Too good to pass up … a snitch has had enough

I am taking on more of the writing burden here as others sort through stuff. I have been at this since 2006, and for better or worse I’ve never run out of things to write about. I was wondering what to put up today, and stumbled on this post, courtesy of the Skink: It is called Wear your damned mask, cover your damned nose. Let’s confront store employees who flout mask-up rules, and let’s file formal complaints with our boards of health. That’s a really long title. It is written by James Conner, a man who I used to read occasionally when I lived in Montana. I had forgotten all about him. At the top of his blog he has changed his photo to one of him wearing a mask. He’s always been an angry blogger, so what follows is true to form.

“At Walmart this morning, the checker wore his mask below his nose in defiance of our governor’s mask-up directive. I confronted him. Yesterday, at Super 1, my bagger also wore his mask below his nose. I confronted him, too.”

Notice he has no patience or sympathy with poor schmucks who are forced to wear masks for hours on end. My temptation is just to go off on him. That would be satisfying but would do no good beyond that. He allows no comments or links on his blog, having years ago learned that people would get testy with him. I’ll take one more quote from him to make my point:

“Super 1, and not just in downtown Kalispell, is becoming notorious for letting its employees violate the letter as well as the spirit of Gov. Bullock’s directive. I’ve received reports from trusted sources that this scoffmask behavior has occurred all summer, which means the stores’ managers know about it and either don’t care or actually condone it.”

I remember reading about this years ago. Conner is a perfect demonstration of what Eric Fromm labeled the authoritarian personality. Authoritarians love to do two things, both on display here: They suck up, and piss down. Conner’s lips are sewn to the governor’s ass, and he has no use for little people. And I don’t know why, but snitching is part of the authoritarian’s nature. These were the tattletales in school. Buying into the great scamdemic/hoax is part of it too. After all, it is being run by authority figures. That is all authoritarians need.

Science? Skepticism? Critical thinking? Forget it. Conner is an authoritarian kind of guy. Such people are hard to deal with.


Here’s a real conversation I had with Pete, a very nice man and clerk at our local liquor store:

Pete:     Mark, the boss is coming down hard on us. You gotta wear a mask or I can’t sell to you.

Me:       I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. I just don’t wear a mask, anywhere.

Pete:     How do you shop at Kings Sooper?

Me:       Honestly, they don’t pay any attention. I do go in with a plan, get my stuff and get out, trying to be a moving target.

Pete:     Well, if you say you have a condition then I can let you go.

Me;       You mean like I am exempt?

Pete:     There ya go! [Rings up purchase. I had said the magic word.]

Me:       I have seen a doctor, I am exempt.

Pete:     Really?

Me:       Yeah. I had a brain scan.

Pete:     What was wrong?

Me:       Nothing wrong at all. They found I had a brain and knew how to use it, and so I don’t have to wear a mask.

Pete laughed as I left the store.


PS: I think this book, The Authoritarian Specter, by Robert Altemeyer, is where I came across this field of study. The book was written in 1996, and I surely would not have read it then, so I must have come across it years later. I don’t have it anymore. It is currently priced at $117.41 at Amazon, probably meaning it is in high demand and has been bought up. No way would I have paid anything more than cover price, probably less.

70 thoughts on “Too good to pass up … a snitch has had enough

      1. I have no evidence, but it occurs to me periodically that these fearful, authoritarian types with super tech powers inhabit nerd bodies and temperaments but fantasize/obsess about a different reality. I never watched the Reagan-era movie “Revenge of the Nerds ” but it has its fan base and a decade-long run with 3 sequels.

        Tech CEOs that made it big work out feverishly to achieve something they feel is missing: a more “jock-like” body. How deep is the resentment and hatred? One can only guess. All I know for sure is that somebody wants us diseased, but not too damaged to work and pay taxes, and/or eventually, when the damaged goyim is non-productive, they want us all defeated and dead.


  1. A very sweet guy I know who works at Meijer grocery store told me they got a surprise visit from the Board of Health because of complaints that employees were not wearing masks properly or were taking them off. My friend buys into the scam but says it is sometimes hard to breathe, so he pulls the mask down. The Board of Health representative said to expect future surprise inspections, and if the store was not in compliance, it would be shut down. It is beyond cruel. These people working for less than a living wage. Now they have to do so under conditions where it is difficult to breathe.

    You are right on about authoritarian personalities. They love this shit. But the scamdemic is irresistible to other personality types as well. Another friend of mine, who knows how I feel about all this and seems to accept our differences, just sent me a text yesterday regarding a mutual friend of ours: “Mike has Covid.” The subtext of this abrupt, terse statement was clear enough: “NOW do you believe?”

