MMT and current inflation

I was reading something a short while back about our current rate of inflation, 8.6%, and what is causing it. One of the reasons given was MMT, or Modern Monetary Theory. That is accurate, but not true.

The classic definition of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. Indeed, MMT can be the cause of too much money, and probably is. The government has been throwing money at people for over two years now, subsidizing unemployment, keeping business afloat, and in our case just sending us free money, hoping we would spend it. We did not.

As I understand it, we have been practicing MMT for over fifty years now, since 1971 when Nixon closed the gold window, the “Nixon Shock” as it was called. Prior to that time, based on the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944, gold was pegged at $35 an ounce, and the US guaranteed that exchange. But even on the gold standard, we have had bouts of inflation.

The source of that “too much money”? The same as always – deficits. Here’s a chart of inflation since World War II. In addition, shocks to the pricing system like the rise of crude oil from $5 to $40 per barrel in response to two (fake) embargoes had a ripple effect through the economy. Poor Jimmy Carter was a deer in the headlights.

As can be seen, prior to the Nixon Shock, there was inflation too be had, the worst right after the war when price controls were removed. The Korean War was said to have caused a bout, and the supposed “oil shocks” of the 1970s sent it to nearly 15%. But since 1981, inflation has been under control. And it is odd, as all during that time our currency has been “fiat”, or not backed by anything but our belief in it. That is MMT at work.

Since 1977 the Federal Reserve has been in charge of controlling inflation and providing full employment. Looking at the graph above, I’d say they’ve been effective. It is understood that some inflation is necessary, as “deflation” is considered dangerous to our nation’s fiscal health. (Imagine making a product but being uncertain that you can sell it at a high enough price to recover your costs and make a profit. In that situation, manufacturing comes to a halt.)

Today the Fed uses interest rates to control inflation. Last month it hiked its Funds rate by .75% in an effort to bring inflation down. But containing inflation takes more than just that move. If there is too much money out there chasing too few goods, then the tax system has to absorb the excess.

We currently have a dual tax system, a regular income tax and a Social Security/Medicare tax (also known as FICA), which is really just another tax on working people. It has been frozen at 14.2 percent for decades now. It is the most effective way to keep workers from overspending on goods and services. The regular income tax has been kept reasonably low due to the hidden nature of the FICA – only half of it is seen by workers, the other half allegedly paid by employers. That is fiction, but I won’t get into it here.

I cannot see interest rates alone working to curb inflation, but here is hoping for the best, as the next best way to get excess money out of the economy is to tax it away.

Arguments about MMT are pointless, like complaining about the weather. The gold standard is gone forever, and the chart above says it did not work that well anyway, at least not as well as MMT has worked since 1981.

I remember back in 2008-9 when the supposed “housing crisis” caused the Fed to dump trillions into bank coffers to rescue them. At that time there was a Missoula, Montana blog run by a few guys who believed in the Austrian School, and they predicted hyperinflation would result. Their entire theory of economics rested on that assumption, and they were proven wrong. The blog went away.

I am no economist, of course. I found it frightfully boring in college, like having nails pounded into my forehead one by one. But I do know that classic Nobel-Prize-winning Milton Friedman economics is dead in the water. If MMT does not work, we cannot go back to another system that is shown not to work. I keep my fingers crossed.


PS: I got an email from WordPress this morning congratulating me for having posted three days in a row. If this post seems labored, it was, but I wanted to wow WordPress with a fourpeat.

139 thoughts on “MMT and current inflation

  1. Inflation is money supply growth. Seasonal adjustments to consumer prices and the other sleights of hand put the published figures in the Baron Keynes orbit of pseudoeconomics.
    This video is an actual example of money supply growing:


    1. What goes around, comes around. In this case, the ruling class print trillions into the economy and then charge or tax people for it to pay themselves huge kickbacks as well as to fund their pet projects. The gravy chain continues on.

      But they realized an intelligent and skeptical population would catch up to their game and leave the matrix, so they distract them, divide them, and brainwash them to remain on the plantation and make money for them, not knowing that they were unwitting victims of incredible fleecing & deception at every level.

      The events of the past two years have clearly demonstrated this fact at play: masses of people were scared into spending TRILLIONS of tax and consumer dollars in response to a fake pandemic. This is only comparable to the insane spending on the phony War on Terror, which was another scam to privatize much of the nation’s wealth into the hands of a few people while socializing the costs to the many.


      1. That wealth was already “privatized.” That has not changed. What changed with me, and this was before I learned of “MMT” was the realization that the “deficits” don’t matter, and that the “national debt” can be wiped out with a simple statement by the Fed, “It is not real.” The “Social Security Trust Fund” is also fake.

        The US and several other entities (Australia, Japan, Great Britain) make their own currency, rather than collecting it from taxpayers. That part is a necessary illusion. There is a great deal of deceit involved, to keep things under control of the oligarchs. I do not deny that. I simply know that we are in a giant casino, and the chips we play with are made of plastic. Real wealth is goods and services, land and possessions, and we need a means of trade to keep things fluid and running, so we invented currency, our poker chips. Even with the gold standard, it was a mass mutual illusion. Thus has it always been.

        I understand the nature of power and power brokers. You can hand-wring about that all you want, but you will not change it,. That is not what this post is about.


        1. Not discounting any of your points. Nor am I saying that complaining about things will change anything. Technically, countries that have the ability to print or coin money don’t have to fully rely on taxes to fund its public services, although taxation serves as a double-edged sword to keep the population in line and to legitimize its spending priorities. I am just stating things as I see it.


          1. Deficits and debt serve a purpose, but it is just perception management. We could wipe out student loan debt, fix infrastructure, but we don’t do these things because of the deficit, right? On the other hand, when it comes to bank bailouts or wars, there is no shortage of money.


            1. Government deficits are funded with Bond issues. The bonds are purchased by the system banks who sell/trade them, and their derivatives, with pension funds and other speculators.
              The PIGS (Portugal, Ireland and Iceland, Greece and Spain) crisis in Europe was brought on by governments borrowing/issuing bonds to pay public service salaries and pensions. When tax receipts couldn’t cover the bond interest payments the governments, at the urging of the banks and bond holders, enforced austerity measures.
              Unpopular measures with the people, but measures befitting the quote: ‘Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.’


              1. PIGS are not countries that create their own currency. One of the impacts of the euro was to enforce strict measures on member countries, in essence loss of sovereignty. Greece was deeply harmed in this manner, becoming a humble servant of the European Union. The result, extreme austerity, could have been avoided. The British decision to Brexit, no matter how made in reality (I do not think votes are counted there) was a means of preserving its sovereignty. Countries that manufacture their own currencies are masters of their own destinies. It is not without extreme risk, of course, but better than the alternative.


            2. “We could wipe out student loan debt, fix infrastructure, but we don’t do these things because of the deficit, right? On the other hand, when it comes to bank bailouts or wars, there is no shortage of money.”

              If you look at who donates to the politicians, you’ll see why “tax monies” are squandered on phony wars, pandemics, and corporate bailouts rather than on things that benefit ordinary people significantly, and why there’s no serious incentives for wiping out crushing student debt or improving infrastructure. Those donors also get cushy tax breaks from those same politicians in return, while forcing the middle and working classes to pay higher tax rates. They also benefit tremendously from the current student debt crisis (not to mention high medical debt, etc.), as it makes more money for them, so they lobby politicians to do nothing about that.

              But politicians need a seemingly viable excuse to justify why that’s the case, so they resort to using “the deficit” to explain why they don’t invest any money from the Treasury or Federal Reserve to pay for programs that benefit the lower classes. (Ironically, the deficit has been growing exponentially while they’ve been kissing up to their wealthy backers with more money & tax breaks while slashing funding for programs like food stamps and education, so their excuses are moot when one includes that fact into the equation.)

              It’s no coincidence that they receive campaign funding from banks and corporations like Pfizer, Lockheed Martin, J.P. Morgan & Chase, etc., who in return expect the politicians to pay them back the favor with tax cuts & revenues pouring in like crazy, which is what they get.

              There’s no powerful “special interest” group in Congress or other legislative branches of “government” that lobbies for more funding and tax breaks given to ordinary people and to projects that benefit your average Joe or Jane on the street – rather than a select few power brokers at the top – such as a proper education system or affordable quality healthcare for all. When money, connections, and quantity are valued above providing quality service to more people, opening doors for more people to prosper, or an equal distribution of wealth and resources, this is what you get as a result.

              As the saying goes, “you don’t bite the hands that feed you.” Lawmakers understand this maxim very well, which is why they almost always favor their rich donors over the people: those are the hands that feed them.


              1. The idea that rich people donate to politicians and that this determines winners and losers is grist, nothing more. It is a sideshow, misdirection. Understand first that the politicians have no power, then you can forget about who is financing them. (Hint – they do not count votes.) The closer you get to the grassroots, the more likely a person in office can make a slight difference. I just did a little curiosity trip today, you should too. The question I asked was why the US House of Representatives has 435 members. As originally conceived, it was a body designed to expand with expanding population. Implications? Many.


                1. Of course, as you pointed out, politicians are essentially puppets in the grand scheme of things, so it’s not like they’re acting alone or making decisions themselves with no outside interference. There are always handlers who manipulate or control them to do and say things that are favorable to those above them. This is something I have never forgotten.

                  I just wanted to point out the financial attachments these politicians have to powerful special interest groups the Families hide behind (defense, pharma, finance, etc.), which explains the mess we find ourselves in. Obviously money plays a role in all of this, as well as the fact that many politicos are simply front-men and relatives of the Elite who are there to do the bidding of their more powerful backers & relatives.

                  Liked by 1 person

                2. I’d also like to add that another reason why there’s always more public funding for things such as the military or pharmaceuticals than for, say, infrastructure or “free” healthcare is because for the politicians and their backers, those sectors are far more profitable than building roads and homes or providing free-of-charge medical services for everyone. There’s more money to be made from investing time and resources into the development, sale, and use of products like weapons and narcotics than there is from construction work or better healthcare, for they’re easier, cheaper, and quicker to produce and sell than buildings, roads, etc.: such initiatives provide a huge financial stimulus to our sham economic system because they stimulate commerce and consumerism, so the government will invest more funds from its coffers into such things.

                  Liked by 1 person

  2. That definition of inflation is a made-up version of the modern era. Inflation is simply growth in the supply of credit / “money” and the result of inflation can be a number of different things, usually higher prices, but not always and not evenly across all areas. Asset prices have been impacted the most by the massive post-2008 inflation.

    The idea about falling prices (that’s not real deflation) being harmful is silly Keynesian nonsense. In a healthy economy with limited government interference, it is normal and healthy for prices to fall due to increased efficiency and reduced production costs. Look at laptops and TVs. They’ve become much cheaper over the past several decades and the result is an increase in consumption (exact opposite of what Keynesians warn will happen) as normal folks can purchase items like plasma TVs that were previously considered high-end luxury products.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am sorry, but isn’t it clear that

    money = fake*


    inflation = fake**

    fake as in that there is no logical relation between the intrinsic values of products, services and human labor, which is the theoretical basis behind the whole scam

    and fake as in the monetary system is not based on anything, no standards as you point out.

    ** inflation as in everyday speech (rising prices ; your dollar or our peso getting worth less more quickly than usual) has nothing to do with money or the monetary system

    simply said

    1 – “money” is just some numbers in an Excel sheet
    2 – (((they))) control that Excel sheet

    so anything they claim what “inflation” is and “that we all need to suffer for a better world” is ALL, yes ALL of it

    a complete charade, a fantasy
    indoctrinated into your heads

    I never had economics at school
    and now see the grand value of having “missed”
    that intense programming

    much more intense than anything else, the Mammon as steve elaborated on.

    hence why we need our own virtual currency
    to be free from that fake slave system
    called money


  4. Austrian Economics is totally correct, as it’s the only based on logic and sound reasonings.
    Economics deals with an elementary truth of nature: resources are limited.
    Hence every human action always also involves a resource allocation choice (individual life time being the first and foremost limited resource). This simple fact gives the starting point for a chain of logical deductions (time preference, interest rate, price formation, etc. etc.).
    If resources, time included, were infinite economics would be pointless and unneeded.
    The idea that anything can be made “out of thin air” wouldn’t seem credible to normal people after maybe the age of five, except for those who believes in miracles.
    But in the case of “money” and more generally Keynesian economics they managed to make everyone believe in five years old’s fairytales.
    Of course, some things can be imaginary, but their effects are indeed very real.
    The creation of “imaginary money” has the very real effect of transfering real resources (aka wealth) from the majority that happens to be in the receiving end way up to the tiny minority involved in the creation process.
    It’s the most ingenious stealing machine ever devised.
    No more, no less.


    1. “Economics deals with an elementary truth of nature: resources are limited.”

      You are already the 2nd one coming with this apparently indoctrinated nonsense.

      Ecos nomos means “the subsistence of your dwelling/household”, nothing more, nothing less.

      the idea that resources are limited has been indoctrinated into you by what you should recognize as an Evil and False System.

      And it is even scientifically total nonsense.

      Of any resource, no matter what it is, there will always be infinitesimally small parts unexploited, making every resource by definition infinite.

      And the System has indoctrinated you with the idea that a finite resource is a great way of basing your economy on.

      Which is the most stupid thing.

      We HAVE an infinite, clean, good and eternal resource in all of us

      that is

      human creativity

      that is the infinite resource of our Future.

      if you’re not a Satanist that is.


    2. “If resources, time included, were infinite economics would be pointless and unneeded.”

      MAN, how can you get this combination of words out of your keyboard (I know, there is no edit function and that sucks HARD), but please THINK about what you say here

      and consider this

      1- TIME is the most valuable non-resource we never have, never have had and never will have
      2 – if resources would be infinite, we don’t need to rely on those powers that control those “finite” resources, innit?

      meaning that with infinite resources (that we all have) we have the STRONGEST economy, because it doesn’t depend on any “market” “fluctuation” that the Satanist System is doing. So economics becomes pointful and needed.

      Simply said: if you don’t play the slot machines, you cannot get tricked by them.

      You, at least in your language, are very much a believer in the Casino still.

      Which hurts to see cause else you’re very intelligent.

      So I hope you deprogram from your “economic” understanding.


      1. “the idea that resources are limited has been indoctrinated into you by what you should recognize as an Evil and False System. And it is even scientifically total nonsense.”

        Do I really need an evil indoctrination to think that at any given time there’s a limited supply of commodities and services?
        Or maybe there is, in this very moment, an infinite supply of food, of cars, of ships, of laptops, of plumbers, of teachers, of truckdrivers, etc. etc. etc., that I’m not aware of?

        “Of any resource, no matter what it is, there will always be infinitesimally small parts unexploited, making every resource by definition infinite.”

        That’s good as a theoretical statement, but without any practical value. In economics a resource doesn’t exist until it can be actually exploited with a positive cost/benefit ratio.

        “We HAVE an infinite, clean, good and eternal resource in all of us
        that is
        human creativity
        that is the infinite resource of our Future.”

