A bitter fog of deceit

I was asked by a friend of the blog to read a book and report on it … it was my intent to do so, but it is so out of the ordinary for me, that is, I don’t want to simply read a book and report its findings as if every word were true. So I decided that I would highlight the book for blog readers, and suggest they too read it, and pass along some thoughts.

Bitter fogThe book is called A Bitter Fog: Herbicides and Human Rights, by Carol Van Strum. It is available on Kindle for free – I don’t own one and so downloaded it for a few bucks.

The book was first published in 1983, and recounted a long battle between local residents of Oregon and the Forest Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Dow Chemical, local government about the use of chemicals containing dioxin (including but not limited to 2-4-5-T and 2-4-D, the former known as “Agent Orange” when used in Vietnam.)

The destruction of forests and harm to people and animals, as outlined in this book, is distressing. The fact that the same chemicals keep appearing under new names equally distressing, but more than that, I found the same story I encountered when I read about AIDS, and AZT, Zika, climate change … systemic and deep corruption. I will outline just a few aspects:

  • The government agencies appointed to oversee and enforce laws are bought and sold, mere subsidiaries of the industries they are supposed to regulate. Oregon residents were surprised to learn that EPA was not on their side, but at least knew at the outset that the US Forest Service was their enemy, as it was the agency blithely spraying the deadly chemicals.
  • Companies that introduce chemicals (and drugs) on the market use certain labs for testing knowing in advance that those labs will arrive at results that verify the safety of unsafe chemicals and drugs. If by chance an honest lab does honest work, as happened with the chemicals listed above, those test results have a way of disappearing. It takes years and a Freedom of Information search to find them.
  • Studies done, supposedly double-blind and objective, have a way of backing up the people who are financing the studies. Money dictates outcomes.
  • Groupthink prevails everywhere … people in the professions – scientists, forest service workers, doctors, professors – are afraid to step out of the flow for fear of losing their jobs or chances for advancement. To alleviate stress caused by unrelenting dishonesty they simply do a mind meld.
  • It is said that carpenters can hide their mistakes behind wall board, doctors behind stitches. Industry as a whole uses Public Relations to lie to us about anything and everything. If it were simply a matter of lying, lies could be uncovered. But they are much too clever for that. They use misdirection, controlled opposition, clever and misleading advertising. Their object is to convince people that lies are truth, and they are very good liars, the best in the world.
  • News media, as is well-known here on this blog, is useless.

Just one example, and my understanding of the situation after long ago having read Jon Rappaport about the Zika virus – here is an article he wrote that is not behind his pay wall. Zika is most likely a harmless passenger virus, if it exists at all. But there was another problem emerging in Brazil, as early as 1993 when Noam Chomsky wrote about a new subspecies of humans, pygmies, or people suffering from microcephaly – shrunken heads. The problem, according to Rappaport, is industrial chemicals in widespread use, just as in Oregon in Van Strum’s book.

The public relations problem was how to spare Monsanto, Dow, etc., liability for the effects of their products. This is why I suggested above that mere lying does not get the job done. Misdirection is far more useful. The answer to their problem? Zika.

Of course, they cannot just assert that a virus is the culprit – it takes far more than that, and for this reason I refer you once again to the list above that facilitate corruption. Zika is treated as real by every news outlets, and scientists assert that it is indeed the cause of not only microcephaly, but now Barr Epstein (mononucleosis) as well. I urge readers to search for “Zika” and see how many pages you must go in before you find one voice speaking out in protest about the hoax. Zika was dredged up, I imagine, by a PR firm hired to get Monsanto off the hook

But that is how it is done. How on earth can regular people overcome corrupt government agencies, indifferent (and even stupid) news reporters, prevailing groupthink, public relations and corrupt science and laboratories? It is difficult. Our friend Steve Kelly has been doing it for years, and winning small battles in the larger wars. He writes about it on occasion – follow his articles using this link.

Anyway, that is my take on A Bitter Fog and the so-called “Poison Papers,” a treasure trove of documents that point a finger of guilt at all of the above. It is nice to have small victories now and then. But in a country as corrupt as ours, it is hard to wish for more, as the odds are overwhelmingly against us.

74 thoughts on “A bitter fog of deceit

  1. Thanks Mark! Really good job! It is so hard to convey the collusion, lies,misdirection and deceit. Reading the book was eye-opening. Reading it for a 2nd time is painful. The human interest story of corruption and greed, ruined lives and ruined land and water sheds, as represented in this book, is something everyone should be aware of.


