Standing in the midst of whirling snow and blinding mist …

I am prepared now to go forward with the Jim Jones series, starting with his early life. That will come tomorrow or the day after. What has happened so far is good, lots of input which I have not and will not read until my own work, such as it is, is done.

This is, however, a diversion. While in Europe I ran out of reading material, and when we got home found nothing of interest. But while in college I was introduced to two volumes, The American Intellectual Tradition, edited by David A. Hollinger and Charles Capper. They have sat on my bookshelf for years.

My intent was to go back and reread a selection from Thorstein Veblen’s The Theory of the Leisure Class wherein he introduces for the first time the concept of “conspicuous consumption.” When in college (and I told the professor this) the man’s words simply did not penetrate my thick cranium*. I kept losing focus. The professor, a wise man, simply smiled and said don’t worry. My intent yesterday was to read it again to see if the cranium had lost some of its bone mass.

But I stumbled and never got there, instead reading a portion of William James’ The Will to Believe. I am a great admirer of this man and his pristine and probing intellect, first having read about him in Louis Menand’s The Metaphysical Club, and then reading his (very accessible) series of lectures that came to be known as The Varieties of Religious Experience (available as a free download at Gutenberg).

William James
William James

Reading again The Will to Believe brought me back to Miles W. Mathis and something that has troubled me since we published our series of articles on him. By those articles I am convinced that MM is a front for a committee, but that is not my issue. I am left to ponder the question “So what?” As James says at the outset, “…the deadness and liveness in an hypothesis are not intrinsic properties, but relations to the individual thinker.” In other words, aside from the nature of the man himself, what is the importance of “his” output?

As I thought back, I realized that the Mathis compendium had set me free, that is, when I learned first that John Lennon had faked his death, and then JFK, it was as if the weight of the world had been lifted on me. I was a free man, able to float above it all. I don’t care now that no one died on 9/11 or that Las Vegas was a hoax – along with so many other psyops that penetrate even down to local communities. The people who do these numbers on us are a shade of evil, but not murderers. They are simply governing us, keeping us in a suspended state of anxiety that shuts down normal thinking and sends us immediately to our amygdalae whenever we turn on the “news.” Thus are we governable sheep.

Of course I was disappointed to learn, via Kevin, that Miles has hidden his true background, and that, of course, opened up all aspects of his character to speculation, which is where Bob Z chimed in. I supported the publication of both pieces, the accurate genealogy and the admitted speculation, and still do. People (or entities) who used to comment here left in droves, and now reside at Cutting Through the Fog, which I have to label now as an MM Tribute Band, nothing more. I am OK with where this exodus has left us, as it told us much about the nature of those who followed our blog. They were fair weather friends, at best, plants at worst.

What is there to know in certainty about Miles Mathis? There is Kevin’s work. But what of it? What if the MMC (Miles Mathis Committee, or cult) is an outlier group that is given permission to operate within boundaries? What if the work (specious genealogy and antisemitism aside) is allowed through the barriers as a treat to those of us too smart of be fooled by daily life as presented us by regular sources? Shall we then accept it, stop dogging the sources, remove the chaff and accept the wheat as a gift? That is where I sit.

James talks at length about Pascal’s Wager, and in the end accepts it as a useful proposition, though not as a believer. After all, we are all imperfect, absolutists and empiricists alike, and cannot know truth as a certainty ever except in matters of abstract (2+2=4) that tell us nothing by themselves. We are never going to know with certainty the truth of the nature of the MMC, and will always have to accept its output as questionable, leaving only our own brains as the final arbiter.

But I am OK with that. After all, why is this different from in any other aspect of life from religion and science to the true nature of our “commenters”? Enough has come down from that source that I regard as true and useful that I choose to forget about the source, evaluate the outcome, and simply fail to march with CTTF in idealization of this imperfect human being. Says James, “Objective evidence and certitude are doubtless very fine ideals to play with, but where on this moonlit and dream-visited planet are they found?” 