        That sounds much like Julian Simon’s (of whom I’m a big fan btw) “The Ultimate Resource”.
        Yes history shows that human creativity is potentially capable of increasing the amount of available resources, i.e. each individual can, on average, produce more resources than it consumes, adding in the long run to the general welfare.
        But saying that there’s no a priori fixed limit to resource growth, is not as saying that resources, at any given time, are not finite, as you seem to imply. Two very different concepts here.

        “1 – “TIME is the most valuable non-resource we never have, never have had and never will have”

        Sorry that’s beyond my comprehension.
        I would think that if “creativity” is the ultimate resource, the amount you can bring to the world is limited, ceteris paribus, by the amount of lifetime you’ve been gifted with.

        ” 2 – if resources would be infinite, we don’t need to rely on those powers that control those “finite” resources, innit?”

        We shouldn’t need to rely on any power controlling anything, regardless of the resources being finite or not.

        “You, at least in your language, are very much a believer in the Casino still.”

        If the Casino is the financial madness we’ve all been living in for decades as a consequence of the replacement of real money with a centrally controlled imaginary proxy, it’s the opposite of sound economics and of what I’m talking about.

        “So I hope you deprogram from your “economic” understanding.”

        Fine, so what texts, books, publications do you recommend to start deprogramming my “economic” understanding”?


        1. Do I really need an evil indoctrination to think that at any given time there’s a limited supply of commodities and services?

          ehm yes.

          Because what is a resource. In my lexicon it is a base product/force/energy for further use.

          And then we can talk about effective and factual infinity of resources, or their abundance or scarcity.

          infinite resources I can already name from the top of my head:

          1 – water
          2 – solar heat
          3 – Gaia’s fertility
          4 – life

          all infinite resources, depending on how you use them you can quantify them and “make them economic”, like you say economic needs a practical measurement, great; let us get to that.

          Or maybe there is, in this very moment, an infinite supply of food, of cars, of ships, of laptops, of plumbers, of teachers, of truckdrivers, etc. etc. etc., that I’m not aware of?

          Eh yes, because of the above. What you name are not resources. They are derivatives OF resources.

          And if the resources to get to those derivatives are infinite (abundant, not scarce OR renewable), those derivatives become infinite too.

          with all of the 4 above infinite resources (both effective and factual) you have an endless supply of derivative resources as food, building materials and energy storage (fossil fuels mainly).

          “Of any resource, no matter what it is, there will always be infinitesimally small parts unexploited, making every resource by definition infinite.”

          That’s good as a theoretical statement, but without any practical value. In economics a resource doesn’t exist until it can be actually exploited with a positive cost/benefit ratio.

          it is not a theoretical, but factual statement.

          I worked with what they call are resource assessments. Those are nation-wide guesstimates of what natural resources those countries “””have”””.

          Saudi Arabia, Venezuela or whatever nation can claim they have X amount of oil/gas in reserve, but those numbers are not exact. Those are based on models of the subsurface, and every model is just an approximation of reality so never real.

          Meaning that even the so-called “finite resources” as oil and gas are infinitesimally (and thus effectively) infinite.

          We simply don’t know how much oil or gas there is.

          And in the case of gas, methane, CH4, it is even better because the resource is renewable and therefore abundant by definition.

          GAIA makes daily much more methane than we could ever use.

          That is not the same for oil, which takes much longer to form and is until proven otherwise a bio-chemical process.

          So gas is infinite and abundant and oil is infinite and scarce.

          Then comes in how those resources are accessible to us.

          And there we get to what they teach you in school. That those resources are “finite”, simply because they are under the control of other people. Effectively you could call them finite then, though artificial scarcity.

          And that is the crux of the whole FAKE economy. It is indoctrinating us with the idea of scarcity. The Scarcity Hoax.

          That scarcity is only political, it is only based on human power play, it is not an intrinsic characteristic of what (((they))) tell us that resources ARE.

          “We HAVE an infinite, clean, good and eternal resource in all of us
          that is
          human creativity
          that is the infinite resource of our Future.”

          That sounds much like Julian Simon’s (of whom I’m a big fan btw) “The Ultimate Resource”.

          nice, never heard of that author or his work. Could you give us all an insight into the wisdoms of that man?

          Yes history shows that human creativity is potentially capable of increasing the amount of available resources, i.e. each individual can, on average, produce more resources than it consumes, adding in the long run to the general welfare.

          That is not what I mean.

          Human creativity IS the resource, it is not a machine that turns resources into other things, because without that human creativity that seam of coal or field of strawberries are just that, what they are, and not a resource.

          Consider the difference between a fertilized egg (infinite resource) and an unfertilized egg (finite resource).

          the first is infinite because (given that everything goes well) you have an endless chain of new eggs, and fertilized ones with enough females.

          the second is a resource in the sense that it contains proteins and fats that are resources for our bodies and minds, but it is finite in the sense that it does not produce new resources.

          But saying that there’s no a priori fixed limit to resource growth, is not as saying that resources, at any given time, are not finite, as you seem to imply. Two very different concepts here.

          I am not understanding your first sentence, but that you get confused by my words is not your fault, that is first of all because blogs are SO FUCKING STUPID to communicate on.

          Come on air and let’s talk about these topics, MUCH better.

          “1 – “TIME is the most valuable non-resource we never have, never have had and never will have”

          Sorry that’s beyond my comprehension.

          that’s kinda of a compliment, because I invented this quote and I love it. Others understood it.

          Time is NOT a resource. Never was, never will.

          once you understand that, I promise you your life will change.

          for the better.

          I would think that if “creativity” is the ultimate resource, the amount you can bring to the world is limited, ceteris paribus, by the amount of lifetime you’ve been gifted with.

          ok, that is good separation indeed. Human creativity is only infinite in the absence of mass genocide.

          But in the presence of the ongoing mass genocide, I think human creativity is infinite enough to save us from that Beast.

          ” 2 – if resources would be infinite, we don’t need to rely on those powers that control those “finite” resources, innit?”

          We shouldn’t need to rely on any power controlling anything, regardless of the resources being finite or not.

          EXACTLY. So let’s get to that. WE have that power. and that is what I try to bring across in everything I do.

          “You, at least in your language, are very much a believer in the Casino still.”

          If the Casino is the financial madness we’ve all been living in for decades as a consequence of the replacement of real money with a centrally controlled imaginary proxy, it’s the opposite of sound economics and of what I’m talking about.

          If I would see you as so programmed, A) we wouldnt be talking, butmore importantly B) I would greatly offend you and your intelligence and what you write.

          By stating you support/embrace/see as a viable solution the Austrian school of economics, it means you are at least a libertarian/anarcho-capitalist and that is a great leap forward.

          But it is not the end and not the solution.

          Because it is still taking too many elements from the System and taking their validity at face value.

          Crapitalism is based on a hoax, the Scarcity Hoax.

          So if you understand that, the whole building built on top of that basis, is wrong.

          So I try to make you see the last steps to get yourself rid of that Casino, just because you are already ahead (and not some lame statist), you have the potential to get there.

          Simply because that was my own journey too.

          The result of DETACH, DETOX, DEPROGRAM, imho the whole purpose of Fakeology.

          “So I hope you deprogram from your “economic” understanding.”

          Fine, so what texts, books, publications do you recommend to start deprogramming my “economic” understanding”?

          This is such a common thing with me. I get excited and hopeful and then smashed by reality again that my messages didn’t land at all.

          The whole point of detoxing, deprogramming and detachment is to not follow ANY books/publications/anything published by carnies (those who try to hook you, the mark), but to get to the understanding of what economy

          but essentially ANYThing

          is, holistically, not defined by others for you, but the result of your purest observation of GAIA and her laws (economical laws should come from logic which is a set of laws of GAIA).

          I try to make you see
          that you should STOP reading all those books written by others

          You should write your own book. Based on what you observe economy is, not that fake ass idea implanted into you, that is poison that needs to get out.

          Do you see me making sense?

          and you see the power of having such a conversation MUCH MUCH better in VOICE, our GAIA given organ to communicate (blogs are given to us by the Building of the Beast, our voice is our own).

          Join Eye am Eye Radio Discord and let’s TALK, we can share so many wisdoms on air.

          All these comments here are effectively irrelevant, with all respect for Mark’s blog, we talked about exactly this with Ab.

          Let’s make things HAPPEN.

          That is economy.
          not fake ass school books
          or other carnies


          1. Gaia, if there was an infinite supply of everything, human creativity, that you seem to appreciate so much, would be useless.
            Air, being a very peculiar case, is often cited in economics texts as an example of an infinite (hence free) supply of something.
            You just breathe air, no need for creativity or additional work to get it into your lungs.
            That’s why no one is usually willing to pay (i.e. exchanging a valuable something) for it.
            Not the case for anything else, as far as I’m aware.
            Food or water aren’t going to jump on your table, or in Molly’s bowl.
            That’s where human creativity is needed.
            The very concept of creating something that didn’t exist before implies a pre existing scarcity. It doesn’t even need to be something material. There’s scarcity of music, of poetry, of literature, and that’s why we can and will create them.
            You cannot create something of which there’s already an infinite supply. It’s a logical paradox. If you can create it the supply isn’t infinite by definition.
            In my worldview scarcity is the engine of human creation, and in turn human creation is what in the long run makes scarcity decreasing (that’s in a nutshell what Julian Simon’s The Ultimate Resource” is all about).
            Your “no scarcity” world kills human creation too.
            You say capitalism relies on the “scarcity hoax”.
            I would say that the rotted system they now call capitalism relies on the “centrally controlled imaginary money” hoax.
            Whereas true capitalism relies on human creativity and human free cooperation, and I see both as beautiful things.


            1. Your “no scarcity” world kills human creativity too.

              Do you at least agree Gaia that there’s a scarcity of editing tools here?


            2. Ayokera, grazie for your reaction, but I try to get to the most holistic view of economy, so the least affected by what others (not you, I mean the schoolbooks, the media mouthpieces, psientists) have concocted for us economy means.

              Gaia, if there was an infinite supply of everything, human creativity, that you seem to appreciate so much, would be useless.

              An infinite supply of everything sounds like some Aladdin wishing lamp, but what about the next scenario

              there is an infinite supply of the resources flour, water and salt.

              In theory, people have access to infinite resources, so they shouldn’t have to starve. But a bowl of flour doesn’t give you as much energy, nutrients, etc. as a loaf of bread does. For that bread to appear, you need someone with the skills of turning infinite resources into a finite product that is not there without those skills (and those humans that have those skills).

              Do we agree there exists a difference between theoretical resources, practical resources and inert resources that have no intrinsic value for us commoners (certain Rare Earth Elements have very little applicability, yet are very rare and thus very high priced (scarcity-driven).

              Air, being a very peculiar case, is often cited in economics texts as an example of an infinite (hence free) supply of something.
              You just breathe air, no need for creativity or additional work to get it into your lungs.

              Nice example because also here it fluctuates. I can assure you how valuable air becomes when you are diving for instance. Yet to the one with the fullest tank, air becomes a resource. And an enormous power.

              Imagine you signal to your buddy gasping for air to even survive

              “I give you air, and then you give me your house, wife and car in return, sign here and you get air”

              THAT is what comes with this scarcity-driven economic thinking that has powered the indoctrination systems world wide.

              That’s why no one is usually willing to pay (i.e. exchanging a valuable something) for it.

              Yes, indeed, because there is no need to in the base example of infinite air.

              but in the diving example, suddenly that’s different and people are willing to pay anything for that breath of fresh air, not?

              Not the case for anything else, as far as I’m aware.
              Food or water aren’t going to jump on your table, or in Molly’s bowl.
              That’s where human creativity is needed.

              Of course. But Molly shouldn’t need me to prepare food for her. She’s a street dog who can find food for herself. And in cases of scarcity, she will fight for it to gain the dominance of the scarce resource.

              But could you call food and water for non-working animals really a resource?

              The very concept of creating something that didn’t exist before implies a pre existing scarcity.

              Truism, great.

              Indeed, scarcity is a thing, I am not saying it doesn’t exist. What I mean by Scarcity Hoax, is the narrative to us that something is scarce, while in reality it is only made to appear scarce.

              And that is the ultimate driver of economy, of value exchange, and that is TRUST. You trust the other party you make a deal with (trade; an interaction from which you both hope to gain more than you put it) that that increased value indeed is there.

              The car mechanic needs to trust the client that they pay with real money and not with false money and the client need to trust the car mechanic that the money he put in for the service is an improvement (higher value) w.r.t. the status quo before the deal, right?

              So once people lose trust in that scarcity scam, they should move to something better.

              In it is that phase that we are in, only the problem is that 1 the scarcity scam was created for us (crapitalism) and that 2 the solution is also (antisocial discredit ; how much you comply with Ze System defines how valuable you are).

              It doesn’t even need to be something material. There’s scarcity of music, of poetry, of literature, and that’s why we can and will create them.

              Eh yes, but art is something special. Art is extremely subjective. So the value of that music and poetry is only there if there are fans of it.

              simple example: imagine a homeless drummer on the street, extremely talented, very very good, so lots of potential value.
              yet, his market (potential clients) are a group of billionaires (so theoretically enough resources to spend on the drummer) but they all HATE percussion. Yes, it is a rare scenario, but so is using air as a resource.

              The theoretical value of the drummer (being so very GOOD)
              Plus the theoretical market value of the provider vs clients (having billionaires with lots of resources around)

              are both very HIGH.
              yet in this particular case the chance of income is LOW

              So also here, human creativity comes into play. And trust. The drummer may try to convince the billionaires, that he recognizes as the ideal supply of income, that he has other skills that may be of use to the resource holders/investors/potential clients etc.

              So versatility becomes a factor, and trust that the investors can gain value out of their investment.

              You cannot create something of which there’s already an infinite supply. It’s a logical paradox. If you can create it the supply isn’t infinite by definition.

              Thank you for this, this is what I look for, getting to the core. Those are the only boundaries I accept; those of logic. If something is illogical it cannot work, at least not in an environment where logic is leading (which I embrace).

              2 claims here, which might well be logical benchmarks

              “you cannot create something of which there is already an infinite supply”

              how about sand? clay? salt? firewood?

              the fact that anyone can dig up sand or clay in the woods or chop trees to turn into firewood works in an infinite supply scenario (for sand and clay esp.).

              Because there are companies doing exactly that, they make sand and clay to further use.

              So convenience comes into play. But is this illogical and untrue, I don’t think so.

              Look at bottled water. You can just drink from the tap or a stream in nature or even open your mouth when it rains, so water is abundant, infinite even, and yet people spend giganteous amounts on something bottled that they pay for at home anyway or can get for free from Nature.

              “If you can create it the supply isn’t infinite by definition”

              ehm, is that so? Desalination plants create potable, usable fresh water out of unusable salt water, right?

              Yet at the same time there is abundance of fresh water, even in areas where desalination plants work.

              Does the creation of something have anything to do with the abundance of it? Only when you start going into the validation step, but that is what i try to figure out.