  2. Huge problem, “something everyone should be aware of.” This is the crux of the problem(s), isn’t it? Awareness comes through our senses. With senses dulled by all the artifice, distraction and misdirection, it’s hardly possible to restore our natural responses to danger. As we drift, or are led, away from what it is to be homo sapiens (Latin; “wise man”) our instinct is dying. We’re in the funnel, going in the wrong direction. More IRL, less being entertained might help. https://thefifthsense.i-d.co/en_us/article/endorphin-enthusiast-writer-and-life-lover-sophie-everard-discusses-the-pros-of-going-physical/

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  3. they don’t do any blind studies. They say, it would be wasting of time and the control group then gets another medication. They not even test the positive effects of their chemicals. They only test if the negative effects are small enough for not to get sued. And there always are negative effects. They never do necessary negative control experiments to demonstrate their methods cannot be the cause of the effects. There are no pathogens either. Viruses don’t exist and bacteria don’t cause sicknesses. There never was any scientific demonstration of an infection. It is hard to believe but it is true.


    1. Viruses don’t exist and bacteria don’t cause sicknesses. There never was any scientific demonstration of an infection. It is hard to believe but “”it is true””.”

      So how do you back up these wild claims, Müller?

      If viruses “don’t exist”, then what caused all (the numbers probably are inflated and deflated in certain cases, but not 0) the deaths of the Spanish flu epidemic of the early 20th century?

      If bacteria “don’t cause sicknesses”, then what caused all (idem about the exact numbers) the deaths of the Black Death/Plague of the late Middle Ages, said to have been caused by a bacteria?

      Or is this just another one of your armchair attic “let’s just throw some mud and see if it sticks” claims?


      1. Not to jump in between you, but to add something I’ve read that you might not have, the Spanish flu epidemic was in part caused by overuse of a new drug, aspirin, that is, people who got the flu overdosed, and this is part of what caused that great tragedy.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Here is an article about aspirin as the “cause” of what was called the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918.
          I have also read that WWI soldiers that fell ill during battle were given aspirin so they could quickly get back on the battlefield. Aspirin made them feel better but did not cure anything. They came home still ill, thus the outbreak. Can’t find that article at the moment, but if I do, I will add a link later.


      2. Gaia, as for bacteria and sickness, they’re suddenly found in blood after some sickness breaks out. We don’t know where they come from and what they do. There never was any proof they caused the sickness. You will will find firemen on every fire site. You don’t blame them to be the cause of the fire, do you? Well, maybe some of them do but that is not the point. There wasn’t any bacteria found after other sicknesses. That is the reason why they invented the invisible “virus”. All this to keep the theory, the sicknesses are caused by pathogens which is the basis of all the microbiology, western medicine, etc. It’s a religion and a trillion dollar business.


        1. This is an interesting discussion. I have done much reading on this subject, and find it simply too complicated and with too much evidence that points in opposite directions. For instance, what is going on with Lyme Disease? What pathogen is introduced by those ticks? Is it a genetically altered bacteria? A chemical toxin? If it is a bacteria, it tends to support the germ-based theory of disease.

          I have a grandson out in the coast, and when I have visited him in the past he has been leaking from every orifice, and when I get home I am down with a head cold, which I never get otherwise. Is he spreading some non-germ based toxin? Or is it the ride on the jet aircraft and its artificial environment? Or did I pick up a bacterial invasion from him?


          1. And coming from the same NIH that is trying to gather data from more than a million Americans to “accelerate research and improve health.” Hmmm indeed.


        2. Müller, I don’t take you seriously after all your previous wild claims before. You are so certain of yourself and the things you say, but provide no back-up whatsoever. It’s childish, as you prove by the ridiculous firemen “analogy”. Empty nonsense and I wonder if it’s out of some self-protection from a “big bad world I do not [want to] understand” or mere trolling from the attic. “Viruses don’t exist”, “bacteria don’t cause diseases”. You can study infections, ferfecksake. But no, not from behind the keyboard, you can’t. Still thousands of researchers are doing it on a daily basis, but maybe you think they are just inventing stuff or so.

          Mark’s information on the Spanish flu and a partial responsibility for the epidemic nature of it because of BigPharma and Aspirin makes sense, but that can never explain every single case of Spanish flu recorded, as many areas in the world are and even less were back then as developed as the US. I sense a strong US-focus in many of these topics, like that is the only country on Earth.

