A comment worth a second look

We have a couple of projects in the works and many on the shelf here, enough to get us well into next year. We are doing due diligence on one that, if the evidence holds up, will be of high importance, in my view and Straight’s. It will at the very least expose major Intel control of a police department in a small city.

In the meantime, I urge all interested readers to stay caught up on the comments. There is real forward movement there. I might surprise you with a twin or Zombie, and Straight is always working that stuff too. But the answers to the questions “Why Zombies?”, “Why twins?” and “How so many twins” are beginning to flesh out in the comments.

Below is one I liked from an unknown party, first time I’ve heard from him/her, or perhaps just a new name for the commenter – I really don’t care. It is the content that counts. S/he used the name Frito under The Steve Clark Blunder post, and was responding to my glib assumption that Anderson Cooper, or the Cooper twins, had been assigned low-level work as CNN news readers, unbecoming of Vanderbilts.

“While your dismissal of Cooper as a lowly CNN reporter is kind of funny, and I love the idea of him reading it and recognizing that he’s in a pretty low status job for a Vanderbilt, you underestimate the benefit to Intelligence of a CNN reporter. He’s the guy legitimizing all the fakery. He’s the guy who interviews relatives of victims after false flags. He’s the guy interviewing the politicos. His influence is not small. The Face of CNN is a relatively important Intelligence Asset position. I’d say he outranks most entertainers. Singers teaching girls to be slutty certainly have a powerful and pernicious influence. But the whole industry does that. Whereas CNN is the place where news stories are turned into video to get inside TV watchers heads. The singers influence the culture, Cooper shapes, translates, and communicates the Narrative, putting every news event, real or fake, into the desired context for Intelligence. All that said, I see your point. The ratings for cable news are abysmal and getting worse.”

The Cooper twins – a closer look

Much of our work here on this blog has been about twins, but the focus has shifted as we have moved forward. We no long wonder who might be twins. We wonder who isn’t.

In my post about Anderson and Carter Cooper, where Carter, supposedly 28 months older, faked his death in 1988, I deliberately short-shifted the twin question. I thought it was a time sink. But it has been bugging me. I showed one photo where the boys looked very close in age and dressed alike, and left it at that. There were other photos showing them to be older and younger than each other, but I suspected they were fake. I chose not to go down that road, as the post was about the boys as grown men, faking their lives.  It was too much detail for one post.

Here’s the original photo I ran of the boys:


It’s funny in that it is the mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, who looks pasted in to that photo. Wyatt is looking below her head, as if she should be shorter, and Gloria is looking somewhere else, not at Wyatt. Her skin tone is lighter and much softer, and she is out of focus compared to the others. The lower part of her torso has a ghostly quality about it. But the boys are in focus, and they look like twins to me. They perhaps inserted her later to remove someone else – the birth mother? Who knows with rich and famous royal families. (Thanks to Tyrone for that link, showing Anderson’s lineage all the way back to Edward I Longshanks Plantagenet (1239-1307).)

Then there are these two:


Those both look like real photos, and the boys again look very much alike and close in age.

But I ran into photos like this:


Now there’s an age difference! Anderson’s head was pasted in, by the way.  Notice how he is of a lighter shade , but it’s a pretty good paste-up. I am not convinced, but you might be, and that’s no problem. If they are not twins, we have our first evidence of that.


This one is a little easier to see a problem. Again the boys are dressed like twins, but this time it is very easy to spot fakery. And again, it is Anderson’s head that was pasted on. Notice how the professional photographer forgot to have him look at the camera, like Carter is doing. Gloria and Carter are in sharp focus, Anderson is not, and again, his skin tone is lighter than theirs. This photo is clearly a paste-up, with turtle-necks making it easier to splice the head on the body. That is probably why Intel chose these photos – turtlenecks.

It reinforces my suspicion that the three photos of the boys above (wherein they look close in age, and like twins) are real, while these two are fakes.

This will leave the perceptive reader with a question: The boys were born in 1965. Did they know at that time that they would be called on by Intelligence to become fake TV journalists? I doubt it. The photos were real at one time, and once it was decided that Carter would do his fake swan dive and morph into Anderson, they merely took some old family photos and fixed them up to fit the new facts. Since there was no Internet prior to the late nineties, that would be the time that this was done, after Anderson and Carter were in play.

I now think that everyone who has a position in news media is a fake person, including all TV pundits and news readers. I do not exclude local media, but down that low in the game, stupidity, good looks and believability might be the lead qualifications for employment. So somewhere at Langley or wherever is a file called “Anderson Cooper,” and nearby a person who manages that the scam along with several others. I would guess that a whole floor or wing of a building is devoted to management of fake news personalities.