    There is another subtext that I sense in people who say they have it or know someone who just got it: a weird sort of self-glorification. They feel they are part of an historic event. There is almost a romanticization of it, like frivolous teenage girls who try not to sound pleased with themselves when they talk about a time when they fainted. It’s so pathetic.


    1. About 15 years ago I had the worst bout of flu I can remember, and I coughed so hard one time that I literally blacked out in bed. I vividly remember “rebooting” a few seconds later and it’s not an experience I would be eager to ever repeat. Hand me my mask, hon…


    2. This is the most insidious aspect to me. Confirmation bias run rampant. Lazy legitimization of propaganda. Unless a person has a tendency towards skepticism, they will find 100 ways to validate mistaken belief in the coronavirus mass hysteria.

      Someone having a vague sickness and then testing positive, as I assume your friend did, is totally meaningless (as I’m sure you know). Those like your texting friend will treat even second/third-hand accounts like some kind of rock solid proof of…something. From there, it is a slippery slope where everything is legitimized.

      Even if we tested your friend repeatedly to prove it’s not a false positive (highly probable), the guy has about a 99.999% chance of survival depending on his age and health history. There is also nothing to say that the actual presence of SARS-CoV-2 code detected via the PCR has anything to do with what is making him sick. That specific correlation has been sorely lacking throughout the whole scam, and you’d think that would be so easy for them to prove.

      My main point has never been that the illness does not exist or that SARS-CoV-2 is not really illness-causing. That might be true, but it misses the greater and simpler point, which is…there is no reason to be alarmed here. There never was. No one has provided any information which should cause us to act any differently than we ever did here.

      There is nothing to fear. That has always been my main perspective on all of this. Even if we swallow a whole lot of bad science, there is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 has killed anyone who wasn’t already at risk of dying from any old minor illness.

      A perfect analogy would be an immunocompromised person with extreme allergies who needs to live in a clean room. Just because they end up being killed by shellfish does not mean that shellfish is some kind of public health crisis. The only deaths we have MAYBE seen as attributed to this bug have been folks who would have been taken by something very soon anyway.

      Even that analysis accepts a whole lot of shoddy science. You don’t cripple society based on some notion of protecting a tiny fringe of people. It has been utter madness out there, and a staggering modern case of mass hysteria to be studied for posterity.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Fauxlex, I seriously considered texting my friend back and asking if she’d heard the good news about all those NFL players who weren’t going to play ball because of positive Covid tests before testing negative and getting back in the game. But then I realized it would have simply come off as me being belligerent and insensitive, stubbornly shaking my fist at the world, callously indifferent to the illness of our friend. Of course, she could find confirmation for that view of me easily enough. A FB acquaintance recently posted a Newsweek article stating that people who refuse to wear masks are “more likely” to be sociopaths and narcissists. (I didn’t read the article because I’ve had my fill of similar articles suggesting people who don’t believe and obey authority figures must be bonkers because science says so.) Anyway, I simply texted back saying I hope he feels better soon, and left it at that. I think it’s important to remain civil, respectful and empathetic to people who believe this bullshit. I believed our leaders’ bullshit until I was 40 years old, and I was no less stupid then than I am now. It is easy to lose sight of that, but if I do (or rather, WHEN I do), I am validating the propagandists’ portrayal of “conspiracy theorists” as antisocial, maladjusted loons.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yep. They have been pushing articles saying that people who dissent against mask-wearing are psychopaths from the very beginning.


  2. Well, I like the neologism ‘scoffmask’ – not sure if that was created by your friend in Kalispell or not. But we can decode that compound word to unlock yet another confirmation we have moved past the rule of law, to the rule of mask. It’s Mardi Gras every day, hurray!


  3. A few weeks ago, a supermarket employee stopped me at the door and told me I needed a mask. While we were talking, I noticed that he himself had his pulled below his nose. I pointed this out. He took a beat, then pulled it up over his nose. So it goes… I then pointed out another employee walking by, wearing it below the nose. This he had no response to, just continued to ply me with mask rationale. I went ahead in when he walked off to get a manager.

    In other news… Watched a movie last night with Hugh Grant, and was struck by his resemblance to Patrick McGoohan. Grant’s alleged family is military and aristocratic. I wonder if they just provided a cover identity. Maybe not good optics for every star to look to be inheriting the position?


