The serious matter of being silly

See Addendum at the end of this post.

I am spending more time in the Internet age with comedians, and far less with serious people – you know, thinkers, hacks, non-listeners. The latter, most people, are especially annoying. I can see in the darting eyes no point in trying to engage in serious conversation with most everyone I know face-to-face. They are only lightly engaged in real life.

On our recent vacation, I attempted to engage my grandsons in some serious reflection, telling them that Climate Change is not real, that there is no need to fear any “virus,” but teachers and media have such a hold on them that they are trapped. I do hope in the coming years as they mature that they come to appreciate that one person attempted to tell them the truth, while every other person in their lives, some knowingly but most not, lied to them. Life is absurd, I hope they come to realize.

Media, i.e. TV, YouTube, Facebook and the like … I’ve virtually blocked it out of my life. We have a Samsung TV on our wall, and it sits blackened 23 hours a day, that one remaining hour devoted to a search for wholesome entertainment. We did find it in a British TV series, Call the Midwife, set in London in the 1950s and 60s. It has profound appeal to me as its central characters in part are Anglican nuns of the Order of St. John the Divine. I was taught by Dominican nuns in my formative years, and the portrayal in Midwife is so profound and accurate concerning the quality if these wonderful women.

I say that knowing full well their flaws,  servile obedience to others, forsaking independent thought. That’s not only a choice, but a vow they make, along with poverty and chastity. Only a very few humans are strong enough to be so dedicated to such questionable undertakings. Sex and money have a place, even for chaste and non-greedy people. To forsake them entirely must have other underlying motives. So be it.

Back to comedians, here’s a brief flirtation with one, a woman enjoying success in her mid-twenties, Taylor Tomlinson. In her act she claims to be an introvert, not unusual at all in people who perform for others. She calls out to the audience … “How many introverts are there here?” There is some applause and a few “Woos” in response, the wooers completely oblivious to the fact that she just outed them. Introverts, they are not.

That is really good insight for a twenty-something. I will follow her career now, as she shows potential.

Johnny Carson, I hear from those who knew him well, was saddened by the passage of so many great comedians … Jack Benny was his ideal. Someone, Conan O’Brien?, said that this is an illusion, that the “greats” take on an aura but that each age has its own set of very funny people. I’ve a long list of such people who will someday pass and be revered as “greats,” Conan among them.

Speaking of Conan O’Brien, he does a podcast, Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend, that is now at a hundred or so episodes, a treasure trove. He is able to attract some of the funniest people alive, and engage them in pure silliness. O’Brien eschews anything serious, having no reflections on politics or “serious” issues of the day. He views his life’s work as offering escape to people like me. Listening to him and his guests, I laugh out loud, and often.

I was only vaguely aware of O’Brien, and stumbled on him in a YouTube interview he did with one of the funniest men currently alive, Mel Brooks. Mr. Brooks also understood his job, laughter for its own sake, and gave us such treasured works of art as Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, and Space Balls. It is an important body of work, far more so than than that offered by serious writers like Steinbeck, Hemingway, or even Dan Brown.

At one point in the interview, Brooks reflects on the quality of being funny. To be “naturally funny” is a rare quality, and he said to O’Brien that he was just that,  naturally funny. That endorsement in mind, I sought out O’Brien’s body of work. What joy!

David Letterman is, lately, taking himself a little too seriously for my taste. Back in my first life when I was a good dad and bad husband, when the kids were young and the wife would stumble off to bed, the house finally quiet, I would turn on the TV to watch Letterman, pleasure delaying until then a bowl of ice cream and a cherry coke on ice. Dave in those days was much like O’Brien now, not to be taken seriously. All he wanted to do was make people laugh, an important calling.

Johnny Carson stepped down, and his slot was given to Jay Leno, never one I cared about. Letterman, disappointed, left NBC and took a shot at prime time at CBS, and for over two decades would occupy that slot. The search was on for his late-night replacement, and in one of the boldest and most insightful moves I have ever seen, on recommendation of Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels, the late-late post-Tonight Show slot was given to an unknown and obscure SNL writer, Conan O’Brien.

This was unprecedented. O’Brien’s career up to that time was behind the camera, writing for The Simpsons and SNL. Michaels, always with an eye for fledgling talent, saw something there that others did not, a charming, hard working and naturally funny man. While it took a while for him to catch on, and while the specter of unemployment always hovered, O’Brien persisted, noting that he and his people could make a studio audience laugh, so that eventually he would catch on. Indeed he did, more than two decades of success to follow.

O’Brien was given the Tonight Show on Jay Leno’s retirement, a fiasco I do not understand well, where Leno went into prime time in a failed venture, and stepped back into the Tonight Show, casting O’Brien to the wind. Perhaps it was for the best, as O’Brien, far more talented than Leno, would meet us again on TBS, and other various undertakings, and will now be seen in a weekly show on HBO. The Tonight Show was given to Jimmy Fallon, who does not, as I see it, have the staying power of a Carson, Letterman, or O’Brien. He quickly wore thin on me, but I’ve often been wrong about things, you know.

Carson lamented the passing of greats, not understanding that each generation spawns its own. I have a long list of favorites, some of them “greats” – Dana Carvey, Norm MacDonald, Martin Short for instance. If you, like me, realize that life is an absurd proposition, and must be embraced with laughter, then be thankful, as am I, that YouTube, while censorious and ridiculous and not to be taken seriously in in all matters of importance, is a cornucopia for laughs. Use it for what is is useful for, an outlet for some of the most intelligent people alive, comedians.

