Time marches forward

I have been reading, only slowly and without much absorption, about the electric universe. I don’t plunge into such projects expecting immediate comprehension. The subject matter is complex, and only slowly does any of it begin to penetrate the thick hide of the accountant.

Still, it is a joy to read very difficult material, even if most of it is bouncing off that hard outer surface. (As the late Tom Magliozzi of Car Talk fame said, he was a member of Densa, not Mensa.)

One of the books I chose is called The Big Bang Never Happened, by Eric J. Lerner (1992). It’s a very difficult book, but I have stuck with it. It has within it an unexpected reward.


“By denying progressive time, physics denies not only the consciousness of the physicists themselves but also the possibility of explaining the universe without recourse to the supernatural. Also, by denying human consciousness – the fundamental basis of all human experiences as an object of science, even in principle – modern physics draws a gigantic chasm between the way physicists observe the world and the way most people do.”

That is a big thought. Here is a smaller one that resonates deeply with me. On Earth, time moves forward. Einstein famously made time another dimension, in effect denying its existence. Why should time move forward on Earth, but not in the universe?

Einstein was wrong. Time is progressive everywhere. There is a past, present, and a future. We cannot change the past, but can affect the future by our actions. This opens the door to ethics, law, actions and accountability, and even for the religious experience. There is right and wrong, good and evil, which might even exist without our defining them. Because time is real, we are not powerless. Indeed, there may even be a reason for our existence.

All of this flows from that simple notion. We can only experience time, but can never go back or forward. The movie industry just suffered a huge jolt.

I was so moved by this simple concept that I thought it perhaps no accident that we exist and are self-aware.  We are the natural product of a universe that moves forward from chaos to order (with many fits and starts in the process). Ergo, entropy is also wrong. We are becoming more complex beings. Aging is a process of accumulating wisdom and knowledge over time, but to what end? For nothing? Perhaps not!

Perhaps our experience on Earth is merely prelude to more and even, dare I say, better ones? I cannot know, of course. But by Lerner’s wisdom I have new insight, new hope for a brighter future. I have a warmth in my soul that supersedes earthly trials and tribulations.

That is quite a nice outcome from what seemed at first a dreary project!

It was only a few years ago that Straight and I sat down with Dave McGowan’s book, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. I felt up against a brick wall, not knowing what to make of it. I made a conscious decision to push forward even as the subject matter seemed unfathomable. We asked hard questions without apparent answers. We had a breakthrough or two, and gradually a new world unfolded, one in which all if our musicians and actors and politicians, corporate executives and judges and news readers are merely actors on a stage. The aristocracy of old did not vanish, but rather merely blended into the tapestry that surrounds us.  That led to new insights. Where once I was a face-chopping fool, I settled down into a higher awareness, excited that even better things awaited.

There were long periods of new but unexciting, even expected discoveries. Of course Columbine, Waco, Tiananmen and Jonestown were fake, as are all the mass shootings. It is all TBMC, Trauma-Based Mind Control. That became the working premise, and frankly, it gets a little boring. I rarely pay attention to these things anymore. Once I see the magic numbers, 8, 11 and 33, I move on.

But this latest realization is, for me, profound. When I was 20, the ability to run like the wind was all that mattered. When I was 40, I realized my body was starting to wear down, but new interests and activities arose. When I was 45 I met my current wife, the beginning of a fairy tale. Now at 68 I am excited by the idea that I might know her still in the next phase of this existence in this universe that is without beginning and without end. That is my hope.

Is it not funny how the change of one little concept can open up a new universe? Time is a constant everywhere, and there is no power anywhere in the universe that can change it.

69 thoughts on “Time marches forward

  1. digital watches created the illusion of a forward running time, Mark. Time runs in cycles. We have the cycles of hours, days, years and even life spans. In my children I see my life repeating itself. From the perspective of a subject, time may appear as running forward, but then we know, we have to die and the world will still go on. What if there is another cycle, we are not aware of? The universe is running in cycles too. You can see it in the planets and their moons, or in all those countless galaxies. There is no real, convincing proof of the expanding universe and then no proof for the big bang. Creationism is another form of the big bang thing. It also assumes a beginning. Talking about “Big Bang”, why do nerds always have to like Star Trek?