          There surely is a lot of profit business going on, a lot of dealing with symptoms instead of going for the cause (as maintaining people on BigPharma drugs is more profitable than curing them), there’s filthy government projects going on with AZT, Lyme, radiation “therapy”, chemo”therapy”, etc. etc. But to go in some crazy denial mode is not the solution, it actually is a lot worse, because gullible people will believe that BS. I have talked to “awake” friends who even believe in homeopathy. I remember seeing his eyes when I responded WTF to his question “don’t you know that water has memory”? I still take him seriously on other matters, but at that moment he lost a lot of credibility. Homeopathy was set-up by a snake oil salesman. As are these empty denial claims.

          Go travel and east some street food in India and then come back to me and claim bacteria don’t exist… Or rather stay away from that hellhole on Earth, but maybe it opens some eyes.


          1. Our current allopathic medicine was set up by a “snakeoil” salesman-Rockefeller Senior. His petroleum based medicine has become what I refer to as “BigPharma” Homeopathy and holistic medicine etc were destroyed and fell away because of men like Rockefeller and Carnegie.
            I have more to add later to address Muller’s claims of no bacteria, no virus etc, but I want to check all my facts before I add that reply.


    2. I absolutely don’t buy into the meme of no viruses, no bacteria or pathogens.
      Here is a link to a UCY podcast that was live this morning on First Cup with Jules….guests are Clint Richardson and Patrick Jordan. I’m just sorry the show was only an hour, there is so much more to learn. http://www.ucy.tv/streams/64k/20180606-10-64k.mp3
      They discuss bacteriophages that were our friends as they targeted and killed dangerous, foreign invaders in our bodies. They have now been weaponized and are being used against us. Here is a short abstract I found on PubMed titled “Phage-Enabled Nanomedicine: From Probes to Therapeutics in Precision Medicine.” Here is the link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27491926
      Sounds innocent enough, but it’s implications are sinister in nature.
      During the podcast, Patrick mentions a show that he and Clint did on RBN several years ago about yogurt. (disregard the interruption of a short Dr Rima promotion in the middle of the show….it is now my understanding that she is definitely not on the side of truth as was and is still advertised) The portion where Clint reads from the DuPont site about “mouthfeel” additives to yogurt is laugh-out-loud funny, even though it is obviously sinister in it’s implications. The information is no longer available on the DuPont website….gee, wonder why. Here is the link to that April 2015 podcast
      [audio src="https://corporationnationradioarchives.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/show357_april27.mp3" /]
      [Note this last link is not hyper – you need to copy and paste starting at “https” and ending at “.mp3” to get to this recording.]

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Looks like that podcast mentioning Dupont is also no longer available. Downloaded the other one to listen to while driving. Thanks.


  4. Greetings: I’ve often wondered if the troops (as well as the Vietnamese) in Vietnam were used as test subjects for Agent Orange’s side effects. I noted in my share under “Fake Events…” that my vet had a heart attack 33 years (coincidence?) after he left the country. This heralded the onset of the triad of diseases found in those who’d been exposed to Agent Orange in large quantities for any length of time. I hope to research this if I can ever get past the writer’s block on my Speck “paper”.


    1. thanks Kevin, I look forward to watching
      The “yogurt” podcast still works, Mark added a note to my comment….wonder why those extra characters show up and prevent the link from working?….must be the “mandela effect” – LOL


      1. I listened to both podcasts today, (apparently I didn’t download the yogurt podcast) but Richardson and Jordan are suggesting some “outrageous” and “provocative” ideas. Coincidentally, the very same ideas that got me banished from the MMC project.


        1. I’ll send the yogurt link to you via email and see if that will work. Yes, Jordan and Richardson have outrageous ideas (from source material) that “gatekeepers” apparently don’t care to talk about.


          1. It’s curious that a population so addicted to technology would poo-poo the possibility of a technological takeover. On second thought, it makes perfect sense.


          2. Have you guys heard about the term: “Bio-Hacking”, is that what you are referring? I mean, talking about adaptogens, probiotics, etc. You have to try them for yourself and see how body reacts. If it makes you fell good as many adaptogens do -at least in my case- I guess they work for good.


            1. If I recall correctly, they were speaking of products sold that would provide a good “mouth feel” and other funny terms. DuPont doesn’t make yogurt, just additives that are sold to companies that do make yogurt. I just recently started buying yogurt again. I really liked the Dannon Oikos Greek yogurt…comes in lemon and lime and the texture is like a souffle. I opened one last week and happened to see written on the label that it was partially made with genetically modified ingredients. Needless to say, I threw it away and will now only buy organic yogurt. The “mouth feel” isn’t as desirable, but at least it isn’t genetically modified.