Addendum: Stephers went rabbit hole on us and came up with the following links concerning Dr. Thomas O’Brian, Conan’s dad. He is not just an important man in WHO and CDC circles, but a very important man. Given this knowledge, I think it safe to speculate that Conan O’Brien did not “lock down” as California underwent that brand of fascism, nor has he been tested, ever, or vaccinated. His connection to Dr. Thomas O’Brien tells me that he is in on the game.

In each of the following links I have inserted a space at the beginning to prevent the whole article from reprinting. To follow them, copy the link and remove the space at the beginning.

Htt p://

http s://

http s://

The following are screen caps of two other links, not complete. You need to dive in  a little bit to follow them to their sources.

67 thoughts on “The serious matter of being silly

  1. I have been watching the entire series of Conan Without Borders the past few days, many episodes for the second or third time. This man is a genius. He knows how to make fun of people and their culture without being disrespectful. That’s an art. I think he really likes people and loves to see them laugh.


    1. I see in him someone very quick on his feet, very well rehearsed in physical comedy, and like you, see a warmth towards people. I loves to poke fun at himself, a noble quality.


      1. Conan does have his silly shtick down pat. But like many other pro mask, pro vaccine celebs I no longer give them the time of day. He could easily fit into one of Mile’s “another bites the dust” reports.


  2. There are some British comedians you may never heard of yet. I mean the guys from The League of Gentelmen, they also made Psychoville and a few Inside No. 9 Series. They are really high level comedy, very observant.

    OT: I just stumbled upon something really weird. If you ever looked for a copy of the protocols of the elders of Z. Just google it together with “fbi”. Can’t believe it’s still there.


    1. Very interesting! I’ve long wondered about how the world was organized into an oppressive totalitarian state (USSR) and a free and democratic one (USA), each controlled by the same people, to what end? Of course, we now see that USA freedoms were an illusion, that bondage here is of a much deeper sort, a prison where the key to the doorway out is within easy reach, yet no one (save a very few) reaching for it, voluntary enslavement.

      North Korea serves a similar purpose, it appears, on a much smaller scale than the USSR, a prison state run by the same people who own the southern part of that peninsula.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. there is an old man here Hajo (Hans-Joachim) Müller (no relation), who very eloquently explains the history of the world on some youtube videos. A part of it I figured out myself already, but he’s still full of useful knowledge. He’s in his 70-s and easily gives a lecture for over an hour full of historical details without any support. Just from his mind. You can do something like this only if you know exactly what you are talking about. If you want to see him in person, go for Hajo Müller on youtube. So he recently explained again how the Vatican took over, what is the real meaning of Hell and God and Heaven, which are not mystic terms but parables created and used by a small elite of people without any conscience who a few hundred years ago used their intelligence and complete lack of empathy to create a perfect system of world control which uses all kinds of abuse to keep the sheep in shape. To bad it’s in German and also in the Saxon dialect which I grow up with and which western Germans take with disdain. He works on a book and I hope someone will translate it. Be aware of an old man for he has nothing to lose.


          1. he talks within a small circle of bloggers meeting together occasionally on what they call “workshops”. They have a great time, cold beer, BBQ and such and he explains the world as “the old wise man from the East” because he’s from Eastern Germany originally. So they make it look funny on purpose and call their channel “The Middle Earth” but they are very serious. Did you ever wonder why are there black people within the elite or Asian? 99.99% of all the peoples are humans and see other people as humans. They have empathy for each other even if they sometimes hate each other. But there is some small percentage of the people which sees other people as sheep. That’s why Vatican introduced in its system that the clerics call the church members sheep (meaning actually cattle). Sometimes the shepherd has to kill some of his sheep, right. So people who want to belong to this small percentage of the elite has to prove that they really consider other humans as cattle and from then on there is no way out. Once in the firm they have to obey or they die. It’s a very effective system. We’ve seen many proves of this, haven’t we?


            1. Christopher Hitchens said he could never belong to a religion whose members proudly referred to themselves as sheep. I could not agree more, and wonder at this aspect of humanity, the ability to self degrade and yet think it a virtue.

              How fortunate for you to be able to converse in two languages. In the US there is a small effort in the schools to teach Spanish, as our culture here in the West and especially Southwest is mostly that. Some assholes want to Anglicize our city names, as they are ignorant and stupid. Colorado = Color Red.


              1. I was forced to learn Russian once and hated it but I’m grateful now because it allows me to at least read the Cyrrillic signs even in Greece.


            2. BarbM –

              It sounds very interesting. So some of them blog in text form? Maybe “Google Translate” would be enough to give the sense of what they’re talking about…

              Or, if you take requests… Do you feel like giving us a short synopsis of his views on “Middle Earth,” please? (No worries if you don’t like homework, I understand completely.)


              1. TIMR: I may try that sometime. There so much interesting stuff, which he only mentions occasionally, like where he in one sentence mentions that the “whites” are now a minority because of all the mixed marriages and such and that this is because it’s the “whites” who can see through them (the elite) and what they are doing and they want the whites to dissolve. And in other sentence he mentions that all the upper elite prefer to marry blond girls with blue eyes (just check the wives from a few names, you’ll see), suggesting of course that they want to stay white themselves. Even the Egyptian pharaohs were white people. That also is the reason why there is all this fight against racism. Also dates don’t matter at all because they all come from Vatican. The Jesuits control the flow of information and implemented everywhere the system of state school programs which even private schools have to fulfill.


