Pearl remembered

False flag attacks are nothing new – they have occurred throughout history. Weak countries are not stupid, and do not readily provide strong countries with reasons to attack them. So the stronger country has to do it for them.

Thus do we have many famous incidents in history – all conveniently justifying a much larger agenda for military aggressors – the Battleship Maine, the Gulf of Tonkin, and a faked invasion of U.S. territory (Mexico the supposed villain) in 1846 which caused freshman Representative Abraham Lincoln to demand of President James Polk evidence of the spot where the supposed invasion took place. (See “Spot Resolutions.”) To no avail.

9/11 was a false flag attack used to justify an entire remapping of the Middle East by the U.S. The first step after 9/11, oddly, was an invasion of Afghanistan, innocent of any crime. The lure there was not a military objective so much as a prize coveted by U.S. intelligence – poppy fields. Just as the Vietnam War secured for the CIA and western bankers behind it control of the world drug market via the Golden Triangle, the Afghanistan invasion achieved the same end. (Oddly, to this day, even with thousands of American soldiers standing guard, no one has ever seen a poppy leave a field there on its way to a laboratory for processing.)

San Bernardino appears to be a booster shot for the 9/11-weary American public. Syria was on the list of countries the U.S. wanted to take down in 2001, and appears to be the object of the most recent fakery. The Russians are mobilized and achieving great results in that country, defeating the terrorist armies that are armed, financed, fed and supplied by Western intelligence. This makes a U.S. attack on Syria a potentially dangerous affair, and not the usual cake walk preferred the desk murderers of Langley and Georgetown.

Which reminds me – today is Pearl Harbor Day, a day the was the end result of infamous scheming. That was a different kind of attack, a real one by a real enemy. It is widely misunderstood, and American history books and Wikipedia are not about to clear the air.

Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum of Naval Intelligence in 1940 penned a memo to his superiors outlining eight steps to lure Japan into making an overt and aggressive act of war that would justify U.S. entry into the European conflict (after disposing of Japan). The object was to preserve the British Empire, and McCollum was cognizant of the fact that that empire was in its closing days. The U.S. would be the natural successor. I urge the reader to look over the memo, as it unmasks real U.S. policies and planning prior to 12/7/1941.

“It is not believed that in the present state of political opinion the United States government is capable of declaring war against Japan without more ado; and it is barely possible that vigorous action on our part might lead the Japanese to modify their attitude. Therefore, the following course of action is suggested:

  • A. Make an arrangement with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific, particularly Singapore.
  • B. Make an arrangement with Holland for the use of base facilities and acquisition of supplies in the Dutch East Indies.
  • C. Give all possible aid to the Chinese government of Chiang-Kai-Shek.
  • D. Send a division of long range heavy cruisers to the Orient, Philippines, or Singapore.
  • E. Send two divisions of submarines to the Orient.
  • F. Keep the main strength of the U.S. fleet now in the Pacific in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands.
  • G. Insist that the Dutch refuse to grant Japanese demands for undue economic concessions, particularly oil.
  • H. Completely embargo all U.S. trade with Japan, in collaboration with a similar embargo imposed by the British Empire.”

FDR implemented all eight proposals,  including putting the fleet in the area of Pearl as bait. By late 1941, Japan felt it had no option but to strike first in an inevitable war, perhaps dealing a crippling blow. That was all the U.S. wanted, and set in motion U.S. entry into the bloodiest conflict in human history (except perhaps for the one they are toying with now).

Happy Pearl Day! Remember the Maine! They hate our freedom! And keep that drug pipeline open.

We gather here today to mourn the fake passing of fake San Bernardino victim Sierra Clayborn

The San Bernardino mass shooting event was faked, of course.

I know that most who read that sentence will think I am nuts, but I assure you, it is not me, but you who has the problem. I am one of the few sane ones left in this country.

Stop and think: Have you even looked at the evidence? Of course not. You assume that with all the hoopla and those very pretty and trustworthy television people and the and crying actors on TV that it must be real. Right? And you’re wondering what is going wrong with this country. You’re certain there is insanity in the air, and that the next mass shooting might be in your town. It’s got you in a state of anxiety, right? We gotta get ISIS! Right?

Fake mass shootings require fake victims. So I took a list of the list of victims, and since I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this (the next “event” is in planning stages already), picked just one. I chose “Sierra Clayborn.”

