Fear porn, or foreshadowing?

I am highlighting this comment from XS:

There is talk in the Dutch media about a mutated variant of Sars-cov2. There is an article (https://www.transitieweb.nl/internationaal/de-routekaart-van-een-ijzingwekkend-complot/) about a Canadian whistleblower who leaked a roadmap for 2020 on a Dutch website.

This is from that article:

This is the text of the roadmap for the next eight to 12 months, as prepared by the anonymous person who may have been briefed by Prime Minister Trudeau’s cabinet:

– Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020.
– Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities across every province and territory. Expected by December 2020.
– Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity of testing, including increases in COVID related deaths following the same growth curves. Expected by end of November 2020.
– Complete and total secondary lock down (much stricter than the first and second rolling phase restrictions). Expected by end of December 2020 – early January 2021
– Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the universal basic income program. Expected by Q1 2021.
– Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a third wave with much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Expected by February 2021.
– Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1 – Q2 2021.
– Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter-province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021.
– Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021.
– Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021.
– Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints. Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021.

I don’t know if it refers to something real or is just fear porn. I do remember learning years ago that CIA, in order to plant news in this country (this would be Canadian Intel, probably the same people), would place it in a foreign news source and then bring it back to the domestic news media. The practice adds credibility to the lie, a confidence game.

I did run this item in a Google search and got many returns on it, so it is not being censored. That’s a tell. They want this information disseminated. That means that it is indeed fear porn, foreshadowing, or both. They might be, as is their practice, letting us know in advance what is in store, a three-stage exercise to tell it, do it, and then later, after it’s done, reveal it.

Two things for sure … the matter is not debated behind the scenes, as if lower-level authorities have any input. (Trudeau, since we know his name and see his face, is by definition lower-level.) Maybe that is clear in the memo, but the idea that debate is even allowed in a long-planned rollout seems absurd. The other,  news reports now of a mutated virus, more virulent than the original, is spreading. Britain, for months now in full-flower fascism, is in island lockdown, no flights in or out. Reports are that the virus is spreading to the continent and to Ireland. Why are they scheduling this for Christmas Day? Maybe this is instructive, what lay in store for all of us. We were given brief respite before the full impact of the fake pandemic will be felt. Out comes the military, goose steppers with swastikas.

We know here there is no virus at all, and I have learned these past months that viruses do not even exist, much less cause disease. So there is no SARS-CoV-2, and the next actor on the stage, SARS-CoV-21, is also a fable. It doesn’t matter. The masses are locked in, masked up, scared beyond reason. Screw them. They are their own worst enemy. I view them as being in jail cells, locked down but with the key to the cell within easy reach. They are in fear paralysis, immobile, unable to think or reason, only to react. They are frozen in ice. Ah, the humanity.

Again, this is a call for sanity, intelligence, moral courage, and steadfast resistance. We are dealing with a vast network of corrupt people and locally, their minions, morons, or both.

Oh, by the way, SNOPES, another Intelligence front, says the memo is fake. That gives pause. Marry Christmas.

54 thoughts on “Fear porn, or foreshadowing?

  1. There is some talk that the WTO held a gun to the UK’s head and said finish the Brexit deal, as there was a deadline of Dec.31st.. As a demonstration of SPECTRE’s power, they rolled out the mutant strain story which is suffocating the Brits for the moment. I think the memo is fake. They have gone this far with nothing but media fakery. Real troops simply aren’t necessary, IMO.


    1. They are saying the new virus is “70%” more contagious than the original. I wonder how far they can carry on with this con game before someone asks … “70%? How do they arrive at that number?” Better yet, my question would be “What is 70 percent times zero?” This trust people have in doctors and “science” is at the core of it. I am yet to meet a TV doctor who does not have all the answers at fingertip. For instance, on Virgin River, the character Mel, a midwife and trauma nurse, is faced with an infection, and warns the patient that there are “275 different bacteria” that could be causing it. That ought to frighten anyone until they come to grips with pleomorphism, microzymas, terrain and general good heath and nutrition.

      Years ago I discussed my dieting habits with a KP doctor, as I was stuck at a certain weight and wanted to lose ten more or so, and he was honest enough to tell me “You know, we do not study nutrition in med school.” That’s a bit like saying “We don’t study annuities at Wharton School.” But he was honest.


    1. Indeed, It could be to scare people into taking the vaccine. It’s hard to tell what purpose these predictive messages serve. Even SNOPES could be using the fact it’s a known intelligence front to give this story credibility by denying it. You never know with how many layers of deception you’re dealing with. After all, conspiracy culture was invented by the CIA.