              Imagine the situation of a tribal village. They have their diets based around one particular fruit, let’s call it musk fruit, growing in balls on high trees.

              Sometimes, but very rarely, the musk fruits fall from the trees.
              But, in the village there are 5 very brave people, 4 man and 1 woman, who can climb the trees and get the musk fruits out of them, exploding the village’s economy (set of total valuable transactions within a local area).


              In a scarcity pricing based system (as the one we live in, gold and oil “standards” are not resource-based economies, they are at max resource price based economies, am I going wrong here?) the value of the musk fruits

              should DROP once there is a higher abundance of them. Cause the scarcity in this model defines/decides the price.

              Yet in an opportunity based model, the price should RISE. Cause suddenly there is a lot more available, enabling more people to make more value and grow more.

              what I try to get to, is to that working model that is most scale independent and timeless, such that the price levels naturally, not managed from outside (so there the lessons of anarcho-capitalism vs state-driven divide and conquerism come into play) fluctuate as little as possible.

              because it is that, that price fluctuation (mostly increases) that people suffer from all over the word (what we colloquially refer to as “inflation”, not what the term officially means in economic theory).

              In my worldview scarcity is the engine of human creation, and in turn human creation is what in the long run makes scarcity decreasing (that’s in a nutshell what Julian Simon’s The Ultimate Resource” is all about).

              ok, great again. The first point is a truism I’d say, if you break it down to the essence. Yes, any scarcity leads to creativity. If you’re out of air, suddenly you find swimming skills to get to that water surface. Or if you’re hungry enough (nutrient scarcity), you can get that extra musk fruit by that extra motivational effort that you wouldn’t have when you weren’t in need.

              So what is really driving, is it scarcity? Or is it need.

              And that sounds good of course what Julian Simon says, but it smells a bit cliché. So in applicable terms, what does it mean?

              Because let’s say in North Korea, people can be as creative as they want, the restrictions put onto them define/decide how much of that creation can be used.

              This extreme example is watered down into anything other too: the whole “you are not licensed to sell this product [that your family has been producing for centuries]” idea that is indoctrinated into us and very very effective.

              Your “no scarcity” world kills human creation too.

              Please do not assume any “world” that is “mine”. I don’t know what world is the best model, that is what I try to get to together, and you help me greatly with already this.

              I simply question things that are presented as scarce, but are in reality just abundant resources, services or plans (patents) that are controlled by a cabal. Cabalism is not capitalism.

              You say capitalism relies on the “scarcity hoax”.

              there are many ways to define capitalism, in essence I’d say the word says it all, it is head counting. How many heads do we need in our company to make it profitable. I.e. impersonal by design. You simply need a position that needs to be filled and the ideal candidate is that robot (worker) or head (capita) that can fulfill that role.

              That principle I reject.

              My principle reasoning is let the skills of the talented extra “employee” define and decide in which direction the company grows and develops. So not a headcount (replacibility), but exclusivity, uniqueness, and by that uncertainty.

              Uncertainty is a fact of life, but we have been completely indoctrinated by a System that creates false uncertainties ALL over the place, but in this field especially economically.

              “I need to keep working like a slave because I have a mortcage (no typo) to pay off, and I don’t know what is gonna happen

              Another way to define crapitalism (the system how it mostly works I mean, not what theoretical free market capitalism is about) is that money makes money.

              And because money is fake, fakeness makes fakeness.

              NOT “investment makes money”, that is natural, organic and normal, logical, how things work, the laws of energy, etc.

              no it is the “betting on the stock market” that is the essential point of crapitalism. It is a casino, a set of gamblers and casino crooks.

              Ultracrapitalism with quantitative easing, NFTs and other completely imaginary magical tricks takes that to the next level.

              I would say that the rotted system they now call capitalism relies on the “centrally controlled imaginary money” hoax.

              Yes, it absolutely does, but that is a symptom of a cause, it is not the cause itself. Because it is this central control that creates the imaginary enemy of scarcity.

              “We get water wars” (eh no, wars are staged and water is abundant and replenishable, so there cannot be water wars, if there are huge water shortages you get mass migrations, Dust Bowl scenarios)

              “there is a shortage of GPUs”

              no, that is artificially controlled, like all global trade is. And claiming “today’s supply of resources is delayed, maybe tomorrow” cán be 100% honest, but there could be a bit of deceit in there and then you have already artificial control.

              Whereas true capitalism relies on human creativity and human free cooperation, and I see both as beautiful things.

              Exactly, I fully agree. But, that capitalism needs a value model, a pricing model, a currency. And it is that stage I want to redefine such

              that we can create our own economy

              based on

              timelessness – hence why I want to iron out those fluctuations that keep that casino rolling
              scale independence – in essence abundance; our basic needs should in 2022 no problem to be acquired, after that everything we create should be in the interest of Good people, not in the interest of the System.

              hence my push to quit slave jobs and spend your valuable TIME much better.

              If you’re a teacher in the Prussian Indoc System and you have children of your own and send them to another Indoc System Facility you are DOUBLE stupid.

              the natural organic situation is that people educate children no matter what their role is, so also non parents raise children of others

              and the natural organic situation is that you use your skills, talents and TIME to dedicate to your own family and friends (nepotism and cronyism FTW) and not give your Gaia given offspring away to someone else who indoctrinate them with things you don’t have any control over.

              Thanks, this is SO good, and what I am here for.


    3. Why did we not suffer hyperinflation after the mass infusion of $$$ in 2009? That is the essence of Austrian School economics, that the money supply needs to be stable. It was shown to be false. I witnessed that event, expected that hyperinflation would happen. When it did not, I went back to the drawing board. You should too.

      When a theory cannot predict, that theory needs to be set aside.


      1. Nope, the essence of Austrian School economics is that what we call “money” can only be a commodity with intrinsic value. All the rest, however we call them, are IOU.
        Then the “money supply” is, just like for any other commodity, the amount available at any given time.
        In a “commodity money” scenario nobody is commanding the “money supply” to be stable, but in order to increase the supply additional amounts have to be actually produced, bringing along, just like for any other commodity, all the related production shenanigans: investments, costs and profits accounting and so on. It goes without saying that’s going to be, in any case, a slow and in the long run smooth process.
        That’s why you can’t have “mass infusions” of real money, and incidentally that’s why “they” have been always so desperate to get rid of real money and to shift to imaginary units they can create free “out of thin air”.
        The Austrian school doesn’t say that a mass currency infusion would necessarily cause hyperinflation, and you shouldn’t have expected it, so no need for me to go back to the drawing board.
        First, hyperinflation is a very ultimate stage that usually occur also as a psychological mass hysteria phenomenon that ignites a “spending frenzy”.
        Most importantly, that “mass infusion of $$$” in 2009, and all the others in the following years for that matter, have been dumped into State and Corporate Bonds, Big Banks equities, and the rest into the Stock market. Just to keep every bubble inflated (maybe that’s the inflation you should be looking for), the boat afloat and everyone happy for a while.
        I very seriously doubt that much more than a few crumbs landed directly into the pockets of american citizens, so no spending frenzy, no retail prices shooting through the roof and no reason at all for hyperinflation.


  5. Mark:

    “Today the Fed uses interest rates to control inflation.”

    I’d say

    HOLISTIC LESSON #1 of Fakeology :

    whatever narrative they give how things are supposed to work
    it is not how things really work

    If that is your base principle, you don’t need to start unraveling a spaghetti of which arm of the Octopus does what exactly with which other arm.

    That is what I try to get across, the power of philosophy.

    If objectively derived principles (Gaia’s laws!) are your baseline and not “what the mainstream says”/what other carnies try to sell you, you get out much cleaner.

    going back to your sentence

    Clown A {part of HUGE Circus with toooo many clowns] uses tricks to control the imagined fears of loss of wealth of the public.

    This is also why anyone should get rid of the idea and wording of petrodollar.

    The price of crude petroleum (oil) and the dollar value have no direct causal relation. So stop making that, or repeating others who do.

    (your example at Ab’s show is another very nice Piece of Mindful Evidence of the inexistence of the petrodollar!)


    1. You’re right that the way we are told things work is not how things really work. That is why I wrote this post, to suggest another reality. We live in it, but do not see it.


      1. Yes, nice, you do call for others to come on and comment and together we get to the bette matter, absolutely, that’s why I appreciate your work a lot.

        I just see so many areas in which we can improve that, strengthen and become unaffected by the Clownworld, that I have to speak up and you know me, I do that in the way I do.

        on that Fed point and my message that that whole “global economy” is a Hoax you should rid from your thinking

        imagine a community that completely functions based on Bitcoin (or some other crypto currency). Their whole life is self/socially sufficient and functions without money (monetary paper, dollars, so dealing with the Fed(s)).

        ANYTHING the Fed “does” (according to the narrative) OR really does (in actual reality, that secret way of working/reality that we don’t see is completely irrelevant to that community.

        So if that community has prices of 1 BTC for an apple and 1000 BTC for a pair of community-made shoes, then the value other people give to Bitcoin doesn’t matter.

        Only the own supply of apples and enough skilled craftsmen and women and resources to make shoes matter for the price.

        It is this “””bitcoin””” (but then not crypto, but virtual) currency that I so desperately try to get to.

        but for that to happen, I need YOU guys, the experts in that Fake System Economics, that does not make any sense to me.

        and you need ME, as a unique individual not having been programmed by this.

        Just like those people who have always been unmarked, have never followed the news, politics, any of it

        have SO much to teach those (me included, I cannot undo the time I have been programmed, only the acts of it!) who are marked by those elements of the Building of the Beast.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Gaia,

          Your statement: imagine a community that completely functions based on Bitcoin (or some other crypto currency). Their whole life is self/socially sufficient and functions without money (monetary paper, dollars, so dealing with the Fed(s)) . . . It is this “””bitcoin””” (but then not crypto, but virtual) currency that I so desperately try to get to . . . but for that to happen, I need YOU guys . . .

          Aside from what I have had to say repeatedly with regard to crypto/blockchain cults . . .

          Some food for thought (read between the lines, as this was published by an Israeli publication):

          “Israel and the unexpected new world order” (July 2017)

          Most importantly, Israel is positioned to guard the world’s Internet. Everything today is traded, controlled and administered online. And Israel is emerging as the world’s number one guardian of the worldwide web. That means, regardless of being a few miles offtrack from China’s Land and Maritime Roads, it is positioned to be the center of both belts.
          Economists worry that China’s ambition could trigger a global economic collapse; a currency collapse, specifically. Maybe BRICS and One Belt One Road don’t care. A global currency collapse might be seen as a way to wipe the slate clean of nation-based currencies, especially the US dollar, and establish an international one: like Bitcoin, perhaps.
          If Bitcoin is the model for a new Internet-based global currency, Israel is likely to be its guardian too, protecting that currency from hackers around the world. As chief of security for the world’s information and currency, and with energy independence, Israel stands to gain substantial wealth.

          I suggest that Israeli high-tech (which emanated from the Soviets) trumps the U.S. Fed, and the virtual/crypto currency paradigm has been burning a hole in their pocket for decades, if not longer. They are simply replacing one fake monopoly money system with another (virtual = fake money, is much more controllable, and keep in mind, programmable).


          1. I agree with ALMOST everything except the most important point for me to clear up:

            whatever you think a virtual currency means, it does NOT mean what you think it means

            Why? Simply because I myself don’t have the final solution (hihi) in this. So if I don’t have the final idea about something, impossibly someone else can have.

            But it can never ever be something someone else already proposed, at least not verbatim, because we are in constant flux, evolution, growth : LIFE

            It is a painting still to be painted, TOGETHER, so nobody can claim to know how that painting is gonna be.

            The Israeli internet governance falls totally in line with
            1 – the strongest industry in the country : IT
            2 – and because most (not all) of military warfare is fake, IT also covers a large part of that infamous industry the Oh So Holy State is known for….
            3 – my own experiences in that ex aequo worst country I have been (out of 60), the control state, the enormies in that highly traumatized society and the utter dehumanizing culture (that is the reason why India is the other hell on Earth that I have been, shariah Sudan was a relief compared to “you are just a goy gaia” , which is true; my mom has no jewish bloodlines)
            4 – the silent-yet-enormously significant revival/revolution/open Satanism of what I see as one of the most important countries of the next 50 years.

            Close to Israel, any idea which country I refer to?

            The solution, anticipating on a dark web future that doesn’t need to harm us:

            live your life free of the internet. You don’t need it. Hence why I never went into Blockchain tech and I see what you describe as “a transitional phase” (my quotation) towards the social discredit system based on our personality, our character, our… conformance with Ze System.

            A virtual currency should be based on scale independence and timelessness, the two principles behind any successful socially prosperous philosophy as aCHANGE. the economic branch of aSHIFT. tries to focus on.

            It is very simple:

            once WE have our own little, simple, fair and fertile social profit plan, we anticipate on the Future AND attract others who are equally appaled by the antisocial discredit system (((they))) will implement.

            Israel is the normalization country for this internet crypto horror, the laboratory for this element of their Great Remindset, like (Captain) Sweden is for femifascism and poor isolated Australia for sooo many things.

            What do you think of my Newspeak cryptopia for that whole internet (!!) based Blockchain world?


          2. More food for thought on the crypto economy scheme and the BRICS ascension – key word, rebranding (c/o Goldman Sachs):

            Hat tip Sebs Solomon of

            Click to access build-better-brics.pdf

            Click to access how-solid.pdf

            Click to access brics-dream.pdf

            Click to access brics-full-book.pdf

            Click to access some-advice-for-g20.pdf

            Click to access report.pdf


  6. Inflation is an increase in the supply of credit / “money” and the RESULT of inflation can be a number of things, often higher prices.

    The idea about falling prices (that’s not real deflation) being harmful is silly Keynesian nonsense. In a healthy economy with limited government interference, it is normal and healthy for prices to fall due to increased efficiency and reduced production costs. Look at laptops and TVs. They’ve become much cheaper over the past several decades and the result is an increase in consumption (exact opposite of what Keynesians warn will happen) as normal folks can purchase items like plasma TVs that were previously considered high-end luxury products.


    1. The people (supercomputers) that manage our money like to keep a little inflation in the economy to avoid deflationary pressures. Things have gotten a little out of hand right now, the price of gasoline the driver. I am not sure that this is not a deliberate strategy, as the supplies of fossil fuels are abundant. The Ukrainian matter is fake, so it is easy to see that the perceived shortage of oil and gas is planned. If the object is to drive us to using renewables, then we are cooked, as the obvious outcome with that will be shortages and depopulation.


            1. see above, even meant jokingly, don’t sell people lies.

              Space travel is and always will be impossible

              There is only 1 Gaia (Earth) (so also for the “Elites”; hence why they settle in Seattle and Patagonia and not on Mars !!)
              Another very very important realization and deprogramming (space travel, aliens) everyone needs to make.

              Existentially arguably the most important one.


