What happens in Vegas …

Comments are mounting down below, people giving mostly numeric clues suggesting that the event in Las Vegas was fake.

I am putting this post up as a place to comment on the event. I am not going to write about it, as we have enough astute commenters that I am not needed anyway. Should be interesting.

You will have to go down to the post below, “What We Are Up Against,” to follow links, which are not hypertext here.

Additional comment just in:


167 thoughts on “What happens in Vegas …

  1. Stephen Paddock had recently moved to Nevada from Orlando -now the home of the 2nd worse mass casualty shooting event in U.S. history behind this latest in Nevada.

    Can anyone find me his D.O.B.? There’s something I want to check.


  2. Like the Univ. of Texas 1966 tower shootings the scale of this so huge ,
    but everything we’ve learned tells us this is a no-victims psyOpera .
    All blanks shot at panicked crowd ? Real slugs shot away from people ?
    How many vehicles does it take to cart away 566 people ?
    Cecil B. Demille would be amazed .
    Before work today I watched ten minutes of national coverage , and heard this
    hospital spokeswoman Danita * Cohen say , at the hosts mention of Orlando ,
    that just last week she had meetings with the hosp. coordinator from Orlando ,
    to discuss strategies to use during an attack , a coincidence , no way .
    Now I’m seeing the shooters brother lives in Orlando .
    We have no idea how this happened,” said Eric Paddock, 55,
    of Orlando, Florida. “It’s like an asteroid just fell on top of our family.”
    “We’re lost,” he said. “We don’t get it. This is like someone else did this.”

    (there is that name again, the goddess Diana
    related to the harvest and water , Mandalay Bay )

    They certainly could have made this easier to spot the hoaxing ,
    Location is very close to the 33rd parallel ( 36.46 ) ,
    It could have happened on the full harvest moon Oct 5th


  3. I followed up on it from the beginning, some remarks:

    the videos showing the panic of the people were heavily looped short clips (ABC news)
    the alleged “automatic gun” shots do not sound like gun shots. They were described by the reporter (also ABC) as “sounds like fireworks”, while they didn’t sound like fireworks at all. Next video was an “eyewitness” repeating that “sounds like fireworks” statement, reminding of the Harley guy at 9/11
    before the name “Stephen Paddock” was released (NBC), but could be deducted from the license plates that were released, I was looking for images of him on Google and none of this alleged Stephen Paddock were to be found, then when it was released only 1 photo with his eyes closed (?!) was online. Now there seems to be a second one, an old photo like a mugshot with droopy ugly eyes.
    there is a photo of fire fighters (?) carrying away an alleged fatality in a wheelbarrow (?!)
    this is a strange photo: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/10/02/07/44F27D7800000578-4939872-Police_by_the_Mandalay_Bay_hotel-a-80_1506927036785.jpg
    where apparently there seems to be a risk of catching bullets; the police is ducking away
    civilians are just around, in the same area as the police
    the guy standing there on the left looks undisturbed and just looking up
    immediately there was a comment released by the police that “they BELIEVED there was just one shooter”. If such a case is real, there would be time needed to properly investigate such a statement; safety first. With so much going on at such a public event with 10s of thousands of people, one wouldn’t know (or believe) and state so fast there was “just one shooter”.
    the woman stating “some woman” said “you are all going to die”, 45 minutes before it “happened”, if that really were the case, in paranoid android America that would be taken very seriously and evacuations already started…

    Conclusion: it has all the hallmarks of a staged event, with some actors and many innocent bystanders who really believe they were part of a “terrorist attack”, much like the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester and the Bataclan “shooting” in Paris.


    1. Thanks Gaia – if you want to put this in more formal format with photos and stuff, I will be glad to put it up it as a guest post. I am not goign to look into this event, as like buses, there will be another along soon, but I am glad people like you are doing it.


      1. Thank you very much for the kind offer, Mark.

        But as you and many others here who have seen so many staged events in the past years, a certain cynical lack of interest is coming up. In order to be able to create a separate guest post, I’d need to dig much deeper and focus on many more details and like you; there are so many nicer things in life.

        Yet, please allow me to voice some comments and observations on this and other staged events that I came across, curious to see what you and the others think:

        What was said above, this “I know someone who knows someone who was there”. That indeed is very common and makes sense; the propagated six degrees of distance theory that we know the whole world. I have 3 cases of 2nd degree people (a friend of a friend), all three I am certain were hoaxed; Madrid Atocha 2004, MH17 2014 and Bataclan 2015. Of the last two my friends (1st degree contact) I trust my life with and they wouldn’t lie to me that they had a contact (2nd degree, acquaintances, not friends) that allegedly was at those staged events (the Bataclan person was a concertgoer, the other allegedly died in the “plane” MH17).

        Lately, it seems they stage much more public hoaxes, out of cockiness or to prevent people from saying “that couldn’t be hoaxed; all those people!”. Examples are the Brussels airport one, London Winchester, Charlottesville, Nice France, this one…

        To the unawoken majority who live in Disneyland and believe all those stories, it strengthens their idea these cases were real. I think the lesson for us is; analyze how they do it. For that I think the combination of a group of actors they allow on TV and in other media AND innocent bystanders who really believe they are part of a real attack (like the contact at Bataclan must have thought, just like the running people now in Vegas) works for them. Because of the scale, the details and continuity errors (that are always there), changing stories (Vegas; first “Stephen Paddock” was killed by police, then suddenly it was suicide) the CGI + real photo inconsistencies, etc. are lost in the size of the whole thing.

        In this particular case also something which would be branded “fake news” turned up. I know it’s a loaden word, but please let me explain. The introduction of this term “fake news” is new, only this year they started it. It is a kind of reverse guilty-by-association (innocent-by-association?) strategy; by calling News Y “fake”, they make it look like as if News X is “real”, though the reality is that that is ALSO fake, or a term I like better; “staged”.

        This ties into the personal convictions of people. With this and earlier hoaxes I sometimes am active online among people who believe all these stories are real (the Disneyland people let’s say). They may question certain details of the stories, but never the root of it; “if it actually took place?”. That is somehow a holy grail; the details, motives, chain of events, perpetrators, certain photos, everything that would be the bush of the tree can be questioned, EXCEPT the trunk; the foundation, if it actually was a real event that really happened, that real people died.

        On this latest attack an example of that was the direct demand for a motive. The anti-gun people want and seek an NRA fan, the islamcritics look for a “muslim terrorist”, the leftwingers look for a “Trump-fanboy”, the racists look for a black guy, etc. etc.

        The curious thing is, that people reject certain “facts” if they clash with that confirmation biased cognitive dissonance. They tend to disbelieve things that do not fit with their convictions. But still, the whole trunk of the tree is not rejected, which I think your site among some others (Miles Mathis, Vexman, parts of Cluesforum) is essential to; showing that not only the surface layer, but the whole thing is staged.

        On Vegas, first it was released by 4chan and other channels online that the “attacker” was a guy called “Geary Danley” (strange first name). With a whole “fake news” page created, here: https://everipedia.org/wiki/geary-danley/36936778/ Now, the page has been edited, I have the screencaps of how it looked like last night…

        Also on the “why do people agree to cooperate with these hoaxes”; it is MUCH easier to get people in line if there are no casualties (other than truth). A “false flag” (which I see as a controlled opp term) is therefore much harder to sell to the perpetraitors and thus harder to pull off than a stageplay where at least no human beings died. Rather a liar than a killer, let’s say.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Spot on, Gaia. Very insightful. Your last paragraph on “rather a liar than a killer” pretty much hits the nail on the head, for that topic. Thank you for sharing.


  4. Does it seem odd that he would be in room #137 on the 32nd floor? Wouldn’t rooms on the 32nd floor be numbered 32xx? I am going by the comments posted here, so forgive me if I have the details wrong. I refuse to watch the news about this.


  5. I was just thinking of posting in order to get comments on the board. All great minds…
    Anyway, I have barely glanced at this latest mess but it’s a great place to really broadcast the urban legends. As everyone is likely from somewhere else, the hearsay will spread across the country, many people telling tales of knowing someone who knows someone who knows a victim, etc.
    Spreading these legends is one of the best ways to keep people from forming a local critical mass to discuss the viability of such an event. Anyone with even a second or third hand emotional investment in an alleged victim will not sit still while one of us tries to explain the psy-op process, even down to the magic numbers.
    This hoax was, like all the rest, certainly long in the planning but I wonder if it wasn’t activated now after yet another disaster of a weekend for the NFL. Vegas gets the Raiders in 2020, I think, and Vegas is going to need a slight makeover for the world to take it more seriously. This connection may not be that visible now, but the NFL takes itself very seriously and the recent disorder in the ranks has caused FOX to not broadcast the national anthem from this point forward. What this hoax will do to the kneeler’s resolve remains to be seen. The incoming militarist ethos of the NFL will fit nicely in such a now heavily surveilled and guarded enclave.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Haley asked in the comments section of the previous post how these hoaxers can live with themselves. My position is that almost no one on the ground knows anything as all of the video footage and photos were taken well in advance and without context. These image banks are then drawn from to assemble the narrative. The people milling about may have milled about 6 months ago or more in a staging area somewhere else, likely a military base. CGI and whatnot then relocates them to “Vegas”. You may ask, what if one of these actors sees himself in the crowd footage. Who is he going to tell on threat of reprisals, financial or otherwise? They live just fine in the need to know world they’ve accepted for themselves.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That does make sense, and it would explain the silence of those involved on the lower-levels, but I had the bigger players more in mind in my earlier comment. The script-writers, the actors with central roles who would realize the scope of what they are participating in (like a Robbie Parker), and of course our repulsive actor-politicians like Trump, Obama, Bush, etc who pretend to cry on TV and offer their “prayers for the victims and their families.”

      Same line of thinking for all those complicit in the major media outlets like Anderson Cooper, Megyn Kelly, Glenn Beck. I do wonder how they live with themselves because I just could not do it day after day. I can’t even watch/listen to the news anymore because all the lies just make me feel sick.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Let’s call these bigger players “differently socialized” (until someone else can coin a better term). They are blood relations of the elite controllers, though I am still convinced they are deliberately bred illegitimates (i.e. the Matt Damon batch). They are the flashpoint between the oligarchs and the hoi polloi they work so hard to manage. They see nothing wrong with what they participate in because it would never occur to them this is unnatural. Their morals and ethics are of a completely different nature to ours. They could not succeed the way they do if they were losing sleep over participating in these hoaxes.


