Internet is back! And stuff.

We get our Internet from Centurylink, one of the few Baby Bells left in form. Consequently, it comes to our house on a wire. There is a switch box a couple of miles down the road that serves our neighborhood, and we are at the end of the line. For that reason, whenever I check speed at, it reads that our line status is either “poor” or “moderate.”

Last February we traded out an older model modem (Centurylink does used modems, and not routers), and the service agent who came by the house said to be careful, we might be “overprovided.” Not too long after that our service started blinking out now and then, and modem reboots had to be done frequently. I called tech support about that, and ask them if we were indeed overprovided. They had no clue what I was talking about. I suggested we drop our service back to perhaps 10 mps but the agent said not to do that, and I allowed him to keep me at 17mps. The intermittent service continued. It finally got so bad that I was convinced that the new modem we got in February was defective. An agent agreed with me, and sent me a new modem.

That modem worked better than the old one, in that it did not completely fritz out. But it would slow down shortly after booting. We were basically without service, unable to run our iPads or watch TV. I finally arranged for a technician to come to the house.

His name was Russ, and he showed up on our doorstep at 5PM last evening. He had just been to the switch box, and said that we were overprovided, just as were warned by a different technician in February. Because of that the modems, which both worked fine, would get overloaded,  and start dropping “packets.” That creates a need for constant rebooting. I asked him what we could do about it, and he said “It’s already fixed.” He said we pay for 15MPS, and that the computer had bumped us up to 18mps, so that our routers were constantly shutting down.

I have talked to tech support people at Centurylink, and by and large they are script readers, that is, they are working with a flow chart that says “If customer says this, then check this” and so on. According to the last one I talked to, we are getting our full signal, and if it is slow, it is because we are overusing our bandwidth. That is simply not true. We have two desktop computers, two iPads, one seldom used, and two iPhones, which use cellular fur the most part. Our TV relies on Internet service too. But it is only on for an hour or two at night. We do not watch games, do social media, or watch sporting events (except the Avs when they recently won the Stanley Cup). I suggested to the agent that she should remove that red flag from our account, that it is a mistake caused by all the slowdowns and reboots caused by the overproviding these past months. I said “It’s your fault, not ours.” She refused.

Russ said that our problems were not our doing, not our fault, and not even human error. It was a computer, he said, that bumped us beyond our ability to use the signal, causing repeated modem malfunction. So, since February, we’ve not known the luxury or reliable Internet. We had sort of gotten used to that until maybe ten days ago when it frizzed completely. I’ve been trying to keep up with things on my iPhone, but I am not a teenager and cannot make my fingers move like buzz saws. Were it not for texting, which I do use frequently, I would not need a mobile phone.

This has gotta be boring reading. If dealing with Centurylink, their technicians are good, their tech support people less so. Moving along.


This is something I’ve known about on some level for quite some time, but had to relearn. It has to do with CO2 and the 2nd Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP2), where they are using an oxygen isotope as a proxy for temperature. Boring down in the ice that has accumulated over 10,000 years, they are able to identify eras and temperatures, and CO2 levels in the atmosphere. It is really an accomplishment, a feat of science. Climate alarmists want nothing to do with it. It tells them they are wrong about the past and present.

This is from Bill Pekny’s book A Tale of Two Climates, One Real, On e Imaginary, page 32:

Confusion ensues when, for example, some declare that a rise in the level of CO2 is followed by a rise in temperature. Increasing CO2 does not cause increasing temperature. It is the other way around. Temperature controls CO2. A change in temperature (the cause) results in a change in CO2 (the effect). Think of a bottle or can of soda and what happens to the drink’s carbonation (CO2) when you leave it in the sun. The soda warms and the carbonation departs the drink, and quite rapidly, I might add.

The GISP people have gotten so sophisticated that they have been able to identify rising CO2 levels and warming periods, and say that CO2 levels rise after warming, usually a hundred years or so later. That would be the ocean warming and its CO2 leaving and entering the atmosphere.

Of course, alarmists, even as they have cause and effect ass backwards, are not blaming the ocean as the source of rising CO2 levels, but rather fossil fuels. The GISP show us as well that CO2 and temperature operate quite independently of one another. Nonetheless, as the graph above relates about our current interglacial period, temperature (blue) and CO2 levels (red) are not at all correlated. The Climate Change movement has chosen CO2 as a villain solely for the reason that it is a way for them to attack fossil fuels.

It has nothing to do with temperature and everything to do with wealth and population. They want less wealth for all of us except them, and fewer people. This link takes you to a Jon Rappoport article describing how primatologist Jane Goodall wants the world population reset at 461 million, or what it was 500 years ago. How’s that for a misanthrope who works with primates. I presume she feels she should be one who makes the cut along with a monkey or two.


This has to do with a paper linked to on the blog by Kenshophomestead, here. At the end of her comment is a link is to a PDF which I do not know how to link directly, titled Weather Modification Techniques by Electric Field. There’s been some back and forth on that topic here on the blog, and I am only mentioning Kensho here because she provided the link, and certainly not to show her up or anything like that. She makes a legitimate point on a topic aside from what caught my eye in that paper.

Rather than rehash everything, I will offer my response to that paper:

OK, had a chance to look it over [The Science Direct paper posted by Kensho]. Imagine this: We have now spent hundreds of billions of dollars on wind and solar, boondoggle devices to solve a nonexistent problem. That’s what I am reading in the paper, development of new technology to counter “…climate warming, increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases, pollution, dust, acidification of ocean …” in other words, if you liked wind and solar, massively expensive failed technologies to solve nonexistent problems, we’ve got even more in store, new technologies that will cost billions, fail, and not even solve the nonexistent problems.

If it were just the boondoggle aspect, the pocket lining, we could survive the nonsense. But Europe right now is in an energy crisis due to wind and solar and net zero. I tend to think that these are deliberate policies to lower living standards and cause depopulation, working hand in hand with Covid and the vaccines. But that is just me. We are next in line, and don’t even talk about Africa and the racist aspects of this misanthropy.

