Polio … a rose by any other name

You’d never guess I was once a CPA, as my storage system is chaos. But then, maybe I just wasn’t a very good CPA. I have a stack of papers on the bottom shelf of my bookcase, crawling with 3M flags, and in no order. I come across something and think “Hmm, I want to hang on to that,” and then forget about it. Yesterday I was asked for information on Covid, and before deciding not to provide anything to someone who can look and discover for his or herself, I went through the stack. In so doing I came across a list of 57 points of information concerning poliomyelitis. In looking for this list on the Internet, I found that it was compiled by Forest Maready, and that it does not exist in the form I have it, but rather now exists as 36 points, the last 21 absent, on a Twitter feed. I have tried but cannot find a way to move the last 21 points from paper to screen in readable form. Maybe it does not matter.

Maready is a prolific author, his first and maybe most important book called The Moth in the Iron Lung. That title will be self-explanatory when I am done, and perhaps even obvious to many readers. But first, I want to present a graph:

One of the great myths that vaxxers love to spread is that their poisons caused the decline, even disappearance of certain diseases. This is true of none of them, and especially not in the case of poliomyelitis. Note how by the time of introduction of the Salk vaccine in 1955, polio was already in deep retreat.

Maready, however, is a believer in viruses, so his presentation becomes confusing to me, as he claims that the disease was caused by lead arsenate, introduced in 1892 to combat an infestation of crops by the gypsy moth. Later, he says, DDT became the cause, and later still, various viruses, even bacteria. The confusion eases somewhat in that he claims that the lead arsenate and DDT get in the lower intestines, and then make their way to lower spine, where viruses and bacteria take over. Maybe so for bacteria. If done by a virus, it has never been documented – only speculated.

I am going to go through some of his points that I obtained by unknown means sometime in the past. Right now I want to highlight some of his most important information.

The first account of a disease like polio appeared in 1789, a disease that for long after would be attributed to teething in infants and “foul bowels.” (2) It reappeared at various intervals in subsequent years, but was never more than spotty and sporadic (3,4,5). “Polio” means gray, and “myelitis” is inflammation of the spinal cord. A poliomyelitis is an inflammation at the base of the spinal cord, which exhibits visually in the form of gray lesions (6).

The first epidemics of poliomyelitis occurred (not) coincidentally with the wide use of lead arsenate in the northeastern United States (15). The disease affected mostly children, but also affected horses, dogs, chickens and pigs. This was unheard of (16). Part of the problem in diagnosis and treatment, and later vaccination for poliomyelitis was Koch’s Postulates [later expanded in number by Rivers], research guidelines for bacterial disease that falsely asserted that every disease, from measles to mumps to strep throat to polio had one, and only one cause. Researchers wrongly began looking for the one and only cause of polio (21).

A “virus” said to cause poliomyelitis was discovered in 1908 by means of injection of disease tissue into the brains of two monkeys. Here’s researcher Jim West on the subject, cited in the book The Contagion Myth, by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell:

“West notes that in 1908-1909, German researchers Landsteiner and Popper in Germany claim to have isolated poliovirus and used it to cause polio in monkeys. Their method was to inject the pulverized purée of diseased brain tissue into brains of 2 monkeys. One monkey died, the other was sickened. Headlines trumpeted this “proof” of polio virus causation. “The weakness of this method is obvious to everyone except certain viro-pathologists,” said West. Never has “polio contagion” passed muster with Rivers’ postulates.” (Page 38)

In fact, I can imagine many horrible outcomes by infecting any brain with diseased tissue. Pity the poor monkeys, but to this day polio is said to be caused by one thing, and one thing only, a virus. And, further, it is claimed that polio has mostly been defeated by one thing only, the vaccine. Others claim that improvements in diets and sanitary conditions caused a decline in many diseases, which seems to fit the evidence. All diseases have declined in line with the advance of sewers and clean water supplies. But for polio, something more than that is at work. (28) Here is West again, from the same source:

[Investigator Jim] West says: “a clear, direct, one-to-one relationship between pesticides and polio over a period of 30 years, with pesticides preceding polio incidents in the context of the [central nervous system]-related physiology… Leaves little room for complicated virus arguments, even as a co-factor, unless there exists a rigorous proof for virus causation. Polio shows no movement independent from pesticide movement, as one would expect if it were caused by a virus. Both the medical and popular imaginations are haunted by the image of a virus that invades (or infects) and begins replicating to the point of producing disease. In the laboratory however polio virus does not easily behave in such a predatory manner. Laboratory attempts to demonstrate causation are performed under conditions which are extremely artificial and aberrant.”