  7. Same event was held last year :
    Route 91 Harvest is a country music festival in the United States that has been held in Las Vegas, Nevada. It has been held every year since 2014 at Las Vegas Village, on a 15-acre (6.1 ha) lot on Las Vegas Boulevard across from Mandalay Bay.[1]


  8. The crisis actor interviewed in this video, Mike Cronk (more like Crock), has got to be just about the all time worst crisis I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying a lot: https://youtu.be/rDv00C6cKbI

    I laughed loud and long at this.

    At the beginning, after being introduced by the host, you can see him stifling back laughter and a smile, kind of saying to himself, “I can’t believe I have to do this again? Well, no turning back now. Take a deep breath, 1..2..3..go!” Then he’s basically smirking the whole time fighting back the urge to laugh at his own BS. He’s making mincemeat of whatever talking points he was fed as the host is just moving him along, coaching him through the interview, putting words in his mouth and generally pulling him by his nose.

    The other people in that youtuber’s other Vegas crisis actors videos aren’t any better. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel on this one. Jesus.

    A few other things to note. The guy said his friend was shot 3 times in the chest. How is it possible that one person was shot 3 times in the chest from a guy firing a rifle from the 32nd window 1000 feet away? If there was a shooter, he would have been raining down bullets scattershot, not a tightly controlled 3-bullet shot to the chest.

    Here’s yet another thing that doesn’t add up: he says that they took his friend (who had been shot 3 times in the chest by something like a AR-15 rounds) on some kind of “cart” I think he called it over to somewhere. There weren’t any ambulances around because the shooting was still going on. OK. But then he says the pickup truck took three injured people over to the ambulances. How did three separate groups of people all carrying wounded people know to converge on that pickup truck.

    Now, just take a look at this video at 5:09: https://youtu.be/6EpKrLVECAY?t=309, you can see three guys carrying a guy in a wheelbarrow. This would correspond to his description. Is this them? The guy in the wheelbarrow has not been shot in the chest 3 times. At any rate no blood to be seen anywhere. Notice also their comical attempt at CPR while the guy is in the wheelbarrow. Assuming that’s even a guy and not a dummy.

    Then, skip ahead in the same video to 6:50. This is footage from the passenger of the pickup truck that was commandeered. A few seconds in you can see the makeshift triage/staging area there, and you can see the wheelbarrow again, plus more people being brought in on makeshift stretchers. Again: how did everyone know to bring the stretchers here? It’s almost like it was planned in advance. I think that might be our own Mike Cronk talking to the people in the pickup truck.

    At 7:17 you can see they accidentally tip the wheelbarrow on its side and the guy/dummy comes tumbling out. Whoops! That must have hurt.

    Then, at 7:26, some guy brings over something that looks like a professional stretcher, but it is raised up 1/2 way into a chair position. If you continue the video, you see that the guy is definitely not an EMT. And anyway Mike said there were no ambulances here at this point because it was an active shooter situation.

    Anyway, the whole thing just stinks. It reminds me of San Bernardino when they had a crisis actor staging/triage area where some people got rides in pickup trucks from the building where the shooting allegedly took place.


  9. I laughed loud and long watching the crisis actor being interviewed in this video, Mike Cronk (more like Crock), has got to be just about the all time worst crisis I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying a lot: https://youtu.be/rDv00C6cKbI

    At the beginning, after being introduced by the host, you can see him stifling back laughter and a smile, kind of saying to himself, “I can’t believe I have to do this again? Well, no turning back now. Take a deep breath, 1..2..3..go!” Then he’s basically smirking the whole time fighting back the urge to laugh at his own BS. He’s making mincemeat of whatever talking points he was fed as the host is just moving him along, coaching him through the interview, putting words in his mouth and generally pulling him by his nose.

    The other people in that youtuber’s other Vegas crisis actors videos aren’t any better. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel on this one. Jesus. But, I will say that one of them actually managed a few tears, so that was a major breakthrough in my opinion.

    A few other things to note:

    Mike Cronk said his friend was shot 3 times in the chest. How is it possible that one person was shot 3 times in the chest from a guy firing a rifle from the 32nd window 1000 feet away? If there was a shooter, he would have been raining down bullets scattershot, not a tightly controlled 3-bullet shot to the chest.

    Here’s yet another thing that doesn’t add up: he says that they took his friend (who had been shot 3 times in the chest by something like a AR-15 rounds) on some kind of “cart” I think he called it over to somewhere. There weren’t any ambulances around because the shooting was still going on. OK. But then he says the pickup truck took three injured people over to the ambulances. How did three separate groups of people all carrying wounded people know to converge on that pickup truck.

    Now, just take a look at this video at 5:09: https://youtu.be/6EpKrLVECAY?t=309, you can see three guys carrying a guy in a wheelbarrow. This would correspond to his description. Is this them? The guy in the wheelbarrow has not been shot in the chest 3 times. At any rate no blood to be seen anywhere. Notice also their comical attempt at CPR while the guy is in the wheelbarrow. Assuming that’s even a guy and not a dummy.

    Then, skip ahead in the same video to 6:50. This is footage from the passenger of the pickup truck that was commandeered. A few seconds in you can see the makeshift triage/staging area there, and you can see the wheelbarrow again, plus more people being brought in on makeshift stretchers. Again: how did everyone know to bring the stretchers here? It’s almost like it was planned in advance. I think that might be our own Mike Cronk talking to the people in the pickup truck.

    At 7:17 you can see they accidentally tip the wheelbarrow on its side and the guy/dummy comes tumbling out. Whoops! That must have hurt.

    Then, at 7:26, some guy brings over something that looks like a professional stretcher, but it is raised up 1/2 way into a chair position. If you continue the video, you see that the guy is definitely not an EMT. And anyway Mike said there were no ambulances here at this point because it was an active shooter situation. It reminds me of San Bernardino when they had a crisis actor staging/triage area where some people got rides in pickup trucks from the building where the shooting allegedly took place. Anyway, the whole thing just stinks to high heaven.


    1. I’d like to know where all the blood was on Mike Cronk. He is wearing a nice clean shirt. No hint of blood anywhere and he claims he was carrying injured people.


  10. Yom Kippur began at sundown on Fri, 29 September 2017. Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year for Jews, concluding the annual period known in Judaism as the High Holy Days, sometimes called “The Days of Awe”. Jews traditionally observe this holy day of atonement and repentance with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer.

    “Shock and Awe” in Sin City. Nice touch.


  11. I have VERY STRONG feelings this was staged. Excellent comments and I will return daily to read new posts. Just wanted to add….anyone ever been in those Las Vegas high rise hotels? The windows are impossible to open. Now get ready for “pray for Las Vegas” and “we stand with Las Vegas, candle vigils and the like.


    1. At age nine (!) I got hit about there with a hammer head that had popped off its handle. I bled like that, though without this woman’s composure. The effects seem plausible but the serenity of this individual doesn’t compute.


      1. It would seem natural for any person when bleeding to wipe the blood away from the eyes and mouth, but she hasn’t done so. Her right hand looks as though it is a bit spotted. That is all. It is also odd that the path the blood took was right down the arch of her nose. There is plenty of room there for some side runoff, but it is like a river. The minor stream coming off the right side of her mouth, and the mouth in general, looks like tempura-tube work, adding a touch here and there, enhancing. Did she catch a blow in the head and mouth? Did she forget to duck for the second blow? That plus her composure, lack of tears, makes it all look like an act.


          1. It’s from the Catalan referendum in Spain on Sunday 01-Oct-17

            Main Spanish police were allegedly trying to stop an unofficial vote on independence.

            Much more brutal videos of the event available – but are they staged or authentic?


  12. Thanks for the DOB Dave.

    The reports say Stephen Paddock was a pilot and owned two small aircraft.
    I did a search of the F.A.A. database for registered licensed pilots using his name, d.o.b and the state of Nevada – no record found.
    I tried again instead using the state of Florida, where he allegedly had moved from and still found no record of him being a licensed pilot.

    A pilots license can be verified through the F.A.A. website using a first and last name, a date of birth, and the state they reside in. My fathers a pilot and I was able to find him in the database using those exact search parameters.


      1. According to Intelius, he lived at one time in Mesquite Texas. His brother Eric Paddock who was interviewed once lived in Hawthorne, CA and that is the only location that coincides with Eric’s former residence, so that must be where the were born and raised.
        The following businesses are located in Hawthorne:
        SpaceX has its headquarters at Hawthorne Municipal Airport
        Tesla Motors has is design center at the Hawthorne Municipal Airport
        Most importantly…NORTHROP CORPORATION founded in 1939 and headquartered in Hawthorne, became a major manufacturer of aircraft during World War II, as well as a major subcontractor to other aircraft companies. Jack Northrop developed his famous flying wings, which ultimately led to the B-2 stealth bomber. Northrop also produced the P-61 Black Widow fighter in its Hawthorne plant, which was on the south side of Northrop Field (present-day Hawthorne Airport). The facility is still in use as an aircraft plant, producing fuselage sections for Boeing 747s and 787s.


      2. Apparently he did live in Mesquite, TX from 9/2004 to 3/2010.

        Here’s the owner/ legal description info off the Dallas County Appraisal Districts website, DCAD.org
        Deed Transfer Date:  9/2/2004

        BLK A LT 8

        vol2004171/5182 dd08302004 co-dc
        1985500A00800 1CM1985500A
        Deed Transfer Date: 3/19/2010

        So this guy lived in Mesquite, TX until 2010, moved to Orlando, FL and then moved to Mesquite, NV?


        1. Stephen never lived in Orlando. That is where his brother Eric lives. The only address shared by Stephen and Eric is Hawthorne California. Yes, it’s odd that Stephen lived in two towns named Mesquite in different states. He had only resided in TX, NV, and CA. In California, he had lived in Pacoima, Cerritos, and North Hollywood. Basically all around Hollywood.