          1. From a sociopolitical Animal Farming angle that is absolutely the out in the open message of Agenda 2030, and I am pretty unmarked on the whole thing, others have read those documents and all.

            fakeopedia proves it and thus the need for others to document Agenda 2030. I did and do Agenda 2020 (=aSHIFT.), in the mix with Mark and Ab you can hear me make the prophecy in the chat with cody “can we get land in Colombia….. and get off the grid”

            OHHHH YES, WE CAN !

            But, as with everything, I try to look at the core, the nucleus, the base principles, the foundations and thus chop off the whole rotten artificial tree at its stem, such that you don’t need to (but can) cover all the branches and leaves they have spaghettimonstered for us.

            There is just one thing you need to know about the CO2 scam
            and that is that it is all based on “humans being just 3% of the total carbon/CO2 cycle”.

            That statement, that they have to put in those antiscientific literatures, means that whatever we do, we will never beat GAIA. Meaning that Nature is and always will be, no matter how much CO2 we use, stronger than us, humans, children of her.

            Once you understand that, the whole scam falls flat on its face.

            Mankind is incapable of

            producing chain reactions
            leaving Gaia’s curved surface (+ first 100 km of atmosphere)
            affecting the Global Climate (microclimates is a different thing)

            those 3 principles (limitations of mankind versus Nature) make
            Nukes (including Power)
            Space Travel
            Anthropogenic Global Warming


            No matter what the Satanists screech and scream.

            That is power.

            Pure Truth = Pure Power


          2. It’s another racket. The carbon tax thing reminds me of the federal income tax: a “progressive” plan that serves to steal more money from the masses and pocket the loot into the shiny coffers of a few individuals and their minions. Social Security also operates in a similar fashion.


            1. Under MMT Social Security and Medicare are simply programs for senior citizens. The FICA tax is a means of keeping workers from gaining wealth. The tax on Social Security benefits is designed to keep seniors from accumulating too much wealth. Nothing is “funded” by anything.


              1. Maybe not for federal programs, since the U.S. Treasury or the Federal Reserve can afford to print or coin money themselves, but still, ordinary people get nothing of any significance from them while the rich get richer off of them.


                1. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Earned Income Credit, to name but 4, are very important programs. Social Security came into being because senior citizens were in poverty. Medicare came into being because so many seniors were wiped out by medical bills. Medicaid is medical care for people under 65 who are in poverty. The EIC is a very generous program for low wage earners. The rich do not get richer off any of these programs.


                  1. I suppose the commons do enjoy the benefits those programs offer. As for the wealthy not getting any gobs of money from them, I beg to differ. UnitedHealth, for example, is a multi-billion-dollar insurance company that makes most of its money from Medicare and Medicaid, so yes, the rich do get rich off of them, whether tax dollars pay for such federal programs or not. In 2021-22, the business is expected to rake in $300 billion from customers. A nice steal for them.

                    “UnitedHealth on Wednesday reported 2021 profits of $24 billion on revenue of $287.6 billion. Executives told Wall Street they expect United will be the first insurer to take in more than $300 billion from its customers this year. … Most of United’s membership and revenue growth now comes from the company’s Medicare Advantage plans and the state Medicaid programs it manages. In other words, from us as taxpayers.”


                    Here’s data from the U.S.A. itself. In 2020, UnitedHealth raked in $102 billion in profits from federal agencies. That was during the Coronavirus scare, in which trillions were amassed into the vaults of the uber-rich and their commercial ventures from those same entities. Reminds me of the handsome profits the Titanic or Lusitania insurance hoaxers made from those scams, although they pale in comparison to what UnitedHealth has made recently. They never lose an opportunity to profit from a crisis – real or otherwise – at all costs.


                    And here’s its CEO, Sir Andrew Witty:


                    Fun fact: Before joining United Health, he was the CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, which receives billions in public, as well as private, funding. During the H1N1 scamdemic, they made record profits from the sale of vaccines and drugs to countries and businesses, just after the manufactured 2007-08 recession and the bailouts that followed, so they were looting everything in sight back then, too. Little else is known about his early life, although I’m sure his family is from the British peerage, considering that he’s ennobled.



                    1. You’re talking about a program called Medicare Advantage. Insurance companies were not making money off of Medicare, so they devised this program to lure healthier seniors back into their grips. It is criminal, and people fall for it. For me, I spent my entire life until age 65 in the grips of insurance companies. I would never go back to them. They are criminals.

                      Medicare pays 80% of any cost I incur, and for the other 20% I use a supplement. I pay that company $600 a year or so. They have never had to pay a penny in benefits. That’s how insurance works.


                    2. Either way, there’s no denying that the uber-rich & powerful enjoy the fruits of federally-sponsored programs, which includes notorious ones such as the DOD and the HHS. I mean, the tax code is written to favor the wealthy, after all, so why wouldn’t federal spending priorities favor them, too? We’re dealing with the same politicians here, who receive billions in lobbying money from the same wealthy interests to craft legislation that favors the rich, so, of course, that would be the case.

                      As for insurance companies, it should be obvious to anyone with half-a-brain-cell that they are unscrupulous ventures that seek to maximize its profits and influence at the expense of its consumers, much like how profiteering governments seek to maintain & expand its wealth and control at the expense of its tax population. I already figured that out with the Titanic scam and other insurance-related stories long ago, which is why I myself don’t use insurance. To me, like everything else involving these people, it’s just another money grab.

                      But like governments, the insurance industry decided it would be more profitable for them if they manipulated people into believing that they are necessary, so they heavily invest in propaganda and lobbying to convince society to trust them and squander billions on them. It’s one of the most successful scams out there, right after the “public” sector and religion. And when people start to catch up to their scams, they waste no opportunity lobbying politicians to enact laws that protect and expand their profitable racket at all costs. Hence why you have federal funding for companies like UnitedHealth. Hence why you have things like Obamacare/ACA, which benefits the insurance industry more so than it does its users. That program used to be mandatory until Trump repealed the requirement in 2017.


                    3. I regard Obamacare, or ACA, as the single largest tax increase in American history. The Trump Administration decision to remove the mandatory requirements surprised me, and led me to think that the system is a bit more dynamic than I imagined. Liberals were furious at him.

                      Obama was put in place for many reasons, one of which was to “reform” health insurance. Prior to ACA, “preexisting conditions” were used to deny health insurance to people with a host of ailments, many minor, many life-threatening. It was a torture regime, and put in place specifically to increase the pain threshold on the American public so that when Obama acted to “fix the problem,” people were ready to say uncle and submit to his tyranny. Liberals, who worshiped him, of course thought he was acting for public benefit. Had the same program been proposed by George W. Bush, they would have been opposed to it, as they do not think rationally, but rather emotionally.

                      Of course I am aware that allopathic medicine is itself a large problem, and that the care that was denied to people with preexisting conditions would not necessarily help or save them, especially if they suffered from cancer or other conditions for which treatment is often a death sentence. I don’t need to be lectured in that regard.

                      Obama, by the way, gave a speech at the Democratic convention in 2004 (he was elected to Senate that year) and the press in chorus yelled about what a great speech it was, how remarkable this man was. This was all scripted, of course, as it was understood that he was going to be made president in 2008. They knew at least four years in advance who would hold office in 2008, but I wonder how many years before that was it understood that Obama would ascend to office. Some say from birth, that he was bred to be the first black president. Knowing what I know of breeding programs, it would not surprise me.


                    4. “Misery money” is fruitful for the elites, who receive kickbacks for “doing good.” Government subsidized programs are altruistic on the surface, yes; but there are underlying objectives (exploitative rationale to keep them in place; hence, maintaining poverty without “solving” it) . . . Social impact investors are enriched by a steady stream of vulnerable people reliant on the nanny state, who serve to fuel the “success” metrics-based machine.

                      “Gambling With Our Futures: Big Data, Global Finance and Digital Life”
                      November 26, 2017 by Alison McDowell at

                      By defining “success” in narrow terms suited to outcomes-based contracting, powerful investors will control how public services are delivered. Securitization of debt associated with program operations will turn our lives, including those of our children, into fodder for financial speculation.

                      Click to access gambling-on-our-futures1.pdf

                      Click to access gambling-on-our-futures.pdf

                      The level of risk associated with these derivatives fluctuates as data flows through digital platforms linked to public service delivery. As bets and counter-bets are made by elite financial investors, the future prospects of real people are woven into the oppressive operations of global financial markets.

                      The new paradigm of predatory finance (stakeholder ROI derived via “humanitarian” public service programs) is being built out: Once this model is brought to scale, money will be made in the securitization trading asset backed securities through blockchain tokenization.


                    5. Interesting points on Obamacare. It reminds me of FDR’s “New Deal” programs, which while did do some good for ordinary people, they more benefitted the wealthy (Anthony Sutton documented this in his fabulous book “FDR and Wall St.”)

                      “They knew at least four years in advance who would hold office in 2008, but I wonder how many years before that was it understood that Obama would ascend to office. Some say from birth, that he was bred to be the first black president. Knowing what I know of breeding programs, it would not surprise me.”

                      You see the same dynamics with the royal families of Europe, families which Obama is also closely related to by blood, as you may know. Typically, one’s future in such families depends on your station in the pecking order, which would put you in the position to be bred and prepped for one’s future role as a reigning or ruling monarch of a kingdom, or to be a subordinate to the chosen ruler that will only have a chance to ascend the throne should the premier leader die or abdicate.

                      America basically has the same dynamics with its ruling elite, who are the nation’s unofficial royalty (the Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Bush clans are prime examples, all of which Obama holds intimate blood relations to). They’re all closely related to each other and they typically put their own in top positions of importance in business & “government” so as to protect and expand their hegemony over everything. And just like the royal line of succession in European kingdoms, the United States has a similar pecking order, as well: should the POTUS pass away or resign from office, its VP should take the role, then the House Speaker, etc. – all of whom are closely related by blood.

                      The long and short of it is: feudalism has never ended, it only changed its mask. Many people today don’t realize they are serfs to the same royals that still run this country (and the world), as they’re too distracted by modern conveniences and official propaganda to know any better. They’re too enthralled by the illusion of “representative democracy” to realize what’s really going on around them: that in the current scheme of things, they are merely tax slaves & consumer drones that exist to serve the needs and wants of a few powerful blue-bloods and their minions, who are still reaping ungodly gains from their rackets, as the recent Coronavirus psyop has shown.


  7. Underlying our situation is a reality few want to talk about: “negative growth.” Who wants to loan money with expectations of future repayment, plus interest, in a long-term, downward economic trend? Subsidizing the illusion of growth has its eventual outcome: collapse. Atlas shrugged, indeed. And who are Rand’s “parasites”, “looters”, and “moochers” who demand the vast bulk of government handouts now? “Heroes’ labor” my ass. Yes, the looters promote high taxation, big labor, government ownership, government spending, government planning, regulation, and redistribution. Inversion is projection. The looters are the same ruling-class (actual looters) on the receiving end of all this printing of fiat money. If anyone else benefited it wouldn’t be happening.

    Here’s some data chronicling the decline of (GDP) growth:

    Liked by 1 person

  8. To attack this Scarcity Hoax, the basis behind this nonsensical “finite resource economy” that people get indoctrinated with, what is important is to have a consistent language.

    And that’s why Ayokera, YOUR expertise (you know much more about the System Economics than me) is crucial to get to our OWN terms and thus deal ON our own terms.

    What is a resource?
    what is a potential resource?
    proven resource?
    provable resource?
    effective resource?
    dead resource?

    there are so many possibilities to describe resources.

    And we should do that.

    But from scratch, with a clean, pure, observing, holistic look at it.

    NOT starting from the concepts the Satanists have given us with.
    because basing yourself on those cannot make you Good, cause you’re including Evil in the mix.

    get on air guys and gals

    there is where progress happens.

    in the end these are just letters on a page. Without intonation, nuance and everything that comes with human communication.



  9. TIME is such a fascinating phenomenon, glad I made a whole series about it, and it is, as time itself, never finished (hey, infinite!)…

    anything over time = maturation

    and the Beauty of the Beast is that the System Narratives mature so extremely badly that they start eating their own tails, like an obese ouroboros.

    Simply the maturation of the Space Travel narrative debunks it – X
    Same with the Covidiocracy. – Y

    Once you realize this, you should know that TIME is on OUR side, and against their side.

    always working
    always holidays

    that is what LIFE (fertility over time) is about !

    X – the fact that the “Elites” settle in Seattle, Virgin Islands & Patagonia and NOT on Mars proves the narrative fake. The fact that something that should have been possible 65 years ago (this year October the Space Travel narrative gets to retirement age!) is not widely abundant, cheap and extremely more possible than back then, in the technological stone age, proves the narrative fake.

    i.e. maturation = TIME is on OUR side, not theirs

    Y – the fact that not even a year ago, I and I hope most of you guys, were regarded as “silent assassins”, “outcasts” and other Untermenschen, and now suddenly are ‘ free’ and OK to travel, enter and participate again, like nothing happened, the Invisible Monster just hides for the Russkis (taking about maturation and TIME on OUR side ; their lack of creativity and OUR insight into that weakness is ALSO on our side)….

    Mark, can you respond to your email?

    I don’t want to clog up the whole list with recent comments.

    but that edit function for every trusted commenter
    and the ideas I shared with you in email

    should solve those kinds of annoyances readers may have with this.

    And come on AIR to talk, EVERYONE.

    Ab the Fakeologist OPENLY invited you, the readers of Piece of Mindful, to come on air.

    Choose your platform ;

    unfiltered, unedited Raw truth seeking Fakeology focused podcasts with Ab
    edited, mixed and contextualized with evenly truth seeking Prosperity focused podcasts with me and the others in my server



    it may be that only in this life we meet
    profit from the fact that I do have TIME
    and take that and dedicate that to what everyone’s life goal SHOULD be

    and that is

    Building a Better World

    It’s either that, or supporting the Satan.
    You can only spend your TIME Once.

    Think about that.

    Happy Saturday, gorgeous sunshine, Molly, cheese, coffee, full happiness here.


  10. I almost hate to bring this up, but, to re-source something is to re-purpose it. When Nature is resourced it is no longer of the Source of Creation — of simply being. When man re-sources Nature into an impure re-creation of man, by man, for man, something unnatural is created; it becomes a “thing.”


    1. Indeed, that is what makes us Homo sapiens, Thinking human beings, put her on Gaia’s beautiful surface

      To consciously and morally re-purpose Gaia’s gifts to us.

      Be it chemical natural resources as tin or tungsten, or our own Gaia’s gifts, the skills, talents, strengths and abilities she has gifted US with.

      We have a moral responsibility to re-source and re-purpose her well.

      Your forestal activity, I’d say is a prime example that you do live that philosophy, and are not a hypocrite, like unfortunately the majority of online ACTers (John le Bon’s term for a change) live their lives.

      They are slaves
      Meaning they do NOT decide what they do with their valuable TIME.

      I do decide how I spend my time, as a proper free human being. In fecking 2022.

      And come “here” (just on any truth-related platform) complaining how baddybad Ze System is.

      While they do everything to AID the Satan.

      And consequently by that destroy Gaia, blasphemize her creations and sources, to re-source, thank you so much steve.

      Because TIME can only spent once.

