Something’s not right …


I need other eyes on this photo. It is Governor Steve Bullock of Montana, who is positioned in the political spectrum as a “liberal,” and so who is forced now and then to mouth progressive-sounding platitudes. In this  photo, he is taking credit for some schools getting a breakfast program grant.

The photo looks hinky to me. What do you think?

34 thoughts on “Something’s not right …

  1. His size seems disproportionate, he’s not looking at anyone in the class, and only two people in the class are looking in his direction. Anyway, compare the head sizes. Of course I could be wrong, but they look out of whack to me.


  2. Looks like he was originally at a cocktail party holding a martini, then pasted in here holding a juice box.


    1. So that’s supposed to be a juice box? I thought he was just drinking coffee from a very silly, dainty cup. The way his hand is positioned that juice box has a handle. Are any photos real anymore?


      1. Just noticed that the top left hand corner appears to be filled with Owls who are overlooking the proceedings. I think we all remember the famous Owl picture from Sandy Hook.


  3. Hand in pocket: Masonic Hidden Hand. Something akin to a Rosy Cross: Orange wall paper sectioned by the frames of what looks like dry erase boards for walls. The photo is tipping to the left. The kids appear to be in their jammies. There is a sign that looks like it says “Cougar Creed”, which may be the school’s mascot but older, predatory women are called cougars, so I wonder what may be up with their teacher, Ms. Applerott. It’s all a bit unsavory, especially with the Guv’s nonchalant posture. He seems to be in his element.


    1. Can always count on you for insight and a good laugh. Probably no accident that his shirt harmonizes with the surroundings. That sort of thing even I can do in PhotoShop. I would bet that the orange and purple are close to opposites on the color wheel.


      1. Purple and orange are secondary colors deriving from red and blue primaries and red and yellow, respectively. Mixing secondary colors produces several shades of mud (bastards?)
        For elites, purple could be the Windsors and orange, their Dutch cousins.


  4. It is looking more and more like a Sgt. Pepper cover. The bags on the dry boards bear signs of being Photoshopped in. The kid lower right is focused on a stuffed animal focused on something blue. What is this?


    Anyway, long plane flight today. Maybe overanalyzing.



  5. I think overanalyzing is correct. The two kids nearest the camera have proportionally correct sized heads. Perspective. He does look big but this seems to be perspective too. He is holding a square carton the same as anyone would. three fingers on it and the pinky underneath for support
    That kid bottom right? I see a kid trying to pretend his teddy bear is trying to grab his carton of juice/milk.Its another carton of the same thing the governor is holding. Nothing to see here IMHO.
    If you search on the visit etc you get nothing at all and the only place i can find this pic on the internet is on your site. Why waste the time faking it or photoshopping it? eithr he was at the school and the photo is just a poorly orientated snap, or he wasnt at the school and has been pasted in in which case surely we would be able to see the photo all over the web as he
    To my eyes he is looking towards the two kids on the left (or one of them or transitioning between them). Looks like that little girl i showing him her toy/teddy. I’ll be your devil’s advocate here.Nothing to see. Except the usual disgusting political photo-op in a school (with kids he doesnt give a sh*t about) to big himself up


    1. I think you are wrong. It is plainly a work of PhotoShop. I might have oversnalyzed late last night, but you are missing very obvious clues. It is off his official governor’s Facebook page, a nice propaganda outlet. It is not the first time this guy’s staff have phonied him up. If you go to the Facebook page, you’ll see the ‘camping with family’ shot at the top. That s fake to. The guy is a billboard image concocted by his staff, and not a real person.


      1. May be photoshop enhanced, but still – a school visit is such a cheap public stunt !
        And of course that large psychopath in the blue suit does not look a the kids. They are no voters. He doesn’t care for people anyway, so why for that annoying brats ? 😉
        And this young kids do surely not understand what he says, they are not jet indoctrinated with politics babble. He doesn’t seem to offer sweets or toys, thus they quickly lose interest and tinker with other things.


        1. The logistics of selecting a site, preparing with advance people, choosing the classroom (6 kids?), and setting everything up for what is merely a photo shoot that can easily be done with Facebook PhotoShop makes my assertion more plausible than yours.

