Music Maestro? Check this out.

The national debt just jumped higher than ever before. Music maestro! Gold medal.

During the Obama era the national debt was a daily topic of concern at the Heritage Foundation — the leading “conservative” think tank. Many AM radio mouthpieces hammered home the risk to our economy and our individual households, especially to “our grandchildren,” who will apparently be responsible for paying it all back. And in Congress, especially among those House and Senate members self-described as members of the “freedom caucus,” the national debt was tops.

Well, as it turns out, debt is our business, our only business. The debt plantation just got bigger. No surprise. I haven’t figured out a proper theme song, but am soliciting suggestions as we merrily wander into new (debt) territory. No worries, mates. It’s an I.O.U.

16 thoughts on “Music Maestro?

  1. Close your eyes. Click your heels. Poof! It’s gone now.

    The debt and the deficit have never been anything more than social control devices, When they want the public to believe that something beneficial is too expensive, say universal health care, they chime in with fear about debt and deficit. But when there is something they want, say a new war, there is no talk or concern about either. It is smoke and mirrors.

    I remember Dave Budge, back during the 2008 crash, predicting that the “stimulus package” then would result in rampant runaway inflation. This was a test of his philosophical underpinnings. It never happened. Some other means of controlling the currency and inflation was at work. Maybe that’s why he quit blogging. He came face-to-face with his own limitations, as we all must do.


  2. How is that “trickle-down” effect working in Colorado? I’m not seeing much of anything here in the backwoods of Montana. We’re still hoarding ammo and toilet paper.


    1. I learned the reason behind toilet paper the other day from our grandson – people are hoarding it and flipping it. It’s the free market at work!

      Colorado seems an epicenter. We’re very close to lockdown.


    1. Sorry, FAUXLEX and others, I have a wandering (undisciplined, as I have been told) mind that overlays music, visual images (symbols), words and dreams, in no particular order. The passage of a meaningless bailout bill, and all its meaningless financial and economic implications, seemed to me to need a drum roll or theme song to accompany the chorus of talking heads. Whimsical? I cannot say exactly.

      A theme song will commemorate the event the same way the non-event itself will be pushed into our collective unconscious for recall later. We can pick this thing up, study it real close, and make it our own pet nightmare, rather than ride along on on the merry-go-round horses we are given by the parasite class.

      Anyway, that’s a rough approximation of how that title came to be. Still looking for the right tune. Any thoughts?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. “So pocht das Schicksal an die Pforte!”

    “That’s how destiny knocks on your door!”

    a.k.a.: Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in C minor, op. 67


        1. I almost got married in the late 1970s to a sweet gal that demanded we hire “The Commander” and his band for the wedding reception party. Would have been a blast if I hadn’t screwed things up, sending her sprinting in retreat to the St. Thomas, V.I.

          Nothing quite like a live Cody & Co. performance.


      1. Steve, Captain Cody works for me too!
        I did some unusual thing nowadays, I listened to a full album beginning to end. Dunno if Mr. Neil Young is your cup of tea, but I feel safe recommending listening to pure, total and absolute hard rock & roll… Neil Young’s album “Ragged Glory”. All hard rock&roll. All good songs. Great Album.


        1. You’re singing my song, Lawrence. Really like his 2005 “Prairie Wind” record. I’ve broken out the boxes of old vinyl and the turntable and am playing everything — mostly 60s and 70s rock and blues — while starting the seedlings for this summer’s garden experiment. Everything from Mitch Rider, Elvis and Temptations to Roy Buchanan, Stones, Howlin’ Wolf and Miles Davis, four wooden grapefruit crates in all. Working my way through them all slowly. Love the “imperfections” before the studio electronics took over everything.


          1. Excellent! thanks for sharing your selections. A very Stones overlooked record? Steel Wheels. Just one cut off it: “Almost hear you sigh”. Excellent! more Música Maestro!!

            Yes… Miles… but the real one, Miles Davis… not the other one… and how about this song to start with the blues tomorrow morning?


  4. One of my peculiar talents as a performer is an ability to make my masculine baritone white-guy voice sound like various types of female voices, including booming belting black female singer voices. I developed this ability as a kid by singing along with the theme song to the American TV sitcom The Jeffersons. Never gave a damn about the show–still don’t–but I would argue it’s the greatest TV theme song in the history of television. So in honor of this post, Steve, I changed the words and offer it for your consideration. For best results, imagine a pasty-faced 49-year-old wailing this lyrics like Ja’Net DuBois:

    *We’re a-movin’ on up
    To the End Times
    To a deluxe apart-ness in the sky
    Movin’ on up
    To the End Times
    We finally took their piece of the pie.

    Shit’s gone wild and their bitchin’,
    Means they believed our shills.
    Took a whole lotta tryin’
    Just to get their free will.
    Now they’re worn out and fatigued.
    Close the world by fiat!
    As long as they live,
    And think they’re dyin’ baby,
    There ain’t nothin’ wrong with that!*


    1. I love that, SCOTTRC. I think we have the winner. Familiar tune with original composition, original thoughts. We’re movin’ up, indeed. Should be recorded for our POM friends and colleagues, who, like me, probably can’t imagine how you’re going to hit those high notes. Good humor.


      1. Thanks, Steve, it was fun to write! If I get the house to myself for a little while, I may try to record it. Frankly, I’m not sure if I can still hit those high notes, but I’d need to be very warmed-up and relaxed to even attempt it. Worries about my roommates thinking I’ve lost my mind would make it impossible.


      2. I got the house to myself for a little while and took you up on your suggestion, Steve. I tweaked the lyrics a bit and did the best I could a capella, and without the guidance of my voice teacher. (We work on my speaking voice more than my singing voice. I’m not a trained singer. Listen at your own risk.)


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