  2. TPTB want the normies to feel insignificant, fearful, alone and vulnerable. They think it makes us easier to control and manipulate.


  3. Mark, the electric universe theory is one being promoted by Alice Bailey and the lucis trust. just keep that in mind.

    I don’t sponsor this guy at all but he has done some videos on the agenda behind electric universe.he has done several if I recall. ive found some of his work insightful but as usual…take some leave some. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLIZ8DawVMw

    You are heading into Saturn/cube research here. pretty interesting stuff and quite the rabbit hole.

    thank you for the article.


    1. I have not heard of that name, and am aware of the MM Group warnings that electric universe is but another project, that they are hiding something even more significant. It’s all above my pay grade. I barely comprehend what I have read. Maybe I got a little metaphysical in the post, but the concept of time on earth and in the universe at once made perfect sense.


    2. I’ve been down the saturn cube hole for years. I don’t want to ruin the ending but you end up learning that none of this is real, the world is a dream, we live in a holographic reality and our material existence is a shadow of something greater and death is not the end. Also we are prisoners and cattle, creatures of light stuck in material vessels and farmed for our emotion.

      The elites worship saturn as our original sun and god and they sacrifice people to it. In exchange they get wordly power, the ability to remember past lives, etc. Magic works. Planets and stars are alive they are gods.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They feed literally on FEAR as a sex/blood/magik fiend. The innocent (children) are even more prized. The eyes of the known elite reveal who is occupying that body. All roads lead to ROME.


        1. fear lust greed all of it. And yes they love abusing children. Not just the elites but all of us are vessels for spuernatural forces. In riots and concerts and mobs it is said a spirit takes over people and compels them to act. These spirits are real.


  4. Alice Bailey is known for her work in theosophy. The lucis trust, formerly Lucifer trust, is a NGO that works with the UN. Its sort of the spiritual guidance of the UN. iirc, Bailey was a student of Blavatsky.

    Saturn/Kronos is the god of time. All of the cube symbolism you see around has to do with Saturn. there is a lot of evidence that points to TPTB being involved in a Saturn cult of sorts. even the term el-ite is a Saturn reference. its as broad subject with a lot of angles but felt like you are kind of heading into that direction (sort of).

    the compass and square of freemasonry represent time and space so there are some connections to be made with the points you brought up. OCS101 has done countless videos about Saturn and some of his older work is floating around out there. def outside of the norm of what you typically talk about here but you may find it interesting.


    1. Interesting clues. The cube in Hebrew legend is the box that G-d sits on, by Jove… wait, Jove is the Yove or Yahveh or YHVH or Yahoovah of…. the Hebrews just dressed in a nice tutoo with some lipstick slathered on the pig. It was Josephus (I know it is an alias) who exposed that ALL of the world’s religions are harmonized to the Terah & Son’s shuck and jive of gods for sale, so the whole Saturn thing is just another distraction for the masses to not pay attention to the same-god-behind-the-curtain. The Big Bang? Just a Yahoody Bait & Switch for the Genesis creation for those who don’t like religion. Have a new religion: Quantum Physics. I’ve seen Saturn through my three inch refractor but that is as far as I will take it. I don’t accept anything that comes out of NASA, I have a problem with Velikofsky’s Venus flyby, I view the milky way as a curious light show that gives a rough idea when to plant and harvest and beyond that, these things have no influence on my life whatsoever. That others want to impose celestial influence on us from the outside seems to be the problem. The Amish claim that electricity IS The Devil. I could live a difficult life without electricity because if it was not artficially produced and used then creatures like Jose Delgado would never have existed. David Icke wants us to believe that existence is vibration (whateverthehell that is) and that it is coded onto a holographic DVD that can be sampled in past/present/future. The only time I have traveled into the past is when I pulled out an image from a Soul Capturing Device and had my RAM refreshed with incidences that I didn’t remember too clearly. The only time that I have traveled into the future is like right: Now… Now…. Now….
      Ladies and gentlemen. I think we need to abandon all Yahoody-based machinations about the Nature of Nature, contemplate the lint in our own navels and come up with a narrative so far outside what they have been herding us into that it breaks all paradigms.