  3. Show kids the dancing bear ‘illusion’ then fake terror attacks and ask them to spot mistakes start with the Iraqi super spy and work through London Bridge attacks Lee Rigby and Christchurch. Make it a game and it’s easy. Challenge their authority figures and it’s impossible.

    Ps don’t tell them they were supposed to be real until the end.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dick (Dick?) Gregory and Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy (a negro named “Murphy”?)… All of them are spooks.

    All of them. For the I inquiring minds.

    Bill Cosby, another negro in his 80’s, accused if raping 20+ victims…20-30 years ago(!!!)..ALL BS to the Extreme.

    My theory? Once you sell yourself to Satan, you are owned lock-stock-barrell.

    You serve HIM…whenever HE calls!!

    And HE will call. Just ask Bob Dylan why he contiues his BS well into old age.

    Because its all part of ” the deal”. A talentless Jew with such notoriety?? LOL 🙂

    You can see Bill Cosby exiting “courthouse” smirking ear-to-ear!! Its a JOKE!!

    And the Joke is on YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. And Mick Jager and Rolling Bones?

        Most sane people would say ENOUGH!!!

        But we are not dealing with sanity, now are we??


  5. Why do you still do it?

    Because HE calls me to do it! I’m indentured…part of “the deal”…and they ALL have ” deals”.

    NO ONE should have to be subjected to **OPRAH*” for 40 years!!!


  6. Katie Perry?!?

    And Bill Cosby!?!

    And ALL of them!?!?

    It is why you are exposed to this $h%t nonstop throughout your entire life.


    It never ends, does it?


    1. Heehee… I’ll have to check out Conan’s podcast, but in the meantime, gotta say.. Rastus’ rant in this thread is the biggest chuckle I’ve had in several days. Forty years of the “negress” Oprah indeed – For the love of HUMANITY! Why?? Why must they do it?! LOL


      1. I wear mid-length swimming trunks both as pajamas and to work out at the gym, but I don’t swim in them – I rarely swim. Still, Jeff Foxworthy cut me a new one” “If your pajamas also double as your swimming trunks, you might be a redneck.”

        [If your salad bowls all say “Cool Whip” on the side … you might be …” Our drinking glasses when I was a kid were all Welch’s Grape Jelly jars. Paula Poundstone says that she knocked one off the TV one time and it broke, and her mother said “That’s it. We can’t have anything nice.”]


  7. Lunatics. Look, walk and talk like normal people but you’re lunatics. I first read the conspiracy on John Denver’s death and then down into this rabbit hole. I wonder… because you look normal and even writes something sensible, probable or logical now and then… don’t you ever meditate on how much imagination and how poor the evidence are ingredients to the ideas you cook up? Is it ever too late being immersed into your social and media environment?


    1. The evidence, and that is all we have as there can never be an admission, was, in my view, strong. The most telling piece was that none of the eyewitnesses described a Long EZ, a memorably odd kind of aircraft. At least one might have as said (especially the woman standing on top of her house as it supposedly flew over) “Weird. The propeller was on the back.”

      Anyway, I invite you to come back not with wispy inferences about my state of mind, and instead dispute my evidence. There’s a lot.


      1. I can barely name a John Denver song – that’s how little I know. The onus of proof is not on ignorant me but on delusional you – the one making fantastical claims. For the sake of “Occam’s Razor” try and think common sense with me: Elvis, Carpenter, Lennon, Prince and Denver were, at their times, the most recognizable on earth. To scheme the perfect crime; to move fortunes around undetected (not to mention they were known before death and passed as heritage); to never repent, never be recognized, never be snitched on for the rest of their lives as lots of complicit participants are weirdly willing to do the irrational. Evaporate with riches and properties in the age of mass surveillance NSA CIA MOSSAD MI6 GRU? Not even Bin Laden putting his whole fortune into ghosting succeeded. Each of these arguments are close to impossible on their own but you believe ’em altogether. Can you point at a single example in history for which such magical superstar act was unmasked? No. What of the reasons – can it be more nonsensical? Someone like Prince would exchange living like a demigod – adored, honored and praised, sitting on 300 millions to go ahead and live on the lam. A criminal, neurotic, anxious, claustrophobic on a prison of his own unable to make much more on laurels alone. All for most-mortem sales over the spam of 3-4 days! Do a little research and easily find how much more he was making over an year than such single event. No, you won’t cause it is much more exciting and notorious and seemingly clever to spruce up the woman on top of her roof that… “we heard of”


        1. I stand by my post and the EVIDENCE contained therein. Dispute the evidence, or vamoose.

          Regarding all the other deaths, I’ve only looked into those of rock stars during the 1960s and 70s, and indeed they are still alive. Those I found living and breathing were Bobby Fuller, Janis Joplin, Buddy Holly, Pete Ham, each assuming a new identity. If you look around on this blog, you’ll find a photo of John Lennon from 2010-2012 or so, as he starred in the movie Let Him Be. I did a facial analysis of that person compared to old photos of Lennon, exact precise alignment.

          You are standing on the edge of a huge body of collected evidence, and your response is to say “It’s too complicated! Can’t be done!” Of course it can be done, as once someone is “dead” (or in prison) in the public mind, the public would not recognize that person even in the flesh. People are extremely gullible, as you surely exemplify.

