Poornima once more and hopefully, finally

Mike Stone was a guest on Ab’s Fakeologist site, and did an hour+ interview, quite well done. I only have a few qualms, purely personal preference. I felt he was too deferential to Poormina Wagh, even after he learned that her degrees were fake, her research nonexistent, and no evidence of any FBI raid anytime. I also felt he dealt with Drs. Kaufman, Cowen, Bailey(s) and Lanka with too much reverence. Ask yourself, why did these five people come to prominence exclusively of all others? I do not know the answer to that question, and only suggest to be slow to trust anyone who self-appoints as a leader. Kaufman’s appearance on the scene, especially, had the look and feel, to me, of a rollout.

What I have learned from both Poornima and the Mike Stone interview:

  • As Poormina noted, “Monkeypox” is not a virus, since viruses are not real. It is most likely people having a reaction to the vaccines. The body works to expel toxins in many ways, like coughing, sneezing, sweating, and pustules. Monkeypox is the body detoxifying, and the vaccine connection is very tempting. That was a face palm for me.
  • Mike Stone said that he and a few others were organizing to challenge some virology laboratories to verify their work, and allow others to replicate it. There is more to this challenge that that, as you will note if you listen to the interview, but I immediately thought “That’s why Poornima!” She derailed the process. Will it get back on track again? Hopefully, yes.
  • There are now people vigorously defending Poornima. They are plants, I would suggest. Her behaviors are indefensible. She needs not to be understood and coddled, but rather tossed aside with great force. (That quote is attributed to Dorothy Parker, but probably wrongly.)
  • I have written, and it sounds egotistical, that I could duplicate Poornima’s presentations. There is nothing in them that we have not covered here since 3/11/20, all of it the work of good and reliable researchers. We merely chronicle it here. There was nothing new in her talk (other than Monkeypox noted above). But note, if she picked all of that up from publicly known reseawrch, then she is doing what professional PR people do, studying their enemy. Someone, some force, has assembled everything for her.
  • There is a Purnima Wagh, a cancer researcher at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital who has published on that subject. Perhaps this is a dead end. TruepeopleSearch finds only one person in the country with each spelling.  Did Poornima adopt Purnima’s identity to sow confusion, perhaps to be sloppily be credited with the work of a real professional?

I have followed everything regarding Coronahoax over the past 31 months closely, and could easily assemble what we have here at this blog into a presentation that would duplicate Poornima’s, except as noted in the first piece about her earlier this week:

  • Two fake PhDs.
  • Not a virologist.
  • An illusory $1.5 million dollar grant from the NIH.
  • No lung fluid specimens drawn from [fifteen hundred] sick Californians.
  • No three-times performed virology procedures done on those specimens over a few months.
  • A fake encounter with the head of the Centers for Disease Control wherein he told her to falsify the results of her research.
  • No laboratory.
  • No raid by the FBI.
  • No article on research that was not done submitted to scores of scientific journals.

That was all added to the original works from all around the world as way to surround good research with fakery, and thereby discredit everything. That’s why I repeat that Mike was too kind to her. She is on a mission of destruction.

I am going to close with a well-known quote, usually attributed to Samuel Johnson, but that attribution disputed here. I think it captures the work of Poornima perfectly.

“Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.”

18 thoughts on “Poornima once more and hopefully, finally

  1. Hmmm… I thought you ditched her adequately in the previous post.
    Back in my early IT career, the company I worked for had some method of communicating to all electronically (this was a LONG time ago). Some old, old Instant Messenger of some sort – perhaps even locally grown. For some reason someone suggested, because of something I had printed and posted near my desk, or a now unknown basis, that I might offer up a quote of some sort. I agreed, and posted such every Friday. I mention this because the person I quoted the most was in fact Samuel Johnson. I received only blank stares, or scorn in some fashion.

    I don’t even know why I mention this now except to say that I like his words. You reminded me of that eventually dumped process decades ago.


    1. I wanted to link to Mike Stone and his conversation with Ab, which was only done in the comments yesterday.

      Most quotes of old are mis-attributed, I find, including the one at the top of this page. What Mark Twain actually said was “How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!” I have tried to change the words at the top, but WordPress won’t let me.

      I have an interview coming up with Ab next Monday. He is technically adept, and encourages people to get off WordPress, which I have long wanted to do. I am going to get technical details from him if I can, and get it done.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. With all the talk of “trust” in the Ab-Stone conversation (at the very end), I’d be most interested in Ab’s apparent trust in digital wallet/blockchain technology. Is this promo not contrary to his usual skeptical inquiry? I consider the recent flood of “crypto language” worldwide, magnified by over 2 years of Covid misdirection, a worthy topic of discussion, especially in advance of known events which have the potential to change culture, society, economy, and human relationships to our natural environment, including man (man and woman). In other words, words matter.


  2. As long as we’re talking quotes, the Dorothy Parker one was apparently in her review of a little-known romance novel written by, of all people, Benito Mussolini. The novel was “The Cardinal’s Mistress” and the exact quote–which I think of often when reading or watching stuff I despise–is: This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. I agree that when I first started seeing Kaufman everywhere I also wondered about how that would happen. It’s not so much that I’ve given him a pass, it’s more that when I listen to him and Cowan they do make a lot of sense to me and seem to be intent on doing the right thing—which is ultimately to get folks asking questions and not blindly trusting experts and authorities. Maybe that part is the ruse? Because they know most won’t, but will just then switch allegiances to them?

    I think it’s also possible he was in the right place at the right time and had the right connections to pull a team together and start making some real waves. That connection could be through Cowan, who was working with Weston A Price foundation, which has grown enormously over the last decade or so, enough that it had recently attracted RFKennedy (which to me raises more alarm bells than either Cowan or Kaufman) and now is getting quite well-known and very active politically, including recently promoting an online farming conference at a NY Rockefeller’s estate.

    Or maybe they just all want to play in the big leagues. Not that this is the worst thing either, just that I don’t see how anyone would be able to stay uncorrupted at that level. They certainly set an excellent example at how to elegantly push back against some big names and within small circles—like a great discussion they just had about Del Bigtree.



      1. Seems he was real enough has a daughter andwhatnot. She’s in the family business of course. Tom dalpra, a fakeologist oldtimer from Cambridge, vouched for the cheek muscle talking weirdo’s existence back in the amorphous day. Said he seen them about andwhatnot. Dalpra is a Cambridge legend that taught a lot of folks to say mental…


        Liked by 1 person

    1. I think she died earlier than claimed, whether it’s by a day or more we’ll never know for sure. Maybe date is more significant than early September?


      8 Sept 1858 Abraham Lincoln said “You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time”

      8 Sept 1916 US President Woodrow Wilson signs the Emergency Revenue Act, doubling the rate of income tax and adding inheritance and munitions profits tax.


      1. Found this on the interwebs today…

        “The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the [Covid-19 Corona] outbreak a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020 and a pandemic on 11 March 2020.” [wiki]. Prominent global figure Britains Queen Elizabeth II reported to have died 9-8-22, exactly 911 days after that declaration. Corona means crown.


  4. she was already dead. What is being publicized is just a formality. She has been among the living dead for eons. There are quite a number here on this planet.


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