          One of Stephen’s nephews from Orlando, Jacob Paddock, moved to Santa Clarita California in August 2015 (27 miles north of Hollywood) after graduating from the Michigan Institute of Aviation and Technology. On Jacob’s facebook page he has a photo album called “Las Vegas-We Be Trippin'”.


          1. I don’t Facebook or I’d check for myself. Did Stephen have a Facebook page?

            So far it seems this guy has a traceable background that checks out.


  13. This is the shooter’s residence timeline: 1985 L.A., 1988 Glendale CA, 1992 Marina Del Ray CA, 1993 Panorama City CA, 1995 Rosamond CA, 1996 California City CA, 2002 Henderson NV, 2004 Mesquite TX, 2006 San Francisco CA, 2011 Reno NV, 2012 Cerritos CA, 2013 Melbourne FL, 2016 Mesquite NV.


    1. Something about this guy doesn’t pass the smell test. He gambled “all the time” yet somehow still had lots of money. Anybody with any brains know the odds are stacked against you. At one point he reportedly spent 4 months straight in a casino. You could easily lose $10M bucks in that time, yet this guy seemingly has unlimited funds to lose in the casinos. If he won money they would eventually prohibit him from gambling. I don’t buy it. He had funds from another source.


      1. Agreed.

        It’s being reported he owned multiple properties that he rented out. Also, they say he owned at least 2 single engine aircraft.
        The Beachcraft Baron is a common and popular aircraft amongst private pilots Even an 11 yr old (2006) Beachcraft Baron, like the one my father owns, will cost you upwards of $640,000.

        Without more info, it’s hard to determine if he was a man living beyond his means.


  14. Two most ridiculous photos available online about the Mandalay incident:

    Just look at this silly picture, so many things wrong or weird about it. There are 3 cops in the center, hiding behind the car, each one of them is aiming or facing his own direction. Think about the one lying, just how is he supposed to aim and shot upwards? He’s not even trying, is he? And then the guy on the right, just behind the car from this perspective – he can see 3 cops hiding, armed and ready to shoot, yet he’s calm, talking on his phone. Sure, as there was no danger there and he knew it. The same can be said about the guy behind the cops, who is texting his buddy or gf and not even trying to duck or hide. Really?

    I laughed at this one even more. A couple is hiding behind a capsized fence, while the guy behind them seems like he’s texting and watching the spectacle from a safe distance. People on the left are still waiting in the queue to get their slice of pizza, obviously unaware of the alleged mayhem that’s just 100m to their right. Really? The other people in the picture are either slowly walking, some are just standing still, nobody is panicking like I’d expect since there are allegedly people getting shot. And that shiny top of the pyramid, with the column of light faced upwards, and the obelisk seen in the right side of the picture – what are these saying? I’m impressed and almost convinced nothing serious happened at this event.


      1. Anyone have any ideas about all the trash everywhere? I’m guessing it’s supposed to make the attack feel more authentic, like everyone just dropped their food/drinks and ran to escape the carnage, but it seems like they went a bit overboard with it to me. It reminds me of all the paper everywhere at the WTC.


          1. They use tempora, and it often runs in unnatural patterns, as seen here in this photo you brought us. It is fake. Easy to see once you have trained your eye.

            [Also, why is no one tending to these “victims”? The photographer got the setting right, got the lighting right, obviously spent some time in mentally staging it for maximum effect. He must have walked around looking for the best angle. In the meantime, did he check to see if she was alive? Did he look for medical assistance?

            My guess, this is a staged photo taken in advance of the event. I don’t imagine they can afford to rely on real time photography to get maximum dramatic effect as with this photo.]


      2. For further confirmation (as if we’d need any, but here you go) look at the shadows on the ground the couple is “casting”. We have very blurry, soft edges to those shadows but then no specularity or shininess around them. Look to the guy just right of them, behind, texting or whatever. We see lots of specular bumps in the ground, lots of diffuse light.

        But we also see what appears to be TWO directions to the shadows on that guy, only the one coming down is offset somehow? And on the left, the bottom left-most shadows are sharp and directional but don’t match the guy in front of them? I don’t think any of the shadows here from the people are terribly real. I think whoever Photo-rookied this one did the foreground fake couple’s shadows, then realized they didn’t match anything else so they went in on another layer or three to attempt to match it up better.

        We should be seeing some diffuse details in ALL these shadows, even if very faint. The heavy, ham-handed use of black is another telltale sign.


  15. This somehow reminds me on the shooting on Majdan Square, Kiev, a few years ago.
    Snipers supposedly killed protesters AND police force indiscriminately, to stoke up the civil war.
    I think real people died really there …


  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4942856/Las-Vegas-gunman-SIXTEEN-guns-TEN-suitcases.html

    “Millionaire Vegas gunman who killed 59 people and hurt 527 took TWENTY THREE guns in TEN bags into Mandalay Bay sniper’s nest where he put legally converted full-auto assault rifles on tripods”


    Also we’re told that he amassed an arsenal of 42 weapons.
    42 is a very Masonic number.

    And on Wikipedia we are told that Stephen Paddock’s father was a convicted felon:



    1. And a successful banker/broker making millions, and moving every 3 years ?
      Almost 65 years old, and shooting from hundreds of yards, in the dark ?
      Lucky he had not turned night-blind.
      I would have chosen nail bombs instead.

      But wait, ISIS claims it was one of them.
      With ISIS = US / Israel secret service, the mystery unravels …


    2. Benjamin Hoskins Paddock. Born 11/1/26. Died 1/18/98. Aces and eights across the board. Escapes from prison. Goes on the FBI top ten most wanted list. After being caught avoided a prison sentence by paying a fine. Classic.


    1. I am tempted to take this down but leave it with one caveat: Our readers here know that Infowars and Alex Jones are controlled opposition. He works for the other side. You will never see that source linked or cited here. If you bring him here again, it will disappear. If you persist, you will be banned, but only for a week or so to gather your wits and rethink.


      1. Whatever that means. Swede, I have often said, even directly to you in comments, that if you do not understand “controlled opposition” you cannot possibly understand politics or public debate. No one in this country is allowed a platform unless they are controlled opposition, not Alex Jones, Amy Goodman, Brietbart, Rush Limbaugh, Thom Hartmann. All prominent Democrats are C.O., including Obama and Bernie and Elizabeth Warren. Hillary is merley used as a lighening rod, to light up guys like you. Rand Paul and Ron are C.O., as was Dennis Kucinich, and as I sadly realize far too late, Ralph Nader.

        Let this be a lesson, that you need to turn off all of your trusted sources, stop hating your favorite demons, and turn on your brain.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I was wondering how snuffing Tom Petty yesterday fits with all this chaos. Is it controlled deflection? Is this icon truly gone?


  17. RT footage shows a guy running with his drink, yeah, that’s what you do when you’re fired upon, protect your beverage. False Flag like the one in France.


  18. Alot of shill sites trying to pump up an Antifa plot

    Perhaps the blood is real human blood borrowed from the blood bank ,

    distributed to the actors to use at the show ,

    the bank is reimbursed quickly with a huge profit , esp. as mentioned

    the rare and costly Rh neg. type . Fake blood at such a public place could cause

    problems . Las Vegas has to be one of the most corruptly managed places in USA .

    A secret handshake here and you’re in biz. Watch the end of ‘Casino’ to see who’s

    really running the show .

    I’m also interested if anyone here has any astrological info about this event timing .

    It was forty days after the eclipse , that has to mean something .

    The eclipse is closely related to Horus in Egypt – made to seem
    like a big time revenge plot ?


    1. 40 is usually the number of trial . You can see more details here https://hubpages.com/education/Symbolism-and-the-number-40 . The great American eclipse is probably connected since it can be used in a symbolical manner (as above so below). Unite the Right Rally was on 11-12 August, before the eclipse. Now we have this character associated with Antifa. Maybe they want to make Antifa people look even worse than the extreme right people. Even the MSM started to talk about leftist extremists a few weeks ago. They are probably setting a trap for both sides.


    2. SInce you mentioned Egypt…an obelisk and pyramid were prominent at the scene. The concert took place in front of/across the street from the Luxor Hotel.


  19. I randomly found two of these horoscopes ,
    written before the event ,
    I didn’t think it would have any significance , but …

    Stephen Craig Paddock –dob- April 9, 1953
    Our ‘shooters’ horoscope for 10-1-17

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
    I know the Cosmos is rooting for me, no matter what or who seems to be against me.

    Aries, now that your ruling planet, Mars has turned direct, you should notice that things are starting to turn around in your life (especially since Mercury is direct, too).
    Efforts that seemed to go nowhere will start to reveal that time wasn’t wasted. You will have a period of time where work goes up a notch and a passion project that you started will truly feel like WORK but it’s something you truly love. Your baby. In the next few weeks, this will become a true treasure. For a little while, you might feel like a workaholic, or that things are off balance, but it’s just a building phase that will pass.
    You are entering a period of intuition, as well. With Mars turning direct, Sun in Libra, the nurturing side of yourself will begin to manifest. Show more care and concern for the people around you, especially if you’re in a supervisory role. In turn, you’ll get ideas and be able to provide comfort for someone who is hurting.

    You’re busting at the seams with so much. And you might feel all over the place with your feelings. Alternately excited, ready to bound over the moon. Other times, ready to catch the next flight away from everything, everybody. Trust the impulse that keeps you more on the ground yet primed for action. Take only the leaps you’re only ready to take, the ones you’ve rehearsed a million times in your head. Let the butterflies flutter in your stomach as they’re prone to do. They’re mirroring you in flight. Delightful copycats!


  20. From above:
    “Shelly says:
    October 2, 2017 at 1:24 pm
    Does it seem odd that he would be in room #137 on the 32nd floor?”

    Ha, maybe we found the missing 13th floor?