  2. Posted this on fb for a general audience, thought some here might get a kick out of it:

    Every now and then people post threads like, “Yeah, my girlfriend had a positive test, so I had to get tested too and it looks like I got the Covid19… Doing ok though, think I’m getting over it..”
    Um, wait… So you wouldn’t even have KNOWN you had it, if they didn’t tell you? You’re “getting over it”? Getting over WHAT? Usually a disease has, you know, SYMPTOMS, not just a freaking test…
    “Hey, man, I got the diabetes… Yep, test came back positive.”
    “Oh man, sorry to hear that! So you have to use insulin? Make big dietary changes?”
    “No, no difference… I’m just POSITIVE, that’s all. Yep, I’ve also got the cancer, the Alzheimers, the heart disease, and the AIDS. Luckily, they’re all ASYMPTOMATIC. Yep, I’m pretty relieved… Just gotta get through this for the next 10 days of being symptom-free, and then I’m good to go…”

    Then people chime in for 50 comments with sympathy.. “Woah, dude, so sorry you had the Covid! That sucks bro, get well soon”
    “Thanks man! Yeah it sucks”
    And not ONE person asks wtf the symptoms were… Maybe there WERE symptoms, but no one cares… Now SYMPTOMS would call for sympathy. Yes, I will sympathize in that case!! But apparently people are just getting “positive tests” and getting sympathy for nuttin’! Boy, you better at least have some loss of taste or mild cold-like symptoms if you want my sympathy!!! 😄


    1. It is an historically massive hoax! But the notion of the “asymptomatic carrier” goes back to the mothership hoax, germ theory. Koch’s first postulate said that a pathogen should be present in sick people, and not present in healthy people. Since no disease has ever met his first postulate, they invented the AC to patch over the problem.


      1. Have they ever used the AC so brazenly though, I wonder? My guess is that previously, they only test symptomatic people, and just leave all the healthy people (a percent of whom would test positive) alone… So the test would at least appear to measure a real correlation. Also, I think docs USED to be told they needed clinical presentation PLUS the positive test. I’ve seen a doc complain about that with Covid. Throwing out their previous protocol.


        1. It is not as simple as being “right or wrong” about a postulate. Koch was trying to prove that bacteria caused disease. I doubt he ever acknowledged that no germ ever satisfied his postulates. The “asymptomatic carrier” was science fraud, a way to insinuate what the people behind Pasteur wanted, bugs on the attack. What you are looking for is easy escape from a quandary … if germs cause disease, they should cause it in everyone they occupy. If they are there and there is no disease, why not? Answer, please. If you have no answer, that is your answer.


            1. Under germ theory, yes. But the PCR test is the problem. At 45 cycles, it is not putting out false positives or negatives. It is simply putting out noise. It’s problematic too, as it was nor meant to be used to diagnose disease. PCR is the beating heart of the hoax.


            2. Roelf_zelf

              The virus does not exist. “Asymptomatic” is a furtherance of the con, and always has been in the virus narrative. There are numerous sleight-of-hand tricks that have been added to the viral story over time to describe the confounding behaviour of those sly little virions. Replication, dormancy, mutation, and on and on, none of which can be demonstrated. Fake science. These unique viral capabilities are merely fictional attributes of sci-fi creations, all concocted to support the myth of contagion. Virus, contagion…the enemy we must fear and from which we must seek their protection and direction.

              Consider one concrete example of this fake science, here in a comment recently on that other forum, breaking down the method of ‘isolation’ of sars-cov2. https://cuttingthroughthefog.com/2018/11/09/current-events-discussion-thread/comment-page-58/#comment-86801. Continue reading in that thread for more analysis of methods used in this charade of ‘isolation’.


      2. Also most people I speak with who believe covid is real do not seem to care the government is crippling people financially to the point of losing their homes. I ask what about people losing their homes,they shrug. I ask what if it was your home, they turn around and walk away!


  3. You’re right, Swede. Instructive: Regarding the ozone layer, this is from Dr. Kary Mullis’s book Dancing Naked in the Mind Field:

    I couldn’t help but notice the amazing coincidence that the American patent on the production of freon, the principle chlorofluorocarbon used in refrigerators and air conditioners, expired at just about the same time as freon was banned. Those countries that had begun producing freon without paying for the privilege were asked to stop. And a new chemical compound, a commercial product that would be protected by patent, would soon be substituted and make a lot of money for the company that produced it.

    Mullis was the inventor of the PCR machine now being used to advance the Covid scam. He died in August of 2019, suspiciously, and was adamant that PCR should not be used to diagnose disease. It was not designed for that purpose.


    1. When I was at college, many moons ago, a teacher there said basically – I forget his exact words – that the ozone layer could have had holes in it hundreds or even thousands of years ago, we wouldn’t know because no-one knew about them or could test if there were any in the first place. They only became a problem when they were discovered.