          3. Mueller has some great things to say about all of this. I could only wish to be as informed about this subject. Personally I like to go by instinct. Maybe that’s stupid, but it’s what led me to be “woke” in the first place, so I’ll stick with it for now.

            I’m convinced that at least 90% of the food available in U.S. grocery stores is basically chemically infused garbage. Do I still eat a lot of it? Yes. Yes, I do. Am I proud of it? No. No, I’m not. I feel that I don’t have much of a choice.

            Like what Mueller is indicating, medical doctors have become little more than diagnostic flesh-bots. I mean, seriously. When’s the last time you’re doctor looked at you during the examination? And I don’t mean your body, which they do look at. And poke, and prod, and tap in order to determine whether there’s anything wrong with you. What I mean is: Do they look at YOU when having a conversation in the exam room. At your face. And do they really listen to what you’re saying about how you feel physically. Mine do not.

            Here’s what I think is a cute anecdote regarding medicine. I’m in the 2nd half of my 30s now. But since the age of about 16 I had a pretty bad skin condition that has only recently ceased to torment me. I can’t be sure what it was. And every dermatologist I visited couldn’t come up with anything better than “folliculitis”.

            I went to several dermatologists, each of whom prespcribed all manner of pills and salves and so on. Antibiotics, antifungals, ointments, and medicated soap. None of them really worked. Or they would only work while I used them, and swiftly stopped working when the treatment ended.

            One day I decided to go low carb. To lose weight and not to help my skin. After a month I suddenly realized that I wasn’t itchy anymore. After 2 months I realized I wasn’t developing any new blemishes. After 3 months all the old blemishes had scabbed up and fallen off and my skin had become clear. I was overjoyed. And the only thing I had done differently was to change my diet, cutting out carbs, and naturally, all products containing gluten. No medicine or pills.

            I visited the dermatologist one time after I’d cured myself, for an unrelated matter, and I asked if my diet could have possibly been the thing that helped my skin. The dermatologist very bluntly said: “We don’t believe in that here.” I said nothing back, and got the hell out of there. Hopefully never to return.

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          4. I had a physical exam several years back and we were discussing my weight – I too low carb and had lost a bunch of pounds, not difficult at all when you go that route. The doctor was nice enough and not overimpressed with himself as so many of them are, and he said frankly that they do not study nutrition in med school, and so don’t really know anything about how it works. How is that for refreshing?


          5. I must transcribe a statement made by Clint Richardson in the “yogurt” podcast:
            The answers are so simple. All you have to do is go back to a very clean, limited food supply. Own the supply that it’s coming from. And you never go really wrong at that point. But we’ve now been so enticed by so many different flavors and, of course, they’re “natural”…our grocer provides so much for us. And it’s the notion that once you get to the point where you can now experience food from every culture on earth, every ethnicity, every possible thing in existence, and new things are being created every day that aren’t natural, but are called “natural” somehow, how do you get people to give that up? It’s like a cornucopia of drugs that people are taking through food. The flavor enhancers create an addiction…the solution is always so simple, but it’s just to go back to a very basic diet of a self-regulated food supply. That’s all it’s going to take for people to get healthy again, really


            1. Clint’s words ring true but these days, with the poisons that are sprayed with abandon, small organic farms…such as the one Patrick Jordan lives on, are having their soil ruined by the “pharmwhores” that live around him. Land that has been worked for 40 years is no longer producing as it did. Out of three, 50 foot rows of beets….he has maybe 10 feet of beets that sprouted this year. His heirloom cabbage…3 plants sprouted. And that is just 2 of the many vegetables he plants. He is replanting and hoping for better results….but this is land that, each year, sustained him and his mom with enough food to last 18 months.
              I tried growing a small patio garden last year. I planted zucchini seed and also bought organic plants to get a head start. I planted cantaloupe from seed and a few other items. The zucchini from starter plants produced maybe a dozen zucchini, the seeds produced beautiful plants, but not one zucchini….same with the cantaloupe….and I live in Sacramento, CA. I spent well over $100 for large containers and good soil and had such high hopes…. it was very disappointing. Maybe I just don’t have a green thumb.


    2. Oh thanks, that was a good video. I mentioned Erich Traub shortly before, in the Nazionism article at -now- Fayekopedia, where I indefinitely was banned from by a German-speaking Fayescist, isn’t it ironic? And digging a bit on I found another great piece going from Traub and “medical geniuses” brought in by Project Paperclip….