    In the Charlie Angel’s photograph with the posed four police and two bookend cell phone users, symmetrically designed, 1-4-1, there’s is a red horned head/hand that is holding what could be described as a rifle stock, on a white background (Red Cross colors?) to the extreme left of the photo. Pushing the analogy further the lamp pole with lights could be interpreted as a Tau Cross with roman soldiers/poliza below adding a religious overtone to the image. A little bit of Old and New Testament or Passover as indicated above in the comments?
    (Also, since the photo is nicely composed and has good exposure, maybe the “OP” or “OPI/OU” from the Police on the side of the car may stand for something. Can’t read the license plate.)

    It’s all what you want to put into it.


    1. So the cops are in battle mode and the two yahoos with cell phones are just hanging out? Something tells me this photo was scheduled to be worked on with a chaotic crowd shopped in, but some idiot posted the original before it was ready. Close enough for government work, as they say…


  21. As expected, agents of the system are out doing what they’re paid to do, capitalizing on the shock and grief of the people, seizing the opportunity to push for stricter gun control laws.

    Any doubts I may have had about this one vanish quickly as Jimmy Kimmel rants about the need for tougher gun control laws in his opening monologue last night, citing, in addition to this event, Orlando, Aurora, Newtown, and San Bernardino as the reasons.

    For anyone reading this who may be new to this site or the subject, all four of the previous shooting events Jimmy mentions have been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt to be staged, ficticious events in which nobody actualy died. Why should this one be any different.

    Here’s a excerpt from Jimmy’s opening monologue last night…

    “The Second Amendment, I guess, our forefathers wanted us to have AK-47s is the argument, I assume. Orlando, Newtown, Aurora, San Bernardino, every one of these shootings the murderer used automatic or semiautomatic rifles, which are not weapons you use for self-defense. They’re weapons designed to kill large numbers of people in the shortest possible amount of time. And this guy, reportedly he had 10 of them in his room, apparently legally. At least some of them were there legally. Why is that allowed? I don’t know why our so-called leaders continue to allow this to happen. Or, better question, why do we continue to let them allow it to happen?”



      1. It’s video supposedly taken by a taxi driver on duty.
        It starts with her sitting out in front of Mandalay Bay when the gun shots start. She then pulls out and drives around the side of the hotel to investigate, it’s there we see light flashes, supposedly coming from a weapon being fired from about 10 floors up.
        She then proceeds further down the street to where the concert event is being held, thats when people begin pouring from the event into the street all around her. 3 or 4 people jump into her cab and begin to tell what happened. She takes them away from the area to a safe location away from the strip.


    1. My thought is that this psyop seems far more sophisticated than the ones we’ve seen up until this point, barring 9/11, and those of us in the truth community may be partly to blame.

      In order to improve upon these simulations and make them seem more believable, it’s logical to assume the planners pay close attention to the analyses of those on this site and others like it.
      An example of one such improvement over the Orlando event a year ago is the inclusion of multiple cell phone videos.

      The lack of cell phone videos in the Orlando psyop was pointed out early by those in the truth community and did a lot to discredit the event in the eyes of many.


      1. It was reminiscent of 911 when a police spokesman came out and asked that anyone with cell phone video bring it in to the LV police department where they’ll confiscate it to be used as possible evidence.

        Trying to control all the imagery I guess


      2. I know this is not scientific, but the best way I can tell to determine which shootings, bombings, attacks, etc. are real and which are staged, is simply by the nature of the ensuing media coverage surrounding an event and the political narrative that follows.

        Shootings happen all the time, nearly every day I would imagine in most major U.S. cities, but they seem to mostly be very similar in nature, usually related to drugs, bar fights or domestic disputes. Occasionally someone will be struck by a stray bullet. I’ve noticed with rare exceptions these shootings are ignored by the state media. Even some shootings that would seem to fit their “agenda” they completely ignore.

        For example, several years ago, around the time of Sandy Hook if I’m not mistaken, there was a shooting at my old high school. A disgruntled employee walked onto the campus, shot the principal of the school and then himself. There was a lot of local coverage, as the high school is a prominent, private school in this town and many people knew the principal.

        I distinctly remember at the time that several major outlets reported the shooting initially, but that was it. No non-stop coverage, no videos of students evacuating the school, no mention of the shooters face-book manifesto, his gambling addiction, his Asian girlfriend, his political background, nothing. No heart wrenching stories about the principal. No impending legislation for politicians to capitalize on it either.

        All of this to say, I am comfortable assuming any and all major stories receiving extensive coverage like we have seen with this one, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Orlando, 9/11, etc. are staged until proven otherwise. I think they enjoy the level of control these hoaxed events provide, choosing which group to make the victims and perpetrator too much to ever spend any effort “using” real shootings for their goals.

        The hard part of this is that’s it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to convince others that these things are hoaxes based off the media coverage, at least that’s been my experience. I will admit, though, that I’ve been trying to “wake up” a couple of people close to me, slowly over the last few years with very little success no matter what I show/ tell them so I just don’t try as much anymore.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I completely agree. Instant, sloppy, but saturated media coverage is an immediate crimson flag. The deconstruction (such as these discussions) that we do later is helpful to allay our own doubts, but we came here as doubters already.

          All you can do is plant the seed. Some people still aren’t nearly comfortable talking about it, or taking and side. Some people are also just that afraid of the Powers. With good reason, perhaps. But that’s easily enough to keep them from addressing their own biases.


        2. “The hard part of this is that’s it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to convince others that these things are hoaxes based off the media coverage, at least that’s been my experience. I will admit, though, that I’ve been trying to “wake up” a couple of people close to me, slowly over the last few years with very little success no matter what I show/ tell them so I just don’t try as much anymore.” -Haley

          If you’re anything like me, you’re compelled to at least try, as it’s too difficult to just sit back and watch happen.

          An article surfaced shortly after the LV incident. It was supposedly written by a retired trauma surgeon and I like what it said.
          I’m sorry I don’t have the link handy but here’s a couple excerpts:

          “YouTube has just changed its search algorithms from Thursday night 5th October 2017, to block and censor all the most persuasive videos making claims that the Las Vegas shooting event is a hoax, designing them conspiracy theories, especially videos exposing the crisis actors involved portraying themselves as victims in hospital. These are not wild allegations. It is from their own public admissions. Here is a report showing, “YouTube takes action against offensive conspiracy videos that claim Las Vegas massacre was a hoax.” The arrogance of it all! This is the resurrection of Nazi Germany all over again.”

          “When a handful of powerful wicked men like this control the banks, the global mainstream media and the government, no one can effectively now speak up to criticize, because when they do their words will never be published or heard.”

          Not a day passes anymore where I don’t spend time contemplating this dilemma. I almost think it’ll take a ‘boots on the ground’ effort, such as campusing entire neighborhoods door to door with flyers, to reach enough people. But an operation of this magnitude would require a significant amount of organization and effort.

          I keep hoping someone somewhere will pick up the torch and run with it and perhaps make enough noise to be heard.


    2. “WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS…EVERYTHING SEEMS NORMAL WHEN IT’S NOT”…can clearly be heard just before the 3 minute mark, coming over the taxi driver/crisis actor’s radio (or maybe another device? It sounds like a recording from a movie, perhaps?). That alone signifies–at least to me–that this is just another psyop. Notice the taxi driver’s calm voice as she says “it sounds like automatic gunfire”, then just sits in her cab; a short while later she’s still calm– “something’s going on…I’m not sure why people aren’t running…I don’t know what’s going on”…never showing or acting in fear for her life, even though it sounds like she’s on a (virtual) battlefield! Listen to her calm voice as she later “helps” the “injured”. It’s almost laughable!


      1. The taxi driver video is strange because the people get in the car saying “broken leg!” and then later they are like “none of us was shot” and don’t seem interested in medical help. Also the way they keep saying “everyone is dead” is odd. Clearly everyone is not dead because people are running from the festival. Also these young people aren’t doctors, so how do they know “everyone is dead” unless they were checking pulses and things, which clearly they weren’t because they were running away. The “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, everythin gseems normal but it’s not” line sounds like a movie trailer. And the taxi driver’s voice/emotion is strangely flat throughout. She keeps saying the same thing over and over again– “okay, okay”– rather than reacting to the actual situation in a dynamic manner. It’s like she’s running out the clock on the video.


        1. If you’re using Chrome or Firefox, “VideoDownloaedHelper” is a free add-on that will let you download most videos online, especially YouTube and Vimeo and that one site my roomie always leaves up that we won’t mention. But you can save them locally and even convert to a few formats, if need be. Just a thought.


  22. Here’s a crime scene photo of our deceased shooter supposedly.

    Would photos like this truely be available only 2 days after a crime of this magnitude?

    One would think there’d be a lengthy investigation and tons of evidence to process. When’s the last time anyone remembers a law enforcement agency ever releasing crime scene photos so quickly, especially while there’s still an active investigation taking place.


    1. Rivaling the 9/11 images in the “Cartoon Physics” category.
      Blood flowing upwards out of the mouth …
      The pool of blood supposedly suggests he had not been moved after shooting himself in the mouth.
      Appealing to your emotions, to turn away in disgust. And the rest of the audience dulled by Hollywood slasher movies is brainwashed to accept just everything, especially that.


    2. I am a retired police officer. They would never release this. That’s why I know all these police shootings caught on dash cam and body cam are fake. It’s evidence and would never be released until a final disposition was reached. And maybe not even then. Here in Texas only the District Attorney could authorize the release of these things.


  23. hey tyronemccloskey :

    In reply to your October 3, 2017 at 2:07 pm observation we both agree the “Charlie Angels” photo, Vexman was good enough to provide, was made before the event.

    My take is it may be saying something about the Blood Harvest Moon due tomorrow Oct. 5, 2017.


  24. So it seems everyone has neatly arranged themselves into “it’s real” or “it’s fake” attitudes regarding this event. I’m curious why it must seemingly be just one or the other. Can you not have elements of fakery in a real event? Can you not have real deaths in a manufactured event? Is there a reasonable argument for why there wouldn’t or couldn’t be any real deaths?

    Could someone then tell me what the procedure is for when your friend of 25 years calls and tells you their cousin was shot in LV? Do I demand my friend provide undeniable evidence of his cousin’s life and death? I can’t believe my friend is lying to me, so either he’s telling the truth or he’s mistaken. If he’s telling the truth then that still wouldn’t mean the whole of the event is “real” anymore than a photo anomaly would mean the whole thing was “fake”.

