The Cooper twins – a closer look

Much of our work here on this blog has been about twins, but the focus has shifted as we have moved forward. We no long wonder who might be twins. We wonder who isn’t.

In my post about Anderson and Carter Cooper, where Carter, supposedly 28 months older, faked his death in 1988, I deliberately short-shifted the twin question. I thought it was a time sink. But it has been bugging me. I showed one photo where the boys looked very close in age and dressed alike, and left it at that. There were other photos showing them to be older and younger than each other, but I suspected they were fake. I chose not to go down that road, as the post was about the boys as grown men, faking their lives.  It was too much detail for one post.

Here’s the original photo I ran of the boys:


It’s funny in that it is the mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, who looks pasted in to that photo. Wyatt is looking below her head, as if she should be shorter, and Gloria is looking somewhere else, not at Wyatt. Her skin tone is lighter and much softer, and she is out of focus compared to the others. The lower part of her torso has a ghostly quality about it. But the boys are in focus, and they look like twins to me. They perhaps inserted her later to remove someone else – the birth mother? Who knows with rich and famous royal families. (Thanks to Tyrone for that link, showing Anderson’s lineage all the way back to Edward I Longshanks Plantagenet (1239-1307).)

Then there are these two:


Those both look like real photos, and the boys again look very much alike and close in age.

But I ran into photos like this:


Now there’s an age difference! Anderson’s head was pasted in, by the way.  Notice how he is of a lighter shade , but it’s a pretty good paste-up. I am not convinced, but you might be, and that’s no problem. If they are not twins, we have our first evidence of that.


This one is a little easier to see a problem. Again the boys are dressed like twins, but this time it is very easy to spot fakery. And again, it is Anderson’s head that was pasted on. Notice how the professional photographer forgot to have him look at the camera, like Carter is doing. Gloria and Carter are in sharp focus, Anderson is not, and again, his skin tone is lighter than theirs. This photo is clearly a paste-up, with turtle-necks making it easier to splice the head on the body. That is probably why Intel chose these photos – turtlenecks.

It reinforces my suspicion that the three photos of the boys above (wherein they look close in age, and like twins) are real, while these two are fakes.

This will leave the perceptive reader with a question: The boys were born in 1965. Did they know at that time that they would be called on by Intelligence to become fake TV journalists? I doubt it. The photos were real at one time, and once it was decided that Carter would do his fake swan dive and morph into Anderson, they merely took some old family photos and fixed them up to fit the new facts. Since there was no Internet prior to the late nineties, that would be the time that this was done, after Anderson and Carter were in play.

I now think that everyone who has a position in news media is a fake person, including all TV pundits and news readers. I do not exclude local media, but down that low in the game, stupidity, good looks and believability might be the lead qualifications for employment. So somewhere at Langley or wherever is a file called “Anderson Cooper,” and nearby a person who manages that the scam along with several others. I would guess that a whole floor or wing of a building is devoted to management of fake news personalities.

The important conclusion to draw: Reliable fake people are in place to assure that all news is managed.