Aside from that comment, several have been trying to convince me that weather modification technology is here and in widespread use. The paper referenced is nothing more than a plea for funding. I can imagine that the authors saw how many people got wealthy from solar and wind, and see weather modification in response to “Climate Change”, not proven to be a problem, as a means to an end, $$$.

Is weather modification going on? Who can tell? Our climate in Colorado has barely changed in the last 100 years – I’ve got the data on hand that shows this. So here’s my challenge: Rather than broad-brushing that it’s here and we are in some kind of danger, somehow under manipulation, provide specific instances of its use. I do not think that can be done, so that the topic is undebatable, that is, no one can prove it is in use and point out its effects, and I cannot prove a negative.

(I can think of one instance that appeared to be an experiment. That is record temperatures (100°F+) in June of 2021 in Seattle and Vancouver, BC. At that very same time, HAARP was posted off limits to all overflights. Was it up and running? I want to connect the two, but of course, can only speculate. And it would make sense if this was done that climate fanatics were behind it, as it is malevolent. They mean to harm people.) That’s what Climate Change is all about, harming us. Check Europe, especially Germany, if you want more evidence than my say so.

39 thoughts on “Internet is back! And stuff.

  1. centurylink s*cks at my house

    I had it for years (except for a 2 year contract I tried satellite internet). I was stuck with centurylink because they were the only provider in my area. Then a new wireless internet provider came to the area. I tried tried them. Fir almost a year now – I’ve never been happier.
    If centrylink were to disappear, I wouldn’t miss it at all. It’s a shame I couldn’t change waaaay sooner


  2. MT,

    Speaking of re-booting the Internet, wired/wireless connections, satellites, and electric fields . . . for your consideration . . .

    1889, power line harmonic radiation began.
    1918, the radio era began.
    1957, the radar era began.
    And 1968, the satellite era began. These were the significant times when large changes to the Earth’s electric field were made. Each was accompanied by a significant flu pandemic. And each time the public was hoaxed by phony attempts at vaccines that those who administered knew wouldn’t work.

    Then came the wireless era and HAARP, the High Altitude Auroral Research Project, which will be reviewed when this report is continued in part 2.

    A link to my submission at the Wrench in the Gears Working Group, which is more extensive (including the two links above in greater historical context):

    As I previously explained, we live on the surface of a giant radio station.

    I suggest the proof of the occurrence and implementation of the modification of this planet (be it weather/climate/biological life) is right in front of you – at your fingertips, as well as mine, as I type this. We are an integral part of propelling electromagnetic waves and frequencies that are harmful to biological life, including the living, breathing, pulsing Earth that is our home.

    All of us are perpetuating the modification of this planet, and all of its inhabitants. Through a process of hormesis, we eventually adapt to each transitional phase that is implemented. Some die-off occurs with each transition.

    Are we evil? I would say not. Are the developers of these technologies evil? Probably not. Are they control freaks? Most likely. Are these technologies real? Well, they must be, or we would not be engaging in this online conversation, and you would not have had the technological challenges of which you are reporting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stephers,

      If I’m reading your back-and-forth with Mark correctly, it seems like you are talking about different things using the same term. What you are talking about–messing with frequencies and harmonics in ways that have a tremendous effect on all living organisms–seems like an undeniable reality, and I’d be surprised if Mark disagreed. But it goes so far beyond my concept (Mark’s concept? everyone’s concept?) of “weather modification” that it seems like we need a different term to distinguish it from messing around with temperatures and rainfall and whatnot. (And maybe you’ve already offered up a separate term that got fried out in my microwaved brain.)


      1. ScottRC,

        Indeed, the very solutions that are offered to “monitor” or “track” or “forecast” weather patterns (ie – rainfall, hurricanes) are the causes of modification – which may include temperature and precipitation.

        The general discussion around geoengineering and “chemtrails” (and most definitely, climate change) has served to obscure the very issue you are implying. This has been by design. My aim is to cut to the core, and reveal what has been in front of us all along. The culprit exists all around us every day – and is invisible to our senses, yet influencing (mostly adversely) our biological existence (and thus, that of the living planet). This is precisely why Firstenberg’s The Invisible Rainbow is such a crucial read, as is Nick Begich’s Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, and Elana Freeland’s Under an Ionized Sky.


    2. That last paragraph Stephers, wow. EVIL, up front and center is my view. Tempered and blurred by useful idiots and drones of all imaginable types. IF there are humans in charge, and that is a BIG if in my book, simpleton Dave asks: WHY would they poison and kill their own. Their own children – do they even have such – the overlords that is? Their own once beautiful planet – is their planned matrix-world better in their eyes?


  3. I know about electrification and flu and radar and all of that. I took extensive notes on Firstenberger, as it affected human health. Not much can be done, and … we cannot go backwards. Hopefully bees survive, and Eastern European forests are thriving.

    About weather … show me a hurricane, even Katrina, and link it to technology. Do not speculate.Show me where the draining of Meade is a planned event rather than just human stupidity. Show me anywhere in Colorado’s climate history where anything happened that cannot be called variability. We have nothing to debate. You have no on the ground evidence, I cannot prove a negative.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. To clarify . . . any notion of “climate” – in my opinion – is a non sequitur. So, I cannot speak to Colorado’s “climate history.” I am fairly confident that all of us here are well aware that climate change is a psyop.

      That said, it seems we do not all agree that weather events (considered to be anomalous or otherwise) can be technologically induced.

      I think the task that lay before us – for those who are compelled to interrogate and debate (for one reason or another) – is to attempt to determine if weather (a là individual events across land, sea, and air) can be controlled via technological means.