    It strikes me that causing just this kind of binary response might be one of the aims of whoever’s perpretrating these events. With actual people actually dead anyone shouting “fake!” is going to look like a complete tool. And with so many anomalies, “numerological” markers, witness inconsistencies and so on, to the “fake” camp anyone suggesting the event was largely “real” will be labelled “controlled opposition” or the like and everyone can go back to their respective white and black squares of the board safe in the knowledge that they’re right and the other camp is wrong.

    For those reasons I can’t get on board with the decree that this whole thing was “fake”. I don’t buy the “lone nut” story, either, however. But where does it say that fake events must be 100% fake, through and through? Or where does it say that real events cannot also contain elements of trickery, misdirection, etc.?


    1. The phone calls that you and others are getting are just a new twist … it is like the old telephone tree. But it is usually a couisn or someone distant. Back before the days of Internet they were very good and circulating rumors by word-of-mouth. It was like the old telephone trees. Now that they have Facebook, they can show everybody images and spread stories and everyone will believe it. However murder is still illegal and therefore I don’t believe that anybody was really killed. Somebody would be culpable, people who were talked into or coerced into going along would withdraw, not wanting to be part of a real crime. It jis not illegal for news to tell us lies. it is not illegal to stage fake events. Everything seen and done was legal. Why risk real death and real investigations and real victims of real families?


      1. Whether everything done is legal or not I don’t know. Fraud is fraud. Gofundme, donations, etc. I’m not a legal expert but I’d imagine any of them worth their pay could come up with more than a few crimes to investigate.

        Besides which when has something being illegal ever stopped these people before? I can think of a number of examples where they’ve gotten what they do made legal after having done it repeatedly for years. “News” propoganda, torture, spying, etc. You think they would balk at shooting a few vacationing gamblers? And since when is it difficult to find people willing to take part in what they know is a crime, anyway? Did the human race become more generally disposed toward obeying the written word in the last week or something?

        And what “real investigations” do they have to fear? Real investigations like the one done at Sandy Hook et al? That’s a joke, right? When’s the last “real investigation” ever done? I’m curious, because I can’t personally think of a single one having ever been done. Isn’t that half the point of why sites like this exist? Because there’s literally no one out there really honestly investigating any damn thing?

        I can’t call what I heard “rumor”. My friend isn’t reporting a rumor of just anyone’s cousin dying. He’s told me his cousin was shot. Not his neighbor’s, not his boss’s. I suppose you could phrase it as he’s “heard a rumor” that his cousin was shot dead. He certainly seems convinced, at any rate. But while I could imagine some scenario in which his cousin was part of a huge op and has merely gotten paid to act dead, I cannot envision a scenario in which my friend is intentionally lying to me about the whole thing. Just because I can imagine the cousin faking his death doesn’t make it the most probable deduction.

        Which, again, is why I’m trying to remind everyone that this event does not have to conform to some arbitrary set of rules. That isn’t how the universe works. All real vs. all faked is an invented set of categories, and is not an objective way to begin your investigation. Neither are those bent on fleecing you obligated to restrict their fleecing to all one or all the other. Why in the world would they be?

        “You can pump fluoride into the water, fellas, and you can make people just as sick as you damn well please via the crap you’re stuffing into their food supply. You can bomb weddings in furrin’ parts, spy on people via their smart refrigerators and lock them up in an island prison for as long as you want. You can inject babies with a bajillion vaccines at birth, lie your ass off via the media you own every single day in every single county of the nation and confiscate someone’s car because you find half a joint in the ashtray but for god’s sake don’t you ever, ever let even a single hair on one precious citizen’s head get really hurt when you pull one of these ‘terror’ events, okay? The Baby Jesus cries when a ‘Murican dies, and we don’t want that, do we?”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I would argue than anything less than 100% truth is 100% a lie. Just because there may be truthful elements to the lie, doesn’t make it any less of a lie and any more truthful. If that seems too black and white, perhaps it is. But the reason so many of us are skeptical is that there are too many things that just don’t add up.

          And that bright red “blood” on the dry dirt ground is like no blood that’s ever come out of my body.

          Finally, I would have no qualms about asking follow-up questions to someone who says they knew someone or was related to someone who was there or affected in some way. For example, “Wow…what is your cousin’s name? Why was he there? How did you hear that he was shot?” Those are not insensitive questions and if they are challenged as such, then that just adds to the skepticism.


        2. I also know someone pretty well, (who I am convinced is telling what shebelieves is the truth) who claims she knows a guy who died at Pulse in Orlando last year. I trust her, but I still don’t believe for a second that he actually died there. I don’t know exactly how they are doing this and getting away with it, but I know it’s somehow like a magic trick, the deaths are not really there.


          1. That’s my situation. I’m convinced my friend believes he’s telling the truth. His cousin could be dead or alive and chilling on a beach somewhere for all I personally know, but I do know that cousin and spouse were not “vicsims”. Of that, at least, I feel 100% certain, based on my relationship with my friend. He’s either telling the truth, lying or mistaken. I don’t believe he’s lying, therefore he’s either being truthful or he believes he is but is mistaken. I found no evidence on my own to contradict him, therefore I assume they were actual victims of something.

            There are numerous possibilities besides, however, which was exactly my point in posting: rule #1 for your investigating is figure out what happened, right? I mean, the “how” and “why” and “whodunnit” comes later, doesn’t it? After you know precisely what you’re dealing with. So I need to know whether people actually died or not… or both! For all I know the “how” involves both real and fake victims, precisely because that will so viciously divide people who do bother to investigate on their own. It’s certainly made me think differently the last couple of days, I can assure you of that.

            And if there are both real and fake victims that works right along with “fake news” to hamper people’s ability to think critically and distinguish reality from fantasy, as well as reinforcing support for the accepted narrative, all while pitting people against each other. That is classic divide and conquer strategy.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m pretty firmly in the camp that is convinced these things are largely hoaxed, with no real deaths, but nevertheless, I would find it hard to believe our controllers and their minions would hesitate to commit a crime, including murder, if they wanted to or felt it necessary. They clearly think very little of human beings, after all.

        Who would they even be held accountable to for committing murder? I guess I have always just assumed that laws and rules apply only to us, not them and that they prefer their scripted hoaxes to real events with real deaths, not because they want to avoid committing a crime, but because it allows them to completely control the narrative, which they can then use to manipulate the public in whichever way they choose.

        Of course, I’m speculating here and am willing to admit I could certainly be wrong.


        1. Haley, you are right in that the rules don’t apply equally. Just look at the economic divide in general and the number of poor people in prison as opposed to the wealthy.
          As for cousins, I have a friend who was in the NY Times building (a clerical worker, not a propagandist) on 911. He had travelled under the twin towers a half hour before the first building was said to collapse. I have no reason to doubt him. Clearing out a short stretch of subway tunnel would only take a few minutes and NY’s are certainly used to delays so nothing underground would seem suspicious while approaching zero hour.
          But many years later I asked if he knew anyone who was “killed” and he said a cousin of his was in one of the towers and was pulverized. I asked about his cousin and he admitted he had never met her nor had ever heard of her until his father told him. Turns out his father never knew this “cousin” either, but someone at a garden party had mentioned it. My friend admitted this did not pass my smell test and we moved on to other topics. Urban legend in my view. It just happened that my friend’s old man, who worked for IBM if that matters, was given this certain lie to disseminate. These legends are like bacteria and the creeps know how to create and infect the public with these things. The result is a near blind certainty of what is actually hearsay and therefore inadmissible as evidence. But the media, and the agents that spread these lies, are not under oath and so we argue amongst ourselves over these details about ghosts.


          1. I am willing to bet that if you talk to Columbine students of the late 90s they would for the most part claim to personally know Klebold and Harris, even as I view them as ghosts who never darkened a doorway of that school.


    2. Joki, I have the same questions you do about these events.

      Was the entire concert crowd (and performers, too, I suppose) a cast of crisis actors? That’s a huge cast, even if the numbers were exaggerated. If not—and if actors/victims were planted throughout the crowd—who could guarantee that in the stampede for the exits, a non-actor might not be injured/killed? Certainly not a commenter on a small blog.

      Why are some Truthers so dogmatic on the point that no one is ever killed in these things? Why have we never heard from a worker in a local hospital, opining that it was just a normal night and the emergency room was not jammed with gunshot victims? Why have we never heard from a local funeral home, wondering why it never got an uptick in business due to such an event?

      The fallacy of the false dichotomy is being pushed in Truther circles. I wonder why.


      1. Maarten, I am glad you are bringing skepticism into this discussion, necessary. In terms of the entire crowd being actors, which I take from you as tongue-in-cheek, far more likely is that all those who attended the concert are enlisted after, by power of suggestion, and after they are stampeded out, to assume they are part of the event. This happened at Columbine, where the kids were evacuated, and then went home and watched the event on TV. All believe it real, and that they were part of it. Five minutes of fame. Concert attendees hear shots, witnessed actors acting out, and by use of plants in the crowd were encouraged to head for the doors. All left behind were part if the operation.

        That is how I think they pull off such an event. What is interesting is that they are following through now with phone calls (in an age where even email is considered passe’) about how someone’s distant cousins are victims. If we look back (I will link tomorrow), Josh encountered this with that event in Israel, and it indeed perplexed him. It is very subtle integration of the fake into the real. Very impressive.


        1. Exactly. That boundary line between the fakery and reality is what fascinates me. Is every cop in Las Vegas in on the charade? Hard to swallow. So what does the honest cop see when he surveys a field of fallen crisis actors and fake blood? Does he have doubts? Questions? Or does the adrenaline of the moment keep him from sensing the fakery?

          At the local hospitals … are the chaplains on call twiddling their thumbs, just when they might be expecting a long night of counseling and consolation? Do they sense that they are praying over sham wounds and feigned pain? Do the off-duty ER doctors rush in to help, only to mill around waiting for patients who never arrive? Or, if victim actors do come in, do the doctors bandage up fake lacerations? Do they swab away moulage makeup with a gauze pad?