So what is the means by which grey lesions appear at the base of the spines of people, mostly children? I’ll quote Maready directly:

31. I believe ingested pesticides, known to cause cellular membrane dysfunction, created a path directly from the intestines to the bottom of the spinal cord, located directly behind, for the viruses and bacteria to take hold.  (Emphasis added.)

Note well:

35. As you grow, the spinal cord does not grow as much as the vertebrae and in adults, the bottom of the spinal cord ends up being much higher in relation to the intestines …

In other words, poliomyelitis, caused by pesticides but blamed on viruses, will affect children far more than adults. Poliomyelitis has declined and virtually disappeared in many countries along with the use of these dangerous pesticides. It has also been renamed, as will be discussed below.

53. One more thing, the iron lung picture [above] is what everyone thinks of when they think of polio. This was a publicity stunt arranged for Life Magazine. Most of these iron lungs  were brand new and were headed around the country to other hospitals.  54. It was taken in the auditorium of Ranchos Los Amigos Hospital in Los Angeles, which had been emptied of its rows of seating to make this picture. It was designed to show worried parents that the U.S. was ready for battle. 55. Although the hospital had the largest polio ward in the country, at its peak it would have never had this many iron lungs in operations. Most hospitals in big cities had a couple of iron lungs. 56. There were around 1,100 in the whole country at their peak.

I added that because Life Magazine was the primary news source for many if not most Americans in the 1950s, maybe the Twitter feed of its time. As my mother often repeated, “Time Magazine is for people who can’t think. Life is for people who can’t read.” The picture above was staged and fake.

Maready has done an important service is organizing the information around the polio outbreak that started in the late 1890s and ended in late 1950s, coinciding with the advance and decline of lead arsenate and DDT. But it is nice to be basically free of this scourge, right? Again, I cite Cowen and Morell:

As for polio, even with worldwide vaccination programs, polio has not gone away, either in the United States or in Third World countries. Today in the United States, it has received a new name – acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), displaying symptoms identical to polio – with over 200 cases recorded in 2018. Many parents have observed that the condition appears after a vaccination. CDC’s pathetic advice: “to prevent infections in general, persons should stay home if they are ill, wash their hands often with soap and water, avoid close contact (such as touching and shaking hands) with those who are ill, and clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. …

Indian researchers described this strong correlation in the 2018 publication in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health and calculated that, countrywide from 2000 to 2017, there were “an additional 491,000 paralyzed children” in excess of “the expected numbers.” Dr. Suzanne Humphries suggests – far from credit for eliminating childhood paralysis owing to vaccination campaigns – “there is strong evidence pointing to the likelihood that experimental polio vaccination is related to the sharp rise in AFP. (Page 39)

It appears to me that polio never went away, and might indeed be festering in places where use of DDT is still prevalent. We should think about that as we wash our hands with the soap of viruses. A rose by any other name …

41 thoughts on “Polio … a rose by any other name

  1. Maready is indeed a curious case. In a series of videos, plus the other material you referenced, he provides a lot of solid research demonstrating polio as a disease of toxicity, which is how it had always been understood historically.

    And then…he goes completely off the rails in an attempt to show how the poisons connected to polio epidemics were what aided and abetted the actual culprit…the polio virus.

    What falsifies Maready immediately is his referencing of the Landsteiner and Popper experiments in Austria. Those experiments were grossly fraudulent because 1) Nothing about the methods or outcomes pointed to the conclusions that were reached and publicized, and 2) It could be argued from their papers that their experiment indicated there was no contagion, and this possibility was actually discussed in their paper, and discarded.

    Simon Flexner, then current head of the Rockefeller Institute, picked up the ball and ran with it, as he wanted to show that this new (fake) virus could be passed serially from monk to monk, which amounted to one fraud heaped on another. Flexner claimed his experiments proved polio, of course, but the only clear takeaway that can be made from his shenanigans is that toxic material, when injected into the brain of a monkey (and, by extension, any other critter), is likely to cause disease and maybe death.