The important conclusion to draw: Reliable fake people are in place to assure that all news is managed.

Anderson Cooper, intrepid reporter

[Note to readers: This is the post I should have done two days ago, when suffering from jet lag. I am back to normal mental acuity, such as it is (though I am getting up ridiculously early now). Please ignore anything prior to this concerning either Anderson or Carter Cooper, or Steve Clark.]

Carter (1/27/65) and Anderson (6/3/67), are the children of writer Wyatt Cooper* and designer/artist Gloria Vanderbilt. Though born 28 months apart, it is hard to see that age difference in some childhood photos, such as this one:


Note the identical jammies! However, other photos do put them farther apart in age, so it is not conclusive. The subject of twins, while a recurring theme at this website, will not be discussed beyond this, as it does not matter if the boys were born at the same time or merely strongly resemble one another, or indeed underwent plastic surgery (as with Paul and Mike McCartney). The important conclusion I draw is not that they are twins, but rather that each now plays the role of “Anderson Cooper, intrepid reporter.”

Here they are as youth, Carter to the left, Anderson to the right:

Carter is said to have plunged to his death in a 1988 suicide, but I will show below that his death was faked.

Why wealthy people fake their deaths … is a layer of the onion. As with the fake-dying Kennedy’s – Joseph Jr., Kathleen, John F., Robert, Robert and John F. Jr., along with scores  of musicians and actors, fake death is common in royal lineage. Some, like the Kennedy’s, are too well-known to reappear as Zombies. Where they go is a matter of speculation. Miles Mathis, in his paper on the JFK assassination, suggested they might form an underground ruling council, the “invisible government” we allude to but never seem able to identify. That is admitted speculation, but highly intriguing.

The musicians and actors, and as we see, Carter Vanderbilt Cooper, are re-purposed, often in the fake news business**.

That is an important lesson I have learned from our study of dead rock stars – musicians can fake their trade, and the news business is rife with phonies, Zombies and poseurs. So news, like music,  is often fake.  That is how so many lies and so much illusion is passed on to us – by use not of Intelligence agents in news, but Intelligence assets.***

Each of the boys above has a fully developed skull, and pupils are at a distance where they will stay until death. Consequently, I can show that each is currently a version of Anderson Cooper. First, Anderson:

That is admitted, so should not be contentious.

Now Carter:

Young Carter has his head angled, so we get a wider and narrower skull as a result. But I am satisfied that these photos are of the same person.

Finally, Carter and Anderson, to show they are two different men:

Here are a few photos of the man we know as Anderson:

And just three of Carter, who I think appears less frequently (and who was assigned the task of appearing on Jeopardy earlier this year):

cooper-high-ears-1Finally, and this threw me for a loop, but there exists a body double for them, seen in the photo to the left. I call him “High Ears Cooper,” as he matches up well with Anderson except for the ears. I cannot explain that. Do note, since these men are actors and not journalists, that use of body doubles is not unheard of, though unusual with such a low-ranking person as a CNN newsman.(It could also be that this is a misidentified photo on the Internet, but it is labeled “Anderson Cooper.” This part remains mysterious.

Finally, concerning the comparisons with Steve Clark, the dead musician from Def Leppard, he will remain dead for the time being. As mentioned before, I doubt that any of these musicians really die. I don’t think they are drug addicts or drunks or depressives either. Those personas are part of their acting gig, learning their trade and used as a reason for their later fake deaths. It is all scripted. So Steve Clark remains dead for the time being, but we will find him someday, I assure you.


*Wyatt died in 1978 at age 50, but gee whiz, do you suppose he might have faked his death? Such a thing is not unheard of in the Vanderbilt line. (Wyatt was Gloria’s fourth husband.)

**We intend to broaden that search beyond news and into science, economics and academia (where Jimi Hendrix now resides). There is tremendous fakery all about us.

***Anderson, if anything in his bio is true, admittedly spent summers while at Yale undergoing CIA training. Most likely Carter was with him during that time.

Anderson Cooper: Both twin and zombie

Note to readers: See the post The Steve Clark Blunder. This post was a cluster of errors.

I am going to blame this on jet lag, as I do have  a bad case, but it is just an excuse, as I did make a mistake in the original version of this post – I used a 2016 photo of Def Leppard rather than one that included Steve Clark, which is now used. Comments below refer to the original photo. They were accurate.


A week or so ago I inserted the above photo of Def Leppard in with the mix of photos taken in Europe, and asked readers who Staight’s latest discovery, his latest Zombie was. Where I could, I emailed the answer to people expressing interest, as I don’t like teasing people. For all of us now, the answer is that the guy in the middle above, who is holding a microphone in a creepily suggestive way second from the right, is Steve Clark, who died of alcoholism in 1991.