They have to make up the names and supply identities, but use real people as models. Here is a photo of “Sierra:”

She’s a pretty girl, whoever this model is. She looks to be a mixture of Asian and African descent, but with a name like “Clayborn” it is hard to know. This is a well-lit photo, no shadows, indicating a light screen used by professionals. It could be a family portrait, or she could be a model. The face is very narrow. The head is too big for the body, however. It is so big that if you turned it sideways, it would extend shoulder-tip to shoulder-tip.  Either it has been superimposed, or this girl is a circus freak.

A web search for her yields a person by that name, age 27, living in Rialto, California, and another in Illinois. As a possible relative of the California Sierra we find “Jacinto Alonso,” but no one with the name Clayborn. Huh? Modern families, I suppose.

That’s it. But “Clayborn” is a bastardized spelling of “Claiborne,” a European name made famous by the fashion line sold at JC Penney. There are lots people by that name, famous people including Lindy Claiborne Boggs, the widow of Hale Boggs, a member of the House of Representatives from Louisiana and of the Warren Commission, who disappeared in a small plane over in Alaska in 1972 after having been driven to the airport that day by none other than a certain young man named Bill Clinton. For all we know, he died, fake-died, or was murdered. That’s an aside … just rambling.

Moving on: Assume she is a real person, then I am disrespecting the dead, right? Let’s find her parents … it does not say. Two obituaries do not list her parents.

Odd, but let it go. They might be in seclusion. She has a sister, Tamishia, we are told, who is in charge of her memorial fund. Here’s a photo of the two of them together, a selfie, with Tamishia doing the selfie squint and Sierra looking again like a model.


There is, of course, a slight problem here: They don’t look at all like sisters. But modern times, and all, perhaps one was adopted, or they share one parent, but since we don’t yet know the parents, it’s hard to guess. They are of different races, and other than the shape of the mouths, seem to share no physical characteristics. Tamashia’s hair … odd. But that could be camera angles and all that. I know I hate selfies – no way could I put up a photo like Sierra here in a selfie.

The photograph is fake. Both images have been pasted in from some other source. You can tell because of the sharp, sharp lines, but more importantly, the shadows don’t match. Also, while the angle is up at up at Tamashia, it is straight on at Sierra, even as she appears to be the taller of the two.  Tamishia’s face is lit by light from her left and above, while Sierra is lit from the right and above, while the phone used for the photo cast a shadow from behind.  That’s three separate light sources. There is a hand [with fingers Photoshopped off] or something under Sierra’ dangling ear piece too, holding it in place? It looks to be six or seven feet behind her. Who knows. Fake photo.

Here is a photo of Tamishia from “Sierra’s” Facebook link:


Yikes! Worst Photoshop job ever! The left eye has been superimposed, and does not line up with the right eye. They are not even looking the same direction. The top half of the face is one person, the bottom a another, or she has five o’clock shadow. It has been blurred down below and above in the hairline while well defined about the cheeks and eyes.  And this is not the Tamishia in the photo with her model sister above. The nose says it all.

Take a look at your own collection of photos some time, and notice the consistency of light and lines and shadings. These sort of problems only occur with photo fakery. The people at Langley who do this stuff are busy these days what with fake events every month or so. They are also bored, as Americans are so easy to fool that they don’t have to try very hard.

Anyway, I’ll stop, and I will do no more with the so-called San Bernardino victims. If one is so obviously a paste up, the others will deconstruct as easily too.

San Bernardino

Just a word to the wise here, as there are a few such people in our country still. The event in San Bernardino again has markings of a false flag provocation. The first clue is that the supposed shooters are dead. That means no trial. The patsies in false flag events are always either killed, fake-killed, or disappeared in some other fashion.

These events happen on a regular basis now. Why? The American public is so dumbed down that Langley* hardly has to try – I am wondering now if one of the supposed “gunmen” left a driver’s license or other piece of incriminating evidence around – a diary? A flight manual in a car in a parking lot? That too is a clue – stupidly-easily-seen-to-be-faked evidence.

Please just wait for real evidence from independent investigators. I know it is hard to comprehend, but mainstream news reporters either lie themselves, as the media is loaded with CIA moles (Anderson Cooper the most prominent), or they are fooled like everyone else. CIA admitted in the late 70s to congressional committees that it controlled the major news organs, including Washington Post and New York Times. Since TV is the mostly widely used news outlet, it is also the most infiltrated and controlled. Truth only gets through if it is truth that doesn’t matter, like some prominent person having a sex change.