I have long said that I am capable of mistakes, big and small, but that I do not let that stop me. Generally I learn more from mistakes anyway. If it is a mistake to parse through the output of the MMC, I choose to make that mistake. To paraphrase James, it is not better to risk loss of truth due to fear of chance of error.

I close with a passage from James Fitzjames Stephen, and only because William James chose to close with it as well.

“What do you think of yourself? What do you think of the world? … These are questions with which all must deal as it seems good to them. They are riddles of the Sphinx, and in some way or other we must deal with them.  … In all important transactions of life we have to take a leap in the dark.  … If we decide to leave the riddles unanswered that is a choice; if we waver in our answer that too is a choice: but whatever choice we make, we make it at our peril. If a man chooses to turn his back altogether on God and the future, no one can prevent him; no one can show beyond reasonable doubt that he is mistaken. If a man thinks otherwise and acts as he thinks, I do not see that any one can prove that he is mistaken. Each must act as he thinks best; and if he is wrong so much the worse for him. We stand on a mountain pass in the midst of whirling snow and blinding mist, through which we get glimpses now and then of paths which may be deceptive. If we stand still we shall be frozen to death, If we take the wrong road we shall be dashed to pieces. We do not know certainly whether there is any right one. What must we do? ‘Be strong and of good courage.’ Act for the best, hope for the best, and take what comes. … If death ends all, we cannot meet death better.”

*The cranium is as thick as ever, and I still can’t read the guy. I did pick up on his social Darwinism, which I regard as self-serving nonsense among self-imagined selected survivors (Steve Forbes, for example). In the natural world survival often entails not standing next to a volcano or being around when a comet passes.** In the world of human affairs we deal mostly with preselection and choice of birth canal as determinants of success. Forbes, for example (along with, say, George W. Bush or Donald Trump), would be selling used cars or real estate, with limited success, were they set adrift from their family fortunes. Thus can I safely ignore Veblen. Maybe my college instricts were right. Maybe not.

**Reminds me … my wife followed the Yellowstone wolf reintroduction, 1995 forward. What I learned just sitting with her and peering through telescopes is that the scientists have constructed an elaborate fantasy of wolf pack structure, with “alpha” males and females and expulsion rituals. What I learned for real is that the alpha male might imagine he is the only one mating with the females, and that all the males are copulating with willing females without his knowledge. Far from having any formal (alpha) structure, wolf packs are merely territorial families with mom and pop and kids who eventually strike out on their own. I had a good laugh one day when Rick MacIntyre, a PR specialist and lifelong wolf devotee who is always seen around Yellowstone roads, described how in one pack a female had gone off and gotten knocked up, lost her mate and so returned to her original family to live, as Rick said, “in the room above the garage.”

70 thoughts on “Standing in the midst of whirling snow and blinding mist …

  1. Mark. I’m not about to wax philosophical about my role in this. I had grown weary of the arrogance over there and believed that I was setting up a tough sparring match. The reaction that I received being labeled a spook when they/he/it knows better was disappointing and revealing.

    But I must concur that the site changed my worldview to some degree. But the research presented by Bob Z. and myself helped me to move further along in my journey. (I’m referring to personal progress, not my compilations here which have followed the same format and subject matter as Kevin 1.) If others are satisfied with some of the content being offered by the MMC, as you appear to be, then I say happy hunting. We all have our path to follow.

    Since I’ve already been labeled a spook by the MMC, I can freely quote Jim Morrison by saying “No one here gets out alive.” I’ve located another door and am breaking through to “another” side. My decision to temporarily move along preceded this article of yours, which can be backed up by fellow POM contributors. (In case some get the false impression that we’ve had a “falling out”.) I’ve been thrilled with the opportunity to contribute here and hope to do so again in the future.


    1. You’re always welcome here, as you know. The labeling of you and Bob Z as “spooks”, we all know, was done for the benefit of his true believers. He knows we know, and yet he throws it in our faces. That tells me that you and Bob hit the mark.


    2. By the way, I’ve been ready to move on myself for a while now, but feel a need to do something to stay mentally active. There’s not much more to do here than we have done. We know the events are fake, that elections do not matter, that spooks move in and out of various lives, that the blogs are loaded with trolls, and you can see by the method I am using on Jonestown that I don’t have much energy to throw at it.