            1. Mark it was only a BTW. I’m a sucker for detail. Although I do not perceive the difference between a technique and a machine as minor it is unimportant in the context of your post.

              I now why PCR is not useful for diagnosis of disease and why beyond a certain number of amplifications its results degrade. I posted a comment on that about 60 cycles and beyond giving a 100% positive result. I believe you remember that comment, you referred to it.


              1. I tend to regard PCR testing as a ritual, that is, it does not produce false positives or negatives. Every now and then it pops up “positive” and a life is sidelined for two weeks, but it is random. It is not detecting a virus. It is detecting an RNA sequence, but we don’t know what it is from, or what the “primers” on the machine are looking for.

                PCR, in my view, is merely being used to create the illusion of a virus that is spreading. President Trump said it should only be used on people with symptoms, but even then, it tells us nothing.


                1. You are right. It’s useful to look for pieces of DNA or a DNA copy of RNA if done properly, but it does in no way proof a virus infection, even if there was such a thing.


          1. PCR is a lab technique–“Polymerase Chain Reaction.” It can be accomplished with or without a dedicated machine. I had a boss who in his early days in research did PCR in a series of water baths. But no one does such a thing any more. It would be extremely tedious. A PCR machine (otherwise known as a thermocycler) is just a little programmable heat-block which can follow a program of a series of temperatures for set times. One temperature melts the DNA into two strands, one causes the primers to attach to the now single-stranded DNA, one causes the enzyme (called DNA Polymerase) to write out the new strand of DNA, using the primer as a starting point. These temperature cycles are repeated for a certain number of times to amplify the amount of product. Each cycle causes a doubling in the copy-number of your target DNA, subject to running out of reagent in your reaction. The Real Time PCR reaction and machine is a bit more complex. It involves reading out fluorescence signals in order to see how many copies you are getting, in “real time”–I am just describing the basic PCR machine here. Real Time PCR is not to be confused with “reverse transcription PCR,” though the Covid Test would involve both. Reverse transcription is just an extra step at the beginning of the process to convert RNA to its equivalent DNA (necessary for PCR). Real Time PCR is a more mechanised version of PCR in which the computer can measure for you the number of copies you have as the reaction proceeds, rather than it being an extra, physical step at the end.


            1. Thanks for clearing that up. Lost in this is that repeated amplifications create less clarity, at a certain point (25 according to Jaafar et al), it loses scientific rigor, skip the notion that PCR cannot detect disease. PCR, as used in the scam, is just a ruse, giving a cloak of science to a means by which they can flimflam the public into thinking that testing and COVID-19 really has to do with disease. Once that is in place, civil liberties are the target. “Testing positive” is like having HIV, meaningless jargon, but deadly. With AIDS, these people would murder you with AZT, with COVID, only enslave you with surveillance. These are freaks of nature, some of the worst criminals to emerge from the shadows.


            2. Hope Springs- yes thanks for the added detail, but what’s your take on it all? Given that you seem to have some direct experience with it unlike many of us…


              1. Well, I haven’t worked in research in about a decade, and then only as a research assistant. However, I’ve performed plenty of PCR, both original and real-time sorts. My take is that I was immediately suspicious when I heard that the diagnosis of the disease was based on a PCR test. Not even because I thought about the cycle-number problems, but my initial thinking was that

                a) PCR is way too sensitive–you could be picking up literally one molecule of a small part of this viral sequence (assuming it is all real etc.) It is highly subject to contamination, and is just not suitable to be basing such momentous decisions on–depriving people of liberty etc…

                b) Who is to say that the short sequence picked up by the PCR isn’t found in some people’s genomes? (Or just present from a prior infection). We have not sequenced everyone! How can they be claiming to be so sure this virus is novel!?

                c) Assuming bad actors wanted to commit some fraud, PCR would be manipulatable. PCR is way too opaque–it completely depends on your primer design, and the primer is absolutely invisible when you receive it. You just trust the sequence printed on the tube to be what is in the tube.

                I also had many years ago read Kary Mullis’ book “Dancing Naked in the Mind Field.” My memory of that is that it was a very enjoyable book, he was a very interesting and intelligent man, and I was intrigued at the time that he called HIV/AIDS a fraud, and intrigued at his treatment by the scientific community. I didn’t give it a massive amount of thought then, but I was at least subconsciously aware that extremely intelligent, informed scientists were saying that all is not as it seems in the world of science.

                I believe that somewhere Mullis said that the money he received for his Nobel Prize basically freed him from the system, allowed him to think and say what he really thought…something like that.