          For these ruses to work, don’t there have to be a few genuine victims to run through the system, from the ambulance ride to the funeral home hearse? If the death&dying industry in Las Vegas is not now experiencing an uptick in business, would that not be obvious to many?

          The complexity of these fake events boggles my little brain. It is more than just staging some dramatic photos and cellphone videos. They clearly have thought it through so that the boundary between fakery and reality is a blurry line. But that makes it hard to think there could be absolutely no victims. Verisimilitude demands a few.


          1. Yes, the cooperation of hospitals is confounding. Cooperation of police is less so, as that element has been militarized over the years. One report on Columbine suggested that within minutes of the first shooting, a thousand police officers from all over the area were headed there. Of course, there is no photographic evidence of that. What is apparent is that there were a few uniformed police and a SWAT unit who took control of the set and kept outsiders out of the school. They were surely ex or embedded military or Intel.

            And that is critical … police and military units quickly take control of the area. In LV, is is readily apparent that a stampede was created to get non-participants out of the area so that crisis actors could move in and do their thing. TV interviews and photos were filmed in advance. I don’t have any problem with that part, a TV show. If it is on TV, it is real. All of the concert goers who stampeded out if there think it was real. They saw it on TV.

            What do we know about hospitals, morgues, chaplains? Not much. What I suspect is a “someone else’s watch” affair, where all the real people who work in these places think that some other shift or some other hospital absorbed the bulk of the work. So only a few doctors and nurses have to be in on it, and the crisis actor victims are steered towards them. They show up on TV, perhaps recorded in real time, perhaps in advance. It is TV that creates the illusion if mass casualties by mere suggestion. If anyone acts up, questions the fake reality, it is a very easy matter to threaten them with job loss into silence. But if they are courageous and speak out anyway, who are they going to tell? The news media? Watergate created the illusion that we can run to the media and snitch on wrongdoers. It has never been the case. Suggestions of fake events are contained within small groups who have no way to spread the news except by word of mouth, but TV controls perceptions, so they are not believed.

            One of my first questions for MM afer reading Camelot was “What about the Parkland doctors?” His answer, yeah, they were in on it too. Tyrone in his JFKTV paper suggests that there are enough Masons around the country to work on any public scam (this would be the Parkland doctors) and they have their oaths and a call to higher purpose, so that as long as the killing is fake and it is a TV show for the purpose of herd management, they are OK with it. If the killing is real, they would back out.

            All speculative, of course. But I tend to align with Tyrone on this, that not only are there no deaths, but no laws are broken either. It is perfectly legal for news to tell lies and for government to run psyops. There was once a law forbidding domestic propaganda, but I doubt it was ever followed, and it is now gone.


          2. … “ln LV, is is readily apparent that a stampede was created to get non-participants out of the area so that crisis actors could move in and do their thing.” …

            Yes. Unless everyone present was on the crisis-actor payroll, they would have had non-participants to stampede out of the venue. And it’s on that point that I balk at the “no-victims” claim.

            There is an element of crowd management in my line of work (Mark knows what that is). Even in orderly situations, accidents happen. In a stampede? People would fall, get trampled, fracture wrists, break noses, faint, and have heart attacks. You would have injuries—real injuries. And creating conditions in which the public might be hurt because of a hoax—i.e., crying “Fire!” In a crowded theater—IS a crime. So these concert hoaxes, like Las Vegas, Bataclan, Manchester, etc. must either involve committing crimes OR have a very large cast of crisis actors.

            How large? I have to ask. As large as they need, some would answer. So that gets to my question about the boundary line between fakery and reality, between in-the-know participants and unwitting non-participants. IF it is a crime to yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater, and IF no crimes are committed in these hoaxes, then everyone, absolutely everyone present must be in on the hoax and part of the performance. Even the people working the concession stands. Parking attendants. Ushers. Grips. Gaffers. Janitors. People working the lights and the soundboard. Every schlub working a minimum-wage job at that concert venue year-round must be under an NDA contract. Else there is the chance of a crime being committed when an innocent person panics and gets hurt.

            So large a cast of hoaxers? I will be told: Yup, all spooks, all shills, all Freemasons. Huge cast, sworn to secrecy, big budget, no problem.

            OK, what about the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing? Was every runner that day on the payroll/in the CIA/a member of the Lodge? Or–in the panic that ensued from the hoaxed bombing–could it be guaranteed that no one accidentally broke an ankle? Got a concussion? Had a heart attack?

            I apologize for being an asshole on this point, but I cannot understand the doctrinaire insistence that these hoaxes commit no crimes and create no victims. In the “fog of war”–even a fake war–accidents happen. And those injuries are actionable.

            Indeed, if I were one of the hoaxsters, I would actively try to plant the suggestion in Truther circles that these events do no actual harm. Just to muddy the waters and divide and polarize the 5% that Mark mentions in another post.


            1. No problem in assertively arguing your point, hardly an “asshole” thing to do, and you left behind a trail of reasoning that makes me think harder on this subject, but without easy answers.

              Your point about my use of the word “stampede” is well taken. But what if the evacuation were more calm, say, people saying “No need to be alarmed, folks, but we are asking you to leave the area in an orderly manner.” Then as people depart they bring in the actors.

              Did ordinary concert goers hear gunfire or see wounded and killed people? Did any of them see a sniper? We cannot know because ordinary people are not interviewed. Only the actors are. Perhaps there was a concert, and then as people were leaving after the hoax went into effect.

              I can see power of suggestion playing a huge role in this. Television, and these days computers, do a lot to sell the event. Even if concert-goers saw and heard nothing, just the fact that they were there and it is big news will convince them they did.

              But you make valid points. I will let it all percolate over time, till the next event.


  25. So it seems everyone has neatly arranged themselves into “it’s real” or “it’s fake” attitudes regarding this event. I’m curious why it must seemingly be just one or the other. Can you not have elements of fakery in a real event? Can you not have real deaths in a manufactured event? Is there a reasonable argument for why there wouldn’t or couldn’t be any real deaths?

    Could someone then tell me what the procedure is for when your friend of 25 years calls and tells you their cousin was shot in LV? Do I demand my friend provide undeniable evidence of his cousin’s life and death? I can’t believe my friend is lying to me, so either he’s telling the truth or he’s mistaken. If he’s telling the truth then that still wouldn’t mean the whole of the event is “real” anymore than a photo anomaly would mean the whole thing was “fake”.

    It strikes me that causing just this kind of binary response might be one of the aims of whoever’s perpretrating these events. With actual people actually dead anyone shouting “fake!” is going to look like a complete tool. And with so many anomalies, “numerological” markers, witness inconsistencies and so on, to the “fake” camp anyone suggesting the event was largely “real” will be labelled “controlled opposition” or the like and everyone can go back to their respective white and black squares of the board safe in the knowledge that they’re right and the other camp is wrong.

    For those reasons I can’t get on board with the decree that this whole thing was “fake”. I don’t buy the “lone nut” story, either, however. But where does it say that fake events must be 100% fake, through and through? Or where does it say that real events cannot also contain elements of trickery, misdirection, etc.?


  26. Joki, you may be right; the televised victims are controlled (fake) and the ones who don’t appear in the media are not (real). That is a possibility. Just as the fake survivors come on TV in interviews turning their eyes and smiling and the real survivors are not in the know and believe they were part of the “attack”.

    The only way to confirm that would be for your friend to see his/her cousin’s body. And meticulously check the coroner’s report.

    Extrapolation can be dangerous; both directions, from “one dead” to all really dead and from “fake deaths” to all really not dead.

    Problem is; how did that cousin of your friend die? Because of bullets? From where? From the hotel? 32nd floor or the other floors suggested in other videos? Other cause? What? How?

    If you say “we” have to prove the “how”, then that same “burden of proof” is on your shoulders, right?


    1. All good questions, some of which I plan to ask myself when the opportunity arises.

      “If you say “we” have to prove the “how”, then that same “burden of proof” is on your shoulders, right?”

      I don’t know what you mean. I’ve not said you have to do anything, I don’t think. Certainly you don’t have to prove anything to me. And I don’t claim to have proved anything to you, so I’m not sure where you’re going with that last.


      1. That’s fine, then we are on equal ground.

        I also don’t feel the need to “prove” a staged event; it is up to anyone to interpret what (not) happened at each televised event. I can only share my observations and provide clues analyzed by others.

        But in case one demands (you’re not alone in the confusion about real vs fake deaths) proof for side X, then at the same time that calls for proof for side Y.

        One question: did you know that cousin? Well? I mean, I don’t know the cousins of my friends and they may well be part of Masonry or other spooky clubs that I am not aware of. New identities are cheap (if I have to believe those Indians and Nigerians offering them…) so that’s not the problem.


  27. Floor 32 is floor 31 since due to superstition the 13th floor is not named in buildings, especially in Las Vegas.
    Floor and room 31-135 has two 13’s (one reversed) and adds up 31, a reverse 13.
    Oct. 1, 2017 is the 274 day of the year which adds up to 13.

    The Route 91 Harvest Festival:
    Route 91 is the highway that currently serves as a connection between the Cache Valley area of Utah and Idaho to the Salt Lake City and Idaho City.
    Along Route 91 in 1863 occurred The Bear River Massacre at Cache Valley. The Shoshone Indian village under Chief Bear Hunter was attacked by U.S. soldiers, the numbers roughly killed run from 50 to 500. Does the ratio sound similar?
    The Harvest Moon occurs on Oct. 5, 2017 close to the Autumn Equinox, Sept. 22, where ‘doors open up’ as the earth’s various geophysical grids line up. It is not a ‘Blood’ moon but will appear reddish due to dust in the atmosphere. The bright light of the moon was a good time for farmers to harvest their crops, hence Harvest Moon. Vexman’s Thoughts blog used to (?) have articles on ‘Harvesting’, not the Rudolph Steiner biodynamic lunar planting sort.
    The Harvest Moon is one of 13 full moons in a solar year.

    The massacre occurred between Yom Kipper and Sukkot, after a ‘Great Solar Eclipse’. The gematria number 91 has significant.