      1. Rats! The next chapter in the Lerner book is the origin of life. You’ve spoiled it! However, I cannot get over the notion that complex beings as ourselves, self-aware, just happened on the scene. It makes no sense. So no navel gazing for me.


        1. I came out of the Rockefeller Indoctrination System, so the brightest people I had contact with went on into things like biochemistry. (I, on the other hand, pursued an illustrious career as a college dropout). One woman told me that her professor told her that the way to get around entropy and enthalpy is to bind up kinetic energy into potential energy so that there appears to be a net loss in the system when it is merely used to create molecular complexity. Thus: DNA was born. The notion is that if you released all of the binding enery in DNA it would equal an atomic bomb (yes, I know those don’t exist). On the face of it the concept made sense. Then I was introduced to the work of Gustave Le Bon whose theories confirmed what I suspected: that things burn to a grinding halt, or grind to a burning halt. He says that the notion that matter is neither created nor destroyed is a myth and that energy is indeed lost and unrecoverable. His works are supposed to have been sanitized from higher education by the govern mente so they might be difficult to obtain in print form. Prepare for some mind-whiplash if you crack open some Louis Kervran who says you can actually transmutate elements in living bodies without the need for kiloelectron volt particle accelerators. I’ve been seeing a chirorpractor ever since. Like you, this stuff is a bit beyond my hard drive capacity, but I try to force it into my mud pellet to see if it makes sense. I like anything out of the mainstream narrative because we all know that it is controlled opposition. When you discover the origin of life please blog about it. I don’t know any complex beings but I do know beings with complexes.


      2. I would disagree that the “whole Saturn thing” is just another distraction bit. I doubt you have spent more than few hours trying to understand any of it.

        quantum physics isn’t a new religion. in fact much of the kaballah is based on quantum physics and certain types view most of the Old Testament as a story about physics that was dressed up for people to understand in laymen’s terms.There is certainly overlap with physics, kaballah, and Saturn research. much of modern judaism (if there is such a thing) has an entirely different approach to “the torah” than your typical christian fundamentalists would have. I try to study what is orthodox before going off the rails but I always appreciate a fresh perspective.

        The amish claim about electricity may not be too far off from the truth. almost all technology was given to us to control us and not bc someone happened to discover it but im not really sure where we are going with all of this so ill leave it alone for now but I think the “electric universe” might tie into all of this somehow.