  4. Mark et al- What do you make of these mugshots of Antifa protesters in Portland? Is it just me or is there some “uncanny valley” effect, suggesting they may be generated by face creation software? I’m no expert…


    1. I don’t know … that is Faux’s bailiwick. Not to be critical of god-given looks, but this guy has eyes that are eerily set close together and a very wide skull. You don’t see that often.


  5. Lets take all this to the next level.

    “The only way to control a substantial population is to murder enough that the rest are terrified into submission. But it isn’t really the control that’s the objective, it’s the murder. At root, murder stems from a grotesque hatred of one’s self, which animates a craven fear of anything and everything, particularly death, and paradoxically, a psychotic desire to kill one’s self and every other value. Only by understanding our enemies do we have any chance of defeating them.“-Robert Gore


    1. I’ll quote (roughly) an unimpeachable source, Marilyn vos Savant from Parade Magazine. She was asked how the population of the US recovered after the devastating losses of the Civil War. She answered that it is not the number of men around that is the primary driver of population, but the number of available wombs. Any serious effort to reduce population has to target women.


  6. The mask Nazis in SF seem to me to be largely asexual. Either too old or Seth Rogan slob types who ain’t gettin’ any now or in the future. Porn addicts at best. I say this because sexuality is a huge component of one’s self-image and its been studied that latent personalities turn their misery to authoritarian posturing. J Edgar Hoover is their creator god. A man with no libido (he wasn’t gay, just flat-lined sexually) who saw the world exclusively according to his rules. Since he had power, but was surrounded by more powerful people, he abused his power discreetly. He chased “spies” because he lived his private life like a spy.
    The powerless here abuse their perceived power against those they see as weaker. For instance, gray haired men only yell at older gray haired men about masking up. They never say anything to young people, especially of color. I see this manufactured madness as an opportunity for the eternally frustrated to exert themselves for once. A point about social order being disrupted that hasn’t gotten a lot of ink beyond the “Karen” phenomenon.


    1. Speaking ex cathedra as a lard-assed gray-haired libido-challenged old coot myself, I have yet to yell at anyone to mask up in my life, nor would I ever presume to. Saddle up, shut up, grow up, get up, pay up, etc etc, — sure I yell that sort of stuff still, plenty of times. But who am I to come between another person and their O2 molecules?

      No, there is a special kind of person that thinks through toadydom they are going to ingratiate themselves with the powers that be and imprecate non-maskers to the gods of corona virus and spare their own miserable lives, thinks I.


  7. I live in a town with a population of about 2,000 people and there are three liquor stores. If I have a problem with one, I’ll just go to the next one. But the great thing about here – even though it’s posted everywhere (and yeah it is posted) it’s not enforced. If you wear when you wear one if you don’t you don’t.
    Oh – that’s for the little stores, gas stations, auto parts, hardware stores, etc. The big box stores are a whole nother story, and that’s why I ‘do’ curb side pick up.
    I ain’t wearing no blasted mask!


  8. In Germany it’s still possible to pass by wearing a face shield only. There are even ridiculous miniature shields available, covering the mouth, not higher as the nose tip, strapped to the chin. It’s theater only, but some people don’t get it. Most wear old filthy masks. It’s like the wheat and the tares.


  9. I had an interesting conversation with a normie friend who ‘’tested positive’’ along with his whole family for the bug after coming down with some symptoms.

    The one thing that has stuck with me is he mentioned that while he no longer has symptoms, he still can’t smell or taste anything. It’s like those senses are just gone.

    It got me thinking, what poisons or toxins would cause this? Obviously ‘’Novel Coronavirus 2019’’ is not a virus, but there’s something going on. It seems to me they are experimenting on us, or a percentage of us, with one of their new weapons under the guise of a virus.

    Not sure if I’ve already mentioned it here, but I wonder if some of the masks themselves are contaminated or poisoned with something or it could be in a new ‘’COVID cleaning agent’’ they are spraying everywhere.


    1. [whispering] Shhhhh, Haley. Around these parts we are not supposed to acknowledge that some people are actually falling ill from some unfamiliar disease.

      But I agree with the kinds of questions you are asking …


      1. In their book What Really Makes Us Ill, Lester and Parker repeatedly emphasize that symptoms are not necessarily unique to any disease, and that a disease can manifest in many ways. This idea that there is a “COvid-19” and that it has specific symptoms that can be used to identify it is not reality. Jon Rappaport makes the same point as well, castigating anyone who says that diseases have only one cause. Loss of smell and taste can be caused by many factors, perhaps a head cold. Once someone thinks they have “Covid-19” their imagination might run rampant, even maybe producing a cytokine storm.