      I have thought about doing a podcast, but there is a need for a new direction, and I do not know what it is. I am a pretty good speaker, but what if I don’t have anything new to say? Is it worth a $200 investment? (No.)

      I do like it when Maarten gets into music and nutrition and Annette’s stuff on medications is a new turn. Those things are different.


      1. I understand completely. The “truth” seems to be moving in a new direction, and Maarten and Annette are playing in that ballpark. As you say, hoaxes and fakes are now old hats for anybody that’s been paying attention. But one of the reasons for that is the excellent work that has been done here and admittedly (begrudgingly) by the MMC.

        At one time I would have suggested starting a YouTube account. Ah…those were the good old days.


    3. K Starr, you know how I feel about your writing and your contributions to this blog. Please don’t stop writing because you think your work has harmed the blog. As Mark said…fair weather friends. I say good riddance to them and encourage you to continue writing….it pains me to think that you will stop.


      1. Thanks Annette. Mark and everybody here has been nothing but supportive, so it’s not about that. As you know, my focus has been temporarily diverted. But I have such fun doing the “Sewing Circle” stuff, so another one will be forthcoming.


  2. Mark, I really enjoyed reading this article. I have never studied philosophy and know nothing of the work of the men you quoted….but your words and the quotes you added really hit a chord with me. I look forward to the continued success of POM.


    1. I don’t care about the blog as much as the people. Kevin, Steve, Ty, Maartin, Straight and you are good people to know, genuine. I hope you all keep on … the fly-byes don’t matter. Hits and traffic … I rarely look at it, haven’t for weeks.


      1. I agree and am proud to know and work with each and every one of you. Thanks for trusting me and allowing me to write for the very first time. I look forward to writing my next article and can’t wait to see the first Jonestown installment.


    2. Annette, the Metaphysical Club by Menand is very accessible, as is James’s Varieties. Menand introduces us us to James, Oliver Wendell Homes, Jr. Charles Sanders Peirce (pronounced “Pirz” – gotta get it right), Chauncey Wright, John Dewey and Louis Agassiz among others. These are probably, if we were to ask the MMC, all gay Jewish moles of aristocratic background. They were important men of ideas in our history and introduced the philosophy of pragmatism, which only considers the outcome of ideas without application of morals. It turned out, the book concludes, to be dangerous.

      Varieties of Religious Experience, which is can be read in total through the link supplied above, is an objective analysis if the effects of religious experiences on people, with James wanting to understand those experiences (most of which are real (or might as well be)) to those who experience them. In our current era where such experiences are regarded as pshycological manipulation, James thought better of them. He did not diminish those who experienced them. It has been a long time since I read either but I recommend them if you are short of material.


      1. Thank you, Mark, I will download it to my tablet so I can read it with less eye strain before turning in for the night. It sounds very interesting.


  3. Mark, I look forward to your Jones material, and I am sure it goes way deeper than the short but interesting peek I took. It’s a fascinating story.

    If you really want to do podcasts, nice, but it shouldn’t cost you 200 bucks. A good microphone costs about 50 and all the software is available for free, the only cost would be hosting space.

    What struck me about MM (and SS the same) is their combination of paranoia and narcissism. Both seem to really believe FE was wheeled out there to “discredit” their respective hypotheses of the celestial models (charge fields vs TYCHOS). It is such a display of hubris, like what is written on some website on the big internet matters to people. That’s also where they start running around labeling everyone who even slightly disagrees as “shills”, reinforcing the cultist feel their little circles convey. So the circle is round from Jones ans steve is right; it would be nice to have a bigger picture of cults, how they form, are maintained and what modern analogues we see.

    What happened to Kerry Anderson? (S)he started a good series on the “mistakes of WWII” but then vanished? I don’t read Josh’s blog anymore and less the dreadful comments sections, but is (s)he part of the split in the MMC process?