      My guess is that any “belief” in this notion can fall along a spectrum – where 0 indicates that it can not be done, to a low number of 1-2, indicating that it can be done, but is not being done, to a 3 or 4, indicating that it is being done, but on a small scale in certain places . . . and so on up the scale, until you reach a 10 – indicating that all weather is controlled via technology (regardless of the details of what technology is being implemented). I would say I probably fall around a 7 on this hypothetical scale – quickly approaching an 8 – meaning . . . weather events (be it hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, high winds, heat waves, cold spells) can not only be engineered, but are being engineered on a fairly large scale around the globe – with VERY little evidence with which to “prove” its execution – by design.

      With that said, I offer a starting point – in the context of Colorado weather events (as per your fair and intriguing challenge) – beginning with the flood event in September 2013. I have included a video on heterodyning, because it is an important aspect to understand, in order to grasp the potentiality that the flood of September 2013 was induced, and not natural. I am open to changing my opinion, which is why I say potentiality; however, I am pretty convinced (again, I fall around a 7/8) that this was an R&D militarized project.

      It is best to watch each video from start to finish to gain context, in hopes of achieving some clarity, as we move forward . . . Who knows, perhaps you may go from a 1 or 1 1/2 (presumably, based on your previous feedback) to a 3 . . . and I may go from a 7 1/2 down to a 5 (???). I do not yet know where this challenge will lead us . . . However, I can already guesstimate that there will be no smoking gun pointing us in any particular direction. We are left up to our own mental devices and personal discernment – left and right brain thinking plays into this (quantitative and qualitative analyses are necessary; big picture conception combined with detail-oriented conception are also crucial).

      Regardless, I think we can get there . . . and still keep friendship and working relationship intact. At least, that is my hope and intention. The controllers would like nothing more than to destroy relationships among caring, well-intentioned human beings who only desire to seek and know truth. After all, that is why we are all congregating at this special, little online neck in the woods at POM, right? I am grateful for this opportunity to respectfully debate.

      Addendum: I forgot one thing. If you do watch all four of these video analyses, I would ask if you could attempt to “rate” where you think you stand on the theoretical scale that I imagined (0-10 on the notion of technologically induced weather events) prior to watching . . . and then where you are after watching. Did it change? Did you bump up a 1/4 point, a 1/2 point, or perhaps even one point up the scale?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. A pertinent document:

        National Weather Service

        NEXRAD Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025

        Click to access NEXRAD_Strategic_Plan_2021-2025_May%202021_v5.pdf

        The mission of the program is to sustain the capability of the tri-agency NEXRAD network to reliably observe and detect hazardous weather in support of forecast and warning programs, protection of military assets, the National Airspace System, and the national economy through timely infusion of technology transition and new capabilities.

        NEXRAD provides essential data needed to achieve DOC/NOAA/NWS strategic objectives and goals. No other observation system is capable of providing these unique remote sensing data.

        Department of Commerce (DOC):

        Strategic Goal – Strengthen U.S. Economic and National Security Strategic Objective – Reduce Extreme Weather Impacts

        Key strategies include:

        1. Evolve the National Weather Service to deliver better forecasts, earlier warnings, and clearer communication of high-impact weather and water events.

        2. Strengthen partnerships with America’s weather industry and other members of the weather, water, and climate enterprise.

        3. Deploy the next generation of satellites, aircraft, ocean-going ships, and observation and data gathering systems.

        4. Develop and deploy next-generation environmental observation and modeling systems to make informed planning, resources management, and investment decisions.

        National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

        Future Vision – Healthy ecosystems, communities, and economies that are resilient in the face of change

        Long-term Goal – Weather-Ready Nation

        Objectives to achieve this goal include:

        1. Reduced loss of life, property, and disruption from high-impact events
        2. Improved freshwater resource management
        3. Improved transportation efficiency and safety
        4. Healthy people and communities due to improved air and water quality services
        5. A more productive and efficient economy through environmental information relevant to key sectors of the U.S. economy


        1. After watching the four videos that I linked above, here is the next one that I recommend (15 minutes long, and you can increase the playback speed):

          WeatherWar101: Sofia Smallstorm on Red Ice Radio (please keep in mind, Sofia is a friend of mine)

          . . . Since you asked about Katrina . . .

          This next video (only 5 minutes long) may make more sense now (given the information presented in the previous 5 videos that I linked):

          Katrina Geoengineering: Ten Years Later

          I will eventually get around to the Lake Mead situation. It is a bit different, to say the least, as it goes way beyond weather engineering. I have been deconstructing that story for a while now, and there are numerous rabbit holes. It is actually a highly occulted narrative, with some surprising twists and turns. It is like investigating a true crime story, and I suggest that is very intentional. I am hoping to unravel some of it in the next day or two . . .


          1. RE: Stephers, weather mod…

            i am not convinced that steam condensers at power plants, which do put out a plume of cloud, put out anywhere near enough to supply rainstorms. There is not enough water piped into the power plants to account for flooding.

            If the water, as the first few videos you linked here seem to indicate, is being evaporated from land then there must be a large amount of energy being applied, and at night he says. Energy applied to what? The ground water? I won’t say that is impossible, but the scale of it is impressive if that is actually what is happening.


            1. Alan,

              I appreciate you following up on this issue. In response to your healthy skepticism, following is a 15 minute video that should help explain more. Pay particular attention around the 10 minute timestamp:

              Following is the 1971 document that is referenced:

              Preliminary Report
              by F. A. Huff, R. C. Beebe, D. M. A. Jones, G. M. Morgan, Jr., and R. G. Semonin

              {RE: 1971 Zion Nuclear Power Plant Study on the Effects of Cooling Towers on the Atmosphere and Weather}

              A search was made for any observed and/or calculated effects of tower plumes on severe weather events, such as thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes, and heavy rainstorms. Very little was found and this was of a highly speculative nature. However, from consideration of atmospheric physics and dynamics, one would expect that any severe weather event resulting from cooling tower effluents would be attained only through a triggering or stimulation effect. That is, the additional heat and/or moisture fed into a developing storm cloud could conceivably produce an imbalance that
              would result in intensification into a severe weather state. However, the severe weather effect, if any, must be strictly conjectural at this time.
              (my emphasis)

              While not discussed in the 1971 paper, can the triggering or stimulation effect be obtained by global frequency control via NEXRAD/Doppler/phased array grids and/or frequency controllable nano-components in global “chemtrails.” That is precisely the premise of WeatherWar101.


