RFK’s The Real Anthony Fauci: A progress report

I am on page 180 of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, and have been unfaithful to my pledge not to litter it with 3M Post-It flags, I have indeed done so. So far I used eight of them. Normally a book I like will look ready to take flight, so many do I use.

At Amazon the book has so far generated 21,365 comments, 89% favorable. I would never add to a mess like that, and could not even if I wanted to, as sometime in the not-too-distant past, I violated Amazon’s “community standards,” which seem to be this: Be as controversial as you want in commenting, but never stray from the mainstream lane.

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Tying Up Some Loose Ends: Virus Narrative Aiders, Abetters and Tricksters?

Writer’s Note: Frequently, I spend time writing entire posts that end up getting scrapped before seeing the light of the day — despite having poured significant sweat equity into them. Recently, I set out to compose a fictional piece, but for several reasons (some of which may become obvious to the reader), I nixed it. That said, I include herein a few saved snippets (italicized for easy recognition), and then feature some individuals who have remained obscure from purview in the past two years. As I have previously expressed (see here and here), I have often envisioned the elusive SARS-CoV-2 virus (along with its propagandists and defenders) being put on trial. Contrary to others who may also be holding mock trials (notably, and very intentionally, without highlighting the potential non-existence of said pathogenic antagonist), the primary premise of my vision of a trial would be to address the colossal elephant in the court room. Namely, is there an infectious agent on the loose wreaking havoc across the world?

What follows is a fictional trial scene. 

In this fully contrived scenario, various witnesses are called to the stand. The judge tells the jury that the defendant (in this instance, the SARS-CoV-2 virus) has the right not to testify, and that the jury cannot hold it against the defendant. Spoiler alert: It seems the defendant is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND; in fact, no witness, nor juror, nor any trial participant has ever seen the defendant in the flesh. Only digital representations of the defendant have been observed. Additional spoiler alert: The Court may have pinned this crime on the WRONG culprit. The real criminal may still be on the loose.

Superior Court of Stephers County, somewhere in the U.S.

Bailiff: All rise. Superior Court is now in session. Judge William Fakespear presiding. Please be seated.

Hon. Fakespear: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of Stephers County versus SARS-CoV-2. 

[Clerk swears in the jury; prosecutor and defense team present their opening statements]

Hon. Fakespear: The Prosecution may call its first witness. 


Ok, readers, enough frivolity for now . . . on with the regularly scheduled programming.

At the beginning of the Coronavirus hullabaloo in February 2020, many readers may actually recall watching various mainstream news segments featuring an American man named Frank Wucinski, with his young daughter (see here, here, here, and here). In interviews, Wucinski claimed he was in Wuhan— the reported epicenter of this alleged coronavirus — when the purported outbreak occurred, and that his father-in-law had recently passed from the coronavirus. It is unclear if he was visiting his wife’s family in Wuhan (as he mentioned in interviews), or living in Wuhan, as he also asserted he had been living there for the past 15 years. His LinkedIn profile reflects him working there for this period of time. It seems (as he stated in the aforementioned interviews) that he and his young daughter returned to the U.S. and were quarantined at an army base, while his wife stayed behind in Wuhan. Wucinski had set up a Go Fund Me account, raising nearly $18,000 for he and his family. 

Continue reading “Tying Up Some Loose Ends: Virus Narrative Aiders, Abetters and Tricksters?”

This virus is udderly cow-culated

Riddle: A virologist, a fetal bovine, and an African green monkey walk into a lab . . .

I am confident readers can detail and complete this riddle more creatively and humorously than I can. Have at it!

In October 2020, I posted a short essay, “The Defense is Rwaawwng.” Therein, I described how Tom Cowan demonstrated that the SARS-CoV-2 virus could only be grown in poisoned monkey kidney cellsunable to be cultured in human tissue cells. So even if there was a virus, it seems it lacked the capability to infect any human. The entire virus story should have been squashed at that point.