          Think about this, since there is nothing new under the sun: Napoleon was supposedly sentenced to life imprisonment on the island of St. Helena, where, fortunately, no one could go. Do you possibly suspect that this was done, as his work was done and he needed to leave the public mind? He could easily wander about without the hat and entourage, and no one would recognize him, especially if he grew a beard.

          Fake death is common in high circles. In entertainment, it has many uses, one of which is to gin up new sales, which indeed happened with Denver. In John Lennon’s case, I think of it as a “killing hope” project.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Sidney, I’ve got some procrastinating to do, so I’ll play a little longer.

          To scheme the perfect crime; to move fortunes around undetected (not to mention they were known before death and passed as heritage); to never repent, never be recognized, never be snitched on for the rest of their lives as lots of complicit participants are weirdly willing to do the irrational. Evaporate with riches and properties in the age of mass surveillance NSA CIA MOSSAD MI6 GRU?

          You either haven’t read much of this blog and its comments or you’re being willfully ignorant. At the heart of the crazy conspiracy theory you’re trying to refute is the idea that those who fake their deaths have no reason to fear being “snitched on” and no reason to hide from Intelligence agencies because they all work for the same Elites. They aren’t “scheming the perfect crime;” the scheming has been done for them by the very people who decide what is and what is not a crime. Do you think the NSA and CIA wouldn’t be able to FACILITATE a fake death? Are you aware of a little thing called the Witness Protection Program, where people theoretically disappear and live the rest of their lives never being recognized or snitched on? You think the rich and powerful can’t pull that off?

          Not even Bin Laden putting his whole fortune into ghosting succeeded.

          Are you sure about that? lol. He was a CIA asset, you know. That’s admitted. By the CIA. It’s not a conspiracy theory. But if you think there was nothing at all fishy about 9/11, well, you really have wandered into the wrong corner of the Internet and I’m amazed you’ve lasted here this long.

          Can you point at a single example in history for which such magical superstar act was unmasked?

          Again, you are not engaging with the claims being made, but rather, with the claims you imagine being made. The claim being made is that disappearing acts like this are orchestrated at the highest levels. The people who operate at the highest levels could be called “the victors.” Do you know who writes history? Would the victors unmask themselves in their history books? I mean, look, go ahead and think the notion is crazy, but at least challenge the notion on its own terms instead of challenging your strawman notion of the notion.

          The last part of this post–the stuff about Prince, etc.–we’ve already covered.

          So I guess that’s it then. I know I haven’t convinced you of anything. But I’ll add something else: I don’t believe everything Mark or Stephers write. Hell, I don’t understand a lot of what Stephers writes. However, Stephers in particular has impressed me because her posts have proven predictive. When I first read her piece about nanotechnology in the Covid juice, I thought she might be going a bit off the deep end, but the evidence trickling in keeps reinforcing point after crazy-sounding point. All that stuff Mark has written about regarding clones? Still sounds like goofy science fiction to me… and yet the perfect symmetry in those face chops nags at me, and I’m open to the possibility that, over time, more evidence might trickle in to support the notion of clones, just as evidence for Stephers’ crazy ideas is doing.

          People like you love to say “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” To me, a claim far more extraordinary than even the wildest theories put forth on this blog is the claim that I should trust what the government and its media say by default, and only question or disbelieve it if I have exceptionally good reasons to do so. You sound as if you have at least some awareness of the history of deliberate lies governments and their media use to divide, conquer and control the masses. Maybe you’re one of those fools who thinks, yeah, the government used to do that, back in the day, but that’s all over now–that’s in the history books! Today, if they tried anything really, seriously, historically bad, our vigilant media with all of its dogged and intrepid investigative reporters would be all over them like white on rice! If this is the reality you think I should believe in, I think you are making a truly extraordinary claim, and you need to provide some evidence.

          I think you should probably go back to NPR or wherever it is you wandered in here from.


          1. This: “Maybe you’re one of those fools who thinks, yeah, the government used to do that, back in the day, but that’s all over now–that’s in the history books! Today, if they tried anything really, seriously, historically bad, our vigilant media with all of its dogged and intrepid investigative reporters would be all over them like white on rice!”
            What % of the population works on that assumption, that nowadays the vibrant, truth-seeking free media will out the evildoers and thwart their plans? 50% more or less? Hard to say about under-40s or so, but 50+ the % could be higher.
            Reached an agreement with my mother about media events some months back. (She puts on GMA with her coffee, then noon local news, then 4 PM Newshour, then local, than national, so about 3 hrs/day) She respects me, so I explained to her that it’s about believing in Santa Claus, and she wants to still believe. So we don’t talk about Santa Claus/Lester Holt. Works a charm.


      2. Someone like Prince would exchange living like a demigod – adored, honored and praised, sitting on 300 millions to go ahead and live on the lam.

        You are making what I consider childishly naive assumptions about how idyllic a life of fame would be. Personally, I get annoyed when my girlfriend or a family member gets too up in my business; I’d go straight out of my mind if the entire fucking world was trying to crawl up my ass all the time. You also assume that someone at the level of fame that Prince or John Denver had are the masters of their own destinies. I don’t. It seems obvious to me that the people who control media don’t give someone a platform as large as those guys had unless they’re going to tow the line.