    It is a pity because I know WWII is way way more important for culture creation and history than 9/11, which has become like the standard in many talks with other truth seekers. The global and local impact of everything related to that war far outweigh those of 9/11. A whole country (split in two) has been blamed and shamed for something they were not part of and in part has been completely faked. And that country is not “some obscure muslim state”, but right in the center of Europe.

    Of course 9/11 has been the biggest wake-up call for us, seeing through the charades, but I think that has more to do with the medium (internet) and the ridiculousness of that event than anything else. A complex spaghetti as WWII is much harder to see through and probably nobody will even come close to an idea of what happened (or didn’t).

    Although the Treblinka Story dwarfs even the 9/11 narrative in terms of ridiculous script writing….


    1. Gaiassphere, great comment! I would like to add, lest we forget, the importance of the JFK “event”. I 1st learned of that through MM, but it was Tyrone’s JFKTV that convinced me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the event was a hoax. It did much harm to the American psyche at the time and here we are 55 years later with “gatekeepers” still trying to figure out who killed JFK.


      1. Yes, I think JFK is an important case, but mostly because of the ties to other psyops. It was also the start of “conspiracy theory” and the whole establishment attacking people who question events like it.

        The so-called murder of Johnny Fitzgerald was:
        – the first trans-Pacific TV broadcast in history – basically opening up US American globalism on TV
        – related to two major hoaxes; the Nuke Hoax (Bay of Pigs invasion) and the Space Travel Hoax (JFK’s famous speech), that dominate history since
        – setting the stage for the Vietnam War, the most impacting of wars since WWII for US Americans, in duration, culture creation (the hippie movement, movies, TV series), the failures and direct involvement with veterans, PTSS, etc.

        Being much less wise than most here (my parents were still kids with JFK) and growing up in Europe, the event itself has never interested me so much, but after reading MM’s extensive work and then Tyrone’s masterpiece nailed it for me. I personally have the same with 9/11, that was sealed by September Clues and with people doing such a good job I don’t feel the need to add more to it.

        But I perfectly understand other people keeping their interest in those events.


        1. I was 12 years old in 1963 and lived in Texas at the time, so I remember the horror of the incident. I also believe that the propaganda machine was hard at work. IMO, JFK statements like “I will splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.” is pure BS, these type statements were a set-up for the psyop. Since you don’t live in the US and weren’t alive at the time are you aware that instead of a 102-minute movie like 9/11, the JFK psyop lasted the entire weekend? From the shots that “supposedly” rang out in Dallas to the burial in Arlington. Here is a 45-minute video to give you a small taste of the only thing available on TV that weekend….all other “programming” was suspended.

          To add further knowledge (I believe Tyrone found this tidbit) The ABC Morning show, before the “assassination” introduced us to The Beatles
          “A report by CBS News’ London correspondent Alexander Kendrick helped introduce the band to Americans when it aired Nov. 22, 1963 on “CBS Morning News With Mike Wallace.”

          I don’t believe in coincidence!

          Liked by 2 people

          1. I was John who said: ”I think all our society is run by insane people for insane objectives…” and ”I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal means.”
            Insider knowledge?

            Liked by 1 person

    2. Good thoughts, Gaia … all of them. As for narcissism, if these are indeed fake persona or committee fronts, then the narcissism is just a group effort to maintain the integrity of the false front. Is the man I met in Taos a narcissist? He seemed unassuming, not like one of those at all unless he was keeping it under a bushel basket.

      Kerry Anderson, along with Richard Juckes and our Seattle friend Brandon vanished with the MM expose’, either thinking us shills for daring to bring down the icon, or being themselves shills. I assume the former. There is not much slack to be cut in this business, black versus white, people not allowed to deviate from the mainstream.

      I was reading this morning a man whom you likely don’t know, not being A US-type American and not having been alive in the fifties and sixties. He is Whittaker Chambers, and he had a lot to do with the rise of Richard Nixon in public awareness. He was a self-proclaimed recovering communist, and described what it is like to be a communist. It’s contortion more than anything, from my view, for him to say that he knows and knew then of all the evil that came form that source, and yet was a follower and believer. Only one word for that kind of writing – bullshit!