15 months later, Tom Cowan hammers yet another nail into the virology coffin. I will, once again, keep this succinct.

It may be time for a brief primer on FBS. No, FBS is not a syndrome involving irritable bowels (that is IBS!). FBS refers to Fetal Bovine Serum, which is used ubiquitously for in vitro R&D, including the culturing of viruses (inaptly termed isolation) and the manufacturing of vaccines. See this four-minute video depicting how FBS is produced. Essentially (as characterized in the linked video), FBS is a clotted blood growth supplement harvested from pregnant slaughterhouse cows, and subsequently used in cell cultures — so as to provide a cultivation medium (due to its inherent growth factors). Fortunately, the brief aforementioned video describing this heinous process is animated. 

Watch Tom Cowan in his January 28, 2022 webinar destroy any notion that an actual virus has been genuinely identified. At best, it has been udderly cow-culated, as most (if not all) reported findings of SARS-CoV-2 have been developed in vitro in a mathematical compound containing fetal bovine serum (FBS). At worst, the only intact SARS-CoV-2 virus has been a computed AI construct — a fictitious virus solely existing as a computer-generated simulation (which I first posited in April 2020). 

Continue reading “This virus is udderly cow-culated”

The Stench of Digital Dung: Virtual Variants, Trigger Events, and Blockchain Cults

If you haven’t already, kindly remove your face diaper before proceeding.  

“Nearly one century ago, Lewis Mumford observed in his magnum opus, Technics in Civilization, that great advances in technology and society come from the intersection of complementary and mainly technological revolutions. Mumford assigned a label . . . to each of history’s modern eras. The first, with its ‘collection of inventions and ideas introduced from about AD 1000 into the eighteenth century,’  Mumford labeled the ‘ecotechnic phase’ . . . The second era, the Industrial Revolution, characterized by advances in ‘materials and power sources,’ he termed the ‘paleotechnic phase’ . . . His own time, the 1930s, which witnessed a flowering of innovation from ‘new alloys, electricity, and improved means of communication,’ he labeled the ‘neotechnic phase,’ (neo, of course for new).

To extend that taxonomy, we propose ‘neurotechnic phase,’ (the Greek root neuron meaning nerves) for the coming long era of growth. 

We now enter humanity’s first era of a networked, ubiquitous, and intelligent infrastructure. We do in fact live in time of a ‘new normal.’ But instead of our future being one of perennial slow growth and technological stagnation, it will be just the opposite. The reality is that we, and our children, and grandchildren, live at the beginning of the long neurotechnic phase of civilization, the most exciting and promising time in history.” (p. 327-328)

~ Mark P. Mills, The Cloud Revolution: How the Convergence of New Technologies Will Unleash the Next Economic Boom and a Roaring 2020s  

Writer’s Note: As I wrote this essay, I felt the need to “borrow” language from other writers and thinkers who have come before me, with remarkably greater insights and poetic lingo. Thus, I have repeatedly incorporated their original thoughts, and to simply credit them, rather than clutter the piece with long quotes. I chose to place their initials in parentheses where appropriate. Further, in most instances, as I was jumping from quote to quote, page to page, chapter to chapter, and post to post, I had trouble retroactively identifying their origins. So many of their insights blended seamlessly and synchronously with my own, that at times I found it challenging to distinguish where their thoughts ended, and mine began. Therefore, in my best effort to acknowledge these critical voices, I make every attempt to delineate them. I apologize in advance if they (or the reader) encounter any questionable overlap that went unaccounted for. Accordingly, following is the legend I utilized to denote these individuals:

Alison McDowell (AM) of wrenchinthegears.com

Michael Hoffman (MH) of revisionisthistory.org and author of Twilight Language and Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare 

Goro (G) of supertorchritual.com (most of his work at STR is behind a paywall — see Endnote 1)

Herein, I go beneath the masonic symbolism most often apparent and mirroring the occult. We are going deep — equipped with a Cryptocracy lens — into an abyss replete with Twilight Language (MH) and public psychodrama . . . into a land of disenchantment (MH), where we may see some uncanny coincidences that possibly serve as a reflection of a larger, yet hidden, gestalt out in the open.