        And who said anything about them “living on the lam” post fake death? I don’t assume they’re on the lam. I imagine life’s a lot better without all that ungodly attention on them. More than one celebrity has described the loss of anonymity as being the worst thing that ever happened to them. Nothing like a fake death to get that anonymity back.

        I know I’m not going to convince you of anything, as your mind is obviously made up. Just wanted to point out that there’s nothing remotely logical or fact-based about the assumptions you are making.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Scott – a note about Denver and Prince: Both are said to have died “intestate”, or without a will. Does anyone really imagine that these two guys, surrounded as they are by attorneys to look out for their affairs (and protect their real identifies) would overlook this small detail?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Mark–I don’t have any proof or insider info, but things I’ve read here and there make me suspect that the really big-name famous entertainers don’t necessarily own or control their money. Stephen King has written (I forget where) that when he first started raking in the dough, his first publisher had his funds set up in some kind of a complicated account that he realized they may have been doing fishy things with. He also says that, even today, he sells the movie rights to his novels for one dollar, in exchange for the freedom to pull the plug on the project if he doesn’t like the way it’s headed. (Seems to me he should have yanked that plug on at least three quarters of the Stephen King movies that have been made.) Something seems fishy there, and given what I’ve come to learn about the rapacious greed of the elite who own the world–not to mention their obsessive need to be in control–I can’t imagine they just let dumb-ass actors and pop stars have unfettered control of the millions or billions of dollars generated by the publicity and propaganda that the elites’ PR folks provide for them. To them, these entertainers that we are programmed to look up to and think so highly of are merely court jesters, puppets, tools, fools. Maintaining control of “their” money would be a way of controlling them. And their big fat multi-million-dollar payouts would also make great laundromats. All of this to say… even without fake deaths, I imagine that wills could be extremely problematic for the Denvers and the Princes and the corporatocracy that owns them. Again, pure speculation though.


            1. Here is something to think about … George Harrison was a big Monty Python fan, so big that he in part financed the making of the movie The Life of Brian, which came out in 1979. We are told that in order to do this, he mortgaged his house. Wait a minute, back up … all four Beatles were said to be [multi] millionaires by that time, yet George had no investments he could sell off. Yes, he probably had a big house, but I cannot imagine that fifteen years after the Beatles hit the charts, and years after their albums had sold millions of copies, George’s major asset was his house?

              It just struck me as odd the guy didn’t have a few million in spare cash sitting around.

              MM talks about the Beatles selling off their song book to Michael Jackson for peanuts. We are told this is because they were young and inexperienced in the business world. Apparently they also had no advisors. I wonder if they too had no wills.


              1. If I go into your ‘evidence’, I’d putting my time in a fool’s errant (even more). This reminds me of the nearly 60 lawsuits Trump brought to courts alleging voting fraud. All but one were dismissed by mostly Republican judges and many of them Trump appointees: “…charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here”. That’s the same reason why I really don’t care and won’t look into your Bigfoot evidence. I am sane. If 0.00000001^10 of it had a semblance of truth, the world would be going bananas and you’d be surrounded by reporters right now. Not even the disinformation media that formed your thinking is interested. And that should give you a notion of how far you’ve gone.
                On the other hand, you addressed none of my IDEAS nullifying your conspiracy mindset. Each one of those notions fully prevent a healthy person from ever wander into this territory of extreme paranoia secrecy and intrigue. Neither you nor I are investigative reporters putting roof women to lie detectors, so let’s shush about our own “evidence or vamoose”. Vamoose meaning you might eject me or yourself from this conversation and it’s comprehensible. You will retreat to whatever fraud or lunacy you call evidence in the face of the reasoning behind it.


                1. Hint: It is all a ruse. They do not count votes. Why, pray tell, would the opinions of people they hold in contempt matter? You’ve got a whole lot of catching up to do.


                2. Sidney, since I’m in an ornery mood so I’ll engage you a little more, though I’m quite confident that you (despite your claim of being open to being wrong) will never seriously entertain crazy “conspiracy theory.”

                  You lament that Mark has addressed none of the IDEAS behind your refutation of his work. My question is: What ideas? I only count one. The single idea that all your objections appear to rest on is: If things that seem unlikely or impossible to me were true, the news media would tell me so!

                  I quote:

                  “That’s the same reason why I really don’t care and won’t look into your Bigfoot evidence. I am sane. If 0.00000001^10 of it had a semblance of truth, the world would be going bananas and you’d be surrounded by reporters right now.”

                  So your idea is that the news media exists to keep you as informed as it possibly can. If celebrities faked their deaths, or if Sasquatches existed, Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow would be racing to their teleprompters to tell you about it.

                  Am I missing anything? Or have you presented other ideas that I’ve overlooked. (I should stipulate that, for the sake of this discussion, “You’re all a bunch of crazies” does not count as an idea.)


                  1. Sidney, since I’m in an ornery mood so I’ll engage you a little more, though I’m quite confident that you (despite your claim of being open to being wrong) will never seriously entertain crazy “conspiracy theory.”
                    – Yes, if it’s crazy, I wont. If reasonable I will. There are real conspiracies out there. Recently: Haiti, Jamal Khashoggi, etc

                    You lament that Mark has addressed none of the IDEAS behind your refutation of his work. My question is: What ideas? I only count one. The single idea that all your objections appear to rest on is: If things that seem unlikely or impossible to me were true, the news media would tell me so!
                    – Look at my 2nd post, there’s a dozen ideas. Each one is enough to destroy crazy conspiracy on its own merit. No need to ask Rachel Maddow. You challenged the last one about Prince. Mark won’t touch any of the dozen points, his diversion is pilling up more raving claims instead of debunk the original idea. You at least, tried.