        Saturn research is intrinsically ontological so you may be interested after all. its certainly paradigm shifting. In the end, im not sure if we disagree, it just seems you are dismissive of something you don’t have a lot of knowledge of. The truth is the truth and it remains true for all of us, whether we like it or not.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I know that he is a shill, but I do come from the Arthur See Clarke school of: advanced science looking like magicks. So, what I require of the ‘saturn-thing’ is scientifically demonstrable data where we can take daddy’s gun out of the shoebox in the closet and point it at him with a smile on our be-diapered faces. IF there are powers that can be tapped into that only the adepts possess then at the level that we are all operating at on this blog we should be able to co-opt them and in the highest achievement of the Samauri then slay the opponent with their own sword. If I seem dismissive (and I am) it is that I suffered chemical allergy for over thirty years. What that does is heighten your senses like someone who is blind. I like to say that I smell like a dog: and Ann (on this blog) would always say: Yes you do… What I mean is that I can sense chemicals down to parts per billion. Along with that curse came what is called Spreading. MCS victims would then become allergic to foods and at the end of the rail line you might become sensitive to EMF. I could almost be dropped to my knees by a wifi hub in a healthclinic until I cleaned up my health. What I am saying in a roundabout way is that I am old enough to have been through TWO Harmonic Convergences where the nattering New Agers said that there would be cosmic vibrations, portents in the sky and at least an earthquake or too. I worked for a major telecom and there were always stories about electromagnetic storms taking out communications, yet we had many incidences of Sol having indigestion without the slightest hiccup in transmission or reception. I read historical accounts of people nearly committing suicide due to the end of the world portent of Halley’s comet that was said, in days where fact checking should still be available, that it was so big that people thought they were going to die from the impact, but when Sam Clemen’s Death Star came around again, I could barely find it with my spotter scope and it looked like a tiny haze in my main scope. These kinds of experiences have given me such jaded skepticism for everything that it takes something dramatic to get my attention. During the planetary alignments and having the kind of animal sensitivities that I possessed I would have expected to feel something – not nothing – which is what I felt. Nothing. So when there are claims that something can remotely affect me whether it be ley lines or the hexagon at Saturn’s pole I would expect to be able to detect it physically. This is one of my primary criteria because I accept nothing out of NASA and do not accept that they have any actual images of extraterrestrial objects from ‘satellites’.
          I saw a picture of the Boston Marathon false flag aftermath and knew immediately that it was a fake. I couldn’t explain it because HD images have a patina of unreality to them, so I stared at it for weeks until I saw that it was a complete hoax. When I saw the image (in multiple wavelengths) from the link above just now, my mind said: Hoax. I can’t qualify that impression just now but I do not accept that image as real. My view on quantum physics is that it is just a Yahoody joke of mathematic acrobatics. If it does model the universe and their Black Mage incantations to manipulate reality, then there has to be someone not of their Clans that can use the same techniques to either jam their efforts or go sorcerer to sorcerer against them for a helluva light show. Bascially what I am saying and I’m not being a bastard about it is: Give me something I can use.


      3. The Venus fly by has the benefit of impressive evidence assembled meticulously by Velikovsky. No one deals with that evidence except Sagan, which was massively refuted. He even used part of his Cosmos series to emphasize the need for science to consider controversial theories from outsiders, which he most assuredly had not done. It sounded like he had a conscience. Off-hand unstudied brush offs are more the rule, along with book reviews by people who did not read the book. All very interesting, very telling.I cannot dismiss the man.


    2. Trample on Snakes channel as well. I liked Bill form Chicago. Beneath modern Rome is the ruins of a city called Saturn. Local Amish I like. ELF towers not so much.


    3. There was a russian scientist who claimed that time is an information field that comes from the core of stars. Different star systems have different “time”. Saturn was our original sun and our time still comes from saturn. The elites are right.


      1. It seems to me that Mark wants to get to the fundamentals of “Time”. If Time is a thing, then different star systems can’t have different “Time” just different rates of physical phenomena that are measured by whatever “Time” is. This is not a subtle difference or wordplay. In a Rubidium gas chamber light slows down to walking speed. In a reactor pool light shifts into the blue due to it traveling faster in that media. The speed of light is not a constant but averaged by those in metrology so they are fudging the numbers. Is this variability a function of media? inertial reference frame? Time? One thing that was made painfully obvious to me was that the only thing I can say with reasonable certainty is what I know from personal experience within my lifespan and only if I trust friends and family around me extend that out to about 100 years. 100 years ago Saturn was doing what it is now. Not a sun. Not running the whirled. If there is tangible, actionable evidence of this magickal power I want to have it demonstrated on America’s Got Talent or some format where we can all tap into it and put an end to the El-Atys. In the absence of that, every opinion out there is conjecture and in the absence of proof those conjectures are unsubstantiable.