                I was also aware of Noam Chomsky’s “Manufactured Consent,” so was readily able to see the media’s manipulative role in all this.

                I also have at the back of my mind my own personal research into Sandy Hook and similar events, the conviction that it was fake/fraudulent, and the experience of having read most of Miles Mathis’ events essays. Most scientists do not seem to have these ideas in their minds, and so their default setting is to trust the wonders of science, even when they are well and truly intelligent enough to figure this out…somehow they don’t/can’t.

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. Thanks Mark. I definitely will when I have time/feel like I have something to add. I have most enjoyed this blog for several years now.


    1. Everyone carries a cell phone. My own brother now says I’m fake. Thats super careless to just call out staged because someone taped it? I really am for automating but get some evidence at some point.


      1. I could be wrong, of course, but I judge staged because the camera was positioned to catch her looking the right way, and to film all of the participants, and none of the participants asked the camera to be shut off or removed, nor did any of them even look at the camera, the first rule of acting, breaking the fourth wall.


  4. this are all but stories written be story writers. Since they have nothing more to lose, they will write everything until this blows up. And according to my experience from my youth in Eastern Germany, even then the majority of today’s Corona witnesses will still prefer to believe what they once started to believe. The church never admitted that the idea of hell and heaven was a hoax, the majority of people around the world should know this by now, yet still there is a huge community of people who not just pretend to be Christians or whatever but who still deeply believes in the necessity of following their religious rites. That’s why the mask won’t disappear. Even if future “news” will make them laughable and replace with new control instruments.

    Here a video from Reiner Füllmich in English supposedly made a few weeks or months ago but still very informative:

    In short he keeps saying that they will end this using international courts and going after the perpetrators one by one. Let’s hope so.


    1. Let people continue with rituals. What’s wrong with them? Who cares if masks never go away, provided there’s no law, fine or imprisonment threatened? I don’t know many rituals which are backed up by law with punitive fines threatened if not carried out. I tend to regard cyclists’ wearing of crash hats as a ritual but it’s not mandatory [except in Australia] and it doesn’t affect me, although their use seems to be creeping among the herd despite the flimsy evidence that they save any quantity of lives – rather like masks and covid.


  5. Miles had an interesting aside in a recent paper… Saying that as a kid his dentist claimed to find a bunch of cavities (despite no pain) and drilled up his teeth real good. The exact same thing happened to me as a teen in the early/mid 90s… Got fillings in multiple molars. It’s odd to me about that “no toothache” and then they find a bunch anyway. Of course they have an obvious money motive, but for such a thing to be widespread it would seem to need some excuse in their training/ protocol. Maybe they are (or were) trained to be hyper-sensitive to some common issue that’s actually minor, and doesn’t need intervention? Or trained to misinterpret something or other? Maybe (if one gets very suspicious) a way to get mercury into lots of people, taking advantage of the self-interest of dentists to (since they benefit) not question the protocol. Total speculation, just seems odd.
    On a personal note, I’m long overdue for a checkup, and in fear of what would be found, but “holistic” dentists (or just any who question fluoride and other protocols) are hard to come by in Alabama, judging by a web search.


    1. Afore secondary school, a dentist came round my school and examined every pupils’ teeth and told my mother I needed 4 fillings (molars). Our family dentist said I didn’t need any, they were fine, and always used to say I had perfect teeth when I had a checkup. Yet my mother was swayed by the other dentist. Though I still remember how his face fell when my mother told him it would be on the NHS.
      My teeth have never been the same again, and not for the better, one actually broke in two when eating a chocolate bar. Aye, one of those molars that had been filled.
      ”The two best physicians of them all: Dr. Laughter and Dr. Sleep.”
      – Gregory Dean Jr.


      1. Mom sits in the waiting room during the kid’s teeth inspection. Most places have cartoons on televisions and they get a toy after the inspection so any fear or oddness is cured with something to play with. The dentist can use a scaler to start a small hole that can look like a cavity. Then mom gets called into a meeting room and the dentist gives her the cavity report and tells her to make an appointment at the front desk to return for the fillings. Mom isn’t shown anything she just makes the appointment since she’s not paying the bill, it goes to the family insurance.

        The kid returns for filings that were never needed. What is in those filings, usually amalgam that contains mercury. Fillings seem to be more of a stop-gap than a cure for tooth decay and could even contribute to the problem. Any way to go back and sue the childhood dentist, he’s probably dead now really super duper glad my insurance paid for his Florida vacations.


      1. Thanks Stephers! That is a trek, I’m in the Birmingham area. Atlanta is actually closer than Dothan. But good to know about. I’m not familiar with “ozone” dentistry. But they do give the impression they’re outside the box and curious, rather than into groupthink.


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