      I bring it up because you are wondering about the World Wars of the 20th century, like we all do. Here is Chambers:

      “The chief fruit of the First World War was the Russian Revolution and the rise of Communism as a national power. The chief fruit of the Second World War was our arrival at the next to the last step of the crisis with the rise of Communism as a world power.”

      Suppose you are watching, like I have done, a television series, in my case, Longmire, and suppose the writers of that series are in need of new and lasting plots and plot devices and characters to keep the series going. They invent heroes and villains and events and depending on the quality of the script and the acting, succeed. But TV series all must end.

      Suppose the writers for the stage called the world are charged with the same purpose, an ongoing battle between good and evil with new events and new characters, good and evil, supplied to keep it going. In their case, the public cannot be allowed to think the events are fake, and the series will never end. So from what I read of Chambers above, I say that the outcome of World Wars I and II was the Cold War, a scripted affair possibly invented during the second conflict, or before, depending on how deep you think planning is. When that script grew old and tired, a new form of “Communism”, “terrorism” was invented, and the band played on. Where we go from here? I do not know, for sure.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mark, Fantastic analogy! Wasn’t it Rockefeller (one of them) that said something to the effect of – I don’t want a population of thinkers, I want a population of workers. I think that goal has been achieved since so many people swallow the propaganda like a handful of M & M’s.


      2. One of Chambers heirs was Christopher Hitchens, a self-proclaimed Trotskyite in his younger days who mutated into an ‘anti-deist, anti-Islamo-fascist (?!?) Hitchens claimed irony was one of his guiding principles but he never addressed, as far as I know, the supreme irony of godless, atheistic commies who would blow up the world with purloined nuclear secrets rather than allow capitalism to rule mutating into fanatical ‘parties of God’ who would blow up the world with the same (as we know, non-existent) weapons rather than let that decadent, satanic west hold dominion over the earth.
        To paraphrase Mark Antony: “This was a shill”.


      3. I haven’t watched that series, no. I watched a handful of series but don’t watch TV for more than 12 years now. The best of the best is without a doubt Black Mirror, if you (and anyone else) haven’t seen it, do it (and if you don’t like the 1st episode of season 1, skip it and watch the rest!).

        I found out today via another forum that there was a “failed” “assassination attempt” on -bus driver- Maduro, the president of neighboring Venezuela. Of course staged, as you know how it goes and have looked into that other “coup” back in 2002, but the effect is real. Today I saw a new group of Venezuelan refugees here walking with a small backpack where all their belongings are. I am like 100 miles from the border and that shows. In the capital the influx of Venezuelans (poor guys and gals, they are good people) is already big, here it is very noticeable. Usually I give them some money because I know how hard it is for them to survive and where they come from.

        The difference is between the big and the day-to-day picture. Take Syria, essentially the same thing. We know that “ISIS” (SITE) is con-trolled by the perps, we know they fake beheadings and “babys thrown out of incuba… I mean torn out of wombs” [the new narative], but the effects of it are very real. And planned.

        Coudenhove-Kalergi is essential for Europe and I am sure North America has similar “Grand Chessboard” multi-decade strategies. At the higher levels we look into and especially can reflect upon in his-story, things are scripted, planned out. The exact details of it, the “micromanagement” is much less clear and only by submerging yourself in the environment you get a little bit of more insight. We know we won’t get it from “the media”, that is for sure.

        By we know I mean the following; if anything, the schisms of this year (Fakeologist-HBC, Gaia-Fakeologist and Miles Mathis-critical vs MM-adoring people) for me has proven that there are good people out there that in the end you end up with. For myself HBC and POM are those crowds, especially because it is much less of claiming “I know it all”, something that is much more pronounced at the places mentioned.

        In the end we know very little and try to unwind deliberately or unconsciously mixed spaghettis of stories mixed with sauces of truth and propaganda. To claim “we know it all” is foolish and is exactly what mainstream believers do and something we so much criticize.

        One of the prime examples of that was now mentioned by Tyrone; Christopher Hitchins has been the most ardent antitheist who got a huge platform (and following).