    Our Rockefeller boy Flexner soon brought Landsteiner into the fold at the Rockefeller Institute. To me, Polio is the signpost for the beginning of the Rockefeller Medical Empire, as contagion and viruses were pushed relentlessly from this point on (not to mention benzene (oil) based drugs, and alternative thought and alternative medicine were effectively eliminated by the long arm of Rockefeller.

    Fast forward to 2021.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You fleshed out my suspicions nicely … that even as early as 1908 they were pushing unseeable tiny organisms as a cause of disease, leaving themselves invulnerable to criticism. They cannot, have not proven they exist, but we cannot prove they don’t!

      After writing this I went to Virus Mania and a large section there on polio, which I can cut and paste when I get back to my desktop tomorrow. They mourn the fate of the monkeys who had shit injected into their brains, or is that just me?


      1. As promised above, below are passages from the book Virus Mania that relate to polio:

        ““But instead of prohibiting the insecticide Paris green, it was replaced by the even more toxic pesticide: lead arsenate, which likewise contained heavy metals, in the state of Massachusetts in 1892,” according to a 2004 article in the British magazine The Ecologist. Indeed, a polio epidemic broke out in Massachusetts two years later. Dr. Charles Caverly, who was responsible for the tests, maintained that a toxin was more likely the culprit than a virus, stating emphatically that, “we are very certainly not dealing with a contagious disease.”

        Within a short time, however, lead arsenate became the most important pesticide in the industrialized world’s fruit cultivation. It was not the only toxic substance use and agricultural industries. In 1907 for example, calcium arsenate was introduced in Massachusetts and was used in cotton fields and factories. Months later, sixty-nine children who live downstream from three cotton factories suddenly became sick and suffered from paralysis. Meanwhile, let arsenate was also being sprayed on the fruit trees in their gardens. But microbe hunters ignored these legitimate “cluster” factors, and instead continued searching for the “responsible” virus.
        Page 74

        The researchers did enthusiastically claim that they had “isolated” a virus; but in truth they had done nothing more than take a sample of spinal tissue or even feces from a person or animal affected by polio, and inject this mix (which could’ve been laced with all sorts of things) into the brains of test animals. If the animals ultimately became ill, the researchers just assumed that a virus was responsible. But whatever made the animals ill; there was no proof that it was due to a virus, because the basic requirement of virus isolation (as described above) simply has not been fulfilled.
        Page 76

        But virus hunters didn’t even consider factors that lay outside of their virus obsession. By the middle of the twentieth century, researcher Jonas Salk believed he had conclusively found the poliovirus. Even though he could not prove that what he called the poliovirus actually triggered polio in humans, he still somehow believed he could produce a vaccine from it.
        Page 77

        In 1954, Bernice Eddy, who was responsible at the time for the US government’s vaccine safety test, also reported that the Salk vaccine had caused severe paralysis and test monkeys. Eddy was not sure what had triggered the paralysis symptoms: a virus, some other cellular debris, a chemical toxin? But it contains something that could kill. She photographed the monkeys and submitted them to her boss – but he rebuffed her concerns and criticize her for creating panic. Instead, of course, he should’ve taken her misgivings into account and started extensive inquiries. But Eddy was stopped by the microbe establishment and had to give up her polio research shortly before her warnings had proven themselves justified.

        On April 12, 1955, Salk’s vaccine was celebrated nationwide as a substance that completely protected against polio outbreaks. US Pres. Dwight Eisenhower awarded Salk a Congressional Gold Medal. American and Canadian television joined in the celebration. And on April 16, the Manchester Guardian joined the party, stating that “nothing short of the overthrow of the communist regime in the Soviet Union could bring such rejoicing to the hearths and homes in America as the historic announcement last Tuesday that the 166-year war against paralytic poliomyelitis is almost certainly at an end.”

        The triumph was short-lived. Medical historian Beddow Bayly wrote that “Only thirteen days after the vaccine had been acclaimed by the whole of the American Press and Radio is one of the greatest medical discoveries of the century, and two days after the English Minister of Health had announced that he would go right ahead with the manufacturer of the vaccine, came the first news of disaster. Children and inoculated with one brand of vaccine had developed poliomyelitis. In the following days more and more cases were reported, some of them after inoculation with other brands of the vaccine.”