      It may belong better in the “Three Amigos” post, Mark feel free to move it, but I outlined it back at the topic where I started the whole Nazionism research (that I cannot add to Fakeopedia anymore), another nail in the coffin for both the mainstreamers and the Nazi Freunde…:



      1. Gaia, you can’t prove the negative, or to be more precise, you don’t need to prove the negative. All I can do is show that the claims contagion is possible make no sense. What we know of the middle age is not to be trusted. Let’s take a look on modern diseases, say Ebola. That happened in the 70-s at the river Ebola in Kongo where French corporations disposed of their waste heavily poisoning the water and the locals. They of course blamed a virus on it, so the industry was not to blame. They do it very often. If something goes wrong and people got sick, it must be a virus. It’s the modern representation of witch craft. There wasn’t any “Ebola” since then, only hoaxes. Same applies for bird flu or pig flu, or what ever. There recently was a trial in Germany, Stefan Lanka against David Bardens. Lanka offered 100000 Eur reward for a scientific proof of the isolation and analysis of the measles virus, which is the most documented and most known virus ever. Bardens presented six most famous documents concerning measles and the jury had to reject all of them as not being scientific at all. Lanka won and the court which is not allowed to officially confirm there is no virus explained it was because Lanka wanted ONE proof and Bardens presented six of them. I kid you not. The idea of a pathogen as reason for sickness is the basis of the entire microbiology, western medicine, big parts of chemical industry. It’s a trillion dollar business and heavily protected. But it’s a hoax and based on lies of crooks like Ludwig Pasteur, Rudolf Virchow, Robert Koch and others. Just check Lanka on whale.to. Here for instance:

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        1. But people are still getting sick. Muller, pardon my ignorance (or off-topicness), but do you think our DNA is being manipulated?


          1. Kevin, the most of the sickness is caused by the previous medication itself. All the sick people you meet daily on the street, all those obese, water filled, hardly able to move with lots of pain on their faces people have a long medical history. But it usually starts innocent. You feel unwell, you go to a doctor and he gives you a “diagnose” which is based on some standard predictions. There were computer programs called “expert systems” back then in the 90-s popular where you could get the same diagnose by just answering a few questions on your computer. They were even more accurate than the living doctors and that’s why they got rid of them. In the diagnose your “sickness” will be classified into “flu” or “cold” or “inflammation” or “infection” of some kind and you’ll get a prescription for some medication. If you eat this chemicals you’ll sometimes or often get more sick and come back to your doctor, who then will give you another diagnose and new medication or send you to his colleague, etc. It always starts that way. If you don’t want to get sick, stop going to doctors. You’ll sometimes fell unwell but it is nothing to worry about. Just have a good life, take care of yourself, eat properly, wear a shawl when it is cold, etc. and everything will be ok. All what doctors do is counterproductive and only makes your “sickness” worse. Everybody or every body always has to heal himself. There are integrated procedures in our bodies to take care of every disorder. If they cannot, no one can. There are some exceptions like taking care of wounds, broken bones, bad teeth, etc. All that was done by common craftsmen before specialized and legalized “doctors” entered the stage. You’re with me? DNA is another story.


          2. as for DNA we know for sure it is not the carrier of the genetic information it is supposed to be. It changes constantly. DNA is not stable. You can read it in the mainstream if you want. Just read carefully. The life is encoded in water which is not just H2O as we all learned in schools. First there is some H30 and some H1O too in every water. The surface of water is 1.4 time denser than the water one molecule under the surface. It is called H+-OH-. Water has some 60 known anomalies. Water can climb in very small capillaries to the top of the highest trees. I fact the smaller the capillaries are, the faster water climbs there. It is because then there is more of this surface water then. Water creates this surface water an all contact sites where it contacts other substances or the air also when whirled where it builds contact sites to itself. That’s why foam is so good at cleaning. A very thin film of water does not freeze by -100°C. It is due to this anomalies of water, due to this surface water. If you want to read more, check for terms like “dense water” or “Pi-water” or “vibrational water” or names like Gilbert Ling or Robert Remak or Felix Dujardin or many others. The best theory though comes from an unknown German biologist Peter Augustin who unfortunately wrote almost only in German.
            He probably died 2014. Not mainstream so not known. He should have got half a dozen Nobel prices for what he discovered. Water is life and life comes out of water. There is life in the deepest parts of the oceans where there is no oxygen. See and Arctic research scientists found out that the most vivid life creation happens around the melting point of water which is under the polar ice. Weather with all that water in the air is life in cosmic dimensions. There is so much more about water. And all we learn about it is H2O.