      So every second whoring yourself out to the Beast.
      Is every second not spent on Building that Better World that you come “here” complain about “doesn’t exist”.


  11. Why, why, why would anyone believe the “official” inflation rate as provided by those doing the inflating (that is, those performing the act of destroying your money)?

    Makes zero sense to believe the “8.6%” “transitory” figure.

    Realistically, the real figure is double that!


    1. Indeed, when properly left at peace

      there is no reason why the Tasmanian tiger (or dodo) would have gone extinct.

      So here humans have destroyed the natural abundance of Nature to 0.

      Still, every mammal has reproductive organs and if functioning there is no shortage of offspring.

      The Satanic madness is “bringing those species back from the dead” and the technological advancements and blindness of the general public work in their favor this time, you’re right.

      But extinct species do hopefully not mean that life in general is finite?

      If mankind manages to exterminate every tardigrade relaxing on a black smoker or so, then you have point to counter infinity of life.


  12. Gaia,

    Have you ever heard of the word “consume”?

    Consume water? Lake Mead is damn near dry.

    Consume lumber? Here in PNW I see first hand the clear cutting techniques which are employed.

    Recall the Toilet Paper shortage??

    If everything is infinite, it’s value tends to zero. Infinite housing? Value = zero.

    Infinite looms which produce your underwear? Value = zero.

    Ad infinitum.

    So your “resources are infinite” statement is nothing more than a veiled way of saying you want everything for free.

    Go ahead and make some free music for your peeps.

    BUT, I dare you to ask same peeps if they will house and feed you for free.

    Personally, I would not even let you in my home…period.

    As I type this I overlook a filthy disgusting camp of tramps living on the streets. 99% of them are mentally ill. Mostly due to drugs and alcohol. But these same people want and clamor for free housing.

    Come on out, I’ll introduce you to them.


  13. Infinite plumbing which brings you clean water…and flushes away your waste.

    Sure!!! Why not!!!

    And infinite people willing to work for free to bring it to you!!


    1. clean water is infinite. You choose your location.

      I truly hope you’re not in a wheelchair, but even if you are, I am sure you have friends or family who can get you to a location to settle where clean water is abundant and replenishable (not strictly renewable if I understand it well).

      If you want other people to work for you; i.e. spend their time such that you both get value out of it, you have to have something to offer.

      Your skills, your talents, your own resources, land, but mostly the immaterial things and life experience is what everybody has.

      Mocking is easy, constructive work is harder.
      but much more satisfying.


  14. So go up to Montana and back your truck up. There’s infinite “immaterial” sides of beef awaiting you.


    1. If I had trained myself
      in the right skills

      to hunt, safely skin and slice a wild moose

      I’d be able to survive with that.

      But ANY man should have basic survival skills. My geology background makes me very hardy and agile, which are skills others don’t have.

      So in a group I would definitely not starve or let others starve.

      Would you function as the one getting others out of trouble in that Montana moose scenario you present to us?

      Do you have evidences from your real life to back up gaining my trust in that leadership possibility for the group, not knowing you?

      because that is what it is about; reality.

      internet mockery on a 4th of July weekend I’d say is below you. And all of us.


  15. If you take reality as an affront, or “mockery”, then perhaps you have an inner conscious which is telling you how retarded you sound.

    I’m simply presenting reality. Call it what you will.

    You are not a leader, stop it already.

    If you wish to say thoughts and ideas are infinite, great!

    But once you say resources (yes, “material” resources) are infinite, that’s where you have crossed the line into a world which is not true.

    Go to Brooklyn and ask for a dozen or more of your favorite pizza! I can hear the Italian accent already when you are told to “Get Da F$#@ Outta Heah!”


    1. There is no possible way
      you can sour
      this beautiful day

      so let’s play !

      this is nice
      this is philosophy
      this is your demise

      If you take reality as an affront, or “mockery”,

      I don’t. I took your messages for mockery, which they were even without you admitting it, because you yourself think you can switch the knob a bit to an outright insane ad hominem.

      but it’s beautiful.
      because it gives me the opportunity
      to prove yourself false
      without having to prove it myself

      then perhaps you have an inner conscious which is telling you how retarded you sound.

      1 – how I “””sound””” (this is not audio) to you is your image of me. I have no control over that, only you have that.
      2 – I don’t need to disprove you, I don’t need to prove to you that I am not “retarded” (having an incredibly low IQ, being very very stupid, incapable of a lot, yeah, still on the same page?)

      namely the very fact I am here is evidence I am not retarded.

      Because Mark, the owner of this place, would never ever have
      1 – invited back a “retard”
      2 – want to be on air with Ab with said “retard”

      so your opinion about me doesn’t matter. Reality is, that I am not retarded. How I sound is up to your interpretation and above all insight, which may well be limited, you may not know me very well, have you considered that possibility?

      I’m simply presenting reality. Call it what you will.

      the above and below disprove that, so keep going on about that what I care about the most and have come up with

      music mixes
      new words
      in various languages, even ones I don’t master

      namely reality vs. creality

      so tell me more about reality. But then reality, not what you think is reality, cause that’s creality.

      You are not a leader, stop it already.

      Don’t you realize how incredibly stupid (some would call it “retarded sounding”) this comes across?

      with ANYTHING

      anyone presenting themselves to you as “I am X”
      and you, without knowing that person simply rejacting (knee-jerk rejecting) that?

      “I am a baker”
      no, you’re not

      “I am a car mechanic”
      no, you’re not

      “I am a versatile intelligent human being with “infinite” energy levels and motivation”
      no, you’re not

      who the fuck ARE you?
      you dare talk about reality?

      how can you possibly know MY reality, hence reality for me and those who know me?

      If you wish to say thoughts and ideas are infinite, great!

      they are infinite but meaningless. Thoughts and ideas don’t make change. Only implementation of those thoughts and ideas do. Human creativity = building things, creating value, making Gaia’s growth happen, re-sourcing as steve added to the mentalverse mix.

      what have you contributed, exactly?

      except, again, mockery and immature Pavlovian rejactions?

      But once you say resources (yes, “material” resources) are infinite, that’s where you have crossed the line into a world which is not true.

      that is ironically funny

      because that is my starting point
      my background IS in material, chemical, physical resources

      in both my geology and baking careers

      did you know you can keep making bread forever with a simple starter dough you can even ferment with just aerial microbes?

      how about that as infinity? Can you prove to me that the aerial microbes that make yeast will get Tasmanian tigered, any day soon?

      I look forward to your thesis !

      Go to Brooklyn and ask for a dozen or more of your favorite pizza! I can hear the Italian accent already when you are told to “Get Da F$#@ Outta Heah!”

      dude, you need a HEAVY dose of gaia.

      Brooklyn is the Clownworld summa cum laude
      what RESOURCE do you have there?

      the tomato you can grow in your 5 k USD / month studio??

      get real. The world is bigger than Brooklyn.

      stop behaving like a child. You only make yourself look…. let’s not use your foul mouthy language…. stupid.



      1. wow, even unwantedly creating poetry

        that is amazing

        there is no possible way
        you can sour
        this beautiful day

        so let’s play !

        this is nice
        this will be wise
        this is your demise


      2. That Capiche at the end summed it up. That was beautiful. I guess you won’t be stumbling around Clowntown Brooklyn asking for a dozen or more of your favorite pizza. That Capiche put the pepperoni on the Slice…Forget About it.


  16. One thing I agree with, that being an infinite supply of BS.

    Why, just simply create a WordPress Blog!!! Rats from ALL OVER THE WORLD will beat a path to your door!!!

    Anyone from Scotland or Ireland wish to send me (free infinite postage, of course) an infinite supply of a nice single malt??? I may even grab my folding lawn chair and go sit outside with the mentally ill and share a few rounds!

    Free!!! On me!!! Infinite!!!


    1. thanks for this

      you’re an alcoholic.

      that is your demise, you don’t need me for that. But it was fun to strangle you with arguments and you seeing rambling about rats and begging for booze.

      Poor fella.

      don’t drown in the drug


  17. I don’t drink booze dude. I was indeed mocking you this time.

    Maybe a PNW IPA once in awhile.

    There are indeed rats galore. They usually are of the religious bent, the Joel Osteens and the like.

    But they ALSO come in New Age colors too! They may even label themselves “Gaia” and the “Mother Earth” set.

    They will fill one’s head with so much sh*t they will walk around in their tie-dyed rags for clothing asking for handouts and try to engage you in a BS “conversation”.

    Manyana dude. May Mother Earth fill your head with wonderful visions this evening.


    1. Beautiful how you display

      what creality is

      and in MY case it is so incredibly retardedly stupid

      because everyone knows that I am very much not
      that falsetastic image you made up here

      keep mocking yourself forward. One day it may become a re-source.

      once you start living you can gimme a call. I am not here to interact with zombies.


  18. On a lighter tone.

    “We currently have a dual tax system, a regular income tax and a Social Security/Medicare tax (also known as FICA).

    In italian FICA = CUNT.

    “It is the most effective way to keep workers from overspending on goods and services.”



  19. NakedCapitalism has had some good articles on this recently. Apparently the Fed’s own research arm has a paper saying raising interest rates won’t work to reduce inflation – but they’re separate from the policy arm.

    From what I gather, a large part of the inflation is due to monopoly pricing power. The government did once enforce antitrust, but doesn’t anymore. So rising prices just represent the balance of power between capital and workers tipped in favor of the former. And I guess they could be choosing to use that power now as part of a calculated class warfare plan. “Reducing wages” across the board.

    Another angle they offer is that as part of the grand chessboard of global strategy, the oil companies are moving Europe into dependence on them (rather than Russia) as a way to increase prices and profits. The US consumer also gets hit. The big food corps like Cargill are in this play too, as farmers and consumers are squeezed. See Michael Hudson on NC on all this. I doubt some of his claims but he does have much worth considering. It’s an avalanche of complicated information though.


    1. “The government did once enforce antitrust, but doesn’t anymore.”

      That’s assuming they ever really did, to start with. I see the “antitrust” laws as more of a way of destroying their competition than holding large companies or monopolies to account. They certainly didn’t stop the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds from expanding their commercial empires, as far as I’m concerned.


  20. Natural gas has been relatively inexpensive and utilized to phase out coal-fired electric generation. It is used in transportation to reduce air pollution in cities, and in many agricultural products. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exports to Europe and other global consumers is ramping up new, higher profits for exporters in the U.S. and Canada, which will raise the price in exporting countries.

    North American customers will find that the new normal is ending the era of inexpensive natural gas; as prices gradually approach much higher international prices. “Build back Better” is a total fabrication and bad news for all those natural gas dependent industries. But, hey, this is great news for domestic coal mining and the coal-powered and mixed-fuel generating power operators. The US is also exporting large amounts of coal, so coal prices will go up and with them electricity prices.

    MMT has great potentialities in the abstract, however, it has little impact on top-down misplaced priorities and the propaganda that keeps us from seeing what is so obviously a North American takedown — neoliberal/neocon programs which include, as always, higher rents — remember you will own nothing — and austerity for all but the 0.01% (ruling class).


  21. Ayokera, in a shorter separate post, I will take more ideas to Ab’s forum, where is a better fit place I think, but for now

    What I try to get to:

    ecos nomos – the subsistence of our dwelling (present & future)

    economic model:
    freest market capitalism

    economic principles:
    1 – reciprocity (value for value, karma)
    2 – independence (working on individual and small group basis, not in huge structures like companies build)
    3 – self-drivenness (someones own skills and talents should be leading in progress, growth, development, not a predefined set of utopian plans)

    economic characteristics of the current Clownworld – to be used in our favors !

    1 – ged – global economic discrepancy – how incredibly relative “your buck” travels (here in profitable areas relatively far, in Monaco not even to the front door)
    1a-z – led, ned, red, med, ced (local, national, regional, metropolitan, continental) economic discrepancies – so the System that makes sweatshops and cheap cacao possible
    2 – a general state of confusion and distrust created by (((them))) in their Great Reset efforts, and as one of the main results insecurity (leading to anxieties in the people, lowered TRUST) and “inflation” (colloquially: so rising prices; less value for the buck in your pocket)
    3 – the still in people existing natural, organic drive for a tribal respactful economy; they HATE their slave jobs, in the core.

    have to go now, will list more later, but Ayokera, do you see what I try to get to a bit? And how?


    1. Reciprocity!! “Value for value!!”

      This is not very far off from what I see from my rental window. Other day I saw a woman taking a dump in the bushes.

      Where’s the humanity? How can people live in their own excrement? Is it because “others” have “not done enough”??

      And when you DO give them something nice, (a clean Target store for example), they loot and then literally destroy it!!!

      This is the stark reality of what New Agers sell you- a bill of goods and then some!

      We need to give them “value for value” free needles!!!

      What other garbage do you have to promote, “Gaia’???

      I’m enjoying my free infinite coffee right now at the coffee shop built and staffed for my very being.


  22. “Benefits” are like the electric fence (now digital) that keep the masses from wandering off the reservation. The system is counting on volunteers consenting to the terms of the contract. Pretty soon it’s the only system anyone can remember, and call it “exceptional.” Let’s not forget to salute and smile when tribute is expected, and paid, we are after all, “the young American.”


  23. Ayokera (and other experts!),

    another thing I now see.

    Capitalism (and whatever form of it, crapitalism has corrupted everything, I come back to that word as you also brought it up) relies on

    monetary profitability

    something needs to make more money in order to work; investments need to create extra monetary value.

    while there are many forms of profitability that are not necessarily even measurable in money, or another form of value transfer.

    My idea of social profit is any form of profit ; more value than before. Learning is a main form of profit because learning is investment in yourself and by that in others and if you start teaching it becomes a snowball.

    Then there are forms of profit that are more abstract. Reliability, confidence, expertise, connectedness, respact (respect+pact; real respect) are just some examples of very valuable traits that are impossible to objectively pinpoint in money, or any other numerical currency.

    it is those values that led me to the invention of aCOIN. as a means of rewarding these features.

    Imagine I want to thank you for something, a great gesture, a good idea that helps me further, that flat tyre you helped me with…

    I am not gonna send you a postcard, or flowers, or money, or some Bitcoin.

    but what if I could give you aCOIN. a currency you can only spend within our own trade network aCHAIN. ?

    The value of the currency itself does not matter if the price levels are adjusted accordingly, is this right or wrong in a holistic economic model?

    monetary profitability is depending on the definition of money, the currency, the dollar let’s say, or Bitcoin if that becomes leading

    social profitability relies on the fact of eternal growth ; we as humans GAIN experience, knowledge, insight and thus power over time, by doing what we do best, so there is already natural growth, even without extra effort.


    it’s nice that everyone (sane, I don’t take the trolls seriously) says that
    “I am so intelligent”

    eh yeah, I figured that out myself too, Sherlock.

    but, that intelligence only becomes useful and valuable
    if I get others to WORK WITH

    and fucking DO THINGS

    why are you guys alive?
    why are you SO apathic?

    what motivates you to have no ambition
    for a Fair & Fertile Future ?


