A modest request

Kill the muhfuh!
Dear President Obama:

Over the weekend you announced that you have the right to assassinate American citizens without “due process”, a quaint term. Kudos – it’s teabagging time!

I special request: Please kill Thomas Friedman and Bob Woodward. They are annoying and stupid.

Mark Tokarski
Morrison, CO

PS: No torture please, even though that is your right too. Don’t do them them what they have done to us. Just kill them. Thanks.

13 thoughts on “A modest request

  1. “VINDICATION: When the loudest critic of your policies achieves his greatest success because of them.”

    It was President Bush who set the goal of taking bin Laden dead or alive in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. It was President Obama who gave the order to kill (not capture) bin Laden. It was President Obama who ordered the action without the knowledge or consent of the United Nations, the Pakistanis, or any other nation.

    Vindication, indeed. And thank you, President Bush.


    1. Their criticism is still well deserved. Here’s some of the 07 speech.

      “As President, I would make the hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. military aid to Pakistan conditional, and I would make our conditions clear: Pakistan must make substantial progress in closing down the training camps, evicting foreign fighters, and preventing the Taliban from using Pakistan as a staging area for attacks in Afghanistan.”

      So half way thru his term has he done any of those things?

      I’m predicting that the aid pipeline continues to flow at full capacity, even after this betrayal.

      He’s a joke. The conservatives knew this was paper tiger talking points.

      The only reason OBL is dead is because of falling poll numbers and the possibility of leaks.


  2. Swede, you change the subject so dramatically I don’t know where you are anymore. So, Obama could have killed OBL any old time and waited till last week because of falling poll numbers? You’re more delusional than our noble host.

    Do you think President Bush, too, could have killed OBL any time he wanted, and didn’t? In short, what the hell are you talking about?

    And then you go and “correct” yourself when “their” was actually right. See? You’re losing it.


    1. The right’s bitch speaks to O’s credibility, especially when it comes to rattling sabers.

      As far as the timing concerned last August was when OBL was located. I can see a couple months of planning, but W would’ve toasted him sooner.

      And lastly, W had an agreement in 01.

      (Guardian UK) — The US and Pakistan struck a secret deal almost a decade ago permitting a US operation against Osama bin Laden on Pakistani soil similar to last week’s raid that killed the al-Qaida leader, the Guardian has learned.

      The deal was struck between the military leader General Pervez Musharraf and President George Bush after Bin Laden escaped US forces in the mountains of Tora Bora in late 2001, according to serving and retired Pakistani and US officials.


      1. Here’s how it went down.

        Axel: Your numbers are way down below the cellar, like under the rock…

        O: what do you suggest ?

        Axel: UBL

        O: Sure you want to use him now ?

        Axel: Put you on top of the empire state, Big numbers…

        O: Dose he still live there ?

        Axel: not sure it’s been a year now…

        O: Find out…

        Axel: still there…

        O: Big numbers ?

        Axel: Big big numbers..

        O: Do it, I will be a hero with big numbers…


        1. Swede – I think you suffer from the illusion that foreign policy originates with the president, ergo, this action was initiated by him. Elections have no effect on foreign policy, ergo, military/propaganda people would not take that into account as they plan their activities.


  3. we are on the same page, Mark. I just posted my own letter to the president.

    p.s. i hope you really are getting your hands dirty.


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