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    3. Kevin, just watched the video…very interesting…Plum Island, weaponized ticks and doctors that won’t even test people that suspect they have Lyme….and now they plan on moving the research center from Plum Island to Kansas…gee, nothing sinister going on here. Kansas must be very proud, the new facility should be up and running by 2022 or 2023.

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      1. Thanks for the link Annette. It certainly backs up the research in the video.

        The National Bio and Agro-defense Facility, or NBAF, will be America’s foremost animal disease research facility. It’s being constructed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The $1.25 billion facility is a biosafety level-4 laboratory and will replace the aging Plum Island Animal Disease Center in New York. NBAF is expected to be operational by 2022-2023. After a three-year site selection process, Manhattan, Kansas, was selected as the location for NBAF

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  5. I read the entire article that I linked above. Toxic amounts of aspirin were prescribed causing his whole mess and then, of course, vaccines had to be developed to prevent future pandemic flu epidemics. So toxic amounts of aspirin were sold, and I am sure much money was made by “Farbenfabriken Bayer” This may be one of the 1st “Big Pharma” jackpots.


  6. To better understand why this old 1983 book has relevance today, here is a link to a scientific paper written by Stephanie Seneff and Anthony Samsel about glyphosate, commonly known as Round-up. It was created by Monsanto, the same chemical company that brought us Agent Orange that caused so much damage to Vietnam and it’s people and our soldiers as they fought this “war” that should have never happened. Monsanto has said that Round-up is so safe, you can drink it. Its herbicide action destroys plants through their Shikimate pathway and maintained that humans can’t be harmed because we do no have this pathway. This is untrue. The human shikimate pathway is found in our “gut” bacteria. Although a scientific paper, the information presented can be easily understood.


      1. And Bayer was already pretty damned big! Their tactics are so transparently evil. Wasn’t it just commented on that “Aspirin” was poisonous? I think we’ve all probably partaken of those tasty orange pills.


      2. Sneaky bunch of psychopaths…with tactics like this name change, to the much more acceptable “Bayer”, people that are oblivious to the Monsanto carnage will never wake up to what has and is still happening. I hate that my grandchildren and future great-grandchildren have to grow up in the world as it is today. Heaven only knows what the next 10 years hold if the poisons and GMO’s aren’t stopped.


  7. sorry lying bastards…thanks for the video link….youth is wasted on the young and wisdom is wasted on the old..if only I knew then what I know now


    1. Hold your horses. You sound like a disciple of the man-in-Taos… that sounds like something he would write. I think he died and is well dead… he looked like sh*t in some of his last TV documentaries.


      1. Nope. I posted that in jest. I think Bourdain is actually dead too – He was most likely a normie civilian, a non-spook. I can’t imagine how his cooking show could have been a psyop, but with all of the craziness and stupidity that the TPTB have been up to, one can never be sure.


          1. I have to disagree here. Apparently Bourdain was involved with the “me too” movement via his current/latest girlfriend, who also claims to be a Weinstein victim. SMH.

            I gotta say, I just can’t take it anymore. The nonsense on TV is just too much. I’m sure that celebrities and other famous people do in fact die naturally, or even perhaps meet untimely ends just like the rest of the population. I just think we never get to hear the real story. And anytime I hear about a celeb death that involves suicide or drugs, my B.S. meter goes off.

            And Bourdain was probably not a normie at all. He spoke fluent French, and went to Vassar. He wasn’t just some lowly kitchen slave from the wrong side of the tracks who happened to be just as dexterous with a poisoned pen as he was with a spatula.

            Like many of us here I’ve also had it with the entity known as MM, but that’s no reason to throw out the baby with the bath water.


        1. Was he involved with Kate Spade behind the scenes in any way? She could afford her own chef. Too much money and success for these suicides, although many say that doesn’t matter, I just don’t see it. Same with Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington. One right after the other for a quick relocation.


          1. I don’t know much about Kate Spade, she was a clothing designer with prices that were certainly out of my range. I heard about her death, but am just now aware that it was also a suicide. I checked the web and could not find anything to indicate a connection or friendship between her and Bourdain. Another comment mentioned that he was involved in the #metoo scandal, but according to several articles he was a fierce supporter of that movement, not someone that was called out for sexual abuse.


          2. Like many of these media frenzy celebrity events, I think this one, or the two, are meant to distract us from something. Apparently, according to a youtube channel I follow, Bildeberg is this weekend, along with a lot of other geopolitical summit type events involving talks about Russia, Iran, and the like. It’s supposed to be an unprecedented pile up of Bildeberg and ancillary/Bildeberg adjacent organizations meeting up. One of the topics allegedly on their agenda is the “post truth” world. Go figure!