  24. Perfect, I now realize, it is Independence Day for yousamericans

    A perfect day to start to finally become independent.

    to start taking your own beloved flesh and blood out of those prison systems you expose them to, sadists

    to start quitting your careers in supporting the Satan, in building up the Beast. Any second spent on Evil people is double hurting Good people

    to start coming on air with me and others and bounce bright brains, instead of wasting your valuable time in bantertainment, hypocritic comments on blogs and other counterproductive, and thus corruptive behaviors.

    There is only Good and Evil, there is no neutral.

    So you either support Good.
    Or you support Evil.

    at any given moment

    most of you are career slaves, not free to decide what you do with your time (the exceptions you need to be the FIRST to be on air because you are leading those dumbfounded sheep), and thus HAVE to make a change.

    because look at yourself, you are a disgrace.

    Nobody should, in the wealth of opportunities and riches we have in 2022, be slaving him or herself out to Evil people. On evil hours, setting alarms and thinking you are a free human being.

    You are a disgrace, a corruption of yourself.

    Corruption I like to stay close to the word – corroborative rupture of the rules (of the game at play).

    if you work as a slave
    and send your own children to
    any Indoctrinary System

    instead of the natural, organic way of aiducation ; children learn while doing and are taught by peers and elders of various backgrounds

    you are ready to celebrate Independence Day

    celebrate it by finally admitting your sins to Gaia (not me, God)

    and become that Independent Human Being that she created you for.

    Glück auf !


  25. I like the Jeff Berwick videos posted on DollarVigilante and called “Jeff and Lucy”, still Jeff is selling the cryptos. It seems to me every one of them have to sell something evil. Cryptos are not different to stocks. You pay dollars (or euros) for a number you can’t control at all. You may increase the amount of your “real” money a.k.a. dollars or euros if you “sell” your cryptos on time, but you’ll never gain anything by keeping them. It’s a pyramid scam which works as long as new buyers spent their “real” money” on cryptos.
    Money is not real of course but it also is real in the meaning that you can exchange money for “real” values anytime assuming others will want to exchange their “real” values for money in order to avoid storage costs, etc. That’s how it all started and it is a good thing. It allowed humanity to create surplus and used it for progress. If we hadn’t invented money we still would have been a tit for tat society living from day to day as animals do.
    The scarcity is the major control mechanism which drives humans to work which they wouldn’t if they didn’t fear the scarcity. It is also a good thing. You can spend your life lying around and doing the least necessary or you can spend your life doing the most you can. Which life is more desirable?


    1. “If we hadn’t invented money we still would have been a tit for tat society living from day to day as animals do.”

      That’s not even remotely true. The development of our society is based on inventions of technologies and not money. Money is absolutely useless on its own, it doesn’t support life in any way and has no nutritional value. Animals have no need to hoard any resource (ie food) as it can be accessed in abundance each and every day, while air and water are likewise abundant, which is why no other species except humans can be seen hoarding up anything. This specifically pertains to hoarding of non-life supporting resources, that have no role in sustaining life – from this perspective, animals have a better understanding of what really matters in every day life. It most certainly doesn’t evolve around making money, so make yourself a big favour and spend some more time observing the Nature as she will most certainly teach you a few important lessons.

      It amazes me how people in general think that money-based exchange is something more progressive or better than the ol’ barter trade. It’s utterly unreasonable stance with no real argument to support it. I guess it all depends on the experience you’re trying to accumulate during your days down here on Earth – going after money in exchange for your work hours, instead of investing the same working hours into producing life-supporting items, is pure monkey business. But it seems many people need just that – spending most of their available time going after all the wrong things while gaining zero useful life experience by doing so. It reminds me of a hamster wheel, but I’ll digress here.

      The real progress is going to happen only after our society gains easy access to all need resources. That means people would be left with mind boggling quantity of time on their hands, allowing us as a civilization to deal with things that really matter. Until that happens, all we’ll ever get is an arrested development headed.


      1. I myself have suggested moving away from the present corrupt monetary system and into bartering on numerous occasions. I think that’s the best hope we have at this point until proven otherwise.

        Of course, the whole obsession with money is one way the controllers keep people in line, as well as tax/charge humans for the privilege of using it, which in return tremendously benefits the Families financially. Trillions are made from this scam, so, of course, no one would want to easily give that all up.


        1. I agree, not participating in their schemes is the best possible way of rejecting the system. We’d be better off with bartering, but I can’t even imagine what kind of mental reformatting it’d take for this to happen.

          These trillions are basically meaningless if they own the mints / money prints, right? They’ve somehow managed to push money into our reality without us realizing how bad it really is for the society in general. How did that happen? I sometimes have a feeling that this Earth is some universal hell-hole where souls come for an extra amount of materialistic idiotism in order to absorb an important universal lesson of how NOT to approach life and everything around one’s self. Kind of what Douglas Adams wrote about, what if that dude was an insider and that’s how it really is?


          1. “They’ve somehow managed to push money into our reality without us realizing how bad it really is for the society in general. How did that happen?”

            I think it all boils down to greed, manipulation, deception, and corruption. The love of money is the root of all evil, after all, and society is infected by that virus in every way. The ruling class especially is guilty of this, as we all know.

            In a sense, yes, those trillions amassed from society are essentially meaningless if they also print or coin all currency in circulation. But their (and everyone else’s) addiction to this artificial commodity is so great that they cannot help themselves but hoard more of it, even if it means forcing others to have less of it (via taxation or other forms of financial intimidation). It’s a sad testament to the state of human nature today.


            1. this is hopeful. You want to move away from the Building of the Beast.

              come on air and bounce brains with us ! Only by COMMUNICATION we get to those levels YOU seek.

              What are you waiting for man?

              I just made this, what do yous slaves, too many New Normies (yes, that is you, not awoken by Coronacaust or Great Remindset!) and few formies think ?

              few formies, I like it. The few ones who actually FORM something for a Good future and not WASTE their valuable time whoring themselves out to the Satan.

              it is not too late to become a prosperity theorist, contact details known, have a sweet night.


          2. I agree, not participating in their schemes is the best possible way of rejecting the system. We’d be better off with bartering, but I can’t even imagine what kind of mental reformatting it’d take for this to happen.

            but that is your own choice. You can train yourself in anything trainable, so you can become effectively free from the yokes of what money does to people (psycho war).

            that is your choice, but there are already so many existing communities, initiatives and people who do this. It is just a matter of adding your skills, talents, products, services and network to the pile.

            It is exactly this what I am building, and having suffered severe poverty (hunger, at my lowest levels I managed to survive on 8 dollars a WEEK!) I now am mentally SO strong that all that Mammon cannot touch me, even though in the past I was never a consumerist. I used my money for great experiences, and those I have lived, all around the globe.

            it is a mentality change anyone HAS to make, that is why I rephrase it into The Great Remindset:

            the economic revolution is NOT FOR THEM, they have all the power and money already
            it is FOR US

            are you gonna sit back and watch how they enslave you EVEN MORE?

            or are you actively participating in BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE

            not just for yourself
            but for everyone who embraces
            the organic lessons of GAIA
            and objective morality stemming from our mentalversity

            For a Fair and Fertile Future


            1. I am especially stunned by the apathy of yousamericans.

              There is no other country in the world where the wealth of opportunities exists, than the fading, but still there, American Dream.

              you guys don’t realize how fucking luxurious yous lives is, while the majority of the world is struggling MUCH MUCH harder, also in other Western countries.

              yet you, of all people, the former “let’s not await this Dust Bowl Famine, let’s move West” mentalities, are the obese lethargic degenerate crowd.

              They have programmed you “well”.

              the most opportunities
              the least efforts

              I bet that in California alone you can find more barter trading “hippie” communities than anywhere in the world

              me and my friends already deal with each other in barter trades, cutting money out of transactions is already possible with smart management.

              there has NEVER been more possible than today
              or tomorrow


              when do yous guys start working WITH me ?


        2. this is hopeful. You want to move away from the Building of the Beast.

          come on air and bounce brains with us ! Only by COMMUNICATION we get to those levels YOU seek.

          What are you waiting for man?

          I just made this, what do yous slaves, too many New Normies (yes, that is you, not awoken by Coronacaust or Great Remindset!) and few formies think ?


          1. Hmmmm . . . “beneficiaries of social profit pools” and “prosperity” . . . Why do I get the sense that you are inviting us to a Tupperware party?

            I can appreciate your ultra-creativity and your knack for hustling, but this all sounds evangelical to me – akin to the crypto-schemers.

            After all, you did have this to say:

            I am not gonna send you a postcard, or flowers, or money, or some Bitcoin.
            but what if I could give you aCOIN. a currency you can only spend within our own trade network aCHAIN. ?

            My sense of being fair and fertile (your terms) does not include coining and chaining with other humans. I prefer to keep my social circles free from prosperity and chaining hustles. I can’t recall how many times I have been invited to “Young Living” gatherings – but I have never obliged. Not my cup of tea either . . . always felt a bit cult-ish to me.


            1. So your activity in building a better Future are restricted to
              projecting what you think I am talking about
              on whatever you grasp on to mock me and my ideas

              to come with Tupperware (which has good lessons in them) or cults (also, to not be one).

              While I responded to that already many times.
              aSHIFT. aspires to be the anti-cult, explained here and at Fakeopedia in detail.

              try again, now respacting me as a human being and not as some joke you think to sable down with literally nothing more than “this sounds to me like X, it must be X, gaia is X”

              and those are the “intelligentsia” of this Covidiocracy, what a disgrace.

              when you are getting an open reasonable mind back you can respond to me again.

              Now you put yourself the troll box with your buddies Tim, Scott and Rasputin. Enjoy the filth.


              1. But I understand your methods and silly attempts, as a writer here even, shame on you.

                I jeopardize your message. My messages revolve around HOPE, ABILITY and STRENGTH and that goes against your messages that revolve around FEAR, ANXIETY and WEAKNESS.

                Your military fear pr0n agenda is not new, I am new. That is why you try to bash anything I do, with nothing more than vague projections of what you think I mean.

                If you’d be just 1% as critical to the niggajews as you are to me, you wouldn’t fall for that military terror that you spread here unfiltered…..


                1. mature – neutral questions – genuine interest – “hey gaia, interesting, what do you mean with point X”

                  immature – preconceived projections – no interest but mockery – “hey gaia, X sounds to me like this limited knowledge I have in my head, so I stick that label on it, Y sounds like something else and that is all bad and so you are bad, and so I have done something constructive here”

                  how the hell can you take yourself seriously

                  I am building a Better world
                  you on the other hand promote the Evil world AND try to bash any betterment initiative going against it

                  stay away from me and we can work here.
                  I said so to Mark.
                  You are the fucking immature idiot here.
                  CHANGE that.


                  1. Lessons from Tupperware, but also Herbalife, and there are more of those sales philosophies around:

                    1 – they understand cronyism and nepotism – your friends and family are more likely to trust YOU when you share your experiences with a certain product or service than some Juan Doe online or in other sales venues

                    2 – they understand the power of exclusivity – not necessarily “for the masses” (as mass marketing focuses on) though it is accessible for anyone

                    3 – quality makes proud – Tupperware, you can say what you want, but stand out among their competition in solid, good, well crafted products. Not the degenerate BS of most of mainstream products and services.

                    I am sure there are lessons to draw from what they did wrong, but I focus on the good lessons and get inspired by those. Proofs of concept, when not from an immoral basis, are to be embraced and developed upon.

                    ironic that the biggest slaves and fearmongerers do not get any further than projecting their crealities on something which is in constant flux, so can never ever be that creality that they imagine.

                    are there ANY mature readers out there?

                    Or am I wasting my time telling the alcoholics the obvious; that they should sober up, quit that poison and take up my many hands into leading them into a Brighter, Stronger, Wiser and Fairer Future…


                    1. as such

                      MAKE A CHOICE

                      you are human being FFS
                      it is 2022

                      strop being a slave
                      and WORK TOGETHER

                      that solves that personal misery that you project on “the new kid in class who built his own bike and that needs to trashed instead of inspired by him in making our own bikeshops and increase independency from psychos”.

                      And I quote the owner here:

                      “keep going, don’t give up”

                      to be heard in many of the Molly mixes available to YOU!


                  2. Carry on, Gaia. You do you. The POM platform is wide open to you to do as you may (including your continual self-promotion and openly stated intentions for social profit pools and virtual currency – your aCOIN/aCHAIN concept).

                    Anyway, I doubt I will be coming around much here in the short term, and possibly longer. I have my hands full with ongoing family emergencies, and you seem to be filling up the comments threads quite prolifically. No need for my input.


                    1. Gaia, Try to scale it back a little. Your effort to move ahead with promotion is commendable, But it must take it’s own coarse in the eye of the viewer. For anything worth having has never come forced.. it must play itself out to achieve it’s own value.


  26. All I can say to the ramblings of “Gaia”…


    Mental illness on display for all to see.

    While the idea of “money” has indeed been corrupted, it’s very basic nature…a means of exchange…is pretty sound.

    Someone puts effort into building a 777 for you worthless shitbags, then it’s A-OK to make a profit.

    Same w providing you shitbags w running water, glass windows, automobiles, and a mattress to sleep on.

    What about a fucking toilet to remove your shit???

    Most are so fucking helpless they bend reality to suit their mental delusions.

    Isn’t that right, “Gaia”???


  27. And to those with a modicum of understanding …of what “society” means (vs ‘nature’….which is what you see…birds, trees, maybe mountains), and have an ounce of appreciation…

    …then I appreciate you.

    Each and every body panel on your vehicle is a massive undertaking. No fucking lie. Is why I appreciate what I have.

    An no, “Gaia” did not provide your Toyota, nor did “GAIA” provide a home w fresh water (hot and cold), electricity, lighting, and a refrigerator. Forget about gas fired furnace and AC.

    These New Age freaks deserve to be shunned w utmost contempt.


  28. Barter?
    I hope you’re not serious folks.
    Even the Flintstones know better than bartering.
    The sooner you realize you’re barking up the wrong tree, the better.
    You keep confusing honest money, i.e. the single most crucial building block of a functioning economy, that serves everyone’s interest, with corrupted assorted fancy proxies of money that only serve the interest of the elites and of their stooges.


  29. The Flintstones and the economy…which never existed in the way our modern society is programmed to believe what the economy really is. The next thing you’ll want to convince me is probably that Adam Smith was right when writing about the Wealth of Nations.

    Society has no real organic need for economizing with anything. The economization and value are the consequence of money being introduced as an exchange proxy, which allowed the trade to become more important than the products and society’s actual needs. You see, bartering deals with products directly, without a proxy and/or the middle man. The value of barter is defined individually, trade by trade. It has no interest applied in the calculus as there is no growth goal being followed. The idea of barter trade is to exchange products in order to gain something you previously didn’t have access to. That’s all. Exchanging goods, without any profit margins and sales growth BS. Trading should serve only for the purpose of exchange, without the middle man creating profit/value out of thin air. Value of the product is in its usefulness, while Earth is the true owner of everything we need to survive and prosper. By this fact, we only take what is already given to us and just reshape it to our liking. Meaning, that the real added value of anything ever produced is about time or work. Money doesn’t build or create anything, people do. It’s the same when it comes to exchange or trade – the purpose of it is about satisfying society’s or individual’s need, no need for a proxy. This is especially true in a world where everything essential to support life is actually abundant. Since we’re all the children of Earth, everybody is entitled to an equal share of everything, the only thing that requires control is greed.