              1. Alan (and MT),

                Of note, WeatherWar101 does consider Dane Wigington (DW) of Geoengineering Watch to be a psyop plant. He has offered considerable evidence over time. I have been concerned about DW for quite some time (based on numerous clues), and have pondered similarly. The reason I bring this up, though, is because DW worked for Bechtel – which circles us directly back to Lake Mead:


                Like many great entrepreneurs, Warren A. Bechtel would take a few frightening steps toward failure before he found the path to success. In 1898, a nearly bankrupt 25-year-old Bechtel and his pregnant wife, Clara, left Peabody, Kansas, and headed 100 miles (161 kilometers) south in search of construction work and new opportunity. Thus began an epic journey that would span more than a century of building, five generations of his family, and eventually much of the globe.

                1898—1949: Building the Foundation

                1931 The Hoover Dam: Bechtel’s First Megaproject

                The Hoover Dam project was too big for any one company. So W. A. Bechtel helped form a consortium calling itself Six Companies, Inc. W. A. knew the heads of the consortium companies as friends and business associates, having been in partnerships with most of them.

                The Hoover Dam was ​officially dedicated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in September 1935—represents a pivotal event in the history of Bechtel. There have been bigger projects, and there will be still bigger jobs in years to come. But never again will Bechtel be involved with a project that so profoundly shaped our company’s sense of itself.

                Hoover Dam was a make-or-break proposition for my grandfather. It became the birthplace of many of the great traditions of the present Bechtel organization. ~ Stephen D. Bechtel Jr., 1982

                Between 1934 and 1938, the Six Companies, Inc., partnership built Parker Dam across the Colorado River. Operating as Columbia Construction Co., they corralled the waters of the Columbia River behind the concrete arches of Bonneville Dam and built Ruby Dam and Grays Harbor jetties in Washington State; and as Six Companies of California, they constructed a section of the Oakland–Contra Costa highway. Utah-Bechtel-Morrison-Kaiser Co. lined the Moffatt Water Tunnel and built Taylor Park Dam in Colorado.

                I will plan to elaborate more in the next couple days . . .

                Addendum: This may be of interest and relevance:


              2. RE: Stephers,
                I watched this 15 min video referencing this 1971 paper. I live in the Colorado fronr range where the 2013 floods happened. I have worked on flow meters connected to the water diverted from the small local creeks to nonpotable water supplies that provide the steam condensing into small cloud plumes over local power plants. I have ridden bicycles past the diversion dams in Denver that supply cooling water to power plants for Denver, pulled out of the Platte river, and spent time thinking about comparable diversions of water into local water treatment plants supplying water for drinking water, or other diversion dams for farmers ditches and canals. Cities really do suck down the water levels that would otherwise head down the Arkansas or Platte rivers from the high Colorado plains that would otherwise be arid and cactus filled. There is not enough water here to supply evaporation to produce flooding. So flood waters blow in here via the weather and only rarely is there enough rain for the occasional flash floods or for the 2013 “500 year” flood events.

                There is clearly a lot of river water going up in steam that never makes it to the reservoirs. But this guy at weatherwars101 made the claim that he supported with his vapor maps that the evaporation that supplied the 2013 floods happened from land and not from the Pacific ocean, Baja CA or the Gulf of Mexico. For instance he showed this vapor coming off the arid regions in northern Mexico. There are not rivers or lakes there to support this level of evaporation. Power plant steam plumes do not explain it either.

                I will, as a science fiction fan, and for the sake of considering some possible secret technology, hypothesize: Suppose HAARP or other phased array systems may trigger sprayed atmospheric particles to form an atmospheric electrical circuit that directs electrical energy from the charge supplied by the solar wind (the Sun’s electric plasma that encounters the Earth’s magnetic field). That might actually be enough energy to do weather modifications. If the scale of evaporation over arid landscapes that WW101 suggests, is actually happening, this amount of water must be evaporating directly from ground water, since it is not happening from nonexistent surface water in the arid southwestern USA. The floods that overflowed the streams and rivers in 2013 could not have come from water diverted from those same streams when they were not flooding.

                So, for the sake of speculation, might somone have invented a means of causing vapor to rise up from the ground waters beneath arid lands? Is there some means of applying cosmic levels of energy directly to ground water? I am not convinced but I would happily watch the science fiction movie with this premise.


                1. Alan,

                  Thank you for your response, and taking the time to look at the material. In direct reply to your questions above, I kindly direct you to a link where I think there is plenty to chew on that may have direct significance. To this end, I suggest there is no need for sci-fi cosmic stories, when we can potentially look to alternative water sourcing (primary water/transition zone water) in the context of an expanded view of the Earth’s water cycle.

                  Please read here, and take what resonates, and leave what does not (from what I have compiled):

                  Nonetheless, the following excerpt (see below in italics) may offer my best summation at this time (source: Please know that I am thinking out loud and learning as I go. I do not claim to have a handle on this material. I never made such claims. Thus, I have no definitive answers/solutions, and am left to provide as much information as I possibly can so that others who are interested can scrutinize the material (and hopefully collaborate in this regard). I am allowing my super sniffer to take me along for the ride, no matter how uncertain and bumpy. In the spirit of collaboration, I have decided to transfer my offerings (for what they are worth) on the topic of this comments thread to the Wrench in the Gears Working Group (linked above).