        1. Time the way most people think of it is not a thing. Time is not self sustaining independent clock that runs the same from one edge of the universe to the other like how your clock runs the same in Tokyo as it does in London. Time is a form of energy. It is an unfolding. Our time energy comes from the stars same as our life energy does. They are ying and yang. Once makes things bloom and come to life while the other makes them corrode and die. Ying and Yang. There is so much attention paid to prana and chi and od force but very little paid to time. Except by the elites.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Don’t know squat about the “electric universe” thing, but if TPTB are messing with it, it may have, in its initial conception, something they feel needs dilution and dismissal.


  6. How many doctrinal fictions are really necessary before the man-gods behind them admit their conspiracy? Never enough, you say? One more, please. And another. The corporate franchise will go on, and on, as long as believers choose to follow the bouncing ball.


    1. Set clocks aside. There is a past, present and future. Einstein blended them all, said they are indistinguishable. He was wrong, in my non-arrogant view. It only makes sense to me that having progressive time on earth means that the universe has progressive time as well.


      1. Progressive time does not exist everywhere in the same manner or quality. Time goes in cycles. Time as we have it on earth at the present time is decay. A running down of things. It was not always this way. There was a period of time called the golden age of saturn that is well documented in many ancient cultures during which things did not grow old and die. It was a “different time”. Literally. When Kozyrev did his research on time he found that time had different quality and texture. There are good times and bad times…again literally. The assumption that there is a single uniform time that runs the same throughout the whole universe is very modern and digital. We live in an analog not a digital universe.

        Compared to other times, the time we have now is not so good. Nuclear atoms decay. Flowers grow old. People die. Buildings crumble. Why does everything run down? Because of time. Change the nature of time change the nature of reality. It can be done. Like I said in another comment, time is an information energy field. The 62 you are now is now what 62 was in biblical time. They had better time then.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. They matter a little. If you want to understand why the elites spend so much of public money on CERN and other particle accelerators supposedly in search for new particles which we all know is bullshit. They can change time.


    2. Are you referring to philosophy or physics? The firing of cylinders of an infernal combustion engine have to be ‘timed’ or it won’t start or it will run until a rod is thrown through the crankcase. It seems the biggest question is whether the clock is counting up to some kind of accrural of Time or if it counting down to some kind of extinction. ?


        1. Hey Mark: the dialetic would be: Big Bang to infinitely expanding universe OR Big Bang to Big Crunch. We have minor evidence that our lives have a Sell Buy date which informs us (the only ones that matter) that Time has the appearance of a countdown timer before we have to chose what is behind Door #3. Le Bon fell in favor of loss of energy which would be a countdown timer on Ye Olde Abbacus of Life. Free energy enthusiasts would have us believe that you can tap into the Ether in order to use what Le Bon said was gone for good. The practicality of this exploration being that even if you can’t recapture Time, that whatever essence it carried with it might be harvested for recycling in the now. Or even stored up like a battery for the future. But then this raises the question of whether Time is a stand alone phenomena or if it is subserviant to other things like force and acceleration or if those things are subserviant to Time. These would be physics questions. The philosphical question would be: if we are counting up to something special or down to certain doom, then what is the point of life? The most sardonic example of that would be that we spend our entire existence in trying to figure out the Electric Universe only at the last minute to say: “Oh! I get i………” and then you fall over on unfinished equations never having seen the limitless future or the snuffing of the cosmic ember. I think I’ll start a local chapter of the FFA Futile Fatalists of America.


      1. Counting or winding down a 26,000 year cycle. Cult of Saturn & it’s adepts are the likely PTB. That black cube & ‘time’. Personally through research & more I have found them to be of darkness. Their work’s bear this out.


  7. Mark you did not get to meta-physical. You got meta-real (existential). From your stream of consciousness you shared with POM readers your direct experience (response) to several different realities taking place at the same time: the Past (words you’d written) Present (words you were writing) Future (words you were thinking of and/or not yet thought of writing). Your subjective reflections to your written words supports your being self-aware which is a gift. I believe that gift opens the doors to being aware of our meta-physical experiences in my opinion. An example being synchronicity. The more I acknowledge meaningful coincidences the more often they seem to occur. Being self-aware without waiting for permission or being ordered to do so cannot be taught. In other words it’s a blessing and a curse when having to dumb oneself down )which I think of as an unselfish giving of oneself for the betterment of a less fortunate other) because they never seems to notice. Those of the majority who go through life seemingly without any self-awareness whatsoever. Unfathomable yet the numbers stay the same. So when people tell me I think too much I just tell them maybe they don’t think enough. Not everyone is born to moonwalk.