        I think what binds us is the quest for truth by stripping away lies, but at the same time the conscious notion that we will never ever get to the full truth, simply because it is too complex and there is just a limited amount of time.

        So diving into certain narratives instead of “chasing the tails of the MSM” with “yet another baby hoax” I find much more interesting and it brings much more understanding of the scale of control the Elites hope to exercise over us, the common people.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. What I meant to say is that it is essential to recognize it is happening and that it is driving the to so many Europeans “surprising” politics of today. After the first (labor) migration waves of the 1960s-1990s many people got fed up with mass immigration and the problems related to it.

            Now the right stresses the -staged- terror and the left plays out the (anti-!) diversity agenda, but both are in favor of it, because it was the plan all along.

            Of course it is also essential for the ones in control; the Hidden Hands and investors in the background.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. I for one am a fan of all the writers that I have read here at POM. The comments sections stimulate me to challenge my world view and take a deeper look at events, people, preconcieved ideas I may have had, and throw old idols on the trash heap.
    I can understand the burn out, Mark. I do think with your crowd sourcing Jonestown, you may have hit the next phase of POM. We all seem to be at a similiar mindset in regards to fake events,and the propaganda that is pushed to make folks believe that so much of the fakery that surrounds us is real. I think that imho we need to start tackling some of the harder stuff. Let’s revisit some of the zombies and try to get to when and how these things transpire. We know everyone is related that are famous but lets all dig into the Damon Batch and see what the collective mind comes up with. No one is dead but where are they? Are there islands that are not mapped and serve as relaxation stations for the not really dead? Maybe we need to take the knowledge we have accumulated and make a 20th century time line of fake events and see what the aftermaths of each major hoax was and how it changed society. It may give us more insight to what TPTBs next move is.
    All of these ideas are off the top of my head. There are those old sayings, “knowledge is power, and there’s strength in numbers”. I think both may be true in the case of the future of POM.

    Now as to the Jonestown mess. I think these three links all add a bunch of good info. The idea that it was a CIA mind control experiment is ringing more and more true to me. Mae Brussels ties things together with a California perspective. I think she is dead on the money in this case. Check out all three links for some hearty helpings of wtf!
    I am eager to read the Jonestown article.
    Oh and Kevin for the sewing circle, Mercedes de Acosta is the thread that if you pull her, all the lavender ladies come loose.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Charlie, I love how your mind works. I miss the old days of chasing “zombies”. Mark’s crowdsourcing idea could work well for further research into that aspect of POM’s past work.

      Thanks for the Mae Brussell links, I have heard good things about her, but have never listened to any of her old podcasts. Wow, I just checked and she died Oct 1988 of cancer.

      I am a firm believer that Jonestown involved CIA mind control experiments.


      1. I read an article on the mainstream website entitled –
        IS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT EVIL? YOU DECIDE (, and here’s just a taste:
        < In 1949, for instance, the government sprayed bacteria into the Pentagon’s air handling system, then the world’s largest office building. In 1950, special ops forces sprayed bacteria from Navy ships off the coast of Norfolk and San Francisco, in the latter case exposing all of the city’s 800,000 residents.
        In 1965, the government’s experiments in bio-terror took aim at Washington’s National Airport, followed by a 1966 experiment in which army scientists exposed a million subway NYC passengers to airborne bacteria that causes food poisoning.>

        ‘Panic in the streets’ movie was on the tv last week starring Richard Weedt Widmark, inspired by true events?


    2. Regarding the “facts”about the Children of Jonestown, I think it safe to say that when we see what appears to be mass criminal activity like this (mass murder and removing children from California illegally), rather than failure to prosecute, there is nothing to prosecute. These things did not really happen.


  5. Team Mathis is coming out in the form of all those guest writers “he” publishes on his page. That Bible series was impressive. So many copy and pasted Hebrew texts. You cannot just google that. No wonder MM couldn’t sign on it himself. Still not much of valuable content there anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m occasionally checking on other sites. Cluesforum is definitely dead now. Letsroll forum is as dead. MM does not have the time to rewrite his ghostwriters in his style and simply publishes them as guest writers. Fakeologist is mostly posting audios, which are boring and time consuming. Others are long gone.