      2. Here are the symptoms of “Covid-19″according to (I think) CDC – these are on a form we are forced to sign before getting our teeth cleaned.

        A. Fever of 100.5 degrees F, B. Shortness of breath, C. Dry cough, D. Reduced sense taste/smell, E. Sore throat, F. Runny nose.

        Yikes! I don’t have it now, but I’ll bet I had Covid-19 20 times in my life! Wait a minute! I had a runny now one day last week! Zounds! I’m a goner!


        1. Your remarks obscure the issue. One does not have to believe in the existence of a novel coronavirus in order to acknowledge that people around us are getting sick, and that this sickness—in its symptoms and severity—can be quite different from the normal rounds of cold and flu that we are all familiar with.

          It is not your denial of COVID-19 that I disagree with, Mark. It is your denial that there is any kind of unfamiliar disease. You are unnecessarily polarizing the issue, time and time again.


          1. Personally, I am not aware of anyone around me getting sick, definitely nothing out of the ordinary. I hear that kind of talk a lot though…”people around us are clearly getting sick, so something is going on.” When pressed to actually name someone, no one seems to be able to do it, yet they still cling to that unsubstantiated thought/statement that “something is going on out there.” That’s my experience anyway.


            1. Jimmy, I can name people in my circle of acquaintances who have become sick and a few who have died, putatively from COVID-19.


              1. That’s quite a statement to say FROM Covid. Do you really mean that? They’d be the rarest of the rare, if so. No question people are dying WITH Covid (by the definition of whatever particle the PCR detects). You are actually saying that you know people who died FROM it? I would love to hear more, although I understand privacy is important.

                Over time, the most logical explanation for this all in my eyes is that there is some kind of sickness that the government knew was coming, something like 5G exposure sickness, and they needed to provide cover for that by muddying the waters of why people were randomly feeling sick.

                However you have said above people who died FROM Covid. I’m still impressed by that statement. I agree that Mark is too quick to say there is no disease, but this may also be too quick to say there IS a disease. The word disease implies to me a non-environmental cause. 5G could be the culprit, and that’s not so much a disease as it is a toxic exposure via a new environmental agent.


          2. I seldom read a MM paper beginning to end, as he usually devolves into the name game. But his short paper called “The CDC All But Admits Covid is Fake” was a keeper. Young people have barely been touched by anything at all this year, only 44 deaths under age 35. I have my doubts about that, as I was just reading this: “Clinicians are floundering about in a sea of speculation and uncertainty concerning cause and cure; and the best of them declare that autopsies prove that almost half of their diagnoses are wrong.” (Dr. John Tilden) – (Dr. Charles Mayo, in a radio broadcast, stated that at their clinic, autopsies show that they only get 20% of their diagnoses right.”) From The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean – just got a PDF sent to me by a friend and dove into it.

            What I am saying is that if there were an unfamiliar disease, I doubt we’d know about it. Doctors are just not that dependable.


            1. Uncertainty about causes of death is one matter: recognizing diseases in the living is another. Your appeal to autopsy data confuses the issue.

              And again, your own form of argument cuts both ways. “If there were an unfamiliar disease, I doubt we’d know about it.” Meaning, you should not say with such certainty that there is NOT a novel disease afflicting people around the world.


        2. And if, as you say, “a disease can manifest in many ways,” how can you say with such absolute certainty that there is NOT a new disease out there, which happens also to share symptoms of familiar diseases?

          Your argument based on symptoms can go in either direction!!


          1. See above. Diseases manifest in several ways, through the bowels, the lungs, the skin, the glands – any way there is for the body to expel invasive (I want to say toxins) elements. Why would we assume that different people in different parts of the world would manifest the same symptoms? Why would we not expect that disease affects everyone differently?


            1. Again, you are obscuring the matter by your manner of expression. You are actually saying that there is really no such a thing as distinct diseases. Anthrax, botulism, malaria, scombroid poisoning, … are all just different superficial manifestations of the same thing: “TOXINS”

              So, of course, from your point of view, there is no possibility of a novel disease, because there are not multiple diseases to start with. There are just “toxins.” So your presentation is misleading.


              1. Again, refer to the MM paper, as it is not him but our venerable CDC that chronicled the deaths of mostly old people these last eight months from regular known causes. I would even dispute that 11,000 people died of Covid, as we know that such a virus has never been isolated, and we know that the means by which viruses would cause a disease is never shown scientifically. Based on that, I’d say there’s nothing new under the sun.