        According to Bayly, “Then came another, and wholly unlooked-for complication. The Denver Medical Officer, Dr. Florio announced the development of what he called “satellite” polio, that is cases of the disease in the parents and other close contacts of children who had been inoculated and after a few days illness in the hospital, and returned home [and] communicated this disease to others, although not suffering from it themselves.”

        Within only two weeks, the number of polio cases among vaccinated children had climbed to nearly 200. On May 6, 1955, the News Chronicle quoted the US government’s highest authority and viruses, Carl Eklund, who said that in the country, only vaccinated children had been afflicted by polio. And only, in fact, in areas where no polio cases had been reported for a good three quarters of the year. At the same time, in nine out of ten cases, the paralysis appeared in the injected arm.

        This triggered panic in the White House. On May 8, the American government completely halted production of the vaccine. A short time later, a further 2000 polio cases were reported in Boston, where thousands had been vaccinated. In “inoculated” New York, the number of cases doubled, in Rhode Island and Wisconsin, they jumped 300%. And here as well, the lameness appeared in the inoculated arm and many children.

        Apart from that, an objective look at statistics would have shown that there was no reason to celebrate Salk’s vaccine as the great conqueror of an allegedly poliovirus. “According to International mortality statistics, from 1923 to 1953, before the Salk killed-virus vaccine was introduced, the polio death rate in the United States and England had already declined on its own by 47% and 55% respectively” writes scientific journalist Neil Miller (see diagram to).
        Page 77

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    2. I also wanted to trash Maready and Humphries re plagiarism and their catering to virology, generally undermining the idea of polio as an environmental industrial problem. But I don’t want to sound like sour grapes. I worked with the authors of “Virus Mania” quite a bit as they wanted to carefully confirm data.


  2. Polio is still prevalent here and in the 10 years living here I have seen at minimum 100 people with the disease*.

    *I am of course no medical expert and don’t have X-ray eyes, I just go off the symptoms of malformations, spinal shapes etc.

    When I started sharing my objections against vaccinations, far before the Coronacaust started, with Paolita, her response was that vaccinations were necessary because she had a childhood friend who suffered from Polio.

    It might be they still use those poison-loaded pesticides or other lead-based materials (who remembers the leaded fuel and lead-laced paints of the last century?) here, or that there are other factors at play, but that flatline curve for the US is not what I observe on the streets of Colombia.


    1. The meme that vaccination halted polio is powerful and false, calculated propaganda. This story is much bigger than that too, as what appears to be a large campaign to introduce vaccinations into our lives, maybe first due to utter ignorance, as with smallpox, as time went on was done with malice and intent, meant to harm us. Today’s doctors are sleep deprived during their education and thereby brainwashed. It is unimaginable that they cannot figure out that for good practitioners they need well-rested students rather than zombies forced to drink from fire hoses. I am seeing massive evil. Forgive me. I need some rest.


      1. Yes, recognizing massive evil for what it actually is, can be exhaustive. Realizing it can suck you dry of any excess energy. I too have to occasionally get away from all this and have days of rest to recover.

        One has to actually wonder if our rulers are humans, because they show no virtues that could qualify them as humane in their actions. Not a single one. They’re showing their ugly side since they hijacked the entire world. Psychopath doesn’t have a proper meaning to describe these people, they’re far beyond it on the ugly side.


    1. That is a 181 page article or book. I’d like to get hold of the whole thing, not on my screen, but in paper. There appears to be a limited supply available. The book was written by Eleanor McBean, a name I’ve frequently come across.


  3. I loved The Moth in the Iron Lung and found it credible for the most part. A few of other interesting points:
    1) Maready points out that there is no evidence that we don’t all have something in us that if tested for in the way it had been tested would reveal that we have the “polio virus”, therefore this virus (whether you believe in them or not) was not the cause of what people think of as “polio”;
    2) The polio vaccine is still to this day considered the holy grail of vaccines and why most people believe that vaccines must be administered to their children. When you pull out that cornerstone, the house of cards is demolished;
    3) Maready also discusses what used to be a popular procedure to cure all sorts of perceived problems…tonsillectomies/adenoidectomies. When young children had their tonsils removed, Maready hypothesized that this made the upper spinal chord vulnerable to ingested toxins since one of the highly correlated things was children who suffered from polio were likely to have previously had tonsillectomies. I thought this was a fascinating idea and made sense especially when you consider that tonsillectomies are no longer done (except in very rare cases).