                    I quote:
                    “That’s the same reason why I really don’t care and won’t look into your Bigfoot evidence. I am sane. If 0.00000001^10 of it had a semblance of truth, the world would be going bananas and you’d be surrounded by reporters right now.”
                    So your idea is that the news media exists to keep you as informed as it possibly can. If celebrities faked their deaths, or if Sasquatches existed, Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow would be racing to their teleprompters to tell you about it.
                    – I can deal with sarcasm, but yes – extraordinary claims have to be investigated by authorities, independent journalism and the scientific community. If this army of the professional meritocracy fail us and they do, you’ve still taken chances with our best attempt at organized peer reviewed knowledge. Not a random wild unchecked pariah rogue weirdo on the internet. I am flabbergasted you and so many do so.

                    Am I missing anything? Or have you presented other ideas that I’ve overlooked. (I should stipulate that, for the sake of this discussion, “You’re all a bunch of crazies” does not count as an idea.)
                    – There’s pathological crazy and circumstantial crazy and fiction profiteers and political manipulators and their audience (you). I can never place them with a reasonable level of confidence.


                    1. Sidney, I addressed your “ideas” in more detail above, but I now must challenge this claim:

                      There’s pathological crazy and circumstantial crazy and fiction profiteers and political manipulators and their audience (you).

                      Unlike the investigative journalists you seem to think our State-controlled media hires to keep us informed and up-to-date about all the evil things the State is doing that we might not like, neither Mark nor any of the other writers are profiting financially from their work here. They aren’t politicians and, as far as I know, they have no reason to manipulate me, or you, or anyone else who reads this blog. If you are claiming otherwise, provide some evidence. Otherwise, as Mark so delicately suggested elsewhere, please kindly fuck off.


                    2. “Sorry for the garbled comment. I tapped it out on my crappy phone while laughing
                      Sidney, since I’m in an ornery mood so I’ll engage you a little more
                      Sidney, I’ve got some procrastinating to do, so I’ll play a little longer.”

                      Who are you trying to fool, we see you’re a bum….
                      I’m kidding, considering we´re in the ward, fooling around is ubiquitous. I for one, see you trying too hard to project cool superior detachment. For my condition of being sheep. For my oblivious submission to the system; the man, TPTB.

                      “You either haven’t read much of this blog and its comments or you’re being willfully ignorant”. Of course, I don’t have the habit of reading what’s hogwash in my view as information. Mark did the same contradiction, “Idiot, I never use the word Proof in my work”. King is riding such a high horse, he expects a foreigner passerby must know his kingdom. Worse even, he does infer proof. He writes like this all the time “Eva Perón… was her mother [Madonna’s]”. There’s no “I think, suspect, it might be” in the wording. That’s called a statement, proof is tacit. Here’s the definition “a communication or declaration in speech or writing, setting forth facts“. Hypothesis should not be stated. Scientists create hypothesis then theory and then a law at the point it’s universally accepted, and can be talked about in statements. Charlatans however, convey hypothesis as statements. Is there any, among his hundreds plots, that have been proved right and gone mainstream over all these years? Know why? Wrong answer.

                      That send us to your last point: “we´re neither profiting nor politicking”. Well, the main reason I am here blabbering is to quench my curiosity: lunatic or charlatan? So, you point to the former then. Thanks, but I rather deduce that from the source. Mark evaded scrutiny and you came forth like a white knight. “Belief in conspiracy theories appears to be driven by motives that can be characterized as epistemic (understanding one’s environment), existential (being safe and in control of one’s environment), and social (maintaining a positive image of the self and the social group)”. Right now, you fit the social aspect with the WhiteKnighting.

                      But I’m not as much interested in followers. If Mark actually believes his creation, ranging from implausible to ridiculous, he is pathological insane, full stop. My (here we go) hypothesis is: Mark’s intelligence and creativity is being channeled for ill. Intelligent people are seemingly more susceptible to mental disorders. If there’s no other gain, the small niche of approval, respect and recognition he gets from like-minded individuals with an extreme cynical view of government, skepticism of anything that reaches mainstream visibility – provides him self-worth. Instead of Madonna, dude says Madonna Louise Ciccone and goes on adding bells and whistles. The “I’m Mindful” blog logo; along with the psychological projection of Mark Twain’s quote (even the motto is unproven). Intellectual vanity seems paramount here. I am beyond certain this all will land as pathetic on ears accustomed to the spectacular, the nanotechnology, billionaires, superstars, grandiose schemes. Brilliant is the bait concealing the hook. Again, Occam’s razor is the concept that “the simplest explanation is usually the best one”. True, but too boring for your vices.