    If an astrological event was to occur this wouldn’t be a bad time, if you’re into that.

    In reference to Miles Mathis (genuflect), Where is the Lt. Colonel in all of this?


  28. Just abduct and kill some random people heading to these events, then produce the bodies for evidence later.

    You can’t have people being ‘under-fire’ and ‘dying’ at such events, because that would involve actual shooting/bombs, etc.


  29. Therefore the above comments of people actually knowing people who died are verified, but not actually through the faked ‘killings’.


  30. There are many pertinent questions here regarding how on earth it would be possible to cook up such a terror pie like this LV-event. I had just watched a lecture on youtube by Ole Dammegard in Copenhagen when the shooting unfolded. The name of the lecture is “Terror” – are you kidding me. I suggest anyone interested in how this is done to check it out.


    1. I have my suspicions about Dammegard, as he is heavily promoted by Fetzer, a known spook, and has in his own way sealed the impression that the death of Olaf Palme was a real event. But as with all of them, real and fake alike, look for what is useful and discard the rest.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Agree! Dammegard does not pass the lackmus test on several accounts and the assassination of Olof Palme is not supported by evidence available. The lecture tries, quite well, to map the anatomy of the logistic proceedings necessary to performe a faked event like the LV, it also point out a certain, highly suspicious, company that is involved.


      2. It is two hours long, the kind of thing I usually use as background while working in the garage (shop). I will get to it, as it looks interesting. Another thing to consider, just another small red flag, is that if it is on YouTube it is not being censored. Why?


        1. Skip the first ten minutes. Don´t know how they rate on YT, however, he seem to have permission to present this research. Since I have been puzzled over how they do this stuff I clicked on that link at the Tap-news-blog and some coins came ticking through.


        2. The most obvious and easiest way to hurt these perpetrators would be to go undercover as a crisis actor and after that make a presentation of the whole scam, backside being that this person, to be safe, has to fake his death and disappear.


  31. On the “gunfire”…listen to it carefully. POPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOP POP…POP….POP…..POP……POP. Fully automatic weapons don’t “wind down” like that. What the fuck, was he using one of those old-timey hand-crank machine guns? lol.


  32. Symbolism:

    Stephen PADDOCK –> BIGGEST mass-casualty shooting in U.S. History.
    We are told that he shot from the 32nd Floor.

    This reminds me of the 32-foot high BIG HORSE in Denver called “Blue Mustang”.

    Potential Nobel Peace prize nominee Filippo Grandi of the UN has a name which suggests a lover of tall/big horses.
    The UN is blue like “Blue Mustang”.

    The surname ‘Grandi’ reminds me of ‘Grande’ and the Manchester Arena bombing of the Ariana Grande concert – 22 killed on the 22nd by a 22-year-old.

    That was a fake attack on a concert, and the Las Vegas concert had 22,000 people at it we are told.


  33. “it is a very easy matter to threaten them with job loss into silence. But if they are courageous and speak out anyway, who are they going to tell? The news media? Watergate created the illusion that we can run to the media and snitch on wrongdoers. It has never been the case.”

    Very well put. desperate measures for desperate people. What would you do if you were going to lose your home and family, have a relative in the hospital with no insurance, job loss, or simply the desire to have nice stuff. It doesn’t take much research to see what people will do to survive or stay in their comfort zones…..


  34. Thanks Tyrone McCloskey for your comment and link.
    Seems like the security industry will do well with this event.

    Liked your NFL comment in the beginning of this post. If you’re not already familiar with Pastor Joe Fox at Viking Preparedness, his comments on the NFL at the following YouTube video might strike a chord.

    #takeaknee, the NFL, Police, and YOU


    With a name like J. Kidding I’m posting for the heck of it so here it goes …
    Perhaps the ‘Charlie Angels” photo is a way of letting people in on the ‘joke’ since the joke is on us. Darn nice thing to do. Really.

    [Sorry, can’t insert photo. Please scroll up to Vexman’s two photos more than half-way up this post. The first photo is what I refer to as “Charlie’s Angels”, people with patrol car in the middle of the road.]

    The photo looks like an inspired ‘Bo Bartlett’ painting (Mathis’ favorite non-painter. Or is that now Mathis the Bold. See too top title image on his “Phillip II da Bold …” article. Photos don’t lie.)

    The massacre photo looks posed and that takes time to set up, implying it was not done on the spot. TMCc’s observation is valid that it was meant to be a filled in photo mistakenly released too early. For the fun of it consider the photo a diagram of the event. Comments were made about multiple shooters. Imagine the three men as symbols for the alleged active shooters. The vertical guy with his back towards us is standing approximately under the 32nd floor location. The inclined guy with his right side towards us holding a rifle looks like he is pointing his trigger finger past the cellphone listener, towards the second Mandalay Bay building which could indicate there was to be crossfire. The prone man might correspond to witness accounts of shots coming from the ground.

    The classically posed man on his knee in front of the patrol car, the standing guy to the picture’s left of him and the man with the pink T-shirt behind the patrol car could stand for the event ground controllers. Taking it a half step further notice the white fence starts at the left standing ‘controller’ and rises to its apex over the other ‘controller’ with the pink T-shirt. It’s a big stretch but the white fence would represent their communication as the events were to unfold. There may be clues imbedded in the fence. The kneeling guy, equal distanced between the two cellphone users, is facing the poster of the red head/hand with the sign of the horns gesture above him in the distance, on the photo’s left margin indicating he taking instructions from whoever that represents, HQ?
    The cellphone users may also be the MSM.

    The overhead lights could be the all-seeing light but I firmly believe it is the prop that fell from the sky in the movie “The Truman Show” with Jim Carey.

    (Misc.: The shadows between the three men by the side of the patrol car are … well, strange as they’re indicating something I cannot read. They come down at a forty-five-degree angle while the first cellphone guy and the patrol car shadows are more horizontal. While there may be a light source not in the photo the overhead pole light behind the fence would cast shadows in the opposite direction from what they are in the figures. This suggests a composite layered image. The bushes in front of the black fence appear to be graphically put-in. Their number may have meaning. I don’t know the location of the photo but why be exposed out in the open? Especially since there was confusion where the gunfire was coming from.

    I was gonna say the above-mentioned shadows coming off the three people onto the car looks ‘air-brush’ tooled in. The dark spot, starting at the middle standing guy’s gluteus maximus, right cheek, extending into the tire, tonal value is darker from the other shadow values around it. The shadow forms an inverted ‘V’ with the standing guy’s left leg. This sounds like the “M” of the Di Vinci’s “Last Supper” painting depicted in Dan Brown’s book “The Di Vinci Code”.
    As a kid I read that ninety-five percent of centerfolds were air-brushed. At the time, I thought that was sacrilegious but realizing we’re surrounded by advertising I got over it. It’s interesting that people assume things are what they appear to be in the first place. Cognitive vision is an acquired skill, we learn to see.

    That’s my off-the-wall critique. Aside from appearing like a stage set it would make a nice Jacque-Louis David image if combined with the triangular composition of Picasso’s ‘Guerica**’ stolen from Gericault’s ‘Raft of Medusa’ (“Lesser artists borrow, Picasso steals”) at a three-quarter top down view. Yea, yea, everyone’s an Art critic.

    Anyone want to said what they see?
    If you hit a mental block think what would The Bold* think?

    *U’ know.
    ** Note: Picasso’s ” Guerica” painting uses a triangular composition with an all-seeing eye, well a bare light bulb, 40 Watt … but it’s a triangle with a light at the apex… woooooa.


    1. I don’t trust anything from the click-bait “journalist” Baxter Dmitry or YourNewsWIre. TPV (The People’s Voice) are also purveyors of highly suspect “news” stories. They’re in the same category as Alex Jones, IMHO.


    1. Jack- I usually find about twenty to thirty percent of this guy’s rap useful. I have to scratch my head, though, when he can’t decide which is worse: An agenda driven staged event with dead or one with no dead. I would think it axiomatic that a guy with spiritual hoo haw on the brain such as he has would immediately opt for ‘no dead’.


      1. He’s got a knack for breaking things down IMO, . I like his rationale.

        Doen’t mean I agree with him 100% of the time. I believe he’s genuine though.


    I texted my Dad yesterday NOT to worry about LV shootings (my parents visit LV around once a year) – advising my Dad the LV shootin news is FAKE (my parents Unfortunately are part of the 95% – they believe everything on TV and in the News, whereas I certainly DON’T). Anyway, my Dad JUST NOW REPLIED BY PHONE (to my LV HOAX text from yesterday), and my Dad STATED that “Your (my) Niece has a friend who goes to Sacramento State University, whose Father was killed at LV shooting. So in response to your text yesterday saying LV shooting was FAKE, the fact that your niece’s friend’s father was killed during it means it’s certainly Real.” Needless to say I was SPEECHLESS. I wanted to ask HOW he was killed or his NAME, BUT I knew my Dad would view those questions as disrespectful, especially since I had seemingly already ‘stepped in it’ BIGTIME.
    Now what do I do?
    I’ve got major egg on my face (my own fault for even texting my Dad to begin with).
    And what should I believe about what my Dad said… in comparison to the LV shooting having all the tell tale signs pointing to a Hoax?


    1. My elderly, gullible parents are the same way – they are retired and glued to the TV watching Fox news all day and they believe everything on TV. It’s very frustrating. It makes me very angry that these people, whoever the hell they are, are doing these things and nothing can really be done about it.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. After the Pulse Nightclub “event”, I brought up to my family that it wasn’t a real event. They were horrified….they had a friend, who had a sister that knew someone that died…I’ve learned to keep my thoughts (knowledge) to myself…just not worth it.


      1. Yes, people get very angry, but not because they knew someone, as we know that is false. They get angry because if we say anything as you did (and I have done too) it is the same as saying 1) You were fooled, and 2) I am smarter than you. They don’t like that.


