Lies, damned lies, and tree-tossing

This is an excellent and brief presentation by Rachel Elnaugh, given to us via the Andrew Kaufman YouTube channel. If by chance it disappears from view, let me know, as I have downloaded it. It takes a long time to upload so I decided just to go with the link while it is available.

There is talk everywhere now of a “second wave” and a “spike” in positive tests for SARS-Cov-2, the name given the supposed virus that supposedly causes “Covid-19,” the disease that doctors were instructed to blame for flu, influenza and pneumonia deaths on during this year’s cold and flu season.

I cannot imagine a second wave, as I don’t think there was a first wave. I do, however, think that the polymerase chain reaction machine (PCR) is behind the spike. As I have said from the beginning, that machine IS the virus. More tests equate to more (bogus) test results, and those results are being used by the usual suspects to clamp down further on our liberties.

Nobel Laureate Dr. Kary Mullis, who invented the PCR machine, said it was not designed for diagnosis of disease. It is “qualitative,” and not “quantitative.” That means it will amplify a single strand of DNA and see if that strand is found in humans. That it occasionally rings up a “positive” test means absolutely nothing. If found something in us, but we cannot be sure what, as the virus, SARS-Cov-2, has never been isolated.

I have an inguinal hernia, verified by a visit with a surgeon last week. When the clinic called to set up an appointment for surgery, I was told that one of the pre-operative requirements was that I would get a “Covid-19” test. I told the gal that might be a deal breaker. In fact, it was. I cancelled the appointment.

I can manage a hernia. I got it a month or more back when we were dragging trees down the hillside outside our house – rather than drag them, finally, I decided to pick them up and throw them down, repeatedly, until I got them all the way down. Later I discovered a bulge, and having had a hernia previously when in my forties, knew what it was.

My current strategy: Stop throwing trees.

16 thoughts on “Lies, damned lies, and tree-tossing

    1. Rappoport mentioned this, that among doctors, lab technicians, politicians, 98% are convinced there is a real virus. McKernan is too. But the whole point of using PCR, in my view, is that there is no virus, but they needed a way around that problem. Detecting strands of RNA from an non-purified (non-existing) virus got the job done for them. At this point they are debating angels on the head of a pin.


      1. I see that now as I read further. He’s in that “virus” paradigm. Apparently though, whatever the ultimate truth (and I find your view very plausible), their method doesn’t pass the smell test even by the terms of their own paradigm (according to this expert.)


    2. Ditto what Mark said. And, using the same percentage point, this article amounts to at least 98% propaganda.

      How, for example does one tell the difference between a non-existent “live” virus, and a non-existent “dead” virus? We’re supposed to be amazed at this good question, and then lap up the answer, ignoring the fact that their attribution of any nucleotides found to a ‘virus’ can only be demonstrated by comparison to their DATA / computer constructed model. There are nucleotides floating around in us; our cells are, for various reasons, expelling / releasing genetic material constantly. Calling these things viruses has been a lie from the beginning. See the polio monkeys from 1908, which was dishonest and intentional. A lie.


  1. Mark, I have a wood-related injury from last year that still bugs me. Had a 30″ piece about 10″ in diameter. Started on it with my new bow saw, thought why not use my left arm for a change. About half-way through the arm didn’t feel real good, but why not push through I thought, and so I did. Next day a tendon? at the elbow made the arm virtually useless, and was a literal pain for months. Close to full usefulness now, but still feel it all the time in use.


    1. That is not unusual … that is, we are working with power tools (or a bow saw in your case), confident and self assured, and then something crazy happens. I hope you fully recover. I work a lot with a table saw and miter saw … I have nothing but fear and respect for those tools.

      We moved here ten years ago, and I was a rookie and determined to be self-reliant. Our land was overgrown and there was so much work to be done. One day I was removing a tree completely bent over, not knowing it was under great pressure. As I stood beside it and finally released that pressure, the trunk snapped up at me with such great force that had it hit me I would have been dead or concussed, and the scary part, I did not see it coming. What a lesson.


  2. I liked this comment from someone at NakedCapitalism who seems to have a medical background. He sounds to be a believer in the mainstream model, but still sees through the PCR test. (An aside- he’s contradicting your use of quantitative/ qualitative slightly– but I think you’ll like his greater point.) Very cogent and clear imo.

    PCR is an amplification technique and not a quantitative or even qualitative test. It can tell you relative viral (presumably) RNA load (based on how many cycles), but not how much or what that means in a clinical setting (eg, are you sick?). It can amplify absurdly minuscule quantities of RNA, the presence of which hardly confirms an infection or disease, and it is not and should never be used as a diagnostic tool. This is evidenced by positive “asymptomatic” people. What does that even mean?

    Any test, in an ideal world, is only a part of the diagnosis, but in a country (US) of door docs it is faster and less painless to get diagnosed than it is to go through drive thru fast food. A proper diagnosis requires the presence of specific sequelae and supportive lab results to rule out other possibilities. But, it is critical to remember that some people may have a virus/bacteria and be completely healthy, or they might not, yet they still present with all of the signs and symptoms of a disease. On top of that, any diagnostic test (not PCR) has fallibility, either as false positives or false negatives. Contrary to popular belief, clinical medicine is messy stuff, often relying on hunches and blind guesses where testing falls short (as it invariably does).

    SARS-COV-2 is a funny beast. It has no specific sequelae that I know of, (although I think the rare case of losing taste/smell without nasal congestion is novel) and a diagnosis relies only on some arbitrary number of PCR cycles. Absurd, absolutely absurd. And we see the results of that every day. Confusion, chaos, and a lot of bad medicine chasing the ephemeral PCR-test-result tail without a definitive clinical presentation.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Mark, you’ll get well again without surgery although in your age it may take a while. Just don’t worry to much and don’t any heavy work anymore. The second wave was as planned as the first wave was. I’m just wondering how and when will they script the end of this comedy show. Stefan Lanka gave an interview recently explaining many interesting things which the virologists do in their labs. Ever heard of “fetal calf serum”? There is an entire industry out there where they kill millions of pregnant cows every year around the world, open them alive, open the unborn calf just to get the blood directly from its heart. Only this way the blood contains what they call stem cells and which they use to keep the dying probes of organs and cells alive for a little bit longer in their labs. This is called “stem cell research”. I kid you not. This fetal calf serum is very expensive and a good business.
    Virologists admit now that what they called viral proteins and which the PCR test supposedly detects, can be found in every body. They say now, that 50% of our bodies contains of viral proteins. Common folks may still believe in a small pathogen called virus but the virologists don’t. It is part of the idea that humans are the virus on the planet and belong extincted, etc. It’s in all movies and TV-series too. It’s a replacement for the fall of grace and children are being indoctrinated to have a bad concience just because they are alive.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thanks Barb … very interesting. Indeed prior to the scamdemic, climate changers exhibited extreme misanthropy. What is Greta if not a hater? And Gates?

    I’ve already received some remedies for an inguinal hernia from other sources, and a suggestion that I see an osteopath. I’ll hold off on the latter, but the idea that a hernia never heals is something I never thought to question. What did people do before allopathic medicine and surgeons? I’ll continue to carry on as before, only eliminating leg presses at the gym. And I will try a suggested remedy and report back. And, no more tree tossing.


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