He is now known as Anderson Cooper, intrepid CNN news reporter.

If you are curious what a pool of talent exists that one man can be both a world-class lead guitarist and stage performer and a newsman, the answer is easy. Cooper may have done some excellent air guitar work on stage.  What we have discovered about Zombies, people who fake-die as musicians and then return as news personalities, is that they are actors, not musicians. The whole of a recording performance can be faked, and stage performances too.

Straight and I have learned now too when doing facial comparisons to first answer the question: Are we dealing with twins?

In Cooper’s case, yes. Most assuredly, Anderson Cooper is twins.

Her is twin #1, whom I think of as Anderson the Serious:

And here is Twin #2, who I think of as Fredo, the slightly less credible Cooper:

cooper-on-jeopardyAs I have discovered, if he is wearing horn-rimmed glasses, it is Fredo. Also, Fredo has an easy smile, sometimes even looking a little intellectually challenged, the reason for my nickname.

(Jeopardy, the TV Quiz show, annually runs a week of news personalities they call “Power Players,” in which they dumb down the questions and put our nightly news people on display. This year Cooper was among them. After a while you’ll get the hang of it, but it was Fredo, and not Serious, who was on that show this year. See to the left. Easy smile, pointed nose are two keys to telling them apart.

For those of you who eschew face splitting, I will tell you that as I randomly grabbed ten photos, I could tell without thinking that I was dealing with twins. Here is a side-by-side comparison, with the yellow line used to make sure the eyes are in alignment. The green line highlights the ear difference, and the red the chin.


As can be seen , Serious Cooper has lower ears, while Fredo has a shorter chin. Fredo also has a sharper nose. Keep in mind that while one photo is of an older twin, the other younger, ear lobes get longer with age, but ear height and skull shape remain constant. Noses can be altered by plastic surgery, but these have not. These are two different men.

Anderson Cooper, said to the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, has either a fake bio in which the Vanderbilt portion was invented, or really is that guy. If he really is that guy, then he was sent to England to become Steve Clark and impersonate a musician – and to learn how to act.

But Cooper’s bio is a little more interesting, as Gloria Vanderbilt is said to have had another son, Carter Cooper, who did a swan dive to his death at age 23 from the fourteenth floor of their New York City apartment in 1991. This is from an interview of Gloria by (Serious) Anderson in September of 2011:

‘I still run through it,’ she said. ‘He was sitting on the wall with one foot on there and one foot hanging over and he kept looking down.

‘And I kept begging him and then when he went, he went like an athlete, and hung over the wall like this.

‘And I said, “Carter, come back”, and for a minute I thought that he was going to come back, but he didn’t. He let go.’

She told her 44-year-old son, who was 21 at the time of the tragedy, ‘There was a moment when I thought I was going to jump over after him.

‘I thought of you and it stopped me.’

That is really sad, as any parent who has lost a child can testify. The problem is that I do not believe it. I think it is just bad writing, a damned soap-opera ending. Once I knew we were dealing with twins, I knew one had to leave his regular life to become the doppelgänger for the other. They chose a dramatic suicide as the back story.

Here is a photo of Carter Cooper, as nice and well-adjusted a young man as you will ever meet:


And here he is matched up with Fredo Cooper, the less serious twin:

Carter Cooper did not plunge to his death. He merely became the Anderson Cooper twin that we never knew about until today.

We rest our case. Anderson Cooper is a two-fer, both a twin AND a Zombie.

PS: Oops! I almost forgot. Which Cooper, Anderson or Carter, played the part of Steve Clark of Def Leppard? From all appearances, it was Fredo. Clark died in 1991, while Carter Cooper died in 1988, leaving three years there. However, I would not be surprised if both stepped in and out of the role, but that is a subject for further research, and I am tired. Please excuse the oversight.


Footnote: I ask readers to bear with me on this one, as in looking at other comparisons of Steve Clark and either Cooper twin, results are all over the board. When this happens, I usually go back to the person I am looking to compare to see if he or she is more than one person. What I am finding, as can seen with the photos below, is that Steve Clark does not match up well with Steve Clark – as if he had a double or twin in use. This would fit perfectly with use of both Coopers, Anderson and Carter, but the evidence does not take me there. So tomorrow morning, when my head is clear, I am going to re-examine this whole matter. In the meantime, see below the problem I am having – each person below is said to be Steve Clark.

We generally resolve these issues before publishing anything, but I rushed this one. I hope to clarify matters tomorrow.