How is that for a paradoxical and cryptic lead-in? 

Readers may recognize this phenomenon as Revelation of the Method, a term ostensibly coined by symbolism science extraordinaire James Shelby Downard, to describe the subliminal alchemical processing of society by its self-selected Cryptocratic controllers, through orchestrated open-air rituals (MH). 

My aim is to break any trance state that has been imposed on us. But how does one become lucid and mentally agile amidst all the noise spewed out by the Machine? Perhaps some kung fu pattern detection is in order . . . 

What is that terrible smell in the air? Do you sense it? Perhaps not. So please allow me to point it out.

There is digital dung (MH) floating around in the ether these days, defined and applied (by me; see Final Writer’s Note) as: symbolic, subliminal clues placed in open sight by the sorcerous system through public rituals, which unconsciously mirror the digitized infrastructure being built inside and around us — by humans, yet not for humans, as it ultimately serves the technological non-human master (the “AI beast”). Accordingly, we do not beneficially reap what we sow, as we increasingly become digitized, remotely-programmable serfs indentured to the Singularity.

Unless you have been living under a rock, undoubtedly, you have heard of one iteration of digital dung. It’s called Omicron. You may have thought it was only the name of a deviant (cough cough, I mean, variant), or an anagram of moronic or oncomir. Word play seems to have had a renaisssance since this mischievous deviant appeared on the scene. I suppose that’s a good sign. Some of us have been playing with words for many years, and it is kind of nice to see others joining in on the decoding amusement. Funny thing, though, there is one underhanded and unremitting thread that I have noticed, which seems to have been omitted from public awareness, and thus, deserves unraveling. Once you see it, I suspect you may not unsee it. Further, you may start to detect the curious pattern elsewhere. Let’s dip our toes into de-occulting this, shall we?

Continue reading “The Stench of Digital Dung: Virtual Variants, Trigger Events, and Blockchain Cults”

Polio … a rose by any other name

You’d never guess I was once a CPA, as my storage system is chaos. But then, maybe I just wasn’t a very good CPA. I have a stack of papers on the bottom shelf of my bookcase, crawling with 3M flags, and in no order. I come across something and think “Hmm, I want to hang on to that,” and then forget about it. Yesterday I was asked for information on Covid, and before deciding not to provide anything to someone who can look and discover for his or herself, I went through the stack. In so doing I came across a list of 57 points of information concerning poliomyelitis. In looking for this list on the Internet, I found that it was compiled by Forest Maready, and that it does not exist in the form I have it, but rather now exists as 36 points, the last 21 absent, on a Twitter feed. I have tried but cannot find a way to move the last 21 points from paper to screen in readable form. Maybe it does not matter.

Maready is a prolific author, his first and maybe most important book called The Moth in the Iron Lung. That title will be self-explanatory when I am done, and perhaps even obvious to many readers. But first, I want to present a graph:

Continue reading “Polio … a rose by any other name”

Free Wally: Tracing the Spike Protein Drama to a Llama

I dedicate this exploratory essay to my friends and family who received a COVID injection (without proper informed consent); and to all the individuals way back in the cheap seats, who may not be able to hear what I am saying, due to the drowned-out noise of Gain-of-Function (GOF) research, lab leaks, and e-mail leaks.

SPOILER ALERT: When I refer to a “spike protein” herein, it is NOT because I support the notion that a protein arose from a virus, nor do I think it “sheds” or operates in the way that has been postulated by individuals referenced below (all of whom maintain that there is a SARS-CoV-2 virus).

There has been much recent drama (and rightly so) centered around the spike protein of the purported SARS-CoV-2 virus, and more specifically, what is being described as the expression of the synthetic spike protein as a result of COVID injections.