                Are you suspicious of some larger game afoot, as in introduced toxins? I would doubt it, as we have enough already. But I agree with Steve K, or at least shuddered last month when I asked him what he thought the ultimate objective of the fake pandemic was. He said “population control” or population reduction, I’ve forgotten his exact words, but that was his meaning.


              2. Unintentionally misleading. Of course different expressions of disease, such as fever or blisters are distinct and common in many sufferers, just as polio affecting children resulted from exposure to lead arsenic. I am in a swamp of new information and trying to make sense of things, as I have noted before.


                1. While in the swamp of new information, beware of passing into the Morass of Confirmation Bias.

                  You need to read both sides of the issue. There are reasonable and well-informed voices out there that debunk the hokum of Lester and Parker or “Doctor” Cowan. Do not overlook them.


                  1. Even among the “something real is making people sick” camp, I don’t think it would fit with a virus. If this were an episode of House and suddenly a whole family had lost their sense of taste and smell, he’d be screaming “ENVIRONMENTAL!!!” and it’d be a silly notion that some scary novel virus boogeyman did it.


                    1. I am definitely open to theories other than a virus. But what I find puzzling is the confident denial by some that anyone is getting sick in a way that is different from the usual flu season, etc.


                    2. Agreed. There are enough unusual reports to consider something real and not natural is occurring here. Still deeply skeptical about the virus, which I view as essentially a government-sanctioned propaganda obfuscation effort.


                    3. Also, I want to be clear that I do NOT believe whatever “real” health-damaging thing we are dealing with here is anywhere near on the scale of the 200,000 claimed deaths. That, I believe is mostly fudged statistics. If we are seeing a real health crisis here, I believe it to be in localized pockets and mostly non-fatal. The COVID hysteria is to prevent the public from being able to identify the real root cause of the problem.


                    4. @Faulex-

                      “enough unusual reports to consider something real and not natural is occurring here”

                      “I believe it to be in localized pockets”

                      I urge you to read these two links, for substantiation of your remarks, and to understand the scope of toxicity due to air and earth pollution in epicenter areas. New York City and tri-state area getting the brunt of hydrogen cyanide poisoning from fracking fuel processing and burning among other things, and more detail regarding the distribution of air pollution in the main covid epicenters of Wuhan, Italy, Madrid, and so on.

                      Pre covid, but details the circumstances of the NYC measles epidemic. Massive pollution drift (power plants) into the epicenter areas, stratified air, etc. No stone left unturned.


                    5. The author makes a good case AGAINST 5G as being a comprehensive explanation, but I’m kind of left wanting on the fracking connection.

                      What scares me the most is some kind of environmental agent that we don’t even know about. I still am left feeling strong about the environmental concept. It seems that many areas are left completely untouched except for flubbed stats and misattributed cases. That said, we’re then left with very distinct pockets where people insist something real is occurring.

                      I am left feeling as though environmental is a strong assumption, but we might not even know what environmental toxin we’re looking at. Also a strong idea is that this whole virus hysteria is serving as an obfuscation agent to cover for the real cause of these pockets of genuine illness.


                    6. @ Faulex-
                      Please take note of the ” incidence table” under the air pollution photo of Wuhan, and further down, under the photo of Kyle-Sidell, the chart “very similar symptoms”. Notice under hydrogen cyanide (from fracking oil use) a few of those symptoms supposedly peculiar to covid. Hydrogen cyanide appears to be one of those things “we don’t even know about”, largely hidden and secreted away by industry, but very damaging.

                      Another example of hidden toxin come to light. Dupont and teflon (PFOA).
             As you suggest, many other “safe” chemicals are in widespread use, unknown to us, causing harm.


                    7. I’m sorry, but I felt that table in particular was very forced. Put two tables together and try to make it seem like it’s all so simple. I don’t think those symptoms would be seen as anything resembling the expected symptoms of cyanide poisoning. That chart and the whole page screamed of finding what it wanted to find. Forcing two puzzle pieces together because they wanted them to fit. Some of the places they were labeling environmentally clean seemed highly highly dubious. They marked Spain as fracking because of deliveries from Qatar, I believe, but why then is Qatar not an epicenter?

                      Look, I’m still high on an environmental explanation. I just saw those pages as having to work way too hard to make that connection seem so strong. Its argument against 5G was more compelling than its argument FOR fracking. I can tell you’re a fan of that page so I apologize…I just don’t think they’ve hit it exactly. Correlation is not causation, and they seemed far too intent on making fracking/cyanide work no matter how they had to stretch it. Of course I could be wrong. But the “symptoms” chart that you referred to was actually the most egregious “forcing the fit” part of the whole thing. I’m fairly certain that if we were seeing acute pockets solely attributable to cyanide poisoning, we would be seeing far less generalized symptoms. There’s no reports of things like seizures, cardiac arrest, etc. Sorry, I just wasn’t compelled on the cyanide thing.