    1. Still value at MM as I see it, regardless of the nature of the man used as a front. I cannot get by the fact that they have released what appear to be real secrets. I have never trusted Simon Shack, maybe for a simple and stupid reason like his never approving me as a member of CF. I wonder if they found me sincere and therefore unwelcome? That could just be ego, however. SS does bear hallmarks of a spook, however, allowing his forum to go ‘this far, no further’, limiting entrants, punishing miscreants. I still go to Fakeologist though I do not listen to those long audios – I think that points to a need for fresh blood over there. I did listen to Ab being interviewed by Stavely, and found him refreshing … he is still not over flat earth, which is always a red flag. But he sees through Fetzer, Alex Jones, Richard Hall and Andrew Johnson and Judy Wood, knows they are spooks. Generally spooks respect the identities of other spooks.

      I am in slow burnout myself, but that merely means new and better direction needed. I love a giant mystery like Jonestown, and coming face to face with very difficult problems like that (as with all of the fake Laurel Canyon deaths), as it leads to unexpected answers. That’s where I am at right now, butting my head against a brick wall, not wanting to be drawn into a labyrinth. But I can feel its pull. Jonestown by itself may not be important, just a psyop and a coverup of something else, but unraveling it could have huge explanatory power in the bigger picture of what is going on, for real, behind the scenes. That is what Laurel Canyon did for me.


      1. There’s a Dylan song that goes:
        “You’re right from your side
        I’m right from mine
        We’re both just ‘one too many mornings’
        An’ a thousand miles behind.”
        Sometimes its best to agree to disagree. None of us can really know everything for certain.
        “History,” Napoleon said, “is a set of lies agreed upon”.


      2. Absolutely no way are Richard D Hall and Andrew Johnson, spooks. They are totally genuine. I gave you the benefit of the doubt previously and continued reading the contents of this site but now I wonder. Maybe MM IS right about you after all.


        1. When you say they are totally genuine, you mean that you believe them to be that. You could be right. It could be that they are genuine and misguided, as last I encountered them they were promoting Judy Wood, holographic planes, Madeleine McCann … two hoaxes and another likely one. I don’t have all the answers. Remember, however, that I am transparent, admit errors when I make them, have put my birth certificate on the blog … nothing about me is fake.


        2. Years ago I watched their series on the Moon and Mars hoaxes which regurgitated a lot of older observations and introduced some new ones, so it was useful.

          But they are pushers of the UFO agenda. At least they are duped, at most they are misdirecting, probably for financial gain.


          1. Hi Mark, thank you for the offer. I would like to contribute, yes, I feel this community is a pleasant group of people with a variety of research capacities and I would to take part in it.

            Let’s take it over the mail to discuss how to proceed and what topics to look into.

            Annette, lovely to hear your support too.


            1. Here is an excellent 24 minute video by “corbett report” I sent the link to all the writers, I am adding it now so you can watch it…a great deal of succinct information.


  7. the Phoenician papers were not bad. This ghostwriter knew a lot before he started to write it. It did ring a bell a few times. Nazir vs. Nazi, mlk (king) as in Martin Luther King, etc. I have to reread Carroll Quigley’s Evolution of Civilizations with my today’s perspective. I’ve read it over a decade ago.


    1. Au contraire! The Phoenician papers are an abomination for those who know something of the ancient languages. This is a recycling of a tired, old psy-op.


      1. It’s so funny you reacted… completely unrelated, but before seeing your post I logged on to POM to share with you this guy, one of the very best comedians from the Netherlands is Hans Teeuwen.

        He performed in English in London:

        But for you in Dutch, check out this:

        He’s quite intelligent and I would love to spend a night with him (actually I know someone who knows him, so I have the chance), he’s so polincor and versatile, musically he’s great and his humor is outstanding.

        Tell me please what you think.


        1. That was a bite out of Proust’s cookie for me! I realized how long it has been since I heard more than two words of Dutch spoken. In memory I was slingshot past my time in Europe back to childhood, sitting in my grandparents’ kitchen eating boerenjonges and listening to the ouwetjes argue about politics. So thanks for that stroll down Memory Lane.