Just because you saw it on TV does not mean it really happened. It is a two-dimensional screen and all manner of trickery can be used to fool you. I mean, honest to god, there were no planes on 9/11 – the power of suggestion is a marvelous tool in the hands of the state and its controlled media.

So don’t be scared, don’t buy everything you’re being told. Wait for independent evidence – better yet, look for it. Do not wait for it to fall into your lap. This is our biggest problem – people do not use their heads. They wait for things to be explained to them.

My bet … by the time this event unravels, another will take its place. It is probably in the planning stages right now. If you hear of civil defense, medical response and police or military drills in your areas, get in touch with your local authorities, and demand they be cancelled. These drills are the basis for false flag events, the means by which Langley ropes ordinary people into unwitting participation.

And again , don’t be afraid. The only terrorists out there wanting to harm Americans reside in Langley, Virginia, and lately they have taken to making stage plays rather than actually killing people. They must have realized how pathetically easy it is to fool Americans.
*I use the word “Langley,” supposed location of CIA headquarters, here, in the same manner as we say “The White House” when we mean the executive branch. “Langley” is mere shorthand for the military/intelligence community, a vast unaccountable apparatus.

Is Langley messaging Russia to leave our terrorists alone?

As I read more of the Turkish shoot down of the Russian jet over Syria on Tuesday, it is easily seen as a deliberate provocation. To what end? By whom? Who are the actors in this play? As with all of warfare, public events are merely a smoke screen. Most of the action is hidden from view.

Let’s go back a couple of weeks to Paris, the false flag attack.

If you do not realize that to be the case, that Paris was false flag, then read no further. Your ability to sift through evidence is in need of work. It’s painfully obvious false flaggery. Otherwise we are asked to believe that a country already under attack by outside forces, Syria, deliberately provoked NATO into an even more deadly attack. Remember Libya, 2011 – NATO obviously has the firepower to destroy a country and bring down its government, and is itching to take down Syria. The key for NATO is to appear justified in its aggression, and the Paris attack was meant for that purpose.

It did not work. The Russians are in the way.

The Russians have been cleaning up in Syria, and it’s been fun to watch. The Americans and its NATO puppets are involved in high-level duplicity, at once arming, training and funding the terrorists who are attacking Syria while pretending to be opposed to them. The Russians are merely using that public duplicity as their card for entry into the game. Since everyone professes to be against terrorism, actually attacking  terrorists is a smart move. Behind the scenes, I gather, U.S. Intelligence, along with NATO, Brits, Israelis, Saudis, must be seething. The plan was to bring down the Assad regime by means of these terrorist forces that the Russians are now pulverizing.

I would then gather that the shoot down is then a message to the Russians. But what is that message, and who is sending it?

It is not the Turks. Grant it, Turkey has been essential in aiding the terrorists, as their supply lines runs through Turkey. But just as Syria would have been crazy to provoke NATO by staging the attacks in Paris, so too would Turkey be crazy to attack Russia. It’s not just a matter of military power, but also economic ties. Turkey will now lose tourism and joint ventures in nuclear power along with gas supplies.

So even though it was supposedly a Turkish F-16 jet that shot down the Russian Sukhoi-24 jet, I  doubt the orders came from the Turkish government. This smells more of an intelligence operation. The F16 was likely a cloaked bird supplied by the U.S., France or Israel. So it is NATO sending the message, and since NATO is but a U.S. puppet, it is the U.S. sending a warning to the Russians. Turkey, subordinate to all, has to shut up.

The message is obvious:

“Stand down! Leave our terrorists alone.”

But just as Syria would not attack innocent civilians in Paris without a better plan than merely enraging NATO, so too would the U.S. not order a Russian jet brought down without a deeper message. One plane, one dead pilot, broken relations between Turkey and Russia are small potatoes. Obviously U.S. intelligence is sending a deeper, more sinister message. It has to be something like …

“This, and more.”

In late October a Russian charter flight went down over Egypt, killing all 224 aboard. My immediate suspicion was again one of those coded messages telling the Russians to stand down in Syria. This sort of communication appears in public just to be happenstance occurrences, but is well understood behind the smoke screen. So there too I suspected American, Israeli or British intelligence (but I repeat myself) of causing that bird to go down. But it did not hinder Russian efforts to end the war in Syria and stem the flow of refugees into Europe. Russia continues to misbehave.