                    8. @Faulex
                      Why spain? Because they’re the ones burning it.

                      “I’m fairly certain that if we were seeing acute pockets solely attributable to cyanide poisoning, we would be seeing far less generalized symptoms. There’s no reports of things like seizures, cardiac arrest, etc.”

                      Acute HCN poisoning typically takes place in an industrial setting, an electro-plating plant, for example, when ppm can be, if not exhausted properly, in the hundreds. Even 135 ppm can kill after 30 minutes. In the epicenters, we are talking outside (mostly), mixed with air, or perhaps stratified air that can also enter buildings, but lower than acute levels, leading to the “generalized” symptoms listed. Looks like a pretty good postulate to me. There is no doubt that HCN is being released in those areas. Is anybody being affected by it??


                    9. I’ll give it another look. I can tell you are sold on it, so I’ll check it out again. The other aspect I wasn’t understanding was the “why”? It didn’t really make sense to me, all for the purpose of burning fracked product? They’d have had to coordinate this very suddenly on all fronts, and it being for the sole reason purpose of fracking just seems…I don’t know. Like I said, it felt forced to me, but I’ll look again.


                    10. The connection being made between air quality and recovery rate from a respiratory illness is not controversial at all. Where your sites lose me is the hypothesized “pandemic trigger” where suddenly all refineries are allowed to release toxic levels of cyanide. That’s where it loses me, because it presents no proof. All conjecture. That doesn’t mean it’s WRONG, but I’m saying I am personally not sold for lack of evidence.

                      The data is being used in a very sneaky way here. When they show death rate by location, some of them are using fracked product and others aren’t. It’s just generically poor air quality as the factor. But then the site claims that suddenly in coordination with the media and medical establishment, refineries began releasing cyanide at toxic levels. It’s a theory presented alongside the air quality data to try to seem like that has anything to do with some hypothetical conspiracy to suddenly release extremely toxic cyanide levels. It’s using a good, strong case (the relationship between air quality) to try to get you to swallow something without thinking too hard about it (a sudden spike in cyanide levels via conspiracy). The two really don’t have anything to do with each other, but presenting them side by side is done intentionally to buy the second part.

                      This is why I don’t really buy your links. There isn’t any proof given, and the only data we get relates to something unrelated. This “pandemic” was sudden, something different. The impact of lifelong bad air quality is not related to the concept that the fracking companies suddenly conspired to release jacked up cyanide levels. They MAY have, who knows, but showing the air quality stuff has nothing to do with whether or not they did.

                      Look, you asked me to look at your links and I’m telling you what I see. If you buy it, so be it. I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m saying it’s a hypothesis without proof or disproof. It’s an idea, sure. Could be. Not something I see as highly probable as a way to explain the situation, but it’s an idea.


                    11. ok, nothing is proved. something caused disease, a little more than normal, at least. environmental? i would say so. fracking fuel refiners might have been given higher release limits, but does it matter? every year people living in these epicenter areas are carrying an increased burden of cumulative poisoning from fracking, power plants, earth plumes from historic dumping of waste (brooklyn navy yard, for example), living under air traffic, etc. this adds up, and the result will be evident (if we’re looking), and might be what we are seeing during this event.


                    1. I invoke Brandolini’s Law. 1000 pages of bullshit to debunk? Ain’t nobody got time for that. And besides, others on the Web have already done the work. It is out there for the Googling, for any truly interested parties.


                2. So, once more, I see a shell game with words. The unsuspecting might be misled.

                  The familiar and mainstream idea of different diseases (plural) is distinct from your idea of “different expressions of disease” (singular).

                  For clarity, you should stop using the word “disease” and replace it with something like “toxification.” Then readers could for themselves go on to ask reasonable questions of you about the correlation between specific “toxins” and manifestations of unwellness.

                  Cause and effect is the basis of scientific reasoning. Do not forswear it so readily.


    2. If legitimate, I really worry about cases like these possibly being related to 5G. When looking up taste and smell disorders, you find as a possible cause “Exposure to radiation therapy for head or neck cancer”. Gee, what could be applying radiation to our heads?

      The fact that it was a whole family here is concerning, because we have seen that “the virus” has not actually been shown to spread within close families very easily. Your anecdote, I worry, sounds like an exposure to radiation more than anything else.