                      I know I really didn’t address your effort to debunk my ideas yet, but I’ll be frank. Your arguments are so anemic (me being polite), it’s my turn to be bored. I want logic and common sense but you defend the inadequacy of a conspiracy with another conspiracy! This is called “fallacy of presumption”, to try proving something with another unproved assumption. For instance, you say there’s lots of unproved pop-star fake deaths. I reply, “never snitch?”, meaning how come there’s never anyone, no mansion gardener, no disgruntled employee coming out to publicly reveal it, no one ever in human history transpires – after fake or the real death. You say, that’s because of this another unproved thing: pop-star and elites and NSA and CIA and the Witness Protection Program are all in it. Oh great! Now Mark’s reasoning that they fake die to sell extra CDs has been planned by intelligence agencies and programs. Now, there’s a horde of people involved, whom Prince has to pay for the rest of his shadow life to keep shut. No one leaks. For extra sales, huh!?! You know, one must gather a lot of patience not to conjure insults. I’m sorry.
                      You’re talking government with no leaks, snitches, whistleblowers? Did you darn follow the last one? There were dozens of Tell-All-Books. Insiders turning tables: Omarosa, James Mattis, Richard Spencer, John Bolton, John Kelly, McMaster, Tom Bossert, Cliff Sims, Scaramucci, Gary Cohn, Ty Cobb, Nikki Haley, Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Michael Cohen… that enough? There’s more – you like plenty evidence? Real ones? All of ‘em snitched for good or bad.

                      I have so much more to say about this one idea, never mind the other dozen, but all you do is compound fallacy of presumption. It goes Bin Laden, nanotechnology, Covid juice, on and on. It’s like you saying Mark isn’t profiting from conspiracy and I reply that you are gullible, everyone has incentives – Mark is working with Russia or China to help destabilizing US hegemony, spreading distrust for its institutions. How easy it is to create conspiracy. That’s more well-founded than anything I’ve seem here so far, yet far-fetched and I’m not finding it out with my keyboard and mouse. Use logic, sense and convectional reality to explain a new thing, otherwise you earn to be laughed off. I’m a systems engineer, I have a fair idea about facial recognition tech. Takes lots of computation power to process billions bits of information and ‘suggest’ a 3D facial surface match. Even so it is still very buggy, I mean really unreliable. I can´t describe how hysterical is to see a creature download old blurred black & white low-res digital pics – not even analog originals, look at them and say “Eva Perón was Madonna’s mother cause they align”. Risks heart attack.

                      How many “normies” have taken you serious this much? There are plenty of freaking real conspiracy for you to bathe in, you’ve just chosen the colossal imbecilic ones. Just yesterday, all of a sudden, lots of right-wing darlings made an U-turn and coincidently started to tell MAGA grunts to get vaccinated – Hannity, Harris Faulkner, Steve Scalise, Ron DeSantis, Ben Shapiro. They were all vaccine critics a day ago. See? Higher coordination, secretive and conspiratorial (previous position). The Pegasus spy malware for journalists that’s close to undetectable and unremovable. I won’t expect you to read a book but check a video or article about “Manufacturing Consent”. You guys have gone so far incredulous as to transcend into credulity.

                      Now if you excuse me, I am kindly fucking off forever.


            2. “…I don’t have any proof or insider info…but” good, wait for the but
              “…things I’ve read here and there make me suspect…” Oh ohh
              “…Again, pure speculation though.” if every here behaved this like,
              “here” would not exist


        2. First Scottrc, my mind is never ‘made up’, I am frequently mistaken. Fame & Fortune comes with some annoyances, yes, but how many multi-millionaires you know (again, in history) to have given up all of it? Once you experience extreme comfort and satisfaction, these annoyances are drops in a ocean compared to scorn, hunger, humiliation, pain, misery, death. Money might not buy authentic love but can buy everything else. You can buy isolation and peace too. Is the whole world up into Madonna’s ass right now as you put? She’s sailing smoothly, why would she fake death and ruin everything to get a fraction of 0,1% of what she’s already got. It is ludicrous the reason these lunatic conspiracies tell you everyday, but ok, I am the naive child.


          1. Funny you mention Madonna, who starred in the movie Evita even as far more talented people were available. The reason, I learned while studying the (fake) death in 1952 of Eva Person, First Lady of Argentina was as follows: It was easy enough to spot the fakery, but what blew me away was suggested by a commenter, out of the blue. Eva had gone on, married (for real) and had a family, one of whom was the lightly talented but hugely privileged Madonna Louise Ciccone. She was given the part in Evita because Eva Peron, who I suspect died for real in 2010, was her mother.

            John Denver, we all know, was not “Denver,” but said to be a Deutschendorf, son of a Lt. Colonel, usually a rank reserved for spooks. But he was not that either, as we discovered he was pasted in to the family photos, and that Henry John Deutchendorf II, said to be Denver, was actually the name given his fake brother’s son. We do not know his John Denver’s real name or background. He was selected for fame, and when he dried up, lost his mojo, he was retired, leaving on a jet plane, you see.

            Being rich and famous is easier than being unknown and poor, grant it. Some people handle fame easily, others not. Obviously, as Johnny Carson once said, the nice thing about having money is not having to worry about money. But here is another point I think has blown by you: People do not become famous by accident. They are chosen for it, and train all their lives to be famous. Some of them, Denver for one, are obviously talented (though I seriously doubt he wrote the songs he performed), though for most the talent is an illusion, mere power of suggestion. I’ve never listened to a Bob Dylan song all the way through. He was selected for fame, given the music, and by power of suggestion, people actually thought his raspy voice was something to be admired. Same with Janis Joplin (fake death 10/4/70), not an ounce of talent, and totally unable to sustain a career.

            You’re method of reasoning is to passively observe and absorb without critical thought. I do not think much of it.