    1. Nobody can convince anyone of what he’s not already persuaded.
      I assume you’ve already extensively chewed on the available plethora of books and essays delving into the topic of money: what money is, what function it has, the history of money and the history of how it has been corrupted. So whatever your conviction is I’m pretty confident my short ramblings aren’t certainly going to make any difference to you.

      1) That the division of labour (along with the quantity and quality of capital goods) is of paramount importance in increasing the production of goods and services of a society is not only widely aknowledged by everyone with a modicum of understanding of economics, is just logic and common sense.
      If you think that’s not the case you should illustrate your position.

      2) That the division of labour is strictly (positively) correlated with the society’s trading efficiency is again just logic and common sense.

      3) That the direct exchange (aka barter) makes trading extremely cumbersome, to the point of almost total impracticability is, guess what, just logic and common sense. (I hope there’s no need here to explain why)

      From the combined effect of 1), 2), 3) it follows that

      In a direct exchange society people tend to trade very little and moves towards self-reliance, leading to more isolation.
      If people don’t trade, they can’t specialize in production (no division of labour)
      Without division of labour only a very limited amount of basic goods and services will be produced (only the few most easily tradable). Hence production will be by far and large consumption oriented (high time preference) with no incentives to invest resources in long term capital oriented enterprises that requires low time preference. As a consequence the production processes would be and will stay very inefficient for lack of better tools and machinery (capital goods).

      Money is the indispensable ingredient that allows a society to shift from a very impractical direct exchange economy to the infinitely more efficient system of indirect exchange. Money is not wealth per se, but is the key that unlock the way to wealth creation.
      What money can do to a society’s economy is what enzymes can do to a chemical reaction.
      Money and enzymes are useless on their own but are game changers if added into the proper environment. And when I say game changer I mean night and day.

      “You see, bartering deals with products directly, without a proxy and/or the middle man.”

      What middle man? What proxy?
      There’s no middle man in an indirect exchange, and money is not a proxy. A proxy of what?

      “The value of barter is defined individually, trade by trade. It has no interest applied in the calculus as there is no growth goal being followed.”

      What interest applied? Applied by whom?

      “The idea of barter trade is to exchange products in order to gain something you previously didn’t have access to.”

      Totally correct, and it applies exactly the same to indirect exchange. But with much higher efficiency and mutual advantage.

      “without the middle man creating profit/value out of thin air.”

      See above, what middle man?
      Except for government’s and banker’s corrupted fiat currency, nothing can be created out of thin air.


      1. Money = proxy. Why? Because it is an artificial expression of value, that has been attached to a certain product / item. The value of money itself is set by its issuers, aka the middleman or more commonly banksters. Even when money was backed by gold, its value was still an abstract figure, while its worth in trade
        was completely arbitrary, just as in barter. Humanity’s fascination with gold is another issue, but I’m sure you get my point. So again, what’s the point in trading indirectly, via a proxy controlled by the issuers? Efficient trade leading to insane levels of consumerism, sold as a pinnacle of any society or civilization? It’s creepy to realize the depth of indoctrination when it comes to real wealth.

        Creation of wealth…with what purpose exactly? How does accumulating wealth benefit the society? That’s just a mainstream mantra, an effort to create a cover story for the greatest Ponzi scheme ever. As I said earlier, the ownership of everything can’t be taken from Earth, but somehow we got deluded to accept it as normal state of affairs.

        Don’t forget that the history of money is just that, his story. It should be doubted in every possible way as much as any other story coming from the Overlords, aka the Takers. They want you to think that the old way of living is bad or less qualitative than life nowadays. Don’t fall for it or better, stop falling for it.


        1. I agree with you in total, MM. Money is a mutually agreed upon means of exchange, nothing more. Modern Monetary Theory places tremendous responsibility on countries that are currency issuers to practice restraint and keep inflation in check. Up until recently, they have done that quite well.

          As you say, if we were a barter economy, we would not have much, no fluidity, and great difficulty finding goods and services tailored to our needs.


          1. “As you say, if we were a barter economy, we would not have much, no fluidity, and great difficulty finding goods and services tailored to our needs.”

            If we were in that situation, everything would have been different. If people were raised and taught to cooperate beyond any expectations or goals of profiting from such cooperation, I see no reason why the assortment of goods and/or services would’ve been diminished. I even think that the contrary would’ve happened and we would be able to live our lives with more comfort and easiness.

            BTW, there are no countries that issue currencies – the money prints are owned and controlled by the bankster / Taker conglomerate. Nations and borders are systemic illusion, invented by the Takers to divide unity of the people. We all belong to the human species, differences between races ought to be cherished and celebrated, but this somehow how inverted. Maybe one fine day we’ll get back to this kind of mentality.


            1. “BTW, there are no countries that issue currencies – the money prints are owned and controlled by the bankster / Taker conglomerate.”

              The same can be said for national governments. None of them are truly sovereign of each other, as they’re all owned & operated by the same band of crooks. So even if these countries DO issue their own currencies, it really makes no difference because they’re all ran by the same people, either way.

              It certainly didn’t matter much when the United States, for example, didn’t have a central banking system for some time, instead having its Federal Treasury coin & print money that was backed by a “gold/silver standard” (as well as charging/taxing people for the privilege of using it.) The “bankers” or whoever you wanna’ call them were still calling the shots.


        2. “The value of money itself is set by its issuers, aka the middleman or more commonly banksters.

          Money is not “issued” by anyone.
          Banksters can issue fiat currencies, not money.
          Unsurprisingly, banksters and governments are so glad that people keep talking of fiat currencies as of money. As long as people are so confused about what money is, the PTB have nothing to worry about.
          In a free market society (not the one we’re living in) money is just what the society at large regards as the most marketable commodity. Money is the perfect case study in catallaxy, and the most fascinating example of the effect of spontaneous order in societies.
          A lot of commodities have been used as money at different times and in various societies/situation, from salt to cattle to cigarettes, but in the long run all of them have been abandoned because only very few, actually just a couple of commodities (namely gold and silver) possess at once all the qualities necessary to be a long lasting money.
          As you all know very well, originally, a “dollar” was defined as a certain quantity (371.25 grains) of fine silver. In fact, a “dollar” was just another way of calling a specific amount of metal. The value of a silver “dollar” coin was not set by the “issuers”, it was set at any given time by the market trading value of that specific quantity of fine silver. It goes without saying that the same holds for the trading value of coins of different weight or made of different metals.

          “Even when money was backed by gold”

          Gold does not back money. Gold IS the money.
          What you call “money backed by gold” is a warehouse receipt.
          Even if and when warehouse receipts become largely accepted in trading they still aren’t money, they can be defined, at best, money substitutes.
          As long as the warehouse (aka the bank) is honest, the receipts (aka banknotes) can still be regarded as a good and honest proxy of money.
          As soon as the bank fraudulently and illegally engages in emitting more receipts than the money deposited (aka fractional reserve banking), the money system starts to be corrupted and intrinsically fraudulent.
          When governments and central banks step in legalizing and extending the fraud to the point that no money at all is even required to be in any warehouse the corruption of the monetary system is total and thorough.
          At that point trading is not based anymore on “direct” or “indirect” exchange, but on people perpetually passing to one another debt in a gigantic, pervasive Ponzi scheme.
          And I skip here the part delving into the many (horrific) consequences that a totally fraudulent monetary system sets off in a society’s economy.
          The truth is that money is the mortal enemy of governments and banksters, because they cannot issue it, they cannot create it, they cannot expand it. In short, they cannot control it. That’s why they have gone to great length to detach their fiat currency from money, and to convince people that money is something that can only be “issued” by some kind of authority, usually in the form of pieces of paper with politicians’ or king’s faces on them.
          Unless you keep confusing money with fiat currency, your bashing of money and of the evil banksters alike is a blatant logical contradiction.
          Money is the best friend of everyone in a society with the only exception of banksters and politicians. The opposite is true for fiat currencies.

          “its value was still an abstract figure, while its worth in trade was completely arbitrary, just as in barter.”

          The value of everything, money included, is always completely arbitrary, as the value can only be subjective.
          The best proof is trading itself, as it can only take place on the premise that each part put subjectively more value in whatever the other has to offer than in whatever each one is giving in exchange.
          In other words, both parties expect to walk away from the trade better off than they were before the trade.

          “Creation of wealth…with what purpose exactly? How does accumulating wealth benefit the society?”

          The wealth of a society are the goods and the services it creates.
          The purpose of creating goods and services is….do I really need to explain?
          What’s wrong, according to you, with having more goods and services?
          Do you prefer poverty over prosperity?
          Or maybe we just disagree on the conditions that allow wealth to be created in a society.
          If I understand correctly, according to you a moneyless, bartering society would be more prosperous. I’ve tried to explain why that idea is totally delusional, and also why it should be obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of how economy works. If I failed, there is no point for me and you debating further.
          It also seems you are combining creation and accumulation as if they were the same concept. It should be obvious they are not.
          The only way to accumulate something is to consume less than you produce.
          Consuming less than what’s produced is the definition of saving.
          Hence accumulating is a synonym of saving.
          Contrary to the Keynesian toxic pile of crap they keep selling in schools, the act of saving is highly beneficial in a society being the only precondition that allows long term investments in capital goods.


    1. Motorhead,

      Do you really buy into this disinformation? This “white hat” (AKA QAnon) narrative is designed to stoke conspiracy and confusion (fear mixed with hopium).


            1. MT,

              Watch the 9 minutes of “Gideon” here: This is an AI generated psyop – built upon self-organizing collective intelligence (SOCI) – just as QAnon was – architected to arouse “Patriots” and fold them into this “We are Sovereign” scam. This supposed individual, “Bill Sweet,” suddenly appeared on the scene in mid-June. This is a shock-and-awe weaponized narrative.


                1. There is a Chicken Little feel about all of this. So tell me, why is this insidious plan freely available on YouTube? And if I have no way out, what good does it do to be clued in?

                  It might finally answer the question, why has my blog and all of its thought crime never been shut down?

                  And finally, why is it narrated by Batman?


                  1. MT,

                    Very astute response – the Chicken Little imprinting, as I strongly believe this psyop is militarized (AI-generated) and intended to not only induce panic, but to instill learned helplessness among self-proclaimed “Patriots” who are being shepherded like cattle from one groupthink ploy to another – not learning their lesson after each one fails to produce its prophetic panic. Even worse, this is the application of swarm intelligence ( – an artificial induction of “flock” behavior (and artificial stigmergy), which I have previously detailed here at POM.

                    The reason why these “plans” are allowed and promoted on You Tube (including You Tube feeds) is to build out the swarm intelligence operation:

                    All of these online ploys apply the techniques of neural networking – asking for digital involvement (AKA blockchain/crypto) in their calls to action (now under the hashtag, “We are Sovereign”), in order to create a networked artificial reality:,%20An%20Overview.pdf. They are strategic LARPs – with self-organizing/self-replicating capabilities – to entrap people into the digital mixed reality. (In this case “sovereign” translates to caged – yet well-intentioned, fearful people latch on)

                    From the wiki entry on “Henny Penny” (

                    The name “Chicken Little” – and the fable’s central phrase, The sky is falling! – have been applied to people accused of being unreasonably afraid, or those trying to incite an unreasonable fear in those around them.

                    The first use of the name “Chicken Little” to “one who warns of or predicts calamity, especially without justification” recorded by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is in 1895,[13] but idiomatic use of the name significantly predates that attestation. In fact, this usage is recorded in the United States very soon after the publication of Chandler’s illustrated children’s book in 1840. Already, in 1842, a journal article about the Government of Haiti referred to “Chicken Little” in an offhand manner.[14] An “oration” delivered to the city of Boston on July 4, 1844, contains the passage:

                    To hear their harangues on the eve of the election, one would suppose that the fable of Chicken Little was about to become a truth, and that the sky was actually falling.[15]

                    Fearmongering – whether justified or not – can sometimes elicit a societal response called Chicken Little syndrome, described as “inferring catastrophic conclusions possibly resulting in paralysis”.[16] It has also been defined as “a sense of despair or passivity which blocks the audience from actions”.[17] The term began appearing in the 1950s[18] and the phenomenon has been noted in many different societal contexts.


                    1. I cautioned about this individual, Frank Jacob, back in April 2022 (see below) – associated with a similar psyop – and it seems this same person is involved with the current one: . . . .

                      April 12, 2022 at 12:16 pm
                      “It was [is] a trap. Psychopaths and sociopaths love to set and spring traps.”
                      Perhaps even more of a trap than we’ve had the temerity to imagine…
                      For your consideration, as Mr. Rod Serling used to say:

                      April 12, 2022 at 7:26 pm

                      Uh-oh. Speaking of TRAPS . . . I was literally going to offer a cautionary warning about Frank Jacob ( and the “Guardians of the Looking Glass” ( on my recent post referencing Looking Glass – and here you are dropping it (curiously) in this thread.

                      For the record, I do not take Project Looking Glass at face value. I suggest that intense discernment and scrutiny is necessary surrounding its mythos (which is being promulgated once again).

                      Regarding the link you offered above . . . I was notified about this “Inspired” guy (Jean Nolan) today by a close friend ( I had never heard of him. I spent some time today looking through his YT channel (, and delving into this newest psyop (with which he is associated and promoting). I consider it to be QAnon 2.0 (or perhaps even 3.0). Nonetheless, it seems to be the newest conspiracy theory breadcrumb being seeded amongst the fake awakecommunity (AKA “The Great Awakening” à la “Patriot” and New Age framing). It seems the bait has been set . . . This low hanging fruit may grow over the coming weeks . . . As it is, the You Tube version of their discussion (there have been multiple talks posted) has had nearly 170,000 views:

                      May I ask how you were led to the link you provided? Were you alreadyfamiliar with Jean Nolan and/or Frank Jacob?

                      I can expound more on what I have discovered thus far, but this is not my post; and I think it would be best discussed (if interest) in the thread under my post (where it is more relevant – to time/timelines/Looking Glass/foresight): Incidentally, this specific conspiracy theory was germinated shortly after my post (despite its historical basis, to which I had hyperlinked). The timing (pun intended) is intriguing, to say the least.

                      April 12, 2022 at 7:34 pm
                      Stephers – Greatly appreciate you taking the time and focus to provide history and context to this group, the “Guardians…” that I had no metric to compare with. Will follow up as you suggest on your relevant post – much gratitude to you!

