A fatal accident almost claims a life!

As it turns out, rumors of his son’s death were wildly exaggerated. This email came to me today from “Chloe Natalie”, a name so odd it could belong to a fake school shooter or victim. He wants to buy a tonneau I had on my old Honda pickup, the one that I sold to a real person last weekend. Let’s not tell him. I am curious what fun awaits.

Hello  ,

How is everything there and your family Thank you for the honest and trustworthy you are having towards this transaction, My Son was involved in a fatal accident that  almost claimed his life so i have been at the hospital that is the reason i haven’t been able to come online.Do accept my apology for the delay. I want to bring it to your notice that my payment will deliver to you on Monay via FedEx tracking # ( 787592236377 ) I’m indeed grateful for keeping the item for me. I want you to put things in order as soon as you receive it. As you were aware that the payment would be sent in an excess amount to cover the shipping fee of the item and i have some other valuable goods  (like household, furniture’s and electronics set.) at the same city of your location which the movers to be picked up for me and make the deliver to my new  apartment..

As soon as you received the payment kindly go ahead to your bank have the check deposit or locate a nearest ATM around you and have the check placed on 24hrs deposit by using either your debit/credit card, Once the payment clear into your account, deduct your total amount as agreed also deduct $50 for holding the item for me and take $20 for running around for the Gas Expenses and the rest balance should be send to the mover so they can make all the necessary arrangement for the pickup. Please i don’t want to loose this item as i really need it on time and i want my shipper to deliver this items all together in my doorstep before my arrival from my trip .

I sincerely appreciate your understanding and  hoping to hear from you soon.

13 thoughts on “A fatal accident almost claims a life!

    1. It’s just a language barrier. I wonder what his native tongue is. I am assuming Asian. I remember many years ago my then-employer, an older woman, bought an American Eagle sculpture in the Philippines and had it shipped stateside, where it arrive broken. She wrote to inform the shipper, who responded “We deeply regret all the trouble you have caused us.”


  1. I just can’t get my head around these scams. I get them all the time . Would I like to donate to xxxx’s liver transplant or would I like to invest in some wonderful company that is so wonderful it’s begging online for investors.
    Of course the dead giveaway is the appalling use of the English language and being English myself it doesn’t take much to expose the scam. Even American English has its own set of rules that I can relate to.
    Why on earth don’t they get some real English speakers to write up the e mail scam for them? It’s not even like they’re trying that hard.
    Still it provides endless amusement. If only they knew.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. well, at least now you have been “schooled” into how to track a package and how to deposit a check..so you can be thankful for that lesson – LOL


    1. The tracking number is a dead link. Our FedEx package is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Someone will sneak up the driveway with it. I think I will have the game camera on to get a photo.


      1. Ah, should have known… the results of the camera should be interesting…keep us informed, please!!


  3. I find myself thinking thoughts along the lines of: these scammers wouldn’t do what they do, if there weren’t suckers out there who fall for it from time to time.

    Another thought: what would you do if you caught one of these scammers in the street, red-handed? And what would you do if you were given carte blanche, complete permission, to do whatever you want, to mete out your own version of justice, without fear of the law? What do these scammers deserve, in your opinion?


    1. Like, violence? Not in my makeup. These are desperate people , glamorized in movies, but just losers. I received Today a $2,100 check written on s real estate escrow company on San Marco Island in Florida, looking legit in every way.


        1. That is the essence of the scam. I asked $350 for my tonneau, and they sent me $2,100. What they want me to do now is bank the check, and while it is making its way through the banking system, they will ask to be refunded the excess payment, or $1,700 (they offered $400 where I asked $350. They wanted to be sure I did not sell to anyone else.) If I do that, the scam is complete. The check they sent me, from a real estate escrow company in San Marco Island, Florida, is bogus. That company has no idea that I have a check from them, and it will bounce, but not right away, not at least until they reconcile their account and report it to the bank.

          It’s clever, but seriously only works on senior citizens and people so poor their eyes are lit up by the amount and think they are the ones doing the scam. I sent teh check back to the escrow company with “VOID” written on it.

          I sold the tonneau on Saturday fro $250 to a real person who paid cash.


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