  36. Rico, what I would do in your situation:
    * ask your niece about this friend
    * how well did she know him/her?
    * what is his/her name, so who is that father?
    * check if he appears on the list released by the media (The Guardian link was posted here, there may be others)
    * go back to your niece and ask her everything she knows about that family (son/daughter and dad), look for clues you learned here, from Mathis or any other point; last names (“the families”), spook universities, organizations, military, working for certain spooky companies (NASA, DuPont, etc.)
    * ask if there is a GoFundMe (or similar) page made for this allegedly dead father
    * try to find out who is profiting from that money (I imagine his wife and the friend of your niece)
    * stay open and understanding towards your niece, saying things “I have seen doubts risen about this incident…” but not revealing your own views too much

    That’s just what I would do, no real recipe or anything. Best of luck in any case.


  37. A social media presence isn’t proof of anything.

    I suspect miltary intelligence (or whoever’s responsible for these operations) has whole teams of people who’s sole purpose it is to create and maintain fake victim pools that can be drawn upon whenever needed.

    They’ve learned from their past mistakes. Gone are the days when a fake entity could be easily identified by a newly created Facebook page with no activity or content. It’s going to become increasingly harder, if not imposible, to figure these things out in the future.


    1. So you didn’t check his facebook-account?
      You already are 100% sure he is alive…
      No questions, no research, i call that: fake thinking


  38. I’m trying to envision a scenario where someone involved in the Las Vegas operation would have second thoughts and decide he wanted to expose the lie. Where would he go to do such a thing?
    What would happen to him for even trying?
    Would he be incarcerated?

    People always wonder how come these people remain silent. I’m sure there are oaths taken and non-disclosure agreement signed, but even stronger than those things is the self preservation instinct.

    When faced with the prospect of possibly going to jail and loosing one’s career and means of providing for himself and his family, a persons going to do whatever’s necessary to survive.

    Does anyone have any thoughts about how someone could come forward and effectively blow the whistle on one of these operations?
    Can it even be done?


    1. Jack- Honestly, I don’t think it can be done. Calling out individuals who staged a technically legal hoax won’t get you a court venue. If named individuals were to sue for slander that would likely bankrupt the whistleblower since the other side is the media/military complex with unlimited funds and influence. Taking evidence to the media won’t happen because he would be up against the media/military complex.
      The question is what could he bring to POM and the like to make his case? Videos? Photos? Good luck, fella. It would all come down to trust in a guy who had already been vetted by the hoaxers in order to find himself “suddenly” participating in a hoax and I suspect they have ways of ferreting out people with a tricky conscience during the job interview stage.
      PS- He wouldn’t be physically harmed as that would involve committing a crime and I insist they don’t do anything technically illegal. Sorry for pounding that drum so much. Unavoidable criminal activity within the framework of the planned hoax would make recruitment of stable, orderly and obedient assets exceedingly difficult if not impossible. Survival instinct, indeed.


      1. Would be easier to pull off being Napoleon in a nut house than legitimately blowing the whistle as an insider. For all we know people are trying it on all these events, and not getting anywhere. My guess is that they know how to psychologically profile the actors and most likely find some with potential criminal offenses, maybe drug related or other lower level things they can hold over their heads.


      2. Tyrone-

        “Calling out individuals who staged a technically legal hoax won’t get you a court venue.”

        I’ve heard many people say they think these operations are done within the boundaries of the law. Wouldn’t this be considered a form of domestic terrorism? It ought to be, because that’s ecactly what they’re doing, terrorizing the citizens of this country.

        I have a neighbor across the street who was so distraught by all this she ended up having a panic attack and had to be medicated. Now she’s being treated for depression.

        If there aren’t any laws against what they’re doing, there certainly ought to be.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The threat of fake nuclear weapons is also terrorism by the government on its own people. Should this be considered to be a “crime against humanity.”? How much anxiety do you think the fake nuclear weapons threat has had on people over the past decades?


        2. Jack- The creep’s legal defense might be something like: As we are under no obligation to tell the truth unless under oath, and TV etc. is not under oath, your panicked neighbor is at liberty to not watch the news on TV, listen to it on radio or read it in print or on line. Her personal reaction is an expression of her fundamental liberties and inalienable rights, equal to our right of free speech. (A total inversion of first principles.)

          As for these hoaxes being terrorism, I have never accepted Dubya’s definition of ‘terrorism’ as this ‘terrorism’ is, in the context of 911 and beyond, completely fabricated. Your neighbor, sadly, is a victim of her own naïveté. That’s how insidious this is.

          However, if evidence requiring legal action were possible to get into court, the example of big tobacco and the lawsuits brought against their products would be a template to fight back within the system. It would be messy and largely unjust, but cigarette sales continue to plummet as the government levies more taxes against big tobacco. (Designer coffee seems to be the quick fix today.)


      3. I am coming around to your point of view on the no-crimes hypothesis. But I can’t help pointing out that the United States military has committed plenty of war crimes in the past couple of decades and yet still manages to recruit new assets. What people are told when they sign up and what they are ordered to do after the ink is dry can be very different things.


      4. I wrote a piece about this today and my immediate reaction in looking it over was that it is very good. This means it is very bad. (Anyone who writes knows that when they really like their own work, it stinks.) Another day’s work, and then another to get over the conceit. In the end I support Tyrone in thinking they can pull these events off without actually killing or injuring anyone. He has got it covered in terms of hospitals and ambulances and spokespersons, and I hope we all agree that the police we see at these events are disguised military. I hope to add some other elements, one of which is turning spectators into participants.


  39. I wonder if the perpetrators of these fabricated events violate any part of this law.

    I do realize their use of the word “claim” refers to a claim for payment, but isn’t that essentially what they do to us. They make a false “claim” and the taxpayers end paying for something that wasn’t necessary?

    Check it out.

    I. Federal Laws

    False Claims Act (31 USC §§3729-3733)

    The False Claims Act (“FCA”) provides, in pertinent part, that: (a) Any person who (1) knowingly presents, or causes to be presented, to an officer or employee of the United States Government or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States a false or fraudulent claim for payment or approval; (2) knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false record or statement to get a false or fraudulent claim paid or approved by the Government; (3) conspires to defraud the Government by getting a false or fraudulent claim paid or approved by the Government; or (7) knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false record or statement to conceal, avoid, or decrease an obligation to pay or transmit money or property to the Government, is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of not less than $5,000 and not more than $10,000, plus 3 times the amount of damages which the Government sustains because of the act of that person (b) For purposes of this section, the terms “knowing” and “knowingly” mean that a person, with respect to information (1) has actual knowledge of the information; (2) acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the information; or (3) acts in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information, and no proof of specific intent to defraud is required. 31 U.S.C. § 3729. While the False Claims Act imposes liability only when the claimant acts “knowingly,” it does not require that the person submitting the claim have actual knowledge that the claim is false. A person who acts in reckless disregard or in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the information, also can be found liable under the Act. 31 U.S.C. 3729(b).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. “Your lie does not even have to be made directly to an employee of the national government as long as it is “within the jurisdiction” of the ever expanding federal bureaucracy.”
        No lawyer, here, but the networks, for example, are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. Does that mean an in the know anchorman, reading knowingly false accounts, say, Walter Cronkite announcing JFK’s death on TV, while FCC members are watching the broadcast- is that a form of lying to the feds? Is network TV within federal jurisdiction?
        I feel I’m wading into a dense swamp with these questions of legality vis a vis hoaxing.


  40. How futile do you think it would be to try creating or changing a law?

    Tyrone, you’re an intelligent guy and a gifted writer. How about you propose a bill for us and we’ll send it to Congress for consideration.

    We’ll start a grass roots movement here.

    You up for it?


  41. Here is one claim about checks and balances. Note the line: “While the rule has been rarely enforced since, it is on the books and ready for use against any station that ties up police and fire companies when there is no emergency.” The take away here is that it is up to the FCC to define an actionable offense. Fines are then levied, no arrests are made. The FCC commissioners are appointed by the president and reviewed by congress. Good luck with that.

    Also, here is the most infamous case of legalized lying by the media in recent years. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/sep/10/facebook-posts/facebook-post-claims-fox-admits-they-lie-have-righ/
    The article is on the side of FOX at root. But if this is a recent victory for propagandists, and the law (Smith/Mundt Modernization Act of 2012) allows for domestic propaganda by the government, I’d say the creeps have open field running now. Not sure what kind of bill would slow or stop this momentum.
    Like people dying from cigarettes, people would probably have to die from propaganda to get any congressional traction. Propaganda is not going to be outlawed any time soon or the war industries would collapse. Any legal maneuver would be cudgeled by the first amendment.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Apologies if this has already been mentioned, but Paddock seems to be an unusual name: it brought Macbeth to mind, the familiar of the second witch, a name for a toad. If someone could find Greymalkin, the first witch, in an earlier event, then Anon, which is from the third witch in the same opening scene, might be predictive.


    1. paddock
      noun pad·dock \ ˈpa-dək , -dik \
      Popularity: Top 20% of words
      Definition of paddock
      1 a :a usually enclosed area used especially for pasturing or exercising animals led the sheep into the paddock; especially :an enclosure where racehorses are saddled and paraded before a race
      b Australia and New Zealand :an often enclosed field
      2 :an area at an automobile racecourse where racing cars are parked


      1. Beginning in England, as I remember it, enclosure turned common land into “property” and farmers essentially into slaves. Common (man-made) law, replaced natural law.
        Sheeple need reminding, I suppose.


  43. I just had an acquaintance tell me she knew someone who was shot. Once I started probing for more specifics, she confessed it was a friend of someone she works with.

    If the six degrees of separation theory is correct, it wouldn’t take very many of these type stories to envelop the entire population.


    1. A friend of mine (since childhood) told me that his friend, and regular drinking buddy in the town he has lived in for the last handful of years got shot in the ass. That was a day or two after “the event”. I told him “I believe you believe him. Find out what talent agency he’s associated with and sent me a picture of his ass when you get a chance.” My friend believes they are using crisis actors to interview to “frame the narrative” because they can’t get real victoms/survivors to do the interviews so soon after it happened. He also believes it’s not the official version, that there were multiple shooters, and that the government has no problem killing its own citizens. I explained why they would NOT want to actually kill anyone. All of this was via text, haven’t heard from him since. Will ask more questions about his drinkin’ buddy.

      Liked by 1 person

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