                  While rarely acknowledged, though referenced in the Bible and other ancient texts, the Earth’s magma and geology is in fact the source of our planet’s most pure water. This water appears in unexpected places such as mountain springs and desert oases. Have you ever wondered how a spring could defy gravity and surface at high elevations on the top of a mountain, or provide a green oasis in the middle of a desert? Primary Water isn’t a mystery, though access to this technology has been largely suppressed historically and only recently begun to emerge in open discussions within scientific communities.

                  Along with its abundance, the advantages and value of Primary Water include that it is clean water which has never been in contact with the atmosphere. As mentioned earlier, access is largely dependent on geography and geology rather than climate and atmospheric rainfall. It is readily available in drought as well as normal rainfall years. It can also be localized to certain areas and needs – and, under the right geologic conditions, is plentiful and readily accessible.

                  All water originates as Primary Water deep in the mantle of the Earth. Under pressure, it then makes its way to the surface via faults and fissures in the form of volcanic steam, artesian springs, geysers, and oases. The defining characteristic of Primary Water is that it has never before been on the surface of the Earth and is therefore free of surface pollutants. When it approaches the Earth’s surface, Primary Water mixes with water already here and then becomes part of the Hydrologic Cycle. Skilled Primary Water experts are able to locate the water as it nears the earth’s surface, thus reducing the depth of drilling normally required for water wells.

                  This magazine offers a snapshot of some of the 20th and 21st Century pioneers of Primary Water research as well as an overview of numerous success stories where Primary Water has come to the rescue – especially in drought years.

                  Thousands of Primary Water wells already provide fresh water in Australia, the United States, and Africa. Many villages in Africa have experienced tremendous improvements in their quality of life due to Primary Water wells. Primary Water is a valuable source of water that could also help refill reservoirs, resupply over-tapped rivers such as the Colorado River, and support agricultural needs.

                  Could Primary Water solve our global water crisis? And, might Primary Water offer hope for mankind – and the future survival of Planet Earth? A resounding yes on both accounts! Primary Water may well be a missing link to solving water shortages and hunger around the world. (my emphasis)

                  Moving forward, I will not be engaging any further in this comments thread. I am more than happy, though, to engage in private dialogue via email. I am curious what insights you may have after chewing on some of the information I have teased out. You know where to find me, Alan. Thanks. 🙂

                  P.S. One additional link for your review, if compelled:

                  Dangerous weather events will reinforce the need for intensive risk assessment and new insurance products like the automated claims management of parametric insurance policies governed by IoT data analytics. A division of Wharton’s new ESG initiative is a Risk Management and Decisions Process Center, which is one of the Kleinman Center’s on-campus partners. At this point most of the public is unwilling to engage seriously with the degree to which natural atmospheric forces can be influenced by technology and have been since the 1950s. All of this will require sensors, edge computing, and quantum AI.


          2. Cannot wait for you to get around to the Lake Mead situation. A rule of thumb: Given simple versus complicated, simple rules. Occam made this generalization, and of course there are exceptions, but if any of your getting around to it says anything other than overuse, as in too much demand by too many people, more going out than coming in, well, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

            Same with Katrina, suggesting, since you are constantly suggesting we leave our regular daily lives to watch long videos and read long presentations that support your contentions, that you take a few hours out of your life to read Taleb’s The Black Swan. I love his example of the life of a turkey … daily feed and constant growth and good health, and then … Thanksgiving. Turkeys are not omniscient, neither are people. My simplest explanation is that Katrina was a Black Swan, and you’ve a lot of extraordinary evidence to place before us in simple, brief and understandable terms (without us leaving our lives to follow your links and videos) to overcome that presumption. It boils down to this: Explain in the fewest words carrying the most information possible, but do not overwhelm us. If you know what is up, you can do this.

            My presumption is that if a person cannot explain something in simple and understandable terms, that person lacks true understanding. Of course, Einstein noted that things should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler, so this is life, full of questions and ambiguity, little real understanding of anything by anyone. John Cleese made this point during his book tour some years back … hardly anyone knows WTF they are doing.


            1. MT,

              On Taleb . . .

              My synopsis of what follows below (to save you time) . . .

              For all things COVID, CLIMATE CHANGE, extreme weather events (anomalous or otherwise), and black swan events, lean into Taleb for potential (yet spooky) answers. Surprisingly, his small network is vastly influential. You and I can agree . . . Katrina was a black swan event (just as COVID was) — but I suggest not in the way you may have imagined and positioned it to be.

              The story is much more complex, involving faux pandemics, extreme weather events, sentiment analysis, weather and electricity derivatives, catastrophe futures, supercomputers, algorithms, data mining, scenario planning, disaster preparedness, disaster capitalism, game theory, social behaviorism, blockchain, cybernetics, atomic/particle physics, foresight, and whole-of-government. Essentially, it involves everything I have discussed at POM since April 2020. As I have continually suggested, the solutions are created long before the problems ever (magically) arise. Perhaps I am not too far off the mark by surmising that nuclear power plants may somehow be implicated in weather engineering (TBD) . . .

              Taleb’s complexity work at NECSI with Yaneer Bar-Yam circles us back to the World Economic Forum and the UN . . . and we know where that leads us . . . the Great Reset, Build Back Better, faux pandemics, lockdown of humanity, etc etc etc . . .



              Prior to global lockdowns, in January, 2020 Joseph Norman, Yaneer Bar Yam, and Nassim Taleb submitted a paper to the White House administration, urging them to take drastic steps to curtail the disease. NECSI later assembled, which included over 4,000 volunteers by March 21, 2020. The network of volunteers built with the goal to minimize the impact of COVID-19 by providing useful data and guidelines for action.

              Since 2009, the Institute’s research focus has shifted to socio-economic systems, with particular attention to the causes and consequences of the 2008 financial crisis and dynamics of Twitter networks and social sentiment. Policy-relevant articles on stock market regulation and market crashes, food riots and the causes of high food prices, and the European bond crisis have been released straight to the press.