            1. I skipped the parade of fake deaths and pretension in search of an idea to discuss and found none this time. Props to your reader Scottrc, he questioned one idea while you ran from them all releasing a smoke grenade of tall stories.

              I went into my side of the Matrix and asked Wikipedia for some historical faked deaths. There are few people, none were very known. Their reasons were almost all being frauds or criminals trying to escape. But most importantly, their reasons were coherent. A far cry from the unintelligible ones you concoct for celebrities. When I read ‘fraud’ I got worried about you faking death someday but how foolish of me, no one is after your for charlatanism or, as your follower said, institutionalization. The simple reason being: no one cares. A third of the country is at some depth into this collective spell making you kinda invisible. If a notorious quack can reach top office and register 30.573 falsehoods right to the camera over a 4 year span, how can you get some spotlight – youses are everywhere.

              Before I wish farewells because you are uninterested to discuss my ideas but rather tell old wives’ tales; I’ll agree to your challenge and go into evidence, only one. Just this one. Please don’t go on embellishing stories – just show us how you got this fact, show the photos, references, links, investigation, the scientific method. The indisputable truth and lots of evidence you talk about. Make your followers proud. Let’s see the precision of your work. Please give us the proof to your statement:
              “Evita Peron was Madonna’s mother”


              1. That was not me – I only speculated on Eva Peron’s fake death, and from there was directed to and found that Peron and Madonna’s mother’s photos were perfectly aligned, generally meaning the same person. The same with a woman labeled as Madonna’s aunt, who perfectly aligned with Isabel Peron, former President of Argentina, keeping it all in the family. Argentina, like the US and probably all otehr countries, is run by regal bloodlines masquerading as ordinary people. Ordinary man, first black president Obama, can trace his roots back to two kings, one British, one Scottish. This is the hidden world that you avoid.

                It’s all here on the blog. I will not do your legwork.

                I don’t care to convince anyone. That’s a fool’s errand. People who are daily fooled by news and authority figures have brains that have been shrink-wrapped. Nothing permeates, nothing worthy gets out. The state of humanity, in case you haven’t noticed the masked zombies around you, is in sad disrepair. I cannot reach them or you, and don’t care to try. The information you seek from me is all over this blog. we ahve a search box. Use it.

                I long ago decided that my role was a searcher of truth, but that I had to be satisfied finding it on my own, and not sharing it, as I suspect behind my screen on the receiving end of my work are eyes with spinning red spirals. I get to float above it all, never frightened, rarely surprised, and accepting people as they are.

                Go your way, Sir Gullible, and bother us no more.


                1. Peron and Madonna’s mother photos were perfectly aligned. That it! That proves motherhood. Thank you sir, your are a savant. I’m humbled. You’ve shown me the path out of gullible darkness to the light.
                  Farewell might oracle

                  Peron and Madonna’s mother photos were perfectly aligned… mind blown


                  1. Idiot. I do not use the word “proved” in my work, except when juxtaposed next to “idiot.” I speculate based on evidence. That is all I can do, as none talk and Eva is dead for real and Isabel, now 90, does not correspond with me.

                    You’re impenetrable.


            2. Wow, never listened to a Dylan song all the way thru…full props, Mark! I never “got” him either, nor can I unhear him. Doubleplusgood on Janis…ugh. Kristofferson’s ex…Just no. Yet both are icons, and have been rendered in oil by lil’ Joanie, the girl who experienced racism in her coddled elite schools. It’s a funny world.


          2. Sidney, since you scoffed at me for admitting I had no proofing insider info, I will assume you are basing your statements about the life satisfaction of multi-millionaires on hard evidence and direct evidence. Say hi to Madonna for me. 🙂


                1. If Modonna Ciccone is worth $850 million, then singers with real talent (as opposed to genetic connections) must be worth even more!

                  Please. Madonna was a salaried employee, from a wealthy family, probably wealthy enough not to have to work again, but not much more. I am going to take all your posts and combine them into a novel I will call “Gullible’s Travels.”


  8. (AP)

    NMR Coming To Your State

    Today, the adminstration rolled out the establishment of a diverse and inclusive National Marble Repository (NMR), to commence on August 1, 2021.

    With branches located in every state, this collection insures that any citizen who loses their marbles due to any vaxxx related propaganda, will receive comparable replacements, free–must show valid ID.

    Allocation of marbles per state will vary by population numbers. Adjoining states are encouraged to “share back” in the event their neighbors overreact to events–causing a greater than normal marble loss. Not surprisingly, this program received unanimous bi-partisan support, whose goal is international depots spanning our entire big blue.

    Healthwise, according to the JAMA, the common loss of nutrients due to stressful events, though troublesome, pales in comparison to even the loss of a single marble. Medheads say MarbleRepo social media sharing is not only officially sanctioned, but encouraged to maintain the availability and integrity of our ball-brain barrier.



  9. I’m not Crazy…

    You’re the one whose crazy…

    You drive me crazy!!



  10. J.P.Morgan was also told to be very rich and powerful, but after he died, it came out, that he owned only 19% and the rest belonged to Rothschild.


    1. I suspect that Rupert Murdoch, who a few years ago was in the news (UK-wise) buying up all the local newspapers in Britain, is the public face of News Corp. like Morgan was for Chase, while the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, and their ilk, pull the strings and wield the actual power behind the scenes. Bill Gates, also a figurehead for Microsoft, etc.


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