          My wife Lisa and I are committed to ending childhood hunger in Montana. Through private partnerships, these grants have helped serve over 650,000 more breakfast meals during this school year than the year before. The progress we’re seeing today is translating into a stronger, healthier, and more stable Montana for years to come.

          Read that closely and you’ll understand the guy did nothing, wrote nothing, cares about nothing, and appeared in no classroom. Then go to his Facebook page and see the family camping photo at the top. It’s fake too.


          1. I guess the effort for selecting a class and preparing the room is minimal, compared to the Bush stunt at 9/11. My kids still go to school, and from time to time, some of those a**holes turns up there as well.
            I see it as a matter of costs. Schools and teachers are often eager to suck up to those “successful politicians”, so no costs involved, except time and travel costs. Photoshop experts are IMHO not that cheap. Just a calculation on my side. It can as well be fake.


          2. Photoshop is part of politics, has been from the beginning. I imagine every staff has people good at it. Someone ordered up a photo of Bullock in a classroom as part of a larger PR thrust, and two days later this was submitted.


  6. This debate has got my gears grinding. Here in Cali, I’ve seen Gov. Moonbeam 2.0 up close on a few occasions. He’s real and he’s a hustler. Regardless of his myriad sins (i.e. forced vaccinations or no public schooling, ending home schooling so that drugged zombies are assured) he is a politician who participates in the elitist struggles. Sometimes he appears to fight for the little guy, and sometimes he appears to be a ravenous ghoul for the bloodlines. But he does exist in meat space.
    But what about a beta program in a smaller state where the politicians exist only in an image bank and are inserted here and there to give the appearance of substance? Could Montana be trying out such a program where a Sim0ne type character exists only in pixels? From Hitler to O’Bama there have been actors to play the part as needed in real time. What if we are at the stage where we don’t even need actors? Just models for a single marathon shoot and CGI?


    1. I can see that in some fururama episode, and maybe now too, as they guy we see at rallies and in debates could be any number of actors. Given that the only purpose of politicians is to make us look here, not there, it is an eerie possibility.


      1. Given that the only purpose of politicians is to make us look here, not there, it is an eerie possibility.

        While the people actually in power probably see it that way, I think most politicians are not aware, especially the low-level one’s. Their rational capacity is usually far below their ambition. Only those climbing to the highest rung realize they are still controlled puppets. And at that point, it probably doesn’t matter to them, they enjoy the illusion of power and the publicity.
        And yes, like with pop culture, I expect a high degree of simulated personalities, now that computing power is so abundant.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. As a side note: could low and mid-level politics (like governor & court obs) be just another busy-vacation for peerage brats ?
    Like the pseudo-artists MM describes, who get their stuff bought by family members, as indirect subsidy. Have a safe income, feel important and indispensable, but never make your hands dirty. Just a thought …


    1. I have stumbled on reports that the Bullock line is privileged, but don’t recall where. Montana’s long-time stumbling bumbling Senator, Max Baucus, was a Sieben, wealthy landowners. Current Senator Jon Tester, 300 pounds of beef on the hoof with a butch flat top haircut, seems pedestrian, but maybe his wife is connected? He is a fake rancher. No way can a man that heavy do the rigorous day to day of that life.


      1. If you are not too ambitious, just keep quiet, show up once every month, and collect the money. Perhaps some publicity stunts here and there. This description fits for many European politicians too. Especially those in the hyper-fluous “European Parliament”.


  8. Can you use that filter you used in the past, to show the fake background, and the head to body connection? wouldn’t most paste ins show some malarky with different photoshop filters?


  9. There is a perfect 90 degree angle going down where he is cut out on the left side of his jacket from the backgrnd.
    his shoulder to drink and then elbow to the desk = lazy photoshoping .


  10. There are fine photo forensics tools available.
    I remember an interesting paper from (AFAIK) Neal Kravitz, “A picture’s worth”, where he documents how official Osama-bin-Laden pictures had been faked. Can’t find it at the moment, though …
    Would probably be worth a consideration.


      1. Found it as well in the meantime. Or, another link, to be more exact.
        Seems you post fell into the First-Poster-Moderation-Trap …


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