    1. I had forgotten about synchronicity, which I do suspect has some underlying merit, having experienced it myself. What is attraction to another human? Why have I reached out to help people out of the blue, only sensing a need and finding receptivity? Placing myself in the larger universe and hoping that our existence has meaning for me and is a fulfilling idea. The idea that my partner and I, each of us faced with life alone after death of the other, might be together again, warms my soul. I take it, bank it, knowing that if not true, I will be the last to know. What is the harm?


      1. According to the holographic universe theory, while underlies and is more fundamental than the electrical universe theory, our universe is a 3Dhologram and this explains things like synchronicity, telepathy, psychic viewing, and other supernatural phenomena.


  8. That is all circular and pointless. My only issue is the matter of time, which I regard as intrinsically important. All of the rest under discussion here is, in my view, far-fetched. The universe around us has been under study for as long as we have looked up and seen stars. Such study is not a Jewish or Rockefeller plot. Lerner spends much of the first part of the book discussing the various theories that have arisin, and indeed ties the Big Bang into creationism. Electricity and plasma theory could indeed be diversions, but from what? Who here has a better theory?


    1. holographic universe theory explains why the elites need to control music and media and the thoughts of its citizens and why they need concerts and superbowls and other rituals where they en-trance thousands or millions of people . According to the kaballah which the elites believe and according to rosicrusian mysteries and hermeticism, we can influence reality with our thought and intention, provided there is enough emotion behind it. The more people the better. And it is best to be in an altered state of conciousness as well. 9/11 as an occult ritual makes much more sense once you understand the hermetic significance behind it what it did on a spiritual and energetic level. It was and always will be the most watched live event and the most watched online video. Things changed irrevocably after that. Even if you didn’t see it you could sense it.


      1. speaking of 9/11 as a “mass ritual” have you read SK Bain’s “Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual” – here is a brief synopsis:
        “In this shocking exposé, investigative researcher and author S. K. Bain reveals the truth behind the mass-murdering psychopaths responsible for the events of September 11, 2001, and reconstructs the occult-driven script for this Global Luciferian MegaRitual. As Bain uncovers, the framework for the entire event was a psychological warfare campaign built upon a deadly foundation of black magick and high technology. The book details the sinister nature of the defining event of the 21st century and explains the vast scope of the machinery of oppression that has been constructed around us.” Amazon item #B009K92GCM
        I have read it twice and it is very insightful, IMO


        1. I haven’t read it but it sounds about right. These mass events that the whole world sees and resonates with are very powerful. People are batteries of a sort and create events with their will and intention. Before worldwide mass media there were places you could go to escape the system. now everyone is on the same frequency.


        2. Further confirmation of 9/11 as a mass ritual:

          Police K-9 Officer Sirius died on 9/11:

          Sirius, the “Dog Star,” is a binary star system belonging to the constellation Canis Major and is the brightest star in the northern sky. It was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians and is considered by some to be our “secret sun,” as in the star around which our current solar system revolves.

          I think this symbolic killing of Sirius represents either a change in star worship, or perhaps scientific confirmation that we are no longer “tethered” to Sirius as we once were.

          Also, 9/11 occurred on New Year’s Day in the Coptic calendar:

          I hadn’t seen the particular Sirius article before, but I enjoyed the Masonic tipping of the hat with the pair of boots. Cowboy boots were left at the Vegas Harvest Festival shooting (I can’t find the photojournalist’s boot picture online at the moment). A pair of shoes were left on the train platform following the London “bucket bomb” attempted attack in September 2017:

          Finally, I recall the bloody shoes owned by one of the emergency medicine workers following the Florida Pulse Nightclub shooting. This guy posted a picture of his blood-soaked cross trainers on social media to show the world just how bloody the event was.