          3. Bourdain’s girlfriend was Asia Argento ?!? Most of these recent “suicides” are by hanging. Really?

            @THE MINX. I’m sure the video you are alluding to is by “TruthStreamMedia.” I would link to it but it’s a half hour long. Still highly recommended to everybody to check it out. This frog is feeling a little bit uncomfortable.


            1. I don’t keep up with most of these celebrities and have never heard of Asia Argento. I’ll check and see if I can find the video you are referencing. Maybe like The Minx said…it’s all misdirection so we aren’t paying attention to whatever is going on that needs to be hidden…especially something like Bilderberg.


          4. Annette. I briefly touched on Asia (ewwww) in my Jennifer Connelly article. Very dysfunctional upbringing. Probable MK Ultra Sex Kitten programming victim. Her father was Italian horror film auteur, Dario Argento.


          5. @K. Starr Yup! That’s the one! I like they’re stuff and also recommend it to anyone who likes to listen to a good think piece. Another one that was good was RedSilverJ. Although I’ve become a bit suspicious of him because ever since you-know-who mentioned him in one of his papers he dipped out and hasn’t been the same since. It’s weird.

            I know Bourdain had a lot of fans but he seemed a bit too a-hole-ish for my taste. Granted, that was part of his hipster schtick, but it still got on my nerves. I no longer have time for anyone who believes anything they see on TV or in any form of entertainment media. Like that TV personalities and other celebrities are probably really as they are on TV. And I felt this way before I was “woke”.

            I recently met a man who worked with a lot of big name musicians. Like Kiss and The Beatles big. According to him, however these people behave on TV, they’re really the polar opposite in real life. Like Simmons is supposed to be this pompous ass, but in reality he’s just a darling cinnamon roll. Who knew?!


          6. Bourdein was 62, which is the age where bones and everything else start to ache and life in general is less fun. He had no children. It is your family, watching your children growing, etc. which gives you the motivation and the power to go on. What fun can it be to wake up every morning with aching bones and not having anything to look forward to? Bourdein was definitely part of the actors guild. In one episode of his food series he was in Israel having silly anti terror training before his visit to Afghanistan. Lying for a living is not much fun I think. Maybe he simply decided that it is enough. Cornell and Bennington are different case.


          7. @ B. Mueller. Bourdain, from what I understand, did have a child. A daughter by his ex wife Ottavia. He even claimed to have quit smoking because he wanted to live long enough to see his daughter grow up. That doesn’t sound like a suicidal man to me.

            Also strange is that he did this while he was actively filming for his show. Wouldn’t it make more sense to do that at home, so as to not cause even more trouble for your family. Granted, I don’t know what might go through the mind of someone who wants very badly to die.

            However the circumstances are weird. They don’t make much sense. At least not as they’ve been reported.


          8. I didn’t know that about his daughter. She’s “performing”. Only actors there. They won’t tell us the truth anyway. He wasn’t that famous and his death will not make any serious money for the media so he probably really died. Which way I don’t care. He wasn’t really cooking in the way Jamie Oliver is. He was traveling and enjoying food cooked by others. And got even paid for that. I liked his series though. And tall people sometimes die naturally in this age. This is not an important event IMO.


          9. since this article veered off into the recent “suicide” of Bourdain and Kate Spade I have to link this article from The Secret Sun Blog…..learned about this blog from a comment made by Tyrone back in Oct 2017 after the Las Vegas incident. Chris (blog owner) has been following some really strange connections and his blog goes back 10 years….hard to catch up on all the connections he has made….but here is what he had to say about Bourdain
            I found it interesting.


  8. “Too much money and success for these suicides,”

    Immense wealth chases away misery.

    Anthony Bourdain apparently had a reported net worth of $16 million.

    Whenever someone having great wealth is said to commit suicide, I tend to think that something else is going on, but who knows.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Money doesn’t buy happiness….so I have heard. So many anti-depressants can cause suicidal thoughts in certain individuals. I have no idea, but I don’t think it was a faked death…just my opinion.


  9. Annspinwall4, I take you as an interested researcher, nothing against you and I think it is very valuable to look into this whole “medical” psyop.

    That however is different from black-and-white quotes as “aspirin=killer, homeopathy=savior” or any other “alternative embrace” I see so much in these circles.

    Müller has shown over and over again to “reason” from a position of “know-it-all” which has led to ridiculous claims and quite peinliche [painful, but the German word is stronger in meaning] remarks.

