know that graphene-based bioelectronics can be used to selectively modulate the vagus nerve? Can readers perceive how this advanced technology could be weaponized in certain circumstances – even potentially used for experimentation on specific populations? Clearly, the technological prowess is available, as revealed by Merck and Innervia Bioelectronics. I referenced Innervia’s parent company, INBRAIN Neurolectronics, in my June 12, 2021 post, “Free Wally: Tracing the Spike Protein Drama to a Llama.” Hypothetically, if illicit drugs were doped with graphene oxide, can you imagine the (dual-use) potential for such an application? (See here on the use of graphene oxide for the detection of cocaine, and here on the use of carbon nanomaterials to detect Fentanyl.)

Continue reading “A spoonful of reality may NOT help the (nano)medicine go down”