It seems that Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Joseph Mercola (see here and here), Judy Mikovits, Stephanie Seneff, Dr. Russell Blaylock, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny all agree that the spike protein — at the very least, the one that is being produced for/by the injections — is a toxin (see Endnote 1). The general consensus among them is that it is a bioweapon. Indeed, Tenpenny emphasized (interview linked above) that the spike protein is the bioweapon (not “the virus”), based on a study of a “harmless pseudovirus” that was conjugated with spike proteins, yet caused pulmonary arterial damage.

I am content knowing we can all move forward in agreeing this may be a lab-created bioweapon; however, why do so many still have tunnel vision, remaining fixated on GOF research? Could there be other labs doing related research — perhaps protein R&D, or even more precisely, “spike protein” R&D (sans virus)? And how do synchrotrons factor in to all of this? As you read further, I offer a plot twist in this regard, so I hope you can stay tuned as I set up the prelude . . . 

Continue reading “Free Wally: Tracing the Spike Protein Drama to a Llama”

Confessions of an Engineered Nanoparticle

A fictional account told in first “particle” (as I have not yet achieved personhood status)

This is my story of how I am often mistaken as a virus . . . 

It seems an appropriate time to speak out.

I am not a naturally occurring nanoparticle (i.e., produced by cosmic dust, volcanic activity, forest fires, iron mining, wind erosion, or solar energy). 

I am synthesized for nano-bio interface projects that are often kept secret from civilians. I am called an engineered nanoparticle, or ENP. 

I am not produced by gain-of-function virus research projects. However, it may be helpful to review that work and its implications in some instances.

I may cause certain conditions that can be mis-attributed to viruses, but are instead novel forms of cytotoxicity produced by oxidative stress from ENPs, which I call nano-bio cytotoxicosis.

Continue reading “Confessions of an Engineered Nanoparticle”

Two essential conversations on health freedom

Following are two conversations I heard today that I feel are vital, and among the most enlightening and enriching I have absorbed since the beginning of the pandemic narrative. Hint: the one common denominator is Dr. Tom Cowan.

If (like me) you have listened to nearly all of Tom’s interviews during the past year, in reference to viruses and vaccines, there are still new intellectually stimulating, health-supporting, heart-stirring, and life-affirming nuggets to glean from these two April 2021 chats.

Continue reading “Two essential conversations on health freedom”

Part 6: Rise of the Cybernetic Wizard ~ Bio-Nanorobots to the Rescue?

“We’ll have nanobots that . . . connect our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex in the cloud . . . Our thinking will be a . . . biological and non-biological hybrid.”

~ Ray Kurzweil, TED 2014

Part 6 of the Series, “Of Monkeys, Mice and Men: From Natural Bodies to Digitized Bots”

Influenza and Zika and COVID, oh my! 

Not to worry . . . the pandemic panopticon-obsessed problem-reaction solutionaries are here to save us! So they say . . . 

In November 2020, I had an “aha” moment, when reading Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms. The author, Wil McCarthy, who holds a patent in the sector of quantum dot technology, asserted, “At the nanoscale, where we find very tiny, very simple objects . . . the behavior of particles is governed by quantum mechanics . . . your ‘gut feel’ about how a particle should behave is virtually useless for predicting what it will actually do. This is because on the nanoscale, what we call ‘particles’ are really ‘probability waves’ . . . Probability waves can do ‘impossible’ things like leaping across an impenetrable barrier, or existing in many places at the same time, or apparently predicting the future, or being influenced by distant events much faster than the speed of light should allow.” McCarthy continued, “Objects much smaller than a micron in size start to behave in some very non-Newtonian ways . . .” 

Essentially, at the nanoscale, quantum effects begin to dominate the behavior of matter. Let’s just say it gets more spooky.  

