Something I’ve noticed

I make it a point not to make my readers the object of anger, as it is their tastes and ideas that should govern what is written on this blog. But I do notice that whenever I write about climate change, reads and comments drop off a cliff.

I am going to guess at why: There is a general disinterest in climate change in the public, with it typically finishing 15th or 16th in polls asking what matters most to people. That is reflected in readership here. That is the reality I must deal with, and my choice is to 1) adopt the same indifference to the matter, 2) continue on as before, or 3) lecture you about it.

Obviously #3 will not work, and it is not in my nature to go indifferent on something I regard as  a dangerous movement filled with people of ill intent.

Something else I have come to understand – the climate change brigade has gotten more and more strident over time, and it is exactly because they are faced with indifference. They continually turn up the volume and become more strident. President Biden says he is “close” to declaring a climate emergency. He says he will do it to free up federal funds for emergencies like Maui, but I am more concerned that his intention is to clamp down on us, a longtime goal of climate activists, to instigate climate lock downs.

We were placed under lock down during Covid, but only for 30 days before the governor dropped it. I ignored it. Then I learned that in places like California and New York, the lock downs lasted for months upon months, and were enforced. That is fascism, of course, but I also know that climate activists looked at lock downs as a worthy goal. This summer they are off the charts with their menacing chatter about climate change and heat waves.

UHI = Urban heat island. We’ve known for centuries that cities are warmer than the countryside  and smaller towns. It has been calculated now, and adds maybe eight degrees Fahrenheit to the temperature of Phoenix. Remove that item, and Phoenix is having a normal summer, normally quite hot. The same with Austin, I suspect.

The point is that the climate is not changing, and summer heat, while unpleasant if you live in a city, is aided and abetted by pavement and tarmac and large buildings retaining heat. But it concerns me, as this summer’s heat is ammunition for the climate change crowd, so that they might be coming for us.

Which reminds me: Miles Mathis has looked at photographs and decided that Maui was a hoax. I’ve learned a lot from this man over the years, and will never just outright discount anything he says. But I am having a hard time with this one. The Maui event, as described, reminded me of our Marshall Fire in late 2021, cause still uncertain. Winds over 100 miles per hour combined with dry grasses that sent blazes into towns like Superior, Louisville and Broomfield, Colorado. 600 homes burned, along with businesses. While nothing could be done to stop the fire, emergency responders pulled off a miracle, evacuating the area and preventing even one lost life. Sadly, residents were not allowed to take their pets with them, and many hundreds died horrible deaths.

It is said that the area to the west of Maui had a similar problem – where once there were coffee fields, the area had gone to grass. So I can understand if a raging fire indeed blew into the place, and that people died. Mr. Mathis says no, and so I’d like to have a discussion here about the matter. Please chime in if you know anything more than I do about it, a given.

Anyway, this is just another climate post I suppose. I understand indifference, but do not think it warranted. That’s my opinion on the matter. The climate change brigade is comprises of enemies of humanity, and is not there to benefit us. Quite the opposite.

20 thoughts on “Something I’ve noticed

  1. Mark, perhaps you are preaching to the choir here? Maybe we the clued in are so very weary of all the hijinks and shenanigans from the media, the government, etc. I’m more than ready to step away from all this BS, build a safe house in a cave on some acreage with a farm, goats, chickens and all and wait it out, hoping for the best. My optimum scenario? All the bad guys get caught, charged, found guilty beyond doubt, be removed of their ill-gotten gains and live the rest of their lives in a maximum security prison. When pigs fly…

    There was a small scandal a few months ago when a Project Veritas employee exposed a reporter (Washington Post? New York Times?) who bragged that the next thing they’d be pushing/lying about was climate change. Where is that video now?

    Warning the clueless people that climate change is being promoted as a hoax and untrue will have the same effect as warning them about the scamdemic and the vaccines. When I sent clueless people information about the plandemic or the vaccines, they refused to even LOOK at the information. The doors were shut.

    When you share this information with us, what do you hope we do with it? Shout it from the rooftops? Drive through the streets with a bullhorn spouting off? Posting it on social media will get us nowhere because of the censorship that persists. Please give me something tangible that I can use to get through to these people.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Hi Mark,
    Perhaps the subject of climate change has become a little too much a socially and politically charged arena to be voiced in the cold light of day for some of those that harbour any doubts; many people will note the perjorative epithetes of “Denier!” as has been de riguour for certain “Third rail” taboo revisions and feel unable to counter such emotive ad hominen and /or appeals to authority. Covid is another such subject and is used in parenthesis to bolster the climate “data” in a negative feedback loop; the ability to counter either or both of these subjects with ineluctable facts individually would be beyond most people as both subjects would require a suspicion that the whole truth of the matter has not been presented in the first place as well as detailed specialised knowledge. This is a leap that far too many may not be able nor willing to take. Added to this is the moral fortitude and effort that must be leveraged to parse the signal to noise ratio that comes with the territory of critical analysis, especially with regard to unofficial/unpopular views.
    Lastly, concerning Maui, that there is something rotten about the story is almost a certainty, knowing what we think we know or have been allowed to think we know anyway. It does not have to be “no fires” or “all CGI” it could be either or both, note that I am not agreeing nor disagreeing with MM, I do not know; bewary of potential false binaries.


  3. Maui; general opinion:
    If assets change greasy hands, then the all encompassing THEY are lying – and likely being paid well for it… maybe even laughing about it. CGI, DEW, Djeep by Dan Haggerty, Smokey the Bear fell asleep… unknown to me – possibly All of the Above. The available funds of the alphabet agencies is incalculably abundant… all is within purchase – including Joe next door. What is not purchased can be faked – including my image, voice and words – trivial these days. Complete klusterfukk of a country… world even. I DO NOT SEE A WAY OUT.