     (Yaneer Bar-Yam on pandemics in a connected world in July 2016)

              Strikingly, through Taleb, we end up smack dab again with extreme weather events, as it is his mentor/faculty advisor, Helyette Geman, who is a pivotal figure — if not pioneer — in weather, insurance, and electricity derivatives. Who do you think financially benefits from these extreme weather events (regardless of whether they are naturally occurring or technologically-induced, or a hybrid event of some kind)? Perhaps debating about the cause of these events is indeed a waste of our time, when we can just dive right into the belly of the beast, as Taleb connects us directly to both COVID catastrophism and CLIMATE catastrophism (including extreme weather events).

              For this, we look to Taleb’s circle of business/academic associates:

              But first, it should be noted that Taleb’s son — Alexander Taleb — works in aerospace as a propulsion systems engineer:


              Austin, TX, US

              Propulsion Systems Engineer @ Syncroness
              Propulsion Engineer @ Generation Orbit Launch Services, Inc.
              Mechanical Design Engineer @ Delta Air Lines Global Services, LLC
              Design Engineer @ Firefly Space Systems
              Summer Intern @ Spacex

     (Syncroness is now Alten Technology)

              Taleb’s associate at NECSI – Sandy Pentland:

              Alex `Sandy’ Pentland has helped create and direct MIT’s Media Lab, the Media Lab Asia, and the Center for Future Health. He chairs the World Economic Forum’s Data Driven Development council, is Academic Director of the Data-Pop Alliance, and is a member of the Advisory Boards for Google, Nissan, Telefonica, the United Nations Secretary General, Monument Capital, and the Minerva Schools.

              I have written about Pentland a number of times here at POM, as you may recall. His work is central to both COVID and CLIMATE weaponized narratives.

              His doctorate advisor — Helyette Geman:

              • Her work on Catastrophe Futures and Options
              • Her work on probability distributions, specifically the “CGMY” Lévy process named after Carr, Helyette Geman, Madan and Yor.
              • Her 2005 book on Commodities Derivatives.
              • Her book ‘Insurance, Weather and Electricity Derivatives: From Exotic Options to Exotic Underlyings’, 1999, Risk Books.
              • Her work on ‘Bitcoins and Commodities’
              • Being the PhD supervisor of Nassim Nicholas Taleb


              Helyette Geman, a research professor in applied mathematics and statistics, focuses on mathematical finance. Her career has comprised sub-disciplines, including the finance of commodities, insurance, and probability theory.

              She received an MS in Atomic/Molecular Physics and a PhD in Mathematical Statistics and Probability from Pierre and Marie Curie University, as well as another PhD in Finance at the University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne.


              Her other advisee (as per genealogy link above) — Fabio Trojani:


              Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences

              Branching out one more degree from Taleb — Lawrence Habahbeh:


              Lawrence Habahbeh proposes a framework for understanding these more complicated risks. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a renewed focus on enterprise risk management. It has caused firms to reflect on the effectiveness of their frameworks for categorising, planning, preparing, and mitigating the effects of emerging extreme risks.

              Extreme emerging risks – such as pandemics, solar storms, multiple and simultaneous severe weather events, mass cyber attacks, volcano eruptions with global impacts, and large-scale terrorist attacks – are significantly more complex than, and different from, traditional risks. These risks manifest in a variety of discrete, linked and compound events, and have cascading consequences.

     (work on both COVID and CLIMATE narratives)

              Returning to Taleb’s associate and co-author, Yaneer Bar-Yam (see his pivotal work in COVID strategies, that guided American policy on lockdowns, contact tracing, travel restrictions, etc. etc etc):



              As a complex systems practitioner, Yaneer uses an innovative discipline of subterranean mathematical calculation to explain and predict global trends, such as food scarcity, ethnic cleansing, evolutionary biology, election outcomes, and pandemics, including COVID-19.

              Aureet, died on January 7, 1991, at the age of 33, drowning as she tried to pull her dog, Flame, out of the icy water of Sandy Pond in Lincoln, Mass.

     (his patent – training supercomputers/Voronoi space partition algorithms)

              The memory locations where data bits are maintained are physical locations that have particular electrical, magnetic, optical, or organic properties corresponding to the data bits.



              Yaneer Bar-Yam’s father — Zvi Bar-Yam — is a high-energy particle physicist:

     (co-author with Yaneer on how to transition the population to open back up during COVID)

              I should mention that with Taleb’s doctoral advisor, we return to the climate narrative:

              Professor Geman counts many brilliant characters among her past and present PhD students, among them Nassim Taleb, author of The Black Swan. She is the President of the Society ‘Women for Climate.’


              I wrote about black swan events (in the context of the COVID weaponized narrative and “foresight”) in December 2020:

              5) This document titled “Society at Risk — Hunting Black Swans and Taming Black Elephants,” was presented by Peter Ho, Senior Advisor, Centre for Strategic Futures (CSF), on December 5, 2016, at a Conference called “Disrupted Balance — Societies at Risk.” It references Singapore’s “resilient response” to the reported SARS epidemic in 2002-2003, involving mitigation approaches such as “Whole-of-Government” and contact tracing — two strategies which have been applied to the current scenario.

              Click to access 2016-12-05-peter-ho—society-at-risk.pdf

              (Note: the bold formatting and lack of spacing at the end of this reply is unintentional – logistical challenge on my end that seems un-fixable.)