I have a sense that when top scientists discovered the bio-nano realm with their atomic force microscopes, they saw a land of opportunity for profit (i.e., in the field of bio-nanomedicine), but I also think they saw a land of plenty — intriguing depths of additional space with which to harness control. The nano space, similar to secret societies, has been highly occulted, as unsuspecting human beings are not equipped with atomic force microscopes with which to peer into our bodies, and the bodies of neighboring plants and animals. There is an entire world inside all of us much smaller than the micro level. When heading way down to the bottom of life’s existence, life has a meaning and function that literally disobeys the laws of gravity.

Continue reading “Part 6: Rise of the Cybernetic Wizard ~ Bio-Nanorobots to the Rescue?”

Part 4: The Scent of Fear ~ Musings on Fear and Olfaction

“The plague was nothing; fear of the plague was much more formidable.”

~ Henri Poincaré, French mathematician and theoretical physicist (1854-1912)

Part 4 of the Series, “Of Monkeys, Mice and Men: From Natural Bodies to Digitized Bots”

Groundhog Day has passed, and regardless of whether or not “Punxsutawney Phil” saw his shadow, I am confronting and integrating shadows of myself in 2020 — a year in which a spell of the highest magnitude in modern history was cast upon global society. In terms of shadow work (and to echo Steve K’s recent spiritually-stirring POM post illuminating wetiko), it seems we have all been called to reconcile the “dark side” in others (the “collective shadow”), and even more crucially, within ourselves. Specifically, I have been reflecting on how I may be inadvertently conveying fear via my body language, my writing, and potentially even unconsciously through chemosignaling, discussed below (see also here and here). Amidst this self-reflection, my locale has been inundated with snow for weeks, and shoveling trails for my short-legged goats has taken a physical toll. Yet, most mornings I wake up to the birds sounding the call of spring. Their signaling serves as a message that the days are getting lighter, and life will look brighter very soon . . .

Speaking of signaling, the third installment in my series received mixed response. While it was a stretch in various regards, I hope that readers can absorb nuggets of information embedded therein, even if not accepting my hypothetical premise that a synthetic protein (encapsulated within a bio-nanotechnology vector termed a “vaccine”) can be horizontally transferred from person-to-person (which can translate as a “positive” via an RT-PCR amplification process), resulting in potentially iatrogenically-induced illness. 

That said, I would like to revisit the concept of contagion, coupled with the phenomenon of chemosignaling (a confirmed form of horizontal transfer in humans). One primary inspiration for my reflection came from a regular commenter at POM — Oregon Matt. Recently, he e-mailed me an excerpt from an exchange he had with Jim West (investigative scientific researcher of harvoa.org), where Jim stated as follows:

“I was told by a biologist via email that hormones have all the abilities of the regular nervous system (memory and ability to be affected by other hormones and systems etc, and to affect these other systems) — but hormones are slower and often mobile.”

Jim added his personal feedback:

They can be transmitted to other persons like ‘germs’ via coughing breathing talking touching. Which may be another reason why Big Bro wants us to be germphobes. And to view touch as a sin. Big Bro is jealous of any lateral communication. Hormones are another means of lateral communication . . . So there is an infectious element here, but ancient and with beneficial potential, related to ‘suggestion’ but with more detail. This could explain why people are innately repulsed by sick people and even lower classes like the ‘untouchables’ . . . 

So hormones could be suggesting solutions to illnesses or environmental hazards. Yawning is a purely psychological suggestion, but hormones give the details. Both modes are probably at work to give the impression of suggestion suggesting specific illness symptoms as remediation behavior or defense behavior when confronting environmental hazards. It is known that cells can change their behavior and physical structure on the fly, and this is claimed to be due to dynamic genetic transfer; bacteria do that. However, this effect might be describing hormonal material, which perhaps is what nucleic acid is in a sense.” (Re-printed herein with Jim’s consent, and his link for further clarification).

Continue reading “Part 4: The Scent of Fear ~ Musings on Fear and Olfaction”