  4. The irony is this: They say herpes “virus” remains “dormant” at the base of one’s spine..

    The exact same loction where Kundalini energy resides.

    I did not say “is supposed to reside”.

    No need to ask me how I know.

    It is real.

    Life is a gift. Once you know that to be true, one cannot let these $#@%ers get to you. 🙂

    If you’re gonna die
    If you’re gonna Die
    If you’re gonna DIE
    Die with your boots on!! 🙂


    1. Yeah, another prophet of disaster
      Who says this ship is lost?
      Another prophet of disaster
      Leaving you to count the cost

      Taunting us with visions
      Afflicting us with fear
      Predicting war for millions
      In the hope that one appears

      No point asking when it is
      No point asking who’s to go
      No point asking what’s the game
      No point asking who’s to blame

      Cause if you’re gonna die

      If you’re gonna die, die with your boots on
      If you’re gonna try, well, stick around
      Gonna cry, just move along
      If you’re gonna die, you’re gonna die
      If you’re gonna die, die with your boots on
      If you’re gonna try, well, stick around
      Gonna cry, just move along
      If you’re gonna die, you’re gonna die

      In 13, the beast is rising
      The Frenchman did surmise
      Through earthquakes and starvation
      The warlord will arise

      Terror, death, destruction
      Pour from the eastern sands
      But the truth of all predictions
      Is always in your hand

      They died, with their boots on
      Yes, they died
      They died, they died, with their boots on
      We died, we died, we died, we died, we died


    2. Iron Maiden is awesome. I was just freaking out on “can I play with madness” before reading your post. How’s that for synergy.


      1. IRON MAIDEN’S BRUCE DICKINSON Tests Positive For Covid-19 After Being Fully Vaccinated.

        Bruce said he took a lateral-flow COVID test after he started feeling like he was getting a cold, and it came back positive. “I thought, ‘Oh well, shit,'” he said. “I was kind of sneezing a bit. For a couple of days, I felt a bit groggy, kind of like the flu, and that was it. And I’m 63 years old. I’ve pretty much got no doubt that had I not had the vaccine, I could be in serious trouble.”



        1. I was talking about the music CY. I don’t give a shit about the media propaganda. As if that makes the music any less good.

          RRR quoted an awesome Iron Maiden song right after I’ve been listening to Iron Maiden. Thats what I reponded to.

          The lyrics part “In 13, the beast is rising The Frenchman did surmise” is a direct reference to freemasonry. That is why I posted the lyrics of the song qouted by RRR in its entirety.

          Quite puritanical to criticize one of the better rock bands because of a single media report. You of all people should know that all artists work for the PTB. How is it of added value to reiterate that when I express my appreciation for this band’s music?


          1. OK…Dickinson is a military brat who now operates CAERDAV (formerly Cardiff Aviation) from a “former” RAF maintenance base at Cardiff Airport. “Its MILITARY-grade hangars house two B747 full-motion simulators in addition to a helicopter simulator.” I would say its all for fun if Cardiff Aviation hadn’t already hadn’t already performed work returning RAF (ROYAL AIR FORCE) pilots from Afghanistan. Did I do better this time. I could do this all day, y’know.


            1. And to be clear, you said “IRON MAIDEN is awesome,” not the song specifically. I love many songs but do not admire nor idolize ANY of those alleged creators because, as far as I can tell, the entire industry is a military intelligence operation. I am just trying to help others become more informed consumers. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

              1. To belabor the point, I am amused that your default mode of defense was to label me as “Puritanical” since anybody who doesn’t appreciate Iron Maiden must be a tight-assed religious fanatic. LOL. I can assure you that I am 100% anti-religion. However, since all of Iron Maiden’s album covers consist of the things that nightmares are made of, I’m gonna give actual Puritans a pass for not embracing the band.