              1. I don’t think anyone on earth could do a better job at compiling than you, Stephers, again, I greatly appreciate it.

                @Mark: In terms of time investment: I could never thoroughly study and intellectually penetrate all components of this grand tale and I think there is only very few people who can, which is the main reason we’re not getting anywhere with our efforts. And of course, again, it’s by design, compartmentalization is the magic word. I sift through vast amounts of information and my aim is never to fully understand it, but rather to refine my intuitive discernment. This helps me personally immensely, but unfortunately this doesn’t transfer to other people. One of the essential components of my efforts is the J3wish paradigm (I started this long before I stumbled upon Mathis btw, who I just don’t trust, but still, he makes good points). I’ve always checked backgrounds for connections, physiognomy, pronunciation and so on and in very few cases did I not find the J3wish angle. At this point I don’t even have to really check any more, it works rather intuitively (I might still assume wrong here and there, but all in all I’m quite confident of my assessment). So, with all the names Steph brought up above, I have to state: they’re all J3ws, it’s blatantly obvious. Just to clarify what I mean by J3w: It’s a cult and it’s about self-identification, it involves race and other elements, but in the end it’s about who considers oneself a J3w, that’s it. You find them left and right in all the right positions. Not just in this case, I can only recommend staying on the look-out in this regard, you will see it very clearly after some time. My conclusion is: whoever self-identifies as a J3w will be actively involved in these dirty shenanigans to differing degrees, some more aware, others less, but I think they are ALL involved in it. So when I see their involvement, I get highly suspicious and examine that cult angle and it saves me a lot of time.


                1. You might run Tokarski through your database. You will find it is J3wish. But I am not. The name originated in a region of Ukraine called Tokar. It is said that many of that region immigrated to the US landing in Pennsylvania. My grandfather did that, and ended up in Great Falls Montana working for the Anaconda Copper company in its smelter operation. It all fits, except that I was raised Christian, and the “ski” makes me Polish, but my ancestors lived “in Austria down the hill from Switzerland.” It is all a little more complicated than that.


                  1. That’s why I wrote ‘self-identifying’. Many of us have these connections in our past, just like with ancestry that can be connected to Genghis Khan or Tutankhamun, but it doesn’t mean we have to be aware of the cult or partaking in it, though of course that will always be the case to a certain degree if we identify with anything connected to it, as is the case with Christianity as well. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle with pre-made, dialectical roles, so you can’t really get out of it, unless you understand the mechanics and act accordingly. That’s why you have to take in a broader view, look into the circles the people are connected to, their professions and so on. The higher up they are, the better educated, the likelier it is they are involved knowingly, but again, it’s a complicated matter.


    2. Mark,

      I came to the same conclusion as you regarding the vastness of the earth years ago regarding man-made climate change, but that doesn’t mean they can’t manipulate existing weather patterns and blame it on climate change. One example would be Operation Popeye in Vietnam where they extended the Monsoon season to muddy up the roads used to supply the North Vietnamese troops in the 1960’s!

      I also agree with Stephers that this is a two part question – can they do it, and if so, would they do it. As for the first question, check out the Timeline Milestones at the following site (scroll down). A more exhaustive history can be found by clicking the Timeline link at the top of the page.

      As for would they do it if they could, I think we all know the answer to that.


      1. Well, there is something called the Technology Imperative or Technological Imperative (, and it does pertain specifically to weather modification (yet veiled in a faux climate change narrative).

        Essentially – when it comes to industry – they believe that if the technology exists, then it must be applied/implemented.

        When you see climate imperative, think technology imperative.
        (Technology Imperative = Climate Imperative)

        The Climate Imperative and Innovative Behavior: Encouraging Greater Advances in the Production of Energy-Efficient Technologies and Services (November 2009)

        Click to access The_Climate_Imperative_and_Innovative_Behavior_White_Paper.pdf

        Motivating Through a Compelling Narrative

        There are huge numbers of constituencies and diverse interest groups that can generate a form of policy gridlock as they vie for attention and advocate for different elements of desired policy outcomes. One useful approach for laying the foundation for a long-term innovation is to communicate the promise of smart policies within a narrative that connects them. One recent example is the work of Jeremy Rifkin (2008), president of the Foundation on Economic Trends. In a current project with the city of San Antonio, Texas, and now involving the Principality of Monaco, Rifkin envisions the enabling of what he calls a “Third Industrial Revolution” founded upon investments in energy-efficient technologies and systems. Previous industrial revolutions, Rifkin observes, have occurred with large shifts in both energy and communications technologies. This is no coincidence, as commerce relies just as much upon communication between its own producers and trading partners as it does on the ability to harness the energy needed to actually produce, move, and provide the needed goods and services. The first industrial revolution occurred with coal-fired steam engines and the advent of widespread text printing. The next occurred with the telegraph and the oil age. The third industrial revolution embracing the principles of long-term sustainability anchored by a foundation of greater energy productivity – is likely to be facilitated by productive investments in both renewable energy systems and a smart communications, transportation, and energy infrastructure.*

        The smart grid has been celebrated quite a bit, and utilities in California are among the forerunners in its deployment, but it is just one example of the convergence of the virtual with the physical infrastructure. The information and communication technologies that serve as the platform for virtual infrastructure can be embedded in most of the traditional infrastructure that we rely on today: buildings, roads, bridges, and mass transportation systems.13 In all applications, distributed sensors collect data on relevant variables and transmit to monitor and control centers, where information is processed and action can be taken. A tremendous potential in vehicle-emissions heavy California would be using sensors to enable smart stoplights to reduce vehicle idling. One increasingly realistic possibility is that stoplight sensors could pick up on the GPS signals of mobile phones carried in cars, and adjust their timing accordingly.

        Exercising Solution-Oriented Swarm Intelligence

        Solving difficult problems often requires people with different perspectives and skills to work well together. Managing such collaboration can be extremely difficult without constraining the creative output of researchers. Recent research suggests, however, that doing away with the heavy-handed management of creative social processes may be the best way to arrive at solutions. The so called intelligent “swarming” approach to solving policy problems recognizes the extreme difficulty of arriving at useful solutions to problems with complexly interrelated economic, social, and technological aspects. Such insights are already being incorporated into the business world.
        The concept of swarm intelligence is based on the emergent, collective intelligence of social insect colonies. Individually, one insect is clearly limited in its capacity to accomplish much. Collectively, however, social insects are highly proficient in achieving a great variety of things: building and defending a nest, foraging for food, taking care of the brood, allocating labor, and much more. The world has become so complex that no single human being can comprehend it. Swarm intelligence offers an alternative way of designing “intelligent” systems and outcomes (Bonabeau and Meyer 2001). Instead of relying on the simplification of an inherently complex task, swarm approaches allow the spontaneous interactions of experts who will appraise the problem according to their own knowledge and interests. What management there is, is present in order to “consult, facilitate, and to serve” the swarmers but not to direct them (Embley 2007).