    “Climate Change” here on PoM:
    You beat it to death. As Wifey mentioned: “Preaching to the Choir”. The data is plain to see, yet liars lie, and will do so until penalized severely.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s cool that you’ve cottoned on to climate change hustle but perhaps it’s old news to most of the folks that linger about here?


  5. One dude commented how the cars all jammed up not one had left the door open or a trunk open. Besides, having trees WITH leaves next to burned out cars with melted rims lol on a street with mostly asphalt surrounding it. Not sure how they do it l, but it ain’t natural.


  6. I don’t respond to the posts about anthropogenic global warming, because I already have a firm idea of what causes climate change and nothing I’ve seen has added to my understanding.
    (To put it briefly: the Sun causes changes in Earth’s climate – due to planetary effects on the Sun’s barycenter, which in turn affects solar wind, and solar wind affect Earth’s cloud cover. Moreover, Earth’s average temperature is determined by gravitational forces; as such the constitution of the greenhouse gases, including CO2, has ZERO (others say small) effect on Earth’s temperature.)

    As for Maui, while I disagree with most of Miles Mathis’s arguments, I too believe that the Maui destruction is mostly theater + CGI:

    Here’s some footage analysis

    In the first scene, showing burnt cars, notice how the door handles of the cars are missing, as well as the windows, and registration plates; notice also the car doors are closed – which would be implausible in both the scenario where the passengers tried to escape, or alternatively, paramedics had retrieved the bodies from the cars. It seems more likely the ‘cars’ are scrapped cars with only a frame.

    At 1:51, the car in the center of the shot had a yellow X marked on its nose. Rather inexplicable. (noted by Mathis)

    In this drone footage of damaged buildings, notice many of the buildings has its roof completely missing. For example, at 3:28, in addition to the missing roofs, the line of buildings on the left of the shot had an incomplete second floor with a single (undamaged) wall for every section; while there are no doors or interior partitions for the buildings on the right. It might be argued that these are building in-construction; but then it becomes inexplicable why they are so many private cars parked in front of these incomplete buildings. Furthermore, it seems odd that the people at 4:48-5:03 made no response to the drone flying overhead. Might it be that the entire footage is CGI? Also note, the footage is credited to Storyful, which had been a source of Syria war footage, which I have previously deemed to be dubious.

    Other oddities:
    Warning system silent during ‘fire’:

    Maui Police chief John Pelletier, was the incident commander for the 2017 Las Vegas shooting event, which was a hoax:

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Maybe sending cartridge ammo to be expended is not a worry item because there is a new generation of weapons that does not need it. Endless repeat firing, no reloading.
    I say the evidence is in. There is a new generation of weaponry now in use.


        1. Mark, I read MM on Maui days ago and again just now. I agree with MM that photos are altered & faked and that the controlled media event makes every report questionable.

          Still, I think DEWs are now being used to start fires and there is evidence of this. I speculate that there is little actual concern for old style artillary ammunition being used up in Ukraine because it is being phased out.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard it takes 40 years for any new technology to become ubiquitous. Directed Energy Weapons have been around at least that long even if that fact has not become widely known.

      If there is a beam of energy that can quickly heat metal then stockpiles of ammunition are just waiting to be set off where they sit. The conflict in Ukraine may be being used to deliberately empty stockpiles of previous generation munitions that the new weaponry has made obsolete and hazardous to retain.

      Meanwhile, DEW can be used to set fires and if the beams are not seen by the naked eye then whatever stories can be made up are applied to “explain” what has happened. There are still fires due to the same old causes, it’s just that now there is an additional option in sources of ignition.


  8. In Europe the problem has been addressed by activists blocking traffic. Everybody stuck in the traffic jam witnesses how urgent the “problem” is. Many are affected. Activists act out like little cranky children, crawling on the ground. Search YT for “Klimakleber”. They glue themselves to this world, in fear. Or they are just paid. In UK, some face several years of prison sentence … they tell us.


  9. I like reading all of your work. I would say on the topic of Climate change, unlike many topics covered that inherently involve more speculation, you have proven it with the graphs and charts; and for me it’s a pretty strong “Case closed.”

    What to write about? I find your work on the TWINS, CLONES, REPLICAS?, Bokanovsky’s Brats endlessly fascinating. I was watching the movie, Dark City the other day and Rufus Sewell reminded me quite a bit of Joaquin Phoenix. Not sure if he’s a match, but I do think there are many more matches not yet discovered. And more to this story.

    We had a trivia question last night about members of the 27 club, and I had to bite my tongue to not tell the whole bar that a few of them are probably still alive, living well, many perhaps in plain sight.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thing is climate change is real, but not global warming as they’ve been bullshitting us with for decades.
    We’re in full ice age, mini ice age more precisely for now, but things can change quickly.
    And it obviously doesn’t depend on mankind and pollution, although it’s not nice to live in cities full of smog, but on planet Earth itself and sun activity.
    Things that scientists know very well, but they have to lie about and omit.
    So yeah Mark, your readers know pretty well we’ve been scammed for years and years, and I don’t think there’s much left to say, unless we wanna talk about the possibility of a glaciation in the next future.


  11. Yes Maui was faked and yes climate/CO2 is crap too and also (for me) now quite boring…also boring to me is now “Covid” etc. I think the deal is done in these topics. I also read enough how manipulaed the scientists w/ the cimate crap are (eg. the book “why scientists disagree”) and virus/covid I also researched so much meanwhile that I rarely find enything new there :(( But I am still quite curious for hoaxed events terror/shooting etc. this is also were I started w/ “hoaxes” (boston trouser bomb :P)


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