      Once again, I wonder whether the whole coronavirus hysteria is government propaganda in order to obfuscate the predicted widespread health impacts from the initial 5G rollout. The only thing that would keep that under wraps is the confusion of a vague, mysterious epidemic.


      1. Fauxlex,

        I was leaning towards chemical or heavy metal poisoning as a possible explanation, but the radiation hypothesis is very compelling to me. I’ve also read that they claim hair loss is a symptom of COVID, which would fit with radiation or 5G (or something along those lines).

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Everything government is propaganda. With CRISPR almost anything is possible — meaning anything DNA can be spliced and diced, “duct-taped” or glued to make anything imaginable that’s NEVER before existed in nature. Maybe you do not believe CRISPR gene editing is real. Fine by me. Anything smaller than a cell I’m happy to leave to the researchers, but would like an explanation when they have one, two or more to consider. There’s usually more than two choices (dualism) although we seem to be conditioned to accept a limit of two alternatives; stop or go, red or green, Democrat or Republican, Capitalist or Socialist, yes or no……. blah, blah, blah.


  11. I will defend myself here somewhat, as no one is being unreasonable or anything like that, just trying to get me to 1) give germ theory a chance, and 2) not be quick to dismiss the possibility of a new disease.

    Even caused by 5G, there would not be a new disease, just the old ones reiterated or maybe even intensified.

    I just checked and total deaths are said to be 111% of the average of the last three years, and that is probably getting into the range of excess deaths, but if CDC itself admits to only 11,000 Covid-19 deaths, all others from normal causes, then 111% becomes 110%. So there does appear to be a spike, or excess deaths this year. Perhaps one cause is euthanasia, or iatrogenic killing of old people. Beyond that, I’ve no clue.

    Regarding germ theory, and confirmation bias, well, the latter runs rampant in the medical profession, as seen in the recounting of the attempt’s to spread the Spanish flu – when seen that it was apparently non-contagious, they simply made up reasons why so that did not conflict with germ theory.

    I have my own anecdote regarding strep – when aged 19 or so I made out with a girl who said she had strep, because I was with a bunch of other kids doing the same thing and thought it would be worth it to suck face with a pretty girl. I was sure I caught it, but nothing happened. I therefore conclude that even though I did not get lucky that night, I got lucky?


    1. Baby Boomers represent the bulge in the python. Only 25% plus dead. Numbers rising. Never let a (hyped) crisis go to waste, there’s big bucks to be made by accelerating the process in true neoliberal fashion. In a “no growth” economy (collapsing Empire) this is a no-brainer capital investment — hospitals, drugs & vaccines (big pharma), biotech, medical equipment, patents, extended care warehousing and so on — opportunity with lots of upside if you’ve got a hand on the joystick.


  12. I’ve talked with Nursing Home Admins, Nurses, CNA’s, the Spokesperson for my County Health department. Hard to get solid info from the source, but nothing substantial to point to a real Pandemic. I’ve looked at much of the financial charts since this event started in March. I witnessed those huge spikes in stock prices of multiple tickers at the end of the trading days the week of June 8th. I’ve never seen that happened before. I’ve seen the info for the huge amounts of money all the local businesses have been getting thru grants which include local bars, dentist offices, floral shops, etc. Maybe some have closed for lack of business but the owners are not hurting, they are getting a piece of the Covid Cash. I have talked to people who had the flu, but haven’t met anyone that had this Corona virus that supposedly came from China and spread so fast. Too fast.

    I’m convinced it’s exactly as MM stated it is a Treasury robbery. Trillions of dollars have been added to the USA debt since March. The people at the top may not need money but the pawns in the middle and at the bottom most certainly do. All our local government officials are in on it in some form. We won’t see any Teachers or community leaders or even Walmart, grocery store employees start to speak out about how we’ve been lied to. Their careers would end. It’s a shocker to see the ones going along with it because of fear or because they are getting some gain out of it.


    1. The matter of “debt” when the currency is controlled is an illusion. There is fancy footwork and manipulation, but the “national debt” and “deficit” are not things that trouble me.


  13. There has to be some central and reliable database for deaths, and in the case of a “pandemic,” one that is reliable. As we have seen, CDC is at the center of the hoax regarding a virus, but is also the go-to source for number of deaths from all causes. I question the reliability of a source that would easily lie to us about one thing (deaths due to and “with” a virus) and then retract all of that data and claim that there are only 11,000 deaths attributable solely to Covid-19. Why trust those numbers? Why trust CDC at all? I know they lie … is there some means by which we can determine when they do not?