So we had first an attack on Russian civilians, then a false flag attack in Paris to engage NATO, and now an attack on a Russian military jet.

What next? I don’t know. This much I do know – the people behind these incidents are cold, calculating, ruthless and smart. They will not let up. More surprises are in store.

And oh, yeah, before I forget, I was reminded yesterday that the Assad government aided our CIA in its illegal rendition program, allowing itself to be used as a base for torture. There are no good guys about. But something much larger is at stake, something to have caused Langley to turn agaist Damascus. And that has to have something to do with resources, natural gas, pipelines. CIA is a tool of the oligarchy, not the government.

Russia plays this game too, and thus far, plays it better.

More in store, however,

Set anyone free lately?

The above photo is of Paul Simon and a singer named Dion, who had a minor career for a few years in the 1960’s. His big hit was a schmaltzy pop song called “Abraham, Martin and John” wherein he claimed that Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and John Kennedy “freed a lot of people.” At least King tried.

A Facebook friend put up this photo, and it just jumped out at me. The two did some work together in 2009, and I would guess Dion’s people were anxious to latch on to Simon’s justly earned fame. Simon agreed to allow him to share a track.

But the interesting thing, if you can spot it, is that the photo is faked. Look at Simon’s head for a second, and you’ll see that it is out-of-place. The neck is a different skin tone. The head is oddly placed atop the neck, and the face is too large. Paul is not the best looking man, short and squat (truly talented however), but his chin does not hang down on his neck. And look where the brim of his hat meets Dion’s glasses – they had a problem with it, and so just blurred that area. I do not understand why people cannot see this stuff!

But that is just show business, and done all the time. It is also done in news reporting. Under the fold, because at first glance it appears quite gruesome, is a photo of the so-called “Bataclan Massacre” in Paris. I would not put it up if I thought it was real.
Continue reading “Set anyone free lately?”

Russia babysitting the French?

From Vineyard of the Saker this morning, Russia dramatically increases her anti-Daesh operations:

Finally, Putin has declared that he has ordered the Russian naval task force to ‘cooperate’ with the French naval task force lead by the aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle.  What better way to make sure that he French don’t “accidentally” strike the “wrong” targets than to fully “cooperate” with them?

Smart move!

I have to say I had a similar thought, as the Russians know how to play these games.

Too stupid to survive?

We live in an gullible age, and “evidence” is not needed anymore to produce outrage and hysteria. I’ve been looking for actual evidence of deaths in the Paris bombings. I hope the readers will provide some. So far, I’ve got this from the Billings Gazette:


Hmmmm. Gotta get me some Kong Squeaker Balls too.

But “friends of a cousin” doesn’t do it for me. We saw these sort of stories, probably planted or spread by false rumor, after Boston. That’s not good evidence. It is hearsay, and very weak at that.

So I searched for photos of the bombing sites. I found this:


Must have been a small bomb. Most of the windows and light fixtures are not even broken. Bombs have several ways of doing damage – the immediate blast wave, which diminishes exponentially as it travels, is normally thought to be the destructive mechanism. But to kill a lot of people requires a lot of explosives, so devices targeting humans usually are loaded with shrapnel and incendiaries.  Either way, if a bomb had gone off in that building, the site should be littered with debris hundreds of feet in radius, broken windows and destroyed furniture.

This might be a civil defense drill – they are often used to bring in unsuspecting participants and to draw on government resources when false flag events are underway. The area is blocked from view, mostly, probably because there was at best a noise device, possibly some smoke at this site. It could also be a different kind of device, a POS bomb.

(POS = Power of Suggestion.)

NATO, back in the 1970’s and 80’s, did some terror bombings in Italy, intending to blame communists to keep them out of government. It must have been  different time, because the bombs were more than smoke and noise devices, innocent people were really murdered, and there was a real investigation with adversarial trials and punishments. Here’s the aftermath of a bombing of rail station in Bologna, Italy, in 1985, that killed 85 people and injured another 200:


Imagine the quantity of explosives used to produce that much damage – it was not a shrapnel bomb, and those killed or injured suffered under falling debris or had their internal organs ruptured by the tsunamic blast wave.