        Variations on swarming behavior are already evident in California. Given the highly-networked nature of the academic and commercial innovation centers in the state, and the presence of many experts on different issues, people are constantly coming together in informal environments to collaboratively solve complex problems. The CPUC’s processes of soliciting review on rulemakings, holding workshops, and hiring issue-experts present elements of swarming. So does PIER’s practice of collaborating with universities and research centers.

        Energize the public sector and civil society with a compelling innovation narrative.

        Policymakers should capitalize upon the lessons of the private sector and European leaders by forming a compelling narrative that puts the climate imperative in a useful perspective in order to motivate innovation. As the efforts of broad thinkers such as Jeremy Rifkin have shown, powerful narratives from public figures can catalyze action in the face of climate change. This narrative may involve taking a longer term view of present climate policy than is typical. Such a viewpoint may be useful in motivating the population to embrace productive behaviors and attitudes, but also in focusing attention on high potential energy savings areas.

        As I previously stated before . . . the solutions (AKA weather modification strategies and SMART “innovation”) were devised long before the problem was scripted.


      2. “…where they extended the monsoon season…”

        The worst place to look for accurate history is that of war, where truth is the first casualty. I do not imagine that in the 1960s they could extend a monsoon season any more than they could land a man on the moon.


        1. You have a good point about using the military as a source, but they do claim to have done it. The links that I included have many more examples and don’t take much time to scroll through. Here is a NY Times article from 1972 that details the operation.

          I will stop beating this horse to death after this, but they are spraying heavily over Oregon today and there has to be a reason for it.


  4. …”if it is slow, it is because we are overusing our bandwidth.”

    This made me laughing out loud. Who in the world are you dealing with in the tech support? 😀

    The bandwidth they’re selling is a scam. Just add together all the bandwidths they’re selling in your neighbourhood and you’ll realize they’ve sold world’s entire capacity just to you and your neighbours. They know damn well what’s wrong, that’s why they’re trying to come up with retarded excuses as to why you’re not able to use even a small percentage of the “bandwidth” you’re paying for. Just collect the data from your neighbours (sold capacities) and present it to them, requesting to technically justify how are they making it possible. I’d really love to see how they respond.

    Just a suggestion how to bypass it in the future – go get a 4G router at Amazon or similar stores, and another SIM card with unlimited data and you’re good to go. You’re looking at $150 investment that solves everything. Mobile internet is very reliable and cheap in comparison to standard cable/optics. Oh, and send those pricks at Centurylink a picture of your solution once you have it installed.


    1. @MiniMe: “…go get a 4G router at Amazon or similar stores, and another SIM card with unlimited data and you’re good to go.”

      Elaborate please; or redirect. I want nothing to do with the garbage liars in my area (ComCast, and a host of other hangers-on).



      1. I didn’t want to put a link into my comment. Simply, go to amazondotcom and type “4G router” into a search form. There are plenty of options from different manufacturers and all are capable of connecting to a mobile network and sharing access to clients.

        In order to connect to a mobile network you need a SIM card, identical to the one you’re using in your mobile phone. Either get additional one with your provider or even better, get a prepaid one which has no name attached to it. Where I live, all providers have prepaid card options and are offering unlimited data plan for small monthly amount.


          1. No, what they wrote about is not outdated. Some things have changed though in the meanwhile, like new data plan deals that were not considered while writing the article.

            Average prepaid data plan deals in USA are just horrible. All kinds of data and speed limits for a hefty price. I thought it would be different, since I’m not from there…

            I did a quick search and found i3 Mobile provider (for USA only), which has a real unlimited data plan with no throttling down the speed until 1TB. It’s not exactly cheap at $149/m , but it’s an option that certainly enables you to cut the cable if you’re in an area with good signal coverage. Transfer rate will be much higher than what you actually need for a decent HD stream (10Mbs).

            Liked by 1 person

          2. There is a good forum at reddit, r/NoContract, where you can access a lot of opinions and solutions about the topic. For instance, I just read a post where few users reported using a $20/m prepaid plan, that has a hotspot data limit, but they reportedly have tweaked router’s settings so it records all data transfers as phone data. Meaning, you’re able to bypass the data and speed limit for small bucks. If you’re tech savvy, you can do it yourself or call/pay somebody to do it for you. It’s worth trying, imo, saving some money and showing the finger to scammers at the same time.

            Liked by 1 person

  5. I am using CenturyLink DSL, OK if your home is near a server. The techs on the phone are the worst. Around when Qwest became CenturyLink about half of their skilled guys in trucks got phased out. Half the remaining ones could not seem to locate or fix a line problem. Meanwhile, during outages a cell phone hotspot works OK. But I live closer to a server than you do, it seems.

    With a device like this on a pole and maybe a reflecting dish to maximize signal speed you could get home internets with a sim card.

    It could also work with a boat or RV.


    1. I was advised many years back that Cingular (now subsumed by ATT ) had the best cell coverage in the Colorado front range canyons. If your local area is better served by Verizon then these two devices I’ve shown you won’t talk to Verizon, but other similar devices will. Sometimes, in the mountains, games have to be played with an antenna mast up above the trees, or a repeater, just to get coverage in a particular house.


  6. For GSM ATT or T-mobile sim card, internet with more options… This one needs an external antenna, 9 to 48 volts.


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