The lighter side

Since the last post might appear to be a personal attack on Big Swede, who came here to attack us, I thought it best to maybe put up something quick and let it fall into the background. I am currently involved in going through old photos, reasons for that I won’t discuss, but nonetheless fun. My wife and I are in our 27th year, and it has been unending adventure. I spent part of today looking for a photo of me in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana, where we crossed a stream that had a bridge, but it had collapsed. She took the photo as I hopped over without going in. I think I have lost the photo, from the 90s, when everything was still film. I had written on the back of the photo the caption beneath the photo which I dredged up on the Internet today, a foot bridge that had collapsed in Prague. It is my sense of humor, take it or leave it.

3 thoughts on “The lighter side

    1. I don’t think it is a pun. A juxtaposition? I don’t know. It would not mean a thing had not Simon’s song and Artie’s voice been so powerful, allowing opportunity to slip a joke inside the magic. Works of art like that are rare and we all feel them, no need to discuss. We did have a good laugh, but the mastery of Simon and Garfunkel is unapproachable.


      1. Correct on juxtaposition/inversion, it’s not a pun, simply me insisting on being punny. Clank!

        BTW, congrats on your Gov’s nuptials, what an exciting day for Coloradans, and why not, for all Americans, North, South and Central!


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