          So, yeah, the death of Sirius, 9/11 on New Year’s Day in the Coptic calendar, and the recurring use of footwear as symbol. Mass ritual.


  9. Circular and pointless, indeed. Peter Ouspensky wrote about time as eternal recurrence, the only important thing that should concern us being how to escape. He thought he found a method in the 4th way, then as his own body fell apart he just gave up. Buddhism, anyone?


    1. Please give more on the 4th way. Dante (circa 1300 AD) was a Rosicrucian and they were in it thick with the Muslims back then. Astronomy and what appears to be globe-based planetary physics is present in Dante’s Inferno to the point of obsession with the stars. I always bring the Hebrews into the picture since Abram was called the Star Child and therefore everyone in Hollywood are called Stars. The 12 Tribes had analogs in the Zodiac except for one damaging point to the religion of Astrology in that there were THIRTEEN Zodiacs so everything that the so-called astrologers ever did with their Kraft was utterly wrong. I bring up Dante because his punishments in Hell were based on going around torture zones in circles for eternity. If Time is circular not linear then just like you, Bob, I want an exit strategy. I’ve had a lifetime of this bullshit. If it is linear then I really don’t care how the sitcom tragedy plays out. As for synchronicity, I tend to view it with suspicion due to the human mind being a pattern seeking machine. A paraphrase of the insane Louis Pasteur is: Chance favors a prepared mind. If you are intelligent, have experince, and can recognize patterns (the test for MENSA) then you can see patterns. A pattern that is advantageous is only useful if it is taken advantage of. I know a world full of grape apes that go through this circular life in a state of total unconsciousness. The question being: does synchronicity exist? or is it just a perception of advantageous patterns that we make use of? Bill Murray had to relive groundhog day until he chose to do something different. My overarching point will be: I chose to do nothing original or different. My goal would be to plant heirloom seeds in the same garden until I cannot do that function anymore, however we exist in a situation where that ability has been taken away from us by those who purport to have control over Nature, therefore I now have to distract myself from simply living in order to deconstruct what those who exert control have done, are doing, and plan to do so that I can smash them like a cockroach beneath my shoe in order to get back to planting, cultivating and harvesting without giving a damn about the stars in the sky, the planets, or even Time itself except as indicators of when to plant, cultivate, and harvest. It sounds trite, but technology and philosphy is a waste of “Time”.


  10. Stanley Kubric gave clues to Saturn worship. Was his death a waring to others or another hoax? Eyes Wide Shut was edited down like 24 (2+4=6 or 2×4=8 you get the drift) minutes. Would love to see THAT & stuff he himself removed. Neurons fire in our heads from cradle to grave. Those grids/lay lines are there for a bigger purpose.


  11. Regarding the 5th way, google Ouspensky or his teacher, Gurdjieff. In sjort, it’s a syncretic philosophical system that Gurdjieff cobbled together from various esoteric doctrines, Gnosticism, Sufism, etc Quite the rabbit hole!


    1. I saw this a long time ago, back when I most likley thought that there were planes and real deaths on that day. My only question is, Swede, if you are having some sort of awakening. This would be welcome indeed.


          1. Loved it, but for different reasons. The humor aspect is related to time and how its spent. You’re given a certain allotment so spend it wisely.