    Homeopathy is like FE, with a “medical” Samuel “the inventor” Rowbotham at the start of it. The whole concept is false; it would mean someone would die earlier from a -bad, unnecessary- “vaccination” with 0.01 % mercury than from swallowing a pure amount of it. Ridiculous and misdirecting.

    BigPharma is a scam, a money making industry and in many areas actively involved in sickening people rather than curing them.

    But that doesn’t make the bacteria and viruses suddenly go away. Or “DNA” for that matter. Genes, however you want to label them, exist. Look at children and their parents, there is a clear phenotypical relation, even if the dreamed “double helix” is a fraud.


    1. Gaia, so you say, Big Pharma is a scam but viruses do exists. Sorry to say that, but this sounds very much like FE saying, of course NASA did not fly to the Moon because the Earth is flat and therefore satellites also don’t exists. You’re throwing bacteria which exists and viruses which do not exists into the same pot, talking of unnecessary- vaccination as if there was a necessary one. I don’t claim to “know it all”. I’m simply giving you facts you can try to disprove. It usually is mainstream and on Wiki. I’m just drawing different conclusions. You can at least point what in my arguments makes no sense and we can discuss that. Just don’t say it must be crap because it comes from me.


  10. Giassphere…..I am definitely a believer in the scam that is current day medicine. I know that BigPharma is a scam and moneymaking fraud. I despise it and what it has done. I know bacteria exists and virus and fungus. Vaccination is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind. I am in the process of composing a thoughtful response to Muller. I’m not in agreement with him.
    I am a cancer survivor….double mastectomy a bit over 5 years ago. I refused radiation and chemo because I knew they are poison. If I had known a bit more at the time, I wouldn’t have allowed the “whitecoat” to talk me into the mastectomy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. annspinwall4, a friend of us had back pain from desk work and the doctor diagnosed him testicle cancer. He even told him, he’s lucky because the testicle cancer can easily be healed, in comparison to other cancers of course. He got castrated, the back pain is still there and he’s convinced it would have been much worse if he didn’t get castrated. The power of suggestion. He has three children already so doesn’t need his “sack” anymore and the doctor has to provide for his family, no? I’m being ironic here. Well, you’re not in agreement with me, fine. Of course bacteria and fungus exists, but viruses? How do you know, they exists, if nobody ever isolated one. Bacteria and fungus are everywhere. Our body is technically made out of bacteria we call organelle. We don’t know why there suddenly appear certain bacteria together with certain sicknesses and we don’t know, what they are doing there. We certainly never saw them doing any harm. If you let some fruit juice open in the air for some time it starts to ferment into alcohol due to the fungus yeast which is everywhere in the air. If you take nitrates (poppers) regularly you’ll get problems with your lung. That’s how AIDS started within the homo community. Once your lung starts to reject dead cells the fungus PCP which also is everywhere comes to clean them up and that is what we call pneumonia. But it is a fungal infection caused by to many dead lung cells. The fungus cannot spread if there is nothing to do for him. The same applies for bacteria. All bacterial infections (called opportunistic) happen only if immune functions are disturbed which is regularly caused medically in hospitals or if you were born with an immune defect, but this is very rare. It is never the bacteria or the fungus the cause for the sickness. And viruses? All proofs of their existence are “indirect”, which is like proving the existence of Yeti only having some snow prints.


      1. This article was published to point out the environmental damage caused by Monsanto, Dow, DuPont chemicals, herbicides etc. It was published to encourage people that don’t understand how these chemicals work and how they are destroying the earth, to read the book “A Bitter Fog” .

        I read your comment and is sounded as though, in addition to virus, you also didn’t believe in bacteria. We really don’t need to discuss the no virus issue. What you believe is your business and it doesn’t matter that we might disagree.
        The earth that sustains us is being destroyed and these chemicals are also destroying human health and well being. With US agencies like the FDA, Forest Service and others working in collusion with and helping the corporations, instead of serving the people….the future looks dim.


  11. I am adding this comment so people can read a new Clint Richardson blog article about the admission, in the insert of a vaccine called “Tripedia” that the vaccine has caused SIDS, autism, grand mal convulsion and more. Here is the damning portion of the insert – page 3 of 4 – link to insert included in the article. Vaccine to only be given to children under 7 – pertussis/diptheria vaccine…..and there is info in the insert regarding the 5th or even 6th dose (booster) of the vaccine given to very young children.

    “…Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine.”

    Here is the link to the article on Clint’s blog


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