                  1. Right? Maybe XS wasn’t clear enough when talking about his admiration of Maiden’s music, but I’m positive you do understand the difference between admiration for good music vs idolizing the performers. Iron Maiden are definitely a group of talented musicians, a fabulous rock band for my musical taste too, regardless of their connections.

                    I wrote a short comment the other day about The Police. They too are military / CIA brats, but that says nothing about their music, which was always top quality, some of their tunes even became anthological. It’s the same with any other band. So XS was right, there’s no reason not to appreciate someone’s music just because they are from the families.

                    Just saying. I’m also sure XS doesn’t need anybody to speak in his name. I was just concurring.


                    1. Did you even read my follow-up responses? I stated that I enjoy the music but don’t IDOLize the “alleged” creators and performers. I also stated that I am just providing (what I believe) to be important background information about the performers. If the information provided is unimportant to you, then, by all means, Rock On, Dudes! I am beyond caring about ANYBODY in the media, and I sometimes forget how easily triggered others can be when their perceived heroes are besmirched. The sentimentality is endearing, actually. I wish I could share in your passion.


                    2. There’s another valid point there – the question about who actually authored the music any band is playing. Watching band’s live performances can tell a lot about musician’s qualities or talents. The continuity of their musical style too, as much as the development of the composition in that regard. These are some kind of realistic arguments, which de facto define a musician and can reveal authorship if you have an ability to discern them.

                      I did read your responses to XS before posting, btw. I dig and share your passion for exploring music industry’s connections, but you’re headed for an overkill. The quality of musical tune and/or lyrics is not defined or recognized by author’s name, that’s the bottom line of these few posts. You ought to give credit where credit is due. If you ever tried to master an instrument or composition, you’d know how to appreciate it, regardless of who’s rockin’it.


                    3. How do I respond without turning this reply into a meandering screed? I’m not sure, but here goes.

                      At this point, musicians are the only entertainment entities for which I have a modicum of respect. I am aware of the “overkill” aspect you have alluded to and appreciate your forthrightness in mentioning it. I was already aware of giving the impression that I hate everything across the board and have plans to address that misconception in my next post by introducing what I am calling the “Cranky Pass.” Early recipients of this prestigious honor include Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Ray Davies, and Eric Clapton.

                      You correctly stated, “If you ever tried to master an instrument or composition, you’d know how to appreciate it, regardless of who’s rockin’it” I have, and I do. In my first posting, I described my process of attempting to listen to every song ever released by a wide range of musicians and musical acts. After each post, I will soon begin providing a Mixcloud link of (what I consider) criminally overlooked or underappreciated songs (most by “artists” I no longer respect.) Of course, music is VERY subjective, so I will only provide these batches of songs as musical “sampler platters” since I doubt that any two people could like the same ten songs. But alas, there will be no Iron Maiden or heavy metal of any kind since I no longer enjoy being shouted at…LOL. Screed complete.


                    4. Even Iron Maiden, or really the entire Rock/Metal catalog and album covers since the 70’s were aimed and marketed at teenagers. They also needed to convince those teens that they could buy a instrument, and with enough practice, make it in the music biz too, along with buying and wearing cool threads plus wearing their hair a certain way. The music couldn’t be too complex. As for Iron Maiden and many other Level A bands, the music the lyrics, just doesn’t come from a bunch of drunks and punks sitting around in their parents garages. Even though most of us hobby guitarists can rip much of those tunes now, but back in the day there was a learning process were we had to sit in front of the Cd or cassette player and endlessly hit the rewind button, as tablature only helped so much. Odd to believe those famous band dudes composed the music and wrote the lyrics, since most of them were still in their early 20’s. Big money studio magic at work obviously now.

                      Sad to see Bruce added the long list of Metal maniacs and Rockers promoting the vaccines. Always an interesting read about exposing the inner workings of the music biz, and backgrounds of those bands.

                      Liked by 1 person

                1. Speaking of Puritans, I had a college professor who said that they were not the religious zealots portrayed to be. This fits in with my theory that they were part of the seeding of the colonies with the children of the Peerage – oldest inherits, 2nd becomes a military officer, third a minister, and down the line other children are sent away to become landed gentry in colonies. In this scenario, Puritans coming to North America (1630-40), preceded by Mayflower (1620) to escape religious persecution would be just a cover story. They came to lay claim and take title to land.


