For the Underemployed

Here’s a way for the unemployed to pass the time – the 100 greatest movie characters of all time. You have to hit them one by one, and I do think that Dr. Emmett Brown (76) should be 43, and #75, Marge Gunderson (Frances McDormand in Fargo) should be more like 28, but it’s a fun list. Here are the top ten:

10: Don Vito Corelone
9: Ellen Ripley
8: Captain Jack Sparrow
7: The Dude
6: Indiana Jones
5: Dr. Hannibal Lecter
4: Han Solo
3: Heath Ledger as “The Joker”
2: Darth Vader
1: Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt in Fight Club)

I sure didn’t see that #1 coming. Here’s some others – 91: Scarlett O’Hara; 74: ET (I did not know ET’s voice was done by Debra Winger); 70: Atticus Finch; 55: Lt. Frank Drebin; 53: Luke (Jackson – not Skywalker); 46: Anton Chugurh – the best villain to come along since Hannibal Lecter, IMO; 34: Rocky; 27: Daniel Plainview (I get depressed just thinking of that movie); and #23: Harry Callahan.

Oddly missing: Jake LaMotta, Rambo, Rhett Butler, Dorothy, Jim Stark, and Ray Kinsella – some very memorable characters.

It’s a clickathon – a good way to sell banner ads. But fun.

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