The psychiatry of virology

I have a habit I’ve long practiced of, after reading a book and highlighting with 3M flags various passages, returning to those passages and transcribing them to Word files. My theory is that anything worthwhile in a book will catch my attention but not sink in, as too much information passes before my eyes while reading. On second visit, and reading the flagged passages aloud (using Dragon Naturally Speaking, a software program), I feel I have a better grasp and memory of it.

I started doing this years ago by hand, a tedious process that would leave me drained. Then a commenter in a private email mentioned the software. It is a godsend.

I read Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski, flagged many passages, and then set it aside as I went off for my various surgeries, now complete. I set about to transcribe those passages some time back, and then yesterday sat down to complete the process. I had it in mind that Lobaczewski could explain the nature of the forces that have taken control of our world now, both via the Climatistas and Covidians. I think he does that, but his writing can be dense-packed, and even on second reading and transcription, I am not sure I grasped it.

Nonetheless, I am offering the rather long passage below the fold as something that really caught my eye today. I am thinking that if you read it and then insert “virologist” for “psychiatrist” and “virology” for “psychiatry”, that we will have a good notion of how that profession ended up being so corrupt. This would also apply to “climatology,” but that field is comprised of so many different disciplines (none of which are grasped by Climatistas) that it is better just to stick to virology.

(And anyway, Lobaczewski’s talk about how psychopaths are not, usually, the brightest lights on the Christmas tree, reminded me of Al Gore, whose two weakest subjects at Harvard (where he was a legacy) were science and math. Nonetheless, we are told by Wikipedia, Gore became and avid reader who “fell in love with scientific and mathematical theories.” I have no idea what that means, but have the impression on reading that passage and about his educational years that people were covering for his sorry ass. This would fit in with Lobaczewski’s thesis below,)

I warn you, Lobaczewski does not write for casual readers. Nonetheless, enjoy his writing below. (His first paragraph refers to his time in Poland when it was under domination by the Soviet Union. Thus references to meetings and’ the party.’)

In nations with pathocratic systems, supervision over scientific and cultural organizations is assigned to a special Department of especially trusted people, a “Nameless Office” composed almost entirely of relatively intelligent persons who betray characteristic psychopathic traits. These people must be capable of completing their academic studies, albeit sometimes by forcing examiners to issue generous evaluations. Their talents are usually inferior to those of average students, especially regarding psychological science. In spite of that they are rewarded for their services by obtaining academic degrees and positions and are allowed to represent their country’s scientific community abroad. As especially trusted individuals, they are allowed not to participate in local meetings of the party, and even to avoid joining it entirely. In case of need, they might then pass for non-party. In spite of that, the scientific and cultural superintendents are well known to the society of normal people, learn the art of differentiation rather quickly. They are not always properly distinguished from agents of the political police; although they consider themselves to be in a better class than the latter, they must nevertheless cooperate with them.

We often meet with such people abroad, in the countries of normal people, where various foundations and institutes give them scientific grants with the conviction that they are thereby assisting the development of proper knowledge and countries under “communist” governments. These benefactors do not realize they are rendering a disservice to such science and to real scientists by allowing the supervisors to attain a certain semi-authentic authority, and by allowing them to become more familiar with whatever they shall later deem to be dangerous.

After all, those people shall later have the power to permit someone to take a doctorate, embarked upon a scientific career, achieve academic tenure, and become promoted. Very mediocre scientists themselves, they attempt to knock down more talented persons, governed by both self-interest and that typical jealousy which characterizes a pathocrat’s attitude toward normal people. They will be the ones monitoring scientific papers for their “proper ideology” and attempting to ensure that a good specialist will be denied the scientific literature he needs. [See footnote number 119 below. MT]
Controls are exceptionally malicious and treacherous in the psychological sciences in particular, for reasons now understandable to us. Written and unwritten lists are compiled for subjects that may not be taught, and corresponding directives are issued to appropriately distort other subjects. The list is so vast in the area of psychology that nothing remains of the science except the skeleton picked bare of anything that might be subtle or penetrating.

A psychiatrist’s required curriculum contains neither the minimal knowledge from the areas of general, developmental, and clinical psychology, nor the basic skills in psychotherapy. Due to the state of such affairs, the most mediocre or privileged of physicians become a psychiatrist after a course of study lasting only weeks. This opens the door of psychiatric careers to individuals who are by nature inclined to serving the pathocratic authority, and it has fateful repercussions upon the level of treatment. He later permits psychiatry to be abused for purposes for which it should never be used.
Page 175

[Footnote 119] Based on many reports of the past five years, it seems that the United States is well on its way to having a similar system. In fact, careful analysis indicates that such a system has been in place for some time now. [Editor’s note, 2007.]
Page 176

5 thoughts on “The psychiatry of virology

  1. I remember (possibly incorrectly) you had a link somewhere to that book. Anyway I lost it when I changed phones if anyone knows where to get a free download ☺️


  2. I also had put together a comment to apologize for (and explain) one of my previous outbursts. And thank who ever it was for picking up my poor behaviour but I lost that too . Anyway sorry to the person I commented inappropriately to and thanks for who ever it was that pulled me up.

    The funny (not so funny part) was before that rude and just plain stupid outburst of mine I was noticing how I was beginning to feel and consciously said to myself not to do exactly what I did .


    1. It is called “psyberdisinhibition”, a term from long ago, wherein we let our internal restraints to be set aside and then unleash on someone without a face, absent human emotions. It happens to all of us as we gaze at computer screens. Please forgive yourself.


      1. Thanks. I was already half way through the book. I found it again who would of thought number one on my Google search. I skipped number one and went through the next 2 pages then thought I better try number one.


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