      1. That’s a good analysis Swede, and thanks. I only got about half way through it and got the gist of it, that nothing unusual happened this year in terms of annual cold and flu season. I have too much stuff coming my way and cannot keep up with things, so it gets a half view. And I still hearken back to the answer I received when I asked “Why do we have annual cold and flu season?” The answer, spoken in medical weasel-words, is it is “not well understood,” meaning “we have no clue.”

        I am currently picking up excerpts from a book called The Invisible Rainbow, by Arthur Firstenberg, who claims that influenza, drawn from an Italian word meaning “influence of the stars,” is an electrical phenomenon, and not viral. As evidence he presents flu outbreaks prior to 1889, virtually none. 1889 was the first year that the US was effectively electrified and that coincided with a massive flu epidemic. A similar event was coincidental with the Spanish Flu, and the advent of radio. Then came the advent of radar, deployed on a spectacular scale in the late 50s, which led to the Asian Flu epidemic of 1957-58, and deployment of communication satellites and during the 1960s , on the edge of the Van Allen belt, gave us the Hong King Flu of 1968.

        We are now experiencing the advent of 5G and many people are making a connection with that and the use of Covid-19 as a cover story. I no longer accept as a given that flu is caused by viruses, especially one, SARS-Cov-2, that has never been isolated, no matter what they say.

        I drew a long excerpt yesterday, too long for a comment, on the Spanish Flu epidemic, and the heroic efforts A Dr. Rosenau mode to prove that it was contagious. He failed, miserably, not able to infect one person by many different means, including injecting blood of sick patients and having people take otehr people’s snot and put it inside the nasal cavity, even swallowing it. No one fell ill. These are the concluding paragraphs:

        But most revealing of all with the various heroic attempts to prove the infectious nature of this disease, using volunteers. All these attempts made in November and December 1918 and in February and March 1919, failed. One medical team in Boston, working for the United States Public Health Service, try to infect 100 healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 25. Their efforts were impressive and make entertaining reading:

        “We collected the material and mucus secretions of the mouth and nose and throat and bronchi from cases of the disease and transferred this to our volunteers. We always obtain this material in the same way. The patient with fever, in bed, had a large, shallow, traylike arrangement before him or her, and we washed out one nostril with some sterile salt solutions, using perhaps 5 c.c. which is allowed to run into the tray; and that nostril is blown vigorously into the tray. This is repeated with the other nostril. The patient then gargles with some of the solution. Next we obtained some bronchial mucus through coughing, and then we swabbed the mucus surface of each nares and also the mucus surface of the throat… Each one of the volunteers… Received 6 c.c. Of the mix of stuff that I have described. They received it into each nostril; received it in the throat, and on the eye; and when you think that 6 c.c. in all was used, you will understand that some of it was swallowed. None of them took sick.”

        In a further experiment with new volunteers and donors, the salt solution was eliminated, and with cotton swabs, the material was transferred directly from nose to nose and from throat to throat, using donors in the first, second, or third day of the disease. “None of these volunteers who receive the material thus directly transferred from cases took sick in any way… All of the volunteers received at least two and some of them three ‘shots’ as he expressed it.”

        In a further experiment 20 c.c. A blood from each of five sick donors were mixed in 13 and injected into each volunteer. “None of them took sick in any way.” “Then we collected a lot of mucus material from the upper respiratory tract, and filtered it through Mandler filters. This filtrate was injected into 10 volunteers, each one receiving 3.5 c.c. subcutaneously, and none of these took sick in any way.”

        Then a further attempt was made to transfer the disease “in the natural way,” using fresh volunteers and donors: “the volunteer was led up to the bedside of the patient; he was introduced. He sat down alongside the bed of the patients. They shook hands, and by instructions, he got as close as he conveniently could, and they talked for five minutes. At the end of the five minutes, the patient breathed out as hard as he could, while the volunteer, muzzle to muzzle (accordance with his instructions, about 2 inches between the two), received this expired breath, and at the same time was breathing in as the patient breathed out… After they had done this for a five times, the patient coughed directly into the face of the volunteer, face-to-face, five different times… [Then] he moved to the next patient whom we had selected, and repeated this, and so on, until this volunteer had had that sort of contact with 10 different cases of influenza, in different stages of the disease, mostly fresh cases, none of them more than three days old… None of them took sick in any way.”

        “We enter the outbreak with the notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps,” concluded Dr. Milton Rosenau, “if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure about what we know about the disease.”


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