It was horrible, but most Americans are unaware that NATO engaged in terrorism, was caught, and people were punished. It was called “Operation Gladio.” Americans immediately reject the idea that NATO is a terrorist organization. In our indoctrination system, NATO is good guys. Period. No further thought, and anything contrary not just rejected, but not even comprehended.

It’s pretty bad here in the United States. The bulk of the population is controlled by images and suggestion, even giving up grief and tears, anger and anguish on cue, like Pavlov’s dog. It is so bad that Peter Dale Scott said the following:

“Americans are not capable of believing truth. They have been brainwashed that truth is “conspiracy theory.” A population this stupid has no future.”

Indeed. I’ve been alive 65 years, and maybe it’s just the faulty and selective memory of an old man, but I have never seen it so stupid out there as now.

Forget Paris

I wanted to bring forward these words left by JC at a Reptile Dysfunction yesterday, which he brought over from Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. It has to do with the passport left behind by one of the “suicide bombers”, the modern-day signature of the false flag event:

Now, we admit to not being experts on the nuances, or even basics, of “suicide bombing for terrorists 101”, but is bringing your own passport to an event that will be your last, really that crucial, especially when the passport is such a critical smoking gun?

Also, if a suicide bomber blows up while carrying the passport, does the passport survive intact every single time or just on specific occasions?

Just as with the passport found in the rubble of the World Trade Center, or the drivers license in the Charlie Hebdo hoax, we are asked to be credulous beyond the pale of even normal blind stupidity. And we fulfill our roles. It is discouraging.

As I sat here this morning reading (The Greek Way by Edith Hamilton), I found the words rolling over me and leaving comfort. That, to me, is a better activity than to dwell on the evil of CIA and all the other spooks who pull off these awful slaughters to advance their insane wars in blind pursuit of power. There is evil in humans, and those most capable of such perfidy as the Paris attacks advance to the front of the line. They get to kill the most people, destroy all that is good, and clink their glasses while exchanging their knowing winks at gatherings in Georgetown or London or wherever they hang out.

All they ask of us is blind stupidity. And we give it to them.

When I returned to writing here, I wanted to stay close to home, write about Montana, my home in my heart, and forget about the madness that is our world, as I cannot change it. As Dark Helmet reminded us in Spaceballs,

“Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.”

So enough about Paris. Forget Paris.
PS: From comments below, Paul Craig Roberts: “Americans are not capable of believing truth. They have been brainwashed that truth is “conspiracy theory.” A population this stupid has no future.” (He sounds a little frustrated. I get that.)

Troubled times

American news is essentially state-sponsored propaganda, so I have long relied on other sources for news. But it is difficult to know who is honest in pursuit of truth, and who is just another liar. At this point in time I have decided to place some confidence in Moon of Alabama and Saker to guide me through the morass that is the “terrorist” attacks last night. From there will come an assortment of facts, links, and it will be up to me to use my brain to try and understand this current round of insanity.

The objective of terrorism is to create fear, and then use it to achieve greater objectives. 9/11 was, obviously, staged to justify the wars we have seen these last fourteen years, naked aggression against seven countries. Millions have died, and it ain’t over yet by any means.

French President Hollande is obviously a player in this current charade, reading his lines and already identifying a Syrian as an attacker. The timing, coming so shortly after successful routing of Western-backed terrorists in Syria by the Russians, is convenient, as Langley, Tel Aviv and London appear to be in panic mode. A cornered wolf is extremely dangerous.

Other shoes will fall all over … I suppose I should listen to Obama’s words, as there might be useful information about true objectives behind the attack in his coded language. I look to President Putin for a calm and reassuring response – the Russian government, from all appearances, has been a beacon of sanity in these troubled times.

Not so the Americans … The source of most violence in our world since 1945. It all started with a paperclip.


We can’t know anything certain for days or weeks or months, even years, about what is taking place in Paris. However, if the media instantly solves the crimes, and if it unleashes new military aggression in Syria or other Middle Eastern targets, which is the current focus of American aggression, then be assured this is a false flag attack. The tension that is simmering with refugees caused by the American-backed terrorism in Syria is bound to boil over, and what CIA/MI6/Mossad and all the other spooks do best is create tension, then take advantage of it.

Still, it is frightening to see what the lion does when his claws are trimmed. Recent Russian action in Syria has set back ISIS, al-Nusra and al Qaeda, and has caught their American sponsors flat-footed. This might be the first response from Langley. Knowing nothing else, that would be my guess. Our leaders in Washington are clinically insane.