          Teeuwen is a riot. Such energy. Edgier than I usually enjoy. Thanks for the clips, G!

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Spending a night means having a great chat and probably a joint, not anything sexual, sorry if that was not clear. I am perfectly straight but understand it can be read differently….

    But on-topic on that subject:


    1. Coming close, but not quite, but the amount of truth in it is outstanding:

      And that was the last off-topic rant, but seriously listen to this. Steve Hughes is so right.


  9. MM is back and is talking about his time spent in Latin Club. Interestingly enough, he uses a most decidedly British colloquialism in the paper.


          1. “In my defense the telephones in the dorms had very weird rings, and no one rang us up, so I didn’t know it was the phones.”

            I know lots of people in Texas…not a single one of them has ever rung anyone up on a phone. However, all of my friends from England do.


              1. If I may be honest, in itself it doesn’t mean a thing. I myself sometimes use English turns of phrases or expressions, just because I can, and I feel like it. And I am neither British nor American (not even Anglo-saxon at all, to be exact).


          2. Lofcaudio is correct. Brit-speak.

            Two odd recent postings at Pictures of certificates and ribbons. Tales of derring-do on school trips. These read like postings on the Reddit subs r/iamverysmart and r/iamverybadass. Maybe someone should post them there and reap the karma.

            Actually, the grammar ribbons raise a question. From someone with such passion for language at a young age, one would expect a more careful style of writing in terms of spelling, grammar, rhetoric, and organization. The articles on fail on all these counts, along with the many faults in logical cogency. Nothing about them has the odor of an author with classical training in his blood.

            More evidence, perhaps, that the fellow who won the nerd prizes does not produce all or even most of the prose on his website.

            But regarding these recent posts: who has ever denied that there exists a person named Miles W. Mathis, or that this person grew up as he says he did? What is proved or disproved by pictures of old awards?


            1. There is no doubt that the “person” Miles Mathis, whether real or fictive, is a real braggard. Describing himself as a real stud in his student years, after one relationship that broke up unhappily however has been living alone (apparently), spending his time writing his papers, caring for his cats, playing basketball with his buddies, and telling us how good looking he still is at his age… not sure what to make of it.


            2. I forgot one thing.
              I don’t know if anyone noticed (some people must have though), his update page at is formatted like a 8 year old nowadays would be able to do it -, meaning it is really awry – and has never been improved. For all his supposed genius, he isn’t able to put together a basic HTML page?
              Come on!
              Could it be his genius is not his own, but he has it “in lease” so to speak? Sorry, can’t expound on that….


    1. In itself this means nothing. I myself sometimes use British turns of phrases in forum postings, just because I can, and I feel like it. And I am neither British nor American (no Anglo-saxon at all even, to be exact).


  10. ‘Rang up’, they say that in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and even Eastern Europeans who’ve been in the UK say it. Golly gosh, golly gee!
    Bruce Springsteen says bumper in one of his songs, that’s not American!
    Seriously, he admits he lived in Britain, so did Jimi Hendrix, who oft used English expressions. Mountains, molehills…


  11. Mark, this is the first time I met your forum (a few days ago to be exact).
    Recently I saw in MM’s “papers” that he “outed” some great minds such as Goethe and Beethoven as Jews. You wonder how that makes them in any way wrong? I mean, they were giant contributors to western civilization, what does it matter they were Jews (if this is true anyway)?
    What all this makes me almost feel is that MM true agenda, in the end, might be to demonstrate how important Jewish influence in world culture really has been in the end, and that there is nothing anyone can do about it.
    Do you see what I am getting at?


    1. Of course. I’ve long accepted that Jews are an exceptional group of people, and do not resent them at all. I think the world is run by Freemasons more than Jews, though maybe they are one and the same. I’ve even read that “all”, and not most cops are masons. I have no way to make anything of that, however.


      1. And I have long accepted that Jews are an exceptional group of people, and do resent them very much because they attained that status by bashing the living shit out of all else who might excel in the absence of their horror.


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