        2. He probably IS a pusher of venom. I’m not convinced people rise to levels of prominence on talent alone. I think that is a recurring topic here on POM which I agree with.

          Having said that, **WHAT*” is the “Writing On The Wall”??


          New one after all these years:


          1. Even Roger Waters is promoting the liquid.

            So, in other words, their “deal” or their “bargain” continues well into retirement.

            Just ask Bill Cosby. So no, its not limited to music by any stretch.

            Pushing Jello Pudding one year, one decade…then pushing Negro Rape the next!!


      2. Road trip music :). It allows me to travel 700-750 mile days.

        No meth required…just a large coffee or three!

        You guys / ladies are all right 🙂


  5. I don’t subscribe to this freak with legs spread wide open..
    trust me.

    I link to quotation only! One can find quote from many sources..

    I suppose I was lazy in linking to this freak!!


  6. Maarten, when he was here, dabbled in this stuff, describing or alluding to an algorithm by which songs can be written, or maybe I am alluding to something else I’ve read. I do know that the songs of the 60s, while real songs and many having merit, were often performed by subpar musicians who muscle-memoried them on stage. Drugged up concert goers then hear the music as performed by real musicians in their head while the hacks on stage are simulating. There are two other aspects … the comedian Lewis Black did a long bit on Britney Spears which was about listening to her perform live. His long anguished rant concluded with three words: “SHE CAN’T SING!!” The other aspect is something Tyrone mentioned once, that a friend of his had attended a Macca show, and was suspicious that the drummer was ghosting his singing.

    Those things, machines that autocorrect bad singing, and ghosting of both voice and instruments, makes the whole of the music business a shady affair to me. I am happily settled now in classical, where real sweat talent is abundant, and Karen Carpenter, whose singing seems perfect and real, and who relaxes me. Too bad she had to fake die, as she had very much left to offer.


    1. By the way, we did attend a rock concert at Red Rocks a couple of years ago … some friends had extra tickets and invited us along. There was real talent there, Trampled by Turtles and another group, but good lord, the entire crowd was stoned beyond belief, drunk and high, their real thrill was like a cocaine high, the combination of the incredibly loud music, the pot and booze and god knows what else. It reminded me of the horse races which I used to go to in my 20s, where I drank too much beer, and if I bet on a horse that was winning, that rush, the beer and the excitement of winning a bet, was, I read many years later, stimulating the same brain cells as cocaine. So music concerts are manic affairs where people are high and the music so loud that it creates a manic frenzy.

      On the other hand, I’ve attended Colorado Symphony performances of Beethoven and Rachmaninoff, and I have to say, it’s a little different type of concert. No one is high, and the people on stage are both gifted and talented, and even now and then, widely known. Being part of a symphonic event is pretty much a commitment to anonymity, the people performing doing so for love of music, and some money, but having to do other thing to make a living. Quite a contrast to Trampled by Turtles. A symphony is like a bridge over a river, a remarkable accomplishment using the talents of hundreds of hard working and accomplished people to achieve one goal, whose names we don’t know.


    2. I’ve heard two separate accounts from completely different people who attended different Jim Morrison/Doors concerts in the late ’60s. One account was from someone I knew personally, the other was mentioned in passing by a radio DJ. Each of them said that when they attended a Doors concert, Jim Morrison came out on stage after the opening act, but was so stoned or drunk or whatever that he couldn’t perform, and the concert ended with everyone pissed off.

      I wonder how many times that happened? I wonder if it’s actually Jim Morrison’s voice on Doors songs? I wonder if the long-haired bumbling buffoon who belly-flopped at the concerts was a Morrison, or a stand-in?

      If anyone else had the same experience at a Doors concert, or knows someone who did, I’d love to hear about it.


  7. Damned if it isn’t true.

    A polio virus has been found in the sewers in the Netherlands. It is believed to have come from a loboratory that makes polio vaccines.

    There is now going to be extra inspection for this so-called virus in the biblebelt where many people are unvaccinated….

    Speaking of which, the bird flu has also returned to the Netherlands.

    We are being treated here to a whole virus cocktail in the media this winter.


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