    2. Absolutely fascinating. I hadn’t seen that one before. Still, let’s not get carried away – anything is possible in the realm of fiction. I watched Back to the Future on a television screen. I also watched the 9/11 attacks on a television screen. What can I confirm? That I viewed imagery on, and listened to sounds projected from, the big black monolith. That was my direct experience – sensory stimuli from the manmade glow box while I sat in my modern day Plato’s cave. The video’s conclusion implies that perhaps I’m only “awake” because those that weave the major global historical narrative chose to wake me with their 9/11 ritual. Fair enough. They wanted to tap into a greater energy/consciousness field. The question is why? What is to be gained from it? Additionally, it appears that TPTB prefer to run hoaxes, false flags, psyops, etc. that elicit negative and fearful responses from the masses. Now, imagine if they were to run their operations with a different end result in mind – say love, charity, kindness, hope or peace? What a different and better world it would be. We would still have fakery/fiction but the end result could be positive rather than negative.


      1. I spent a month in New Guinea yet never saw a Bird of Paradise in the jungle. We heard one once. I’m hearing one again: The Idiot Box as Plato’s Cave. How creepily accurate. I have a theory that we have all been so Stockholmed that we don’t know what ‘good’ is. It is like being kidnapped, tortured, then feeling relief when they toss us a cheese sandwich despite our gluten and lactose intolerance. Cessation of violence is the only thing that we know, but that is Zero on the numberline not positive integers. My suspicion is that if love, charity, kindness and peace (a cruel word that means commencement of commerce during a time of war) were to exist that it would not suffer fakery or fiction and the antithesis to the good. Therefore, I conclude that we have never seen good, only neutral. The dilemma of carving a wooden indian: Just remove the bits that don’t look like a wooden indian. How do WE create a universe with Good if we have never SEEN Good? You can only sculpt the image that is in your mind. A good mind-purging would be the first order of the day.


        1. The name “Bird of Paradise” serves as my reminder that there is great beauty to be found in the natural world. I also feel the notion that man can experience paradise on earth is worth preserving.
          Those that control our institutions and media apparatus choose not to present to us examples of love, charity, kindness and harmonious well-being – this does not mean that these states of being, or feelings, do not exist. You will find them at the micro level rather than macro; during your interactions with friends, family, neighbors, pets, children, etc. Within this space, we can individually act to make the world a better place for ourselves and those around us.
          At the macro level, what are we presented with? Largely fictional narratives designed to induce fear, anxiety, depression, insecurity, paranoia, doubt, and so on.
          I find myself wondering whether man is hardwired to require narratives; and, if so, whether it actually matters that the narratives be true or false. Thousands of people watched the 9/11 attacks on television and regarded the reporting as true, including myself at the time. The emotional reaction and outpouring was real, and it mattered not whether the events that day occurred as reported or if they occurred at all. The wizards behind the curtain used their media machine to cast their spell and generated a desired emotional and psychological response from those that watched the spectacle.
          I agree with you that a mind-purging is an essential first step toward creating a better world. Let’s get back to first principles. Without these most people can’t even begin to see the block of wood in front of them, let alone start carving it into something beautiful.

          Liked by 1 person

  12. My first (retrospective) thought with Swede’s video had to do with the reason I do not use Kindle, I do not own the context, just the images. If I buy a real book, no one can change it. With Kindle, I have no control. So what if the video masters had gone back and changed replays of the original movie to create this video? Maarten is aware of this and in his recent post about Putin used photos scanned from old Time Magazines. Wise choice, as they cannot be changed.,

    However, not being an idiot, I know that 9/11 was merely a well-produced TV show. Swede, bless his heart, does not know this, and is impenetreble. Indulge him if you will, as he has a good heart.


  13. our beloved Guru from Taos seem to have some health issues. He may suddenly “die” soon the way David Mc Gowan “died” back then. He also claimed about cancer being optimistic first and then was gone. Funny Miles writes about preferring organic food (and wine) and at the same time is consuming food supplements. It’s like you first try to avoid chemicals in your food, but then eat the chemicals anyway as supplements. Genius.


    1. for a “science person” I find this straw man very far beneath you. certainly taking supplements and eating organic food isn’t at odds.


    1. You’re right …it is loaded with numerical markers. It appears they have even used the same golden aluminum foil to design the fake landing craft. The question is, as always, how on earth did they fit a rover into such a contraption!


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