                      April 12, 2022 at 7:44 pm
                      Stephers – Holy cow, I had no clue the weeds could get so deep! I’m in waaay over my head here, but I definitely appreciate the minds who are parsing these weedy happenings… As for the “Guardians of the Looking Glass”, Frank Jacob and Jean Nolan, I was wondering whether the weed patch they are growing was for enlightenment or entrapment, and you provided me with a seasoned and valued perspective. Thanks for all your work on so many contorted, processed topics such as this. It will take me a while to wade through this post and all the commentary, but I’m glad to have your reflections and readers’ reactions as a guidepost.


                    2. I subsequently moved that conversation over to one of my posts, and continued (it is pertinent to the discussion surrounding this newest Chicken Little game):

                      April 12, 2022 at 7:55 pm
                      In answer to your question, I came upon Jean Nolan’s “Inspired” Youtube output initially through his videos that combined narratives or quotes from folks I was interested in like Dr. Mark Malone. From there, I saw his recent interview with Frank Jacob, and was off through the weeds & down the rabbit hole…
                      Again, thanks for shining a light for me to find my way out of that!
                      (Also, for clarification, I am both richeart and dogsnoseknows as a result of log-in/account difficulties on WordPress, and I never know which ID my password manager is going to sign me on as. I used to like computers and internet access, but not since they’ve been weaponized against normal folk like me.)

                      April 12, 2022 at 8:39 pm
                      Ok, so a question occurs regarding the character of Dr Winston Wu and the Raindrop DAO project:
                      Any impressions there?

                      ALAN ACKLEY
                      April 13, 2022 at 8:35 am
                      This Winston Wu bio sketch reads like an implausible TV pilot outline where the hero evades capture and finds the cool underground lab headquarters.
                      The claimed bitcoin profits look like the bait in a con game, set to lure in some new suckers. I’ll watch the TV show for entertainment but not if it costs a dime.

                      April 13, 2022 at 8:53 am
                      Thanks for your feedback.
                      Seems that all white hat whispering these daze is a psyop produced perhaps by out of work or bored screen writers. Guess I will follow the plot and wait for the monetization or power capture move, just for the sake of entertainment/awareness.

                      April 13, 2022 at 9:50 am

                      I am on the road today, and it is challenging to respond in detail at the moment. In the interim, I will drop a few links here that may help to provide some information (I suggest this is just the tip of the iceberg).

             (April 12, 2022)
             (April 12, 2022)
             (April 13, 2022)
             (Herein, note the ludicrous tall tale about graphene oxide – intended to completely taint authentic reporting, which has been a focus of my work. Scroll down to the comments . . . It seems a few people have caught onto this LARP – replete with delusional storytelling, promises of crypto wealth and “white hat” politicians, and predictions of false flags – all of which are scripted/simulated events.)

                      Hoping to elaborate later (on DAOs, blockchain cults, and cloud minds – about which I have previously written – but I think you will get the main gist of this psyop/scam (with the crypto grift being only one superficial layer).

                      April 13, 2022 at 9:56 am
                      Again, thanks for your scrutinizing spelunking through the dark, twisting plot turns… Hazardous duty these days of parsing delusion from discernment. Your skills and sharing are much appreciated and respected. Safe and happy trails to you.


                    3. AI, until recently, did not share the universe in which the human species evolved. “We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror.” -Marshall McLuhan
                      We cannot see the AI because it didn’t exist in our rear-view mirror existence.

                      Now, humans can be literally “rounded up” by machine-wranglers (AI) wielding dopamine hits (replacing the cowboy’s physical nudging utilizing ropes, dogs, yells and whistles), corralled, trained/domesticated (zombified) and bred, just as we do for desired (submissive, unconditionally loving, and relatively silent) characteristics in our domestic pets and farm animals..

                      We cannot recognize the AI as a threat, which would normally trigger a fight-or-flight response. No explanation or threat assessment alone expressed by the few who are aware of AI’s threat to humanity will penetrate this machine-domesticated mass bewilderment.

                      Creativity and imagination have been gradually nudged and bred out of the herd. Without self-awareness, which was largely nudged and bred out of “believers” during The Enlightenment humans operate at a level of consciousness below what is required to perceive an invisible predator like the AI.

                      On a personal level, this is like me trying to explain my art, or abstract art in general, to my engineer father, who could draw/render almost any likeness in graphite on paper — his idea of art. What I was doing was completely outside the realm of his perception. No amount of explaining could lead his imagination to that creative space I found as I discovered myself as a young adult.

                      The AI already knows more about our collective human psyche (conscious and unconscious) than we do, yet we still have almost no interest in raising/evolving the general level of human consciousness. I fear what others cannot perceive at this moment. I do not know yet how to sound an alarm that can be heard or associated with danger. Working on that.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. It is hard to connect such dire warnings with a visceral threat. I just got off the phone with an IRS robot, and was unable to communicate with it. So, I wrote them a letter. I will send it in a traceable manner. That will fix it. Does this remotely apply?


                  2. MT,

                    In an attempt to address why your blog has not yet been shut down (which I sense was a rhetorical question, but here goes) . . .

                    My short answer is data mining.

                    My slightly longer answer is open source intelligence.

                    My more elaborate response . . . To the System (which is becoming evermore AI-driven by increasingly strong/sentient AI), we at POM represent outliers. It needs to study us and collect all of our information pooling. We do serve up a delicious platter to the AI.

                    Why would the controllers want to squash it, when they can exploit our deep human psychological thoughts (as you said, “thought crime”) and behaviors. Our thoughts (via our posts and comments) are being curated. The AI is precisely tracking how we create and consume content – based on our psychological topology (see below about the Janus Engine).

                    See Chapter 6 on Holons in the very important paper on Holonomy that I previously linked above (

                    Holonomy is the knowledge of Janus – knowing the whole and the part inside and out.

                    We are the holons: We are complex individuals, but we also come together here as a whole.
                    The increasingly sentient AI represents the Janus archetype:

                    See the Janus Project here and the Janus Engine here

                    The Janus Engine seeks to exploit human psychology to make anonymous political participation more profitable than the curated ideology gardens that power contemporary Internet media consumption. Please review the project’s philosophy to understand the nature of this challenge.

                    The concept of identity is commonly understood to be something that is self-defined. For example, for the American census, race and ethnicity data is mostly self-reported. Academia and activists have worked to expand this self-reporting activity to include gender as well. The entire premise of this mechanism of identity is that the self is the ultimate authority about itself. It also allows for the creation of an infinite stream of identities to validate nearly any activity. Because of this, this theory of identity is circular and unfalsifiable, and thus, is more similar to Bronze Age religions than reality.

                    Janus Engine operates on a different assumption: Identity is the cross-section between the surface area of content interaction and an inspection strategy. Curiously, this interaction appears in other contexts of validation as well:

                    Each person possesses a psychological topology. The measurable characteristics of this topology manifest as the consumption and creation of content. (Approximated via Shannon Entropy) As a person moves through time, the surface area of their psychological topology distorts as they interact with and generate content. Any attempt at inspecting the surface area (from self-origin or otherwise) will create an identity; a fusion between the biases within the inspection strategy and a subset of the surface area.

                    As an analogy, a metal key is a configuration of physical topology that matches a tumbler configuration somewhere in the universe. If that topology distorts, then the key can no longer be used on the tumbler it’s paired with. Keys are generated for specific use cases and they are held together by a key chain.

                    A person doesn’t just possess one identity. They possess many identities. Each identity is generated for specific use cases and they are held together by the psychological topology. The psychological topology can never be observed directly. It can only be inferred through continuous measurement of its surface area.


  30. Life is pretty mundane. We do sports, TV and movies to alleviate boredom. Try being retired and realizing at 1PM that you have nothing to do until 7:00 PM when my wife and I sit down to watch some TV. Sometimes I go to the store just to get out and see people, maybe buy a banana*. My favorite day of the week was always Monday, when the world came alive again after the weekend, my mailbox overflowing. I like Mondays now because Conan’s podcast drops on that day.

    So, nothing new under the sun. Chicken Little when I was a kid was the Soviets and the Bomb and Commies. Later, and this was a deliberate strategy, they switched out Commies with Terrorists. Same script, The mass shootings, the big events like Challenger, Jonestown, Columbine, done to keep us occupied and afraid. There has always been something, one thing, that preoccupies us, prevents us from developing our thinking skills. Frightened people are easy to govern.

    *Beethoven’s favorite fruit? Think the opening of the Fifth Symphony: BA-NA-NA-NA. That came from Conan’s assistant, Sona. She says it’s the only joke she knows. I don’t care – it’s a good one.

    Here’s one from Seinfeld: Be like a duck. Paddle hard, but underwater where no one can see. Let everything roll off your back. And remember, you’re a duck, you look like a duck, so have a sense of humor.


  31. Mark, this is a global phenomenon. Of course, the IRS participates in our demise.
    It is evolving faster than the average taxpayer, and with AI stepping into the space formerly occupied by human participants, the system will only recognize one human response: The end of participation. The end of respect.

    I am not suggesting jail time for anyone, but self-recognition of our participation in our own demise as it relates to the broader system(s).

    In other words, on a broader scope, the solution is to stop listening, stop watching, stop playing, stop pretending, stop lying, and stop being dependent upon a system that is not set up to benefit us (average humans). Stop — the best we can, given our current circumstance — self-funded slavery and self-destruction.

    Gandhi’s advocacy for “non-participation” comes to mind immediately.

    “I believe that Gandhi’s views were the most enlightened of all the political men in our time. We should strive to do things in his spirit; not to use violence in fighting for our cause, but by non- participation in anything you believe is evil” -Albert Einstein on Mahatma Gandhi


    1. I think I exist on a different, more practical plane than you and Stephers. I generally find you and her to be more ethereal beings, more adept at fuzzy concepts that I usually do not grasp. Not that there is anything wrong with any of us.


      1. This may be useful, or not, Mark:

        It seems important to use this as a tool while not forgetting each one of us is unique. This is not in any way an endorsement of a systematic grouping that gets at individual personalities. It can help, perhaps, to find a point of beginning the journey into the ways in which the human mind works.


        1. I am highly suspicious of these archetypes, they are the ultimate device of cybernetics, there’s a lot of stuff to discover on these topics, that tend to not jump into the eye right away.

          Jung worked for the OSS and later CIA during and after WW2 ( He said (enthusiastically) about the German people that they had been, according to their heritage, possessed by the spirit of Wotan (=Odin, all Greek (and older) gods and thus archetypes really if you keep looking into it, the term Asen is said to refer to Asians (as the Greeks were originally an Asiatic people) according to some old German encyclopedias. Also compare Mount Olympus with Asgard and so on. Hitler was also quite obsessed with Wotan and is said to have seen himself in his role, he had a painting that he was very fond of and you can find quite a few more factoids along these lines with Hitler supposedly having visions and freaking out from personal accounts, I wouldn’t be too surprised if they were largely accurate. Strangely enough, Hitler and Jung would have seemed to work for different sides, but I believe otherwise.

          I found a lot of evidence for the Nazis actually being Gnostically inclined and the same goes for Jung, e. g. see the books of Miguel Serrano, who writes about this illustrious belief system that goes right back to the mystery schools and Pythagoras, who seems to be the first celebrity vegetarian obsessing about keeping the body clean of the evil karmic influences of meat. There are multiple accounts on Hitler’s eating habits and you’ve probably heard about his role in advocating for animal rights in Germany. I don’t think it was just for show, I do believe he actually largely ate a vegetarian diet, not a very healthy one, either, even chocolate, cookies, cake. In terms of meat, Christopher Jon Bjerknes writes about Hitler’s proclivity towards turtle dove meat, according to a Karaite (the original Gnostics were J3ws of course) J3wish custom. They belief that the dove is very pure (it doesn’t consume meat itself) and represents the goddess/shekhinah. The term Aryan can be translated as farmer from the Sanskrit and there are stories about Zoroastrianism later being corrupted by Ahriman (a representation of Satan, whatever that’s supposed to mean) himself, who enticed the new Persian king into eating meat representing a fall from grace. I’ve also read that the SS were encouraged to eat a vegetarian diet and even though I haven’t confirmed this, yet, it is very much in line with their Gnostic/Cathar (Cathar meaning pure from the Greek) heritage as the SS were required to read two books by Otto Rahn about Cathars (Lucifer’s Court – A Heretic’s Journey in Search of the Light Bringers (German title Luzifers Hofgesind – Eine Reise zu den guten Geistern Europas (Journey to the Good Spirits of Europe(!)) and The Court of Lucifer), who are also most likely connected to the Knights Templar and would greet each other with Luzifer, dem Unrecht geschah, grüßt Dich (Lucifer, who was treated unjustly, greets you). You find these Gnostic tendencies everywhere these days, especially in Germany, I know it from personal experience, Rosicrucians, Anthroposophists, Waldorfians, they all share the same roots and largely have no idea about their roots as far as I could learn. Also see the UN with Luciferian Alice Bailey. Jacques de Molay’s (the last grand master of the Templars) name is Iacobus Burgundis Molensis (IBM) in Latin and here you have a major actor in the cybernetic engineering of a “better humanity” with meat consumption and any carbon footprint, I find it quite conclusive. The Good Spirits of Europe, a Phoenician/Greek Princess, just like Pythagoras was Phoenician/Greek and Plato, who also wrote about Atlantis (which our Brave New World is based upon) and which, interestingly enough, was supposed to have red/black/white walls, which are also the colors of the Cathars and the Nazis and Kaiser Germany before that due to a decree supported by Bismarck, who did not opt for (his) Prussian colors of just black and white, but rather red/black/white. Bismarck sold out Germany quite heavily through cooperation with his J3wish banker Gerson von Bleichröder.

          It took me very long to make these connections, but I think they can’t be refuted and make for quite an interesting take. I’m sorry for the long post, but I thought it necessary to illustrate where these archetypes come from and that they should possibly be shunned. If it’s not clear, I recommend looking into Jung’s archetypes more thoroughly, these archetypes are highly important to control systems. People are very quick to accept these very much simplified labels these days and this is obviously an intelligence operation. Just check the media, all you hear is narcissist, psychopath, anti-semite, white supremacist, sexist, racist and INFP-J, you get the gist. Reality just isn’t merely black and white and red. 😀


        2. Found an article that corroborates what I wrote above. One of Hitler’s tasters writes about his eating habits and there’s also a mention of the pigeon/dove thingy. What’s also peculiar is the reported fingernail biting, Merkel does this a lot as well and I’ve read about some connections that I didn’t find too far-fetched after some further research.

          Also see this, I’m sure there is more to be found on Jung:

          “The Monte Verità colony was founded in Ascona, Ticino in 1900 by the German pianist Ida Hofmann, the Belgian Henri Oedenkoven and the Austrian officer Karl Gräser. They lived in self-built houses and fed on the produce of their garden. Besides strict vegetarianism, they also practised naturism and abhorred the concept of private property. To boost their finances, they opened a sanatorium offering heliotherapy, and vegetarian diets. The colony attracted visits from intellectuals, artists and anarchists, such as Carl Jung, Hermann Hesse, Sophie Täuber-Arp and Erich Mühsam. In 1920, the founders left Ascona to embark on a new venture in Brazil.”


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